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Simp lify 59021-05 A Page i SANbox2-16 Fibre Channel Switch Inst allation Guide.
Page ii 59021-0 5 A SANb ox2-16 Fibre C hannel Switch Installa tion Gui de Informati on furn ished in thi s man ual is be lie ved to be ac curate and rel iable . However , QLogic Corporati on as sumes no respons ibility for i ts use, n or for any infri ngements of paten ts or other rights of t hird par ties which may result from i ts use.
59021-05 A Page iii T able of Conte nt s Section 1 Introduction 1.1 Intended Aud ience ......... .............. ............... ............... .............. ............... ........... 1-1 1.2 Rela te d Ma te r ials . .. ..... .. .. ..... .. .. ....
Page iv 59021-0 5 A SANb ox2-16 Fibre C hannel Switch Installa tion Gui de 2.2.2 Port LEDs ...... ....... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ... 2 -5 Logged-In L ED ........ ...
59021-05 A Page v SANbox 2-16 Fibre Ch annel Switch Install ation Guide 4.2.3 Connect the Switch t o AC Power ........... .. ............ ............. ............. ........... 4-5 4.2.4 Connect the Management W orkstation t o the Switch ........
Page vi 59021-0 5 A SANb ox2-16 Fibre C hannel Switch Installa tion Gui de 5.3.3 Maintenance – Re s et Net w o rk C o nf ig . .. .. ..... .. .... ... .. .... ... .. .... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. . 5 -1 4 5.3.4 Maintenance – Re s et Pa s s w o rd F ile .
59021-05 A Page vii SANbox 2-16 Fibre Ch annel Switch Install ation Guide Set Co m m a n d ..... .. ..... .. .. .... ... .... .. .. ..... .. .. ..... .. .. .... ... .... .. ... .... .. .. ..... .. .... ... .. . B-2 3 Set Co n fig C o m m a n d ...
Page vi ii 59021-0 5 A SANb ox2-16 Fibre C hannel Switch Installa tion Gui de 5-3 Chassis and Power Supply LEDs ................ ................. .............. ............... .............. ...... 5-9 6-1 SFP T ran sceive r Ins tal latio n ....
59021-05 A 1-1 Section 1 Introduction This manual describes th e features and inst allation of the SANbox2-16 Fibre Channel switch, fi rmware version 1.
1 – Introduc tion Related Ma terials 1-2 59021-05 A 1.2 Related Materials The followi ng manuals and mater ials are referenced in the tex t and/ or prov ide addition al i nformation. ■ SANbox2-8c/16 Switch Manageme nt User ’ s Guide , Publication Number 59022-05.
1 – Introduc tion Safety No tices 59021-05 A 1-3 1.3 Safety Notices A W arning notice ind icates the presence of a hazard that has the pote ntial of causing per sonal injury . 4-3 , 4- 5 , 6-1 A Caution noti ce ind icates the presence of a hazard that has the pot ential of causing damage to the equip m ent.
1 – Introduc tion Communic ations S tatements 1-4 59021-05 A 1.6 Communications S t atement s The followi ng st atements appl y to t his product. The stat ements for other product s intended for use with t his pr oduct appear in their accomp any ing manuals.
1 – Introduc tion Comm unica tions Sta tem ents 59021-05 A 1-5 1.6. 3 A vis de conform it é aux normes du minist è re de s Commun icat i ons du Canada Cet é quipement ne d é passe p as les l.
1 – Introduc tion Communic ations S tatements 1-6 59021-05 A 1.6. 5 VCCI Class A St atement This is a Class A pr oduct based on t he standard of the V oluntary Control Council For Int erference by I nformation T echn ology Equipment ( VCC I). If t his equipment is used in a domestic enviro nment, radio disturbance may aris e.
1 – Introduc tion Laser Safet y Informa tion 59021-05 A 1-7 1.7 Laser Safety Inform ation This product may use Class 1 laser optical transc eivers to communicate over the fiber opti c conduc tors. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) does n ot consider Cl ass 1 lasers to be hazardous.
1 – Introduc tion Access ible Parts 1-8 59021-05 A 1.9 Accessible Par t s The only Field Replaceabl e Unit s (FRUs) in the SANbox2-16 switch are: ■ Small Form-Fact or Plu ggable (SFP) optical transcei vers ■ Power supplies ■ Fans Refer to Secti on 6 Removal/Replacement for more inf orma t io n .
1 – Introduc tion Techni cal Supp ort 59021-05 A 1-9 1.12 T echnical Support Customers sho uld contac t their aut horized maintenance provider for technical support o f their QLogic switch product s. QLogic-d irect customers may contact QLogic T echnical Support ; others will be redirected to their authorized maintenance prov ider .
1 – Introduc tion Techni cal Sup port 1-10 59021-0 5 A Notes.
59021-05 A 2-1 Section 2 Genera l De scri pt io n This sect ion describes t he features and capabilitie s of the SANbox2-16 Fibre Channel switch. The fol lowi ng topi cs are described: ■ Chassis con.
2 – General De script ion Chassis Control s and LEDs 2-2 59021-05 A 2.1 Chassis Controls and LEDs Chassis con trols incl ude the power su pply On/Of f switches and t he Maintenance button as shown in Figur e 2-2 . The chassis LEDs include the Over T emperatur e LED, Fan Fail LED, Heartbeat LED, and the Inpu t Power LED.
2 – Gene ral D escr iptio n Cha ssi s Control s and LED s 59021-05 A 2-3 2.1. 3 Chassis LEDs The chassis LEDs shown in Figure 2- 3 provide status inf o rmat ion about switch operation . R efer to ” Power Suppli es ” on page 2-9 for informati on about power supply LEDs and to ” Port LEDs ” on page 2-5 for information about port LEDs.
2 – General De script ion Fibre Chan nel Ports 2-4 59021-05 A 2.1. 3.3 Heartbeat LED (Amber) The Heartbeat LED indicates the status of the inte rn al switch processor and the result s of the Power On Self T est (POST).
2 – Gene ral D escr iptio n Fibre Ch annel Ports 59021-05 A 2-5 2.2. 1 Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) T ransceivers An SFP transceiver , like the one shown in Figure 2- 5 , converts electrical signals to and from opt ical laser si gnal s to transmit an d receive dat a .
2 – General De script ion Fibre Chan nel Ports 2-6 59021-05 A 2.2. 2.1 Logged-In LED The Logged-in LED indi cates the logged-in or ini tialization st atus of the connected devices. Af ter successful completion of the POST , the switch exti ngui shes all Logged-In LEDs.
2 – Gene ral D escr iptio n Fibre Ch annel Ports 59021-05 A 2-7 G_Ports self-co nfigure in the following ways : ■ F_Port when connected to a publ ic devi ce ■ E_Port when connected to another FC-SW -2 compliant switch A TL_Port support s private loop devices and must be configur ed expl icitly .
2 – General De script ion Ethernet Port 2-8 59021-05 A 2.3 Ethe rnet Port The Eth ernet port sh own in Figure 2-7 i s an RJ-45 connector that prov ides a connection t o a management workst ation.
2 – Gene ral D escr iptio n Power Suppl ies 59021-05 A 2-9 The serial port connect or requires a null-modem F/F DB9 cable. The pin s on the switch RS- 232 connector are s hown in Figure 2-8 and identified in Ta b l e 2 - 1 .
2 – General De script ion Fans 2-10 59021-0 5 A Each power sup ply is c ap able of prov iding al l of t he switch ’ s power needs. Duri ng normal operati on, each power supply provides half of the demand. If one powe r supply goes of fline, the seco nd po wer suppl y steps up and provides the dif ference.
2 – Gene ral D escr iptio n Switch Manage ment 59021-05 A 2-1 1 2.7 Switch Management SANbox Manager is a workstat ion-based Java ® appli cation that provides a graphical user in terface for fabri c man agement. This application run s on a Windows ® , Solaris ™ , or Linux ® workstat ion.
2 – General De script ion Switch M anagement 2-12 59021-0 5 A Notes.
59021-05 A 3-1 Section 3 Planni ng Consider t he following when planning a fa bric: ■ Devices ■ Multiple ch a s s is fa b ric s ■ Performance ■ Device access ■ Fabric manag em ent ■ Fabric s ecurity 3.1 Devices When planning a fabric, consider the number of device s and the anticipat ed demand.
3 – Planning Mult ip le Chassi s Fabrics 3-2 59021-05 A 3.2 Multiple Chassi s Fabrics By connectin g switches together you can expand t he number of availabl e ports for devices. Each swi tch in the fabric is identifi ed by a unique domain ID, and the fabric will automatica lly resolve domain ID confli cts.
3 – Plannin g Multi ple Chassi s Fabric s 59021-05 A 3-3 3.2. 2 Commo n T opolo gies This sect ion describes t hree commonly used topol ogies: ■ Cascade ■ Mesh ■ Multistage ® 3.2. 2.1 Cascade T opology A cascade topology descr i bes a fabric i n which the swi tc hes are connected i n a linear fashion.
3 – Planning Mult ip le Chassi s Fabrics 3-4 59021-05 A 3.2. 2.2 Mesh T opology A mesh topol ogy describes a fabric in whi ch each chassis has at least o ne port directl y connected to each other chassi s in the fa bric.
3 – Plannin g Multi ple Chassi s Fabric s 59021-05 A 3-5 3.2. 2.3 Multist age T opology A Multist age topology describes a fabri c i n which two or more edge switches connect t o one or more co re switches. Each additional c ore switch in creases the bandwid th to each edge switch by 200 MB/s.
3 – Planning Perf ormance 3-6 59021-05 A 3.3 Perfor mance The SANbox2-16 switch suppor t s class 2 and class 3 Fibre Channel service at transmiss ion rates of 1 Gbps or 2 Gbp s with a maximum frame size of 2148 byt es. A port can transmit or recei ve at 1 Gbps or 2 Gbps depending on the device to which it is connected .
3 – Plannin g Performa nce 59021-05 A 3-7 3.3. 2 Bandwid th Bandwidt h is a measure of the volume of data tha t can be transmit ted at a given transmiss ion rate. A port can transmit or rece ive at 1 Gbps or 2 Gbps depending on th e device to which it is con nected.
3 – Planning Device Access 3-8 59021-05 A 3.4 Device Access Consider dev ice acces s needs withi n the fabr ic. Access i s control led by the u se of zones a nd zone sets. Some zoning strat egies includ e the following: ■ Sepa rate devices that use dif ferent operati ng systems.
3 – Plannin g Device Access 59021-05 A 3-9 3.4. 1 Sof t Zones Soft zoning divi des the fabric for purposes of contr ol ling discovery . Members of the same sof t zone a utomatically di scover and communicat e freely wi th all other members of the same zone.
3 – Planning Fabric M anagement 3-10 59021-0 5 A 3.4. 3 V irtual Private Fabric Hard Zones V ir t ual Private Fabric (VPF) zoning divides the fabric for purpose s of controlling discovery and both inbound and outbound tr affic. This type of zoning is useful for providi ng security and r eserving p aths between devices to guarantee ba ndwidth.
3 – Plannin g Fabric S ecurity 59021-05 A 3-1 1 3.6 Fabric Security Y ou manage fabric secur ity on a switch basis through the cre ati on of user account s. Each account consists of an account name, a pass word, and an authorit y level. There are two author ity levels: User and Admin.
3 – Planning Fabric Sec urity 3-12 59021-0 5 A Notes.
59021-05 A 4-1 Section 4 Installation This sect ion desc ribes how to i nst all and c onfigure t he SANbox2-16 swit ch. It also describes how to lo ad new firmware and how to recover a disabled swi tch.
4 – Installa tion Installi ng a Switc h 4-2 59021-05 A 4.1. 3 Enviro nm ental Conditions Consider the f acto rs that af f ect the climat e in your faci lit y such as equipment heat dissip ation and venti lation.
4 – Installa tion Inst alling a Switch 59021-05 A 4-3 Inst alling a SANbox2-16 switch involves t he following step s: 1. Mount the switch. 2. Inst all SFP transceivers. 3. Connect the switch to t he AC power source. 4. Connect the management workst ation to t he switch.
4 – Installa tion Installi ng a Switc h 4-4 59021-05 A T o mount the switch in a rack , do the following: 1. Ensure that the19- inch rack meets the f oll owing standard spec ifications: ■ ANSI.
4 – Installa tion Inst alling a Switch 59021-05 A 4-5 4.2. 3 Connect the Switch to AC Power W ARN ING!! This prod uct i s supplied wi th a 3-wire power cabl e and plug for the user ’ s safety . Use this power cable in conjunct ion with a properly gr ounded outl et to avoid electrical shock.
4 – Installa tion Installi ng a Switc h 4-6 59021-05 A T o connect the switch to an AC power source and energize t he switch, do the following: 1.
4 – Installa tion Inst alling a Switch 59021-05 A 4-7 4. Confirm that the Output P ower LEDs on both power suppli es are illu m inated. If not, do the foll owing: a. Check volt age at t he AC power source. b. Inspect the power cord. c. Replace the power suppl y .
4 – Installa tion Installi ng a Switc h 4-8 59021-05 A 4.2. 4 Connect the Management Workst ation to the Switch Connect the management workst ation to t he switch in one of three ways: ■ Indirect Ethernet connection fr om the management workstati on to the switch RJ-45 Ethernet connector th rough an Ethernet switch or a hub.
4 – Installa tion Inst alling a Switch 59021-05 A 4-9 4.2. 4.1 Ethernet Connection T o est ablish an Ether net connection, do the followi ng: 1. Connect a 10/100 Base-T cros s-over cable from an.
4 – Installa tion Installi ng a Switc h 4-10 59021-0 5 A ■ For Linux : a. Set up min icom to use t he serial port. Create or modify the /etc/mi nirc.dfl file wi th the following conten t: pr portdev/ttyS0 pu minit pu mreset pu mhangup b. V erify that all users have permis si on to run minicom.
4 – Installa tion Inst alling a Switch 59021-05 A 4-1 1 4.2. 6 SANsurfer Management Suite D isk - Windows Installation T o inst all th e SANbox Manager applicat ion on Windows f rom the SANsurfer ® Management Suite Di sk, do the fol lowing: 1.
4 – Installa tion Installi ng a Switc h 4-12 59021-0 5 A 4.2. 7 SANsurfer Management Suite D isk - Linux Installation T o inst al l the SANbox Manager application on Linux fr om th e SANsurfer Management Suite Di sk, do the fol lowing: 1.
4 – Installa tion Inst alling a Switch 59021-05 A 4-13 4.2. 8 SANsurfer Management Suite Disk - Solari s Inst all ation T o inst al l the SANbox Manager application on Solari s from the SANsurfer Management Suite CD- ROM, do the foll owing: 1.
4 – Installa tion Installi ng a Switc h 4-14 59021-0 5 A 4.2. 9 SANbox2 Insta llatio n Disk - Windows Inst allation T o inst all the SANbox Manager application on Windows from t he SANbox2 Inst allation Disk, do the fol lowing: 1.
4 – Installa tion Inst alling a Switch 59021-05 A 4-15 4.2. 12 Configure the Switch Do the f ollowing to configure a swit ch using the SANbox Manager applicati on. Refer to the SANbox2-8c/ 16 Switch Management User ’ s Guide for mo re informati on about configur ing a switch.
4 – Installa tion Installi ng a Switc h 4-16 59021-0 5 A 4.2. 13 Configure the Port s Configuring a port involves def ini ng the port mode. For public devices and other switches, a switch automati cally sets the port mode as each port dis covers the type of device to which it is connected.
4 – Installa tion Install Fir mware 59021-05 A 4-17 4.3 Inst all Fir mware The switch comes with cur rent fi rmware installed . Y ou can upgrade the firmware from the management work st ati on as new f irmware bec omes avai labl e.
4 – Installa tion Install F irmware 4-18 59021-0 5 A 4.3. 2 Using t he CL I to I nst al l Firmw are T o inst all fir mware using t he CLI when an FTP server is pr esent on the management workst at ion, do the following: 1. Connect to the switch thr ough the Ethernet or the serial port and open a T elnet s ession.
4 – Installa tion Install Fir mware 59021-05 A 4-19 4.3. 3 Using FTP a nd th e CLI to Install Firmwa re T o inst al l firmware using the CLI when the management work station does not have an FTP server , do the following: 1. Connect to the swit ch thr ough the Ether net or the serial port.
4 – Installa tion Powering Down a Switch 4-20 59021-0 5 A 10. Display the l ist of fi rmware image files on the switch to conf irm that the file was loaded. Refer to the ” Image Command ” on page B-13 for more informati on. cli (admin) $>image list 1 1.
59021-05 A 5-1 Section 5 Diagnostics/T roubl eshooting Diagnostic i nformation abo ut the switch is avai lable through the chassis LEDs, the power supply LEDs, and the port LEDs . Diag nostic informati on is also available through the SANbox Manage r and CLI event log s and err or disp lay s.
5 – Diagno stics/Tr oublesh ooting POST Dia gnosti cs 5-2 59021-05 A 5.1. 1.2 Maintenance Mode Pattern S t eady illuminati on indicates that the swi tch is in mai ntenance mode, which returns the switch I P address to 1 0.
5 – Diagnostics /Troubles hooting POST D iagnosti cs 59021-05 A 5-3 2. Place the switch in maint enance mode. Press and hold th e Mainten ance button, then power up the switch. Ref er to ” Recover ing a Swit ch ” on page 5- 12 for more i nformation abou t placing t he switch in maintenance mode.
5 – Diagno stics/Tr oublesh ooting POST Dia gnosti cs 5-4 59021-05 A c. Act i vate binary mode and copy the configurati on file from the workst ation to the s witch. The conf iguration fi le must be named "configd ata". ftp>bin ftp>put configdata d.
5 – Diagnostics /Troubles hooting POST D iagnosti cs 59021-05 A 5-5 5.1. 2 Logged-In LED Indications Port di agnostics are ind icated by the Logged-In LED for each port as shown in Figure 5-1 . Figure 5-1. Port Logged-In LE D The Logged-In LED has three indi cat ions: ■ Logged in - Continuous illumi nation.
5 – Diagno stics/Tr oublesh ooting POST Dia gnosti cs 5-6 59021-05 A 5.1. 2.1 E_Por t Iso lation A Logged-In L ED error indi cation is of ten the result of E_Port isol ation. An isolat ed E_Port is indicated by a red link in the SANbox Manager topology di splay .
5 – Diagnostics /Troubles hooting POST D iagnosti cs 59021-05 A 5-7 5.1. 2.2 Excessive Port Errors The switc h monitors a se t of port errors and generat es alarms based on user-defi ned sample inter vals and thres holds. Refer to the SANbox2-8c/16 Swi tch Management User ’ s Guide for information about managi ng alarms.
5 – Diagno stics/Tr oublesh ooting POST Dia gnosti cs 5-8 59021-05 A 2. Reset the port, then perform an exter nal port loopbac k test to v alidate the port and the SFP . Refer to the ” T est Command ” on page B-66 or the SANbox2-8c/16 Switch Manageme nt User ’ s Guide for informati on about testing por ts.
5 – Diagnostics /Troubles hooting Chassi s Diag nostics 59021-05 A 5-9 5.2 Chassis Diagnostics Chassis diagnos tics are indicated by the chassi s and power suppl y LEDs as shown in F igure 5-3 .
5 – Diagno stics/Tr oublesh ooting Chas sis Diagnos t ics 5-10 59021-0 5 A 5.2. 1 Chassis Over T emperature LED is Illuminated The chassis Over T emperat ure LED illuminates to indic ate th at the switch logic circuitr y is overheating. If the chassis Over T emperature LED illuminates, do the following: 1.
5 – Diagnostics /Troubles hooting Chassi s Diag nostics 59021-05 A 5-1 1 5.2. 4 Output Power LED Is Extinguished The Output Power LED illuminat es to indi cate that the power supply is producing the proper voltage s. If the Output Power LED i s extinguished, do the following: 1.
5 – Diagno stics/Tr oublesh ooting Recove ring a Swit ch 5-12 59021-0 5 A 5.3 Recovering a Switch A switch can become inoperabl e or unavailable for the following reas ons: ■ Firmware be comes.
5 – Diagnostics /Troubles hooting Recove ring a Swit ch 59021-05 A 5-13 5. The maintenan ce menu displ ays sever al recovery options. T o sel e ct a switch recov e ry opt ion, press the correspon ding number (displayed in option: fi el d) on the keyboard and press the Enter key .
5 – Diagno stics/Tr oublesh ooting Recove ring a Swit ch 5-14 59021-0 5 A 5.3. 3 Maintenance – Rese t Network Config This option re sets the network propert ies to the factory default values and saves them on the switch. Refer to T able B-6 for the default networ k configuration values .
59021-05 A 6-1 Section 6 Removal/Rep lacement This sect ion describes t he removal and repl acement procedures for the follo wing field rep lac eable units (FRU): ■ SFP transceivers ■ Power supplies ■ Fans The switch is equipped wit h a batter y that powers the non-volatile memory .
6 – Remova l/Replac ement SFP T ransce ivers 6-2 59021-05 A 6.1 SFP T ransceivers The SFP transcei vers can be removed and r epl aced while the switch is operating without damagin g the switch or the transceiver . However , transmission on the aff ected port will be interrupt ed unti l the transceiver inst al led.
6 – Removal/Re place men t Power Suppl ies 59021-05 A 6-3 6.2 Power Suppli es The power su pplies are hot pluggable. This means you can remov e or inst all one of the power suppl ie s while the swi tch is op erat in g without disrupt ing service.
6 – Remova l/Replac ement Fans 6-4 59021-05 A 6.3 Fans The fans ar e hot pluggable. Thi s means you can remove or install on e of the fans while t he switch is operating without disrupting ser vice. The f an is completely enclosed, so ther e is no risk of injury from the fan blades.
6 – Removal/Re place men t Fans 59021-05 A 6-5 T o inst all a fan, do the fol lowing: 1. Confirm that the new fan is comp atible with the switc h air f low direction. 2. Align the modular connect or toward the inside of the switch as shown in Figure 6-4 .
6 – Remova l/Replac ement Fans 6-6 59021-05 A Notes.
59021-05 A A-1 Appendix A S pec ificati ons Appendix A c ont ain s t he speci ficat ions for the SANbox 2-16 Fibre Channel s witch. Refer to Secti on 2 General Descrip tion for t he location of all connecti ons, switches, contr ols, and components. A.
A – Specifi cations Switc h Main tainabil ity A-2 59021 -05 A A.2 Swit ch M aintainabil ity Maximum User Ports ......... .. ........... > 475,000 port s depending on configur ation Buffe r C re d its .. .... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. .... ... .
A – Spec ificati ons Fabric Manage ment 59021-05 A A-3 A.3 Fabric Management A.4 Switch Dimensi ons A.5 Switch Electr ical Management Methods ........... ......... SANbox Manager a pplication Command Line Interf ace GS-3 Management Server SNMP FTP Maintenance Connection .
A – Specifi cations Switch Environm e ntal A-4 59021 -05 A A.6 Switch Environment al A.7 Switch Regu latory Cert ificatio ns T emperature ■ Op erati ng .... .... ....... ..... ...... ..... ... ■ Non-operating ......... ........... ....... 10 to 4 0 ° C (50 to 104 ° F) -40 to 65 ° C (-40 to 149 ° F) Humi dit y ■ Op erati ng .
A – Spec ificati ons Shortwav e Laser SF P 1G/2 G (multi- mode) 59021-05 A A-5 A.8 Shortwave Laser SFP 1G/2G ( multi-mode) Connector ............ ........... ............ .... Duplex LC Color codin g......... ............ ........... .... Bei ge or black expos ed connector surfaces Cable .
A – Specifi cations Longwave Laser SFP 1G/2G (si ngle-mod e) A-6 59021 -05 A A.9 Longwave Laser SFP 1G/2G (single-m ode) Connector ............ ........... ............ .... Duplex LC Color codin g......... ............ ........... .... Bl ue exposed connecto r surfaces Cable .
59021-05 A B-1 Appendix B Comman d Li n e In te rfa c e Each switc h conta ins a T elnet ser ver . This server a llows a T elnet client t o establ ish a T elnet session wit h the switch to ret rieve infor mation or to conf igure p aramet ers using the Command Line Inter face (CLI).
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Command S yntax B-2 59021 -05 A B.2 Comma nd Synt ax The command syntax i s as follows: command key word keyword [v alue] keyword [v alu e1] [value2] The Command is f ollowed by o ne or mor e keywords. Con sider the fol lowing r ules and conventions: ■ Commands and keywords are lowercase and case sensit ive.
B – Com mand Line Interface Commands 59021-05 A B-3 B.3 Comma nds The command set provides for User and Admin author i ty levels. ■ User author ity grant s viewing access to the fabr ic and switches using the Show command and ot her read-only commands.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Admin Com mand B-4 59021 -05 A Admi n Command Opens and closes an Admin session. The Admin session provi des commands that change the fabr ic and switch configurations. Only one Admin session can be open on th e switch at any time.
B – Com mand Line Interface Alias C ommand 59021-05 A B-5 Alias Command Creates a named set of por ts/devic es. Aliases m ake it easier to assign a set of port s/devices to many zones.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Alias C omm and B-6 59021 -05 A members [alias] Displays all members of t he alias giv en by [alias]. This keyword is available with User author ity and does not require a z oning edit ses sion or an admin s ession. remove [ alias] [members] Removes the port s given by [members] f rom the alias given by [ alias].
B – Com mand Line Interface Config Com mand 59021-05 A B-7 Config Comm and Manages the Fibre Channel confi gurations on a switch. For inform ati on about setting the port and switch configura tions, refe r to the Set Config Command on page B- 25 .
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Config Command B-8 59021 -05 A restore Restores conf iguration settings to an out-of-band switch fr om a backup file named configdat a , which must be first uplo aded on the switch using FTP . Y ou create the backup fi le using the Config Backup co mmand.
B – Com mand Line Interface Date Comman d 59021-05 A B-9 Date Command This command displays or set s the system dat e and time. T o set the date and time the informatio n string must be prov ided in this format: MMDDhhmmCCYY . Y ou mus t res et th e swi tch f or t he ne w da te t o take effect.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Fallback Command B-10 59021 -05 A Fallback Command Loads the fall back version of the fir mware from swit ch memory . The switch stores two versi ons of the f irmware. This command alternate ly activates t he two versions.
B – Com mand Line Interface Hel p Comma nd 59021-05 A B-1 1 Help Command Displays a brief desc ription of the specified command and it s keywords. Authority User Syntax help [command] [keyword] Keywords [command] Displays a summary of the command given by [command] and it s keywords.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Hist ory Comm and B-12 59021 -05 A History Command Displays a numbered list of the previousl y entered commands from which you can re-execut e selected commands.
B – Com mand Line Interface Image Com mand 59021-05 A B-13 Image Command Manages and inst alls switch firmware. Authority Admin Syntax image cleanup fetch [ account_name] [i p_address] [file_sour ce] [file_destin ation] list unpack [f ile] Keywords cleanup Removes all firmwa re image fi les from the switch.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Lip Comma nd B-14 59021 -05 A Lip Comm and Reinitial izes the specified loop port . Authority Admin Syntax lip [port_ number] Keywords [port_number] The number of the port t o be reiniti alized.
B – Com mand Line Interface Passwd Com mand 59021-05 A B-15 Passwd Command Changes a user account ’ s password. Authority Admin to c hange another accou nt ’ s p assword; User to c hange your own. Syntax p asswd [account_name] Keywords [account_name] The user account name.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Ps Comma nd B-16 59021 -05 A Ps Co mmand Displays current system pr ocess information. Authority User Syntax ps Exam ples The followi ng is an example of the Ps command: SANbox2 #> ps PID PPID %CPU TIME ELAPSED COMMAND 298 292 0.
B – Com mand Line Interface Quit Command 59021-05 A B-17 Quit C om mand Closes the T elnet sessi on. Authority User Syntax quit, exit , or logout.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Reset Comm and B-18 59021 -05 A Reset Command Resets the switch and port co nfiguration p arameters. Authority Admin Syntax reset config [ config_name] facto ry port.
B – Com mand Line Interface Reset Com mand 59021-05 A B-19 T able B-2. Swit ch Configuration Defau lts Paramet er Default Admin St ate Online Broadc ast Enabl e T rue Inba ndEn able T rue Domain.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Reset Comm and B-20 59021 -05 A ExtCred it 0 FanEnab le T rue LCFEnab le False MFSEnabl e T rue MFS_TOV 10 MSEnabl e T ru e NoClose Fal se IOS tre amGuard Dis abled VIEna ble False CheckAlps False T able B-4.
B – Com mand Line Interface Reset Com mand 59021-05 A B-21 Logout MonitoringE nabled RisingTrigger Fallin gT rigg er SampleW indow Tru e 5 1 10 LOSMoni toringE nabled RisingTrigger Fallin gT rigg er SampleW indow Tru e 100 5 10 T able B-5.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Reset Comm and B-22 59021 -05 A T able B-6. Syst em Configuration De faults Paramet er Default Ethernet Network I P Addres s 10.
B – Com mand Line Interface Set Com mand 59021-05 A B-23 Set Command Sets a vari ety of switch and port paramet ers. Authority Admin for all keywords exce pt Alarm Clear , Beacon, and Pagebreak whic h are availabl e with User author ity .
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Set Com mand B-24 59021 -05 A port [optio n] Sets por t state and speed for the spec ified port tempo rar ily until the next switch reset or new configurati on activation . Refer to the ” Set Port Command ” on page B- 37 .
B – Com mand Line Interface Set Config Command 59021-05 A B-25 Set Config Command Sets swi tch, port, alarm threshold, and zoning conf iguration p aramet ers.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Set Config Command B-26 59021 -05 A ALFair ness Arbitrati on loo p fairness . Enabl es (T rue ) or disabl es (False) the switc h ’ s p r io rity to arbitra te on the loop. ARB_FF Use ARB_ FF ins tead of idles o n loop FCAL op tion InteropCred it Interoper ability c redit.
B – Com mand Line Interface Set Config Command 59021-05 A B-27 switch Initiates an editing session in which to change swit ch confi guration settings.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Set Config Command B-28 59021 -05 A threshold Initiates a configurat ion session by whi ch to generate and log alarms for selected event s. The syst em displays eac h event, it s thre sholds, and sampl ing inter val one line at a time and pr ompt s you f or a v alu e.
B – Com mand Line Interface Set Config Command 59021-05 A B-29 zoning Initiates an editing session in which to change swit ch zoni ng attri butes. The system displ ays each parameter one line at a time and prompt s you for a value. For each para meter , enter a new value or press the Enter key to accept the current val ue shown in brackets.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Set Config Command B-30 59021 -05 A Exam ples The followi ng is an example of the Set Config Port command: SANbox2 #> admin start SANbox2 (admin) #> config edit SANbox2 (admin-config) #> set config port 1 A list of attributes with formatting and current values will follow.
B – Com mand Line Interface Set Config Command 59021-05 A B-31 The following is an example of the Set Config Switch comman d: SANbox2 #> admin start SANbox2 (admin) #> config edit SANbox2 (admin-config) #> set config switch A list of attributes with formatting and default values will follow.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Set Config Command B-32 59021 -05 A RisingTrigger (decimal value, 1-1000) [200 ] FallingTrigger (decimal value, 0-1000) [0 ] SampleWindow (decimal value, 1-1000 sec).
B – Com mand Line Interface Set Config Command 59021-05 A B-33 The followi ng is an example of the Set Config Zoning command. SANbox2 #> admin start SANbox2 (admin) #> config edit SANbox2 (admin-config) #> set config zoning A list of attributes with formatting and current values will follow.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Set Log Com mand B-34 59021 -05 A Set Log Command S pecifies the t ype of entries to be entered in t he event log. The log is a storage file conta ined on the switch.
B – Com mand Line Interface Set Log Com mand 59021-05 A B-35 Other Monitors othe r miscellaneous event s. Port Monitors all port events Switch Monitors switch management event s.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Set Log Com mand B-36 59021 -05 A st art S tarts the loggin g of events based on the Port, Component, and Level keywords assigned to the cur rent configuration. Th e loggi ng conti nues until you enter the Set Log S top command.
B – Com mand Line Interface Set Po rt Com mand 59021-05 A B-37 Set Port Comm and Sets por t state and speed for the spec ified port tempo rar ily until the next switch reset or new configurat ion activation. Thi s command also cle ars port counters.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Set Setup Comman d B-38 59021 -05 A Set Setup Command Changes SNMP and system config urat ion settings. The swit ch maintains one SNMP configur ation and one s ystem configuration.
B – Com mand Line Interface Set Setup Comman d 59021-05 A B-39 system Prompts you in a l ine-by-line fashi on to change sys tem configuration settings. Ta b l e B - 1 2 describes the sys tem configur ation fi elds. For e ach p arameter , enter a new value or press the Enter key to accept the current value shown in brack et s.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Set Setup Comman d B-40 59021 -05 A Notes The two components of secur ity are user authentication and fabr ic security .
B – Com mand Line Interface Set Setup Comman d 59021-05 A B-41 Trap5Severity (see allowed options above) [warning ] Trap5Enabled (True / False) [False ] ReadCommunity (string, max=32 chars) [pub.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Show Comma nd B-42 59021 -05 A Show Comm and Displays fab ric, switch, and port operati onal information. Authority User Syntax show about alarm broadcast chassis co.
B – Com mand Line Interface Show C ommand 59021-05 A B-43 domains Displays list of each domain and its worldwide name in the fabric. donor Displays l ist of current donor configurat ion for all ports. fabric Displays list of each domain, fabric ID, worldwi de name, node IP addres s, and port IP address.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Show Comma nd B-44 59021 -05 A perf [opt ion] Disp lays perfo rman ce infor mati on for all ports. Ref er to t he Show Perf Command on page B-60 . port [por t_number] Displays oper ati onal information for th e port given by [port_numbe r] .
B – Com mand Line Interface Show C ommand 59021-05 A B-45 LIPF7F7 A loop in itializ ation prim itive f rame use d to acqui re a va lid AL_P A. LIPF8F7 A loop in itializ ation primi tive fra me use d to indic ate th at a loop fai lure ha s been det ected a t the receiv er .
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Show Comma nd B-46 59021 -05 A post log Displays the Power On Self T est (POST) log which conta ins result s from the POST . setup [option] Displays setup attributes f or the syst em , SNMP , and the switch manuf acturer .
B – Com mand Line Interface Show C ommand 59021-05 A B-47 ■ Zoneset (Acti ve, List) ■ Zoning (Hist ory , Limits, Lis t) switch Displays switch operational informati on. topology Displays all connec ted devices. users Displays a list of logged- i n users.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Show Comma nd B-48 59021 -05 A The foll owing is an example of the Show Setup SNMP command: SANbox2 #> show setup snmp SNMP Information ---------------- Contact Technical Support Location TSLab Description QLogic SANbox2 FC Switch Trap1Address 10.
B – Com mand Line Interface Show C ommand 59021-05 A B-49 The following is an example of the Show NS Domain_ID command: SANbox2 #> show ns domain_ID Port ID: 630425 -------- PortType NL PortWWN 21:00:00:20:37:d9:4b:2a SymbolicPortName NodeWWN 20:00:00:20:37:d9:4b:2a SymbolicNodeName NodeIPAddress 0.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Show Comma nd B-50 59021 -05 A The following is an example of the Show Port command: SANbox2 #> show port 1 Port Number: 1 ------------ AdminState Online PortID 6.
B – Com mand Line Interface Show C ommand 59021-05 A B-51 The foll owing is an example of the Show Setup Sy stem command: SANbox2 (admin) #> show setup system System Information ------------------ Eth0NetworkAddress Eth0NetworkMask 255.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Show Comma nd B-52 59021 -05 A The foll owing is an example of the Show Switch command: SANbox2 #> show switch Switch Information ------------------ SymbolicName SANbox2-203 SwitchWWN 10:00:00:c0:dd:00:b8:b5 SwitchType SANbox2-16 PromVersion V0.
B – Com mand Line Interface Show C ommand 59021-05 A B-53 The followi ng is an example of the Show T opology command fo r port 1: SANbox2 #> show topology 1 Local Link Information -----------.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Show Comma nd B-54 59021 -05 A The foll owing is an example of the Show V ersion command: SANbox2 #> show version SystemDescription QLogic SANbox2 FC Switch Eth0NetworkAddress (use ’ set setup system ’ to update) FCNetworkAddress 0.
B – Com mand Line Interface Show C onfig C ommand 59021-05 A B-55 Show Config Command Displays switch , port, alarm threshold, and zoning att ri butes for the current configur ation.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Show Confi g Command B-56 59021 -05 A NoClose False IOStreamGuard False VIEnable False CheckAlps False The foll owing is an example of the Show Conf ig Switch comman.
B – Com mand Line Interface Show C onfig C ommand 59021-05 A B-57 FallingTrigger 0 SampleWindow 10 ISLMonitoringEnabled True RisingTrigger 2 FallingTrigger 0 SampleWindow 10 LoginMonitoringEnabl.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Show Log Co mmand B-58 59021 -05 A Show Log C ommand Displays the content s of the log or the p arameters used to create entr ies in the log. The log cont ains a maximum of 200 entries. When the log reaches it s entry cap aci ty , subsequent entries overwr ite the existing entri es, beginning with the oldest.
B – Com mand Line Interface Show Log Comman d 59021-05 A B-59 The following is an example of the Show Log Options command: SANbox2 #> show log options Allowed options for ’ level ’ : Crit.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Show Per f Command B-60 59021 -05 A Show Perf Com mand Displays por t perf ormance in frames/second and byte s/second. If you omit the keyword, t he command displays data tr ansmitted (out), data r eceived (in), and tot al data transmitt ed and received in frames/second and bytes per sec ond.
B – Com mand Line Interface Show P erf Comm and 59021-05 A B-61 Exam ples The followi ng is an example of the Show Perf command: SANbox2 #> show perf Port Bytes/s Bytes/s Bytes/s Frames/s Fra.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Show Setu p Comma nd B-62 59021 -05 A Show Setup Com mand Displays the current SNMP and system sett ings. Authority User Syntax show setup mfg snmp syste m Keywords mfg Displays manufa ctur ing information about the switch.
B – Com mand Line Interface Sh ow Setup C ommand 59021-05 A B-63 The foll owing is an example of the Show Setup Snmp command: SANbox2 #> show setup snmp SNMP Information ---------------- Contact <sysContact undefined> Location N_107 System Test Lab Description QLogic SANbox2 FC Switch Trap1Address 10.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Show Setu p Comma nd B-64 59021 -05 A The foll owing is an example of the Show Setup Sy stem command: SANbox2 #> show setup system System Information ------------------ Eth0NetworkAddress Eth0NetworkMask 255.
B – Com mand Line Interface Shutdown Comman d 59021-05 A B-65 Shut down C ommand T erminates al l data transf ers on the switch at convenient point s and closes the T elnet s ession.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Test Command B-66 59021 -05 A T est Command T est s port s using internal (Ser Des leve l), external (SFP) , and onli ne loopback test s. Internal a nd external t ests requir e that the po rt be placed in diagnostic mode.
B – Com mand Line Interface Test Command 59021-05 A B-67 ■ T o run an external loopback test, enter the following command. A loopback plug must be ins t alled for this test to p ass . test x external 5. A series of test p arameters are dis played on the screen.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Test Command B-68 59021 -05 A 3. A series of test p arameters are dis played on the screen. Press the Enter key to accept each default p arameter val ue, or type a new value for eac h pa ramet er and press the Enter key .
B – Com mand Line Interface Uptime Com mand 59021-05 A B-69 Uptime C ommand Displays the elaps ed time since the switch was l ast reset and reset method.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface User Comman d B-70 59021 -05 A User Command Administer s or dis plays user account s. Authority Admin. The List keywor d is avail able with User authority . Syntax user account s add del ete [ account_name] list Keywords account s Displays al l user account s that exist on the switch .
B – Com mand Line Interface User Comman d 59021-05 A B-71 The following is an example of the User Add command: SANbox2 (admin) #> user add Press ’ q ’ and the ENTER key to abort this command.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Whoami Co mmand B-72 59021 -05 A Whoami Command Displays the account name, ses sion number , and switch domai n ID for the T elnet session.
B – Com mand Line Interface Zone Com mand 59021-05 A B-73 Zone Comman d Manages zones a nd zone membership on a switch. The Zone command defines members (port s/devices) for a singl e switch. Zone s are members of zone sets. Authority Admin authority and a Zoning Edi t sessi on.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Zone Com mand B-74 59021 -05 A list Displays a list of all zones and the zone set s of which they are members. This keyword is vali d for User authority and does not requi re a zoni ng edit sessi on. members [zone] Displays all membe rs of the zone given by [zone] .
B – Com mand Line Interface Zone Com mand 59021-05 A B-75 Exam ples The followi ng is an example of the Zone List command: SANbox2 #> zone list Zone ZoneSet ------------------- wwn_b0241f zon.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Zone Com mand B-76 59021 -05 A The following is an example of the Zone Zoneset s command: SANbox2 #> zone zonesets zone1 Current List of ZoneSets for Zone: wwn_b0.
B – Com mand Line Interface Zoneset Comman d 59021-05 A B-77 Zoneset Command Manages zone sets and zone set membership ac ross the fabr ic. Authority Admin authority and a Zoning Edi t sessi on. Refer to the Zonin g Command on page B- 80 for info rmation about st arting a Zoning Edit sessi on.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Zonese t Comman d B-78 59021 -05 A del ete [ zone_set] Deletes the zone set given by [zo ne_set]. If the specified zone set i s acti ve, the command is sus pended until the zone set is deactiv ated. Thi s keyword req uir es a Zoning Edit session.
B – Com mand Line Interface Zoneset Comman d 59021-05 A B-79 The foll owing is an example of the Zoneset Zones command: SANbox2 #> zoneset zones ssss Current List of Zones for ZoneSet: ssss -.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Zoning Comm and B-80 59021 -05 A Zoning Comm an d Opens a Zoning Edit session i n which to create and mana ge zone sets and zones. Refer to the Zone Command on page B-73 and the Zoneset Command on page B- 77 . Authority Admin.
B – Com mand Line Interface Zoning Com mand 59021-05 A B-81 list List s all fab ric zoning definit ions. This keyword is availabl e with User author ity . restore Revert s the changes to the zoning dat abase tha t have been made during the current Zoning Edit s ession since the last Zoning Sav e command was entered.
B – Comman d Line Inte rface Zoning Comm and B-82 59021 -05 A 50:06:04:82:bf:d2:18:c2 50:06:04:82:bf:d2:18:d2 10:00:00:00:c9:22:14:16 wwn_2215c3 50:06:04:82:bf:d2:18:c2 50:06:04:82:bf:d2:18:d2 1.
59021-05 A Glossar y-1 Glossary Activity LED A port LED that indicates when frames are entering or leavi ng the por t. Alias A collection of obj ects that can be zoned together . An alias is not a zone, and can not have a zone or another alias as a member .
Glossary -2 59021-0 5 A SANbox 2-16 Fibre Ch annel Switch Install ation Guide Exp ansion Port See E_Port. ExtCredit Allows fu ll speed operation ov er distanc es greater than 10 kilometers . Additional credit buffers are borrowed f rom other port s (which must be set to donor st ate) .
59021-05 A Glossary-3 SANb ox2-16 Fibre C hannel Switch Installa tion Gui de Logged-In LED A port LED that indic ates device login or loop init ial ization stat us. Management Infor m ation Base A set of guidelines and defi ni tions for the Fibre Channe l functions.
Glossary -4 59021-0 5 A SANbox 2-16 Fibre Ch annel Switch Install ation Guide SNMP Simple Network Management Pro toco l T arget A storage device tha t responds to an initia tor de vice. VCCI V oluntary Cont rol Council f or Interfer ence VIEnable FC-VI.
59021-05 A Index-1 Index Numerics 10/100 Base-T straight cable 4-8 A access 3-8 Access Contr ol List zo ne 3-9 account name descript ion 3- 11 display B-72 ft p 5-3 maintenance mode 5-12 Activ ity L E.
Inde x-2 59021-0 5 A SANbox 2-16 Fibre Ch annel Switch Install ation Guide D Date command B-9 devic e cabling 4-16 descript ion 3- 1 diagnosti cs 5-1, 5-9, A- 2 dimensions A-3 dist ance 3- 6 domai.
59021-05 A Index-3 SANb ox2-16 Fibre C hannel Switch Installa tion Gui de Help command B-11 History command B-12 host bus adapter 3-1 humidity 4-2, A-4 HyperT erminal appl ication 4-9 I Image comm.
Inde x-4 59021-0 5 A SANbox 2-16 Fibre Ch annel Switch Install ation Guide file res et 5-14 maintenance mode 5-12 restore def ault 5-14 switch 3 -11, B-15 user account B-1 performance 3-6 planning.
59021-05 A Index-5 SANb ox2-16 Fibre C hannel Switch Installa tion Gui de SNMP See - Simple Network Management Protocol soft zone 3-9 steering B-46 switch administrat ive stat e B-24 configur atio.
Inde x-6 59021-0 5 A SANbox 2-16 Fibre Ch annel Switch Install ation Guide create B- 77 deactivat e B-18, B-77 delete B-78 delete member zon e B-78 display B-78 display activ e B-77 display member.
デバイスQ-Logic 59021-05の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Q-Logic 59021-05をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはQ-Logic 59021-05の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Q-Logic 59021-05の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Q-Logic 59021-05で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Q-Logic 59021-05を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はQ-Logic 59021-05の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Q-Logic 59021-05に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちQ-Logic 59021-05デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。