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Installation and Operation Manual Uninterruptible Power Supply 10 kV A - - 20 kV A 25 kV A - - 40 kV A 164201300 Rev . G 9 330.
ii Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------.
iii Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s Intro duction xiii ............................................... System C onfiguratio ns xiv ..................................
iv Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 2.5 Initial Startup 2 - - - 28 ........................................... 2.6 Comp let ing th e Instal lati on Checkl ist 2 - - - 28 ...................... 2.
v Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 7 Operational Controls and F eatures 7 - - - 1 ........................ 7.1 General 7 - - - 1 ............................................... 7.2 UPS Oper ation al Con trol s 7 - - - 1 .
vi Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 9 UPS Ope rati ng In struc ti ons 9 - - - 1 ............................... 9 . 1 O p e r a t i o n 9 --- 1 ............................................. 9.2 Start ing th e UPS in Norm al M ode 9 - - - 1 .
vii Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 13 Remote Notification 13 - - - 1 .................................... 13.1 D escriptio n 13 - - - 1 ............................................ 13.2 Remote No tificatio n Features 13 - - - 2 .
viii Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A- - 40 k V A) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 List o f F i gur es Figure 1 - - - 1. Powerware 9330 (10 kVA - - - 20 k VA) Cabinet as S hipped on Pallet 1 - - - 3 ............................... Figure 1 - - - 2.
ix Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 F i g u r e 6 --- 1 . M a i n E l e m e n t s o f t h e U P S S y s t e m 6 --- 2 ........................... Figure 6 - - - 2. Path of Current Through the U PS in No rmal Mode 6 - - - 4 .
x Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 F i g u r e 1 2 --- 8 . E v e n t s --- A c t i v e 1 2 --- 6 ........................................... F i g u r e 1 2 --- 9 . I n p u t M e t e r 1 2 --- 7 .
xi Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 List o f T ables T a b l e 4 --- 1 . R e m o t e E P O W i r e Te r m i n a t i o n s 4 --- 3 ................................. T a b l e 4 --- 2 . R e m o t e E P O 4 --- 3 .
xii Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
xiii Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Intro duction P owerw are 933 0 UPS true dou ble conv ersion onl ine pow er prote ction can be u tiliz ed .
xiv Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 UPS CABINE T BA TTERY CABINE T OPTI ON S CABINE T T ypical P owerware 9330 ( 25 kV A - - - 40 kVA ) UPS.
xv Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 · P aral lel System w ith one to four UPS modul es with rem ote battery and optional option s cabin et · P.
xvi Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 · Chapt er 8 - - Us ing t he Cont rol Panel - - des cribes the contro ls and indicators found on th e Control P anel an d shows the var ious inform ation scree ns displayed on t he LC D s creen.
xvii Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Safe ty Considerations The UPS cabinet is designed fo r industrial or co mputer room applications , and co ntain safety shi elds behi nd the doors.
xviii Pow erw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 F or More Inf ormation This manual describes how to ins tall and operate the UPS modules.
Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Section I Installation.
Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 1- - 1 n Ge tting Started 1.1 Insta lling the UPS The cabinet sect ions o f the UPS are shipp ed on separate pall ets.
1- - 2 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 The basic environmental requirements fo r operation o f the U PS sys tem are: Ambi ent T empera ture .
Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 1- - 3 1.1. 5 Inspecting and Unpacki ng Each Cabi net The first task in preparing for ins tallat ion is inspecting and unpa cking the U PS sectio ns.
1- - 4 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Fi gure 1 - - - 2. P ow e rware 9330 ( 25 kVA - - - 40 kVA) UP S C abi n et as Sh ip p ed on Pal l et 1. Carefully inspect the o uter packaging for evidence of damage during transit.
Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 1- - 5 3. Set each pallet on a firm, level surface, allowing a minimum clearance of 3 m (1 0 ft) on each si de for rem oving the c abinets fr om the pall ets. 4. Remove the protectiv e covering from the cab inets.
1- - 6 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
2- - 1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Installin g the UPS System 2.1 Preliminary Installa tion Inform ation W ARNING : Insta lla tion shoul d be per formed only by qual ified pe rs onnel.
2- - 2 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 2.2 UPS Cabinet In stallation T o install an U PS cabinet, perform the procedures in t he following paragraphs.
2- - 3 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 VENTED FRONT PA N E L SOLID FRONT PA N E L FRONT SHI PPI NG BRA CK E T (3) P ALLET SHI PPI NG BOL TS ( 2) SHI PPI NG BOL TS ( 1) FRONT VIEW Fi gure 2 - - - 1.
2- - 4 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 REAR SHI PPI NG BRA CK E T (3) P ALLET SKID B OL TS (4) (3 PLA CES ) REMOVAB LE SKID (5) REA R VIE W SHI PPI NG BOL TS ( 1) SHI PPI NG BOL TS ( 2) Fi gure 2 - - - 2.
2- - 5 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 8. Remove t hree bolts, (2) in Figure 2 - - - 1, securing front shipping bracket t o the cabinet.
2- - 6 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 FRONT VIEW SOLID FRONT PA N E L FRONT SHI PPI NG BRA CK E T (3) P ALLET SHI PPI NG BOL TS ( 2) SHI PPI NG BOL TS ( 1) VENTED FRONT PA N E L S Fi gure 2 - - - 3.
2- - 7 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 REA R VIE W REAR SHI PPI NG BRA CK E T (3) P ALLET SKID B OL TS (4) (4 PLA CES ) REMOVAB LE SKID(5) SHI PPI NG BOL TS ( 1) SHI PPI NG BOL TS ( 2) Fi gure 2 - - - 4.
2- - 8 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 4. Remove fo ur bolts , (1) in Figure 2 - - - 4, securing the rear shipping brack et (3) to the cabi net and four bol ts (2 ) securing the bracket to the p alle t.
2- - 9 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 2.2. 3 Installing Op tional Re mote Battery P ower W iring to the P owerware 9330 (10 kV A - - - 20 kV A.
2- - 10 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 2.2. 4 Installing Op tional Re mote Battery P ower W iring to the P owerware 9330 (25 kV A - - - 40.
2- - 1 1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 2.2. 5 Installing UPS External P ower Wiring 1. Remove left front s olid panel and right front vented .
2- - 12 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 2.2. 6 Installing Customer Connections NOT E: If inst alling co nn ectio ns (bu ilding a larms, re .
2- - 13 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 2.3 Battery C abinet Install ation T o inst all optio nal batt ery cabinets , perfo rm the procedures in the fo llowing paragraphs .
2- - 14 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 BA T TE RY CONNE CTOR Fi gure 2 - - - 5. Batte ry Cab i ne t In stal l atio n - - - Po w erw are 93.
2- - 15 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 BA T TE RY CONNE CTOR Fi gure 2 - - - 6. Batte ry Cab i ne t In stal l atio n - - - Po w erw are 9330 (.
2- - 16 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 BA T TE RY CON NECTOR Fi gure 2 - - - 7. Batte ry Cab i ne t In stal l atio n - - - Po w erw are 93.
2- - 17 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 BA T TE RY CON NECTOR Fi gure 2 - - - 8. Batte ry Cab i ne t In stal l atio n - - - Po w erw are 9330 (.
2- - 18 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 14. Install si de panel re moved from the UPS cabin et to the ri ght side of the Batte ry cabinet. Secure with screws removed fro m Battery ca binet. 15.
2- - 19 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 8. If permanently mounting t he system, proceed to step 15; o therwise, proceed to step 9. 9. Secure the new Battery cabinet in positio n by lowering the leveling feet, until cabinet is not rest ing on the casters and the cabinet is level.
2- - 20 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 2.4 Options C abinet Installation 2.4. 1 Unloading the Options C abinet from the P allet T o remove t he Opt ions cabinet from the pallet , refer to paragraph 2.
2- - 21 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Fi gure 2 - - - 9. Op ti on s Cab i n et I ns tal lati o n - - - P ow erw are 9330 ( 10 kVA - - - 20 k .
2- - 22 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 Fi gure 2 - - - 10. Op ti on s Cab i n et I ns tal lati o n - - - P ow erw are 9330 ( 10 kVA - - - .
2- - 23 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Fi gure 2 - - - 11. Op ti on s Cab i n et I ns tal lati o n - - - P ow erw are 9330 ( 25 kVA - - - 40 k.
2- - 24 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 Fi gure 2 - - - 12. Op ti on s Cab i n et I ns tal lati o n - - - P ow erw are 9330 ( 25 kVA - - - .
2- - 25 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 13. Remove t he top side panel mounting s crew (tie/grounding bracket locatio n in F i g u r e s 2 --- 9 o r 2 --- 1 1 ) f r o m b o t h t h e O p t i o n a n d U P S c a b i n e t s .
2- - 26 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 2.4. 3 Installi ng Options Cab inet Internal P ower Wi ring 1.
2- - 27 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 2.4. 4 Installi ng Opti ons Cabinet External P ower Wi ring NOT E: Remove Options c abi net input and outp ut condui t l anding p late to punc h cond uit h ol es.
2- - 28 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 NOT E: R emo ve Op tion s c ab inet P DM condu it land ing pla te to p unch con duit ho les. 15. Install Square- D T ype QO or QO B breaker s into PDM panelboard.
2- - 29 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 2.6. 1 Installation Chec klist - All packing materia ls and rest raints have been removed fro m each cabinet . - Each cabinet in the U PS syst em is place d in its ins talle d locat ion.
2- - 30 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 Notes ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________.
3- - 1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Installing and C onnecting Bat teries 3.1 Impo rtant Safety Instructio ns This chap ter describe s installing the UPS batteries.
3- - 2 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 3.2 Batter y T ype The fol lowing b attery type s are supp lied in the UPS Cabin ets and exter nal Battery Cabinets . When purchasing UPS Cabinets o r external B a ttery Cabinets without batteries, only the fo llowing types are reco mmended.
3- - 3 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Fi gure 3 - - - 1. B attery S ch emati c - - - P ow e rware 9330 ( 10 kVA - - - 20 k VA) UP S and Batte .
3- - 4 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Fi gure 3 - - - 2. B attery S ch emati c - - - P ow e rware 9330 ( 25 kVA - - - 40 k VA) UP S.
3- - 5 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 3.3. 2 Install in g Internal Batteries i n the Battery Cabinet If the batter y cabinet was ord ered with o ut batter ies, install the batte ries in accordance with the following procedure.
3- - 6 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 3. Remove sc rews secu ring inter nal safety sh ield p anel s and rem ove pan els to gain access to batteri es.
3- - 7 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 BAT TE R Y CON NE CT RED TO BLA CK RED BLA CK CON NE CT RED TO BLA CK CON NE CTO R CON NE CTO R STRINGS CON NE CT RED TO BLA CK Fi gure 3 - - - 3.
3- - 8 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 3.5 Installing and Connecting Remote Battery System Install and con nect remote Ba ttery System as foll o ws: CAUTIO N: When sizing battery system, do not exceed internal battery charger capabil ities.
4- - 1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Installing a Remote Emergency P ower Off (EPO) Control 4.
4- - 2 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 TB2 TB1 CO VER B OT T OM ENC L OSU RE Figur e 4 - - - 2. Remot e EPO C ontrol (inside view of cover and bot tom of enclosur e) 3. Mount c o ver to Rem ote EPO switch e nclosur e bottom, as shown in Figure 4 - - - 2, for easier wiring.
4- - 3 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 T able 4 - - - 1. Remote EP O Wire T erminations From R emo te EPO Switch (s) T o C ommuni cati ons Serv.
4- - 4 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
5- - 1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Installing a R emote Monitor P anel 5.1 Insta llat ion Proce dure s As an opti on, you can insta ll a Re.
5- - 2 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 5.2 To i n s t a l l a n R M P : NOT E: 1 . Be fore in stallin g an RMP , be sure y ou have p rep are d the UPS a ccordin g to the i nstruc tions in paragraph 2.
5- - 3 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 PLU G-IN TE RMINAL TO REMOTE MONITOR CABLE E XIT FOR 1/2” CO NDUIT OPEN INGS BLOCK J1 Fi gure 5 - - - 2. Re mote Mo ni tor Card CONDUI T AND WIRI NG SUPPLI ED BY THE CUST OME R.
5- - 4 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Section II Operation.
Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
6- - 1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Understanding UPS Operation 6.1 Looking Inside the UPS System The P owerware 9330 is a continuous dut y .
6- - 2 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DIGIT AL AC IN PUT TO AC IN PUT TO AC OUTPUT INPUT RECTIF IER INVERTER FIL TER MET ERING RECTIF IER/ .
6- - 3 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 6.2 UPS Modes The UPS system fun ctions automatical ly to supply A C ele ctrical powe r to the cri tical load.
6- - 4 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 6.2. 1 Nor mal Mode Figure 6 - - - 2 shows the pat h of electrical power through t he UPS system when the UPS is o perating in Normal mo de.
6- - 5 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 The battery charger derives its input from the unregulated DC output o f the rectifier and provides regul ated D C voltage and charge current to the battery .
6- - 6 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 6.2. 2 Bypass Mode The UPS autom atically sw itches to Bypass m ode if it de tects an overload, load fault, or internal failure. The bypass source s upplies the co mmercial AC power to the load di rectly .
6- - 7 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 the inverter rectifier . The static switch being an electronically contro lled device can be tur ned on imm ediately to pickup th e load from the i nverter w hile the in verter output cont actor K3 ope ns to isolate s the in verter .
6- - 8 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 6.2. 3 Hig h Efficiency Mo de When t he UPS is operat ing in High Efficiency mode, the bypa ss s ource supplies the com mercia l AC pow er to the load di rectly .
6- - 9 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 6.2. 4 Battery M o de The UPS transfers to Battery m ode automatical ly if a utility p ower outage occurs, or if the util ity power d oes not conform to specifi ed parame ters.
6- - 10 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 If the input po wer fails to return o r is not within the acceptance windows required for no rmal o.
6- - 1 1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 6.2. 5 T est and Mai ntenance Bypas s Mod es An inter nal mainten ance switch is used to safely sup ply utili ty power to the system output during periods of maintenance or repairs.
6- - 12 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 CB1 CB2 K1 K5 K3 K2 Open Clos ed Break ers C ontac tors Main Power Flow Energiz ed De - - E nergiz .
6- - 13 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 6.3.2 Boost Convert er and Neutral Regulator A Boost Convert er converts the raw DC IN to a regulated DC Link of approximately 400 vol ts D C.
6- - 14 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
7- - 1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Operational C ontrols and F eatures 7.1 Gene ral The UPS system sh ould functi on automaticall y and requ ire ver y little atten tion during normal operation.
7- - 2 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 CONTROL PA N E L AC INPUT BREAKER BA T TERY BREAKER CB2 BYPAS S BREAKER BA T TERY BREAKER MAI NTENANC.
7- - 3 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 CONTROL PA N E L BA T TERY BREAKER UPS CABINE T AC INPUT BREAKER CB1 COLD START SWIT CH BA T TERY BREAKE.
7- - 4 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 7.2. 2 UPS Ci rcuit Breakers The UPS can co ntain as many as 10 circuit breakers, depending o n the system optio ns. The UPS circuit breakers are described in detail in C hapter 9, “ UPS Operating Ins tructions.
7- - 5 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Summary Alarm Con tacts Alar m contacts are provided for co nnection to equipment at yo ur facility , such as a light, an audibl e alarm, or a computer terminal.
7- - 6 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 7.4. 2 Rem ote Monitor P anel An opti onal Remote M onit or Panel (RMP) co ntains backlit stat us ind.
7- - 7 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 7.4.6 Com municati ons Modem An op tiona l modem is a vaila ble for u se w ith t he Re mot e Notific at ion fea tu re de scr ibed in Cha pt er 13 , “Re mote Not ifica tion ”.
7- - 8 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 7.5 Safety Considerations The UPS enclosure is des igned for industrial o r computer roo m applications, and contain s afety shields.
7- - 9 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 7.6 Symbols, Controls, and Indicators These symbo ls ma y appear on your UP S sys tem o r on labels i nside the U PS . They are accepted by mos t internatio nal safety agent s.
7- - 10 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
8- - 1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Using t he Cont rol P anel 8.1 Descrip tion This chapter describes the UPS Co ntrol Panel, including cont rols and indicators, and how to mon itor UPS operati on.
8- - 2 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 8.2 Using the LCD Scre en and P ushbuttons The LCD screen on the Contr ol Pane l provides an ope rator interfa ce with th e U PS system . Figu re 8 - - - 2 identif ies the disp lay areas di scussed in the f ollowi ng sec tions.
8- - 3 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 8.3 Using the Main Menu The UPS main menu allow s you to display d ata in the inform ation area to help y ou monitor a nd control U PS o peration.
8- - 4 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 8.3. 2 S ystem Event S creens Sel ect EVENTS from th e Main me nu to disp lay the E vent History Log. The Ev ent Histor y Log lists up to 500 sy stem even ts in c hronol ogical or der , with the m o st recent event listed last.
8- - 5 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 8.3. 3 System M eter Screens Sel ect METERS from t he Main menu to display the S ystem Meter s creens. Figu res 8 - - - 6 through 8 - - - 10 show the Syste m Mete r screens.
8- - 6 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 The Bypass screen s hows the phase-t o-neutral voltage, and frequency of the bypass s ource. Fre q BY P A S S Va Vb Vc *** *** *** *** F i g u r e 8 --- 8 .
8- - 7 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 The Output C urrent Screen displa ys a real-time bar graph of the o utput current of the UPS . The graph shows the current fo r each phase. Output I AB C 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0% Fi gure 8 - - - 10.
8- - 8 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 8.3.4 S etup Menu Screens Sel ect SETU P fro m the Main menu t o display t he Sys tem Setup S creen. This screen can be used to s et the screen co ntrast, the UPS date and time, the serial ports , and s how the firmware vers ions ins talled.
8- - 9 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Sel ect DA TE &TIME from the Syste m Setup men u to disp lay the Date & T ime screen. The Date & Time screen all o ws the internal date & time stamp of the UP S to be set.
8- - 10 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 Sel ect SERIAL PO RTS from the System Set up me nu to displ ay the Serial P ort screen. The Serial Port screen allow you to s pecify settings fo r the serial communicat ion port s on t he UPS .
8- - 1 1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Sel ect VERSION S fro m the S ystem S etup menu to display the Versions sc reen. The V ersio ns screen pro vides the firmware versio n numbers installed on the U PS.
8- - 12 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 8.4 System Controls Scr een Sel ect CONTROL S from the Main menu screen or use t he SYS TEM CONTR OL pushbutto n on the right side of t he contro l panel to display the Sys tem Cont rols scre en.
8- - 13 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 SYSTE M CON TR OL S CHAR GER B YP ASS PPU ON NORMAL MAINTENANCE B YP ASS BY P A S S PPU OFF : OFF : HI-.
8- - 14 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 8.4. 1 Charger Control s Screen Sel ect CHAR GER from the System Contr ols screen to displ ay the Charg er Controls scre en. Use the control s o n this screen to tur n the battery charg er on and off .
8- - 15 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 8.5 Unit Shutdown Screen The Unit S hutdown sc reen appears when the L O AD OFF pushbutto n is press ed. This screen allows t he L O AD O FF pro cess to be abo rted if the L OAD OFF pushbutt on was pres sed accident ally .
8- - 16 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 8.6 Reading the Status Indicato rs T h ef i v es y m b o l s o nt h el e f ts i d eo ft h ec o n t r o lp a n e la r e statu s indica tor s .
9- - 1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 UPS Operating Instructions 9.1 Operation The f ollow ing pr ocedur es provi de instru ctions for op eratin g the UPS system . Refe r to Chapters 7 and 8 of this manual for a d es cription of the UPS co ntrols and contro l panel functions.
9- - 2 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 12. Observe th e followin g messages ap pear seque ntial ly on the PPU status line: W A ITING F OR INPUT DC ST ARTING INVERTER ST ARTING SYNCING ONLINE The rectifier and i nverter turn on.
9- - 3 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 9.4 Starting the Pow e r Pr ocessing Unit T o start the Power Processing Unit (PPU ) without transferring the critical load to normal, perfo rm the fo llowing procedure: 1.
9- - 4 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 9.5 Col d Starting the UPS T o start the UP S sys tem when commercial power is not available, perform.
9- - 5 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 13. Observe th e followin g messages ap pear seque ntial ly on the PPU status line: W A ITING F OR INPUT DC ST ARTING INVERTER ST ARTING SYNCING ONLINE The inverter turns on.
9- - 6 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 9.7 Tr ansfer from Bypass to Normal Mode T o transfer th e criti cal load to norm al mode, pe rfor m the follow ing pr ocedure : 1. Press t he Sys tem Cont rol pushbut ton.
9- - 7 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 9.10 Tr ansfer from Normal to Bypass M ode with UPS Shutdown 1. T rans fer critical lo ad to bypa ss by performing pro cedure in paragraph 9. 6. 2. Press t he Sys tem Cont rol pushbut ton.
9- - 8 Pow erwar e 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 9.13 Options Cabinet M aintenance Bypass Tr ansfer T o transf er the critical load to Mainten ance Bypass, per form th e follow ing procedure: 1. T rans fer critical lo ad to bypa ss by performing pro cedure in paragraph 9.
9- - 9 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 9.16 Using the REMOTE EMERGENC Y POWER OFF Switch An UPS Emergency Power Off is init iated by Remo te Emer gency Power OF F (REPO) pushb utton switch . In an emer gency , you can use this sw itch to control the UPS output.
9- - 10 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
10- - 1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Using F eatures 10.1 Gene ral The m any standa rd featur es of your UPS system p rovide con sistent, econom ical, and dependable power pro tectio n. In additio n, yo u can add ava ilable opt ions t o enhance the performance o f your syst em.
10- - 2 P owerw are 9330 (10 k VA- - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 10.4 Optional Rem ote Monitor P anel As an opti on, you can insta ll a Remote Mon itor P anel (RMP ) to monitor th e operatio n of t he UPS syst em from virtually a ny locatio n within your fa cility , up to 500 feet from the UPS.
10- - 3 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 The RMP co ntains a local ho rn and the following backlit status indicators: NORMAL The UPS is energized (either with util ity power or battery backup) and is supplying condi tioned power to the critical l oad.
10- - 4 P owerw are 9330 (10 k VA- - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
11 - - 1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 R espon ding to System Events 11 . 1 Gene ral When the U PS sys tem is running in Normal mode, it co ntinually monitors it self and the inc omin g utility p ower .
11 - - 2 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 11 . 4 System Event Messages When a s ystem event occurs, a message appears o n the LC D s creen in the UPS Status area. This message is also is written to the Active Events log and may be add ed to the Eve nts History Log.
11 - - 3 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 ALAR MS Messag e Indicati on Log Rel ay Phone Horn Check Inverter 1 4 1 HA Service R equired Check I n.
11 - - 4 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 ALAR MS Messag e Indicati on Log Rel ay Phone Horn Inpu t Phase Rotation 1 No 1 HA User Actio n R .
11 - - 5 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 ALAR MS Messag e Indicati on Log Rel ay Phone Horn Rect ifier Under V o ltage 1 No 1 HA Service Requir.
11 - - 6 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 NOTI CES Messag e Horn Phone Rela y Log Indicati on ABS: Battery DCUV 1 No 2 HA Information Onl y .
11 - - 7 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 NOTI CES Messag e Indicati on Log Rel ay Phone Horn Callin g Phon e #2 2 No 2 HA Inform ation O nly Ca.
11 - - 8 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 NOTI CES Messag e Indicati on Log Rel ay Phone Horn SBM IO 2 Not Repor ting 1 No 2 A Information O.
11 - - 9 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 ST A TUS Messag e Horn Phone Rela y Log Indi cation Alar m Lamp No No 1 No Serv ice Status Auto Mode N.
11 - - 1 0 Powerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 CO MMANDS Messag e Horn Phone Rela y Log Indicati on Bypass Mo de No No No A H i --- E f f O n N.
12- - 1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Communicat ions 12.1 Descrip tion This chap ter describ es the serial comm unications featur e of the Powe rwar e 9330 10 kVA - - - 20 kVA and 25 kV A - - - 40 kVA UPS.
12- - 2 P owerw are 9330 (10 k VA- - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 3 2 1 5 4 7 6 9 8 TXD RXD DSR RETURN DTR CTS RT S NOT USED SERIAL P ORT (DB - - 9) NOT USED Fi gure 12 - - - 1. Se rial Po rt Pi n A ss i gnme nt s T a b l e 1 2 --- 1 .
12- - 3 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 12.5 T erminal Mode In T erminal Mode, the us er can request the fo llowing: NOT E: The b racket s ([ ]) in the f ollowin g bulle ts indica te st an dard ke yboa rd ch arac ters.
12- - 4 P owerw are 9330 (10 k VA- - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 F i g u r e 1 2 --- 3 . M a i n S c r e e n --- U P S O n B a t t e r y M i m i c F i g u r e 1 2 --- 4 .
12- - 5 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Fi gure 12 - - - 5. S yst em Co ntro l s Fi gure 12 - - - 6.
12- - 6 P owerw are 9330 (10 k VA- - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 F i g u r e 1 2 --- 7 . E v e n t s --- H i s t o r y F i g u r e 1 2 --- 8 .
12- - 7 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Fi gure 12 - - - 9. In p u t Mete r Fi gure 12 - - - 10.
12- - 8 P owerw are 9330 (10 k VA- - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 Fi gure 12 - - - 11. B yp ass M ete r Fi gure 12 - - - 12.
12- - 9 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Fi gure 12 - - - 13. Se tu p Fi gure 12 - - - 14. Con tras t Adj us t.
12- - 10 P owerw are 9330 (10 k VA- - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 Fi gure 12 - - - 15. D ate and T ime S etu p Fi gure 12 - - - 16.
12- - 1 1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Fi gure 12 - - - 17. Vers i on s.
12- - 12 P owerw are 9330 (10 k VA- - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 12.5.2 Event History Log This key sequence print s the entire Event His tory L og of the U PS a t the time the data is reques ted. The printout begins with t he oldest alarm entry in the queue and ends w ith the most recen t.
12- - 13 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Invert er V ersio n 0.9 7 Machine Contr ol V ersion 0.99 Com m S erver V ers ion 0. 98 Display V ersion 0.96 08/1 1/2000 14: 13:03.000 ST A TUS: CSB Pow e r Supply On 08/1 1/2000 14:13:03.
12- - 14 P owerw are 9330 (10 k VA- - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
13- - 1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 R emo te Notification 13.1 Descrip tion Remote Notif ication provid es the user with th e option of recei ving alar ms and notices at a rem ote location. Remote Notifi cation operates throu gh a standard compu ter mo dem.
13- - 2 P owerw are 9330 (10 k VA- - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 13.2 Remote Notificatio n F eatures Remote Notificati on provides the UPS with the cap ability to util ize a standard off-the-shelf PC modem as a telephone int erface.
13- - 3 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 13.3 Descriptio n of Operation The Remot e Notifica tion o ption perfo rms three basic funct ions : C all Answer into T erminal mode, Call Out to a remo te terminal, and Ho usekeeping.
13- - 4 P owerw are 9330 (10 k VA- - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 · The UPS lo gs a succes sful notify to the event log when the remote co mputer or modem a nswers and lea ves an ev ent mes sa ge with t he fo llowin g forma t.
13- - 5 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 13.4 Hard ware Re quire ments The following hardware components are required to connect t he Remote Notifi cation fun ction. · Modem: Basic external PC modem support ing the fo llowing A T commands.
13- - 6 P owerw are 9330 (10 k VA- - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 13.5 Configuring the Mod em The modem must be programmed with the Call O ut telephone numbers in o rder to oper ate the Rem ote Notifi cation opti on.
13- - 7 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 7. T o program a gro up four number , key in [A], [T], [& ], [Z], [3], [ =], [xxxxxxx], then press [ENTER]. 8. Confi rm that the modem responds with “OK” or “0” (zero ).
13- - 8 P owerw are 9330 (10 k VA- - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 7. T o program a gro up four number , key in [A], [T], [& ], [Z], [3], [ =], [xxxxxxx], [, ], [,], [, ], [yyyyyyy] , [#], t hen pr ess [E NTER ]. 8.
13- - 9 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 13.6. 1 Default E vents The default messages s ent are list ed in the following table.
13- - 10 P owerw are 9330 (10 k VA- - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
14- - 1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Maintaining the UPS System 14.1 Gene ral The components inside the UP S cabinet are s ecured to a st urdy metal frame. All rep airable parts and assembl ies are located for easy removal, with very li ttle disasse mbly .
14- - 2 P owerw are 9330 (10 k VA- - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 Obser ve these p rec autions wh en worki ng on or aroun d batteri es: · Remove watches , rings , or o ther metal obj ects. · Use t ools with insulated handles.
14- - 3 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 14.3 Performing Preventive Ma intenance The UPS s ystem requires very little preventive maintenance.
14- - 4 P owerw are 9330 (10 k VA- - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 14.4 Maintenance T raining A basic training course, available from Powerw are Inc., gives you a co mpetent working kno wledge of the UPS system operatio n and teaches yo u how to perform first level corrective mai ntenance.
15- - 1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Product Specifications 15.1 Model Num bers The UPS syst ems are housed in freestanding, cabinets with safet y shields behind the front panels . The UPS s ystems are available in 50/60 Hz with various output power rat ings.
15- - 2 P owerw are 9330 (10 k VA- - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 15.3 UPS System Output DC Fi lter in g Ripple v oltage less than 0.
15- - 3 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 15.4 Environmental Spe cifications Operating T emperature 0t o 4 0 ˚ C without derating.
15- - 4 P owerw are 9330 (10 k VA- - 40 k V A) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV. G 061502 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
A- - -1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Appendix A - - - Customer Information The informatio n in this appendix will help you plan for and inst all your UPS syst em.
DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: 1o f1 7 SHEET : REV ISION : F NOTE: Callou t let ter and map to dra wing #164201300 - - - 6 ,, , 111501 A B C D 164201300 - - - 1 POWER W IRING INST ALLA TION NOTE S A --- 2 P owerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A ) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV.
DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: 2o f1 7 SHEET : REV ISION : E NOTE: Callou t let ter and map to dra wing #164201300 - - - 6 ,, , 071501 A B C D 164201300 - - - 1 POWER W IRING INST ALLA TION NOTE S A B C D A- - -3 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV.
DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: 3o f1 7 SHEET : REV ISION : D NOTE: Callou t let ter and map to dra wing #164201300 - - - 6 ,, , 053001 A B POWER W IRING INST ALLA TION NOTE S 164201300 - - - 1 A --- 4 P owerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A ) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV.
DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: 4o f1 7 SHEET : REV ISION : E NOTE: Callou t let ter and map to dra wing #164201300 - - - 6 ,, , 071501 164201300 - - - 1 POWER W IRING INST ALLA TION NOTE S D D A- - -5 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV.
DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: 5o f1 7 SHEET : REV ISION : D NOTE: Callou t let ter and map to dra wing #164201300 - - - 6 ,, , 053001 A B C D 164201300 - - - 1 POWER W IRING INST ALLA TION NOTE S A B C D A --- 6 P owerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A ) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV.
DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: 6o f1 7 SHEET : REV ISION : G NOTE: Callou t let ter and map to dra wing #164201300 - - - 6 ,, , 061502 A B C D 164201300 - - - 1 POWER W IRING INST ALLA TION NOTE S A B C D A- - -7 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV.
DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: 7o f1 7 SHEET : REV ISION : D NOTE: Callou t let ter and map to dra wing #164201300 - - - 6 ,, , 053001 A B POWER W IRING INST ALLA TION NOTE S 164201300 - - - 1 A --- 8 P owerw are 9330 (10 k V A - - 40 k V A ) Ins tallation and O peration 164201300 REV.
DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: 8o f1 7 SHEET : REV ISION : D NOTE: Callou t let ter and map to dra wing #164201300 - - - 6 ,, , 053001 164201300 - - - 1 POWER W IRING INST ALLA TION NOTE S D D A- - -9 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV.
DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: 9o f1 7 SHEET : REV ISION : F 111501 NOTE: Customer ground, siz e 1/0, can be run in any co nduit listed in T able R. POWER W IRING INST ALLA TION NOTE S 164201300 - - - 1 A --- 1 0 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV.
DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: 10 of 17 SHEET : REV ISION : F 111501 NOTE: Customer ground, siz e 1/0, can be run in any co nduit listed in T able R. POWER W IRING INST ALLA TION NOTE S 164201300 - - - 1 A --- 1 1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV.
DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: 11 of 17 SHEET : REV ISION : D 053001 NOTE: Customer ground, siz e 1/0, can be run in any co nduit listed in T able R. POWER W IRING INST ALLA TION NOTE S 164201300 - - - 1 A --- 1 2 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV.
DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: 12 of 17 SHEET : REV ISION : F 111501 POWER W IRING INST ALLA TION NOTE S 164201300 - - - 1 A --- 1 3 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 10. Per NE C article 300-20(a), all three phase co nductors must be run in the same co nduit.
DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: 13 of 17 SHEET : REV ISION : F 111501 POWER W IRING INST ALLA TION NOTE S 164201300 - - - 1 A --- 1 4 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV.
DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: 14 of 17 SHEET : REV ISION : F 111501 POWER W IRING INST ALLA TION NOTE S 164201300 - - - 1 A --- 1 5 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV.
DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: 15 of 17 SHEET : REV ISION : F 111501 POWER W IRING INST ALLA TION NOTE S 164201300 - - - 1 A --- 1 6 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV.
DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: 16 of 17 SHEET : REV ISION : F 111501 164201300 - - - 1 POWER W IRING INST ALLA TION NOTE S A --- 1 7 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 13. External overcurrent pro tectio n is not provided by this product, but is required by codes.
DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: 17 of 17 SHEET : REV ISION : D 053001 164201300 - - - 1 POWER W IRING INST ALLA TION NOTE S A --- 1 8 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 16. Output o vercurrent protect ion and output disco nnect switch are to be provided by the user .
DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : G 1o f5 051502 CUSTOMER INTE RF ACE WIRING INST ALLA TION NOTES 164201300 - - - 2 A --- 1 9 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 1. Us e Class 1 wiring methods (as defined by the NEC) for co ntrol wiring.
DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: 4o f5 SHEET : REV ISION : G 051502 CUSTOMER INTE RF ACE WIRING INST ALLA TION NOTES 164201300 - - - 2 A --- 2 2 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV.
DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: 5o f5 SHEET : REV ISION : G 051502 CUSTOMER INTE RF ACE WIRING INST ALLA TION NOTES 164201300 - - - 2 A --- 2 3 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV.
DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: 1o f2 SHEET : REV ISION : G 061502 PHYSIC AL FEA TURES AND REQUI REME NTS 164201300 - - - 3 A --- 2 4 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV.
DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: 2o f2 SHEET : REV ISION : G 061502 PHYSIC AL FEA TURES AND REQUI REME NTS 164201300 - - - 3 A --- 2 5 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV.
A --- 2 6 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: TYPICAL UPS SYSTEM SHEET : REV ISION : D 164201300 - - - 4 1 of .
A --- 2 7 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: TYPICAL UPS SYSTEM SHEET : REV ISION : G 2o f2 061502 PO WERWARE.
DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: 1o f2 UPS SYSTEM CONFIGURA TIONS SHEET : REV ISION : F 164201300 - - - 5 111501 NOTE 2: Output Voltage m ust match Bypas s Input V oltage. NOTE 1: A bypas s neutral feeder m ust be supplied. A --- 2 8 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV.
DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DRA WING N O: 2o f2 UPS SYSTEM CONFIGURA TIONS SHEET : REV ISION : F 164201300 - - - 5 111501 NOTE 2: Output Voltage m ust match Bypas s Input V oltage. NOTE 1: A bypas s neutral feeder m ust be supplied. A --- 2 9 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV.
A --- 3 0 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : G ONELINE DRAWINGS OF UPS SYSTEM 1o f1 0315.
A --- 3 1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: SHEET : REV ISION : F OPTIONS CABINET SCHEMATICS 1o f1 0 111501 .
A --- 3 2 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: SHEET : REV ISION : F 2o f1 0 111501 UPS SYSTE M OPT IONS CABINE.
A --- 3 3 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: SHEET : REV ISION : F 3o f1 0 111501 UPS SYSTE M OPT IONS CABINE.
A --- 3 4 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: SHEET : REV ISION : F 4o f1 0 111501 IN BYP ASS GND N GND B LK 4.
A --- 3 5 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: SHEET : REV ISION : F 5o f1 0 111501 UPS SYSTE M OPT IONS CABINE.
A --- 3 6 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: SHEET : REV ISION : F 6o f1 0 111501 UPS SYSTE M OPT IONS CABINE.
A --- 3 7 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: SHEET : REV ISION : F 7o f1 0 111501 UPS SYSTE M OPT IONS CABINE.
A --- 3 8 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: SHEET : REV ISION : F 8o f1 0 111501 UPS SYSTE M OPT IONS CABINE.
A --- 3 9 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: SHEET : REV ISION : F 9o f1 0 111501 IN BYP ASS GND N GND B LK 4.
A --- 4 0 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: SHEET : REV ISION : F 10 of 10 111501 UPS SYSTE M OPT IONS CABIN.
A --- 4 1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : F 1o f5 111501 164201300 - - - 8 UPS CABINE.
A --- 4 2 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : F 2o f5 111501 UPS CABINET POWER TERMINALS .
A --- 4 3 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : F 3o f5 111501 UPS CABINET POWER TERMINALS .
A --- 4 4 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : F 4o f5 111501 L OCA TION OF UPS CAB INET T.
A --- 4 5 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : F 5o f5 111501 L OCA TION OF UPS CAB INET T.
A --- 4 6 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : D 1o f6 053001 164201300 - - - 9 UPS CABINE.
A --- 4 7 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : D 2o f6 053001 UPS CABINET POWER TERMINALS .
A --- 4 8 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : D 3o f6 053001 UPS CABINET POWER TERMINALS .
A --- 4 9 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : D 4o f6 053001 L OCA TION OF UPS CAB INET T.
A --- 5 0 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : D 5o f6 053001 L OCA TION OF UPS CAB INET T.
A --- 5 1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : D 6o f6 053001 L OCA TION OF UPS CAB INET T.
A --- 5 2 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : D L OCA TION OF OPTIONS CAB INET TERMINALS .
A --- 5 3 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : G L OCA TION OF OPTIONS CAB INET TERMINALS .
A --- 5 4 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : D L OCA TION OF OPTIONS CAB INET TERMINALS .
A --- 5 5 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: SHEET : REV ISION : D 4o f4 053001 COND UIT ENT RY AREA FOR OUTPUT FROM OPTIONAL DIS TRIBU TION P ANEL (REMOVE P ANEL TO DRILL OR PUNCH CONDUIT HOLES.
A --- 5 6 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : D L OCA TION OF OPTIONS CAB INET TERMINALS .
A --- 5 7 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : G L OCA TION OF OPTIONS CAB INET TERMINALS .
A --- 5 8 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : D L OCA TION OF OPTIONS CAB INET TERMNALS 3.
A --- 5 9 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: SHEET : REV ISION : D 4o f4 053001 L OCA TION OF OPTIONS CAB INE.
A --- 6 0 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : F L OCA TIO N OF BATT ERY CA BI NET TER MI .
A --- 6 1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Dimension s are in millimete rs an d [ inch es] DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISI.
A --- 6 2 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : F 2o f2 111501 UPS CABINET DIMENSION S Dime.
A --- 6 3 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Dimension s are in millimete rs an d [ inch es] DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISI.
A --- 6 4 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 Dimension s are in millimete rs an d [ inch es] DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISI.
A --- 6 5 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : D 3o f4 053001 UPS CABINET DIMENSION S Dime.
A --- 6 6 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : E 4o f4 071501 UPS CABINET DIMENSION S Dime.
A --- 6 7 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : D 1o f2 053001 OPTIONS CABINET D IMENSIONS .
A --- 6 8 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : D 2o f2 053001 OPTIONS CABINET D IMENSIONS .
A --- 6 9 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : D 1o f2 053001 OPTIONS CABINET D IMENSIONS .
A --- 7 0 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : D 2o f2 053001 OPTIONS CABINET D IMENSIONS .
A --- 7 1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : D 1o f1 053001 BATT ERY CA BI NET D IM ENS .
A --- 7 2 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: SHEET : REV ISION : G 164201300 - - - 18 1o f2 051502 TYPI CAL R EMOT E EMERG ENCY P OWER OFF KNOCK OUTS FOR 1/2” CON DUIT (5 PLA CES ) 139.
A --- 7 3 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: SHEET : REV ISION : G 2o f2 051502 REM OTE EM ERG ENCY POWER OFF DIM ENSIONS 164201300 - - - 18 122.3 [4.8] 68.5 [2.
A --- 7 4 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 DESC RIPTIO N : DA TE: DR AWING N O: S HEET : REV ISION : G 164201300 - - - 19 1o f1 051502 Dimension s are in millimete rs an d ( inch es) RE MOTE MO NITOR P ANE L DIMENSI ONS 150 [5.
W- -1 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 LIMI TED F ACTO RY WA RRANTY FOR THREE- PHA SE POWERW ARE PRO DUCTS This Warranty applies only to units installed in the Fifty (50) U nited State s of America.
W- -2 Power ware 9330 ( 10 kVA- - 40 kVA) Inst allation and Oper ation 164201300 REV. G 061502 This P age Intent iona lly Left Bla nk..
デバイスPowerware 9330の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Powerware 9330をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPowerware 9330の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Powerware 9330の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Powerware 9330で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Powerware 9330を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPowerware 9330の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Powerware 9330に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPowerware 9330デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。