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Opera ting Instructions and Parts M anual Wide B elt Sand ers Mode ls WB-25, WB-37, WB-43 model WB-37 s hown Pow ermatic 427 New Sanf ord Rd. LaVergne, TN 37086 Part No . M-1790825 Ph.: 800-274-6848 Revi s i on D1 03/2014 www.powerm ati c .c o m Copyri ght © 2014 Powerm atic This .
2 1.0 Warra nty and Service Powe r matic w arran ts e very product i t se lls against manu f ac ture rs’ defe ct s. I f one of ou r tools ne ed s service o r r e pai r, please cont a ct Te chnical Service by calling 1- 800-274-6846, 8AM to 5PM CST , Mo nday through F riday.
3 2.0 Table of Co ntents S e c t i o n P a g e 1.0 W arrant y and Serv ice ....................................................................................................................... 2 2.0 Tab le o f Con tents .........................
4 16.8. 1 Pressure Bar Assembl y – Models W B-25, W B -3 7, W B -43 ...................................................... 4 3 16.8. 2 Parts List: P ress ure Bar Assembl y – Model W B- 25 .......................................................
5 3.0 Saf ety war nings 1. Read and under s tand t he enti re owner’s m anual bef ore att e m pting ass em bly or operati on. 2. Read and understand t he w ar ning s po s ted on t he machi ne and in thi s m anual. Fail ure to co m ply w i th all of these warning s may cause s eri ous i njury.
6 3.0 Safe ty warnings 19. Make y our w orkshop chi ld proof w i th padlocks, m as ter swit ches or by removi ng s t arter keys. 20. Giv e your work undiv ided attenti on. Looking ar ound, carryi ng on a conver s ati on and “horse-pl ay” are carel ess acts that can result i n s eri ous i n j ury.
7 4.0 Introd uction Thi s manual i s provi ded by Powerm ati c covering t he safe oper ati on and mai ntenance procedur es f or a Powerm atic W B Seri es W ide Belt Sander. Thi s m anual contai ns i ns truc tions on instal lati on, saf e ty precaut ions, gener al operat ing proc edures, m aintenance i nstructi ons and parts breakdo w n.
8 6.0 Unpacking Open shi pping cont ainer and c heck for s hi pping dam age. Report any dam age immediatel y to your di stri butor and shippi ng agent.
9 7.0 A ssembl y The sander shoul d be pl aced on a level, stur dy fl oor, pr e f erably conc rete, w i th pl enty of space surroundi ng it f or on- and off-l oading of s toc k, and general m aint enance w ork. Open t he two l ow er side panel s and use the lev eling screws i nside t he cabinet (Fi gure 1) t o lev el the sander.
10 7.3 In stalling/Replacing San d in g Belt 1. Machi ne should be di s connect ed f rom power source. 2. T urn the ai r v alve swit ch (A, Figure 3) to Off posit ion. 3. Rem o v e the lock screw (B, Figure 3) by tur ning it count erclockwise and l ifting up.
11 elec tric c urrent t o reduce t he risk of elect ric shock to t he operator . Im proper connect ion of t he equipm ent- groundi ng conductor can result in ri s k of el ectric shock. T he conduct or, wit h insulat ion havi ng an outer s urf ace that is green wit h or w i thout yell ow stri pes, is the equi pment -grounding conduct or.
12 5. P ress the Up S or Down T butt on on the keypad ( s ee page 18 f or detail ed keypad inst ructi ons). Mak e s ure the c on v eyor t able m o v es in t he same di recti on as i ndicat ed on the but ton. 6. I f the conv eyor tabl e moves i n the wrong dir ection, turn off t he m achine and di sco nn ect from power .
13 may re su lt in in co rre ct t ra ck ing . I f th is oc cu rs , the osci llati on timing c an be set t o compensate. 1. Adj ust oscill ation whil e the m ach ine is runni ng. Tur n on the air valv e s witc h and press the sandi ng belt s tart bu tt on (see Fi gure 19).
14 9.4 Platen Posi tion The sander ha s a remov able pl aten with a graphi te stri p and a felt pad to reduc e f ricti on against the sanding bel t. Positi oning of the plat en depends upon the type of w ood bei ng used.
15 1. Disconnec t sander f ro m pow er source. 2. Loosen t he lower hex nut ( A, Fi gure 11/12) on the m otor bas e. 3. T ight en the t op he x nut (B, Figure 11/ 12) to lower t he mot or plat e until proper t ens i on is achi e v ed.
16 1. Rem ove t he f our scre ws secur ing the em ergency stop c o v er and r e m ove t he co v e r. Se e Fig ure 13 . Th is w ill allo w be tte r inspect ion of the bel t’s mov ement on t he ro ller . 2. Tur n on the con v eyor belt. 3. Adj us t t racki ng using t he sam e adjustm ent scre ws that w er e us ed f or tensi oning in Fi gure 13.
17 If the ends of the workpiec e are sni ped, the f r ont pressure bar s are too l ow. T he pressure sho uld be enough to f i rmly hold t he w orkpi ece agai nst the c on v eyor, but not so hard t hat the ends of the workpi ece spring up af ter cl ear ing t he bar.
18 If the readings are di ffer ent, the t ab l e needs adjust ing. 2. Disconnec t sander f ro m pow er source. 3. At t he area of the t able t hat needs adjust ment, loosen t he two s c rews (A, Fi gure 18) on t he brac ket of t he elev a ti on scre w , and rotat e the brac ket as needed.
19 10. 2. 1 Calib ra tio n To establ ish t he di s tanc e between c onv eyor tabl e and sanding bel t, proceed as foll ow s: 1. Connect power and ai r to t he s ander, and tur n the air v alv e s witc h on to ti ghten t he sanding bel t. NO TE: The cont roller w i ll not move the ta ble i f the a ir v al v e sw itch is off.
20 If the sanding bel t break s , al l m o v e m ent will be stopped, t hough t he conv eyor tabl e can still be rai sed or lowered. Onc e the m achi ne has stopped, the operat or should f ind where the brak ing system w as tr ipped, and m ake the neces s ary adj ustm ents.
21 14.0 Troub lesho oting t he Sand er Trou ble P roba b le Ca use Re me dy Sander wil l not star t. No inc o mi ng pow er . Check t hat sander i s connect ed to power, f uses are not bl ow n or ci rcuit breaker s are not t ri pped. Low v o lt age. Check v oltage at power source.
22 Trou ble P roba b le Ca use Re me dy The r ear end o f stock is t hinner than t he fr ont. Fr ont pressure bar is too l ow in rel ation to the c ontact drum. Raise f ront pressure bar (page 16). Unev en thickness between t he left and ri ght sides of the workpiec e.
23 15.0 Troub leshooting the LED Unit Trou ble P roba b le Ca use Re me dy The di splay fail s to show f igures. Fuse i s burned out. Replac e 1A f use. Contr ol unit is malf unctioni ng . Unit m ust be repai red or replaced by author ized servi ce personnel .
24 16.1.1 Ba se and M otor A ssembly – Model WB-25 ON LY Part s li s t on page 25..
25 16.1.2 Par ts List : Base an d Motor A ssembl y – M od el WB -25 Ex p l oded v i ew on page 24. Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 1 ............... W B 25- 201 ................Machin e B as e............................................
26 16.2.1 Ba se and M otor A ssembly – Model WB-37 ON LY Part s li s t on page 27..
27 16.2.2 Par ts List : Base an d Motor A ssembl y – M od el WB -37 Ex p l oded v i ew on page 26. Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 1 ............... W B 37- 201 ................Machin e B as e............................................
28 16.3.1 Ba se and M otor A ssembly – Model WB-43 ON LY Part s li s t on page 29..
29 16.3.2 Par ts List : Base an d Motor A ssembl y – M od el WB -43 Ex p l oded v i ew on page 28. Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 1 ............... W B 43- 201 ................Machin e B as e............................................
30 16.4.1 U pper Cab inet A ssembly – Model WB-25 ON LY Part s li s t on page 31..
31 16.4.2 Par ts List : Upper Cabin et Assem bly – M o d el WB -2 5 Ex p l oded v i ew on page 30. Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 1 ............... W B 25- 301 ................U pper Cabi net ...........................................
32 16.5.1 U pper Cab inet A ssembly – Models WB-37, W B-43 Part s li s t on page 33..
33 16.5.2 Par ts List : Upper Cabin et Assem bly – M o d el WB -3 7 Ex p l oded v i ew on page 32. Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 1 ............... W B 37- 301 ................U pper Cabi net ...........................................
34 16.6.1 Tabl e Raisin g Assem b ly – Models WB-25, W B-37, WB- 43 Part s list on page 35 (W B -25), page 36 ( W B-37) and page 37 (W B-43)..
35 16.6.2 Par ts List : Table Raisin g A ssembly – M o del WB-25 Ex p l oded v i ew on page 34. Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 1 ............... 6294297 ...................Ele v a tio n Sc rew ..........................................
36 56 ............. 6294340 ...................Sp rocke t W heel Adj us tm ent Pi ece ......................................................... 1 57 ............. 6294341 ...................Sp rocke t W heel Shaft .....................................
37 48 ............. W B 25- 448 ................Sw itch P late .......................................................................................... 1 49 ............. TS- 0050011 .............He x Cap Scr ew .....................................
38 40 ............. 6294333 ...................Mo tor Ba s e Ad j u s tment R od .................................................................. 1 41 ............. TS- 0680061 .............Fla t W a s he r ..........................................
39 16.7.1 Tabl e and Conv ey or Belt A ssembly – Models WB-2 5, WB-37, WB-43 Part s list on page 40 (W B -25), page 41 ( W B-37) and page 42 (W B-43).
40 16.7.2 Par ts List : Table an d Conv eyor Belt A ssembly – Model WB-25 Ex p l oded v i ew on page 39. Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 1 ............... W B 25- 501 ................Con v eyo r Ta ble ..................................
41 16.7.3 Par ts List : Table an d Conv eyor Belt A ssembly – Model WB-37 Ex p l oded v i ew on page 39. Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 1 ............... W B 37- 501 ................Con v eyo r Ta ble ..................................
42 16.7.4 Par ts List : Table an d Conv eyor Belt A ssembly – Model WB-43 Ex p l oded v i ew on page 39. Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 1 ............... W B 43- 501 ................Con v eyo r Ta ble ..................................
43 16.8.1 Pr essur e Bar A ssembly – Models WB-25, W B-37, WB-43 Part s list on page 43 (W B -25) and page 44 (WB -37, W B-43). 16.8.2 Par ts List : Pressur e Bar A ssembly – Model WB-25 Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 1 .............
44 16.8.3 Par ts List : Pressur e Bar A ssembly – Model WB-37 Ex p l oded v i ew on page 43. Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 1 ............... W B 25- 601 ................Roller S lider , Fe m ale .......................................
45 16.9.1 Pla t en Assem b ly – Model WB-25 on ly Part s li s t on page 45. 16.9.2 Par ts List : Platen A ssembly – M o de l WB-25 Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 1 ............... W B 25- 701 ................Hex C ap Scr ew .........
46 Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 7 ............... TS- 0207041 .............So cke t H ead Cap Screw .....................................1/4 -2 0x3/4 .................. 2 8 ............... 6290294 ...................Scre w R od........
47 16.10.1 Pla t en Assem b ly – Models WB-37, WB-43 Part s list on page 47 (W B -37) and page 48 (WB -43). 16.10.2 Par ts Lis t: Platen A ssembly – M odel WB-37 Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 1 ............... W B 25- 701 ..........
48 Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 8 ............... 6290294 ...................Scre w R od............................................................................................. 1 9 ............... 6290295 ...................Plate n L ock Le v e r .
49 3 ............... TS- 0060061 .............He x Cap Scre w ..................................................3 /8-16 x 1- 1/4 ............... 3 4 ............... TS- 0720091 .............Lo ck W a s he r ............................................
50 16.11.1 A ir R egulator A ssembly – M od els WB-25, WB-37, WB -43 Part s list on page 50 (W B -25), page 51 ( W B-37) and page 52 (W B-43). 16.11.2 Par ts Lis t: Air Regulator A ssembly – Model WB-2 5 Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty .
51 Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 29 ............. 6294571 ...................Fle xible Ho se...................................................... ψ 8× 1400mm ............... 1 30 ............. W B 25- 930 ................Flex ib le Ho se .
52 16.11.4 Par ts Lis t: Air Regulator A ssembly – Model WB-4 3 Ex p l oded v i ew on page 50. Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty ................. W B 25-FC A ..............Filter Cu p As s embly ( i ndex # 1, 2,3,5,6, 7) ................
53 16.12.1 San ding Be lt and A ccessories – M o d els WB-25, WB-3 7, WB-43 Part s li s t on page 54..
54 16.12.2 Par ts Lis t: Sanding Bel t and Acces sories – Mod el WB-25 Ex p l oded v i ew on page 53. Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 1 ............... 6290281 ...................Plate n P ul l H oo k ...................................
55 16.13.1 Ten sion Roll er A ssembly – Models WB-25 an d WB-37 ONLY Part s list on page 56 (W B -25) and page 57 (WB -37)..
56 16.13.2 Par ts Lis t: Tension R oller A ssembly – Model WB-25 Ex p l oded v i ew on page 55. Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 1. .............. TS- 0720111 .............Lo ck Was her ...................................................
57 Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 61 ............. TS- 1533032 .............Pa n H ead S crew ................................................M 5x10 ........................ 6 62 ............. W B 25- 162 ................Sea l ..........
58 Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 49 ............. W B 25- 149 ................Hex Nu t ..............................................................1 /2- 12 ......................... 1 56 ............. TS- 0720051 .............Lo ck W a s he r .
59 16.14.1 Ten sion Roll er Assem b ly – Model WB-43 ONLY Part s li s t on page 60..
60 16.14.2 Par ts Lis t: Tension R oller A ssembly – Model WB-43 Ex p l oded v i ew on page 59. Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 1 ............... W B 25- 162 ................Seal .........................................................
61 Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 63 ............. W B 43- 163 ................Fra me S upport ...................................................................................... 1 64 ............. TS- 1533032 .............Pa n H ead S crew .
62 16.15.1 Ele ctrical B ox Assem b ly – Models WB -25 and WB -37 Part s list on page 63 (W B -25) and 64 (WB -37)..
63 16.15.2 Par ts Lis t: Electr ical Box A ssembly – Model WB-25 Ex p l oded v i ew on page 62. Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 1 ............... W B 25- 801 ................Electr ica l Cont rol Bo x ...................................
64 16.15.3 Par ts Lis t: Electr ical Box A ssembly – Model WB-37 Ex p l oded v i ew on page 62. Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 1 ............... W B 25- 801 ................Electr ica l Cont rol Bo x ...................................
65 16.16.1 Ele ctrical Box A ssembly – M od el WB-43 ONLY Part s li s t on page 66..
66 16.16.2 Par ts Lis t: Electr ical Box A ssembly – Model WB-43 Ex p l oded v i ew on page 65. Ind ex No. Part No . Descri p tion Siz e Qty 1 ............... W B 43- 801 ................Electr ica l Cont rol Bo x ...................................
67 17.0 Electri ca l Connections 17.1 Mode ls WB-25 and WB-37 ON L Y.
68 17.2 Mode l WB-43 ON LY.
デバイスPowermatic WB-43の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Powermatic WB-43をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPowermatic WB-43の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Powermatic WB-43の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Powermatic WB-43で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Powermatic WB-43を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPowermatic WB-43の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Powermatic WB-43に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPowermatic WB-43デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。