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Operator’s Guide The Prin tronix L553 5 Multi function Printer .
Consumables Information Printroni x ® has y ears of experie nce de signing printer imag ing system s. For the best po ssi ble perfo rmance o f your P rint ronix printer , use Ge nuine Printr onix par ts and s upplie s.
L5 535 M ultifu nc tion P rinte r Opera tor ’ s Guide 171638-00 1B.
e. You may n ot tran smit the S oftware P roduct o ver a ne twork, by teleph one, or e lectronic ally us ing any means; or rever se engine er, deco mpile or disa ssemble the So ftware.
Avis de conformite aux normes du mi nistere des Communcations du Canada: Cet appa reil n umerique de la c lasse A est confo rm á nor me NMB -003 du Ca nada.
Anmerku ng: Um die Ei nhaltung des EMVG s icherzus tellen si nd die Ger äte, wie i n den Handbüche rn angeg eben, zu insta llieren u nd zu betreiben . This prod uct has be en test ed and found to com ply with th e limits for Class A Inform ation Tec hnology Equip ment a ccording to Eur opean Standard EN 55022.
T rademark Ackno wledgeme nt s Centroni cs is a r egistere d tradema rk of Geni com Co rporation. CSA is a regist ered certi fication mark of The Canad ian Stand ards Associ ation. Dataprodu cts is a regis tered tradem ark of Da taproduc ts Cor porat ion.
This prod uct uses Intellif ont Scal able type faces and Intellifo nt technolog y. Intell ifont i s a regist ered tra demark o f Agfa Division, Miles Incor porated (Agfa) .
Printroni x, Inc. m akes no representa tions or warrant ies of any kind regarding this mate rial, i ncluding , but not li mited to, i mplied warranties of merc hantab ility and fi tness for a particu lar pur pose.
13 Table of Contents 1 I ntroduction ..... ............ ........... ........ ......... 17 About This Manual .................... ................... ............. ...........17 General Safety Precauti ons ................... ............. ............
T a ble of C ontents 14 3 Consumables Replacement ............ ........ 51 Consumab les Repla cement .. ............. ............. ................... . 51 Replacement Interval s .... ................... ............. ............. .5 1 Replacing Th e Toner Cartrid ge .
Table of Contents 15 Discharge LED ............. ...... ............. ...... ....... ...... ....... ..123 Photorecep tor Drum .................. ............ .................... ..124 Cleaning Th e Develop ing Area ....... ............. .............
T a ble of C ontents 16.
17 1 Intr oduction About This Manu al This manua l exp lains ho w to use y our printer . Safety Notices And Special Information For yo ur safety and to pr otect valuab le equip ment, i t is ver y impo.
Chapter 1 General Safe ty Precautions 18 IMPORT ANT An important notice provides information that is vital to pr oper operation of the printer. NOTE: A note pr ovid es infor mation and helpfu l tips about printer operatio n. Keys And Display Messages Keys an d indica tors tha t are labe led on the prin ter are pr inted in upperca se le tters.
19 Keep comb ustible m aterial s away fro m the prin ter. Disp ose of use d toner prope rly, as it is fl ammable. Keep aw ay from com ponent s in the p rinter t hat are po tentially hazardou s or easil y damage d. For e xample, th e fuser u nit becom es very ho t under no rmal ope ratin g conditi ons, a nd se veral compo nents use high vo ltage.
Chapter 1 Safety Label And Component Locations 20 Safety Label And Componen t Loc ations 7 1 2 3 6 5 4 15 14 13 12 10 11 9 8 16.
21 Legend: 1) Face Up Paper Output Tray 2) Rear Cover 3) Face Down Paper Output Tray 4) Top Cover 5) Front Upper Cover 6) Power Pape r Stacker (Optional) 7) CAUTION 8) Rear Cover 9) Top Cover 10) Cut .
Chapter 1 Safety Label And Component Locations 22 Legend: 1) Open/Close Button 2) Front Upper Cover 3) CAUTION 4) CAUTION 5) WARNING Figure 2: Front View with Front Upper Cover Open % $ $ 5 3 1 2 4 4 .
23 Legend: 1) Fus er U nit 2) Cleaning Unit 3) Discharge LED (not visible) 4) Main Charger 5) Toner Cartridge 6) Optional Cut Sheet Paper Input Cassette 7) Control Panel 8) Developing Unit 9) Waste Toner Recovery Unit 10) Transport Unit 11) Smoke Filter Box 12) Power Supp ly for Flash Lamp Figure 3.
Chapter 1 Safety Label And Component Locations 24 Legend: 1) Power Switch 2) Serial Port 3) Diagnostic Port 4) General Purpose I/O Port 5) Optional Coax/Twinax Port 6) Parallel Port/Opti onal Ethernet.
Features 25 About The Printer Feat ures Printin g spe ed is 35 pag es per minute on co ntinuo us lette r siz e and A4 size fanfol d forms (l ong edg e fed). In the optiona l cut sh eet mode, pri nting spe ed is 27 pages per minute o n letter s ize and A4 size cu t shee t forms ( long edg e fed) .
Chapter 1 About The Printer 26 • Proprinte r ® III X L • Epso n ® FX-105 0 Printroni x LineP rinter Pl us provid es portr ait and l andscape image orientat ion. A utomatic 1 -up, 2- up, 4-up, a nd gray bar overpri nting are also p rovided . The emulat ion al so offers o ptional proportio nal (scalabl e) fonts .
27 2 Operation Inst allation Overview The instal lation and setup of your printer is intended to be do ne by a service provider who has b een train ed and authorized by Printr onix.
Chapter 2 Loading Paper 28 Loading Pa per The followi ng se ction ex plains h ow to load f anfold paper. To l oad cut shee t paper, g o to pag e 31. Loading Fan fold Paper IMPORT ANT When loading fanfold paper, be sure the l eading edge of the paper has a cle an, separated perforation (without ragged edges or paper chaff).
Loading Fanfold Paper 29 3. Pass the leading e dge of the paper between the l ower pap er guides, a s shown i n the ill ustratio n below. Legend: 1) Tractor Unit 2) Lower Paper Guides 3) First paper fold is toward printer. IMPORT ANT To prevent ja ms, place the first fold of th e paper fac ing towar d the printer as s hown.
Chapter 2 Loading Paper 30 7. Move the r ight trac tor to the left o r right u ntil its p ins line up with the holes in the r ight edge o f the pa per, then c lose th e right tractor gate. NOTE: When yo u place th e paper on the tr actors, y ou should introduc e a slight amount of side- to-side ten sion into the paper.
Loa din g C ut S hee t P ape r ( Opti on ) 31 Loading Cut Sheet Pape r (Option) If your prin ter is eq uipped wit h the cu t sheet pap er feed opt ion, the n upper an d lower p aper in put ca ssettes are prov ided.
Chapter 2 Loading Paper 32 2. Load the ne w paper unifor mly in th e cassette, makin g sure the leading ed ge of the pap er is at the fron t of the cass ette. Do not load mor e pape r than sp ecified b elow, other wise a p aper jam may o ccur. Legend: 1) Cassette Cover 2) Cassette 3.
Loa din g C ut S hee t P ape r ( Opti on ) 33 4. If you are reloading paper followin g a “CUT-SHEE T PAP ER EMPTY“ m essage w ith the pr inter pow er on, pr ess ONL INE to place the printer online. Th e printer r esumes printin g. NOTE: Occasion ally, pa per may become m oist and wavy, r esulting in poor print q uality.
Chapter 2 Loading Paper 34 Changin g Ca ssett e Paper Size ( Optio nal Procedure) The cut sh eet opti on comes with four cassettes (paper trays) preconf igured fo r either U.
Cut Sheet Tray Linking (Optional Procedure) 35 When th e plasti c inser ts in the cass ette conta ct the paper si ze sensor s on th e printer, t he printe r determ ines that the pap er cassette is i n positi on and i dentif ies the pa per size .
Chapter 2 Loading Paper 36 If the cut she et trays ar e of diffe rent sizes, a nd Tray Link ing is enabled, t he printe r will n ot switch to the a lternate tray when the first tray runs ou t of paper, nor will it display the usual “CUT-SHEET PAPER E MPTY” m essage o n the LCD .
Custom Tray Length (Optional Procedure) 37 Custom T ray Len gth (Option al Procedure) If your prin ter is equ ipped wi th the cut s heet paper f eed option, i t is possibl e to over ride the stan dard cut s heet paper tray le ngths. Th is feature is called Cus tom Tray L ength.
Chapter 2 Powering On The Printer 38 Powering On The Printer Printer Functions Legend: 1) Power Switch CAUTI ON The printer must be connected to the proper power source: 200, 220, or 24 0 VAC and 50-60 Hz, as shown on the r ear panel label. The DC power supply must be se t for the proper line voltage.
Printer Functions 39 3. Note that when you p ower on th e printer, t he foll owing occur : a. The pri nter rea ds the em ulatio n and di splays the me ssage: “TES TING HA R DWARE PLEAS E WAIT. ..” b. If there are no bootu p errors , the LCD dis plays “DIA GNOSTICS PASSED ” c.
Chapter 2 Physical De scription 40 Physical Description The front (ou tput si de) of the power s tacker is shown in the follow ing il lust ratio n. Legend: 1) AUTO Key 2) STOP Key 3) DOWN Key 4) HE AV.
Printer Functions 41 S t ac ker Operation Ke ys The power pa per stac ker conta ins the fo llowing k eys for operating the elev ator: • AUTO : Sets the eleva tor in au tomatic mode. Pressing this ke y caus es th e elev at or ta ble to rise un til it reac he s its ma ximum upper pos ition and enabl es the stacker .
Chapter 2 Setting The Stacker Page Length 42 NOTE: Normal M ode supports up to 28 lb. bond (1 05 g/m 2 ). He avy Mode mus t be used f or me dia weights greater th an 34 l b. bond (12 8 g/m 2 ). S ome med ia that are 28 lb. bo nd (1 05 g/ m 2 ) and h igher r equire He avy M ode for rel iable stac king.
Printer Functions 43 Removing Paper 1. Upon comple tion of a pri nt job, pres s the PAGE EJEC T key on the printe r contr ol panel , and sepa rate the pa per at the perforation . 2. Press the DOWN k ey on the stacke r to lower the elev ator (st acking table) .
Chapter 2 Stacker Full 44 S t acker Fu ll 1. When the s tacker becomes full, the printer automatic ally separat es the pap er at the p erforati on, retur ning the edge of the paper to hom e positio n on the tractors. 2. P r ess the DOWN k ey on the sta cker.
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) 45 Using T he Con trol Pane l 1) Status Indicators 2) Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) 3) Paper Path Diagram 4) Function Keys Figure 5.
Chapter 2 Using The Control Pane l 46 SYS A V AI L Twinax in terface only . Indica tes the re is acti vity to t he current address on the line. JOB IN PROCESS When the p rinte r is receiv ing d ata or proc essing data, JO B IN PROCES S flashes .
Function Keys 47 Function Key s The press ure-sens itive functio n keys ar e located directly be low the status in dicat ors. When p ressin g the key s, a “beep” verifies contact. The function k eys permit you to config ure the op tions of the pri nter.
Chapter 2 Using The Control Pane l 48 NOTE: When the p rinte r is not in an erro r state, pressi ng ONLINE in any le vel of the confi guration menu caus es the prin ter to accept a ny co nfigurat ion ch anges yo u have enter ed and return to on line s tatus.
Function Keys 49 Once the paper motion ha s occur red, the data that was not yet i n the buffer should pr int. The pa ge is the n cut a t the perfo ration (unless th e Burst On Eject o ption i s disab led).
Chapter 2 Using The Control Pane l 50 UP And DOWN Keys The UP and D OWN k eys are u sed for th e configu ration m enu: • To unlock or loc k the ENTE R key, pr ess UP + DOWN at the same tim e when t he printe r is offlin e • The ENTER k ey lock c an be conf igured to be a key combina tion other tha n UP + DOWN .
51 3 Consumables Replacement Consu mables Replacemen t For the bes t print q uality, th e printe r consumab les sho uld be replace d at the inter vals speci fied in the fol lowin g table. The yi eld of the suppli es is ba sed on a 4% cove rage of l etter size ( 8.
Chapter 3 Consumables Replace ment 52 Replacin g Th e T o ner Cart rid ge NOTE: When repl acing the ton er cartrid ge, put the old cart ridge on a disposab le wra pper (e.g., paper towe ls, ne wspaper) to minimiz e toner spi llage. Vinyl g loves ma y be worn to prevent t oner from co ntacting th e skin.
Replacing The Toner Cartridge 53 2. Rotate the ol d toner c artridge c ounterc lockwi se until the notch is align ed with the pin in the toner hopper, a nd remov e the cartri dge. Legend: 1) Notch 2) Toner Cartridge 3) Positioning Pin 3. Put the old cartr idge into a plastic bag and d iscard it .
Chapter 3 Consumables Replace ment 54 4. Keep the n ew toner cartrid ge in its package . Hold it lev el and shake i t back an d forth thr ee or fo ur times as shown .
Replacing The Toner Cartridge 55 6. With the cover tape fac ing up, begin inser ting the cartrid ge into the toner h opper, an d slowly pull off the cover tape in t he direction o f the ar row. Remo ve the la st of th e tape jus t as the cartri dge is c omplet ely ins ide the hop per.
Chapter 3 Consumables Replace ment 56 8. Rotate the c artrid ge clockwi se as fa r as it wi ll turn. Legend: 1) Toner Cartridge 9. If any tone r has s pilled, re move it wi th wet tiss ue pap er or a toner va cuum.
Replacing The Waste Toner Bottle 57 Replacing The W aste T oner Bottle The was te toner recove ry unit contain s the was te tone r bottle and is located be hind the front cover , as shown b elow.
Chapter 3 Consumables Replace ment 58 2. Lower the lever, pull th e green h andle towar d yo u, and open the waste t oner rec overy un it. Legend: 1) Waste Toner Recov ery Unit 2) Green Handle 3) Open.
Replacing The Waste Toner Bottle 59 3. Remove the cap fr om the out side of the waste toner bot tle, and cap the ton er bottle . Legend: 1) Cap 2) Waste Toner Bottle 4. Remove the waste t oner bottl e from th e unit and d iscar d it. 5. Install a new waste t oner bottl e.
Chapter 3 Consumables Replace ment 60 Replacin g Th e Phot orec eptor Dru m Drum li fe is depe ndent upon media used and p roper m aintenanc e and oper ation of the printer . Print media other than bond paper (e.g., la bels, card st ock, plastic , or vin yl) may r educe drum li fe as much as 50%.
Replacing The Photoreceptor Drum 61 CAUTION Failure to perform Step 5 will damage the photorece ptor drum. 5. Rotate the de velop ing unit l ever fu lly clock wise so that it is pointing s traight up (to se parate th e deve loping un it from th e photorec epto r drum).
Chapter 3 Consumables Replace ment 62 7. With yo ur other hand, gra sp the han ger and r emove the develop ing unit fr om the pr inter. 8. Vacu um any s pilled to ner. CAUTI ON The transfer charger must be in the down position to avoid scratching the dr um.
Replacing The Photoreceptor Drum 63 10. Lower the tra nsport u nit by tur ning the green lev er on th e transport unit to the left. Legend: 1) Green Lever 11.
Chapter 3 Consumables Replace ment 64 12. Remove the two screws on the lower inner cover. Th en rem ove the co ver. Legend: 1) Drum Plate 2) Thumbscrews (3) 3) Screws (2) 4) Inner Cover 2 1 3 4.
Replacing The Photoreceptor Drum 65 13. Remove the nut from t he end o f the drum shaft. Legend: 1) Nut 14. Screw the drum auxi liary rod onto th e drum s haft.
Chapter 3 Consumables Replace ment 66 15. Carefully pull th e old drum out a long th e drum au xiliar y rod. Hold the en ds when th e drum is nearly out of the prin ter, and remove it with both hands . Legend: 1) Drum 16. Pack th e old dru m for sh ipment using the orig inal p ackagin g materia l, and clos e the cov er of the b ox.
Replacing The Photoreceptor Drum 67 CAUTION Exposing the drum to light shortens its life. Do not expose the drum to direct sunlight, and install it within f ive minutes under typical room lighting conditions.
Chapter 3 Consumables Replace ment 68 23. Install the l ower inn er cov er and se cure wi th the two sc rews remove d earlie r. 24. Install the d rum plat e and ti ghten the th umbsc rews. Whi le install ing the dr um plate, place your thumb over the coppe r groundi ng cli p and hold it in plac e.
Replacing The Developer 69 Replac ing The Deve loper Legend: 1) Toner Cartridge 2) Toner Hopper 3) Auger 4) Toner Sensor 5) Agitation Roller 6) Developing Tank 7) Developing Roller 8) Toner Supply Rol.
Chapter 3 Consumables Replace ment 70 Developing Unit Removal 1. Turn the po wer swit ch OFF. 2. Open the printer front upp er cove r. (See page 52) 3. Prepar e a plast ic ba g over wh ich the de velo ping un it can be placed. 4. Remove th e deve loping un it from th e printer (See p age 73.
Removing Old Develope r 71 6. Remove the three screws on the devel oping uni t cover and det ach th e cov er. CAUTION The toner sensor is se nsitive to both electrosta tic discharge (ESD) and positional adjustment. Do not touch the sensor with your hand or jar it from its factory-set posi tion.
Chapter 3 Consumables Replace ment 72 Adding New Developer 11. Shake th e new de veloper bottle seve ral time s, remov e the bottle cap, and s crew the nozz le tig htly onto the bott le. 12. While rota ting th e develop ing rol ler knob c ountercl ockwise, evenly pou r the e ntire bottle of dev eloper p owder int o the develop ing unit.
Replacing The Dev eloping Unit 73 Replacing The Developing Unit CAUTION The developing unit should be removed only by an individual who has received the appropriate training. Be careful not to damage the sensors while cleaning the developing unit. (If damage occurs, contact your servic e representative .
Chapter 3 Consumables Replace ment 74 6. Remove th e deve loping un it by hol ding th e lever in one han d and pull ing the developi ng unit pa rtially ou t of the printer . 7. With yo ur other hand, gra sp the han ger and r emove the develop ing unit fr om the pr inter.
Developing Unit Installation 75 8. Place the old deve lopin g unit in a plastic bag a nd dispose of it properly. 9. V acuum any spi lled t oner. 10. Remove a n ew develo ping un it from i ts pack age, and ad d develope r to the un it. Developing Unit Ins t allation CAUTION Failure to perform step 11 will dama ge the photoreceptor drum.
Chapter 3 Consumables Replace ment 76 14. Rotate the d evelopin g rolle r knob coun tercloc kwise u ntil the unit dro ps in to its fin al re sting pos ition . The posit ioning pin should p rotrude throu gh the m ain bod y of the de velo ping un it. Legend: 1) Positioning Pin 2) Lever 3) Developer Roller Knob 15.
77 4 Scheduled Maintenance Main t aini ng Print Qua lity To maint ain goo d print qual ity, cl ean the printer ac cordin g to the schedul es and procedu res li sted in th is ch apter. If print qu ality pr oble ms occu r, clean the fol lowing areas (s ee Maintenanc e Tool s on page 78 for tool part num bers): 1.
Chapter 4 Maintenance Tools 78 If the print q uality is sti ll poor aft er cleaning the prin ter, the charg ers may need to be r eplaced . Contact y our autho rized serv ice represent ative for further as sistanc e. NOTE: For replac ement inte rvals, see the ma intena nce sch edules that begin on pag e 81.
Service Level Pa ge Counts 79 Service Le vel Page Coun t s IMPORT ANT You should maintain a record of all maintenanc e performed on your printer. Maintenance log sheets ar e provided starting on pag e 81 . These may be photocopied and kept in a binder near the print er.
Chapter 4 Maintenance Tools 80 A serv ice lev el incl udes the level s that pr ecede it. For examp le, at 150,000 pa ges, you shoul d perform L evel B and Level A service. At 900,000 pa ges , your ser vice prov ider shou ld per form Level F, Leve l E, and Level D ser vice.
User Cleaning Schedule 81 Main tenance Schedules User Cleaning Sched ule Each tim e you per form mai ntenance, you mu st rese t the ser vice level pa ge count b y select ing the Us er Main tenance op tion on the Maintenanc e menu. Th is remo ves the mai ntenance e rror mess age.
Chapter 4 Maintenance Sc hedules 82 Level A Maintenance - 15,000 Pages (User) Action Item Part # Performed By Date Clean General c leaning n/a Clean Main char ger 705741-0 01 Clean Precha rger 705742-.
User Cleaning Schedule 83 Level B Maintenance - 150,000 Pages(User) Action Item Part # Performed By Date Clean General c leaning n/a Clean Main cha rger 705741-0 01 Clean Precharg er 7 05742-001 Clean.
Chapter 4 Maintenance Sc hedules 84 Level C Maintenance - 600,000 Pages (User) Action Item Part # P erformed By Date Clean General c leaning n/a Clean See Note 1 Cover glas s n/a Clean SELFOC lens n/a.
User Cleaning Schedule 85 Level D Maintenance - 300,000 Pages (Service) Action Item Part # Performed By Date Clean Flash p ower supp ly filte r n/a Replace Main c harger 705741-0 01 Replace P recharge.
Chapter 4 Maintenance Sc hedules 86 Level E Maintenance - 600,000 Pages (S ervice) Action Item Part # Performed By Date Clean Lamp hous ing filte r 20283 8-001 Clean LED air filter 703543-001 Clean Fl.
User Cleaning Schedule 87 Leve l F Maintenance - 900,000 Pages (Service) Action Item Part # Pe rformed By D ate Clean Flash power s upply filter n/a Replace M ain ch arger 705741-0 01 Replace P rechar.
Chapter 4 Maintenance Sc hedules 88 Level G Maintena nce - 1,200,000 Pages (Service) Action Item Part # Performed By Date Clean Lamp hous ing filte r 202838- 001 Clean LED air filter 70354 3-001 Clea .
User Cleaning Schedule 89 Level H Maint ena nce - 2,400,000 Pages (Service) Action Item Part # Performed By Date Clean Flash power sup ply filter n/a Repla ce Main C harger 705741-00 1 Repla ce Precha.
Chapter 4 Maintenance Sc hedules 90 WA R N I N G The flash fuse r capac itor (P/N 7 03531-56 1) must be replaced at least eve ry 2,400,00 0 letter si ze pages. Failure to do so may endanger equipment and personnel. WARNUNG Der kondensator der Flash-Einbrennvorrichtung muß nach mindestens 2.
User Cleaning Schedule 91 User Replacem ent Sch edu le The foll owing item s shoul d be repl aced after the spec ified nu mber of letter si ze pag es (4% cov erage) hav e been printed.
Chapter 4 Maintenance Sc hedules 92 T ech Service Replacement Schedule Each time a se rvice technic ian co mpletes a leve l of prev entive maintenan ce, he or she m ust reset th e serv ice level page c ount by sele cting the Tec hnician Servic e option on the Mai ntenance me nu.
User Cleaning Schedule 93 LED a ir fi lt er 703543-001 2, 400,000 Repl ace H Tractor b elt, 3M26 4 793531- 031 2,400 ,000 Re place H Drum belt, 3M26 4 703531-031 2, 400,000 Repl ace H Capac itor ( see.
Chapter 4 Maintenance Sc hedules 94 WA R N I N G The flash fuse r capac itor (P/N 7 03531-56 1) must be replaced at least eve ry 2,400,00 0 letter si ze pages. Failure to do so may endanger equipment and personnel. WARNUNG Der kondensator der Flash-Einbrennvorrichtung muß nach mindestens 2.
Vacuuming The Printer 95 General Cle aning To mainta in optimum print qua lity, the printer should be cleaned o n a regular b asis. De pendin g upon t he densit y of your print jobs , the printer may req uire cl eaning every 10,000-20 ,000 s heets.
Chapter 4 General Cleaning 96 Following is the ge neral clea ning p rocedure: 1. Turn the po wer swit ch OFF. 2. Open the printer front upp er cove r. 3.
Vacuuming The Printer 97 4. On the was te tone r recovery unit, press the O pen lev er down. Pull the h andle toward yo u and open the uni t. 5. Vacuum th e deve loping un it and toner hop per.
Chapter 4 General Cleaning 98 6. Vacuum the cleani ng uni t. 7. Vacu um the fu ser unit..
Vacuuming The Printer 99 8. Vacuum th e lamp hou sing filter on the under side of t he fuse r unit..
Chapter 4 General Cleaning 100 CAUTI ON The transfer charger must be in the down position to avoid scratching the drum. Failur e to perform steps 9 and 10 will damage the drum.
Vacuuming The Printer 101 10. Lower the tra nsport sur face by turning o n the gree n lever on the trans port unit to t he left. Legend: 1) Transport Unit 2) Green Lever 11. Pull the tra nsport u nit toward you unti l it stops . 12. Using a vac uum, clea n the to ner, pape r dust, et c.
Chapter 4 General Cleaning 102 16. Using a vac uum, cle an the toner , paper d ust, etc. i n the trac tor area. 17. Open the pap er guide by pres sing the green le ver down.
Vacuuming The Printer 103 18. Using a vac uum, clea n the pa per dust, etc . insid e the paper guide. 19. Open the l id on the top cover. 20. Open the p aper guide by pressi ng the gu ide lev er down. 21. Using a vac uum, clea n the pa per dust, etc .
Chapter 4 General Cleaning 104 Cleaning The Chargers 1. Turn the po wer swit ch OFF. 2. Open the printer front upp er cove r. Main C ha rger CAUTI ON Use caution in handling to avoid dama ging or breaking the charger wir es. 3. Loosen th e thumb screw a nd remov e the main charger by pulling it toward you.
Main Charger 105 5. Using the br ush cleane r (listed on page 78), c lean the exp osed side of t he cha rger gr id and the body of the ma in ch arger. Legend: 1) Brush C leaner 2) Charger Grid 3) Main.
Chapter 4 General Cleaning 106 6. Positio n the mai n charger wit h the cha rger grid up and th e front of the cha rger towa rd you, as shown in the f igure below. Refer to the ins et drawin g in th e figure and remove t he cha rger grid from the main charge r as fol lows: a.
Main Charger 107 7. Using the brush cleaner (listed on pag e 78), c lean bot h sides of the charg er grid, as shown be low. Legend: 1) Brush Cleaner 2) Charger Grid 8. Using the wire cl eaner (lis ted on pag e 78), clean the two wires in the mai n charge r, as shown below.
Chapter 4 General Cleaning 108 9. Install the charg er grid. 10. Return the m ain c harger to i ts ori ginal pos ition. Fa sten th e main charger scre w to se cure it. Precharger an d T ransfer/Se p arator Cha rger CAUTI ON Use caution in handling to avoid dama ging or breaking the charger wir es.
Precharger and Transfer/Sepa rator Charge r 109 12. Loosen the pr echarg er thumbs crew, an d transfe r/separato r charger th umbsc rew, and p ull the c hargers o ut of the printer. Legend: 1) Transfer/Separator Charger 2) Thumbscrews 3) Precharger 13.
Chapter 4 General Cleaning 110 Cleaning The Fuser Unit Cover Glass WA R N I N G The fuser unit remains hot after operation. Wait until it has completely cooled down before handling it. WARNUNG Die Einbrennvorrichtung behält auch nach dem B etrieb ihre Temperatur bei .
Cleaning The Fuser Unit Cover Glas s 111 CAUTION The transfer charger must be in the down position to avoid scratching the drum. Failure to perf orm steps 3 and 4 w ill damage the drum.
Chapter 4 General Cleaning 112 4. Lower the transport surfa ce by turni ng on t he green lever on the trans port uni t to the lef t. Legend: 1) Green Lever 2) Fuser Unit 3) Thumbscrew (not visible in figure) 4) Holding Plate 5) Thumbscrew 5. Loose n the thumbscr ews on the righ t and left fuser unit holding plates.
Cleaning The Fuser Unit Cover Glas s 113 9. Using the fuse r cove r gl ass sc raper (listed o n page 78) remove the dirt a nd toner b uildup fr om the co ver gla ss surfac e. Legend: 1) Scraper 10. Wipe away an y rem aining to ner or d irt with a Tor aysee clo th (listed on page 78 ).
Chapter 4 General Cleaning 114 11. Remove the two screws that sec ure the l amp duct f ilter un it to the fuser , then re move the l amp duct f ilter un it and t he foam gasket . Legend: 1) Foam Gasket 2) Screw (4) 3) Filter Holding Plate 4) Lamp Filter (Air Filter) 5) Lamp Duct 12.
Cleaning The Cut Sheet Option Rollers 115 Clea ning Th e Cut Shee t Option Rol lers NOTE: This proced ure o nly appl ies to prin ters with the cu t sheet option insta lled. 1. Turn the po wer switc h OFF. 2. Remove the upper and lower paper cas settes fr om the pr inter.
Chapter 4 General Cleaning 116 3. There are two pickup roller units ( upper and lower) lo cated a t the back of the cas sette ope ning. On the uppe r roller unit, loosen t he green t humbs crew. Slid e the un it to the le ft, and p ull the unit to ward you and out of t he printer.
Pickup Rollers 117 6. Install th e upper a nd lower pickup rol ler uni ts: a. Align the shaft pin wit h the s lot in the coupl ing, an d alig n the alignm ent pi n on the uni t with the h ole in the frame .
Chapter 4 General Cleaning 118 Reverse Rollers Legend: 1) Upper Reverse R oller Unit 2) Lower Reverse R oller Unit 7. There are two rever se roller units ( upper and lower) lo cated a t the back of the cas sette ope ning (un derneath t he uppe r and lower pi ckup roll er units ).
Reverse Roller s 119 8. On the low er reve rse ro ller unit, l oosen the green thum bscre w. Remove the rolle r unit by moving it downwar d while sl idin g it to the left. 9. Wipe off th e dirt on the reve rse ro llers w ith a Torays ee cloth (listed on page 78 ).
Chapter 4 General Cleaning 120 10. Install the u pper and lower reverse roller un its: a. Align th e shaf t pin with th e slot i n the coupl ing, and a lign the align ment pi n on the un it with the hole i n the fram e. b. Tighten the green thumbscre w.
Cleaning Unit 121 Majo r Cleaning 1. Turn the po wer switc h OFF. 2. Open the p rinter front uppe r cover. ( See page 52.) Cleaning Unit 3. Open the w aste to ner rec overy uni t by push ing do wnward on the lever. P ull the g reen hand le and swing the unit ou tward away from the prin ter.
Chapter 4 Major Cleaning 122 IMPORT ANT Do not turn the cleaning unit upside dow n, or toner might spill. 7. Vacuum the bru sh on the cleaning unit. Turn the end of the shaft to rota te the b rush. Con tinue t o rotate and v acuum the brush u ntil the en tire br ush surfac e has bee n cleane d.
Discharge LED 123 Discharge L ED CAUTION Do not flex the discharge LED as it will break. 8. Remove the dischar ge LED s crew. 9. Remove the dischar ge LED by pullin g it towa rd you. Legend: 1) Discharge LED 2) Screw 10. Using a Toray see cloth ( listed on page 78), wip e off the dir t on the dischar ge LED.
Chapter 4 Major Cleaning 124 Photorecep tor Drum CAUTI ON When cleaning the photoreceptor drum, observe the following precautions: • Do not touch the drum surface with your hands. • To prevent the dr um surface fr om being scratched, clean it in a location free of dust.
Photoreceptor Drum 125 15. If the drum has toner b uild-up , clean i t with th e drum fres hener pad (listed on pag e 78). Tur n the drum little b y little while polishi ng the drum sur face with the fr eshener pad. Polish wi th a slight fo rce in t he dir ection o f the dr um axis , using a circu lar motion.
Chapter 4 Major Cleaning 126 Cleaning The Developing Area 21. Loosen th e thumbsc rew and r emove th e main charger b y pulling it toward you. Legend: 1) Thumbscrew 2) Main Charger 22. Clean the d evelopi ng unit ar ea with a v acuum c leaner a nd a soft clo th.
Cleaning The Developing Area 127 23. Wipe the SEL FOC ® l ens by m oving a Toray see clo th (listed o n page 78) from the inne r part of t he printer to ward you.
Chapter 4 Major Cleaning 128.
129 5 T r oubleshooting T roubleshootin g This chap ter disc usses di agnost ic tests, pa per jams , and sta tus and error me ssages. For cleani ng procedur es and schedu les, refer to Chapter 4, “Sche duled Mai ntenan ce.
Chapter 5 Fanfold Paper Jams 130 • Test Print: Prints various predefi ned grap hics pag es to veri fy that the pri nter can prin t properl y on the entir e page (Test Print menu). • Print S tatis tics: Di splays all ac cumulat ed pr int en gine stat istic s, such as numbe r of pages pr inted an d power- on time.
Paper Jam Near The Tractor 131 3. Reload the paper. The f irst fol d of the paper shoul d face the printer ; otherw ise, a pa per jam could occur during p rinting (see illustration). Do not pu sh the pap er past the tra ctors into the area of the paper j am senso r.
Chapter 5 Fanfold Paper Jams 132 Paper Ja m Near The Paper Outp ut Section 1. When paper motion stops, wait 1 5 seconds , then open the front cove r. 2. Push dow n on the openin g lever of the was te toner r ecovery unit, and p ull the gr een hand le to s wing th e unit outwa rd away.
Paper Jam Nea r The Paper Output Section 133 3. Loosen thr ee thu mbscre ws on t he upper i nner co ver. Legend: 1) Upper Inner Cover 2) Thumbscrews (3) 1 2.
Chapter 5 Fanfold Paper Jams 134 CAUTI ON The transfer charger must be in the down position to avoid scratching the dr um. Failure t o perform st eps 4 and 5 wi ll damage the drum.
Paper Jam Nea r The Paper Output Section 135 CAUTION To avoid damaging the printer or causing false paper jams, the transport lever must be in the fully down position before ope nin g the tr ansp or t un it. 5. Lower the t ransport u nit by turning the green lever on th e transport unit to the left.
Chapter 5 Fanfold Paper Jams 136 7. To raise the scuf f roller ho lding the paper , turn kn ob C clockwi se 90 ° as show n bel ow . Legend: 1) Knob C 8. Separat e the fan fold paper at the per foratio ns on both the paper input and the output s ections.
Paper Jam Nea r The Paper Output Section 137 Legend: 1) Tra ctor Gat e CAUTION To avoid damaging the printer or causing false paper jams, the transport lever must be in the fully down position before closing the transport unit.
Chapter 5 Cut Sheet Paper Jams 138 Cut Sheet Paper Jams CAUTI ON Due to the high intensity of the flash fusing unit, the area under the fuser must be kept free of paper debris. Paper Ja m At The Back Of The Paper Cassette 1. Pull out the pap er cass ette, then remove a ny jamme d paper from the back of th e casse tte tray.
Paper Jam At The Bac k Of The Paper Cassette 139 3. Open the l id on the top cov er, and p ull the gre en lever up. Remove any jammed paper , and return the green lever t o its origina l positi on.
Chapter 5 Cut Sheet Paper Jams 140 Paper Jam In The T ransport Input Section 1. When paper motion stops, wait 1 5 seconds , then open the front cove r.
Paper Jam In The Transport Input Section 141 CAUTION The transfer charger must be in the down position to avoid scratching the drum. Failure to perf orm steps 3 and 4 w ill damage the drum.
Chapter 5 Cut Sheet Paper Jams 142 CAUTI ON To avoid damaging the printer or causing false paper jams, the transport lever must be in the fully down position before opening or closing the transport unit. 4. To lower th e transp ort route s urface, t urn the gr een tran sport unit lever to the left.
Paper Jam In The Transport Input Section 143 5. Remove knob A fr om it s place as sh own below. A ttach knob A to the pa per f eed shaf t, and turn knob A coun tercloc kwise. This causes the jam med paper to be mov ed to th e eject sid e. Remove any jammed paper , and return knob A to its ori ginal position .
Chapter 5 Cut Sheet Paper Jams 144 Paper Ja m In The T ransp ort Output Section 1. When paper motion stops, wait 1 5 seconds , then open the front cove r. 2. Pull up the botto m lever to raise th e paper g uide, a nd turn th e green kn ob B count ercl ockwis e.
Paper Jam In The Face U p Or Down Paper Path 145 Paper Jam In The Face Up Or Down Paper Path 1. When paper motion stop s, wait 15 seconds, then open the fro nt cover. 2. Push the t op and m iddle le vers d own. Pull the botto m lever up to raise the pa per guide.
Chapter 5 System St atus and Erro r Messages 146 System S t atus and Error Messages When an error occurs, the pri nter disp lays an appr opriate me ssage on the con trol panel LCD. S ome err ors are o perator-c orrectabl e, some re quire fi eld servi ce, and ot hers requi re repri nting.
Reprinting Pages After Fault Condition 147 Fanfold p aper: the printer r eprints all pages that hav e not completel y exite d the pri nter at the time o f failure. The exact number of pages tha t are rep rinted i s determine d by th e length o f the page an d where within the page the fa ult oc curred.
Chapter 5 System St atus and Erro r Messages 148 a. The printe r beeps and br iefly di spla ys the fol lowin g message : b. The printe r then redi splays the orig inal f ault mess age, or any other unclear ed fault message. c. Attempt to c lear th e fault conditio n again, or contac t your servi ce repr esenta t ive.
Reprinting Pages After Fault Condition 149 5. Press ONLINE to r esume p rinting. Note tha t pages ha ve bee n lost. IMPORT ANT If Reprint on Fault is disabled and an error occurs, and if either the .
Chapter 5 System St atus and Erro r Messages 150 • If the fault is cle ared, and if you need to r eload pape r int o the tractors (such as after a pa per jam), th e foll owing mes sage appears : a. Reload the paper on to the trac tors. b. Press CLEAR.
Error Mes sages 151 Error Mes sages “Error Mes sages,” on page 1 52, lists errors by error code and shows whi ch are o perator-cor rectabl e, which require fi eld se rvice, and which require r eprinting. • Operator -corre ctabl e errors include paper jams, mi ssing consu mab le s, and powe r pap er st acke r pro ble ms .
Chapter 5 System St atus and Erro r Messages 152 T able 1. Error Message s. Error Code Error Message Operator Correctable Field Ser vi ce Required Reprint Required 01 FRONT COVER OPEN á See Note 3 an.
Error Mes sages 157 T ABLE NOTES: 1. For any error wi th Reprint on Fault enabled: If the print er st ops while in t he middle of printi ng a page, relo ading the p aper and reprinting are req uired. The re may b e other c ases requ iring reloadi ng and rep rinting; if so, a m essage w ill appea r.
Chapter 5 System St atus and Erro r Messages 158.
159 A Maintenance Log Sheets Main tenance Log Sheet s The main tenance l og sheets are for y our use. These may be photocopi ed and kept in a binder ne ar the pr inter. B e sure t o use them each time eithe r yo u or your s ervice p rovider p erform p rinter maintenanc e.
Appendix A Maintenance Log Shee ts 160 Level A Ma intenan ce - 15,000 Pag es (User) Action Item Part # Performed By Date Clean General c leaning N/A Clean Main cha rger 705741- 001 Clean Precha rger 7.
161 Level B Maintenance - 150,000 Pages (User ) Action Item Part # Performed By Date Clean General c leaning N/A Clean Main charg er 705741- 001 Clean Prechar ger 7057 42-001 Clean T ransfer charger 7.
Appendix A Maintenance Log Shee ts 162 Level C Ma intenanc e - 600,000 P ages (User) Action Item Part # Performed By Date Clean General c leaning N/A Clean See Note 1 Cover glas s N/A Clean SELFOC len.
163 B Specifications Paper Specifications Paper ty pe Fan fold Paper si ze Width 7 to 1 6 inches Length* 1 to 3 0 inches , in mult ipl es of 1/6 inch. * Measur ed from m ain foldi ng/cu tting perf oration t o main fold ing/cu tting per foration . T ractor pin holes See the table an d figure bel ow .
Appendix B Paper Specificat ions 164 Specification Inch Millime ter Dimension in Figure Pin hol e center to foldi ng per forat ion 1/6 , 1/4 , 1/ 3, or 1/2 4.23, 6 .35, 8.47, 1.20 8 Hole center line to edge of form 0.2 36 ± 0.028 6.0 ± 0.1 1 Hole diam eter 0.
165 Legend: 1) Hole centerline to edge of form 2) Center Line 3) Main Folding/Cutting Perforation 4) Centerline t o Centerline 5) Distance between centers of two consecutive holes 6) Center Line Devia.
Appendix B Performance Characteristics 166 Paper th ickn ess .01 0 inch ma ximu m Paper we ight 18 to 44 lb. bond (6 8-165g/m 2 ), 44-1 25 lb. tag/la bel (75- 204g/m 2 ) Paper fe ed Automati c pape r parking mechanis m inco rporated Maximum paper stack size 3000 she ets (18 l b.
Host Interf aces 167 Hos t Inter faces NOTE: Dataproducts parall el inter face req uires an ad apter cable. Duty cycle 200,000 total page s/month of fanfold paper (1 1-in. length ) Mechanic al life 5 years or 12,000,00 0 pages ( 11-inch length ) W arm-u p time 60 sec.
Appendix B Memory Requirements 168 Emulations Memory Requ irem ent s The L5000 s eries p rinters h ave 32 MB (standa rd) or 64 MB (optiona l) of RAM (Ra ndom Ac cess Memo ry), and 8 MB (standar d) or 16, 3 2, or 64 (optional ) of Flash Memor y. This is standar d with all new prin ter ship ments, and all u pgraded p rinters.
Elec tromag netic Inte rfere nce 169 Physica l Characteristics and Environment Environme nt Dimensio ns (H x W x D) 49 inch H x 30 inch W x 34 inch D In crate: 36 inc hes H x 58 inch es W x 61 inches D Weight 353 lb s.
Appendix B Physical Cha racteristic s and Envir onment 170 Sound leve l Operating 60 db (A -weighted ) max. Full optio ns S tandb y state 50 dB (A -weighte d) Inclina tion 1° m ax.
171 Index A AUTO function key , 41 B Buttons S ee Functio n keys, 45 C CANCEL function key , 49 Cassette paper jam s at bac k of, 138 Cassette p aper size changing , 34 Caution noti ce, 17 Changing c .
Index 172 Diagrams paper path , 45 Discharge LED cleaning , 123 Disk drives location , 38 Disposal photorec epto r drum , 68 DOWN function key , 41, 50 Drum photorec epto r clean ing , 124 Dr um phot .
Index 173 TEST, 4 8 UP, 50 Fuser unit cov er glas s cleaning , 110 G Glass co ver fuser unit c leaning , 110 H HEAVY function key , 41 Host inter face spe cifica tions, 167 I IGP / PG L Emu lation, 25.
Index 174 M Main charg er cleaning , 104 Maintaini ng print quali ty , 77 Maintenanc e log sheet s level A , 82, 160 level B , 83 level C, 8 4 level E , 86 Maintenanc e sc hed ules , 81 Manual co nven.
Index 175 Pape r size cassette changin g, 34 Paper s pecificati ons, 163 Paper s tacke r power, 39 PCL5 Emul ation, 25 Perform ance spe cificat ions, 166 PhoenixP age P CL5 Em ulatio n, 25 Photorec ep.
Index 176 Reverse rol lers cleaning , 118 Rollers pickup cl eaning , 115 reverse c leaning , 118 S Safety notices, 17 Safety r egulation s, 169 Schedule replac ement servic e pr ovider resp onsib ilit.
Index 177 Tray width cu st om, 36 U UP function key , 50 V Vacu um clea ners recomme nded, 78.
Index 178.
P RINTRONIX , I NC . 14600 M yford Road P .O. Bo x 19559 Irvine, CA 92623-9559 Phone: (71 4) 368-230 0 Fax: (714 ) 368-2600 T echnical Su pport: (714) 368-2686 P RINTRONIX Nederland BV P .
デバイスPrintronix L5535の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Printronix L5535をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPrintronix L5535の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Printronix L5535の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Printronix L5535で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Printronix L5535を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPrintronix L5535の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Printronix L5535に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPrintronix L5535デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。