Psion TeklogixメーカーVehicle-Mount Computer 8525 G2の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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I SO 9 001 Certifie d Quality Managem ent System 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Comput er User Manual J anu ary 16, 2007 P art No . 8 1 00 083.B.
© Cop yright 2007 b y Psion T eklo gix Inc ., Missis sauga, Ont ario This doc ument and th e information it conta ins is the pr operty of Psi on T e klogix Inc.
Return-T o-F actor y W arranty Psion T eklogix prov ides a return to factory warrant y on this produ ct for a period of twelve (12) months in accordance wit h the S tatement of Limited W arrant y and Limi- tation of Liabilit y provided at www .psion teklogix.
mium, m ercury , hexava lent chromium , and flame retardants PBB and PBDE that may be conta ined in a prod uct. O nly produ cts meeting the se high en vironment al standar ds may be “place d on the market” in EU member sta tes after July 1, 2006.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual i T ABLE OF C ONTENTS Program License Agreements ........... ................. I Approvals And Safety S ummary ................ .........V I I Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 About This Manual .
Contents ii Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 2 . 1 0 . 1 M a i n T a b ....................... ...... 2 7 2 . 1 0 . 2 C o n f i g T a b ................ ............ 2 8 2 . 1 0 . 3 G l o b a l S e t t i n g s T a b .
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual iii Contents 3.11.2 Cleaning The 8525 G2/8530 G2 . . ................ 5 7 Chapter 4: Working With Windows CE 5.0 4.1 Navigat ing In W indows CE And Applicati ons .............. 6 1 4 .
Contents iv Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 5 . 5 . 1 1 I n p u t P a n e l ................ ............ 1 3 4 5.5.12 IPv6 Support . . ................... ...... 1 3 6 5 . 5 . 1 3 S c a n n e r P r o p e r t i e s S e t u p .
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual v Contents B . 3 D B - 2 6 A u x i l i a r y P o r t P i n o u t ................... ... B - 2 B.4 Extern al Keyboard–High Den sity DB-26 (8530 G2 Onl y) ....... B - 3 Appendix C: USB Setup Application C .
Psion T ek logix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual I P RO GRAM L ICENS E A GREEMENTS Microsoft's E nd User Li cens e Agreement Y ou ha ve acquire d a device (“DEVICE ”) that includ es software lice nsed by Psion T eklogix Inc.
License Agreement II Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual REGARDING THE DEVICE OR THE SO FTW ARE, THOSE W ARR AN- TIES DO NOT ORIGINA TE FROM, AND AR E NOT BINDING ON, MS. • Note on Java Support . Th e SOFTW ARE may contain support for pro- grams writt en in Java.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual III License Agreem ent Psion T eklogix Inc . End User Licens e Agreement IMPORT ANT - REA D CAREFULL Y : This Licens e Agree ment (.
License Agreement IV Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual c. Li cense Regis tration. Y ou will be require d to provide a l icense ID, unique t o each devi ce, for registe ring your Soft ware license . As part of your software licens e registrati on, we will provi de you a corres ponding licens e key for each device.
License Agreement VI Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 8. ENDING THIS AGREEM ENT W e may terminat e this Agreement and your lice nse immediat ely without n otice i f (a) y ou fail to compl y with any term of this Agreement, or (b) your r ights are assi gned by you, by opera tion of l aw or otherwis e.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual VII A PPRO V ALS A ND S AF ETY S UMMAR Y CE Marking When used in a res idential, commerc ial or light indu strial environment the product and it s approved UK and Europea n peripherals fulfil al l requirements for CE marking.
Approvals And Safe ty Summary VIII Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Dette utst yret er i o verensst emmelse med hovedkra vene i R&TTE-direkt ivet (1999/5/EC) fra EU. (Erk læring finnes på: www .psionteklogix. com).
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual IX Approvals And Sa fety Summary If this e quipment doe s cause harmful interfer ence to radi o or television recepti on, which can.
Approvals And Safe ty Summary X Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Emissions Informat ion F or Canada This Cla ss B digital appar atus meets al l requiremen ts of the Canadi an Interfe rence- Causing Equipment Regulat ions.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual XI Approvals And Sa fety Summary C AUTION Use of ad ditional wir ing and atta chments not rec ommended or sold by t he manufacture r may result i n fire, ele ctric shock or person al injury .
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 1 I NT R ODUC T I ON 1 1 . 1 A b o u t T h i s M a n u a l ........... ...... ......... .... 3 1.2 T ext Conve ntions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 3 Chapter 1 : Introduction About This Manual 1.1 About This Manual This manual de scribes how to c onfigure, oper ate and mainta in the Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/853 0 G2 vehicle-mount computers.
Chapter 1 : Introduction T ext Conventions 4 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 1.2 T ext Con ventions Note: Notes highligh t additio nal, helpf ul infor mation.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 5 Chapter 1 : Introduction 8525 G2/8530 G2 Features -I B M J V M - S tandard p rotocol APIs - W indows socke ts (W inCE) • W ireless Communicat ion - IEEE 802.1 1g, 54Mbps 2.4 GHz CF radio Marvell -88W8300_80 2.
Chapter 1 : Introduction 8525 G2/8 530 G2 Features 6 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual -A B C - Qwerty -A z e r t y - 68-key PC like f ormat - Green EL back light - E.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 7 Chapter 1 : Introduction 8525 G2 V e hicle-M ount Computer - 2 USB host ports - Propri etary Keyboard p ort for 8530 G2 only • Power Managemen t - Internal power supply 10-90VDC designe d for forklift power (pre-reg- ula tor no r equ ire d) - 12.
Chapter 1 : Introduction 8530 G2 V e hicle-Mount Computer & Keybo ard 8 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 1.4.2 8 530 G2 V e hicle-Mount Computer & Ke yboard F igure 1.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 9 B ASI C C HECKOUT 2 2.1 Pr eparing The 8525 G2/8530 G2 For Operat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 2.2 852 5 G2/8530 G2 Saf ety Instruc tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 11 Chapter 2: Basic Checkou t Preparing Th e 8525 G2/8530 G 2 For Operatio n 2.1 Preparing The 8525 G2/8530 G2 F or Operation T ypically , 8525 G2/8530 G2 vehicle-mounts ar e configured at th e factory and arr ive ready for use.
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout 8525 G2/8 530 G2 Freeze r & Outdoor Guidelines 12 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 2.3 8525 G2/8530 G2 F reezer & Outdoor Guidelines 8525 G2/853 0 G2 vehicle-mount s are seale d against dust and high-pre ssure water jets to the inte rnation al standard IP66.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 13 Chapter 2: Basic Checkou t Important Op erating I nstructions • T o prevent condensation when a vehi cle-mount i s moved from a freezer to a warmer e nvironment, it is recommende d that the computer power be left on for a t least fi ve minutes .
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Switching The 8 525 G2 On And Off 14 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 2.4 Switching The 8525 G2 On And Off • Pre ss t he [E NTE R/O N] k ey . Note: If t he 8525 G2/8 530 G2 is in suspend state, pr essing [ENTER/ON] ‘wake s’ the uni t fr om this st ate.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 15 Chapter 2: Basic Checkou t Calibrating The T ouc hscreen 2.6 Calibrating The T ouchscreen Before using your 8525 G2/8530 G2, yo u will nee d to calibra te the touchs creen. Refer to “Cal ibrat ing The T ouchscreen” on page 45 f or details .
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Setting Up Ma rvell-88W8300 80 2.1 1g Radios 16 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual T o configure the 802 .1 1g radio: 1. Press [BLUE][0], and tap on Settings>Network and Dial- up Connections.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 17 Chapter 2: Basic Checkou t Setting Up Marvell -88W8300 8 02.1 1g Radios 3. W ireles s S tatistic s T a b When you choos e the Wire l es s LA N icon, a W ir eless S tat istics window is displayed.
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Setting Up Ma rvell-88W8300 80 2.1 1g Radios 18 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual highli ght the net work to whi ch you want your 8 525 G2/85 30 G2 to con- nect , and tap th e Connect button.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 19 Chapter 2: Basic Checkou t Setting Up Marvell -88W8300 8 02.1 1g Radios If you are using an Ad Hoc network – a n etwork in whi.
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Setting Up Ma rvell-88W8300 80 2.1 1g Radios 20 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual will n eed to manually enter a passwor d (Master Key) in the Acce ss Point or W ireless Route r and enter t he same password i n each clien t device that acces ses the wirel ess network.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 21 Chapter 2: Basic Checkou t Assigning An IP Address EAP T y pe (Extens ible Authenti cation Prot ocol): This dropdown menu l ists the EAP t ypes availab le on your syst em. The items in t his dropdown menu will vary dep ending on your net work setup.
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Name Servers T a b 22 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual T o define a stati c IP addre ss: • T ap the Configur e button . F igur e 2. 8 Defin ing An IP Addres s • T ap on the radio butt on next to Spe cify an I P addr ess .
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 23 Chapter 2: Basic Checkou t Advanced Features 2.8.3 Ad vanced F eatures T o display the Advanced W ir eless Settings dialog box: • T ap the Advanced button i n the W ir eless I nformatio n tab .
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Setting Up Summ it DC 802.1 1 SC CF Radios–SCU 24 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual • Make any nec essary c hanges in the W ir eless Pr operti es dialog box, and press [ENTER] to save the changes.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 25 Chapter 2: Basic Checkou t Using The SCU T o Connect T o The WLAN • T ap on the Config tab. • T ap on the New button to de fine a ne w config (pr ofi le) . • T ype a name for your conf iguration us ing any al pha-numeric c ombination to uniquel y identify t his config .
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout SCU T abs 26 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual T o configure en cryption: • T ap on the Encryption dropdown menu, and choose the app ropriate t ype of encryp tion – Manual WEP , Auto WEP , WP A PSK, WP A TKIP , WP A2 PSK, WP A2 AES, and CCKM TKIP .
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 27 Chapter 2: Basic Checkou t Main T ab 2.10.1 Main T a b The Mai n t ab is display ed when you ta p on S tart>Pr ograms>Summit>S CU . • Ena ble/ Disa ble Radio : Enables or di sables the radio.
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Config T ab 28 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 2.10.2 Config T ab The Con fig tab allows you to def ine radio and se curity sett ings that are stored in the registr y as part of t he configura tion profi le or config .
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 29 Chapter 2: Basic Checkou t Config T ab Client Name Name assigned to radi o & vehicle-mount into which it is ins talled. Maximum of 16 characters. None Power Save Power save mode for radio.
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout SCU Security Capabil ities 30 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual • EAP-T ype & Encryption: Securi ty settings . These setti ngs allow you to enhance the securit y of data acr oss the wirel ess LAN.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 31 Chapter 2: Basic Checkou t SCU Security Capabilities Common EAP types inclu de: • EAP-TLS: Uses t he same technolo gy as a fol low-on to Secur e Socket Layer ( SSL). It provid es strong security , but reli es on client certific ates fo r user a uthenticat ion.
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout EAP Credentials 32 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual EAP Credentials Keep the following in mind when de fining security setti ngs: .
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 33 Chapter 2: Basic Checkou t Global Settings T ab 2.10.3 Global Settings T ab The Global Settings tab allows you t o define radio an d securit y settings tha t apply to all c onfigs (pro files) , along with se ttings that apply speci fically to the SCU .
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Global Settings T ab 34 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Ping Delays ms Amount of ti me in milliseconds between successive ping req uest s.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 35 Chapter 2: Basic Checkou t Status T ab 2.10.4 Status T ab The S t atus tab provi des status i nformation i ncluding IP addr ess and MAC address for the cl ient radi o, IP addres s and MAC address for the AP , signal strengt h, channel , transmit powe r and data rat e.
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout Resetting Th e 8525 G2/8530 G 2 V ehicle-Mount 36 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual • Diagnost ics: Attempts to connect or rec onnect to an AP , and provides a more detail ed dump of data t han if you used (Re)c onnect .
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 37 G ETTING T O K NO W T HE 8525/30 G2 3 3 . 1 F e a t u r e s O f T h e 8 5 2 5 G 2 / 8 5 3 0 G 2 ............ ...... ... 3 9 3.2 The Internal Backup Batt ery . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8525/30 G2 38 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 3 . 1 1 . 1 C a r i n g F o r T h e T o u c h s c r e e n ......... ...... ...... 5 6 3.1 1.2 Cleani ng The 8525 G2/ 8530 G2 . . . . . . .
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 39 Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8525/30 G2 Featur es Of The 8525 G2/8530 G2 3.1 F eatures Of The 852 5 G2/8530 G2 The 8525 G2 and 8530 G2 vehicl e-mounts share the same rad io dome with identi cal features.
Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8525/30 G2 Features O f The 852 5 G2/8530 G 2 40 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual F igure 3.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 41 Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8525/30 G2 The Internal Bac kup Battery F igure 3.
Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8525/30 G2 Activating Modifie r Keys 42 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Activating Modifier Ke ys When a modifi er key is presse d once, it is displaye d in lowercase letters i n the taskb ar at the bottom of the 8525 G2/8 530 G2 screen.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 43 Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8525/30 G2 The Keys The Arr o w K e y s The Arrow ke ys move the curso r around the sc reen in the d irection of the arrow – up, down, le ft and right .
Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8525/30 G2 Function Key s And Macro Keys 44 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual The [PgUp] And [PgDn] Ke ys The [PgUp] key displays the pr evious scre en of informat ion. The [PgDn] key displays t he next scre en of informat ion.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 45 Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8525/30 G2 The Keypad Backlight 8525 G2/853 0 G2 vehicle-mount s are equippe d with a twelve mac.
Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8525/30 G2 8525 G2/8 530 G2 Indicato rs 46 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual •I n t h e Cont r ol Panel , choose th e St y l u s icon to di splay the S tylus Pr oper- ties window . F igure 3.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 47 Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8525/30 G2 LEDs 3.6.2 LEDs The 8525 G2/ 8530 G2 is equipped wi th four tr i-coloured LEDs located in the upper -rig ht corner of the keyboard.
Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8525/30 G2 RX/TX – Radio T raffi c LED 48 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual RX/TX – Radio T raffic LED The upper -left LED on your 8525 G2/ 8530 G2 flashes e ither yell ow or green to indic ate when the ra dio transmit s and receive s data.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 49 Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8525/30 G2 Onscreen Indica tors The tas kbar changes dyn amically , and only those i cons that are ap plicabl e are displayed .
Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8525/30 G2 Onscreen Indi cators 50 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Link S tatu s The Narrow Band radio displays one of th ree link stat e icons.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 51 Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8525/30 G2 Audio Indicators Onscreen LEDs (8 530 G2 Only) When the 853 0 G2 keyboard is r emoved, two onscree n-LEDs are displ ayed in the taskb ar .
Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8525/30 G2 Scanning T echniques 52 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual The 8525 G2/ 8530 G2 supports a variety of on e dimensional ( 1D) and two dimensional (2D) laser s canners. “Scanni ng T e chniques” outli nes the mechanic s of a success ful scan.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 53 Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8525/30 G2 T roubleshootin g A bar code icon appears on the screen d uring a scan. W hile the sc anner beam is acti ve, the onscre en message stat es – SCANNING .
Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8525/30 G2 Operatin g PDF Laser Scanners 54 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 3.7.5 O perating PDF Las er Scan ners This scanne r decodes P DF417 two-dimensiona l bar cod es. • T urn the vehicl e-mount on.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 55 Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8525/30 G2 Monitoring The Network Connection T o remove the peripher al: •G r a s p t h e sh ell of the pl ug, and pull it back gently t o unlock and re lease the co nnector .
Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8525/30 G2 Using Microsoft Activ eSync T o W ork With File s 56 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual • Attach the auxiliary conne ctor to the auxiliary port on the 8525 G2/8530 G2 – the po rt closest to the vehicl e-mount po wer cable.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 57 Chapter 3: Getting T o Know The 8525/30 G2 Cleaning The 8525 G2/8530 G2 • benzyl alcohol, and • concent rated acid s. 3.11.2 Cleaning The 8525 G2/8530 G2 Impo rtan t: D o not imm erse the u nit in wa ter .
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 59 W ORKING W ITH W INDO WS CE 5.0 4 4.1 Navi gating In W indo ws CE And Applica tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 4.1.1 Na vigating Using A T ouchscr een And S tylus . . . . . .
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 61 Chapter 4: Work ing With Wind ows CE 5.0 Navigating I n Windows CE And Appli cations 4.1 Na vigating In Windows CE And Applications Graphic user inter faces like W indows CE for portable devi ces and deskt op W indows (2000, XP , etc.
Chapter 4: Worki ng With W indows CE 5.0 W orking With Files, Fol ders And Programs 62 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual T abl e 4.1 Ke yboard Na vigation Keep in mi nd that unlik e a desktop comput er , the 8525 G2/8530 G2 does no t suppor t key chordin g (pressing two keys at t he same time).
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 63 Chapter 4: Work ing With Wind ows CE 5.0 The Deskto p Icons • Double- tap on the ico n to open a window or , in the case of a n applicati on icon, launc h an applicat ion.
Chapter 4: Worki ng With W indows CE 5.0 The T askbar 64 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Remote Desktop Connection This option allows you r 8525 G2/8530 G2 to communicate wit h a remote deskt op PC. “Remote Desktop Conne ction” on pa ge 79 pr ovides a websit e with step-by -step ins tru cti ons.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 65 Chapter 4: Work ing With Wind ows CE 5.0 Customizing The T askbar Customizi ng Th e T ask bar T o customize the taskbar so t hat it d isplays only those ic ons you requir e: •F r o m t h e S tart Menu , tap on t he Settings > T askbar and S tart Menu .
Chapter 4: Worki ng With W indows CE 5.0 The Deskto p 66 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual If you’re using the keyboard: • Use the arrow keys to hi ghlight a menu i tem, and press [ ENTER], or If the menu i tem has an underl ined charac ter: • T ype the underline d alpha cha racter .
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 67 Chapter 4: Work ing With Wind ows CE 5.0 Changing A Password Changing A P assw ord Note: Keep i n mind that this is the same passwor d as that assigned t hr ough the Passwor d contr ol panel apple t.
Chapter 4: Worki ng With W indows CE 5.0 Programs 68 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 4.4.3 Programs • T ap on Programs to display a sub-menu of options.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 69 Chapter 4: Work ing With Wind ows CE 5.0 Shortcuts Internet E xplorer T he 8 5 2 5 G 2/ 8 5 3 0 G 2 i s s h i p pe d w i th t h e M ic r o s of t I n te r n e t E xp l o re r f o r W indows C E.
Chapter 4: Worki ng With W indows CE 5.0 Shortcuts 70 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual When System T ra y is chosen, you can access t he tas kbar icons u sing the arrow keys.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 71 Chapter 4: Work ing With Wind ows CE 5.0 Settings 4.4.5 Settings • T ap on Settings to di splay a sub-menu of options. Control P anel The Contr ol Panel contains appl ets used to c onfigure har dware, the operating syste m and the shell.
Chapter 4: Worki ng With W indows CE 5.0 Run 72 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 4.4.6 R un Choosing the Run option from t he St a rt M e n u displa ys a dialog box i n which you can ent er the name of t he program, folder or doc ument you want to ope n or launch.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 73 Chapter 4: Work ing With Wind ows CE 5.0 Using A Dialog Box Wa r m R e s e t The W arm Rese t option resets the 8525 G2/8530 G2, leavi ng all saved f iles and (regist ry) setti ngs intact.
Chapter 4: Worki ng With W indows CE 5.0 Using A Dialog Box 74 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Note: If y ou’r e using the touchscr ee n, use the s tylus to tap on an el ement in a dialog b ox to se lect or d eselect it, displ ay dr opdown menus , save your sele ctions, a nd so on.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 75 C ONFI GURATI ON 5 5 . 1 R e m o t e D e s k t o p C o n n e c t i o n ............ ...... ...... 7 9 5 . 2 P o c k e t P C C o m p a t i b i l i t y.. ...... ......... ...... ...
Chapter 5 : Configuration 76 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 5 . 5 . 8 . 2 C h a n n e l T a b ....... ......... ...... .. 1 0 9 5 . 5 . 8 . 3 P r o t o c o l T a b....... ...... ......... .. 1 1 3 5 . 5 . 8 . 4 P o w e r T a b .
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 77 Chapter 5: Configura tion 5 . 5 . 1 3 . 2 2 S e r i a l P o r t ( C O M 2 ) ........ ...... ...... 1 5 5 5.5.14 SNMP (Si mple Network Mana gement Protoco l) Setup . . . . . . 157 5 .
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 79 Chapter 5: Configura tion Remote Desktop Connection 5.1 Remote Desktop Connection Remote Desktop Connec tion is an 8525 G2/8 530 .
Chapter 5 : Configuration Control Panel Icons 80 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual The Contr ol Pane l fold er contains icon s used in th e setup of yo ur 8525 G2/ 8530 G2.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 81 Chapter 5: Configura tion Control Panel Icons Date /Time Allows you to s et the current Month, Dat e, T ime and T ime Zone on your u nit. Dial ing Specifie s dialing set tings, incl uding area co de, countr y code, dial ty pe and the c ode to disable c all waitin g.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Control Panel Icons 82 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Manage T rigger Allows mul tiple-sca nner trigger ing, includi ng the abili ty to config ure each of the trigger but tons.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 83 Chapter 5: Configura tion Control Panel Icons RDC Li censes The T erminal Servic es license ser ver stor es all licen se tokens th at have been inst alled for a group of termin al serve rs and track s licen ses issued.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Control Panel Icons 84 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual To t a l R e c a l l This is a Ps ion T eklogix utilit y develop ed to maintain applica tions and sett ing over c old boots.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 85 Chapter 5: Configura tion Basic Setu p 5.5 Basic Setup 5.5.1 Dis pla y Proper ties •I n t h e Cont r ol Panel , choose th e Display icon.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Display Prope rties 86 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Displa y A ppearance •I n t h e Dis play Pr opert ies dialog b ox, open the Appearance tab. This dialo g box allo ws you to customize the display colour sc heme.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 87 Chapter 5: Configura tion Keyboard Properties Intensi ty This paramete r is used to adj ust the light int ensity of the bac klight. Slidi ng the bar to the left l owe rs th e li ght i nte nsit y , and slidi ng it to t he r ight rais es the in ten sity .
Chapter 5 : Configuration Keyboard Properties 88 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Ke y Repeat •I n t h e Keyb oar d Pr opert ies dialog box, open the Re pea t tab. Enable C haracte r Repeat T apping in th e checkbox next to th is opt ion enables the ke y behaviour you spec ify in this dialog box.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 89 Chapter 5: Configura tion Keyboard Properties Ke yboard Backlight •I n t h e Keyb oar d Pr opert ies dialog box, open the Backlight tab . Intensi ty This parameter i s used to adjust the light in tensity o f the 8525 G2/8530 G2 keyboard backli ght.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Keyboard Properties 90 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual The options i n this tab a llows you to determi ne how modifier ke ys on your 8525 G2/8530 G2 beh ave.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 91 Chapter 5: Configura tion Keyboard Properties Ke yboard Macro Ke ys •I n t h e Keyb oar d Pr opert ies dialog box, open the Ma cros tab. A macro has 200 progr ammable chara cters (or “posi tions”).
Chapter 5 : Configuration Keyboard Properties 92 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Note: T ap on the ‘ S top Rec or ding’ but ton at any t ime to suspen d the pr ocess.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 93 Chapter 5: Configura tion Keyboard Properties All use r-d efined Unicode map pings are listed in the Uni c ode M app in g tab in or der of virt ual key va lue, and then by or der of t he shift state.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Keyboard Properties 94 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual keyboar d. A key can be remapped to s end a vir tual key (e.g. VK_F r epresents t he ‘F’ ke y; VK_RETURN represents the [ ENTER/ON] key , et c.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 95 Chapter 5: Configura tion Keyboard Properties The Remap Scanc ode dialog bo x is displaye d. • T ype the scan cod e in hexideci mal in the field labelle d Sc anc ode : Note: The Lab el: fiel d displa ys the def ault func tion o f the scan code you ar e r emapping.
Chapter 5 : Configuration V olume And Sound Properties 96 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Remo ving A Remap T o delete a re map: •I n t h e Scancode Re mapping tab , highlight the s cancode you want to delete, and ta p on the Remove butto n.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 97 Chapter 5: Configura tion Power Properties ward to decrease the beeper volume. • Under th e heading E nable sounds for , enable the c onditions unde r which you want t he 8525 G2/8530 G2 to e mit a beep.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Power Properties 98 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 5.5. 4.2 Suspend •I n t h e Power Pr operties dialog box, open t he Suspend ta b.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 99 Chapter 5: Configura tion Power Properties Allow Suspend Wi th This tab al lows you to specify wh ether or not y our unit wi ll enter s uspend state while is ope rating with an activ e PPP connection, n etwork inter face or acti ve TCP/IP con nection.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Stylus Properties 100 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 5.5.5 Stylus Proper ties Note: T ouchscr een cali bration ma y not be ena bled on your unit. If your sc r een appear s to r equir e r ecalib ration, contact your sup ervisor .
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 101 Chapter 5: Configura tion Stylus Properties T ouchscreen Calibration T ouchscreens rare ly require r ecalibrat ion.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Manage T riggers 102 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 5.5.6 Manag e T r iggers This ap plet allows y ou to configur e how barcode scan ners are tr iggered. Y ou can confi gure the tri gger ID for ea ch trigger button for bot h single- an d double-c lick, and the double-cli ck time.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 103 Chapter 5: Configura tion Manage T r iggers A keyb oard key t hat is used as a trigger s ource will no lo nger gen- erate key data, or per form it s normal functi on.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Manage T riggers 104 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Add And Edit T r igger Mapping This dialo g box is used to a dd trig ger mappings.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 105 Chapter 5: Configura tion Certificate Assi gnment Tr i g g e r O w n e r This id entifies the d river or applicati on receivin g the tr igger presse s. Show All By defaul t, inacti ve owners are not shown.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Narrow Band Radio Setup 106 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 5.5.8 Narro w Band Radio Setup Note: Keep i n mind that the Narr ow Band icon is only v isible in t he Contr ol Panel when a Narr ow Band radi o is inst alled in the uni t.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 107 Chapter 5: Configura tion Narrow Band Radio Setup Stat istics Sc reen • T ap on St a t i s t i c s to dis play the Pr otoc ol S tatistics screen . These st atistics ar e updated every second whil e the dialo g box is displa yed.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Narrow Band Radio Setup 108 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual T able 5.1 Protocol Stat istics Descriptions Lo w Level Screen • T ap on the Low Level tab to display the Low Le vel stati stics scre en.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 109 Chapter 5: Configura tion Narrow Band Radio Setup T able 5 .2 Low Level Statistics Descriptions Defau lt All P ar ameters • T ap on the De faul t all P ar ame ters button to return all registry p arameter s to defaul t values.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Narrow Band Radio Setup 11 0 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual P o wer Up Channel When this parameter is enabled, the 85 25 G2/8530 G2 begins c ommunicating on the ch annel specif ied in t he Channel Numbe r parameter when the unit is powere d up.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 111 Chapter 5: Configura tion Narrow Band Radio Setup timeout per iods before searching f or a new channel . If Chann el Switch Speed is set to Fast , the current channel is on ly monitored f or up to 2 time- out periods be fore channel switching be gins.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Narrow Band Radio Setup 11 2 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual This f eature is used rare ly .
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 11 3 Chapter 5: Configura tion Narrow Band Radio Setup Protocol T ab Enab le Cell ular Prot ocol The valu e assigned to this.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Narrow Band Radio Setup 11 4 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Po l l i n g The def ault value s for the Pol ling parameters ar e dependent on the value assign ed to the Modulat ion / Baud Ra te parameter in the Radio tab .
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 11 5 Chapter 5: Configura tion Narrow Band Radio Setup Late T X Lim it The valu e entered for this paramet er (measured i n milliseco nds) sets th e maximum allo wable deviation time fro m the sta rt of a response window during which an 8525 G2/8530 G2 can make a tra nsmission.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Narrow Band Radio Setup 11 6 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Idle P oll Limit Note: The “I dle Poll Li mit” paramet er is onl y used when “Enable Po wer Savi ng” is enabled.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 11 7 Chapter 5: Configura tion Narrow Band Radio Setup Data Sque lch Data Squelch c ontrols the radio recei ver , cutting i t of f when the signa l is too weak for rece ption of anyt hing but n oise.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Bluetooth Setup 11 8 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual When you tap on this butt on, a warning box is displa yed asking “Copy all the Rx fr equencies t o the Tx fr equencies?” • T ap on Ye s to go ahe ad or No to st op the cop y process.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 11 9 Chapter 5: Configura tion Bluetooth Setu p The Devices T ab Note: If y ou intend to configu r e Bluetooth co mmunic ation wit h specifi c devi ces (e.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Bluetooth Setup 120 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual The Active column i ndicates whe ther an y service i s activat ed for that device . When a ser vice is acti vated, the de vice is disp layed in the l ist even when i t is not detect ed durin g the scan.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 121 Chapter 5: Configura tion Bluetooth Setu p T o add a serv ic e to the Outgoing port , an active se rvice must fi rst be deact ivated.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Bluetooth Setup 122 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual The Ser ver T ab The Bluet ooth connecti on is initi ated from your 8525 G2/ 8530 G2 to the remot e device – therefor e the 8525 G2/8530 G2 i s called th e ‘clie nt’ and the r emote is call ed the ‘serv er ’.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 123 Chapter 5: Configura tion Bluetooth Setu p The Out going lis t dialog box displ ays a li st of s ervices mar ked as ‘ Outgoing’ . The * column i ndicates t he curr ently sele cted ser vice.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Bluetooth Setup 124 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual ties di alog box. Cl ick on the Device Name t ab to acces s the menu a nd change your sett ings.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 125 Chapter 5: Configura tion Bluetooth Setu p Bluetooth GPRS Connection 1. T o connect to t he internet using a GPRS phone equi pped with a Blueto oth radio, begin by s etting up the Bluetoot h radio.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Bluetooth Setup 126 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 4. In t he Make Ne w Connecti on dialog box, choose Dial-Up Connection . Enter a name for your GPRS net work connection .ˆ 5. T ap on Next to dis play the Mod em dialog box.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 127 Chapter 5: Configura tion Bluetooth Setu p The 8525 G2/ 8530 G2 communicates wi th your phon e and retrieves t he paramet ers for the Device Pr oper ties dialog box . The 8525 G2/8530 G2 then disco nnects.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Bluetooth Setup 128 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 9. In the Contr ol Pa nel , tap on the Dial ing icon. F i gure 5.1 2 Dialing Icon 10. The values in the Dialing Pr opert ies dialog box need to b e edited accor ding to your net work carr ier spe cificati ons.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 129 Chapter 5: Configura tion T otal Recall 12. In the networ k connection window , the new network conf iguration – in this case – GPRS Networ k – is displayed. T ap on the ne w icon.
Chapter 5 : Configuration T otal Recall 130 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 5.5.10. 1 Creating A Back up Profile In the dropdown menu, you can ch oose from f our options: Create B ack up Profil e , V iew Sel ect ed P r o file , Rest ore Select ed P r o file and De let e Sele cte d Pr of ile .
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 131 Chapter 5: Configura tion T otal Recall The image t ype – OS V ersion and Regi stry T ype – for the 8525 G2/ 8530 G2 is displayed at the top of the dialog box . • T ap on the icon to expand the settings f or Pr ofil e T ype and Pr ofile Lo cation .
Chapter 5 : Configuration T otal Recall 132 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Add F i les By de fa ult, All File s: is sel ected so th at all installe d or copied f iles, da tabase entr ies, and the Registry will be s aved.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 133 Chapter 5: Configura tion T otal Recall View Se lection s Dependin g on what you have se lected for inclusion i n your profil e, you can view a list of the sele cted files , databas es and/or re gistry .
Chapter 5 : Configuration Input Panel 134 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 5.5.11 Input P anel The 8530 G2 i s equipped with at Soft Input Panel (SIP).
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 135 Chapter 5: Configura tion Input Pane l • T ap on the Input Panel Butt on icon in the tas kbar to d ispl ay t he soft input panel on the 8530 G2 screen. Keep i n mind that t he soft keyboar d is not dis- played when a physical keyboard i s attached to th e vehicl e-mount.
Chapter 5 : Configuration IPv6 Support 136 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Note: Y ou can also display t his dial og box by doub le-tappi ng on th e Input icon in the f ar -right corner of the taskb ar .
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 137 Chapter 5: Configura tion Scanner Properties Setu p • T ap on the checkbo x next to Enabl e IPv6 Networ k Support to enab le this inte rnet protoco l.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Scanner Properties Setup 138 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual The symbologies listed in the Bar codes tab change to refl ect the scanner you choose and the bar codes it supports.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 139 Chapter 5: Configura tion Scanner Properties Setu p If you’re using the keyboard: • Highli ght the bar co de you want to work wi th, and press t he [RIGHT] arrow ke y to display t he sub-menu.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Scanner Properties Setup 140 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Secu rity This pa rameter contr ols the tol erance f or decoding edg e-to-edge ba r codes (Code 93, Cod e 128, UPC/EAN).
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 141 Chapter 5: Configura tion Scanner Properties Setu p Mod Checks T apping on this opti on displays a list of opt ions. None If you choos e None , a check is n ot execut ed. Mod 43 Ch eck If t his parame ter is enabl ed (set to on ), t he Mod 43 check di git is calculated.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Scanner Properties Setup 142 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Suffix Char Note: The app ended ch aracter i s tr eated as an y other ke yboar d charact er . For ex ample, if [B KSP] is pr essed, t he usual a ction for that key is performe d.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 143 Chapter 5: Configura tion Scanner Properties Setu p Va r i a t i o n s When usin g Code 128, you c an choose th e varia tion or t ype of bar code variat ion the scanne r will recog nize.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Scanner Properties Setup 144 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Include Check If t his parameter is enabl ed (set to on ), t he check digit is incl uded with the d ecoded bar cod e data.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 145 Chapter 5: Configura tion Scanner Properties Setu p Suffix Char This charact er , if non-zero, is added after a successfully dec oded bar code. Choosing this option displays a window in which you can assign a character .
Chapter 5 : Configuration Scanner Properties Setup 146 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Addendum Import ant: Befor e “Addendum” can t ake ef fect, the “Short Code” parameter in the Opt ion s men u (s ee page 139) must be enab led (set to ‘O N’).
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 147 Chapter 5: Configura tion Scanner Properties Setu p Conver t to UPC-A Sett ing thi s par ame ter to on resul ts in a non-st andard decodin g that re turns 12 digit s from the 6 di git UPC E bar c ode.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Scanner Properties Setup 148 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 5.5.13. 12 Code 93 Enabled Set th is paramet er to on to en able Code 93 or of f to dis able it. F ield Si ze/Chars Refer to t he descri ption beginn ing on page 1 41 for details.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 149 Chapter 5: Configura tion Scanner Properties Setu p 5.5.13. 14 Inter lea ved 2 of 5 Enabled Set th is paramet er to on to en able Interl eaved 2 of 5 or off to disab le it. Mod 10 Check If t his parame ter is enabl ed (set to on ), t he Mod 10 check di git is cal culated.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Scanner Properties Setup 150 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 5.5.13. 16 Discrete 2 of 5 Enabled Set th is paramet er to on to en able Disc r ete 2 of 5 or off to disable it. Mod 10 Check If t his parameter is enabl ed (set to on ), t he Mod 10 check di git is cal culated.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 151 Chapter 5: Configura tion Scanner Properties Setu p F ield Si ze/Chars Refer to t he descri ption beginn ing on page 1 41 for details.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Scanner Properties Setup 152 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Displ a y Scan Re sult When this parameter is enabled, the t ype of bar code and the resul t of the sca n appear on the screen .
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 153 Chapter 5: Configura tion Scanner Properties Setu p 5.5.13. 19 T ranslations T ab •I n t h e T ran slatio n tab, choose the Add button. Input This value i s compared with the decode d bar code read ing.
Chapter 5 : Configuration Scanner Properties Setup 154 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 5.5. 13.20 P or ts T ab While you cannot config ure external decoded scanne rs, you can c onfigure commun ications wit h a serial de coded scanner using the opti ons in this t ab 5.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 155 Chapter 5: Configura tion Scanner Properties Setu p Par i t y This paramet er determ ines the type of parity c hecking used on t he data going throu gh the tether port. Double-t apping on thi s option displ ays a pop-up wind ow in which you can choose the a ppropri ate Parity .
Chapter 5 : Configuration Scanner Properties Setup 156 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Po w e r Double-tapp ing on thi s parameter displ ays and dialo g box in whic h you can choose from a number options – you ca n disable (turn off ) thi s port, or you c an assign 5V or 12V power t o the port.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 157 Chapter 5: Configura tion SNMP (Simple Network Mana gement Protocol) Setu p Par i t y This paramet er determ ines the type of parity c hecking used on t he data going throu gh the tether port.
Chapter 5 : Configuration SNMP (Simple Network Manag ement Protocol) Setup 158 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual All Psion T eklogix pro ducts support t h e TEKLOGIX-GENERIC-MIB – a MIB that defi nes some common featur es across T eklogix pr oducts.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 159 Chapter 5: Configura tion SNMP (Simple Network Mana gement Protocol) Setu p 5.5.14. 2 Communi ties T ab The Communiti es tab p rovides a me ans of limiting a ccess to SNMP managed device s to those SNMP Managers with matchi ng “community names” , as specifi ed by RFC 1 157.
Chapter 5 : Configuration SNMP (Simple Network Manag ement Protocol) Setup 160 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Modifying A Comm unity Sett ing T o m odif y an existing community: • Highli ght the communi ty you want to a lter .
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 161 Chapter 5: Configura tion SNMP (Simple Network Mana gement Protocol) Setu p Enabling Authentication TRAPS Enabli ng Enable Authenticat ion TRAPS a llows authori zation tr aps to be sent when a fai lure is detect ed (e.
Chapter 5 : Configuration SNMP (Simple Network Manag ement Protocol) Setup 162 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Remo ving A T rap Destinat ion T o remove a trap dest ination : •I n t h e T rap Destin ation tab, h ighlight th e destinati on you want to del ete.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 163 Chapter 5: Configura tion SNMP (Simple Network Mana gement Protocol) Setu p Changi ng A Host T o change an exis ting host IP a ddress: • Highli ght the IP addr ess you want to a lter in th e Permitte d Hosts tab, a nd the n tap on th e Change button.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 165 P ERI PHERAL D EVI CES & A CCESSORIES 6 6 . 1 E x t e r n a l B a r C o d e R e a d e r s ....... ...... ......... ... 1 6 7 6.1.1 Po werScan™ S t andar d, LR and XLR Bar Code Sca nners .
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 167 Chapter 6: Periphera l Devices & Acces sories External Bar Code Readers 6.
Chapter 6: Periphera l Devices & Ac cessories 8525 G2/8 530 G2 Mounting Acces sories 168 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 6.3 8525 G2/8530 G2 Mounting Accessories Note: Becaus e the 8530 G2 has a de tachable k eyboar d, keyb oar d mounting equi pment is av ailable f or this mod el.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 169 Chapter 6: Periphera l Devices & Acces sories Install ing The Cradle And Cradle Mounting Plate 6.3.2 Installing The Cradle And Cradle Mounting Plate F igure 6.1 Quic k Rele ase Mount Instal led First, the 8525 G2/8530 G2 must be attac hed to the cradle (Fi gure 6.
Chapter 6: Periphera l Devices & Ac cessories Installin g The Cradle And Cradle Mounti ng Plate 170 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Installi ng The Cradle Mounting Plat e Next, th e cradle mounti ng plate mus t be attach ed to the vehi cle.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 171 Chapter 6: Periphera l Devices & Acces sories Installing The MT34XX RAM Mounting Kit 6.
Chapter 6: Periphera l Devices & Ac cessories Installa tion 172 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual tion, the mount may sl owly ‘sett le’. Occasi onal readju stment an d tighteni ng of the handscrew may be re quired.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 173 Chapter 6: Periphera l Devices & Acces sories Installatio n Fi g u r e 6 . 6 3. Securin g the RAM Base to the local platfo rm and attach RAM S tandard Arm: Use the su pplied bolt h ole patt ern to dr ill the r equired holes in the local pla tform.
Chapter 6: Periphera l Devices & Ac cessories Installa tion 174 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 4. For the RAM V esa Base, in four places , insert scr ew (M) throug h the RAM V esa Bas e (E), the loc al plat form and th e washer (F).
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 175 Chapter 6: Periphera l Devices & Acces sories Installatio n 5. For the RAM Cir cular Base , in f our places, in sert screw ( L) through the RAM Ci rcular Base ( J), the local plat form and th e washer (F).
Chapter 6: Periphera l Devices & Ac cessories Positioning The V ehicle-M ount 176 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual P ositioning The V ehicle-Mount Position t he vehicle- mount into an angle that best corresponds t o RAM hardware used (s ee Figure 6.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 177 Chapter 6: Periphera l Devices & Acces sories 8530 G2 Keyb oard Mounting Options 6.3.4 8 530 G2 Ke yboard Mounting Options Because the 8530 G2 vehicl e-mount is equi pped with an ext ernal keyboar d, a number of keyboard mounting options are a vailable.
Chapter 6: Periphera l Devices & Ac cessories Keyboard RAM Mount 178 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Ke yboard RAM Mount Y ou can install two vesa plat es or one each of a vesa plate and a RAM ball end to t he RAM mount.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 179 Chapter 6: Periphera l Devices & Acces sories 8525 G2/85 30 G2 Installati on In High V oltage V ehicles • Keep the cables away fr om control pedal s and other movi ng parts that may pull on the cables o r interfere wi th the operat ion of the veh icle.
Chapter 6: Periphera l Devices & Ac cessories Wir ing V ehicle Power T o The 8525 G2/8530 G2 180 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 6.3.8 Wiring V ehicle P ow er T o The 8525 G2/8530 G2 W arnin g: The 8525 G2/8 530 G2 accept s DC power sources be tween 10V and 90VDC nominal.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 181 S PECI FI CATI ON S 7 7.1 852 5 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mo unt Specif ication s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 7 . 2 R a d i o S p e c i f i c a t i o n s . ......... ...... .......
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 183 Chapter 7 : Specificati ons 8525 G2/ 8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Specifi cations Note: Perf ormance spec ific ations ar e nomina l and su bject to change witho ut notice.
Chapter 7 : Specificat ions Radio Specifi cations 184 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 7.2 Radio Specifications Mar vell 802. 11g Di rect S equence S pre ad Spectru m (Mod el Number RA2040) Form Factor Compact Flash Antenna Port Single U.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 185 Chapter 7 : Specificati ons Bar Code Scannin g RA1001A - Narrow Band Radio Psion T e klo gix Proprietar y Narrowband Modulation (2/4 l evel FSK) T ype III PC Card Form Facto r T ransmit Power 1W or 0.
Chapter 7 : Specificat ions External Sca nners 186 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 7.4 Exter nal Scanners Support ed T ypes Decoded and Non- Decoded 5V or 12V . (Refer to “Power” on pa ge 156 for deta ils.) Inte rface V ia tet her port .
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual A-1 A PPENDIX A S UPPOR T S ER VICES A ND W OR LDWIDE O FFICES Psion T eklogix provi des a complete r ange of produc t support services t o its custo mers worldwid e. These servic es include t echnical supp ort and pr oduct repair s.
Appendi x A: Support Serv ices And W orldwide Of fice s W orldwide Offices A-2 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual A.3 W or ldwide Offices C OMPA NY H EAD QUA RTE RS Psion T e klogix Inc.
Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual A-3 Appendix A: Support Services And W orldwide Of fices W orldwide Offices I NTER NATION AL S UBSI DIARIE S ( see al so www .
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual B-1 A PPENDI X B P OR T P IN O U T S B.1 T ether P or t Pinout The tet her port conn ector incor porates multi plexed undecode d scanner , decode d scanne r , RS232 serial, and USB int erfaces.
Appendi x B: Port Pinouts DB-26 Auxiliary Port Pin out B-2 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual B.3 DB-26 Auxiliar y P or t Pinout Pin Number Si gnal Name Signal T ype Notes 1 EXT _5V_ SW Powe r 5 VDC @ 0.5 A max imum. 2 EXT_ 5V_SW Powe r 5 VDC (T ied t o pin 1).
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual B-3 Appendi x B: Port Pinouts External Keybo ard–High Density DB-26 (8530 G2 Only ) B.
Appendi x B: Port Pinouts External Keyb oard–High Density DB-26 (8530 G2 Only ) B-4 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 18 No connect Not used 19 System Power 15V Hea.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual C-1 A PPENDI X C USB S ETUP A P PLIC AT IO N C. 1 U S B S e t u p The USB Setup applicat ion is used to updat e a W i ndows PC so that it can connect to a Psi on T e klogix 8525 G2/8530 G2.
Appendi x C: USB Setup Applicati on Launchin g The Application C-2 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual C .1.1 Launching The Application Before running the USB Setup appl icati on: 1. Unplug t he 8525 G2/8530 G2 from your PC, and exit all runnin g appli cations.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual C-3 Appendix C: USB Setup Appl ication Installatio n Complete Dialog Box In some ca ses, you may see an additional d ialog: Usuall y , this dialog is shown when more than one ver sion of Acti veSync is inst alled.
Appendi x C: USB Setup Applicati on Installa tion Complete Dialog Box C-4 Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual If you need t o view the log f ile, tap on Vi e w L o g . Once the USB Setup progra m is exited, you can connec t the vehicle- mount to your PC usi ng a USB cable, and tur n the unit on.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual I INDEX A accessories bar code readers, connecting 16 7 Active Co nn T ab 12 3 ActiveSync ASync profile 120 Add endum 1 44, 146, 1 .
II Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Index BKSP Key 43 BLUE Key 42 Bluetooth, enabli ng 99 Bluetooth radi o changing device name 124 device service profile s 120 ISM .
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual III Index Double C lick 151 Double-C lick , Manage Tri ggers menu 103 Double-T ap (stylus settings ) 100 DSSS, 802.
IV Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Index keyboard backlight 45 keyboard keys 41 AL T 43 arrow keys 43 BKSP 43 BLU E ke y 42 CTRL 43 DEL 43 END 43 ESC 43 Function ke.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual V Index Output 153 P Parity 155, 157 PDF scanner , operating 54 PIN , Bluetooth C ontrols 120 pinouts B- 1 PINs, Bluetoot h devices.
VI Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Index appending characters 142, 145 Bad Scan Bee p 152 check digit 14 4, 147, 14 8, 149, 150 Click D ata 151 Click Time 151 count.
Psion T ekl ogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual VII Index Commun itie s 159 Contact 15 8 Contacts 158 Enable SNMP 15 9 Loca tion 158 Name 159 Rights 15 9 Soft Input P anel (SIP) 8.
VIII Psion T eklogix 8525 G2/8530 G2 V ehicle-Mount Computer User Manual Index UPC A 146 UPC E 146 USB S etup App licatio n C-1 launching C-2 User sec urity level 66 V Va r i a t i o n s (Code 128) 14.
デバイスPsion Teklogix Vehicle-Mount Computer 8525 G2の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Psion Teklogix Vehicle-Mount Computer 8525 G2をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPsion Teklogix Vehicle-Mount Computer 8525 G2の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Psion Teklogix Vehicle-Mount Computer 8525 G2の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Psion Teklogix Vehicle-Mount Computer 8525 G2で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Psion Teklogix Vehicle-Mount Computer 8525 G2を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPsion Teklogix Vehicle-Mount Computer 8525 G2の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Psion Teklogix Vehicle-Mount Computer 8525 G2に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPsion Teklogix Vehicle-Mount Computer 8525 G2デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。