QNAPメーカーTS-419P Turbo NASの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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QNAP Turbo NAS Hardware User Manual ©Copyright 2010. QNAP Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved..
T hank you for choosing QNAP products! This user manual provides description of the hardware of the T urbo NAS and relev ant guideline of certain functions.
DIS CLAIMER In no event shall th e liability of QNAP Syst ems, Inc. (QNAP) exceed the price paid for the product from direct, indi rect, special, incidental, or consequential software, or its documentation.
Regulat ory Notice FCC STATEMENT This equipment has been test ed and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to P art 15 of F CC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection again st harmful in terference in a resident ial installation.
Symbols in this document Wa r n i n g This icon indicates the inst ructions must be strictly followe d. F ailure to do so could result in inju ry to human body or death. Caution This icon indicates th e action may lead to disk clearance or loss OR failure to follow the instructions could result in data damage, disk damage, or product damage.
Table of Contents Table of Contents ..................................................................................... 6 Safety Warnings ....................................................................................... 7 Chapter 1. CPU and Memory Specifications .
Safety Warnings 1. The NAS can oper ate normally in the temperature of 0ºC –40ºC and relative humidity of 0%–95%. Please make sure the environment is well- ventilated. 2. The power cord and devices connected to the NA S must provide correct supply voltage (100W , 90–264V).
Chapter 1. CPU and Memory Specifications Caution: Modifying the hardw are, software, or firmw are of your QNAP products will void your warranty . QNAP is not responsible for any form of damage or loss of data ca used by modding the QNAP p roducts.
Syst em TS-119 TS-219P TS-419P/TS-419U CPU Marvell 1.2GHz Marvell 1.2GHz Marvell 1.2GHz Memory 512MB DDRII 512MB DDRII 512MB DDRII Flash 16MB 16MB 16MB CPU replaceable No No No Memory replaceable No N.
Syst em TS-239 Pro SS-439 Pro/ TS-439 Pro/ TS-439U-RP/ TS-439U-SP TS-239 Pro II TS-439 Pro II CPU Intel Atom processor (1.6GHz) Intel Atom processor (1.
Syst em TS-639 Pro SS-839 Pro CPU Intel Atom processor (1.6GHz) Intel Atom processor (1.6GHz) Memory 1GB DDRII 2GB DDRII Flash 128MB (IDE DOM) 128MB (IDE DOM) CPU replaceab le No No Memory replacea bl.
Syst em TS-259 Pro TS-459 Pro TS-459U-RP/SP CPU Dual core Int el Atom processor (1.66GHz) Dual core Int el Atom processor (1.66GHz) Dual core Int el Atom processor (1.
System TS-259 Pro+ TS-459 Pro+ TS-559 P ro+ TS-659 Pro+ CPU Dual core Intel Atom processor (1.8GHz) Dual core Intel Atom processor (1.8GHz) Dual core Intel Atom processor (1.
Chapter 2. Power Button and Reset Button Behaviour Power b utton: Press to turn on or turn off . System Power button (Turn on) Power button (Hardware turn off) Power button (Force turn off) All models Press once 1.5 sec 5 sec R eset button: Press to reset the s ystem settings.
Advanced system reset (10 sec) When you press the reset butt on for 10 seconds, you will hear two beeps at t he third and the tenth seconds. The NAS will reset all the system settings to default as it does by web-based system reset in “ Adminis tr ation” > “R estore to F actory Defa ult” except all the data are reserved.
Chapter 3. USB One Touch C opy System Number of seconds (press the one touch copy button to trigger data copy) All NAS models 0.5 sec Data Copy by the Front USB Por t The NAS supports instant da ta copy backup from the ex ternal USB device to the NAS or the other w ay round by t he front one touch copy button.
Chapter 4. LED and Alarm Buzzer Specifications The LED indicators of th e NAS indicate th e system status a nd information. When the NAS is turned on, check the following items to make sure the system status is normal.
Or ange The NAS is connected to the network LAN Orange Flashes orange The NAS is being accessed from the network Flashes red The disk data is being accessed and a read/write error occurs during the pr.
Beep alarm: All NAS models The beep alarm can be disabled in “Sys tem Administra tion” > “Hardware Settings” . Beep sound Number of Times Description Short beep (0.5 sec) 1 1. The NAS is starting up 2. The NAS is being shut down (software shutdown) 3.
Chapter 5. Hot-swap Hard Drives QNAP NAS is compatible with 2.5-inch/3.5 -inch SA T A hard disk drives from major hard disk br ands. F or the updated HDD compatibili ty list, please visit http://www .
The NA S supports hot -swapping the hard drives when 1 member drive crashes in RAID 1, 1–2 mem ber driv es cras h in RAI D 5 or RAID 6. Fo llow the steps below to hot-swap the hard drive when a member drive fails in a RAID configu ration. 1. Login the NAS and check th e disk volume configuration in “V olume Management” .
Chapter 6. RAID Recovery QNAP NAS supports exclusive RAID recovery technology to recover a f ailed RAID disk volume from unin tentional disconnect ion or removal of the hard drives from the system.
Sta ndard RAID 5 QNAP RAID 5 Standard RAID 6 QNAP RAID 6 Degraded mode N-1 N-1 N-1 & N-2 N-1 & N-2 Rea d O n l y Protection (for immediate data backup & HDD replacement) N/A N-1, bad blocks found in the surviving drives of the arra y . N/A N-2, bad blocks found in the surviving drives of the arra y .
Chapter 7. Use the LCD Panel This feature is only provided by TS-439 Pr o , TS-439 Pro II, TS-459 Pro , TS-509 Pro, TS-559 Pro, TS-639 Pro, TS-659 Pro , SS-839 Pro, TS-859 Pro, TS-809 Pro , TS-809U-RP , TS-859U-RP , TS-259 Pro+, TS-459 Pro+, TS-559 Pro+, TS-659 Pro+.
For example, when you turn on the NAS with 5 hard driv es installed, the LCD panel shows: C o n f i g . D i s k s ? → R A I D 5 You can press the “Select” button to brow se m ore options, for example, RAID 6. Press the “Enter” button and the following message sho ws.
View s ystem information by the LCD panel When the LCD panel shows th e server name and IP address, you may press the “Enter” button to e nter the Main Menu. The Main Menu consists of t he following items: 1. TCP/IP 2. Physical disk 3. Volume 4. System 5.
2. Physical disk In Physical disk, yo u can view the followi ng options: Disk Info Back to Main Menu The disk info shows the temperature an d the c apacity of the hard drive. D i s k : 1 T e m p : 5 0 ° C S i z e : 2 3 2 G B 3. Volume This section shows the disk configuration of the NAS.
4. Syst em This section shows the system temper ature and the rotation speed of the system fan. C P U T e m p : 5 0 ° C S y s T e m p : 5 5 ° C S y s F a n : 8 6 5 R P M 5. Shut down Use this option to turn off the NAS. Pr ess the “Select” button to select “Yes”.
Syst em Messages When the NAS encounters syst em error, an error message will be shown on the LCD panel. Press the “Enter” button to view the m essage. Press the “Enter” button again to view the next message. S y s t e m E r r o r ! P l s . C h e c k L o g s System Message Description Sys.
Chapter 8. Install Power Supply Unit * This section applies to rack mount NAS models only. 1U Turbo NAS T o inst all a redundant power su pply unit to the 1U T urbo NAS, follow the steps below . 1. T urn off t he NAS. 2. Re move the screw and dummy plate.
Warning: The NAS supports replacing the redu ndant power supply unit without tu rning off th e server when redu ndant pow er supply mode is enabled. However , you are st rongly recommended to turn OFF the NAS before replacing the power supply unit t o reduce the risk of electric shock.
4. Plug in the new power supply to the NA S. 5. F asten the screw on the power su pply in clock wise direction. 6. Tu r n o n t h e N A S . 32.
Enable warning aler t for redundant power supply on the web-based interface: If you ha ve installed two power sup ply units (PSU) on the NA S and connected them to the power sock ets, both PSU will suppl y the power to the NAS (applied to 1U and 2U models).
The foll owing description applies to 1U NAS models only. (1) Power supply indicators: Green (left) power indicator: Indicates the power supply unit is in normal status. Re d (right) power indicator: Indicates the power supply unit is in abnormal status.
Technical Support QNAP provides dedicated online support and c ustomer service via instant messenger . Y ou can c ontact us by the following means : Online Support: htt p://www.qnap.com/ MSN: q.support@hotmail .com Skype: qnapskype For u m : http://forum.
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デバイスQNAP TS-419P Turbo NASの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
QNAP TS-419P Turbo NASをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはQNAP TS-419P Turbo NASの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。QNAP TS-419P Turbo NASの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。QNAP TS-419P Turbo NASで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
QNAP TS-419P Turbo NASを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はQNAP TS-419P Turbo NASの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、QNAP TS-419P Turbo NASに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちQNAP TS-419P Turbo NASデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。