PrintronixメーカーP7000 Hの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Quick Refer ence Guide P7000, P7 000HD, and P700 0 H-Series Cartridge Ribbon Printers.
This Quick Reference Guide contains a CD-ROM with the following materials: • The User’s Manual • Programmer’s Reference Manuals • Useful utility programs The CD-ROM is in a plastic pocket in the back cover. Save this guide. If you move or pack the printer in the future, you will need to reverse the instru ctions in this guide.
This doc ument cont ains pr oprietary information protecte d by copyrigh t. No part o f this docum ent may be reproduc ed, copied, transla ted, or inc orporated i n any othe r material in any fo rm or by any mean s, whether manual, g raphic, electroni c, mechanic al, or otherwis e, without the prior wr itten co nsent of P rintronix.
5 Table of Contents P7000 Car tridge Ribbo n Printer Cont rol Pane l ....... .............7 P7000 H-S eries Cartr idge Ribbon P rinter Cont rol Pane l .....7 Loading Ri bbon Cartri dge And P aper ............... ................... 8 Loading Ri bbon Cartri dge .
T a ble of Content s 6.
7 P7000 Cartridge Ribbon Printer Control Pane l P7000 H-Series Cart ridge Ribbon Pr inte r Control Panel 183452b JOB SELECT PRT CONFIG SET TOF ENTER ON LINE /CLEAR PAPER ADVANCE VIEW/EJE CT CANCEL 183.
Loading Ribbon Cartridge And Pape r 8 Loading Ribbon Car tridge And Paper The foll owing se ctions d escribe h ow to insta ll ribbon a nd loa d paper. Loading Ribbo n Cartridge Figure 1. P reparing to Load the Ribbo n Cartridg e 1. Make su re the printer c over is op en.
9 Loading Ribbon Cartridge Figure 2. Installing the Ribbon Cartridge 4. Remove the ribbon s lack on the ribbon cart ridge by tu rning the ribbon te nsion knob clockwi se. CAUTION Do not turn the ribbon tens ion knob counterclockwise. This could damage the ribbon c artridge.
Loading Ribbon Cartridge And Pape r 10 Figure 3. The Ribbon Cartridge Snapped in Place 6. Rock the cartridge downward, making sur e that th e ribbon g oes between the hammerb ank cover and the ribb on mask (see Figure 3 ). You will feel it snap int o place.
11 Loading Paper (Standa rd Configuration) Loading Paper (S t andard Configuration) When yo u start this proc edure, verify tha t the pr inter cov er is op en, the platen lever is r aised, and the tract or doors a re open. Figure 4. Aligning the Paper Su pply 1.
Loading Ribbon Cartridge And Pape r 12 Figure 5. Feeding the Paper Thr ough the Paper Slot Pedestal Mo del a. Place th e paper sup ply on th e floor in fr ont of the printer, or on the optional pape r shelf, if attache d. b. Ensu re that the paper pu lls freely from the box.
13 Loading Paper (Standa rd Configuration) Figure 6. Loading Paper onto the Left Trac tor Sprockets 4. Load the pa per on the left tractor sprocket s. 5.
Loading Ribbon Cartridge And Pape r 14 CAUTI ON To avoid damage to the printer caused by printing on th e platen, al ways position the left tract or unit direc tly to the left of the “1” mark on th e paper scale . Figure 7 . Using the Paper Scal e as a Guid e 6.
15 Loading Paper (Standa rd Configuration) Figure 8. Loading t he Paper o nto the Rig ht Tractor Sprockets 7. Unlock th e right tracto r. 8. Load the pa per onto th e right tra ctor spro ckets. 9. Close the tractor door. 10. Make sure the leading edg e of the first sheet of pap er is parall el to the top of the tract ors.
Loading Ribbon Cartridge And Pape r 16 Figure 9. Set the Platen Lever based on t he Paper Thickness 13. Raise the platen le ver all the way. 14. Turn the v ertical po sition kno b to feed the paper up into the paper gu ide asse mbly. 15. Turn th e platen stop knob clockwis e or counter clockwis e to match the paper thi ckness.
17 Loading Paper (Standa rd Configuration) 17. If nece ssary, pres s ON LINE/CLEAR to remo ve the “LOAD PAP ER” fault me ssage fr om the di splay. 18. Press the PAPER ADVANCE key se vera l time s to m ake sure the paper fee ds properly beyond the tractors ov er the lower pap er guide.
Set T he Top-Of- Form 18 Figure 11. Aligning the First Prin t Line with the TOF Indicator 3. Locate the TOF ind icator. It i s a small t ab locate d on both th e right an d left tractor doors. 4. Turn the v ertical po sition kno b to align the top of th e first print line with the TOF ind icator.
19 Figure 12. Closing th e Platen Le ver 5. Lower the p laten leve r until i t stops. 6. Press ON LINE/CLEAR to r emove an y fault me ssages (such as “LOAD P APER”) f rom the me ssage di splay. 7. Press SET TOF . The t op- of-fo rm posit ion you ha ve set moves do wn to the prin t positio n.
Clearing Paper Ja ms 20 Clearing Paper Jams IMPORT ANT Be careful when pulling any paper backwards through the paper path, especially when using label stock. If you are not careful, labels can detach and adher e to the prin ter within the paper pat h, where o nly a service repres entative can remove them.
21 Figure 14. C leari ng a P aper Jam 3. Open both tractor do ors. 4. Inspect th e paper path and tract ors for ja mmed or t orn paper. Remove any pieces of paper by turning the vert ical pos ition knob (s ee Figur e 14 ). 5. Check tha t the ribbon m ask has not been bent i n such a way as to block t he paper p ath.
Clearing Paper Ja ms 22 Figu re 1 5. Reloading Paper 7. Reload the paper in the tractor s (see Figure 15 ). 183451b Paper Trac tor D oor.
23 Figure 16. Setting the Platen Lever 8. Raise the platen lev er all the way. 9. Turn the v ertical pos ition k nob to feed the paper up into the paper gui de assem bly. 10. Turn the platen stop knob clo ckwise or counter clockw ise to match the p aper thi ckness (A-B- C scale c orrespond s approximat ely to 1- , 3-, and 6 pa rt paper thickness).
Clearing Paper Ja ms 24 13. Press the PAPER ADVANCE key several t imes t o make sure the paper fe eds proper ly beyo nd the tracto rs over th e lower pa per guid e. Feed suffi cient paper to ensure t he paper stac ks cor rectly . 14. Clos e the pri nter co ver.
25 Most Frequ ent Problems and Solut ions Problem Corrective A ction Poor print quality • dark prin t • light pri nt • light print on half of the page • missing dots or ch aracter s • smeared print • wavy vertic al lines • Adjus t the form s thicknes s lever s e tti ng.
Contact Information 26 Cont act Infor mation Printronix Cu stomer Support Center IMPORT ANT Please ha ve the follo wing informa tion availabl e prior to calli ng the Printronix Customer Suppo r t Center: • Model num ber • Serial nu mber (loc ated on the back of th e printer) • Installe d options (i.
27 Pr int ron ix Sup plies Depart men t Printronix Supplies Dep artment Contact the Printr onix Sup plies Depar tment for genuine P rintronix supplies . Americ as (800) 73 3-1900 Europe, M iddle East, and Africa 33 (0) 1 46 25 19 07 Asia Pa cific (65) 6548 4116 or (65) 65 48 4182 China (86) 400 -886-5598 http://www.
For More Informati on 28 Printroni x Commerc ial (Shang hai) Co. Ltd 22F , E ton Buil ding East No.555, Pu dong Av . Shanghai City , 200120, P R China Phone: ( 86) 400 8 86 5598 Fax: (86- 21) 5138 05 64 Visit the P rintronix web site at w ww.printroni x.
29 Noti ces This infor mation wa s develo ped for pro ducts and services o ffered in the U.S.A. Printr onix may no t offer the products , servic es, or featu res discusse d in this doc ument in other co untries. Consult you r Printr onix repr esentativ e for inf ormation on the pr oducts and services currentl y availabl e in your area.
Notices 30 This p ublication could include technica l inaccur acies or typogra phical e rrors. Change s are pe riodicall y made to the informa tion he rein; these changes will be i ncorporate d in new editions of the publicati on.
31 For onlin e versions o f this boo k, we autho rize you to : • Copy, modi fy, and prin t the docu mentati on contai ned on the media, for use with in your ente rprise, p rovided yo u repro duce the copy right n otice, al l warning statemen ts, an d other required statem ents on each copy or partial co py.
Notices 32 Energy S t ar The Envir onmental Protectio n Agency E NERGY S TAR Comp uters program i s a partner ship effo rt with ma nufacturers o f data processi ng equipm ent to p romote the introduct.
33 T rademarks IBM, AS/4 00, and Pr oprinter a re regist ered tra demarks, an d Intelligent P rinter Data Stream and I PDS are t rademarks of Internatio nal Bus iness M achines Corporation .
Notices 34 Product Recyc ling and Disposal This pro duct may contain a sealed, lea d-acid batt ery; li thium battery; nickel-meta l-hydrid e battery; or nickel-ca dium batte ry. Batteri es of thes e types mus t be recy cled or d isposed of p roperly. Recyclin g facilitie s may not be avail able in you r area.
35 This de vice comp lies with Part 15 of the FCC F ules. Op eration i s subje ct to the fo llowing tw o conditions : (1) this device may n ot cause harmful in terferen ce, and ( 2) this dev ice must ac cept any interfer ence recei ved, inclu ding inte rference th at may caus e undesir ed operat ion.
Notices 36 Industry Canada Com pliance St atement This Clas s A digital apparat us complie s with Cana dian ICES -003. Cet appareil num érique d e la cla sse A conf orm á la nor me NMB-003 du Canada. S tatement o f CISPR 22 Com pliance Attention: This is a C lass A Pr oduct.
37 EN 55022 K lasse A G eräte müss en mit fol gendem Wa rnhinwei s verseh en werden: “Warnung: dies is t eine Einr ichtung d er Klass e A. Diese E inrichtun g kann im Wohnber eich Funk störung en verursac hen; in di esem Fall kann vo m Betreiber v erlangt werden, angemess ene Maßnahm en durc hzuführe n und dafür aufzukom men.
Notices 38 Ta i w a n Warning: This is a Class A pr oduct. In a d omestic environme nt this pr oduct may cau se radio i nterfere nce in whi ch case the user will be required t o take adequate m easures.
39 Korea CAUTION: This prod uct is e quipped with a 3-wire power cord and plug f or the user’s sa fety. Use thi s power cor d in conju nction with a properly grounded electrica l outlet to avoid elec trical sh ock.
Notices 40 of these te rms and provide al l user documentat ion to tha t party. When you do so , you mus t destro y any co pies of S oftware no t resident i n the printer . Your li cense for the Softwar e termin ates when you no lo nger rightfully possess the pri nter.
Notices 42 7. Miscellan eous This Agr eement repr esents t he complete a greement concer ning subjec t matter he reof. If an y provis ion of this Agreem ent is he ld to be unenfor ceable, such pr ovisio n shall be r eformed only to th e extent nec essary to make it enforce able.
254801-0 01A *254801-001*.
デバイスPrintronix P7000 Hの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Printronix P7000 Hをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPrintronix P7000 Hの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Printronix P7000 Hの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Printronix P7000 Hで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Printronix P7000 Hを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPrintronix P7000 Hの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Printronix P7000 Hに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPrintronix P7000 Hデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。