Radio Shackメーカー997の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Cat. No. 43-99 7 (white) / 998 (b lac k) OWNER’S MAN UAL Pl ea se re ad bef or e usin g thi s eq ui pmen t. S y stem 9 97 /99 8 45-Memory Caller I D with 2 -Line Display 43- 99 7.
2 RI SK OF ELECTRI C SHOCK. DO NOT OPEN. CAUTION : T O REDUCE TH E RISK OF ELECTRI C SHOCK, DO NOT REMO VE COVER OR BAC K. NO USER-S ER VI CE- ABLE P ARTS INSID E. REFE R SERVIC- ING TO QUA LIF IED PERSONN EL. Warn ing : To re du c e t h e r is k o f fi r e or shock h azar d, do not exp ose t hi s prod - uc t t o r ai n or mo is ture .
3 This sy mbo l is int e nded to aler t yo u t o th e pre sen ce of un in su la te d d ange r ous vo ltag e wi thi n th e pr od uc t’s en cl os ure tha t mi gh t be of su ffi cien t mag nit ude to cons tit ute a ris k of elec tr ic shoc k. Do n ot op en the p rod uc t’ s case.
4 FEA TURES Your Radi oShack Syste m 997/998 45-Mem ory Call er ID is the l atest in t elephone technol ogy. The sys tem c an displ ay a cal l er’s t el epho ne num - ber, na m e ( if a vaila ble) and th e date and time the call was recei ved. It can st ore up to 45 si ngle (number only) or multiple (name and numb er) Ca ller ID rec ord s .
5 Two-Li ne Liqui d Crystal Displa y — makes it easy t o see the cal ler inf ormatio n and the c urrent ti me and date, all at onc e. Ca ll Co u nte r — s hows th e num ber of cal ls yo u have rec eived. New Call Indicator — lets y ou see at a glanc e that you have new call s.
6 Mess age Wa it ing — tell s you when you hav e re- ceiv ed a vo ice mail messa ge (if you s ubscr ibe t o th e mes sag e wa itin g s erv ice f rom yo ur lo c al phone com pan y). Note: The Message Waiti ng featu re does not work with st utter dial ton e servic e.
7 We r eco mmend you re cord yo ur system’ s s erial numb er her e. The numbe r is on the bot tom pane l. Seri al Number : ___ _____ ______ ___________ Important Ca ller ID Inform ation To use t he syst em’ s Call er I D f eature s, you must be in an area wher e Call er ID se rvice is avai labl e and you mu st sub scr ib e to the serv ice.
8 FCC INFORMA TION We ha ve desig ned y our Syst em 997/998 to con- for m to federal re gulation s, and you can con nect it to most telep hone lines. Ho wever , each Caller ID syst em (an d each de vi ce, such as a telephon e or answer ing machi ne) that you connect to the tel ephone l ine dr aws po wer from the l ine.
9 Your sy stem com pl ies wi th Part 68 of FCC Rules . You mu st, upo n request , prov ide th e Federal Communi cati ons Commiss ion (FCC) regi strat ion numb er and t he REN to you r phone co mpany. These num bers ar e on the l abel on th e bottom of the sys tem.
10 again st radi o and TV i nterf erence i n a resi denti al area. Howe ver, y our Syst em 997/9 98 mi ght cause TV or radio i nterf erence eve n when it i s operat ing prop erly. To eli m ina te inter f erence, you can t ry one o r mor e of t he fol lowin g corr ectiv e meas ures: • R eo rient or r elocat e the re cei ving r adio or TV anten na.
11 CONTEN TS Preparation . ....... ............. ...... ............. ....... ......... 1 2 Installin g Batteries .......... ....... ...... ............. ... 12 Connec ting to a Phone .......... ...... ............. ... 16 Connecting to a n Answering Machi ne .
12 PREP ARATION INSTALLING BATTERIES You ne ed four AAA batt eries (not suppl ied) to power the System 9 97/998. For t he b est per for- manc e, we reco mmend alkali ne batter ies, suc h as RadioSh ack Cat. No. 23-555 . Cauti ons : • A lways use fres h batter ies of the r equire d size an d reco mmended typ e.
13 Foll ow the se steps to i nstal l bat teries. 1. If you are replaci ng old batteri es, discon nect both m odula r li ne cords f rom the Syst em 997/9 98. 2. Use a Phill ips s crewdri ver t o remove th e scre w in t he b atter y cover on th e bott om of the sys tem, then sl ide the cover of f.
14 3. Put f our f resh AAA batte ries into the com- part ment as indi cated by the polari ty sym- bols (+ a nd –) m arked insid e. 4. Replac e the cover and se cure it wit h the scre w . I f you are re placi ng the ba tter ies, re- connec t the modu lar li ne cor ds.
15 Note: If the bat tery is out of the Syste m 997/998 for more than about a minu te, the ti me and date wil l be lo st (but be r ese t when you r eceiv e the next c all) . The Call er ID r ecords, however, re- mai n in the sys tem ’ s memory. Cauti ons: • A lw a y s r e mo v e ol d or we a k ba t te ri e s.
16 CONNECTING TO A PHONE 1. Disco nnect your teleph one’s line cor d from the modul ar phone line j ack and pl ug it i nto the sys tem’ s PHONE jack. 2. Plug o ne end of the suppli ed modular lin e c ord i nto t he syste m’ s LINE ja ck. 3. Plug t he cord’ s oth er end in to the modul ar phone li ne jack.
17 CONNECTING TO AN ANSWERING MACHINE 1. Disco nnect t he modul ar line co rd that con- nects your ans wering m achi ne to th e modu- lar phone l ine jack, then p lug i t i nto the syst em’ s PHONE jack.
18 2. Plug o ne end of the suppli ed modular lin e c ord i nto t he syste m’ s LINE ja ck. 3. Plug t he cord’ s oth er end in to the modul ar phone li ne jack.
19 MOUNTING THE SYSTEM You c an place the Sy st em 997/9 98 on a flat s ur- face su ch as a d esk, o r mount i t on a wall. Foll ow these st eps to mou nt t he syst em on a wa ll. 1. Press in th e two ta bs on the stand a nd l if t the st an d to r e m ove it.
20 2. Selec t a locat ion near the phone line ja ck, then us e the suppl ied templ ate to mar k the moun ti ng screw loc at ions on the wal l. 3. Dril l a hole in the wall at eac h marked loca- ti on. 4. Thread one of the suppl ied scr ews into eac h hole, lett ing th e head exten d 1 / 8 " fr om th e wa ll.
21 5. Ali gn t he s lo ts on t he b ack of the sys tem wi th the scr ews in the wall. The n gently push th e syst em down wa rd to secur e it . 43-9 97 .
22 OPE RATION If you subsc ribe t o Ca ller ID ser vice fro m your phone com pany, th e phone compan y sends inf or- mati on about the cal ler, as well as the ti me and date, betwe en t he fi rst and sec ond rings of e very call you rece ive. The System 997/ 998 displ ay s thi s info rmatio n and u pdates t he syst em’s c lock.
23 The Syst em 997 /998 can a lso show o the r infor- mati on about the cal l. See “Call er ID Messa ges” on P a ge 25. REVIEWING CALL RECORDS Each ti me you re ceive a cal l, your sys tem st ores a Ca ller ID r ecord t hat you can r eview l ater, eve n duri ng a call.
24 Repeat edly pr ess REVIEW or to sc roll thr ough the re cor ds. The sys tem sho ws the cal l- er’ s numb er (an d name , if av ailab le). T o see th e date and ti me the call was recei ved, press DE- LETE/R EA D . P re ss D ELETE /REA D a gai n to re tur n.
25 Caller I D Messages Dis play Des crip tion NEW CALL XX Appears th e first t ime you re vi ew a new call reco rd. ( XX is the number of ne w ca lls .) -PRIVATE CALL- The call er has bloc ked the Ca ller ID i nfor m ation from bei ng sent. END OF LIST Appea rs when yo u reac h the end of you r call re cords.
26 -----ERROR----- The Call er I D informat ion was garb led, or t here was an error duri ng the tr ans- missi on of Cal ler ID info r- mati on . NO CALLS Appears when you p res s a REVIEW key if t here a re no Cal le r ID re cord s in the syst em’ s me m or y .
27 MESSAGE WAITING Appea rs when a mes- sa ge is wait ing (y ou mu st subscr ib e to your p hone compa ny’s mess age waiti ng ser vice t o see thi s) . Note: Messa ge W aiti ng featu re does not wor k with stut ter d ial tone s er- vice. -OUT OF AREA- The call er i s not with in a Calle r ID ser vice area .
28 DELETING CALLER ID RECORDS To del ete a si ngle Cal ler I D recor d, rep eatedl y press RE VIEW or until you see the re cord you want to de lete, then h old down DELETE/ READ unti l the record flash es and di sapp ears fro m the displ ay . The next record ap pear s, or, if no ot her cal ls ar e sto red, NO CALLS app ears.
29 T RO UBLESH OOTING If you r syst em is not work ing as i t shoul d, th ese suggest ions m ight hel p you e limin ate t he prob- le m. Prob lem Sugg es tio ns Displ ay i s blank . Rep lac e the batt eri es. Y ou ha ve a n incomi ng call , but do not rec eive any Cal ler ID inf ormatio n.
30 CARE AND MAINTENANC E Your Radi oShack Syste m 997/998 45-Mem ory Call er I D is an e xample o f supe rior des ign an d craf tsmanshi p. The fo llowing s ugges tions will help you c are for your s yst em so you ca n enj oy it for y ea r s. Keep the sy ste m dry.
31 Keep the syst em away from dust and dirt , whi ch ca n c ause p remature we ar of par ts. Handle t he syste m gent ly and caref ully . Droppin g it can dam age ci rcui t boar ds and cases a nd can caus e the syst em to work i mproper ly. Use only fr esh batte ries of the req uired size and rec ommended ty pe.
32 Modif ying or tampe ri ng w ith the sys tem’s inter nal com ponents can cause a malfun ction and might inva lidat e your syst em’s warr anty and voi d your FCC author izat ion to oper ate it. I f your sys tem is not per formi ng as it should, take i t to your local RadioSh ack st ore for assist ance.
33 THE FCC W ANTS Y OU TO KNOW In the unlike ly event that your Sy stem 997 /998 causes prob lems on the t elephon e line, th e tele- phone c ompany can d isconnec t your servi ce. The te lephone company norma lly a ttempt s to no- ti fy you in advanc e.
34 in ad vanc e so you c an t ake the nece ssary s teps to pre vent int err upti on of your telep hone ser vi ce. LIGHTNING Your s ystem has bui lt-in p rotect ion ci rcui ts to re- duce the ri sk of damage from surge s in tel ephone and po wer line curren t.
35 Lim it ed One-Y e ar W arr anty This product is warranted by RadioShac k against manuf acturing de- fects in m aterial and workmanship under normal use for one (1) y ear from the date of purchase from RadioShack company-owned stores and authorized RadioShack franchisees and dealers.
Rad ioS hack A Division of T andy Corporation F ort Wort h , T exa s 76 10 2 8A7 Pri nt ed in M alay s ia 8 A8 N Pr int ed in M a l aysia (continued) In the event of a product defect during the warranty period, take the product and the RadioShack sales receipt as proof of purchase date to any RadioShack store.
デバイスRadio Shack 997の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Radio Shack 997をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRadio Shack 997の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Radio Shack 997の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Radio Shack 997で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Radio Shack 997を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRadio Shack 997の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Radio Shack 997に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRadio Shack 997デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。