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QUANTUM Product Serial # Q4 Quantum Q4.
Quantum Rehab Provider: Address: Phone Number: Purchase Date: SAFETY GUIDELINES Copyright © 2013 Pride Mobility Products Corporation INFMANU4527/Rev A/August 2013 NOTE: This owner’s manual is compiled from the late st specifications and product information available at the time of publication.
Quantum Q4 www.pridemobility.com 3 I. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. .....4 II. SAFETY .......................................................
4 www.pridemobility.com Quantum Q4 I. INTRODUCTION SAFETY WELCOME to Pride Mobility Products (Pride). The power chai r you have purchased combines state-of-the-art components with safety , comfort, and styling in mind. We are conf ident that these design features will provide you with the conveniences you expect during your daily activities.
Quantum Q4 www.pridemobility.com 5 Read and follow the information in the owner’s manual . II. SAFETY PRODUCT SAFETY SYMB OLS The symbols below are used on the power chair to identi fy warnings, mandatory acti ons, and prohibited actions. It is very important for you to r ead and understand them completely.
6 www.pridemobility.com Quantum Q4 II. SAFETY Power chair information label MAIN FRAME Crush hazard! Keep hands clear..
Quantum Q4 www.pridemobility.com 7 II. SAFETY GENERAL GUIDELINES MANDATORY! Do not operate your new power chair for the first tim e without completely reading and understanding this owner’s manual. Your power chair is a state-of-the-a rt life-enhancement device designed to increase m obility.
8 www.pridemobility.com Quantum Q4 III. YOUR POWER CHAIR THE QUANTUM Q4 POWER CHAIR Your power chair has two main assemblies: the seat assembly and the power base assembly. See figure 1. Typically, the seat assembly includes the armrests, seatback, and seat base.
Quantum Q4 www.pridemobility.com 9 III. YOUR POWER CHAIR PROHIBITED! The spring tension on your power chair was fac tory set to meet the needs of the demographic majority of users.
10 www.pridemobility.com Quantum Q4 Main Circuit Breaker (located on the rear main frame): The main circuit breaker is a safety feature built into your power chair. When the batteries and the motors are heavily strained (e.g., from excessive loads), the main circuit breaker trips to preven t damage to the motors and th e electronics.
Quantum Q4 www.pridemobility.com 11 III. YOUR POWER CHAIR Manual Freewheel Levers For your convenience, your power chair is equipped with a manua l freewheel lever mounted on each motor. The levers allow you to disengage the drive motors and maneuver the chair manually.
12 www.pridemobility.com Quantum Q4 INITIAL ASSEMBLY Your power chair may require some asse mbly either before ini tial use or after transpor tation. It may also require disassembly to make some comfort adjustments.
Quantum Q4 www.pridemobility.com 13 DETENT PIN Seat Installation It may be necessary to install the seat either prior to initial operation or after tr ansporting your power chair. NOTE: If your power chai r is equipped with a Syn- ergy Seat or a TRU-Bala nce Power Positioning Sys- tem, refer to the informat ion provided in separate manuals.
14 www.pridemobility.com Quantum Q4 IV. ASSEMBLY Power Chair Securement Points The power chair may be equi pped with four (4) tie-down points for the purpose of secu ring the unoccupied power chair during motor vehicle tran sport. Each tie-down point is clearly labeled for this purpose.
Quantum Q4 www.pridemobility.com 15 V. COMFORT ADJUSTMENTS COMFORT ADJUSTMENTS After becoming familiar with your pow er chair’s operation, you may find the ne ed to make some adjustments to increase.
Quantum Q4 www.pridemobility.com 17 21° V. COMFORT ADJUSTMENTS Seat Angle (Dump) Adjustment Your seat may be equipped with mechanism that allows you to adjust the seat angle (dump) from -5° to +21° in 2.5° increments. NOTE: The exact ti lt angle adjustment range may vary depending on seating system and seat height.
18 www.pridemobility.com Quantum Q4 ARMREST LOCK V. COMFORT ADJUSTMENTS Seat Width Adjustment You can adjust the seat width from 16 in. to 20 in. (40.6 cm to 50.8 cm). See figure 14. NOTE: Changing the armrest width may increase the overall width of your power chair.
Quantum Q4 www.pridemobility.com 19 Controller Position You can move the controller in toward or out away from the armrest, or change the position of the controller for either left- hand or right-hand use. MANDATORY! Prevent controller harness damage! Avoid routing the controller harness on the outside of the armrest pad .
20 www.pridemobility.com Quantum Q4 Positioning Belt Your power chair may be equipped with a positioning belt that can be adjusted f or operator comfort. Se e figure 20. The positioning belt is designed to support the operator so that he/she does not slid e down or forward in the seat.
Quantum Q4 www.pridemobility.com 21 BATTERIES AND CHARGING The Quantum Q4 uses two long-lasting, 12-volt, deep-cycle batteries. These batteries are sealed and maintenance free. Since they are sealed, th ere is no need to check the el ectrolyte (fluid) level.
22 www.pridemobility.com Quantum Q4 XLR VI. BATTERIES AND CHARGING Battery Break-in To break in new batterie s for maximum efficiency: 1. Fully recharge any new battery prior to its initial us e. This brings the battery up to about 90% of its peak performance level.
Quantum Q4 www.pridemobility.com 23 Daily Use If you use your power ch air on a daily basis, charge the batteries as soon as you are finished using your power chair. Your power chair will be rea dy each morning to give you a full day’s service. It is recommended that you charge the batteries at least 8 to 14 hours after dail y use.
24 www.pridemobility.com Quantum Q4 VI. BATTERIES AND CHARGING How can I ensure maximum battery life? A fully charged deep-cycle battery will provide reliab le performance and extended battery life. Keep your power chair’s batteries fully charged whenever pos sible.
Quantum Q4 www.pridemobility.com 25 CARE AND MAINTENANCE Your Quantum Q4 is a sophisticated power chair. Like any motorized vehi cle, it requires routine maintenance checks. You can perform some of thes e checks, but others require assistan ce from your Quantum Rehab Provider.
26 www.pridemobility.com Quantum Q4 The body shroud has been spra yed with a clear sealant coating. You ca n apply a light coat of car wax to help it retain its high-gloss appearance. Check all electrical connections. Make sure they are tight and are not corro ded.
Quantum Q4 www.pridemobility.com 27 Storage Your power chair should be stored in a dry place, free from temperature extremes. When storing, disconnect the batteries from the power chair. See VI. “Batteries and Charging.” WARNING! If you fail to store the unit properly , the frame can rust and the electronics can be damaged.
28 www.pridemobility.com Quantum Q4 VII. CARE AND MAINTENANCE Follow these easy steps for a quick and safe repair for both pneumatic and solid tires: 1. Turn off the power to the controller. 2. Set the power chair up on blocks. 3. If you are changing a pneumatic tire, comple tely deflate it befo re removing the wheel.
Quantum Q4 www.pridemobility.com 29 VII. CARE AND MAINTENANCE To replace the batteri es: 1. Turn off the power to the controller. 2. Make sure that the power chair is in drive mode. See III. “Your Power Chair.” 3. Remove the detent pin from the top of the actuator.
30 www.pridemobility.com Quantum Q4 Figure 24. Battery In stallation BATTERY WIRING DIAGRAM LABEL QUICK RELEASE BATTERY CONNECTORS FRONT BATTERY REAR BATTERY FRONT COVER RELEASE HANDLES Battery Set Configuration: + = Positive (Red) Terminal Post - = Negative (Black) Terminal Post Connect Red wires to Red Positive (+) Terminal Posts.
Quantum Q4 www.pridemobility.com 31 VII. CARE AND MAINTENANCE When to See Your Quantum Rehab Provider for Service The following symptoms could indicate a serious probl em with your power chair.
32 www.pridemobility.com Quantum Q4 NOTES.
Quantum Q4 www.pridemobility.com 33 NOTES.
34 www.pridemobility.com Quantum Q4 NOTES.
Quantum Rehab Provider: Address: Phone Number: Purchase Date: SAFETY GUIDELINES Copyright © 2013 Pride Mobility Products Corporation INFMANU4527/Rev A/August 2013 NOTE: This owner’s manual is compiled from the late st specifications and product information available at the time of publication.
QUANTUM Product Serial # Q4 Quantum Q4.
デバイスQuantum Q4の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Quantum Q4をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはQuantum Q4の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Quantum Q4の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Quantum Q4で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Quantum Q4を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はQuantum Q4の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Quantum Q4に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちQuantum Q4デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。