AudiメーカーA4 S4の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& If the bold, assertive stance of the Audi A4 looks familiar , it should. Like every mode l in t he fam ily , t he A4 shar es th e dist inctiv e Aud i DNA not ju st in perfor mance, but also d esign.
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& The impecc ably c raf ted , dri ver -orie nted c ockpit rep res ents a dedic ation to pe rforman ce and luxury. The experience begins with the fi ne craf tsmanship of the standard leather seats and the radiance of the decor ative Aluminum Hologram inlays.
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& Aud i A 4 2.0T P r es ti ge * EPA estimate: 23/ 30 city/highway MPG. Y our mileage will vary. I t do es a l ot of t hings quick ly , incl uding re minding you o f why you l ik e to drive.
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& Beautifully proportioned, the A4 is designed to emanate not just distinction, but also poise. Starting with the elegant roofl ine and sculpted contours, the A4 marks an unwavering testament to progr essive style.
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& Inside and out, the A4 Avant fl uidly integrates sophistication with utility . This is a ffi rmed the moment the available powerful LED daytime running lights spring to life.
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& The A4 Avant is extr emely adept at fulfi lling a number of roles e ff ortlessly . Regardless of w hat th ey ar e, y ou can be ce rtain l uxury , c omfort and th oughtf ul in novati on ar e alw ays part of the experience.
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& The Audi A4 features the latest version of quattr o ® all-wheel drive that o ff ers a rear tor que bias of 40:60. It gives the A4 sportscar-like handling with the confi dence of all-wheel drive traction.
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& As progr essive as the A4 looks on the exterior , it is no less so once you slide behind the wheel.
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& By exam ining the causes and e ff ects of accidents , Audi h as develop ed a number of system s designed to help prevent an accident in the fi rst place.
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& When it co mes to the Audi S 4, not hing i s lef t t o cha nce. I t is p urpose ful a nd powerful, and it turns heads – moving or parked. Ther e are numerous design cues to back up its legendary performance.
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& The Audi S4 incorporates as much innovation as it does performance. For starters, the S4 features the intuitive MMI ® o.
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& With the powerful 3 33 hp 3 .0 liter superchar ged V6 waiting to launch you w ith 32 5 lb-f t. of t orqu e, the last thing you w ant to do i s spen d time betwe en gea rs.
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& If t he sta ndar d for pur e perfo rmance is t he Aud i S4, then t he la test v ersion of qu attr o ® all-wheel drive with available Sport Rear Di ff er ential is the pinnacle.
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& There is no mistaking the superior fi t and fi nish of an Audi S4 interior . The unique hand-stitched S design sport seats in available Silk Nappa leather o ff er a distinct driving experience as well as an unmistakable look.
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& The unmistakable power of the Audi S4 is the result of not just innovation, but also the pedigr ee of legen dary Audi performan ce.
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& (")*#$%&$ $'"#$%& 4 1 2 3 A4 Pr em i um 30 A4 Pr em i um 1. Su nr oo f | Th e su nr oo f p ro v id es t h e Au di A 4 S e dan w i th n at ur a l li gh t an d a co nt in uo us fl ow o f f r es h air w i th in t he c a bi n.
(")*#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& A4 Pr em i um 5. Multifunc tion, lea ther- wrapp ed stee ring wheel | The u ni qu e st e er in g wh eel r ol ler-int er.
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& (")*#$%&$ $'"#$%& 1 2 4 3 A4 | S4 Pre mi um Pl u s A4 | S4 Pr e mi um Pl u s 1. Audi xe no n plu s he adl igh ts w ith L E D day t ime r .
(")*#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& A4 | S4 Pr e mi um Pl u s Fe at ur es l is te d ar e st a nda rd o n th e Pr em iu m Pl us m od el un le ss o th er wis e no te d. * See page 4 0 for impo r tan t saf et y inf orma tio n regardin g summe r per fo rman ce tire s.
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& (")*#$%&$ $'"#$%& 2 3 1 2 4 5 A4 | S4 Pre s t ig e A4 | S4 Pr e s t ig e 1. 18" fi v e - s p o ke w h e el s w it h 2 4 5 /40 al l- s e as o n t ir e s | T h e fi v e - s p ok e whe el s’ pr ogr es siv e design is matc hed to th e dyna mic ele gance of th e A4.
(")*#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& 6. S line , mult if unc t ion , sp or t s te er ing w he el w it h shi f t p addl es | The ra ce -insp ire d per f ora .
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& (")*#$%&$ $'"#$%& 3 2 1 4 A4 | S4 Op t i on s A4 | S4 Op t i on s 1. Bang & Olufsen ® Sound S ystem | This unrivaled sound system co.
(")*#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& A4 | S4 Pa c k ag e s 5. 18" Spo r t Pa ck age | F o r t h o s e w ho p l a n t o dr i v e in a m o r e s p o r t .
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& (")*#$%&$ $'"#$%& 1 4 3 2 A4 | S4 Acc e s so r ie s A4 | S4 A c ce s s o ri e s 1. Fron t spoiler with blade inse rt | This Audi- de sign ed st y lin g comp onen t cr e a t es a d y nam i c l o w e re d a pp e a r a nc e w i th a f r o n t sp o i le r an d b l a de .
(")*#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& A4 | S4 Ac c e s s or ie s 5. Re ar sp oi ler | A t r unk l ip s po il er a dd s a sp o r t y flai r to y ou r A 4 /S 4 .
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& (")*#$%&$ $'"#$%& A4 W he e l Op t i on s 1 3 2 4 5 A4 W he e l Op t i on s 1. 17" se ve n - s p oke w he e l s w i th 2 25 /50 al l.
(")*#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& 6. 1 8" fi ve- parallel -spoke S desig n wheels with 245/ 4 0 sum mer performance tires * | The bold yet classic st yle of the 1 8" fi ve-par allel-spoke S d e s ig n w h e e l i s s t a n d a r d o n t h e S 4 .
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& S4 Int e ri or S e at i ng | D e c o ra t iv e In l a y DECOR ATI V E INLAY OP T IONS GR AY BIRCH WOOD INL AY [Option] B.
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& 1 | Bla c k 2 | Ligh t Gr ay 3 | Car d am om B ei ge 4 | Bla c k / P er f o r at e d A lc a nt a ra ® [S l in e o nly ].
!!"!*#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& Chassis/T echnical A4 S4 Fi v e- l in k fr o nt s us pe ns io n w it h up p er a nd l ow e r co nt r ol ar m s, s t ab.
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& * Top tra ck s pe ed e le c tr on ic al ly l imi te d to 1 30 M PH in t he U .S . Ob ey a ll l oc a l spe e d an d tr a ffi c l a ws . † EPA e st im at e; yo ur mi le ag e wi ll v ar y.
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& With so much to o ff er , there is o nl y one place where yo u can experience i t all.
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& Four driven w he el s ar e a par t of wh at drives o ur p ro gre ss . Nearly 30 years ago, the notion of a car with permanent four -wheel drive was revolutionary .
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& !!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& T o ge th er t he f uture i s our s. August Horch founded this company on one word: Progress . Back in 1 909. T o us, it is taking what seems undoable and then doing it. It is discovering what no one else has bothered to discover .
!!"#$%&$ $'"#$%& Note: A wor d about this broch ure. Audi of Am eri ca, Inc. belie ve s the spec ifi cat ions in this brochur e to be corr ec t at the tim e of pr i n t in g . H o we v e r, s p e c i fi c a t i o ns , s t and a r d e q ui p me n t , opt ion s and c olor s ar e sub jec t t o chan ge w ith out n ot ice.
デバイスAudi A4 S4の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Audi A4 S4をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAudi A4 S4の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Audi A4 S4の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Audi A4 S4で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Audi A4 S4を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAudi A4 S4の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Audi A4 S4に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAudi A4 S4デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。