Radio ShackメーカーPRS-102 UHFの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Cat. No. 19-902 OWNER’S MANUAL 10-Ch annel Pl ease re ad be fo re usin g thi s eq ui pmen t. PR S- 10 2 UHF Personal R adio S ervice T ransce iver 19-9 02 .
2 Thi s symb ol i s i n te nd ed t o a le r t yo u t o th e pr es - en ce o f un in sula te d d an ge rou s vo lt ag e wi thi n th e pro duc t’s en clos ure tha t m ight be of s uf fi- ci ent m ag ni tud e to co ns tit ut e a ris k of el ec tri c sh ock .
3 FEA TURES Your Radio Shack PRS-102 10-Channe l Personal Radio Ser vice Transc eiver is a po r tabl e, two-way GMRS (Gene r al M obil e Radio Service ) transce iver that yo u can carry almos t anywhere. The transce iver is compac t and light , mak i n g it an i deal ch oice for yo ur personal needs.
4 Rugged Des ign — built to st and up to dai ly use in a wide ra nge of environment s. Batte ry Low and Transmit Indic a tor — shows the batt ery pac k’ s condit ion an d lig hts when y ou t ransmi t.
5 CONTEN TS FC C Reg ul atio ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 FCC License Requi r ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 FCC Rules Part 95 , Subpar t A . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Pr ep ara ti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 FCC REGULA TIONS FCC LICENSE REQUIRED Befor e you operat e the t r ansceiver , you must obt ain your license. It is i ll eg al to tr ansmit wit hout the appr o- pri at e l icen se, which you c an get by subm itting a com - plet ed Federal Communi cations Com miss ion (FCC) Form 5 74.
7 FCC RULES P ART 95, SUBP ART A You m ust be f amiliar wi th Part 95, Subpar t A of FCC Rules and Regu lations befor e you operate you r trans- ceiver . The opera tion inst ructions in th is manual co n- form to Par t 95, but do not cover all it em s in Par t 95.
8 • Y ou must not tran smit program mat erial of any kind used in co nnection with com mercia l broad- cas ti n g. • Y ou must no t provi de a servi ce that i s normally handl ed by telephone or t.
9 Your t ranscei ver might c ause TV or radio inte rfere nce even when i t is operat ing proper ly. To det er mi ne whether your tra nsceiver is caus i n g the int erference , turn off your transcei ver. If the in terferen ce goes away, y our transc eiver i s causing it.
10 PR EP AR A TI ON Befor e you use the tr ansceiver , you must be pr operly li censed by the FCC. I f you al r eady have a GMRS li- cense, you can immediat el y use the transc ei v er. INST ALLING A ND REMOVING THE BA TTERY P ACK Cauti on: Do n ot remov e the pl astic wra p from th e batt ery pack.
11 3. W it h the ba ttery labe l f acing up, align t he battery pack and radi o’s bat tery contact s. Apply sl ight pressur e to the bottom o f the bat tery pack and press it int o the c ompartment , as sh own. 4. Sl ide the ba t tery cover back int o place and lock i t wi th t h e la tch es.
12 CHARGING THE BA TTER Y P ACK You m ust charge the ba t tery pack with the su pplied batt ery charger or with an optional charger ( see “Op- ti onal Accessor ies” on Pag e 24) be fore you use th e tra nciever f or the f irst t ime and whene ver th e battery becom e s l ow.
13 Cautions : • Do not oper at e the t ranscei ver while y ou charge the bat tery pack. Using the battery ch arger mutes the tr ans ceiver’s speak er . • T o ensure a ful l charge, do not charge the bat - tery pack i n an ar ea wher e the t emperat ur e is above 95° F .
14 Checking the Battery Power 1. Ro tate VOL•OF F cloc kwise to tur n on the tr ans- cei ve r. 2. Press the pus h- to- talk but ton on t he left side of the t ransceive r . If the i ndicator next to th e anten na lights r ed, there is suff icient ba t t ery power fo r t r ansmission .
15 A TT ACHING AND R EMOVING THE BEL T CLIP To attach th e belt cli p, alig n it with the rail s on the back of the t ransc eiver and slide the cli p down un t il i t snaps int o place. To remove t he belt cli p, lift t he rel ea se tab away f rom the radi o.
16 CONNECTING AUDIO ACCESSORIES You can order a wi de var iety of a udio acc esso ries for your tr ansceiver from your local RadioShac k s tore. See “Opti onal Acce ssori es” on Page 24 . Foll ow these steps to co nnect an audi o acces sory. 1. T urn of f th e transce iver .
17 OPE RA TI ON 1. Turn VO L•OFF clockwi se to turn on the trans - ceiver , th en rotate the chan nel knob to select t he desir ed channel. 2. Pr es s the t ransceiver’ s moni tor button, below the push -to-tal k button. While you hol d the mo n- itor button, adjust the volu m e to a comf ortable le vel.
18 OPERA TIONAL HINTS Your tr ans ceiver ’s range varies de pending on f act ors such as pos ition, ter r ain, and battery con dition. Range can bes t be described as li ne of sight . The fewer obstruct i on s you have between t wo trancei vers, the b etter r ange you c an expect.
19 CTCSS O PTION WHY USE CTCSS? CTCSS (Cont inuous Tone -Coded Sq uelch Syst em) is a vailable a s an optional add-on t o you r trans ceiver. When CTCSS is tur ned on, the tr ansceiver t r ansmit s a selec ted tone wit h your tra nsmission. This tone i s too low f or you to hear , but other t ranscei vers can de- tect it.
20 SETTING THE CTCSS TONE Notes: • If you are a par t of a tal k g roup, b e sur e all of the radi os in t he ta l k group use the same to ne. • Y ou must insta ll the CTCSS option befo re you can s et the CTCSS tone. 1. T urn of f th e radio. 2. Unloc k the ba ttery compartme nt cove r latch o n each si de.
21 4. Select any one CTCSS co de found i n the tabl e on Pages 22 a nd 23, t hen find t he correspon d- ing swit ch pos itions in the ta bles. 5. W it h a point ed instrumen t, s uch as a pi n, pl ace the di p switche s in the positions that m atch the desir ed tone.
22 CTCSS CODE FR E Q (Hz ) SWITCH P O SITION ( U=U p, D=Down) 1234 56 7 8 X Z 6 7 . 0 DD DDD DU U XA 71.9 U D D D D D U U W A 7 4 . 4 DD DDD UUU XB 77.0 U U D D D D U U W B 7 9 . 7 DD DDUDU U YZ 82.5 U D D D D U U U Y A 8 5 . 4 DD DDU UU U YB 88.5 U U D D D U U U Z Z 9 1 .
23 4 Z 1 3 6 . 5 UDD UUU UU 4A 141 .3 U U D U U U U U 4B 146 .2 U D U D D D U U 5Z 151 .4 U U U D D D U U 5A 156 .7 U D U D D U U U 5B 162 .2 U U U D D U U U 6 Z 1 6 7 . 9 UDU DUD UU 6A 173 .8 U U U D U D U U 6B 179 .9 U D U D U U U U 7Z 186 .2 U U U D U U U U 7A 192 .
24 OPT IONAL ACC ESSO RIES Ra di o Sha c k Cat. No. Descr iption 19-351 Remo te Spea ker Microphone These i tems are av ailab l e by spec i a l order from your lo cal Rad ioShack stor e: 19-352 E arpi.
25 TR OUBLESHOOT ING If you hav e a problem oper atin g your tra nsce iver, firs t revie w this m an ual an d be s ure that you understand and have foll owed all instruc tions. I f yo u sti ll have proble ms, revi ew the followi ng troubl esh ooting guide.
26 Ba tt ery pa ck do es not char ge or last long enou gh. • Ba ttery pack inco rrectl y cha rge d. • B att ery pa ck not fu ll y ch arg ed . • H e av y us ag e. • If yo u us e an op tion al ch ar ge r , b e sure the ba tte ry pa ck i s cor re ct ly pos ition ed.
27 Othe r u s ers do n ot he ar your trans- miss ions or yo u do n ot hear oth e r tr ansmis- si ons . • T ra nscei vers ar e on di ffer ent fr equ encie s. • CTCSS se t- ti ngs ar e d iff er- ent. • T ra nscei vers wi th an d with - out th e C TCSS opt ion are b eing used .
28 Limi ted t alk ra nge. • Y ou a re usi ng the tra nsce iver in a ba semen t, ste el s t ru cture , conc ret e buil d - ing , vehi cle, or heav y fol iage . • T he ra dio is loc ate d lo w or ver y clos e to your body , as in a pock et or o n a bel t.
29 MAINTENANCE Your Ra dioS hack PRS- 102 UHF 10- Chann el Pe rson- al Radi o Servic e Transceiv er is an example of supe- rior design and cr aftsmanshi p. The foll owing suggest ions will hel p you care for the tr ansceiver so you can use i t for years .
30 Wipe the tr ansceiver with a damp clot h occasi onally to keep it looki ng new. Do not use har sh chemi cals, cl eaning so l- vents , or strong deter gents to clean th e tr an sc e iv er . Use of ch em i cal s o r d et er - gents could da mage th e pl astic case, an d leak into t he trans ceiver.
31 SPECIFIC A TIONS General Channels ..... ..... ..... . ... ....... ...... ..... . ... . . ... . .. ..... . ... ... 10 Si ze ... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... . 6 7 / 8 × 2 9 / 16 × 1 3 / 8 Inc hes We igh t (w ith b atte ry pa ck) ..
RadioShack A Division of T andy Corporation Fort W orth, T exas 76102 6880 904Z 78- O 5/ 96 Pri nt ed in th e US A RadioShac k Limit ed W arranty Thi s pr oduct is war ra nted ag ains t def ects for 1 yea r from dat e of pu rchase fr om Radi oSh ack comp any-ow n ed st ores and au th ori ze d Rad io Sh ack fr anc h isee s an d deal ers .
デバイスRadio Shack PRS-102 UHFの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Radio Shack PRS-102 UHFをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRadio Shack PRS-102 UHFの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Radio Shack PRS-102 UHFの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Radio Shack PRS-102 UHFで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Radio Shack PRS-102 UHFを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRadio Shack PRS-102 UHFの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Radio Shack PRS-102 UHFに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRadio Shack PRS-102 UHFデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。