Promise TechnologyメーカーVTrackの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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VT RAK E-Class E310f and E310 s Q UICK S TAR T G UIDE Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 © 2007 Pro mise T echnol ogy , Inc. Al l Right s Reserved ..
VTrak E-Cl ass Q u ick St art Gu id e 2 VT rak E-Clas s T ask List S tep 1: Unpa cking the VT rak (below ) S tep 2: Mount ing VT rak in a Rack (page 5) S tep 3: Inst alling D isk Driv es (pa ge 7) S t.
Step 1: Unpacking the VTrak 3 Figure 1. VTr ak E310 f/s fro nt view Figure 2. VTr ak E310 f rear view Import ant Use the following c ategories of netw ork cable s with VT rak: • C at 6, p refe rred .
VTrak E-Cl ass Q u ick St art Gu id e 4 Figure 3. VTr ak E310 s rear view Mgmt UPS 115200 8 N 1 Mgmt UPS 115200 8 N 1 O I O I Coolin g Unit 1 with Battery Power Supply 1 RAID Controller 1 Power Suppl .
Step 2: Mounting VTrak in a Rac k 5 S tep 2: Mounting VTr ak in a Rack The E-Cl ass subs ytems inst all s to the rack using the supplied mounting rails.
VTrak E-Cl ass Q u ick St art Gu id e 6 6. Attac h a two-hole flange to the rail, wi th the flan ge toward the back (connec tor end ) of the enclo su re. Inst all fou r rail adju stment s crews (includ ed) thro ugh the fla nge into the rail. 7. Repea t steps 4 through 6 to att ach t he other rai l and flan ges to the enclos ure.
Step 3: Installi ng Disk Drives 7 S tep 3: Install ing Disk Dri ves Y ou can popula te the VT r ak with SAS or SA T A hard disk driv es. For op timal perfor mance, i nst all phys ical driv es of the same model an d cap acity . The drives ’ matche d perf orm anc e al lows the l ogi ca l drive to functio n better as a single dr ive.
VTrak E-Cl ass Q u ick St art Gu id e 8 AAMUX Adapter If your VT rak has dua l controllers—Fibre Chann el or SAS—and you plan to inst all SA T A drives, y ou must insta ll an AAM UX ad apter w ith ea ch SA T A drive. AAMUX adapters are avai lable from Promise T echn ology .
Step 3: Installi ng Disk Drives 9 Figure 7. Disk driv e mounting h oles in the d rive carrie r Figure 8. SA T A drive mounted in a driv e carrier w ith the requir ed AAMUX adap ter W ARNING: Counter-sink screws only .
VTrak E-Cl ass Q u ick St art Gu id e 10 Figure 9. SAS drive mounted in a drive carrier SAS disk drive.
Step 4: Making Management and Data Connections 11 S tep 4: Making Management and Data Connections For Serial Attach ed SCSI setup, go to p age 16. Fibre Channel VT rak mod els can have one or two RAID controll ers.
VTrak E-Cl ass Q u ick St art Gu id e 12 2. Conne ct each Ho st PC’ s or Serv er ’s stand ard NIC to y our netw ork switc h. Figure 1 1. VT rak E310f SAN da ta and mana gement conne ctions Configu.
Step 4: Making Management and Data Connections 13 Figure 12. VTrak E31 0f DAS data and mana gement conn ections Mgmt UPS 115200 8 N 1 FC 1 FC 2 4 2 1 Gb/s 4 2 1 Gb/s Mgmt UPS 115200 8 N 1 FC 1 FC 2 4 .
VTrak E-Cl ass Q u ick St art Gu id e 14 Configuring JBOD Ex pa ns ion T o exp and the number o f disk dri ves: 1. On the E310f contr oller , connec t the S AS connecto r (a subtra ctive-rout ed port) to C N1 (a ta ble-rou ted port) on the I/O m odule of t he first J 300s unit .
Step 4: Making Management and Data Connections 15 Figure 14. JBOD expansio n with no single point of fa ilure O I O I O I O I O I O I O I O I Mgmt UPS 115200 8 N 1 FC 1 FC 2 4 2 1 Gb/s 4 2 1 Gb/s Mgmt.
VTrak E-Cl ass Q u ick St art Gu id e 16 This co mpletes managem ent an d data connecti ons for VT rak E310f. Go to “ S tep 5 : Mak in g Se rial Cabl e Con nect ions ” on page 22. Serial At t ached SCSI VT rak mod els can have one or two RAID controll ers.
Step 4: Making Management and Data Connections 17 Configuring Direct Att ached Storage Direct attac hed storag e (DAS) requ ires: • T wo SAS HBA cards in the Host PC or Server • A ne twork swit ch.
VTrak E-Cl ass Q u ick St art Gu id e 18 Configuring Cascade d Storage Casc aded stora ge require s: • One SAS HBA card in the Host PC o r Server • A ne twork swit ch • A network i nterface card (NIC) in the Host PC o r Server T o esta blish the dat a path : 1.
Step 4: Making Management and Data Connections 19 Figure 18. VTrak E31 0s cascade d managem ent and data connections Mgmt UPS 115200 8 N 1 Mgmt UPS 115200 8 N 1 Mgmt UPS 115200 8 N 1 O I O I O I O I O.
VTrak E-Cl ass Q u ick St art Gu id e 20 Configuring JBOD Ex pa ns ion T o exp and the number o f disk dri ves: 1. On the E310 s controller , c onnect the SAS exp ansion po rt (a subtra ctive- routed p ort) to the C N1 (a t abl e-routed port) o n one of the I/O modul es of the first J3 00s un it.
Step 4: Making Management and Data Connections 21 Figure 20. JBOD expansi on with no s ingle point of failure This co mpletes Network a nd Data connecti ons for VT rak E310s.
VTrak E-Cl ass Q u ick St art Gu id e 22 S tep 5: Making Serial Cable Connections RS232 s erial co mmunica tion e nables th e Command Line Inte rface (CL I) and Command Line Utility (CLU ) on your PC to monito r and cont rol the VT rak. On VT rak, RS232 co mmunic ation goes through t he RJ1 1 serial co nnector on each controll er .
Step 6: Connect ing the Power 23 S tep 6: Connecting the Power Plug the power co rds and s witch o n both powe r suppl ies on. W hen the power is switche d on, the L EDs on the fro nt of th e VT rak will light up.
VTrak E-Cl ass Q u ick St art Gu id e 24 The Pow er/Activity L ED flash es during drive act ivity . The Di sk S tatus LE D disp lays Gre en when a d rive i s present and confi gured.
Step 7: Setting the IP Address 25 S tep 7: Setting the IP Addr ess VT rak h as a Comm and Line Interface (CLI) to m anage all of its function s, includ ing customiz ation.
VTrak E-Cl ass Q u ick St art Gu id e 26 Setting up with the CLI 1. T ype the follo wing st ring to se t the syst em date a nd time, then press Ent er . admin istrator@cl i> date -a m od -d 2006/ 08/25 -t 14:50:05 In the ab ove exam ple, the date an d time are include d as exam ples on ly .
Step 7: Setting the IP Address 27 Setting up with the CLU 1. At the adminis trato r@ cli> prom pt, type menu and press En ter . The CL U main menu app ears. Figure 24. CLU main menu 2. Wi th Quick Se tup highligh ted, press Enter . The firs t Quick Setup screen e nable s you to make Date and T i me settings.
VTrak E-Cl ass Q u ick St art Gu id e 28 3. T ype the new IP Ad dress. 4. Follow the sam e procedu re to sp ecify the Subnet Ma sk, Gat eway IP Address and DNS Serv er IP Addr ess. If you d o not have a DNS ser ver , skip the DNS Server IP addre ss. 5.
Step 8: Creating Di sk Arr ays with W ebPAM PROe 29 S tep 8: Creating Disk Arrays wi th WebP AM PROe Setting u p disk a rrays with W ebP AM PROe c onsists of the fol lowing act ions: • Logging into .
VTrak E-Cl ass Q u ick St art Gu id e 30 3. When the log-in screen (F igure 21) a ppears: •T y p e administrato r in the User Name field. •T y p e passw ord in the Password field . • Click the Login butt on. The Us er Name an d Passw ord are cas e sensitiv e.
Step 8: Creating Di sk Arr ays with W ebPAM PROe 31 Selecting a Language Web P AM PROe dis plays in English, G erman, Frenc h, Itali an, Jap anese, C hinese T radit ional, Chinese Si mple, and Korean. 1. C lick Language on the W ebP AM PROe banner . The lang uage l ist appea rs in the Header .
VTrak E-Cl ass Q u ick St art Gu id e 32 Figure 27. The Array Configuratio n menu Automatic When yo u choose the Aut omatic o ption, the followi ng para meters ap pear on the screen: • Disk Arra ys .
Step 8: Creating Di sk Arr ays with W ebPAM PROe 33 Expres s When yo u choo se the Ex press opt ion, a set of cha racteristi cs and o ptions appears on the sc reen.
VTrak E-Cl ass Q u ick St art Gu id e 34 Advanced When yo u choose the Adv ance d opti on, the Ste p 1 – Di sk Array C re ati on s cre en displ ays. 1. Enter a na me for the disk array in the fi eld provi ded. 2. Check the box to enable the fol lowing feat ures.
Step 8: Creating Di sk Arr ays with W ebPAM PROe 35 1 1. Choos e a Read Cache pol icy: • ReadCac he • ReadAh ead •N o C a c h e 12. C hoose a Wr ite Cach e policy : • Write Thru •W r i t e B a c k 13. Ch oose the Pre ferred Contro ller ID. Y ou can make a selecti on when LU N Af finity is enabled .
VTrak E-Cl ass Q u ick St art Gu id e 36 Contacting T echnical Support Promise T echnical Supp ort provide s several s upport option s for Promise use rs to acces s informat ion and u pdates. W e enc ourage yo u to use o ne of o ur electron ic servic es, whi ch prov ide p roduct inform ation u pdates for the most ef ficien t serv ice and sup port.
Contacting Technical Support 37 The Netherlands Germany It aly Email S upport e-Support O n-Line Fax Support +31 (0) 40 2 56 9463 Attn : T echnica l Support Phone Suppo rt +31 (0) 40 2 35 2600 If you wish to write us for su pport : Promise T echno logy Europ e B.
VTrak E-Cl ass Q u ick St art Gu ide 38 Ta i w a n China Email S upport e-Support O n-Line Fax Support +886 3 578 2390 Attn: T echnical Support Phone Suppo rt +886 3 578 2395 (e xt. 881 1) If you wish to write us for su pport : Promise T ec hnology , Inc.
デバイスPromise Technology VTrackの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Promise Technology VTrackをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPromise Technology VTrackの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Promise Technology VTrackの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Promise Technology VTrackで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Promise Technology VTrackを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPromise Technology VTrackの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Promise Technology VTrackに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPromise Technology VTrackデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。