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Microsof t–Polycom Integrated Solution User ’ s Guide.
Copyrig ht © 2 005 Poly com, Inc . All Ri gh ts Res erved Catalog No. DOC2223A Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 Propri etary and Confi dent ial The inf ormatio n contai ned herein is the sole inte llectual proper ty of Polycom, Inc.
Poly com-Microsoft User ’s Guide 1 T able of Contents Microsoft —Polycom Me eting Scenarios . . . . . . . . . 1 -1 Point-to-Point Meeting .................... ...................... ................. ................ 1-2 Multipoint Conferencing Scenarios .
2 Signing- in Window s Messenger a nd Off ice Communicato r Clients to the Live Communications Server ................... ................. .................. A-12 Office Communicator Configu ration .... ................. ................. . A-12 Windows Messenger Configuration .
1-1 1 Microsoft—P olycom Meeting Scenarios Microsoft– Polycom integra ted solution offers hi gh quality point-to-poin t and multipo int voice, and video conf erencing calls (in an y combinatio n) across commun ication devices, a pplications and servi ces.
Microsoft—P olycom Meeting Scenarios 1-2 • “Single dial ” Entry Queue (Of fice Communicat or users only) • Multipoint Ad- hoc conferencing • Reservation-based dial-out • Exten ding an ongoi ng Window s Messe nger or Off ice Comm unicator multipoin t session int o a multipoi nt audio and vide o conference.
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide 1-3 Multipoint Conferencing Scenari os This section describes the various mu ltipoint conferenci ng scenarios available w ith Microsoft W indows Mess enger or Office Communicato r and Polyc om endpoints an d MGC unit.
Microsoft—P olycom Meeting Scenarios 1-4 The video is dis played in the Windo ws Messenger w indow. Since Wi ndows Mes senger do es not su pport D TMF codes, c onfere nce password as a security measure cannot be implemented, and the video layou t cannot be changed via Click&View (a featu re of using Polycom endpoi nts and the MGC M CU).
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide 1-5 To start a video conf erence using th e Meeting Room in Office Communicator: 1 In Office Communica tor buddy list, sele ct the Meeting Room (for example, MR01) a nd then click Call . The Co nversat ion w indow op ens.
Microsoft—P olycom Meeting Scenarios 1-6 The Meeting Room is activated, and you are added to the Meeting Room as the first participant. If a conference password is implemented as a security measure,.
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide 1-7 When usin g Office Communica tor that supports the us e of DTMF codes , a conference password can be implemented as a security measure. Office Communicator users joining the co nference enter the conference passwo rd using the key pad from the Aud io Controls pan e.
Microsoft—P olycom Meeting Scenarios 1-8 Single Dial Entry Queue An Entry Queue is used as a special rou ting lobby to all M eeting Room s and conferences, enablin g one dial-in number to be used for joining all conferences. Participants are routed to the destination conference by entering the conference ID using DTMF codes.
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide 1-9 The Co nversat ion w indow op ens. 2 Click the Start a video conversation icon to activate and jo in the conference. 3 Once connected to the Entry Queue the IVR system prompts you for the target conference ID. Click the keypad icon in the Office Communicator Audio Controls pane.
Microsoft—P olycom Meeting Scenarios 1-10 4 On the keypad, enter the target conference ID followed by the pound (#) key. You are moved to the confere nce. Joining the Ongoing Conference Other Office Communicator users can join the conference by connecting to the Entry Queue and entering the target conference ID as de scribed in steps 1- 4.
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide 1-11 MGC Manager Monitoring The active Entry Queue and Meeting Room are displayed in the MGC Manager, in the On Goin g Conferences list.
Microsoft—P olycom Meeting Scenarios 1-12 Ad-hoc Entry Qu eue and Co nference Creatio n This procedure is similar to the Single Dial Entry Queue procedure, with the exception that the Meeting Room is not defined in th e MGC Manager in advance and the ongoing conference is cr eated on-the-fly.
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide 1-13 Dial- out to Conference P articipants In this scenario, a vide o conference is scheduled on a Polyco m MCU and it includes predefined participa nts; Office Communicator, Win dows Messenger an d other SI P and non- SIP users.
Microsoft—P olycom Meeting Scenarios 1-14 3 Defi ne the fol lowing paramete rs: a Name —Enter the participant name. b Connec tion Ty pe —Select Dial-Out . c Inte rface Ty pe —Select SIP . d SIP A ddress —Enter the participant address in the format [user name]@[ domai n].
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide 1-15 Escalating W i ndows Messenger or Office Communicator IM Multiparty Session to an Audio/Vi deo Conference When you invite several buddies to a Windows M essenge.
Microsoft—P olycom Meeting Scenarios 1-16 2 Add a new buddy to the conference, sele cting the Ad-hoc Entry Queue from the buddy list. A new conference is created and is autom atically assi gned an identification number (for example, 674 1).
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide 1-17 4 Once the invitation is accepted and the participant jo ins the conf erence, the vide o is disp layed in Windo ws Messeng er windo w according to the selected conference layout. The ongoing video conferen ce is also adde d to the list of On Go ing Conferences in the MGC Ma nager application.
Microsoft—P olycom Meeting Scenarios 1-18 Office Com municat or To add Audio and Video to an Off ice Communicator session: 1 Start an Of fice Communicator ses sion by inviting the required budd ies f rom the lis t. 2 Add the Ad-hoc Entry Q ueue from the buddy list: a Click the Invite someone to j oin this conversa tion icon.
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide 1-19 b In the In vi te som eone to join thi s con versat ion wind ow, s elect the name of the ad-hoc Entry Queue..
Microsoft—P olycom Meeting Scenarios 1-20 3 A new conference is created and is autom atically assi gned an identification number (for example, 674 1). A n invi tatio n to joi n the video confe rence is sent from the MCU (conference 6741 ) to all the IM session pa rticipants.
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide 1-21 5 Once the invitation is accepted and the participant jo ins the conference, the video is displayed in the Windows Messenger window according to the selected conference layout. The ongoing video conferen ce is also adde d to the list of On Go ing Conferences in the MGC Ma nager application.
Microsoft—P olycom Meeting Scenarios 1-22 Office Communicator New Mu ltipoint Conferencing Scenari os Based on SIP-CX Protocol This sect ion descr ibes Offi ce Commun icator Ne w Multipoi nt Conferencing Scenarios Based on Microsoft SIP-CX conference control capabilities .
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide 1-23 The Join the Con ference dialog box opens, wi th the indication Connect ing to t he confe rence . On ce the connection to the conference is established, you are requested to select where the conferencing service will call you back to connect you to the conference.
Microsoft—P olycom Meeting Scenarios 1-24 3 The Office Communicator is expanded to show the video window and the conference controls, and your self image is disp layed in the video w indow. In addition, the conference connection parameters are displayed in the Conversation window.
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide 1-25 An Office Communicator User Invites anot her Office Communicator Contact to the C onference Office Communicator users running a conference can invite other Office Communicator users to their conference.
Microsoft—P olycom Meeting Scenarios 1-26 2 Select the contact to be invited to your conference from the contacts list, or enter the cont act name to find. An invitati on is sent from the inviter to the invitee’s Office Commun icator UA with the con ference details which are disp layed in the invitee's Office Communicator client.
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide 1-27 An Office Communicator User Joins an Exis ting Conference An Office Communicator user can select to join someone else's conference by specifying the conference details (name and password).
Microsoft—P olycom Meeting Scenarios 1-28 3 The user gets an invitatio n in his Conv ersatio n window with the conference details. The user can join the conference with their preferred media either by dialing in using t he displayed co nfer ence SIP URI, or select/specify a callback number/ address in the displa yed Join th e Confe rence dialog.
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide 1-29 An Office Communicator User D ials out to another Office Comm unicat or Use r Office Communica tor users can specify and add a new participa nt to their ongoing conference.
Microsoft—P olycom Meeting Scenarios 1-30 The New Phone Nu mber dialog b ox opens. The MGC system supports the use of a dial plan for parsing and inter pretin g a rece ived nu mber as an H.32 3 alias, SIP URI or ISDN number to be used accordingl y by the MGC system for initia ting a callback to tha t device.
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide 1-31 Adding Audio/Video to an Office Communicator Multiparty IM Se ssion In this scena rio the a multi party IM session is escalated into a n audio / video conference on a Polycom MGC unit from the Office Communicator toolbar.
Microsoft—P olycom Meeting Scenarios 1-32 The Join the Confe renc e dialog box opens in the Co nversat ion window. 2 The IM session organizer can select / specify a ca llback number / address to be used by the system, or selects Computer to use the audio/video device used by Office Communicator itself.
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide 1-33 5 Click the link to sel ect the callback option . The Join Conf erence dialog box is displ ayed in the remaining participants Of fice Communicat or client.
Microsoft—P olycom Meeting Scenarios 1-34 Scheduling a Meeting—Offi ce Communicator–Outlook Integration Office Communicator users can schedule conferences using Outlo ok from their Office Communicator client. To schedule a co nference: 1 In Office Communicator, on the Action s menu, click Schedule a Conference .
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide 1-35 The Outlook New Meeting Reques t window opens, with the meeting organi zer’s conferenc e info rmatio n taken fro m the co nferenc e parameters configured in the Office Communicator Options— Accounts.
Microsoft—P olycom Meeting Scenarios 1-36 Starting a Data Sharing Session During an ongo ing point -to-poin t or mu ltipoint a udio an d video meeti ng you can add data sharing; applica tion sharing a nd whiteboard. The da ta sharing in vitation is sent to all meeting pa rticipants.
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide 1-37 Once the invitation is accepted by the meeting participants, the Sharing Con trols at the bottom of the Conver sation wi ndow ar e enabled. 3 Click the Application Sha ring button to start an a pplication sha ring session.
Microsoft—P olycom Meeting Scenarios 1-38 The Sharing d ialog box open s. 4 Click the applicati on you want to sh are, and click the Share button . The Application opens on the computers o f all meeting participants.
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide 1-39 Conference Control via Office Communicator SIP - CX Proto col Once the conference has started, the meeting organizer can perform various operatio ns using the O ffice Communi cator controls .
Microsoft—P olycom Meeting Scenarios 1-40 In addition, using the parti cipant menu, the meeting organizer can: • Mute/Unmute a participa nt • Remove participant from the co nference • Play rec.
A-1 A Appendix A : Multipoint Conferencing Settings This appendix descri bes the configuratio n procedures required to enable mult ipoint confe rencin g with O ffice Communicator and Windows Messenger clients.
Appendix A: Multipoint Con ferencing Setti ngs A-2 Enabling Office Commun icator Conferencing Features This procedure is required on ly when using Office Communicator confere ncing fe atures to start, joi n or contr ol a multi point a udio and vid eo conference directly from within Office Communicator.
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide A-3 6 Right-clic k the Administrati ve Templates , and then select Add/ Remove Templates . 7 In the Add/Re move Template s dialog box, click the Add button.
Appendix A: Multipoint Con ferencing Setti ngs A-4 8 In the Policy Templates d i a l o g b o x , s e l e c t communicator.adm and click Open . The selected file is added to the Add/ Rem ove T empl ates dialog box. 9 In the Ad d/Re move Tem plate s dialog box, click Close .
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide A-5 11 In the Feature Policies - Setting s list, d ouble-click Enable Confer encing . The Enable C onferen cing Prope rties di alog bo x opens.
Appendix A: Multipoint Con ferencing Setti ngs A-6 The system returns to the Group Policy win dow. Enabling video calls with Office Communicator 13 In the Group Policy wind ow, in the features list displayed on the right pane, double-click the Pre vent video calls op tion.
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide A-7 Enabling data sharing with Office Communicator 16 In the Group Policy window, in the features list displayed in the right pane, double-c lick the Prevent collab oration fe atures opti on. 17 In the Prevent collabo ration fe atures pr operties dialog bo x, click the Disable d button.
Appendix A: Multipoint Con ferencing Setti ngs A-8 Bandwidth Allocati on Modi ficatio n This procedure is optional and is required only if you need to chan ge the default bandwidth a llocated by Office Commun icator (def ault al location is 1 MB per s econd) for au dio and video call s.
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide A-9 2 In the Limit bandwidth for audio and video calls Propert ies dialog box, click Enabled. 3 In the Maximum ban dwidth box, enter the maximum bandwidth that can be allocated to a video call. For example, to limit the bandwidth to 384 Kbps, enter 384000.
Appendix A: Multipoint Con ferencing Setti ngs A-10 Modifying Windows Hosts L ist to Incl ude the LCS This procedure is required to enable data transfer between your computer and the LCS.
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide A-11 For example: 172. 22.187.159 pool01.ip. co.il 172. 22.187.159 ip.co.il 4 Save the file..
Appendix A: Multipoint Con ferencing Setti ngs A-12 Signing-in Windows Messenger and Office Communicator Clients to the Live Communications Server To sign in Win dows Messen ger and Office Comm unicator users to the LCS, the IP address of th e LCS server must be configured in the Windows Messenger and the Office Communicator.
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide A-13 3 Click the Accounts tab. 4 Click the Adv ance d button. 5 Enter the sign-i n name as defined i n the LCS. 6 In the Advance d Connecti on Settings dialog box, click Configure settings .
Appendix A: Multipoint Con ferencing Setti ngs A-14 7 In Server name o r IP add ress field, enter the IP address of the LCS ser ver. 8 In the Connect us ing box, select TCP as the protocol to use for the conn ection. 9 Click OK . 10 Click OK to exit t he Options dialog box.
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide A-15 W indow s Messenge r Confi guration To configure the connectio n parameters: 1 Open Windo ws Mess enger. 2 On t he Tools menu, click Opti ons .
Appendix A: Multipoint Con ferencing Setti ngs A-16 6 In the S IP Communi cations Service Conne ction Configur ation dialog box, click Configure settings . 7 In Se rver na me or IP ad dress box, enter the IP address of the LCS server (Server B in the configuration).
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide A-17 Defining the Conferencing Properties i n your Office Communicator The properties defined here are based on the Meeting Room properties created by the system administrator in the MGC Manager. These parameters enable yo u to automaticall y start and join your conference from Office Comm unicator.
Appendix A: Multipoint Con ferencing Setti ngs A-18 3 In the Confer encing I nform ation section, enter th e following informati on: 4 Click OK . Ta b l e A - 1 Confer ence Informat ion Parame ters Field Description Conferen ce ID Enter the n ame assign ed to you r Meeting Room in the MGC environment.
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide A-19 Adding a Meeting Room or an Entry Queue to the Buddy List To enable the multipoint conferencing scenarios from Windows Messenger or Office Communicator (without SIP-CX component), the Meeting Rooms and Entry Qu eues must be added to their buddy lis ts.
Appendix A: Multipoint Con ferencing Setti ngs A-20 2 Select the option to add the cont act by e-m ail addr ess, and click Next . 3 Enter the Meeting Room/Entry Queue e-mail address, or use the Search opti on, and th en click Next . A confirmatio n message is dis played.
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide A-21 W indows Messenger To add t he Meeting Room o r Entry Queu e as a Co ntact in the Windo ws Messenger budd y list: Once the Meeting R oom is defin ed, it can be added to the buddy list of a ll Windows M essenger users in the o rganization .
Appendix A: Multipoint Con ferencing Setti ngs A-22 3 Make sure that the selected service is SIP and enter the Meeting Room/Entry Queue SIP address. The name of the Meeting Room or Entry Queue appears in the Windows Messe nger Buddy list.
Polyc om-Microsoft User ’s Guide A-23 Adding Endpoints to Offi ce Communicator and Windows Messenger Buddy Lists Once the endpoint is registered with LCS , you can add it to the buddy list of Windows M essenger and Office Com municator.
Appendix A: Multipoint Con ferencing Setti ngs A-24.
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