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so lane Manual.
4411 - 0143 Version 1.B May 8, 2013 15 Discovery Way, Acton, MA 10720 Phone: 978- 263 -3584 Fax: 978- 263 - 5086.
Copyright 2012-2013 Princeton Instruments, a division of Roper Scientific, Inc. 3660 Quakerbridge Rd Trenton, NJ 08619 TEL: 800-874-9789 / 609-587-9797 FAX: 609-587-1970 www.
iii T abl e of Cont ent s Chapter 1 Is oPlane ® SCT 32 0 Description ............................................ 7 1.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................
iv IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B Append ix A Using the Mono chromator Con trol Software .................. 39 A.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................
Table of Conten ts v v Figure 2-18. Lift Turret up out of the Turret Compartment .........................................................27 Figure 2-19. Location of Hole on Turret Grating Assembly .....................................................
vi IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B This page intentionally left blank..
7 Chapter 1 IsoPl ane ® SCT 320 Descript ion 1.1 Introduction This manual is intended to help you set up and operate your new IsoPlane SCT 320 spectrograph. Even if you are an experienced user of spec troscopic equipment, we suggest that you follow the manual (at least initially ) to insure proper setup and operation.
8 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B This page intentionally left blank..
9 Chapter 2 IsoPl ane Set up 2.1 Unpacking and Inspecting Carefully unpack and examine the IsoPlane and any purchased accessories. Notes: 1. Report any dam age imm ediately to the carrier and to P rinceton I nstruments . 2. Save all packing material. 2.
10 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B SpectraSense ™ SpectraSense is a comprehensive spectral acquisition and da ta treatment package. It is designed to work exclusively with Princeton Instruments products and accessories including the SpectraHub Detector Interface.
Chapter 3 SCT 320 Operat ion 11 2.3.2 Term inal or RS-232 Port Sett ings A terminal or RS-232 computer port must be set up as follows: 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit. 2.4 Power Supply with Input Cable Figure 2- 2. Power Supply Pin# Description 1 +5V 2 GND 3 GND 4 +24 Table 2- 2 .
12 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B Turret Compartment of the manual slit assembly has been provided in Appendix F. The general procedure for mounting an accessory to the slit is as follows: 1. Place the accessory directly ag ainst the face of the slit bod y .
Chapter 3 SCT 320 Operat ion 13 7. L oca te t he ve r ti c a l po s t on th e G ra ti ng Sp ind le As sem b ly (s ee F ig ur e 2 -6 ). 8. Po si ti on th e g ra tin g t u rr et on t he g ra ti ng sp ind le so the ho le i n the tu r re t a sse mb ly a li gn s w it h th e po st in the tu rre t a sse mb ly a s s how n i n F ig ure 2- 8.
14 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B Figure 2- 6. Location of P ost on Grating Spin dle Assembly Figure 2- 7. Lower Turret into the Turret Compartmen t Figure 2- 8.
Chapter 3 SCT 320 Operat ion 15 2.8 Ar ray Detector Mounting Instructions 2.8.1 Introduct ion The standard mounting plate for CCDs, FPAs, and diode arrays accommodates detec tors with a slotted flange or mounting holes aligne d on a 3.60” bolt circle pattern.
16 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B 2.8.2 Mounting an Array Detector to the IsoPlane The array detector mounting plate is mounted to the entrance port of the IsoPlane. 1. Remove the shipping cover from the mounting plate. 2. If the detector has a three-slotted flange (3.
Chapter 3 SCT 320 Operat ion 17 2.8.3 Rotationa l Alignment This general procedure assumes that you ha ve alread y mounte d the array detector to the exit port of the spectrograph and that there is a light source at the entrance port. The basic actions are listed below.
18 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B 2.8.4 Focusin g the Spectrom eter Figure 2- 10 . Micrometer Comp artment Location The basic actions for focusing the spectrometer are listed below.
Chapter 3 SCT 320 Operat ion 19 2.8.5 Height Adjus tment of Im age Plane Note: This proced ure should only be attempted by so meone experienced in aligning optical components and a ssemblies.
20 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B 2. Adjustm ents to the Cap a nd Set Screws s hould be sm all, approximately 1/8 th -turn or less. 3. If the Cap Screw is adjusted 1/8 th -turn in a counter-cl ockwise direct ion, then the Set S crew should be adjusted 1/8 th -turn in a cl ockwise direct ion.
Chapter 3 SCT 320 Operat ion 21 2.10 Spectrometer Calibration Refer to the application software manual or the software help for information on calibrating the data pixels with wavelengths.
22 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B 2. 12 S li t W idt h A d ju st me nt s in the Mo d el 71 8- 1 Mo to rize d 3m m S li t The Model 718-1 motorized slit assembly is a self-calibrating, 10 µm to 3 mm adjustable bilateral slit. Stepping-motor-controlled adjustments are made in 1 µm increments over the full range.
Chapter 3 SCT 320 Operat ion 23 2.13.2 Re movin g an Intern al Shutter If you are planning to use a PI-MAX detector (or other detector without an external shutter control connector) and the IsoPlane h.
24 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B 2.14 Turret Removal CAUTION 1. The optical sur faces in the spec trograph are extr emely delicate and can be perm anently dam aged by contact with so lid objects as wel l as with most liquid s and aeroso ls. 2.
Chapter 3 SCT 320 Operat ion 25 Figure 2- 16 . Lift Turret up out of the Turret Compa rtment 6. I f y ou are n ot i ns ta lli ng /re mo vi ng a sh ut ter a ss e mb ly or i nsta ll in g a d iff ere nt tur r e t, r epl a ce a nd se cu re t he Tu rre t Com par tme nt co ve r.
26 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B 6. Us e e xt rem e c are so as no t t o to uc h t he g ra ti ng s ur fa ce s . Gra sp the Ce nte r T or qu e S c re w a nd li ft th e g r a ti ng tu r re t st ra ig ht up off th e g rat ing sp ind le a sse mbly ( se e F igur e 2- 18 ).
Chapter 3 SCT 320 Operat ion 27 Figure 2- 18 . Lift Turret up out of the Turret Compa rtment Figure 2- 19 . Loca tion of Hole on Tu rret Grating Assembly Figure 2- 20 .
28 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B Figure 2- 21 . Turret Installed (Hole and Post Aligned) Aligned Hole and Post.
29 Chapter 3 Oper a t ion 3.1 Introduction This chapter reviews how to enable the control of an IsoPlane and Princeton I nstruments detector by either the LightField (64-bit) or WinSpec (32-bit) software. This chapter also points out how to perform alignment using the software.
30 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B 3.4 LightField Start LightField after making sure the detector and I soPlane are connected to the computer and are turned on. When LightField boots it will look for a vailable devices and will load their icons in the Available Devices panel.
Chapter 3 SCT 320 Operat ion 31 Figure 3- 2. LightField E xperiment Settings stack an d Experiment Devices panel 3. Note that the Experiment Settings stac k on the left now displays several expanders. Because this is a new experiment, the default settings for the detector will be active.
32 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B 3.4.2 Perform Alignment Because the detector is mounted directly to the mounting plate on the I soPlane, the rotational alignment and focusing operations are different from the way these operations are performed for an Acton SP Series spec trograph.
Chapter 3 SCT 320 Operat ion 33 9. Click on the peak you will be monitoring for the alignment. This will display the data cursor, which you can position at the top of the peak. Since the da ta cursor spans the ROIs (graphs), you can use the data cursor as your vertical reference.
34 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B 3.5 WinSpec Start WinSpec after making sure the detector and IsoPlane are connected to the computer a nd are turned on. WinSpec should find the detector and present a dialog for selecting the detector for your experiment.
Chapter 3 SCT 320 Operat ion 35 2. On the Define Spectrograph dialog (Figure 3-6), click on the Install/Remove Spectrograph button. 3. On the Install/Remove Spectrograph dialog, scroll down the list o.
36 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B 3.5.3 Perform Alignment The initial alignment described in this section assumes that you ha ve alread y connected and turned on the detector and spectrograph, have opened WinSpec, and identified the detec tor and spectrograph.
Chapter 3 SCT 320 Operat ion 37 3. Set the slit to 10 µm at a minimum. If necessary, adjust the Exposure Time to maintain optimum (near full-scale) signal intensity. 4. Wait until the detector locks at its default temperature. If the detector is LN-cooled, it should have been filled after the detector was powered ON.
38 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B This page intentionally left blank..
39 Appendix A U sing the Monochr omator C ont r ol Soft war e A.1 Introduction As has been previously mentioned in this manual, the Acton IsoPlane spectrograph can be controlled using Princeton I nstruments’ LightField, WinSpec, or SpectraSense software.
40 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B Par amete rs, if nee ded, p rec ede the comm and an d are separ ated fro m t he c ommand by a t le as t on e spa ce (e .g. , 5 46.0 7 GOTO ). F or RS - 23 2 o pe rat ion , t he p or t s e t- up is 9 600 ba ud , 8 da ta b its , 1 st o p bi t a nd no par ity .
Appendix A Using the Monochrom at or Control So ftware 41 A.4.2 Gratin g Control Com mands GRATING Places specified grating in position to the wavelength of the wavelength on the p resent grating. Up to nine (9) gratings are allowed on three (3) turrets.
42 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B A.4.3 Slit Widt h Control Com mands (for Motorized S lits only) SIDE-EXIT-SL IT Designates side exit slit to receive slit control commands. SIDE- ENT -SLIT Designates side entrance slit to receive slit control commands.
43 Appendix B Spect ro graph to C omp uter Ca bl e Connect ion Figure B-1 . RS- 232 Cable Wiring Figure B-2 . IsoPlane Cab le Connectors FILTER Filter driver connection for Acton FA-2448 Filter Wheel. SHT TTL SHT TTL connection for TTL control of shutter.
44 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B This page intentionally left blank..
45 Appendix C Ac cessories List ing Slit Assembly SP - 716 -1 Bilaterally adjustable ENTRANC E slit assembly for IsoPlane monochromator or spectrograph. Micrometer adjustable widths from 10 µm to 3 mm. Supplied with interchangeable 4.0 mm and 14.0 mm high baffles.
46 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B Det ectors and Acces sories: All detectors include mounting flanges for I soPlane slit assemblies. PD - 438 Universal Photomultiplier Tube Housing for standard 1 1/8" side window photomultiplier tubes. Requires side window PMT, and photometer/power supply for operation.
Appendix C Accessories Lis ting 47 Filter Wheels and Ord er Sorting Filter Ass emblies FA - 2448 Six Position Filter Wheel Assembly. Manual sample indexing, holds up to six samples, each 1.0” diameter; automated via SP Control Cable. Can be used with the IsoPlane.
48 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B FC - 446 - 030 Im aging Fiber Adapter is designed specifically for our imaging spectrographs. The all-reflective design eliminates chromatic a berrations and the aspheric mirror cancels astigmatism, allowing precise imaging of fibers at the spectrograph entrance slit.
49 Appendix D Gr at ings f or IsoPl ane Grooves/mm Blaze Wavelength Standard Part Number Mechanical Limit Notes: † Bl az e d H ol og r ap hic , 1 90- 450 n m , op tim um ra nge †† Op ti m um rang e f or t his gr ati ng i s f rom 45 0 n m t o th e u pp er me ch an ica l l imi t Standard Gratings are 68 X 68 mm.
50 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B This page intentionally left blank..
51 Appendix E Outl ine Dra win gs Figure E-1 . IsoPlane: 320 with Manual Slit Assembly Outline Drawing.
52 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B Figure E-2 . IsoPlane: 320 with Motorized Slit Assemb ly Outline Dra wing.
53 Appendix F S t and ar d Sl it Assem bl y Dr a wing Figure F-1 . Standard Slit Assembly Drawing.
54 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B This page intentionally left blank..
55 Appendix G Decl ar at ion of Conf ormit y DECLARATION OF CO NFORMITY We, the undersigned Manufacturer: Princeton Instruments Address, City: 15 Discovery Way, Acto n, MA 01720 Country: USA Certify a.
56 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B This page intentionally left blank..
57 Appendix H Cert ificat ion and W arr ant y Certification Princeton Instruments certifies that this instrument was thoroughly tested and found to meet the specifications furnished by Princeton Instruments when it was shipped fr om the factory.
58 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B This page intentionally left blank..
59 Ind e x A-B Accessories listing of ....................................................................... 45 MicroSpec ................................................................... 46 mounting to slit assembly ...............................
60 IsoPlane ® SCT 320 Ma nual Version 1.B This page intentionally left blank..
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