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1/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 Small Cubic T ype 5.0 Mega Pixel CCD Monochrome PoCL Camera Link Camera FV -L500B1 User ’s Guide RICOH CO MP A NY , L TD.
2/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 T able of Content s 1 Connector Specifications ............................... .............................. .................... .............................. .................... .. 3 1.1 Camera Link Connector .
3/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 1 Connector Specifications 1.1 Camera Li nk Connect or SDR (3M) or equiva lent This product is a PoCL type; please use a PoCL compliant cabl e and a frame grabber . Pin Assignment Pin No. Signal Name Pin No.
4/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 1.2 I/O Connector HR10A-7R-6PB ( Hirose ) or equivalent This connector is f or input /output signa ls. Use HR10A-7P-6S ( Hirose) or equivalent f or the cable side. Pin Assignment Input/output signals c an be assigned through the camera setting comm unication (see table 4).
5/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 1.3 Equivalent Circuit for the Input Pin of t h e I/ O Connector +3.3V +3.3V TC7WH241FK TOSHIBA TRIGGER IN 10kohm 100ohm On resister Max.
6/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 2 Camera Output T im ing Chart s 2.1 Normal Mod e (Setting 1 0H: 1XX0X XXX) 2.1.1 Horizont al T iming 1 CLK = 15.
7/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 2.1.2 V ertical T iming Normal Ful l Scann i ng (Setting 1 0H: 1XX00X XX, 1 1H: XXX0X 000) 1 H = 30.063 μ s, 16.000 Hz Partial Ful l Scanning (Setting 1 0H: 1XX01X XX, 1 1H: XXX0X 000) 1 H = 30.
8/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 1/2 Partial S canning (Setting 1 0H: 1XX01X XX, 1 1H: XXX0X 001) 1 H = 30.063 μ s, 32.015 H z 2.1.
9/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 V ariable Partial S canning ( Setting 10H: 1XX01X XX, 1 1H: XXX0X1 1 1) Internal HD Internal VD Video out EXT_TRIG FIX_TRIG (Common) 10 20 30 40 5 .
10/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 2.2 Binning Mo de (Setting 10H: 1X X1XX XX) 2.2.1 Horizont al T iming 1 CLK = 15.625 ns 700 CLK 1224 CLK Video out LVAL DVAL Horizontal b lanking 1924 CLK.
1 1/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 2.2.2 V ertical T iming Binning Ful l Scann i ng (Setting 10H: 1XX10X XX, 1 1H: XXX0X 000) 1 H = 30.063 μ s, 32.015 H z Binning Par tial Full Scanni ng (Setting 1 0H: 1XX1 1XXX, 1 1H: XXX 0X000) 1 H = 30.
12/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 Binning 1/2 P artial Scanning (Setting 1 0H : 1X X1 1XXX , 1 1H : X X X0X 001) 1 H = 30.063 μ s, 54.890 Hz Binning 1/4 P artial Scanning (Setting 1 0H : 1X X1 1XXX , 1 1H : X X X0X 010) 1 H = 30.
13/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 2.3 Data Or der on the Ca mera Link Out put DA0 to DA1 1: 12bit data for one pixel f rom the first tap DB0 to DB1 1: 12bit data for one pixel f rom the se.
14/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 2.4 2 T aps Tr ansferrin g Image (2XE-1Y ) X W Y H X W -1 Y H X 2 Y H X 1 Y H Tap1 Sep X = 1 Sep Y = 1 X 1 Y H-1 X 2 Y H-1 X W Y H-1 X W -1 Y H-1 X 1 Y .
15/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 3 Camera Operational Mode 3.1 Normal Mod e In this m ode, the images are output continuous ly . 3.1.1 Frame Expo sure 3.
16/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 3.2 Pulse W idth T rigger Mode In this “pulse width trigger mode” with pos itive po larity , the camera exposure starts at the rising edge of the trigger si gnal and stops at the falling edge of the trigger s ignal.
17/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 3.2.2 Pulse W idth T rigger Mode (Non-Reset) Note 1: The cam era does NOT switch to normal mode when the long exposure m ode is selected. This tim ing chart shows with the long ex posure mode selected. Note 2: The internal VD signal does not rese t by the trigger signa l.
18/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 3.3 Edge Pres et Trigger Mode In this “edge preset tr igger m ode”, the camera exposure starts at t he rising edge of the trigger s ignal like the “pulse width trigger m ode” in the previous sec tions.
19/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 3.3.2 Edge Pres et Trigger Mode (Non-Reset) Note 1: The cam era does NOT switch to normal mode when the long exposure m ode is selected. This tim ing chart shows when the long exposure mode selected. Note 2: The internal VD signal does not rese t by the trigger signa l.
20/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 3.4 H Reset Mod e Normally , v ideo noise appears when the beginning of trigger si gnal is applied before f inishing the video read-out of the prev ious f rame. This noise is caused by the SU B puls e, which is acti vated to clear al l res idual c harges on the CCD p rior t o a new exposure.
21/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 4 Communication Protocol This camera has a communication function that enables external devises, such as a P C, to control the cam era’ s functions. Please use the “R-GigE-Software” comm unication software, o r the following comm unication protocol to communicate to the cam era: 4.
22/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 The description of the format is as follows. Name Descriptions SOF S tart of Frame. Alwa y s set or rec eive the value as “02H” Device Code This indicates the dest ination of comm unication.
23/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 【 Example Code 】 Reading the data from the com m and 00H Comm and to send: 02H, 00H, 00H, 01 H, 00H, 03H SOF Device Code Read/Write Page Selection.
24/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 4.4 Camera C ontrol Co mmand 4.4.1 Camera C ommand Li st The data unit of the each comm and is 1 byte (8bit). The data can be s aved to the EEPROM if there is an “X” in the “Sa ve to EEPROM” colum n in the following list.
25/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 81 to EFH Reserved - - Command No. R/W Save to EEPROM Function Initial Data Data Range F0H R/W IO connector signals(8bit: D[70]) F1 to FFH Reserved - -.
26/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 4.4.2 Description s of the C amer a Control C ommands (The underline setti ngs are the factor y default settings) Command No. Command Descriptions 10H: MOD1[70] [Camera function mode setting 1] Initial data: 09H This sets the following camera function mode.
27/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 Command No. Command Descriptions 14H: UART [70] [Communication mode] Initial Data: 01H This sets the communication modes. D[70] D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D7~D2: No Function Set alway s “000000” D1~D0: Communication Mode 00: 38,400 bps 01: 9,600 bps 10 to 1 1: No function (Prohibited setting.
28/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 Command No. Command Descriptions 26H: PWR[70] 27H: PWR[158] [Effective line numbers in the variable p art ial scanning] Initial Data: P W R[150] = 20 58, Data Range: 0 to 2058 This sets the number of the tot a l effe c tive lines (image height) in the variable part ial scanning mode.
29/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 Command No. Command Descriptions 68H: DIGIT AL_ CLAMP[70] [Digital clamp] Initial data : DIGIT AL_CLA M P[7.
30/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 Command No. Command Descriptions 79H: EFFCT[70] [Image effect selection] Initial data: E FFCT[7..0] = 0 Sets the image effe c t.
31/31 FV -L500 B1 User ’s G uide Rev . 1.01 Revision Histor y Rev Date Changes Note 1.00 2012/06/15 Initial Release 1.01 2012/07/13 Updated Document T itle Communication Protoc ol 78H T est p attern 79 H Pasteurization Added 3E-3FH T est patte rn variable level RICOH CO MP A NY , L TD.
デバイスRicoh FV-L500B1の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Ricoh FV-L500B1をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRicoh FV-L500B1の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Ricoh FV-L500B1の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Ricoh FV-L500B1で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Ricoh FV-L500B1を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRicoh FV-L500B1の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Ricoh FV-L500B1に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRicoh FV-L500B1デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。