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Revision Date: Oct. 27, 2005 H8/36049 Group FP-80A User System Interface Cable User’s Manual Renesas Micr ocomputer Devel opment Environm ent System HS36049ECH61H Rev.
1. These materials are intended as a reference to assist our customers in the selection of the Renesas Technology Corp. product best suited to the customer's application; they do not convey any license under any intellectual property rights, or any other rights, belonging to Renesas Technology Corp.
I IMPORTANT INFO RMATION READ FI RST • READ this user's manua l befo re using this emula tor pro duct. • KEEP the user' s manual handy fo r fut ure ref erence . Do not at tempt to use the emul ato r produ ct until you full y under stand it s mechani sm.
II LIMITED WARRANTY Re nesas warrants its emula tor p roduct s to be man ufactu red i n accor danc e wit h pu bli shed spe cifi cat ions and f ree from defect s in mater ial an d/or wo rkma nsh ip.
III State Law: Som e sta tes do not allow t he ex clus ion or limita tion o f impl ied w arrant ies or lia bilit y for inc ident al or consequ entia l dama ges, so th e above limi tati on or e xclus ion may not a pply t o you.
IV SAFETY PAGE READ FI RST • READ this user's manual befo re using t his emulat or pro duct. • KEEP the user 's manua l handy fo r fut ure ref erence . Do not a ttempt to use t he emula tor pro duct unt il you f ully unde rstand it s mechan ism.
V W ARNING Observe the precautions listed below. Failure to do so will result in a FIRE HAZARD and will damage the user system and the emulator product or will result in PERSON AL INJU RY. Th e USER PRO GRAM wi ll be LOST. 1. Do not repair or remode l the emulator product by yourself for electric shoc k prevention and quality assurance .
VI Warnings on Emulator Usage Be s ure t o read an d unde rsta nd the w arnings below bef ore usin g this emula tor. N ote that t hes e are the main warnings , not t he comple te li st. W ARNING Always sw itch OFF the host computer and use r system before connecting or disconnecting any CABLES or PARTS.
i Preface Thank you for purc has ing this use r sys tem interfac e ca ble (HS 3604 9ECH61H ) for the Re nesa s’ origina l mi croco mputer H 8/36049 group.
ii Contents Section 1 C onfigurat ion ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ .... 1 Section 2 Conn ection P rocedures .......... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ .... 3 2.
1 Section 1 Configurati on CAUTION Use a n IC 149-08 0-0 17-B 5 soc ket ( man ufact u red by YAMAIC HI ELECTRONIC S Co., Ltd.) for the FP-80A pa ckage IC soc ket on th e us er sy stem. Fi gure 1 s hows the config urati on of th e HS3 6049EC H61H user syst em int erfac e cab le for the FP-80A pa cka ge.
2 Table 1 l ists the HS 36049EC H61H compone nts. P leas e make sure you h ave a ll of t hese compon ents when u npacking . Tab le 1 HS3604 9ECH 61H Co mpon en ts No.
3 Section 2 Connect ion Procedures 2.1 Con ne ctin g U ser Sy ste m In terfa ce Cab l e to E mul ator Sta tion (wit hout Channe l 3 of Se ri al Com municat ion I nter fac e for H8/3 6049 Group) W ARNING Observe the precautions listed below.
4 Emulator station Cable body connector User system interface cable CTS screws (M3 x 6 mm) E6000 Figure 2 Connecting User Sy stem Int erfac e Cable to Emulat or Sta tion.
5 2.2 Con ne ctin g U ser Sy ste m In terfa ce Cab l e to E xpa nsi on I/ O Bo ard (wit h Chan nel 3 of Se r ial Commu nica tion Inter fac e for H 8/360 49 Group) W ARNING Alw ays sw itch OFF th e user sys tem an d th e e mula tor product be fore the U SER SYSTEM IN TERFACE C ABLE is co nnect ed to or removed fr om any p art.
6 Cable body connector User system interface cable CTS screws (M3 x 6 mm) Expansion I/O board USER INTERFACE CABL E6000 EMULATO E6000 Figure 3 Connec ting User Syste m Interf ace Cable to Expansi on I.
7 2.3 Con ne ctin g Us er Sy ste m Int erfa ce Cab le to Use r Sy stem W ARNING Alw ays sw itch OFF th e user sys tem an d th e e mula tor product be fore the U SER SYSTEM IN TERFACE C ABLE is co nnect ed to or removed fr om any p art. B efo re connecting, make sure that pi n 1 on both sides are cor rectly aligned.
8 2.3.3 Ins ertin g Cab le H ead CAUTION Check the location of pin 1 before inserting. Align p in 1 on th e IC so cket for an FP-80 A pac kage on t he use r syste m with pin 1 on the user syst em inte rface cable h ead, and inse rt the us er s yste m interfa ce ca ble hea d into the IC socket on the user sy ste m, as shown in fig ure 4.
9 Fasten th e u ser syst em inte rfa ce ca ble he ad to the I C soc ket f or a n FP-8 0A pa ck age o n th e user syst em wi th the four s crews (M2 x 12 mm; w ith four fl at w asher s) pr ovide d. Each scre w shou ld be tigh ten ed a l ittle a t a time, alte rnati ng b etwee n scr ews on oppo sin g cor ner s.
10 2.3.5 F aste nin g Cabl e Bod y Conne ct th e ca ble body t o t he cabl e hea d. Cable body Cable head Remove jig User system Push two remove jigs. Removing Figure 5 Fast ening C able Body.
11 2.4 R ec omm en ded D ime nsio ns for Use r Syste m M ount Pad Figur e 6 s hows the recommen ded di mensio ns for the mou nt pad (fo otprin t) for t he user sys tem with an IC s ocke t for a n FP -80A pa ckage ( IC14 9-080-017-B 5: ma nufac tured by YAMA ICH I ELEC TR ONICS Co.
12 2.5 Dimensions fo r User System Inte rface Cable Head The di mensio ns for the u ser s yst em inte rface cabl e head a re s hown in figure 7. Unit: mm Tolerance: ±0.
13 2.6 Res ul tin g Di mens ion s af ter Conne ctin g U ser S yst em I nterf ace Cabl e The re sult ing di mensi ons, a fter c onnecti ng the use r sys tem in terfa ce cabl e hea d to t he us er sy ste m, are s hown in figure 8. Cable head User system Unit: mm Tolerance: ±0.
14 Secti on 3 Instal ling the MCU t o the Use r System CAUTION 1. Ch eck th e loc atio n of pi n 1 bef ore inser ting . 2. Use a Philips -type sc rewdr iver wh ose head ma tches the screw he ad.
15 MCU Pin 1 IC socket (IC149-080-017-B5 manufactured by YAMAICHI ELECTRONICS Co., Ltd.) User system Screws (M2 x 8 mm) with flat washers Socket cover Figu re 9 I nst alli ng MC U t o User Sys tem.
16 Section 4 Verifying O perati on 1. Turn on th e em u lator acco rdin g t o th e proc edur es des crib ed in th e H8/3 664 E6 000 Em ulator Use r’s Manua l (HS3 664EPI6 1HE- U2 o r HS366 4EPI62HE -U 2). 2. Verify the u ser s yst em inte rfac e cab le co nnect ions by acce ssi ng port s an d chec king t he bu s stat es of the pi ns.
17 Fi gure 1 0 shows the sys tem cloc k osc ill ator on the user sys tem int er face cable a nd t he subc lock inpu t spe cific atio n s. To E6000 emulator System clock oscillator To E6000 emulator Subclock oscillator R2 270 R1 1 M HCU04 HCU04 OSC1 OSC2 Ω Ω R6 470 k R5 3.
18 Secti on 5 Notice 1. Make sure that pin 1 on t he us er sy stem I C s ocket is c orrectl y al igne d with pin 1 o n the ca ble head bef ore inse rti ng th e cab le he ad into th e user syste m IC so cke t. 2. The dimens ions of the re comme nded mou nt pad for the us er s yst em IC sock et are diffe rent from th ose o f the M CU.
19 6. The P1 sh ort conne ctor i s us ed for test ing. D o not remove the i nserted jumper pin. P1 1 3 Figure 12 P1 Shor t Conne ctor.
H8/36049 Group FP-80A User System Interface Cable User's Manual Publication Date: Rev.1.00, May 23, 2003 Rev.3.00, October 27, 2005 Published by: Sales Strategic Planning Div. Renesas Technology Corp. Edited by: Customer Support Department Global Strategic Communication Div.
Sales Strategic Planning Div. Nippon Bldg., 2-6-2, Ohte-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan Refer to " " for the latest and detailed information. Renesas Technology America, Inc. 450 Holger Way, San Jose, CA 95134-1368, U.
H8/3604 9 Gr oup FP-80A User Sy stem I nterfac e Ca ble User’s Ma nual.
デバイスRenesas HS36049ECH61Hの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Renesas HS36049ECH61Hをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRenesas HS36049ECH61Hの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Renesas HS36049ECH61Hの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Renesas HS36049ECH61Hで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Renesas HS36049ECH61Hを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRenesas HS36049ECH61Hの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Renesas HS36049ECH61Hに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRenesas HS36049ECH61Hデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。