Psion Teklogixメーカー8580の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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I SO 9 001 Certifie d Quality Managem ent System 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Comput er User Manual January 24, 20 07 P art No. 8 1 00119 .A.
© Copyright 2007 by Psion T eklo gix Inc ., Missis sauga, Ont ario This docume nt and the inf ormation it contains is the proper ty of Psion T eklog ix Inc.
Return-T o-F actor y W arranty Psion T eklogix provides a return to factory warrant y on this produ ct for a period of twelve (12) months in acc ordance wit h the St atement of Limited W arranty and Li mi- tation of Liabilit y provided at www .psion teklogix.
mium, merc ury , hexavalent ch romium, and flam e retardants PB B and PBDE that may be conta ined in a produc t. Only produ cts meeting the se high enviro nmental standards m ay be “placed on the market” in EU mem ber states after July 1, 2006 .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual i T ABLE OF C ONTENTS Program License Agreements ................. ........... I Approvals And Safety Summa ry ................ .........V I I Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 About This Manual ................
Contents ii 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 2.6.14 8580/8590 VESA Drill Holes .................. 2 1 2 . 7 U n p a c k i n g T h e 8 5 8 0 / 8 5 9 0 ..... ................... 2 1 2 . 8 P a c k a g i n g ............. ................... 2 2 2.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual iii Contents 4 . 3 . 1 D C P o w e r P a c k ...................... .... 4 4 4.3.2 Installi ng Connecting Cabl es . . . ................ 4 5 4 . 4 V e h i c l e A p p l i c a t i o n s ( S u c h A s F o r k l i f t s ) .
Contents iv 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 6.3.7 Keyboard_Maximize Se ction ...... ............ 1 0 0 Chapter 7: Serial Ports 7 . 1 S e r i a l P o r t s .................... ............ 1 0 5 7 . 1 . 1 R e s o u r c e s ..............
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual v Contents Chapter 10: Common Mistakes & Helpful Tips 1 0 . 1 C o m m o n M i s t a k e s I n U s a g e ................... ... 1 3 1 1 0 . 1 . 1 P o w e r i n g U p / D o w n .............. ......... 1 3 1 1 0 .
Contents vi 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual D . 4 . 3 D e t e r m i n i n g I n s u l a t i n g E f f e c t s ................. D - 7 D . 5 D e t e r m i n i n g N a t u r a l F r e q u e n c i e s .............. ...... D - 9 Appendix E: BIOS E .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual I P RO GRAM L ICENS E A GREEMENTS Microsoft's E nd User Lice ns e Agreement Y ou have ac quired a dev ice (“DEVICE”) that includ es software license d by Psion T eklog ix Inc. from Mi crosoft Licens ing In c.
License Ag reement II 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual REGARDING THE DEVICE OR THE SO FTW ARE, TH OSE W ARR AN- TIES DO NOT ORIGINA TE FROM, AND AR E NOT BINDING ON, MS. • Note on Java Support . The SOFTW ARE may contain support for pro- grams writt en in Java.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual III License Agreem ent Psion T eklogix Inc. End Us er License Agreement IMPORT ANT - READ CA REFULL Y : This L icens e Agree ment ( “Agreeme nt”) is a.
License Ag reement IV 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual c. License Regis tration. Y ou will be require d to provide a l icense ID, uni que to each device, f or registe ring your Soft ware license . As part of your software license re gistrati on, we will provi de you a corres ponding licens e key for each device.
License Ag reement VI 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 8. ENDING THIS AGREEMENT W e may terminate th is Agreement and your lice nse immediatel y without n otice if (a) you fa il to comply wit h any term of thi s Agreement, or ( b) your right s are assigned by you, by operation of law or otherwis e.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual VII A PPRO VAL S A ND S AFETY S UMMAR Y CE Markings When used in a resident ial, commercial or light industri al environment the pr oduct and its ap proved UK and European perip herals fu lfil all requirements f or CE marking.
Approvals And Safety Summ ary VIII 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Dette utst yret er i o verensstemmels e med hovedkravene i R&TTE-direkt ivet (1999/5/EC) fra EU.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual IX Approvals And Safety Sum mary Use of the 80 2.1 1 8580/8590 vehicle- mount in Fran ce: Owing to French Government re strictions, t he 802.
Approvals And Safety Summ ary X 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual This device complies with Pa rt 15 of the FCC Rul es. Operation i s subject t o the following t wo conditi ons: (1) Thi s .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual XI Approvals And Safety Sum mary utilis é à l'i ntérieur , tout en tant éloigné d e toute f enêtre af in de garantir le maximum de protecti on. Si cet équipement (ou son ant enne émettrice ) est installé à l'ext érieur , il est al ors soumis à l icence.
Approvals And Safety Summ ary XII 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual The power supply cables must be laid in accor dance with the applicable l ocal insta llation r egulations. Radio P erformance Do not exceed t he maximum permissibl e transmitt ing power which i s specifie d by each separ ate country .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual XIII Approvals And Safety Sum mary Dang er Of Electr ocut ion When Cle aning/Se r vicing The Devi ce In order to avoid electrocutio n always disconn ect the vehicle-mount from the power supply be fore cleani ng or servici ng the device .
Approvals And Safety Summ ary XIV 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Repairs Only Through Psion T eklo gix Never carr y out repairs on the device yourself. Always contact Psi on T eklogix technical support and s end in your unit for repai r if necessa ry .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 1 I NT RO DUC TI ON 1 1 . 1 A b o u t T h i s M a n u a l ........ ...... ......... ...... . 3 1 . 1 . 1 T e x t C o n v e n t i o n s ............... ............. 4 1 . 1 . 2 F o r Q u a l i f i e d P e r s o n n e l .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 3 Chapter 1: Int roduction About This Manual 1.1 About This Manual This manual ha s been designed to make usin g the 8580/8590 ve hicle-mounts as simple as pos sible and pr ovide expert a ssistance i f problems sho uld occur .
Chapter 1: Intro duction T ext Conventions 4 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Chap ter 1 0: Co mmo n Mis takes & Hel pful T ips provides s ome helpful troubleshoot ing tips.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 5 B ASIC C HECKOUT 2 2.1 858 0/8590 Descr iption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2 . 2 I n t e n d e d U s e ........ ...... ......... ...... .... 7 2.3 The Mo dels: 8580 And 8590 .
Chapter 2: Basic Check out 6 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 8580/8590 Adapto r Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2 . 1 0 C o n n e c t i n g E x t e r n a l D e v i c e s ........ ......... ...... 2 6 2.10.1 Powering Down The 8580/85 90 .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 7 Chapter 2: Basic Checkout 8580/ 8590 Description W a rnin g: IT IS CRITICAL that this infor mation be reviewe d and that any guidelines applicable t o your vehicle -mount be stric t ly fo llowed. 2.1 8580/8590 Description Thank you for c hoosing the 8580 /8590 vehi cle-mount computer .
Chapter 2: Basic Check out The Models: 8 580 And 8590 8 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Should these units be used in unautho rized ways, the user/opera tor is sole ly responsib l e for a ny resultin g damage. This c ondition al so applie s to any changes you make to the device.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 9 Chapter 2: Basic Checkout 8580/90 Desc ription And T ype Identification e.g., 24/4 8V with 6.2A Input voltage of the DC power suppl y with nominal curre nt.
Chapter 2: Basic Check out T echnical Specifications 10 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 2.6 T echnical Specifications 2.6.1 Mechanical Housing Rugged aluminu m-cast housing wi th integra ted heat sink Protection class I P65 ESD safe W eight of the 8580/85 90 with a 10.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 11 Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Motherbo ard cards 1 PCI slot 32 bit 5 V Real-time c lock Real-time clo ck with a power reserve of up to 10 years IDE Interf ace Supports up to t wo IDE devices from PIO Mode 3/4 to UDMA/33.
Chapter 2: Basic Check out LCD/CRT Interface 12 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual internal f or the i ntegrated en vironment c ontroller 4th serial port: 1 15,200 Baud max (16550A compatib.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 13 Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Network Interface on request Analog touch c onnection Internal pl ug-in connect or Interface i s ESD level 4 pro tected (acc .
Chapter 2: Basic Check out Power Supply 14 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 24/28VDC 60W V oltage range: 18 to 60VD C internal type: DC-2 Covers power o utages up to 5ms Electrical ly-is .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 15 Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Maximum Powe r A vailable For Per ipheral Devices Power consumpti on T ype:30 W (8580 SVGA with Compact Flash) Max.
Chapter 2: Basic Check out Ambient Conditi ons 16 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 2.6.11 Ambient Conditions Operating T emperature All specificat ions in accor dance with EN 60068-2-1/2 .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 17 Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Te s t M a r k s Relative h umidity 10% to 90% at 40° C, no n-condensing In accordance with EN 60068-2 -3 Mechanic al vibrati on & C lass 5M3 according to EN 60 721-3-5: 1998 shock resistance (land vehicl es), 5 hrs wit h 3.
Chapter 2: Basic Check out 8580/8590 Dim ensions 18 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 2.6.13 8580/859 0 Dimensions Note: All di mens ions ar e r e pr ese nted i n mill imet ers.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 19 Chapter 2: Basic Checkout 8590 Front And Ba ck Dimensions 8590 F ront And Back Dimensions.
Chapter 2: Basic Check out 8590 Side Dimens ions 20 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 8590 Si d e Dime nsions.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 21 Chapter 2: Basic Checkout 8580/8590 VESA Drill Holes 2.6.14 8580/859 0 VESA Drill Holes The VESA drill ho les on the 8580/8590 are vi sible on th is diagram.
Chapter 2: Basic Check out Packaging 22 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual • Ca ble cov er (s tand ard = IP65 w ith s train relie f rail ) • One DC or AC connecti ng cable • One IPC/MPC driver C D per deliv ery • One printed manu al per delivery Please ver ify the deli very content s immediately o n receipt! 2.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 23 Chapter 2: Basic Checkout External Connectors 2.9.3 Ex ternal Connectors F igure 2.3 AC V ersion F igure 2.
Chapter 2: Basic Check out AC V oltage Connector 24 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Figure 2.6 12VD C 100W V ersion AC V oltage Connector V ersion: S tandard power plug (I EC 320 compliant), 3- pin. Fig ure 2.7 AC P o wer Supply Connector – Exterior View 2.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 25 Chapter 2: Basic Checkout 8580/8590 Adaptor Cables 8580/8590 Adaptor Cables The 8580/8590 i s shipped with one of 2 ada ptor cables along with a power extension cable (PN 13985-301). The power e xtension cabl e is connect ed to the vehicle on one side and the adaptor cable on the other side.
Chapter 2: Basic Check out Connecting External Dev ices 26 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 2.10 Connecting External Devices W a rnin g: The 8580/8590 must be di sconnected fro m the power supply: - before exter nal devices (e.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 27 Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Powering Up The 8580/8590 P owering Up The 8580/8 590 Only power up th e 8580/8590 when al l devices have been connec ted and the vehicle- mount has bee n closed corr ectly (remember the cable co ver!).
Chapter 2: Basic Check out Removing The Pr otective Film From T he Display 28 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual T o set the transmitt ing power of the wir eless card, pl ease read the documentation on the w irele ss ca rd.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 29 Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Protecting The TF T D isplay Fro m Memory Effect Import ant: The fo llowing is import ant for t he lifesp an of th e backligh.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 31 A CCESSORIES 3 3 . 1 K e y b o a r d s ....... ...... ......... ...... ...... 3 3 3 . 1 . 1 T h e S M A L L K e y b o a r d ......... ............ ... 3 3 3 . 1 . 2 T h e 2 4 - K e y K e y p a d .......
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 33 Chapter 3: Accesso ries Keyboards 3.1 Ke yboards On the 8580/859 0, any keyboard wit h a 6-pin Min i-DIN plug can be connected (PS/2). Resour ces for the keyboard contr oller are pre-defined in the sy stem archite cture and aut omatically mana ged by the BIOS.
Chapter 3 : Accessori es The 24-Key Keypad 34 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 3.1.2 The 24-Ke y Ke ypad Psion T eklogix also provides a 24- key keypad which ca n be mounted onto t he device, wit h a protecti on class IP 65.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 35 Chapter 3: Accesso ries External CD-ROM Drive 3.3 Exter nal CD-ROM Drive An external CD-ROM drive can be attache d to the 8580/8 590.
Chapter 3 : Accessori es Scanner 36 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 3.5 Scanner Y ou can connect sca nners to eit her the USB, PS/2 or serial port . If conn ected to COM1, the scann er can be powered through the por t (optiona l). Be sure to onl y use scanner s that ha ve been approved by Psion T eklogix.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 37 8580/8590 I NSTALLATIO N 4 4 . 1 C o m p l y i n g W i t h P r o t e c t i o n S t a n d a r d I P 6 5 ........... ......3 9 4 . 1 . 1 P a r t s L i s t F o r C a b l e C o v e r K i t ..... ......... .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 39 Chapter 4: 8580/8590 Installa tion Complying With Protection Standard IP65 W a rnin g: In order to comply wi th the IP65 p rotection st andards, you must inst all the 8580/ 8590 cover g uard, secure the c ables and seal the unit BEFORE mounting the unit using a mounting bra cket.
Chapter 4: 8580/8590 In stallat ion The Cable Cov er , Grounding Bar & Cab les–Assembling 40 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual F i gure 4.1 Cove r Guard Parts Y ou will need the f ollowin g tools: • Size 3 s crewdriver ( for slott ed screws) • Size 1 s crewdri ver (Philli ps) •K n i f e 4.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 41 Chapter 4: 8580/8590 Installa tion The Cable Cover , Grounding Bar & Cabl es–Assembling 2. Prepa re the sealing r ings: • First, chec k how many cables ar e to be con nected to the 8580/8590. • Choose the sealing rings a ccording to the cable diameter (3- 6.
Chapter 4: 8580/8590 In stallat ion The Cable Cov er , Grounding Bar & Cab les–Assembling 42 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 5. Fix gr ounding plates and insert seali ng plugs: • Lightl y fix the cabl es in t he cable cover using th e earthing pl ates.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 43 Chapter 4: 8580/8590 Installa tion Mounting Options For The 8580 /8590 Impo rtant: Ple ase re tain th ese mou ntin g instr uctio ns. Y ou mu st rem ove t he cable cover before connect ing any other equipment and replace it aft er connect ion.
Chapter 4: 8580/8590 In stallat ion Permitted Mounting Po sitions 44 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 4.2.2 P ermitted Mounting P ositions The permitt ed mounting posit ions of the 85 80/8590 are def ined as foll ows: Import ant: The unit c an only be mount ed in a range of 180° as illustr ated.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 45 Chapter 4: 8580/8590 Installa tion Installing Connecting Cables Power is connect ed to the undersi de of the unit using a Phoenix Contac t plug. There is no power swi tch. Import ant: In DC applic ations t he 8580/8590 mus t only be c onnected t o a SEL V (Safety Extra Low V olt age) cir cuit.
Chapter 4: 8580/8590 In stallat ion V ehicle Applicatio ns (Such As Forklifts) 46 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual W a rnin g: Carefully read t he foll owing warnings! • Never conne ct .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 47 Chapter 4: 8580/8590 Installa tion Wirin g V ehicle Power T o The 8580/8590 4.4.1 Wiring V ehicle P ow er T o The 8580/8590 W a rnin g: Applying a volt age above the input volt age rating or revers ing polarity may result in permanent damage to the 8580/8590 and will void the pro duct warranty .
Chapter 4: 8580/8590 In stallat ion Cable Cover (Splash G uard) 48 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 4.5 Cable Co ver (Splash Guard) Import ant: For saf ety reas ons, the supp lied cabl e cover for the e xternal port s must be ins tall ed prior to using the 8580/8 590.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 49 O PERATION O F T HE 8580/8590 5 5 . 1 O p e r a t i o n.... ......... ...... ......... ......5 1 5 . 2 4 - K e y F r o n t P a n e l ...... ......... ...............5 1 5 . 3 1 0 - K e y F r o n t P a n e l .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 51 Chapter 5: Operation Of The 8580/8590 Operation 5.1 Operation The 8580/8590 is available with thr ee diff erent front pane ls: • 25-key fron t panel • 10-key fron t panel • 4-key front panel Note: All fr ont panel b uttons ar e de scribed i n “25-Key Front Panel” beginning on page 53.
Chapter 5: Operation Of Th e 8580/8590 10-Key Front Panel 52 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 5.3 10-Ke y F ront P anel The 8580/8590 wi th a 10-key fr ont panel has t he following c ontr.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 53 Chapter 5: Operation Of The 8580/8590 25-Key Front Panel 5.4 25-Ke y F ront Panel The layout of the keys is t he same for 10.
Chapter 5: Operation Of Th e 8580/8590 Power Key 54 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 5.4.1 P o w er Ke y 5.4.2 Manual Brightne ss Control (optional) 5.4.3 LEDs T urning the 8580/8590 on and of f: This button has been preconf i gured by Psi on T eklogix by defaul t: 8580/8590 wi th DC power supply and automat ic shut- down software.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 55 Chapter 5: Operation Of The 8580/8590 Function And Nu mber Keys 5.4.4 Function And Number Ke ys 5.4.5 Special Ke ys Y ellow LED: indicates the status of the [SHIFT] key .
Chapter 5: Operation Of Th e 8580/8590 [ESCAPE] Key , [ENTER] K ey And Scrol l Keys 56 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 5.4.6 [ESC APE] Ke y, [E NTER] Ke y And Scroll Ke ys 5.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 57 Chapter 5: Operation Of The 8580/8590 Operating States ON ON T emp. < -25°C or T emp. > 70°C. ON FLASHING T emperature sensor malfunctioni ng; automatic shutdown soft ware configuration.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 59 O PERATING S YSTEM & S OFTWARE A PPLICATIONS 6 6 . 1 O p e r a t i n g S y s t e m ............ ......... ...... ... 6 1 6 . 1 . 1 O S P r e - i n s t a l l e d O n H a r d D r i v e / C o m p a c t F l a s h .
Chapter 6: Operating Syste m & Software Applic ations 60 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Pre-Installe d On The 858 0/8590 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Subsequent Softwar e Keyboard Instal lation . . . . . . . . . 84 6 .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 61 Chapter 6: Operating System & Software Applications Operating System 6.1 Operating System Units can be shipped with or without the ope rating syst em installe d on your 8580/8590. This section outlines how t o work with each of these scena rios.
Chapter 6: Operating Syste m & Software Applic ations Operating System Images 62 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Note: The ins tallati on CD must include Ser v ice Pack 1 or higher if W indows XP is to be install ed via a USB- connected CD-ROM.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 63 Chapter 6: Operating System & Software Applications Windows XP Embedded Windows XP Embedde d If the 8580 /8590 is runni ng W indows XP Embedded, not all USB devic es will be supported.
Chapter 6: Operating Syste m & Software Applic ations Installation 64 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 6.2.2 Installation This secti on outlines the require ments and t he steps you’l l need to fol low to instal l the Psion T eklogix Config tool.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 65 Chapter 6: Operating System & Software Applications Automatic Installation Of The Software Keyboard c:Psion T eklogix is suggeste d as the stand ard instal lation dir ectory . How- ever , this p ath can be mod ified.
Chapter 6: Operating Syste m & Software Applic ations Password Check 66 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual P asswor d Check If a passwor d was entered i n the Psion T eklogix Conf ig Settin gs menu , it w ill be requested when the program i s launche d.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 67 Chapter 6: Operating System & Software Applications Psion T eklogix Config Menus 6.2.3 Psion T e klo gix Config Menus 6.
Chapter 6: Operating Syste m & Software Applic ations Environment 68 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Envir onment The environment controlle r in the 8580/ 8590 feature s monitoring and statisti cs functions . The Envir onment menu provides in formatio n on the measured v alues.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 69 Chapter 6: Operating System & Software Applications Automatic Switch Off 6.2.3. 3 Automat ic Switch Off In th e Automatic Swit ch off menu, the be haviour of comput er switch-on and switch-of f is defined.
Chapter 6: Operating Syste m & Software Applic ations Automatic Switch Off 70 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Setti ngs Afte r -run ti me and T imeout to terminate programs on s hutd.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 71 Chapter 6: Operating System & Software Applications Automatic Switch Off Switch -On Impo rtant: Sw itch- on with igni tion i s only allowe d wit h DC de vices ; this blocks AC de vices and they ca nnot be rest arted.
Chapter 6: Operating Syste m & Software Applic ations Special Switch-On/Off Features 72 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Special Swit ch-On/Off F eatures This message i s displayed upon activati ng a switch-on option with ignition: Fi gure 6.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 73 Chapter 6: Operating System & Software Applications Front Panel Keyboard All switch- on options ar e available ; however , when switching off, t he optio ns with ignition canno t be select ed.
Chapter 6: Operating Syste m & Software Applic ations Common System Settin gs 74 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Procedure: 1. Select the key to be changed. It appears in th e Curr ent assignment fiel d. 2. T ap the Change key button.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 75 Chapter 6: Operating System & Software Applications Network Settings Automatic Windo ws Lo gon Logon With Software Ke yboard Common Netw ork Settings Netw ork Settings | Common In th e Common menu under Netwo rk Settings , you ca n make settings for the network adapt or (LAN and WLAN).
Chapter 6: Operating Syste m & Software Applic ations Network Settings 76 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Find infor mation about settings for the network adapter currently selected in the Curr ent settings window . The System Setti ngs butt on opens the W indows dialog for networks.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 77 Chapter 6: Operating System & Software Applications Enhanced W rite Filter Netw ork Settings | Auto matic Computer Renaming The setting s in the Automatic Computer Renaming menu under Network Sett ings are used for t he automatic as signment of computer names.
Chapter 6: Operating Syste m & Software Applic ations Enhanced Wr ite Filter 78 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual EWF s ettin gs ar e not saved or loa ded to import/e xport con figuratio ns (see “Settings ” on page 79). The computer' s EWF drives are di splayed in the EWF Drives fiel d (there is usually only one).
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 79 Chapter 6: Operating System & Software Applications Settings Set boot comm and (BootCmd) •T a p Set Command to apply th e settings. • T ap the Exec. Restart but ton to rest art the comput er and activ ate the sett ings.
Chapter 6: Operating Syste m & Software Applic ations Settings 80 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual P assw ord Protection Langu age Defaul ts Use password protection for Psion T eklogix Confi g A password can be activated to allow acce ss to programs.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 81 Chapter 6: Operating System & Software Applications Settings Import ant: During impor t not a ll dat a is chec ked for val idity; rat her the data is sav ed in the wa y t hat it is defi ned i n the impo rt fil e.
Chapter 6: Operating Syste m & Software Applic ations The Software Keybo ard 82 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Info Header The info head er of an export file contains the following .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 83 Chapter 6: Operating System & Software Applications Logon With Th e Software Keyboard If the file Keyboar d.cfg cannot be located by t he system in t he Softwar e Keyboar d install ation dire ctory , an error message a ppears.
Chapter 6: Operating Syste m & Software Applic ations Installation 84 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 6.3.3 Installation This secti on outlines the require ments and t he steps you’l l need to fol low to instal l the Psion T eklogix Software Keyboard .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 85 Chapter 6: Operating System & Software Applications Launching The Program Langu ages The default CFG file is th e English layou t file Keyboard.cfg. Thi s file may als o be found in dir ectory c: Psion T eklogixgr unde r the name Keyboar d_de+24er .
Chapter 6: Operating Syste m & Software Applic ations Call Parameters 86 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Call Parameters The c all p arame ters l isted in th e tab le be low ca n be s et; ke ep in mind that s ettin gs are case i nsensit ive: Call Exampl e P TXKeyboard.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 87 Chapter 6: Operating System & Software Applications Desktop Shortcut The followi ng screen ill ustrates the resu lt: 8. T o check the new progra m call, restar t your compu ter . Desktop Shor tcut The software keyboard can be started usi ng a desktop sho r tcut.
Chapter 6: Operating Syste m & Software Applic ations Autostart Folder 88 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Define Ke yboard Shor tcut In the Psio n T eklogix Keyboar d Pr operties dial og box, you can spe cify a key combinat ion for the Keyboar d shortcut pa rameter .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 89 Chapter 6: Operating System & Software Applications Software Keyboard An d T askbar Software Ke yboard And T askbar The software keyboard c an be automatic ally adjust ed to the size and posi tion of the taskbar i n order no t to conceal it.
Chapter 6: Operating Syste m & Software Applic ations Operation 90 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual W ith the opti on Keep the taskbar on top of other windows = ON , t he shown taskbar covers the software keyboard.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 91 Chapter 6: Operating System & Software Applications Keys With Spe cial Functions Ke ys With Special Functions Alongside t he standard ke ys, such as letters, numbers a nd function keys, the following k eys are avail able: 6.
Chapter 6: Operating Syste m & Software Applic ations Rules For Editing The Key board.cfg File 92 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Rules F o r Editi ng The K e yb oard .cfg F ile T o edit the CFG file, e ditors such a s W indows Notepad ca n be used.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 93 Chapter 6: Operating System & Software Applications General Options Pattern =B • T wo key layouts are pr e-defined: • Patte rn=W (white) and Patter n=B (blue) Pattern= W: F igure 6.4 Key La you t With Pattern=W Pattern= B: Figure 6.
Chapter 6: Operating Syste m & Software Applic ations Defining The Ke ys 94 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual The value 32 ( =Fixed Posit ion) can be added to these val ues (s pecify tot al). In this ca se, the posit ion of the key board is not c hanged when a switch is made to the ne xt keyboard (s ee VK_KB_SWITCHNEXT).
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 95 Chapter 6: Operating System & Software Applications Defining The Keys Labelling The first three f ields (up t o the first | char acter) are for the labe lling of the keys: 1. Normal field, labelling wi thout [SHIFT] an d without [ AL T Gr] 2.
Chapter 6: Operating Syste m & Software Applic ations Defining The Ke ys 96 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Bitmap Defini tions F or Label Symbols (E xamples) BMP_RETURN RETURN symbo.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 97 Chapter 6: Operating System & Software Applications Defining The Keys Vir tual-K e y Codes Apart from ce rtain sp ecial codes , the W indows virtua l-key code (a lternatively the scan code wit h # , see bel ow) is speci fied as the t ext name here.
Chapter 6: Operating Syste m & Software Applic ations Defining The Ke ys 98 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual At present , only one bas ic key code can be set for ea ch key; in combin ation with [SHIFT]+[AL T Gr], this then aut omatically gives the oth er assignments.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 99 Chapter 6: Operating System & Software Applications Defining The Keys VK_KB_HIDE If a key wi th this key c ode is press ed, then the a ssociated k eyboard win- dow is removed fr om the screen. I n addition, t he Maxim iz e keyboard ( Keyboard_Maximize ) is activ ated if av ailab le.
Chapter 6: Operating Syste m & Software Applic ations Keyboard_Maxim ize Section 100 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual A minus sign in front of the value is a reference to the s tandard key si ze: • An X-Len of -2 produces a ke y that is twi ce as wide.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 101 Chapter 6: Operating System & Software Applications MaxiMode And ExcludeChain Options 1 = AutoHi de (default ). If any soft ware keyboard i s visible on the screen, the n Keyboard_Maximize i s automatical ly made in visible.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 103 S ERIAL P OR TS 7 7 . 1 S e r i a l P o r t s ...... ......... ...... ......... ... 1 0 5 7 . 1 . 1 R e s o u r c e s .... ...... ......... ...... ...... 1 0 5 7 . 1 . 2 C O M 1 O p t i o n s .........
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 105 Chapter 7: Serial Ports Serial Ports 7.1 Serial P or ts By default t he 8580/8590 is equipped with 4 serial port s. COM1 and COM2 are accessibl e from the out side. COM3 and COM4 ar e used inter nally for communicat ion with the e nvironment cont roller and t he touch contr oller .
Chapter 7: Serial Ports Ti ps & T ricks 106 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 1. Open the St a r t menu and navigate to Sett ings >Con trol Pan el> Acc es- sibi lity . 2. Choose the Genera l tab. 3. Choose Support ac cessibili ty optio ns.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 107 I NTER NAL D EVICES 8 8 . 1 C h i p s e t ........... ......... ...... ......... 1 0 9 8.1.1 I nstalling C hipset Drivers Und er W indows XP . . . . . . . . . . . 109 8.2 VGA Adaptor . . . . . . . . . .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 109 Chapter 8: Internal Devices Chipset 8.1 Chips et The 8580/8590 co mputer is equi pped with a c hipset which c ontrols the communicat ion between al l function modul es. The chipset converts t he signals i t receives from the CPU in to memory access, ha rd drive acc ess and other s imilar actions.
Chapter 8: Internal Devices VGA Adaptor 11 0 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 1. Open the corr esponding folder and r un Setup.exe . 2. T ap on Next . 3. In the fol lowing window , tap on Ye s . 4. T ap on Next again. 5. Restart yo ur computer .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 11 1 Chapter 8: Internal Devices Network Adaptor (10/100 ) 1. Open the corr esponding folder and r un Setup.exe . 2. T ap on Next . 3. In the fol lowing window , tap on Ye s . 4. Restart yo ur computer . 8.
Chapter 8: Internal Devices Network Driver Installa tion Under Windows XP 11 2 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Resour ces The network adaptor is a tru e Plug and Pl ay component. All resource allocati on and management is t herefore pe rformed by the BI OS.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 11 3 Chapter 8: Internal Devices Onboard Sound Adaptor 3. In the fol lowing window , tap on Next . 4. T ap on Install Dr ivers . 5. After the installat ion, tap on Exit . 6. Restart yo ur computer . 8.4 Onboard Sound Adaptor The 858 0/8590 is e quipped with an onbo ard sound adaptor .
Chapter 8: Internal Devices Installing Onb oard Sound Adaptor Drivers–Wi ndows XP 11 4 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 1. Open the corr esponding folder and r un Setup.exe . 2. T ap on Next . 3. In the fol lowing window , tap Continue Anyway .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 11 5 Chapter 8: Internal Devices T ouchscreen 8.5 T ouchscreen An optional r esistive touchscreen i s avail able for th e 8580/8590. The tou chscreen can be opera ted with or wit hout a keyboard and is compatible with a mouse.
Chapter 8: Internal Devices Calibration 11 6 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 3. In the Soft war e License Agr eement window , choose I accept al l of the terms of the a bove License Ag reement, a nd then tap Next . 4. In the Sel ect Contr oller dial og , choose seri al (RS/232) and t ap Next .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 11 7 Chapter 8: Internal Devices T ouch (PS2) For Windows XP & XP Embedded 8.5.2 T o uch (PS2) F or Windows XP & XP Embedded Installation The touch driver s to be used can, by defaul t, be found on the Compact Flash or hard drive under Util/atouc h/<verNR>.
Chapter 8: Internal Devices Resistance O f The T ouchscreen 11 8 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 8.5.3 R esistance Of The T ouchscreen Resistanc e to chemical substances The transpa rent.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 11 9 Chapter 8: Internal Devices Automatic Switch-Off And Heating P encil Hardne ss T est ASTM D 3363. 74 The resist ive 8580/8590 t ouchscreens h ave a hardness > 4H.
Chapter 8: Internal Devices Automatic Shutdown Process 120 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Heating is required if you want to operate the 8 580/8590 at ambient temper atures below 0 C. In the fol lowing two sect ions, the main f unctions of t he automatic h eating and shutdo wn modules are described.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 121 Chapter 8: Internal Devices Program Flowchart Pro gram Flo wchar t F igure 8.1 Automatic Shut do wn Prog r am Flo wchar t – Par t 1.
Chapter 8: Internal Devices Program Flowchart 122 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual F igure 8.2 Automatic Shut do wn Prog r am Flo wchar t – Par t 2.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 123 Chapter 8: Internal Devices Drivers 8.6.2 Driver s DLoGPwrw .sys driver V1.0 for W indows XP S tandard setti ng: I/O port 0 x379, length 2 Byte s The .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 125 M AINTENANCE 9 9 . 1 M a i n t e n a n c e ...... ...... ......... ...... ...... 1 2 7 9 . 1 . 1 C l e a n i n g T h e H o u s i n g ...... ...... ......... ... 1 2 7 9 . 1 . 2 C l e a n i n g T h e T o u c h s c r e e n .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 127 Chapter 9: Maintena nce Maintenance 9.1 Maintenance Follow the gui delines bel ow when cleaning yo ur 8580/8590.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 129 C OMMON M ISTAK ES & H ELPFUL T IPS 10 1 0 . 1 C o m m o n M i s t a k e s I n U s a g e ......... ......... ...... 1 3 1 1 0 . 1 . 1 P o w e r i n g U p / D o w n ....... ...... ......... ... 1 3 1 1 0 .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 131 Chapter 10: Common Mistak es & Helpfu l T ips Common Mist akes In Usage 10.1 Common Mistak es In Usag e The items li sted in thi s section pr ovide some helpf ul tips to po int you in the right directi on if you run i nto problems.
Chapter 10: Common Mistak es & Helpf ul T ips Mobile Applicati on On V ehicles 132 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 10.1.4 Mobile Appl ication On V ehicles • Never connect a 12VDC d.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual A-1 A PPENDIX A S UPPOR T S ER VICES A ND W OR LDWIDE O FFICES Psion T eklogix provi des a complete r ange of produc t support ser vices to it s custo mers worldwide. Thes e servic es include t echnical supp ort and product repairs.
Appendix A: Support Services And W orldwide O ff ices Wor ldwide Offices A-2 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual A.3 W or ldwide Offices C OMPANY H EADQ UART ERS Psion T eklogix Inc . 2100 Meadowvale Bo ulevard Mississa uga Ontar io Canada L 5N 7J9 T el: +1 905 813 9900 F ax: +1 905 812 6300 Email: sal escdn@psion .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual A-3 Appendix A: Support S ervices And Worl dwide Of fices Wor ldwide Offices I NTER NATIONAL S UBSI DIARIE S ( see also www .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual B-1 A PPENDI X B S YST EM R ESOURCES B.1 Par t 1 The resourc es listed a re referen ce values only . They may vary de pending on the syste m configurat ion. These reference values are espec ially usef ul as a guide and for troubles hooting.
Appendi x B: System Resources Part 1 B-2 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual LP T1 (only avail- able internally) IRQ07 - PCI/ISA PnP - 0378- 037F 0778-07 7A Floppy di sk drive (onl y availa .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual B-3 Appendi x B: System Resources Part 2 B.2 Par t 2 List of abb reviations : TO M = T op of memory = max.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual C-1 A PPENDI X C P INO U T S The followi ng chapter li sts the pin numbers and t he appropriat e signals. The abbrevia tions used ar e: n.c. = not con nected C .1 Exter nal Connectors C .1.1 Ke yboard And Mous e V ersion: Min i-DIN (PS2), 6-pi n, motherboard r eference P12.
Appendix C: Pinou ts Serial Port COM1 C-2 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual C .1.3 Serial P or t COM1 V ersion: D-SUB-D, 9-pi n, MALE, motherboard refere nce P15.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual C-3 Appendix C: Pinouts Network Connector C .1.5 Network Connector V ersion: RJ -45, 8-pin, mother board re ference P14.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual D-1 A PPENDI X D M ECHANI CAL D YNAMI C L OADING D.1 Introduction The mechanical environ mental conditi ons of the 8580 /8590 can va ry greatly in terms of vi brations, col lisions an d shocks.
Appendi x D: Mechan ical Dyn amic Loadi ng Units Without V ibration Insulation (tuned to hig h frequency) D-2 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual (5)M1 Sta tionar y U s e Operationa l enviro.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual D-3 Appendix D: Mech anical Dynamic Loa ding Passive Vibrati on Insulation (tuned to low frequency) D.3 P assive Vibration Insulation (tuned to low frequency) Selectio n criteria: Mobi le use Note: The sy stem can be tuned to a l ow fr equency by i nstalli ng a flex ible be aring .
Appendi x D: Mechan ical Dyn amic Loadi ng Dimensioni ng Example 8580 D-4 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Mounting example for tab le-top attachment with elast omer sprin gs: • 8580 wi.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual D-5 Appendix D: Mech anical Dynamic Loa ding Approximate Solution For Elas tomer Spring Selection D.4.1 Appro ximate Solution F or Elastomer Spring Selection This mode l appl ies to the o scill ator y mas s at th e devi ce's cente r of g ravit y .
Appendi x D: Mechan ical Dyn amic Loadi ng Further Possible Steps For Optimization D-6 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual The next ste p is to look t hrough the manufacturer 's datasheet s (such as t hose from or si to f ind the rig ht types of el astomer spri ngs and rub ber buf fers.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual D-7 Appendix D: Mech anical Dynamic Loa ding Determining Insula ting Effects In our sel ected example, s ofter elas tomer springs with the same cons truc- tion could be used. In that case, it woul d still be po ssible that a Shore hard- ness of A55 act ivates appr ox.
Appendi x D: Mechan ical Dyn amic Loadi ng Determining Insulati ng Effects D-8 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Based on this table, we can cl early expec t very goo d insulatio n for excita tion frequenci es that are twice as high a s the sys tem's natura l frequency .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual D-9 Appendix D: Mech anical Dynamic Loa ding Determining Natural Frequencies These values can be assign ed to oper ation class 5M3. Import ant: The basic 8580/85 90 is desi gned for ope ration cl ass 5M3. Depending o n the equ ipment (e.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E-1 A PPENDI X E BIOS E.1 BIOS Setup Description The followi ng section d escribes t he BIOS setup pr ogram. The BIOS setup program can be used to view and change the BI OS settings f or the module. Onl y experienc e d users shoul d change th e default BI OS settings.
Appendi x E: BIOS Main Setup Screen E-2 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E.4 Main Setup Screen When you first enter the BI OS setup, you wi ll enter t he main setup scr een. Y ou can always ret urn to the main s etup screen by selecting the main t ab.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E-3 Appendix E: BIOS Main Setup Screen F eature Options D escription System T ime H our:Minute: Second Specifi es the current system time. Note: The t ime is in 24 hour format. System Dat e Day o f week, month/day/year Specifies the current system date.
Appendi x E: BIOS Advanced Setup E-4 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E.5 Advanced Setup • Select th e Advanced tab fr om the setup menu t o enter the a dvanced BIOS setup screen.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E-5 Appendix E: BIOS PCI Configuration Sub-Menu E.5.2 PCI Configuration Sub-Menu PCI IRQ Resource Exclusion S ub-Menu PCI Interr upt Routing Sub-Menu F eature Options Description Plug & P lay O/S No Ye s Specifies if manual confi guration is desired.
Appendi x E: BIOS Graphic Configuration Sub-Menu E-6 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E.5.3 Graphic Configuration Sub-Menu F eature O ptions Description Primary V ideo Device Internal VGA PCI/Int. VGA Sel ect prim ary vide o ada pt or to be us ed d uri ng boot up.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E-7 Appendix E: BIOS Graphic Configuration Sub-Men u DVMT/FIXE D Memory 64MB 128MB Amount of DRAM the DVMT graphics dri ver can or will allocate (depends on DVMT mode selected). Boot Displ ay Device Auto CR T onl y SDVO only CR T + S DVO LFP only CRT + LFP Select the display device(s) used for boot up.
Appendi x E: BIOS CPU Configuration E-8 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E.5.4 CPU C onfiguration E.5.5 Chips et Configuration Sub-Menu F eature Options Description Processor Info Blo ck No o ptio n Displays the processor manuf acturer , brand, fre- quency , and cache sizes.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E-9 Appendix E: BIOS I/O Interf ace Configuration Sub-Menu E.5.6 I/O Interface Configuration Sub-Menu F eature Options Description Onboard Au dio Controller Azalia AC97 Disabl ed Configure onbo ard audio controller for AC'9 7 or Azalia (Intel High De finition Audio) mod e.
Appendi x E: BIOS IDE Configuration Sub-Menu E-10 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E.5.7 IDE Configuration Sub-Menu Primary/Secondar y ID E Master Sub-Menu F eature Options Description AT A / I D E C o n f i g - uration Disabl ed Compa tible Enhanced Configur e the integrated p arallel and seri al A T A controllers.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E-1 1 Appendix E: BIOS IDE Configuration Sub-Menu Block Mode Numbe r of sectors Block mode boosts IDE performance by increasing the amount of data tr ansferred. Only 512 bytes o f data can be transferr ed per interrupt if block mode is not u sed.
Appendi x E: BIOS USB Configuration Sub-Menu E-12 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E.5.8 USB Configuration Sub-Menu Block (Multi- Sector T ransfer) Disabl ed Auto Set to AU TO to let the BIO S auto detect d evice support for mu ltisector transfer .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E-13 Appendix E: BIOS USB Configuration Sub-Menu Legacy USB Support Disabl ed Enable d Auto Legacy USB support refers to th e USB key- board, USB mouse and USB m ass storage device support.
Appendi x E: BIOS Keyboard/Mouse Con figuration Sub-Menu E-14 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E.5.9 Ke yboard/Mous e Configuration Sub-Menu USB Stick Defaul t Emulation Auto Hard disk Select default USB S tick emulation type.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E-15 Appendix E: BIOS Remote Access Configuration Sub-Men u E.5.10 Remote Access Configuration Sub-Menu F eature Options Description Remote Access Disable d Enabled Enable/Disable the BIOS remote access feature.
Appendi x E: BIOS Hardware Monitoring Sub-Men u E-16 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E.5.11 Hardware Monitoring Sub-Menu VT -UTF8 Combi- nation Key Support Disa bled Enabled This option enables V T -UFT8 combination key support for AN SI/VT100 terminals.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E-17 Appendix E: BIOS W atchdog Configuration Sub-Men u E.5.12 W atchdog Configuration Sub-Menu F eature Options Description POST W atch dog Disa bled 30sec 1min 2min 5min 10min 30min Select the time out value for the POST wat ch- dog.
Appendi x E: BIOS Boot Setup E-18 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E.6 Boot Setup Select th e Boot tab fro m the setup menu to e nter th e boot setup sc reen. In the upper portion of t he scre en, the boot set up allows you to prioritize the availabl e boot devices.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E-19 Appendix E: BIOS Boot Device Priority E.6.1 Boot Device Priority F eature Options Description Boot Pr iority Selection Device Based Ty p e B a s e d Select between device and type based boot pri- ority lists.
Appendi x E: BIOS Boot Settings Configuration E-20 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E.6.2 Boot Settings Configuration F eature Options Description Quick Boot Disable d Enable d If Enabl ed, so me POST t asks will be skipped to speed up the BIO S boot process.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E-21 Appendix E: BIOS Security Setup E.7 Secur ity Setu p Select th e Securit y tab from the set up menu to enter t he securit y setup scree n.
Appendi x E: BIOS Security Settings E-22 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E.7.1 Se curity Setting s E.7.2 Hard Disk Securi ty This feat ure enables t he users to set, rese t or disable passwords for each hard drive in setup w ithout r ebooting.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E-23 Appendix E: BIOS Exit Menu Hard Disk Securi ty Us er P assword E.8 Exit Menu Select th e Exit tab fr om the setup menu t o enter the e xit setup sc reen. F eature Options Description Primary/ Mas- ter/Slave HDD User Password Enter password Set or clear the user password for the hard disk.
Appendi x E: BIOS Additional BIOS Fea tures E-24 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E.9 Additional BIOS F eatures E.9.1 Updating The BIOS The hardware o f the 8580/ 8590 lets you u pdate the sys tem BIOS without openi ng the unit. Y ou should only update t he BIOS if the BIOS i n your 8580/8590 is se verely corrupted .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E-25 Appendix E: BIOS BIOS Recovery 4. Select Bios Update . 5. Click Selec t BIOS ROM file an d choose the cur rent binary file. 6. Select Updat e Bios. 7. The update i s carried out without fur ther confirma tion.
Appendi x E: BIOS BIOS Security Featur es E-26 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual In order to make a BIOS recovery from a USB device (f loppy , USB Stick) the BIOS file must b e copied into the root dir ectory of th e storage devi ce and renamed t o AMIBOOT .
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual E-27 Appendix E: BIOS Hard Disk Security Features The BIOS provides the ability to ‘l ock’ and ‘unloc k’ drives us ing the secur ity password. A ‘l ocked’ drive wi ll be detect ed by the syst em, but no data can be accessed.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual i INDEX A ACPI Configuration E-4 adaptor cables (ignition & screen blanking) 25 antennas 27 APM switch-of f count (Environment Config menu) 68 automat.
ii 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Index ignition sw itch-on count 68 insufficie nt temp sw itch-off 69 last sw itch-of f 69 power key switch-on/of f count 68 run time 68 Environment con.
8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual iii Index W indows XP embedded 63 OS 61 P password protection 80 pin configuration 22 pin numbers & s ignals C-1 pinouts C-1 power key 54 power key sw.
iv 8580/8590 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Index insul ation D-2, D -3 vibrations, r esolving D-1 W W indows XP , embedded 63 W in XP & XP Embedded driver (for PS2), install ing 11 7 W in XP.
デバイスPsion Teklogix 8580の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Psion Teklogix 8580をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPsion Teklogix 8580の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Psion Teklogix 8580の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Psion Teklogix 8580で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Psion Teklogix 8580を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPsion Teklogix 8580の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Psion Teklogix 8580に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPsion Teklogix 8580デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。