Psion Teklogixメーカー8515の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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I S O 9001 Certified Quality Managem ent System 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Ma nual May 4, 2007 P a rt No. 8000132.A.
© Copyright 2007 by Psi on T eklogix Inc., Mississauga, Ontario This document and the info rmation i t contains is the property of Psion T eklogix Inc.
Return-T o-F actory Warr anty Psion T eklogix Inc. pr ovides a r eturn to fac tory warrant y on this pr oduct for a per iod of twelve (12) months in accor dance with the St atement of Limit ed W arranty and Limitation of Liabilit y provided at www .psiont eklogix.
Restri ction On Hazard ous Substa nces (RoHS) Directiv e 2002/95/ EC What is RoHS? The European Union has mandated that high environmen tal standa rds be met in the design and manufa cture of elec tronic a nd electr ical product s sold in Europe, to redu ce hazardous substances from enteri ng the environment.
T ABLE OF C ON TENTS Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual i Approvals And Safety Su mmary ............. .......... ...... i x C E M a r k i n g .............. .......... .......... ........... x i R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC ...
Contents ii Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual 2 . 9 . 2 . 2 E A P C r e d e n t i a l s ............. .................... ............. .......2 5 2 . 9 . 2 . 3 T h i r d P a r t y C o n f i g .................. ..............
Contents Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual iii 3 . 1 2 . 3 C l e a n i n g T h e 8 5 1 5 .............. ............. .................... ..............4 4 Chapter 4: Window s Embedded CE 5.0 4 . 1 N a v i g a t i n g I n W i n d o w s E m b e d d e d C E 5 .
Contents iv Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual 5 . 6 . 4 . 1 R e c o r d i n g A n d S a v i n g A M a c r o ... .............. ............. .......7 6 5 . 6 . 4 . 2 E x e c u t i n g A M a c r o .......... ............. ......
Contents Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual v 5 . 1 3 . 3 P a r t i t i o n M a n a g e m e n t ........... .................... ............. ............. 1 0 0 5 . 1 3 . 3 . 1 D i s m o u n t i n g A P a r t i t i o n .......
Contents vi Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual Chapter 6 : Periphera l Devices & A ccessories 6 . 1 E x t e r n a l B a r C o d e R e a d e r s.. ...... ..... ......... ..... ...... ...... ........ ...... . 1 2 5 6 . 1 . 1 E n t e r i n g D a t a W i t h T h e B a r C o d e R e a d e r .
Contents Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual vii Appendix B: Port P inouts B . 1 S e r i a l P o r t I n t e r f a c e P i n o u t ( D B - 9 m a l e ). ............. .................... ............. B - 1 B.2 Enhanced USB1 Port Int erface Pinout .
Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual ix A PPROVALS A ND S AFETY S UMMARY C E M a r k i n g .............. ............. ............. x i R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC .................. ............ . x i F C C I n f o r m a t i o n T o U s e r s .
x Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual.
Chapter : Approvals And Safety Summary Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual xi CE Marking When used in a re sidenti al, commercial or light in dustria l environment the produc t and it s approved UK a nd European peri pherals ful fil all require ments for CE mar king.
Chapter : Approvals And Safety Summary xii Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Tämä laite vast aa EU:n radio- ja telepäät elaitedi rektiivin (EU R&TTE Directive 1999/ 5/EC) vaatimuksi a. (Julki lausuma nähtävi llä osoit teessa: www .
Chapter : Approvals And Safety Summary Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual xiii This device complies with Pa rt 15 of the FCC Rule s. Operati on is subjec t to the fol lowing two conditi ons: 1. This dev ice may not c ause harmful i nterf erence, an d 2.
Chapter : Approvals And Safety Summary xiv Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Emissi ons In formatio n F or Canad a This Class B digital apparatus meets all requir ements of the Canadian Interfere nce-Causing Equipment Regul ations.
Chapter : Approvals And Safety Summary Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual xv • Make sure the cord is pos itione d so that it is not s tepped on, tripped ov er or ot herwise subjected to damage or stress . • An extens ion cord shoul d not be used unl ess absol utely neces sary .
Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 1 I NTRODUCTION 1 1.1 About This Manu al . . . ............. .................. . 3 1.2 T ext Conventions ................. .................. . 4 1.3 About The 8515 V ehicle-Mount Comput er ..
2 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual.
Chapter 1: Introduction About This Manual Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 3 1.1 About This Manu al This manual des cribes how to c onfigur e, operate and mainta in the Ps ion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Compute r . Chapter 1: “Intro duction” provides a b asic over view of the 8515 V ehicle-Mount Comput er .
Chapter 1: Introduction Te x t C o n v e n t i o n s 4 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual 1.2 T ext Conventions 1.3 About The 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer The 8515 is a rug gedized ve hicle-mou nt computer , running the Microsoft W indows Embed- ded CE 5.
Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 5 B ASIC C HECKOU T 2 2.1 Pre paring The 8515 For Operation . ................... ....... 7 2.2 8515 Sa fety Instr uctions . ............. .................. . 7 2 . 3 I m p o r t a n t O p e r a t i n g I n s t r u c t i o n s .
6 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual.
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Preparing The 8515 For Op eration Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 7 2.1 Preparing The 8515 F or Oper at ion T ypically the 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer i s config ured at th e factory a nd arrives r eady for use.
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Imp ortan t Ope rat ing Instr ucti ons 8 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual 2.3 Import ant Oper ating Instructions Backup Battery The vehicle -mount backup bat tery provide s one hour o f memory backup.
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Calibra ting Th e T ouchscree n Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 9 2.5 Calib r ating The T ouchscreen Before usin g your 8515, yo u will need to c alibra te the touchs creen. Refer t o “Calibrating The T ouchscreen” on page 38 for detai ls.
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Setting Up The Model RA2040 802.11g Radio 10 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual Figure 2.1 Network And Dial-Up Conne ctions 2. Choose t he radio icon t o open the W ir eless LAN Settings window—in the sample scre en be low , t his is lab elle d PTXCF838 .
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Setting Up The Model RA2040 802.11g Radio Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 11 Figure 2.3 W ireless Stat istics Choosing the Zer o b utto n res ets the s tatis tic s of th e las t four ite ms— Packets IN, Packet s OUT , IN e rr ors and OUT err ors .
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Setting Up The Model RA2040 802.11g Radio 12 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual default, t he 8515 attempt s to conne ct to prefer red net works. This behavi our can be changed by enabling ‘Aut omatically connect t o non-pr eferr ed networks’ in th e Advanced dialog box ( page 16 ).
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Setting Up The Model RA2040 802.11g Radio Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 13 TKIP (T emporal Key Integrit y Protocol ) is an encr yption protoc ol included a s part of the IEEE 802.1 1 standard f or wireless LANs.
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Setting Up The Model RA2040 802.11g Radio 14 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual T o assign a Network key , tap in the checkbox next to ‘ The key is pr ovided auto- matically’ to r emove the check mar k next to thi s option.
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Assigning An IP Addres s Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 15 The connecti on you created will be l isted in th e W ir eless Inform ation ta b as a pre- ferred ne twork. The ra dio will sear ch for the SSI D and will comp are the WEP and authen tication i nformati on you specifie d.
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Name Servers T ab 16 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual • T ap on each fi eld, and type an IP , Subnet Mask and Defaul t Gateway address. T ap on OK to save your infor mation. 2.7.2 Nam e Serv ers T ab •I n t h e IP Infor mation ta b, tap on the Configur e button.
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Setting Up The Model RA2041 Radi o SCU Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 17 Figure 2.10 Advanced W ireless Settings 2.7. 3.1 Rearranging Prefer red Ne tworks The 8515 at tempts to c onnect with the net works l isted in this dial og box in s equence, begi n- ning at the top of th e list .
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Assigning T he IP Addres s 18 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual 2.8.1 Assigning The IP Address Before laun ching the SCU , you need to configur e how the IP addre ss will b e obtained. • T ap on S tart>Settings>Network and Dial-up Connect ions.
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Using The SCU T o Connect T o The WLAN Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 19 • T ap on the New button to de fine a new confi g (profi le) . • T ype a name for your conf iguration us ing any al pha-numeric co mbination to uni quely iden tify t his config .
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout SCU T a bs 20 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual When you tap on th e config y ou creat ed, the Summit DC-802.1 1 SC CF radio module (Model RA2041) at tempts to connect to th e network us ing thes e steps: - Associa te to the SSID.
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Config T ab Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 21 • Active Config : Lists the n ame(s) of the active c onfigura tion profi le(s) which a re referre d to a s confi gs . When a config is chosen fr om the Active Conf ig dropdown menu, the sett ings for that config become active.
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Config T ab 22 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual • Radio Attribut es: Lists radi o attribute s. These attr ibutes c an be individ ually cho sen from this menu .
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Config T ab Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 23 • EAP-T ype & Encryption: Security se ttings .
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Config T ab 24 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual • 802.1X authent ication usi ng pre-sh ared keys or an EAP type, requ ired for WP A2 and WP A. • Data encrypt ion and decryp tion using WP A2 AES, WP A TKIP or WEP .
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Global Setting s T ab Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 25 EAP Cred entia ls Keep the fol lowing in mind when de fining s ecurity set tings: .
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Global Setting s T ab 26 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual Figure 2.15 SCU Global Settings Menu The Global Setti ngs outli ned in the ta ble belo w can be edited i n the SCU: Ta b l e 2 .
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Global Setting s T ab Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 27 Ping T imeout ms Amount of time in millisecond s that passes without a r esponse before ping request is consi dered a failure. Integer from 0 t o 30000 5000 Ping Delays ms A mount of t ime in milliseconds between successive ping requests.
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Status T ab 28 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual 2.9.4 Stat us T ab Figure 2.16 SCU Status Menu The S tatus tab provi des status i nformati on includi.
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Resetting The 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 29 • (Re)Connect: Enables/Di sables the radio, appl ies/r eapplies cu rrent c onfig and tr ies to associat e and aut henticate to the wireless LAN, logging a ll activi ty in the output area at bottom of the dialog box.
Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 31 G ETTING T O K NOW T HE 8515 3 3.1 Feature s Of The 8515 . . ................... ............ 3 3 3 . 2 T h e I n t e r n a l B a c k u p B a t t e r y .............................. 3 4 3 .
32 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual 3 . 1 2 . 1 P o r t s ......................... .............. 4 3 3 . 1 2 . 2 C a r i n g F o r T h e T o u c h s c r e e n .................. ........ 4 4 3.12.3 Cleaning The 8515 ........
Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8515 Features Of The 8515 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 33 3.1 F eatures Of The 8515 Figure 3.
Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8515 The In tern al Ba ckup B atter y 34 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual 3.2 The Internal Backup Ba ttery The 8515 vehicle- mount is equipped wit h an interna l battery that will provide bac kup power to the unit for up to 30 seconds of n ormal operati on.
Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8515 The Ke ys Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 35 3.4. 1.2 Locki ng Modi fier Keys When a modifier key is press ed twice, it is ‘locke d’ on. A ‘locked’ modifier key is displayed in uppercas e lett ers in the t askbar .
Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8515 Function Keys And Macro Keys 36 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual The [BKSP] Key The [BKSP] key (so metimes ref erred to as destructi ve backspace) moves the cur sor one characte r to the left, er asing the i ncorrec tly entered key stro ke.
Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8515 Macro Keys Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 37 Acces sing F uncti on Key s [F1] to [F10] Function keys [F1] to [ F10] can be dir ectly acces sed by pre ssing th e function ke ys label led in yellow along t he sides of the display .
Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8515 The Ke ypad B acklig ht 38 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual 3.5.3 The Keypa d Backlight The intensi ty of the key pad backli ght and the con ditions under which thi s backli ght is acti - vated can be conf igured us ing the Keyboar d icon in the Contr ol Panel .
Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8515 8515 Indicators Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 39 Figure 3.4 Sty lus P roperties Menu: Calibration T ab • Follow the di recti ons on the cali bration scr een to ca librate t he scree n.
Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8515 Onscreen Indic ators 40 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual Windows Start Button Y ou can display the S tart Menu by tappi ng on the Sta r t button in the ta skbar .
Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8515 Audio Indicators Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 41 3.7.3 Audio In dica tors The 8515 be eper pr ovides a variet y of sounds and c an be .
Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8515 T roubleshooting 42 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual 3.8. 3 Troub lesho oting If the sc anner is not working, inve stigat e the follo wing: • Is the 8515 o n? • Check tha t the scanner setti ngs are corr ectly co nfigured (see “Sca nner Setting s” on page 109 ).
Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8515 Connecting An 8515 T o A Windows 2000 Or XP PC Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 43 3.10 Connecting An 8515 T o A W indows 200 0 Or XP PC A.
Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8515 Caring For The T ouchscreen 44 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual 3.12.2 Caring F or The T ouchscreen The top of th e touchsc reen is a thin, flexi ble poly ester plas tic shee t with a conduct ive coating on the ins ide.
Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 45 W INDOWS E MBEDD ED CE 5.0 4 4 . 1 N a v i g a t i n g I n W i n d o w s E m b e d d e d C E 5 . 0 A n d A p p l i c a t i o n s ............ 4 7 4 . 1 . 1 N a v i g a t i n g U s i n g A T o u c h s c r e e n A n d S t y l u s .
46 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual.
Chapter 4: Windows Embedded CE 5.0 Navig atin g In W indows Embe dded CE 5.0 And A pplic ation s Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 47 4.1 Nav igating In Windows Embe dded CE 5.0 And Appl ications Graphic user interfac es like W indows Embedded CE 5.
Chapter 4: Windows Embedded CE 5.0 W orking With Files, Folders And Programs 48 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual been full y configur ed and your appl ication is launched at startup , you’ll h ave littl e need for keyboard navi gation.
Chapter 4: Windows Embedded CE 5.0 The Startup Desktop Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 49 • Double-tap o n the appr opriate ic on—either a f older i con, an applic ation icon or a file icon—to ope n or launch your selection .
Chapter 4: Windows Embedded CE 5.0 The D esktop I cons 50 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual 4.3.1 The Deskt op Icons The icons di splayed i n the start up deskt op operate in much the same wa y as those displayed on any standa rd PC deskto p that is run ning W indows.
Chapter 4: Windows Embedded CE 5.0 The T askb ar Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 51 The taskbar also dis plays activ e modifier keys —[SHIFT], [AL T], [CTRL], [BLUE] and [ORANGE]. Keys that hav e been locked “o n” are displa yed in upper case letters.
Chapter 4: Windows Embedded CE 5.0 The Sta rt Menu 52 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual • T ap the stylus on t he items you want to activ ate or de activate. A che ck mark indicat es active i tems. 4.4 The Start Menu The S tart Menu lists the opera tions you can a ccess and work with.
Chapter 4: Windows Embedded CE 5.0 Security Le vel Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 53 Figure 4.6 Security L evel Menu Assigning The Superv isor Security Level The securit y level is represented by an icon in the sha pe of a lock in the taskbar .
Chapter 4: Windows Embedded CE 5.0 Programs 54 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual Figure 4.7 Securi ty Settings 4.4.3 Prog r ams • T ap on Programs to display a sub-menu of opti ons.
Chapter 4: Windows Embedded CE 5.0 Short cut s Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 55 Summit The Summit fo lder provi des acces s to the SCU (Summit Cl ient Utility) . The SCU is the utilit y you will need t o configure t he Summit 802.
Chapter 4: Windows Embedded CE 5.0 Short cuts 56 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual The Syst em T ray If your touchsc reen is not enab led, you can use the System T ray option to access the icons in the taskba r at the b ottom of the screen.
Chapter 4: Windows Embedded CE 5.0 Settings Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 57 4.4.5 Settings • T ap on Settings to displa y a sub-menu o f options. Figure 4.11 Settings List Contr ol P anel The Contr ol Panel conta ins appl ets used to co nfigure hardware, t he operati ng system and the shell .
Chapter 4: Windows Embedded CE 5.0 Shutdow n 58 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual Figure 4.12 R un Dialog 4.4.7 Shu tdown Choosing Shutd own display s a sub-menu of options, in cluding Suspend , W arm Reset and Cold Reset . Figure 4.
Chapter 4: Windows Embedded CE 5.0 Using A Dialog Box Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 59 Wa r m R e s et The W arm Reset opt ion res ets the 8515, l eaving all s aved fil es and (regi stry) set tings i ntact. Any unsaved dat a is los t.
Chapter 4: Windows Embedded CE 5.0 Using A Dialog Box 60 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual Dialog boxes contain o ne or more of the following el ements: Ta b : A tab separates dif ferent elements of a dialog box. T ap on a tab t o display th e associ - ated info rmation.
Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 61 C ONFIG UR ATION 5 5.1 Remote Desktop Connection ....................... ...... 6 5 5 . 2 P o c k e t P C C o m p a t i b i l i t y ................... ............ 6 5 5 . 3 T h e C o n t r o l P a n e l .
62 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual 5 . 8 . 2 S u s p e n d ........... ............. .............. 8 3 5 . 8 . 3 A d v a n c e d P o w e r P r o p e r t i e s...... ................... .. 8 4 5 . 8 . 4 D e v i c e s ........
Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 63 5 . 1 5 I n p u t P a n e l ............. ............. ............ 1 0 5 5.16 IPv 6 Support ......................... ............ 1 0 8 5 . 1 7 S c a n n e r S e t t i n g s .......... ..
64 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual.
Chapter 5: Configuration Remote Desktop Conne ction Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 65 5.1 Remote Desktop Connection Remote Desktop Conn ection is a n 8515 appl ication use d to conne ct to a W indows T erminal Server so t hat you ca n run a “sessi on” on the Server mac hine, usin g the 8515 (W indows Em- bedded CE 5.
Chapter 5: Configuration Contro l Panel I cons 66 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual Figure 5.1 Control P anel 5.4 Control P ane l Icons The Control Panel provides a group of i cons that allo w you to customize an d adjust set tings on your 8515.
Chapter 5: Configuration Contro l Panel Ico ns Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 67 Certi ficates A public key i s transmi tted as par t of a certi ficate. The c ertif icate assi gned through t his icon is use d to ensure th at the s ubmitted publi c key is, in fa ct, the p ublic key that belongs to t he submitt er .
Chapter 5: Configuration Contro l Panel I cons 68 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual Network And Di al-up Connecti ons Displays a n etwork windo w from which th e 8515 radio can be config ured and an exis t- ing config uration can be execute d.
Chapter 5: Configuration Contro l Panel Ico ns Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 69 SNMP SNMP (Simple Net work Management Protoc ol) is the p rotocol used to monitor and manage devices attached t o a TCP/IP net work.
Chapter 5: Configuration Display Properties 70 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual 5.5 Display P roperties •I n t h e Control Panel , choos e the Display i con. Figure 5.2 Display Icon 5.5.1 Di splay B ackground The Background tab al lows you to adjust the 85 15 displa y backgroun d.
Chapter 5: Configuration Display Backlight Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 71 Figure 5.4 Appearance T ab This dialo g box allows you t o customize the display colour sc heme and font size.
Chapter 5: Configuration Keyboard Properties 72 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual Intensity This parame ter is used to adjus t the light intensity of the backlight . Sliding the bar to the le ft lowers the light i ntensit y , and sliding it to the r ight ra ises th e intensit y .
Chapter 5: Configuration Backli ght Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 73 Figure 5.7 R epeat T ab Enable Ch ar acter Repe at T apping in the checkb ox next to thi s option e nables the ke y behaviour you s pecify i n this dialog box.
Chapter 5: Configuration One Shots 74 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual Figure 5.8 Backlight T ab Intensity This paramet er is used to adjust t he light in tensit y of the 8515 keyb oard backl ight.
Chapter 5: Configuration Macro Keys Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 75 The options in this tab allows yo u to dete rmine how modif ier keys on y our 8515 beh ave.
Chapter 5: Configuration Macro Keys 76 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual A macro has 200 pr ogrammable ch aracters ( or “posi tions”).
Chapter 5: Configuration Unicode Mapping Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 77 Macro Keys [M1] And [M2] These keys ar e displa yed in black pr int on the bot tom row of execut able keys on the keyboard. Thes e macro keys a re accessed by simply pr essing the ke y .
Chapter 5: Configuration Scancode Remapping 78 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual Ad ding And C hangi ng U nicod e V alue s • T ap on the Add/Change button.
Chapter 5: Configuration Scancode Remapping Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 79 defines ke y presses that occur whe n the [ORANGE] mod ifier is o n; the Blue tab le defines key presses tha t occur when the [BLUE] modifier is on.
Chapter 5: Configuration Lock Sequence 80 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual • T ype the scan code in hexideci mal in the fi eld labe lled Scancode: 5.
Chapter 5: Configuration V olume And Sound Properties Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 81 Figure 5.16 Loc k Sequence T ab Enabl e Key Lo ck Se quence Once the key l ock sequenc e is enabled, t he foll owing options b ecome avail able: - A popup message can be displa yed when the keyboar d is locked and a key is pressed.
Chapter 5: Configuration Vo l u m e A d j u s t m e n t s 82 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual 5.7.1 V olume Adjustment s Figure 5.18 V olume T ab • Slide the vol ume button upward to increas e the beeper vol ume or downward to de crease the beeper volume.
Chapter 5: Configuration Battery Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 83 5.8.1 B attery The Battery tab displ ays the sta tus of th e internal battery in y our unit.
Chapter 5: Configuration Advanced Pow er Properties 84 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual When the 8 515 is idle—not recei ving any u ser i nput (a key touc h, a scan, etc.) or syst em ac- tivity ( serial dat a, an act ivity init iated by an ap plicat ion, etc.
Chapter 5: Configuration Devices Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 85 5.8.4 Dev ice s Figure 5.23 Devices T ab Slot P o wer S tatus This tab al lows you to enabl e or disable power to the CF sl ot in your unit.
Chapter 5: Configuration Sett ing D oubl e-T ap Sensi tivi ty 86 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual 5.9.1 Setting Double-T ap Sensitivity •I n t h e Double-T ap tab, follow the dir ections to t ailor the s ensitivit y of the stylus when you tap on the touchscr een.
Chapter 5: Configuration Dis abl ing Th e T ouchs cr ee n Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 87 5.9.3 Di sabling The T ouchscreen Figure 5.27 T ouch T ab • T ap on the checkbox next to Disable the touch panel . The tou chscreen will not acce pt screen ta ps.
Chapter 5: Configuration T rigger Mappings 88 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual Figure 5.29 Manage T riggers Menu 5.10.1 T rigger Mappings A trigger mapping is an associat ion between a part icular key on the keyboa rd and a driver or applicat ion, the “ owner(s)” of t he trigger source.
Chapter 5: Configuration Add And Edi t T rigger Mapping Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 89 Edit T apping this butto n brings up the Edit mapping dial og box, so that you can edit exi sting trigger mapp ings. Remove T apping this butto n removes an e xisting mappi ng.
Chapter 5: Configuration Certificate As signment 90 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual T rigger T ype Y ou can enable eith er an Up/Down or Double Click response to a tri gger press. Nor mally , when a trigg er (keyboa rd key , etc.
Chapter 5: Configuration Bluetooth Setup Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 91 Figure 5.32 Certificates Menu For a deta iled de scription about Cer tific ate setup fo r both the server and cl ient-side devices (8515s), re fer to t he following we bsite: www.
Chapter 5: Configuration The Devic es T ab 92 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual The Bluetooth Manager dialog box is used to di splay the ot her Bluetooth devices with which you can co mmunicate. 5.12.1 The Dev ices T ab Figure 5.
Chapter 5: Configuration The Devi ces T ab Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 93 The Act iv e col umn indica tes whethe r any servic e is act ivated for t hat device. W hen a service i s activate d, the devi ce is displ ayed in the li st even when it is not detecte d during the s can .
Chapter 5: Configuration The Devic es T ab 94 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual T o add a servic e to t he Outgoing port , an acti ve servi ce must first be deacti vated.
Chapter 5: Configuration The Se rvers T ab Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 95 5.12.2 The Servers T ab Figure 5.36 Servers The Bluetooth connecti on is init iated from your 8515 to th e remote device —therefor e the 8515 is call ed the ‘c lient’ and the remot e is calle d the ‘server’.
Chapter 5: Configuration Active Connec tions T ab 96 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual Outgoing Port acts as a seri al port that can be used to connect to a list of Blue to oth devices (one at a t ime), but you have the fre edom to swi tch o n-th e-f ly .
Chapter 5: Configuration Properties T ab Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 97 flects t he actual l ist of connec tions. The Ty p e co lumn of the tabl e shows ‘ACL ’ or ‘SCO’. The Connect ion list t able shows the connecti ons for scanni ng and the service connections.
Chapter 5: Configuration Storage Ma nager 98 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual 5.13 Storage Manager The Stor age Manager allows the user to view information about the storage devices that are present i n the 8515, such a s the Compact Flash card.
Chapter 5: Configuration Creating Part itions Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 99 5.13.2 Creating P artitions Once the car d is formatte d, new partiti ons can be c reated in i t. The default is to creat e one partiti on that o ccupies the whol e card, but a ca rd can be di vided in to more than one pa rtiti on if desir ed.
Chapter 5: Configuration Partition Mana gement 100 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual The new parti tion is aut omatically mount ed.
Chapter 5: Configuration Pa rtit ion Ma nage men t Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 101 4. Press t he Format button. The Format dia log appears: Figure 5.
Chapter 5: Configuration T ota l Recall 102 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual 3. Press the Mount button. The part ition is mount ed. The asteri sk appear s next to it s name in the pa rtitions l ist. The Partition Pr operties dial og has buttons f or addition al funct ions.
Chapter 5: Configuration Creating A Backup Profil e Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 103 5.14 .1.1 Profil e Info rmati on Figure 5.47 P rofile Information Dialog This dialo g box lists t he possib le storage de stinat ions for the profil e file.
Chapter 5: Configuration Creatin g A Backup Profile 104 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual • T ap on Next to display the next d ialog box— Add Files .
Chapter 5: Configuration Restoring A Profil e Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 105 Figure 5.51 V iew Selections • T ap on Next to perform th e operation. 5.14.1 .4 P erfo rming The Bac kup Figure 5.52 Backup Dialog • T ap on Backup to start the proces s and crea te a profil e.
Chapter 5: Configuration Input Panel 106 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual T apping on the Input Pa nel butt on displays a s oft inp ut panel (sof t keyboar d) that can b e custo mized using the Input Panel dia log box. Figure 5.
Chapter 5: Configuration Input Panel Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 107 Figure 5.54 Soft K eyboard The soft keyb oard oper ates just l ike a standar d keyboar d except that rather than pressi ng a key , you tap on letters, number s, modifier ke ys, etc.
Chapter 5: Configuration IPv6 Supp ort 108 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual Figure 5.56 Soft K eyboard Options 5.16 IPv6 Support The IPv6 Support icon in t he C ontr ol Panel a llows you to ac tivate IPv6 network suppo rt on your un it.
Chapter 5: Configuration Scanne r Settin gs Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 109 5.17 Scanner Setting s The T eklogix Scanners ico n in the Cont rol Pane l provides di alog boxes in which you can tailor b ar code option s and change the port s settings .
Chapter 5: Configuration Scanne r Settin gs Opti ons T a b 110 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual Figure 5.60 Scanner Settings Options 5.17.2 .1 Double Click Click Time (msec) This paramet er controls the maximum gap t ime (in millisec onds) for a double-cl ick.
Chapter 5: Configuration T ranslat io ns T ab Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 111 Scan I ndicato r When thi s para meter is e nabled, the la ser warning logo ap pears o n the d isplay whenev er the scanner is activa ted.
Chapter 5: Configuration T ran slatio ns T ab 112 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual Figure 5.61 T ranslations •I n t h e T ranslations tab, choo se the Case # to c reate r ules. Figure 5.62 Cases • Double-tap o n a No rule item in the dropd own list to di splay th e rules.
Chapter 5: Configuration Ports T ab Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 113 Figure 5.64 Case R ule Definitions 5.17.3 .1 Case Rule s The case rul es are de fined as fol lows: • No rule —igno red. • Match at index —matches t he match stri ng at a sp ecified in dex.
Chapter 5: Configuration Ports T ab 114 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual 5.17.4 .1 Serial P ort (CO M 1) Figure 5.65 Serial P ort Settings Enabled This para mete r mu st be set to on in order f or the 8515 to recogniz e the devi ce connected to the seri al port.
Chapter 5: Configuration SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Setup Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 115 Data Bits This paramet er determ ines the number o f bits for t he data g oing thr ough this port . Double- tapping on t his option di splays a pop-u p window in whic h you can choose ei ther 7 o r 8 data bits .
Chapter 5: Configuration Contacts T ab 116 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual ment S tatio n can acc ess. Each product has a defi ned set of MIBs that determin e how SNMP operates, the type o f access allowed etc.
Chapter 5: Configuration Communities T ab Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 117 5.18.2 Communities T ab Figure 5.73 Communities Options The Communities tab pr ovides a means of limiting ac cess to SNMP managed devices to those SNMP Managers wit h matching “communit y names”, as spec ified b y RFC 1 157.
Chapter 5: Configuration T rap Destination T ab 118 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual 5.18.2 .3 Modifying A C ommunit y Setting T o modify an existing community: • Highli ght the communi ty you want to a lter . • T ap on Change .
Chapter 5: Configuration T rap Destination T ab Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 119 Enabling Authentication TRAPS Checking Enable Aut hentication TRAPS all ows author ization tr aps to be sent when a failure is detecte d (e.
Chapter 5: Configuration Permitted Hosts T ab 120 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual • T ap on the Remove button. A Delete Co nfirmation screen i s displayed. • T o remove a destination, t ap on Ye s , or • If you deci de not to remove t he dest ination, tap on No .
Chapter 5: Configuration Permitte d Hosts T ab Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 121 • Highli ght the IP addr ess you want to a lter in th e Permitted Hos ts tab, and th en tap on the Change button. A dialog box l ike the one dis played when you add a host is display ed.
Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 123 P ERIPHER AL D EV ICES & A CCESSORIES 6 6 . 1 E x t e r n a l B a r C o d e R e a d e r s .................. ............ 1 2 5 6 . 1 . 1 E n t e r i n g D a t a W i t h T h e B a r C o d e R e a d e r .
124 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual.
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories Externa l Bar Code Rea ders Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 125 6.1 External Bar Code Read ers The 8515 support s these external de coded scann er types: • 1D Scanner . • 2D Sta ndard Range Ras ter Laser Sca nner (PDF417).
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories Linking An 8515 T o An Ethernet Network 126 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual 6.3 Linking An 8515 T o An Ethernet Network A USB-Ethernet a daptor ca ble—model number W A4010-G1—is use d to connec t the 8515 to an Ether net network.
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories 8515 Mounting Accessories: Installing The RAM Mounting Kit Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 127 Before mounting an 8515 in a vehicl e, there are a number o f operator saf ety issues that require careful att ention.
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories Component Part Numbers 128 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual ance (see Appe ndix A: “Suppor t Services / W orldwide Offi ces” ). Note also that for bett er protect ion, the equipment should be mounted inside the vehi cle roll cage.
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories MT33XX RAM M ounting Kit Spe cifications Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 129 6.4.2 MT3 3XX RAM Mo unting Kit Sp ecificati ons Max. Load: 15kg Articulat ing Range: Spherical through 1 80 degrees.
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories Prepar atio n 130 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual Figure 6.3 Bolt Hole P attern For RA M Circular Base 6.4.3 Preparation The RAM artic ulating mount c an be instal led in a v ariety of or ientat ions (s ee Figure 6.
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories Preparation Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 131 Figure 6.5 T ightening T ool P/N 9000594 The mounting pla tform on whi ch you secure t he vehicle- mount must be st rong enough to support 25 k g.
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories Insta llat ion 132 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual 6.4.4 Instal lation Figure 6.
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories Install ation Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 133 Figure 6.7 Mounting Bracket Attached T o The 8515 2. Secur e the RAM Base to the loc al platform and att ach RAM S tandard Arm: Use the suppl ied bolt hole patter n to dri ll the requi red holes i n the loca l platfor m.
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories Position ing The V ehicle-Mount 134 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual Figure 6.8 RAM V esa B ase RAM Circular Base 6.4.5 P ositioning Th e V ehicle -Mount Place the 8 515 into t he position b est corr espondin g to the RAM hardwa re used (see Figur e 6.
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories Optional Moun t Kits Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 135 Figure 6.9 Circular Base and V esa Base Mount Orientations 6.4.6 Optional M ount Kits One of t he mounti ng kits s hown in Figure 6.
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer Installations 136 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual Figure 6.
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories Non-V e hicle Ins talla tions Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 137 6.5.2 N on-V ehicle Installa tions Using AC power , the 8515 V ehicle-Mo unt Computer can be mounted at f ixed locati ons ad- jacent t o cross-dock do ors, manufac turing stat ions, or in off ices.
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories W iring V ehicle P ower T o The 8515 138 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual 1. Attach the pre- regula tor cable wit h male connector to t he Psion T eklogix exte nsion power cable P/ N 13985-302, which ha s been ins talled on t he vehicle.
Chapter 6: Peripheral Devices & Accessories W iring V ehicle P ower T o The 8515 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 139 Figure 6.12 Connec tions T o V ehicle DC Supply T o connect the diode, push t he male connect or on the diode a ssembly i nto the female conne ctor on th e positive ( r ed) lead of the power cabl e.
Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 141 S PECIFICATIONS 7 7.1 8515 V ehic le-Mount Comput er Specific ations . . .................. 1 4 3 7 . 2 C o l o u r D i s p l a y ............ ................... ...... 1 4 4 7.3 Keyboa rd .
142 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual.
Chapter 7: Specificat ions 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer Specifications Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 143 7.1 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer Specifications Size 203 mm x 209 mm x 50 mm (7.99"x 8 .23" x 1.97" ) We ig h t Approximately 1.
Chap ter 7 : Sp ecif icatio ns Colour Display 144 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual One USB V 1.1 device por t Allows 8515 to appear as USB peripheral t o USB host co mputer Data rate : 12 Mbps; >5 0 Kbps ActiveSync t hrough- put Approvals Safety UL 60950-1, CAN/CSA-C22 .
Chapter 7: Specificat ions Extern al Pow er Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 145 Function Keys 10 dedicat ed function ke ys Key Illuminat ion Adjustabl e backlight 7.4 Ext ernal P ower Power Input r ange 10 VDC to 30 VDC Power Output ra nge 5 VDC, 6A (max 30W) 7.
Chap ter 7 : Sp ecif icatio ns Radio Specifica tions 146 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual Data Rates 802.1 1g: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps 802.1 1b: 1, 2, 5.5, 1 1 Mbps Model R A2041: Sum mit DC 80 2.11 SC CF radio Direct Sequ ence Sprea d Spectrum (DSSS) ra dio.
Chapter 7: Specificat ions External Bar Code Scanner s Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual 147 7.7 External Bar Code Scanners Supported T ypes Decoded scanners: 1D, 2D S tandard Range Raster Laser , 2D Imager , RFID. (Refer to “Ports T ab” on page 1 13 for details.
Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual A-1 A PPENDIX A S UPPORT S ERV ICES / W ORLDWIDE O FFICES Psion T eklogix provi des a comple te range of pr oduct sup port servic es to its cu stomers worldwide. Thes e servic es include t echnical sup port and pr oduct repai rs.
A-2 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual Appen dix A: Su pport Serv ices / Wor ldwid e Of fice s Worldwide Offi ces A.3 Worldwide Offices A.3.1 Company Headq uarte rs Psion T eklogix Inc. 2100 Meadowvale Boul evard Mississauga Ontario Canada L5N 7J9 T el: +1 905 813 9900 Fax: +1 905 812 6300 E-mail: salescdn@psi on.
Appendix A: Support Services / Worldwide Offices Inte rnat ional Subs idiar ies Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual A-3 A.3.4 Inter nati onal S ubs idiar ies See also www.
Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual B-1 B.1 Serial P ort Interface P inout (DB-9 male) T able B.1 RS-232 P inout* Signal # Function Signal T ype Notes 1 RS-232 Serial Port Data C.
B-2 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Appen dix B : P ort Pi nouts Enhanced USB1 Port Interface Pinout B.2 Enhanc ed USB1 P ort Interface Pinout B.3 Enhanc ed USB2 P ort Interface Pinout T able B.2 Enhance d USB1 P inout* Signal # Function S ignal T ype Notes 1 USB– VBUS DCD USB Switched 5V @ 0.
Appendix B: Port Pinouts Enhance d USB2 Port In terface Pin out Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual B-3 8 Port Detec tion ID C TS PXA console 23K2 pull-down resist or for PXA console detection 9N C PXA console Open for PXA console port * Signal definiti ons ar e with r espect to th e 85 15 V ehicle-M ount C omput er sid e.
Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual C-1 A PPENDIX C USB S ETUP A PPLICATION C.1 USB Setup The USB Setup appli cation is us ed to updat e a W indows 2000 or XP PC so that it c an connect to a Psion T eklogix 8515 V e hicle-Mo unt Computer .
C-2 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual Appen dix C: USB S etup App licat ion Lau nchin g The Applic ati on Figure C.1 W elcome Dialog If you check the “Ins tall as a ge neric device ” checkbox , the Hardware Ma nager on your PC will not prompt you to inst all every new device you connect t o your PC.
Appendix C: USB Setup A pplication Installation Complete Di alog Box Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount Computer User M anual C-3 Figure C.2 Installation Dialog Usually , this dialo g is shown when more th an one version of Active Sync is install ed.
C-4 Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehi cle-Mount Computer User Manual Appen dix C: USB S etup App licat ion Installation Complete Dial og Box 4. T ap on Exit to exit t he applicat ion.
Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount T erminal User Manual I A accessories bar code readers, connecting 125 Ethernet adaptor cable 126 Active Conn T ab 96 ActiveSync ASync profile 93 ActiveSync, connec.
Index II Psion T eklogix 8515 V e hicle-Mount T erminal User Manual connection list table, Blue to oth Control s 96 Contact 11 6 Contacts 11 6 control panel accessing 65 Display Pr operties 70 icons 6.
Index Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount T erminal User Manual III ISM band, Bluetooth radio 91 K keyboard key repeat 72, 73 one shot mode 74 keyboard backlight 38 keyboard keys 34 AL T 36 arrow keys.
Index IV Psion T eklogix 8515 V e hicle-Mount T erminal User Manual dust caps 43 pinouts 1 power AC 137 DC 137 extension p ower cable 137 pre-reg ulator 137 Power (Serial Port) 11 4 power icon 40 Powe.
Index Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount T erminal User Manual V Bad Sc an Beep 111 Cases 111 Click Data 11 0 Click Time 11 0 decoded 109 decoded (external) Serial Port 11 4 Display 11 0 Double Clic .
Index VI Psion T eklogix 8515 V e hicle-Mount T erminal User Manual Sta rt M en u 52 cycle tasks 56 desktop 52 programs 54 Run 57 Security 52 Settings 57 Shutdown 58 system tray 56 task manager 56 St .
Index Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount T erminal User Manual VII 802.1 1b radio, configuring 9 802.1 1g radio 146.
Index VIII Psion T eklogix 8515 V ehicle-Mount T erminal User Manual.
デバイスPsion Teklogix 8515の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Psion Teklogix 8515をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPsion Teklogix 8515の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Psion Teklogix 8515の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Psion Teklogix 8515で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Psion Teklogix 8515を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPsion Teklogix 8515の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Psion Teklogix 8515に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPsion Teklogix 8515デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。