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FAX2000L Operator' s Manual TSTH120N Read th is m anual car ef ul ly b ef o re you use th is pr oduc t and k eep it ha ndy for fu tu re refer en ce.
FAX2 000L Op er ator's Ma nual RICOH COMPANY, LTD. 15-5, 1 ch ome, Minam i- A oyama, Minato- ku, Tokyo Teleph one: To kyo 3479-31 11 Overs eas Affilia tes U.S.A. RICOH CORPO RATIO N 5 Dedr i ck Place West Caldwell, New Jersey 07006 Phone: +1-973-882-2000 The Net herlan ds RICOH EUROP E B.
Optional Equip ment ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ HANDSET TYPE 10 0( Telephone Handset ) This per mits voice com m uni cati on (ov er the PSTN). ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ PAPER FE ED UN IT TYPE 18 0( Second C assette ) A secon d p aper f eed uni t ca n be a dded to t he base mach ine.
USA ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ FCC Requireme nts 1. This equipm ent c ompl ies wi th Par t 68 of the FCC r ules. On the c over of this equipm ent is a l abel that contai ns, among other i nfor m a tion, t he FCC regi strat ion nu m b er and r inger equivalenc e number ( REN) for thi s equi pment.
USA ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ FCC Requireme nts 1. This equipm ent c ompl ies wi th Par t 68 of the FCC r ules. On the c over of this equipm ent is a l abel that contai ns, among other i nfor m a tion, t he FCC regi strat ion nu m b er and r inger equivalenc e number ( REN) for thi s equi pment.
USA ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ FCC Requireme nts 1. This equipm ent c ompl ies wi th Par t 68 of the FCC r ules. On the c over of this equipm ent is a l abel that contai ns, among other i nfor m a tion, t he FCC regi strat ion nu m b er and r inger equivalenc e number ( REN) for thi s equi pment.
i Notice R CAUTION: Use of cont rols, a djustments or p erformance o f procedure s ot her than tho se specified herein may res ult in h azardous radiation exp osu re. Shielded i nterco nnect cables must be emplo yed with this equip m en t to ensure com pliance with the pe rtinent RF emiss ion limits governing this device.
ii - - - - ENERGY SAVING INFORMATION As an Energy Star Partner , we have de termined that this f ax model m eet s Ener- gy Star guid el ines f o r energy efficiency. This p rod uct was desig ned to reduce the environment al impact assoc iated with fax eq uipment.
iii Note to users in the Unite d States of Ameri ca - - - - Notice: This equipment has been tested and f o und to c om ply wit h the li mits fo r a Class B digital d evic e, purs uant to Part 15 o f the F CC Rules . These li mits are desig ned to provide reasonable prot ection against harmful interference in a residen tia l in- stallat i on.
iv TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Safety Import ant Safety Ins tructions. .......... .................. ................... ......... .......... 1 When to Call Your Se rvice Repres entative ....... .......... .................. .......... 3 Power An d Grounding .
v Au tom atic Re dial ing .... ... ....... ...... ... ....... ...... ... ....... ...... ... ....... ...... .... ...... ...... 24 U sing the AI R e dial k ey .. ....... ... ...... ....... ... ...... ....... ... ...... ....... ... ....... ... ...... ...
vi Rejec ting o r accep ting messa ges from spe cifie d sende rs (Auth orized Receptio n) .......... ................... ................... ......... ................. 54 Ab ou t A uth o rize d Re c e ptio n . ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ..
vii Ed itin g a Func tio n P rogr am ... ... ...... ....... ... ...... ....... ... ...... ....... ... ....... ... ...... ... 7 7 D eleti ng a Fu nc tion P rog ram ... ...... ... ....... ...... .... ...... ...... .... ...... ... ....... ...... ... 7 7 Dual Acces s .
viii 7. Technical Reference Access Co de For Function s 61 To 95....... ......... ................... ............... 131 User Para meters .... .................. .......... .................. .......... .................. ...... 132 U ser Para met er H int s .
ix Se ttin g T he Ph o ne L ine ( Func tio n 62 ) .. ...... ....... ... ...... ....... ... ...... .... ...... .... 1 67 Se tti n g The Da te & Tim e (Fu nc tio n 91 ) . ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... . 16 7 Summer Time / Dayl igh t Sav ing Tim e (Funct io n 62) .
x This page is in tent ion ally b lank..
1 1. Safety Important Safety I nstructions All Safety messages in the main text of this manual are labeled WAR N- ING or C AUT ION. The se mean the following: WARN ING: I mportant information to ale rt you to a s ituati on that mi ght cause serious injury and damage t o your property if instructions are not followed prop erly.
Saf ety 2 1 L Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord. Do not lo cate t his product w here persons will w alk on the cord. M If an extensio n cord is used with thi s product, mak e sure that the to- tal of the a m p ere rati ngs on th e produc ts plugge d into the exten - sion cord does n ot exceed the ex - tension cor d ampere rating .
When to Call Your Service Representative 3 1 When to Call Y our Service Re presentative WARNING: Do n o t attempt any mainten ance o r tro ubleshoot ing o ther than that menti oned in this manua l. This machine c ontains a las er beam generator an d direct exp osure t o laser beams can caus e permanent eye dam- age.
Saf ety 4 1 Power And Grounding Powe r S upply A Power requirements: 115 V, 60 Hz B Insert t he pow er plu g sec u rely into the wall sock et. C Make sure that the wall outlet is near the machine and readily ac- cessible. D Do not c onnect oth er equi pment t o the s ame socket.
Other Important Informations 5 1 Other Important Informations Gene ral A Since som e parts of the machine are supplied with high voltage, make sure that you do not attempt any repairs or attempt t o access any part of th e machi ne except those desc ri b ed in this manual.
Saf ety 6 1 Copy Pa per • 16 to 24 lb. copy paper is recom- mended. • Do not us e damp paper, or copi es will be defective. • Do not touch copy p aper i f your fingers are we t or oily; fin ge rprints may appear on the copy. • Keep paper in a vinyl bag if it will not be used fo r a long t ime.
7 2. Machine Lay out Part Name s 1. Low e r paper ca sse tte The opti onal l ower paper cas sette ho lds mo re p ap er . 2. Main p aper cassette Th e m ai n pa per c as se tt e ho lds c opy p a- per. 3. Print delivery tray Copies , incomin g faxes , and p rints g ener- ated using th e Opti onal P C Inte rface ki t are d elive red he re.
Machine Layout 8 2 5. Main s witch The main switch tur ns your machine on and of f. 6. Operation panel Key panel for operating t he machine. 7. Optional H andset 8. Docu ment gu ide Ma tch th e do cu men t gu ide to th e s ize of your origin al documents.
Operation Panel 9 2 Operation Panel 1. A dd Paper indic ator Lights when a cassette is empty. 2. A dd T o ner indicator Blin ks when to ne r is ab out to r un out an d lig hts con tinu ou sly w hen to ner h as r un out. 3. Check Display indicator The Che ck D isp lay Ind icato r lights to te ll yo u to rea d th e d isp la y.
Machine Layout 10 2 12. { { { { Energy S aver } } } } ke y Hold a f ew se conds this to start o r en d the energy saver mode. 13. { { { { Copy } } } } key Pre ss t hi s t o cop y th e doc um ent now i n the feeder. 14. { { { { Reception M ode } } } } key Pr ess this to sel ect the re cep tion mo de (Tel, Auto, or Fax).
11 3. Faxing Recom mended Types Of Document Before you send y ou r d ocument, mak e sure that it meets th e follow ing require- ments. Important ❒ Documents t hat d o not m ee t thes e requirements can c ause y o u r machine to jam or may cause some com p o n ents of the m achine to become damaged or dirty.
Faxing 12 3 Page Co ndition Do not pl ac e damag ed pages in th e automatic document feeder. • If your pages are curled or dog eared, flatten them. • If your page s are st uck together, shuffle the stack . • If your page s are folded, t orn, or patched toge ther, mak e cop ies.
Memory Transmission And Immediate Tr ansmi ssion 13 3 Memory Trans m ission And Imme diate Transmi ssion There are two ways to s en d a fax mes- sag e.
Faxing 14 3 after you dial the numb er and go t o st ep G . D The dis play will lo ok like this: TRANSMIT OPTIONi DIAL FAX NUMBER E If the mem ory ind icator is not lit, press th e { { { { Me mory } } } } key. F Dial the nu mber in one of the fol- low ing wa ys.
Memory Transmission And Immediate Tr ansmi ssion 15 3 Reference Send Later: s ee P.21 “Send ing At A Spec ifi c Time (S end Lat - er) ” . H Press th e { { { { Start } } } } key and w a it. The machine will dial the destina- tion's number. 5551234 SET DOC.
Faxing 16 3 Reference How to s et document, see P. 13 “Me mory Tran smis sion ( M em ory Indicator Lit)” . C Dial . TRANSMIT Y/START 5551234 Reference How to dial, see P.13 “M em o ry Tran smissi on (Memory Indica tor Lit)” . D Press th e { { { { Start } } } } key.
Receiving Telephone C alls & Fax Messages (Faxes/Phone Calls) 17 3 Receiv ing Telephone Calls & Fax Messages ( Faxes/Phone Calls) The machine can treat incoming fax messages and telephone calls in three way s. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Auto mode Use this m ode if your line is shared by a f ax machine an d telephon e.
Faxing 18 3 If you hear a voice A Co nt inu e y our c o nv ers at i on a s yo u w ou ld no rma lly . If you hear a fa x tone A R emo ve a n y doc um en ts f rom the feeder, press the { { { { Star t } } } } key then replace the handset. The machine will start receiv- ing.
Printin g Received Messages That H ave Been Stored (Substitute Reception) 19 3 Printing Received Messages That H ave Been S tored (Substitute Re ception) If the R eceive File indicator is lit, a message was stored in m emory using substi tute recept ion.
Faxing 20 3 Faxing A Page With V ery Fine Detail So that text , diag ram s and im a ges stand out clearly in your do cument, the machine aut omaticall y detects th e image density (contrast) and mak es a com pensation.
Optional Features For Transmission 21 3 Optional Features For Tra nsmission Send ing At A S pec ific Ti me (Send La ter) This featur e is called Send Lat e r. Using th is feat ure, you can d elay transmission of your fax messag e u n- til a specified time.
Faxing 22 3 are missing (for e xamp le, due to a double feed in y our machine's docu- ment fee der). Limitation ❒ This feature is availab le at Immedi- ate T ransmission. Note ❒ If you do not select Imm ediate Trans m is sion, Page Co unt is aut o- matically sw itched on, and t h e pages ar e counted automati cally .
Optional Features For Transmission 23 3 that is called the Journal. This w i ll help you t o c hec k on wh o has bee n using t he machine, and how often .
Faxing 24 3 Redialing If a message was not transmitt ed suc- ces sfull y, that d oes not mean that y ou have to enter t he tel ephone number again. In many cases , the m achin e will redial the dest in ation automati- call y. Or, with the AI Redial key, you can redial with j us t a few keystrokes.
Storing & Editing Fax Numbers (Functions 31 & 32) 25 3 Storing & E diting Fax Nu mbers (Functions 31 & 3 2) You can st ore numbers th at yo u ofte n use i n the machine' s memory. A stored number will remain in memo- ry even if the power is cut.
Faxing 26 3 pad. See P.140 “E nter ing C h arac - ters ” a01 ABC Y/N NEW YORK OFFICEkkkkk G Press { { { { Yes } } } } key. a01 Y/hi LABEL SET ON iOFF H Pr ess W W W W or V V V V a to select whether the label for this Quick D ial will be printed on to p of messag es that you send to this destination.
Storing & Editing Fax Numbers (Functions 31 & 32) 27 3 G Press { { { { Yes } } } } key. a01 Y/hi LABEL SET ON iOFF H Pr ess W W W W or V V V V a to select whether the label for this Speed Dial will be printed on to p of messag es that you send to this destination.
Faxing 28 3 Storing & Editing A Gr o up Of Fax Numbers (Function 33) ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Groups If y ou regularly b roadc ast messag- es to the same set of destinations, you can combine thes e numbers into a g roup. Then jus t select t h e group and each number will b e di- alled in se q uence au tomatically.
Storing & Edi ting A Group O f Fax Numbers (Function 33) 29 3 H Enter a fa x number. Note ❒ Enter one in one of the se w ays. • Pre ss a Quick Di al key. • Press th e Speed Dial key fol- lowed b y tw o dig its. • Enter a number on the ten key pad.
Faxing 30 3 a 30 PROGRAM? hi C Press th e { { { { Yes } } } } key. a 30 PROGRAM? Y/N PROGRAM GROUP KEY? D Press th e { { { { Yes } } } } key. a k QUICK/ hi PRINT LISTh/SEARCHi E Press th e { { { { Function } } } } key.
Dial Options 31 3 Dial Options The Dial Options provide access to various F-cod e features which are de- signed to allow confiden tial transmis- sion and polling reception between different makers' fax machines. Use them if the o ther party' s fax ma chine is of a different make and supports the F-c ode features.
Faxing 32 3 • T o s k i p S E P , p r e s s t h e { No } key the n go to step F . E Enter the SEP code on th e ten key pad then pr ess the { { { { Yes } } } } key. Y/N SID? (I) F Do on e of the f ollo win g: • If you wish to set the SI D cod e, pre ss the { Yes } key.
Chain Diali ng 33 3 Chain Dialing This featur e allows you to compos e a telephone number from various parts, some of w hich may b e stored as Quick Dial Keys or Speed Dial Codes, and some of which may be input at the ten k ey pad. You c an program commonly used area or country c odes into Speed Dial Codes or Quick Dial Keys.
Faxing 34 3 Erasing A Stored Me s sage B efore It Is Sent (Functions 21 & 2 2) Eve ry t ime yo u s tor e a fa x mes sa ge i n your mach in e's m emory , a new file is created. A file is also created for s tor- ing ins tructions to p ick up a fax mes- sage left elsew here (polling, see P.
Printing A St ored Message ( Funct ion 51) 35 3 Printing A Stored Message (Function 51) If y o u need to s ee the conten ts of any files, use this feature. A Press th e { { { { Function } } } } { { { { 5 } } } } { { { { 1 } } } } and the { { { { Yes } } } } key.
Faxing 36 3 Confidential R eception St oring & Editin g t he Confi den tial ID Programming t he Confidenti al ID This can be any four -digit code ex cept '0000'. You mus t enter it to print any messages that h ave been sent to y o u r machine us ing Conf identi al Trans - mission .
Confidenti al Reception 37 3 Printi ng messa ges Rece ived into M em ory (F unction 52 ) If so meo n e sends you a m e ssage us- ing the Confidential T ra ns mission feature, instead of printing it out im- mediately, the machine st ores it i n memory.
Faxing 38 3 Sending A Fax Using The Handset You can send a fax mess age us ing th e handset. (Optio nal handset or exte r- nal telephon e is required.) A Set the doc ument then pick up the handset. B Dial the other party. If you hear a voice A Speak to the other party.
Answering The Telephone 39 3 Answering The Telepho ne This feature is a vailable when y ou connec t the optiona l han dset or exte r- nal telephone. Note ❒ If th e telep hone rings just once, a fax is coming in. Do no t pick up th e handse t. If the tel ephon e ri ngs conti nuo usly A Pick up the han dset and speak to the other par ty.
Faxing 40 3 Phoning And Faxing On The Same Call To ta lk b efore s en ding a fax A Pick up the h andset. B Dial . Note ❒ Do not pre ss th e { Start } ke y .
41 4. Other Features Ve rif yin g C om mun icat ion s, Erro rs , Counters, E tc. You can ob tain rep o rts from your ma- chine either b y having your machine print them out automatically, or b y prin ting them out y ourse lf.
Other Feat ures 42 4 com munication fail ure report is printed aft er a job has been com- pleted. And at the end, it prints a com munication failure or t rans- mission result report. Check it, and retransmit any page s that were not sent. I f a pa rt icular problem con- tinues or g et s worse, keep the error reports for the service tec hnician.
Verifying Communications, Err ors, Counters, Etc. 43 4 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ The Footnote on the Journal TX counter: Total nu m ber of transmitt ed pages RX counter: Tota l number of received pag es Coun ters (func tion 94) These counters will help you if yo u wish to keep a regu lar check on how many pages your machine has sent , received, and copied.
Other Feat ures 44 4 Programming Keystrokes If you regularly transmit to a particu- lar destination or set of destinations using t he same featur es, you c an save a lot of repet itive th e ten key pad op- eration by s t o r ing t he features and destinations in a Key stroke Prog ram.
Programming Keystrokes 45 4 this example, press the Quick Dial { { { { 01 } } } } Labe ling a prog ram If you store a label for your keystroke programs, the label wil l appear on th e dis play when you us e the pro gram. A Press th e { { { { Function } } } } { { { { 3 } } } } { { { { 4 } } } } and the { { { { Yes } } } } key.
Other Feat ures 46 4 Note ❒ The program begins at once. Reference Picking Up Messages S t ored Elsewhere (Pollin g Reception ) : see P.74 “Calling To Reques t A Messa ge (Po lling)” . Erasi ng a pro gram / Chan gin g the p rog ram La bel When you wish to del ete a keys trok e program, do the following .
Batch Transmission 47 4 Batch Tr ansmission This feature will save com munication cost s if you oft en send more than on e message to th e same location. If various people in your office send messages to the Tokyo b r anc h office, sendin g all thes e messag es on s epa- rate calls can b e expen sive.
Other Feat ures 48 4 Programm ing the personal codes The main advant age of Perso n al Codes is that they allow you to tra ck machine usag e You c a n still use P er- sonal Cod es to p ersonalize your fax messages, by using the Label Inse r- tion feature.
Storing a personal code 49 4 Storing a perso nal code A Press the { { { { Function } } } } { { { { 6 } } } } then enter the access co de { { { { 2 } } } } { { { { 2 } } } } { { { { 2 } } } } { { { { 2 } } } } . Then press { { { { 7 } } } } { { { { 2 } } } } and the { { { { Yes } } } } key.
Other Feat ures 50 4 B Input a Confidential ID for the personal co de used by this us- er. C Press th e { { { { Yes } } } } key. To enter ano ther code A Go to st ep C C C C .
Editing or erasing a per sonal code 51 4 Editing or erasing a personal code A Press the { { { { Function } } } } { { { { 6 } } } } then enter the access co de { { { { 2 } } } } { { { { 2 } } } } { { { { 2 } } } } { { { { 2 } } } } . Then press { { { { 7 } } } } { { { { 2 } } } } and the { { { { Yes } } } } key.
Other Feat ures 52 4 Tonal Signals On this mo del t he { * } key on the ten key pad is used as the Tone key. Som e organizations offer you a spe- cial service by telephone, w hich you can acces s by transmitt ing Touch ton e or DTMF tones.
Rejecting m essages from senders w ho don't identify thems e lves 53 4 Rej ecting m es sages fr om senders who don't identify themselves Your fax machine can re ject incoming messages lacking an identifier signal. Follow t h e user paramet er p rocedure on to en ter these setti ngs.
Other Feat ures 54 4 Rejecting or ac cepting messages from specif ied senders (Authorize d Receptio n ) This fe atu re is called Authorized Re- cept ion. It helps yo u reject ju nk fax mail. It lets you specify which terminals you wis h to receive fax messa ges from; all others w ill be shu t out.
Cassette Selection 55 4 Cassette Selectio n Abou t Ca ssette Se lection This feature is only available if your machine h as an optional l ower cas - sett e, you can direct fax mes sages from certain senders to be printed from the mai n cass ette. Note ❒ Example: Pu t yellow paper in the main cassette.
Other Feat ures 56 4 C Press th e { { { { Yes } } } } key. CASSETTE SELECT Y/hi iON OFF D Press W W W W or V V V V to change the on or off setting. E Press the { { { { Ye s } } } } and { { { { Function } } } } key.
Entering A List Of Senders To Treat Differentl y (Function 81) 57 4 Entering A List Of Senders To Treat Differently (Function 81) You can en ter a l ist of up t o 30 ident i- fications (R TI, CSI and Wild Cards) for senders you wis h to t reat differ- ently.
Other Feat ures 58 4 specified Cassette Selection using V V V V or W W W W . (if yes: ON , if no: OFF) SET CASSE SLT Y/hi ON iOF F I Press th e { { { { Yes } } } } key. RTI/CSI ABC hi kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk J Either: To pro gram another sp ecial terminal A Go to st ep C C C C .
Entering A List Of Senders To Treat Differentl y (Function 81) 59 4 SET AUTHORIZED Y/hi iON OFF F Press th e { { { { Yes } } } } key. SET CASSE SLT Y/hi ON iOF F G Select wh ether you set th is RTI/ CSI as the special term inal fo r specified Cassette Selection using V V V V or W W W W .
Other Feat ures 60 4 Forwarding Using t his feature , you can s end fax messages co ming in from c ertain lo- cations on to another fax mach in e. The terminals that receive your for - warded messages are called “for- warding terminals”.
Forwarding 61 4 FORWARD KPAD/hi kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk C Store a forwarding station num- ber. FORWARD KPAD/Y/N 2125551234kkkkkkkkkk Note ❒ Example: { 2 } { 1 } { 2 } { 5 } { 5 } { 5 } { 1 } { 2 } { 3 .
Other Feat ures 62 4 Then press { { { { 8 } } } } { { { { 2 } } } } and the { { { { Yes } } } } key. SETTING? Y/hi PRINT LISTh/SEARCHi B Press V V V V until the f orwarding s t a- tion nu mber you w ish to edit ap- pears. Then press the { { { { Yes } } } } key .
Forwarding 63 4 If you del ete the RT I/CSI A Press th e { { { { No } } } } key. Important ❒ If yo u delete all the R TIs and CSIs for a forwarding st ation, you must als o dele te the fo r- warding station (see step B ). If you d o not do this, a ll in- comin g messag es will be for- warded to tha t stat ion.
Other Feat ures 64 4 • Forw ar d all incomin g messages except t hos e from specified sen d- ers (bit 7=1). (See P.132 “User P aramet ers” ). Switc hin g loca l pr inting on / of f You can choose whether your ma- chine p ri nts c opi es o f mes s ages tha t it forwards (by default, t hese mess ages are no t printed ).
Wild Car ds 65 4 Wild Cards This fea ture gre atly enha nces the ef- fectiveness of the fo llowing features: • Authorize d Recept ion • Forwardin g • Specified C a ss ette Selection In each of th ese feat ures, you h ave to store the RTI or CSI of various termi- nals that you normally receive fax messages from.
Other Feat ures 66 4 Receiving Options As receiving options, the Revers e Or- der Printi ng , Printi ng the Center Mark are available. Reve rse Order Pri nting Normally, the machine p rints th e pages of received mes sages in the or- der that they were received uncollat- ed.
Reports You Can Pr intout Yourself 67 4 Reports You Can Pr intou t Yourself You can prin t these rep orts at any time by follow in g the steps below . Journ al (Fun cti on 41) In addit ion to the automatic output of this report, which we've described earlier , y o u can print th e Journa l at any time.
Other Feat ures 68 4 START To pri nt the Gr oup list A Press th e { { { { No } } } } key. SELECT LISTS Y/N QUICK DIAL LIST? B Press th e { { { { No } } } } key. SELECT LISTS Y/N SPEED DIAL LIST? C Press th e { { { { No } } } } key. SELECT LISTS Y/N GROUP LIST? D Press the { { { { Yes } } } } and { { { { St ar t } } } } keys.
Saving Energy 69 4 Saving Ene r gy To print a fax message y our fax ma- chine uses a heat ing roller to fuse the image to th e paper. This roller m u s t alread y be hot when the paper pass es under it. To maintain a temperatur e high enoug h to perm it prop er fu sing, electri city i s consumed.
Other Feat ures 70 4 When you allow the roller to cool to room temperature, en ergy savings are at a maximum and print ing will take a little long er since the roller will take more t ime to come to printi ng temper ature. When you select th e midpoint, some e nergy s avings wi ll still be achieved and printing will oc- cur more rapidly.
Saving Energy Wi th The Power Saving Timer 71 4 Saving Energy With The Power Saving Timer You can s et s leep ti m e to let the ma- chine go to saving energy condition and set the wak e up time when it re- turns to standb y mode the next morn- ing.
Other Feat ures 72 4 F Input the time (9 :00 AM) : Press { { { { 0 } } } } { { { { 9 } } } } { { { { 0 } } } } and { { { { 0 } } } } from the key pad. TIMER#1 TUE */#/Y ON FROM 09:00AM G Set A M/PM usin g the { { { { * } } } } or { { { { # } } } } key.
Copying 73 4 Copying If you need to make a copy of some- thing, and there is no copier available, use y o ur fax machine. Just place y o ur original in the feeder, and press t h e { Copy } key . Note ❒ By def a ul t, cop i es ar e ma de at D e- tail resolution.
Other Feat ures 74 4 Calling To Request A Message (Polling) Polling means “picking up” a docu- ment that has been left for you at a r e- mote fax terminal.
Calling T o Request A M ess age (Polling) 75 4 Note ❒ Example: { 2 } { 5 } { 6 } { 7 } from the ten key pad. E Press th e { { { { Yes } } } } key. POLLING RECV OPTIONi DIAL FAX NUMBER F Dial and press the { { { { Start } } } } key. Limitation ❒ In th eory, you can p oll up to 100 different destinations u sing the above procedure.
Other Feat ures 76 4 User Function Keys There are two Functi on keys (F1 and F2) on the op eration p a n e l. You can pro gram each of these k eys wit h a feature that y ou wish to use frequ ently. Store a User Fun ction Code in the User Func ti o n Keys.
User Function Keys 77 4 Editin g a Funct ion Progr am A Press the { { { { Function } } } } { { { { 3 } } } } { { { { 5 } } } } and the { { { { Yes } } } } key. Fk F1-F2/hi PRINT LISTh/SEARCHi B Press the user Function key that you wish t o cha nge. F2 CHANGE? Y/hi GROUP KEY C Press th e { { { { Yes } } } } key.
Other Feat ures 78 4 Dual Acces s Dual Access means that even if th e machine is already carry ing out a task , you may be able to o p erate the machine.
79 5. Maintaining Yo ur Mac hine Loading Paper In The Main Cassette A Pull out the paper cassette and place it on a flat surfac e. Note ❒ Remove any pap er that may have droppe d inside th e machine in the area vacated by the paper cas sette. B Lift up the c a ssette co ver and remov e it.
Maint aining Yo u r M ac h in e 80 5 D If the metal b ase plate is rais ed, push it fir mly dow n until it locks in to place. E Prepare a stack of b lank paper.
Loading Paper I n The M ain Cassette 81 5 G Replace the cassette cover. Note ❒ The fros ted s ide of the cov er must be face up wh en closed. H Replace the cass ette.
Maint aining Yo u r M ac h in e 82 5 Loading Paper In The Lower Cassette A Pull out the paper cassette and place it on a flat surfac e. Note ❒ Remove any pap er that may have droppe d inside th e machine in the area vacated by the paper cas sette. B Lift up the c a ssette co ver and remov e it.
Loading Paper I n The Lower Cassette 83 5 D Prepare a stack of b lank paper. For smoother operation, square the edges. E Load the pap er into the cassette. F Replace the cassette cover. Note ❒ The fros ted s ide of the cov er must be face up wh en closed.
Maint aining Yo u r M ac h in e 84 5 G Replace the cass ette. Push it in firmly until it locks into place..
Loading Paper I n The Optional Multi-pur pos e Feeder 85 5 Loading Paper In The Optional Multi- purpos e Feeder A Remove any paper remaining in the feeder. B Prepare a stack of b lank paper. For smoother operation, square the edges. C Lift back th e document table.
Maint aining Yo u r M ac h in e 86 5 Replacing The Toner Cassette And Cleaning Pad Note ❒ When the Add Toner i ndicator ( D ) starts to bl ink, the toner c as sett e is almost empty. You will make 100 more cop i es before you have to change the t o n er cas sette.
Replacing The Toner Cassette And Cleaning Pad 87 5 B Grasp the o ld toner cassette as show n, and lift it out carefully. R WARNING: Do n ot i ncin era te wa ste t oner . Ton er d ust ma y i gnite sudde nly when expo sed to an o pen f lame. C Remo ve the old cleanin g pad.
Maint aining Yo u r M ac h in e 88 5 E Prepare the new toner cassette. Important ❒ Do not t ouch the gr een drum. ❒ Do not shake the cas sette aft er you have removed t he black paper. A Remove the new toner cas sette from i ts bag. Do not remove any pape r or tap e yet.
Replacing The Toner Cassette And Cleaning Pad 89 5 F Hold th e cas sette as sh own and rest it in the mac hine. Make s ure it fits in the slots pro vided on either side. Note ❒ The slots are marked with small arrow s. G Press d own on the cassette until it loc ks into place.
Maint aining Yo u r M ac h in e 90 5 Toner Cassette • Store in a cool, dark place. • Never store where they may be exposed to heat. • Keep out of the reach of c hild ren. • Do not eat toner. • Do not lay heavy o bject s on toner c assette. • Do not inci nerate toner or to ner conta iners.
Cleaning The Rol lers And Scanner 91 5 Cleaning The Ro llers And Scanner To maint ai n the m achine's condition, clean t he rollers and scanner from time to time. A Open the top c over . B Wipe the rollers. A Wip e the white roller wit h a damp cloth.
Maint aining Yo u r M ac h in e 92 5 Changing The Pape r Size In The Main Cassett e This exa m p le exp l a in s h ow to sw itch to A4 size p a p er. To switch to other pa per sizes, follow the same steps but move the end plat e and s ide rails to the appro- p r ia te s i ze ma rk on th e ca s set te.
Changing The Paper Size In T he Main Casset te 93 5 C Remo ve any re ma ining pap er. D If this is the main cassette an d the metal b ase plate is r aised, push it firmly down un til it locks into plac e. E Squeeze the green end p late slightly and remove it.
Maint aining Yo u r M ac h in e 94 5 F Insert the end plate into the A4 slot as shown. G Remo ve the side rail (Squ eeze in one of the plastic tabs on the un derside of the cassette to loosen it). H Replace the side r ail in the A4 slots. Note ❒ There are two sets of slots and t hey are marked on the base.
Changing The Paper Size In T he Main Casset te 95 5 J Remo ve the paper size plate located at the front of the cassette. K Replace the plate, orienting it so that the A4 sym bo l is visible in the w in- dow at the fro nt of the cas sette. L Prepare a stack of b lank paper.
Maint aining Yo u r M ac h in e 96 5 M Load the pap er into the cassette. N Replace the cassette cover. Note ❒ The fros ted s ide of the cov er must be face up wh en closed.
Changing The Paper Size In T he Lower Casset te 97 5 Changing The Pape r Size In The Lower Cassett e This exa m p le exp l a in s h ow to sw itch to A4 size p a p er. To switch to other pa per sizes, follow the same steps but move the end plat e and s ide rails to the appro- p r ia te s i ze ma rk on th e ca s set te.
Maint aining Yo u r M ac h in e 98 5 D Squeeze the green end p late slightly and remove it. E Insert the end plate into the A4 slot as shown. F Remo ve the side rail (Squ eeze in one of the plastic tabs on the un derside of the cassette to loosen it).
Changing The Paper Size In T he Lower Casset te 99 5 G Replace the side r ail in the A4 slots. Note ❒ There are two sets of slots and t hey are marked on the base. Make sure that the uppe r an d low er tabs on the rail both fit in the inner set of slot s.
Maint aining Yo u r M ac h in e 100 5 K Prepare a stack of b lank paper. For smoother operation, square the edges. L Load the pap er into the cassette. M Replace the cassette cover. Note ❒ The fros ted s ide of the cov er must be face up wh en closed.
Changing The Paper Size In The Optional M ulti-purpose Feeder 101 5 Changing The Pape r Size In The Optional Multi-purpose Fee der A Remove any paper remaining in the feeder. B Adjust the paper g uide to match the new paper size. C Prepare a stack of b lank paper.
Maint aining Yo u r M ac h in e 102 5 D Rest the paper stack in the feeder. E Before you can us e it, you must chang e the paper size setting for the Multi- purpose Feeder using function 36.
Changing The Paper Size Settings 103 5 Changing The P aper Size Settings When you change the p aper s i ze loaded in the main cassette, optional second cassette or optional m ulti-pur- pose fee d er, you need t o change th e pap er siz e set ti ng s.
Maint aining Yo u r M ac h in e 104 5 This pa g e is intention ally blank ..
105 6. Troubl eshoot ing If An Indicator Lights Up On The Operation Panel ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ PRESS STOP KEY a pp e ar s in th e di sp l a y: Pre ss t he { Stop } ke y. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ The Re ceive File ind icat or is lit : You've rece ived a fax message which i s now stored in the machi ne.
Troubleshooting 106 6 Other Poss ible Proble ms You W an t To R emo ve Th e Docu me nt In T he Fee de r Open the d ocument f eeder (see P. 107 “ Cle arin g a D oc um ent J am” ) , then remove the document. Important ❒ Do not pull out the d ocument witho ut opening th e auto document feeder , or you will damage the s canning mechanism.
Clearing a D ocum ent Jam 107 6 Clearing a Docum ent Jam When an original is jamm ed, CLEAR ORIG INAL is disp layed — follow th is pro- cedure to solve th e problem. Note ❒ If copies, fax mess age or prints are jammed, follow the next proc edu re.
Troubleshooting 108 6 Clearing a Copy, Fax, or Pr int Jam When CLEA R COPY is display ed, follow this procedure to solve the problem. For how to clear origin al jams, see th e previous proced u r e. Clear a J am in side th e m achin e A Pull the lowe r unit release leve r tow ards you an d open the top co ver.
Clearing a Copy, Fax, or Print Jam 109 6 C Remo ve any jammed pap er undern eath. D Replace the toner cassette. E Close the top co v er..
Troubleshooting 110 6 Clear a J am in the Ca sse tte En tran ce A Remove the m ain cassette and place it on a flat s u rface. B Remo ve any paper from in side the machine.
Clearing a Copy, Fax, or Print Jam 111 6 D Replace the m ain cassette. Clear a J am in the Op tio nal Se con d Cass ette A Remove the optio nal second c assette and place it on a flat surf ace.
Troubleshooting 112 6 C Replace the o ptional second cass ette. Clear a J am in the Up per Rear Uni t A Lift back th e document table. B Open the upper rear cover.
Clearing a Copy, Fax, or Print Jam 113 6 C Pul l ou t any j ammed paper . D Close the upper rear c over. Clear a J am in the Lo we r Rear Uni t A Open the l ower rear co ver.
Troubleshooting 114 6 B Pul l ou t any j ammed paper . C Close the lower rear cover. TSTJ060N TSTJ100N.
If Messages Y ou Receive Don't Fi t On Your Paper 115 6 If Mes sages You Re ceive Don't Fit On Y our Paper Break ing Down La rge Fo rmat M es sages If the incoming document is longer than the paper in your fax machine, the ma- chine will split it into multiple sheets.
Troubleshooting 116 6 Communication Proble ms If ER ROR PRESS STOP appears in th e display : Press t he { Stop } key. Causes: • A poor line caused th e commu n i- cation to fail. • The li ne is busy o r no isy. Try to r e- tra ns mit . • The o t her machine i s out of order.
RDS (Remote Diagnostic Syst em ) 117 6 RDS ( Remote Diagnostic S ystem) If y o ur mach ine has a problem, a ser- vice technici an can perform various diagnos tic t asks ov er the teleph one line from t he s ervice station t o try to find out w hat is wrong with y our ma- chine .
Troubleshooting 118 6 Adjusting the Printing Margins (Function 95) Follow these st eps if y o u wish to ad- just the top and left margins on print- ed messages. You can chose the site of margins i n steps of ab out 0.5 mm . If the upper an d lower marg ins do not match, c hange the pap er in the l o we r cass ette.
Operating Dif ficulties 119 6 Operating Difficulties Pro bl em R eq uir ed A ctio n ST ANDBY MODE Nothing happens when the sw it ch is turne d o n . Ch eck the po wer co rd . Is it pr operl y pl ug ged in to the outlet? Plug it in f irmly. SET DOC. OR D IAL NO.
Troubleshooting 120 6 Pro bl em R eq uir ed A ctio n TRANSMISSION The orig inal is not pulled i nto the auto document feed er . You did no t fee d the d ocum ent fa r e n ough into th e feeder. Insert the do cum ent in to the feeder until it stops. Retransmit.
Operating Dif ficulties 121 6 Frequen t original misfeeds Multifeeds Incorr ect posit ioning of original s Put the document in the feeder correctly. See P.13 “Memo ry Transmissio n (Memory I nd icat or L it)” . Incorr ect alig nment of ori ginals Align the edges of the document.
Troubleshooting 122 6 Transm ission c annot take place; CLE AR ORIGIN AL ap- pears. The document is jammed in the feeder. Remove the j am med document (see P. 107 “C learing a Document J am” ) an d repeat the trans mission proce- dure . Th e do cum ent ma y be l o nger th an the max imum li mit (see P.
Operating Dif ficulties 123 6 Copies are blank. The or iginal must be placed f ace down in the doc u- ment feeder. Pos i tion th e or ig inal co rrec tl y. See P. 1 3 “Memory Tran sm ission (Memory In d icator Lit)” . Copy p ap er misfeeds occur freq ue n tly .
Troubleshooting 124 6 Displayed Error Mess ages The following messages may appe ar while you are operating or program ming the machine. CHECK AU TO-D IALING You cann ot us e the a u to-d i aler at the m o - ment. Use the ten k ey pad or the handset. NO FILE EXIS TS No polling rec eption operat ions have been programm ed .
Error Codes 125 6 Error Co des Fax machines use a telephone line. The same types of problems yo u experience while making phone calls (such as noisy lines, cro ss t alk, disconne ct ion du ring conversation , weak sig nal s ) also occur w ith faxing.
Troubleshooting 126 6 0-07 The facsimi le machine that you were sending t o disconnected duri ng the call, eithe r due to noisy phon e lines, a paper ja m or bec ause i t ra n o ut o f pape r. Resend th e p a ge. 0-08 The m achi ne at th e o ther en d recei ved the pa ge t hat you sent b ut it ha d erro rs on th e pa ge .
Error Codes 127 6 5-20 5-21 5-22 5-23 5-24 Ins ufficien t m emor y to rece i v e the mes sage. Whe n th e page s in me mory have been print ed, ask the oth e r pa rty to re s end .
Troubleshooting 128 6 Note ❒ When an error occurs, it does not mean that you are doing anything wr o ng or that your machine n e eds service. Only if the problem persists shou ld you call your servic e represen tative . 9-17 9-20 9-22 9-23 9-24 9-29 9-50 9-51 9-80 9-82 Ther e is a p ro blem w ith yo u r pr in ter.
Calling The S ervice Station 129 6 Calling The Service Station The machine has a featu re called Ser- vice Report Transmis sion. Use this feat ure when your machine is having problems. The mach ine will trans mit information ab out the condition of your machine t o your s ervice repr e- sentative.
Troubleshooting 130 6 This pa g e is intention ally blank ..
131 7. Technical Reference Access Code For Functions 61 To 95 Accessing funct ions 61 to 95 requires an a cce ss code. The sole purpose of this feature is t o keep others from a cciden ta lly misad- jus ting the machi ne. T his code c annot b e c h a n g e d , s o d o n o t r e l y o n i t a s a security feature.
Technical R eference 132 7 User Param eters Adj usting y our ma chine some times r equir es that yo u cha nge specia l settings called user parameters. For each user parameter, yo u must change a bi t in a swit ch. A switch has eight bi ts. Each b it has a value of 1 or 0, and each bit is numbered 0 to 7 f ro m the right.
User P aram eter s 133 7 - - - - List of all relevant user parameters Many bit s ettings ha ve no effec t and are not list ed. (Never change these). The set - tin gs m ade at the f actory are un derli ned.
Technical R eference 134 7 03 0: A utom atica l ly print mem ory tr ans mi ssio n repor ts. COMMUNI CATI ON RESULT REPO RT(M EMORY TX) Off: 0 On*: 1 2: A utom atica lly pri nt stor age report s for mem- ory t ransmission . FILE RE SERV E REPORT( MEMO RY T X) Off*: 0 On: 1 4: Automatic ally prin t polling rec eption re- port s.
User P aram eter s 135 7 08 2, 3: AUTHO RIZE D RE CEPTION (Can al so use fu nction 62) Bi t 2 3: 0 X: Off 1 0*: Recei ve messages only from sender s whose RTI/ CSIs ar e programmed. 1 1: Receive messages only from sender s whose RTI/ CSIs ar e not progra m m ed .
Technical R eference 136 7 User Par amete r Hints ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Changing your machine's default s ettings These are the settings your machine assumes imm e diately after it is turned on, after clearing the m achine, or after you or the power saving reactivat es it.
Adjusting The V olume Of Various Feat ures (Functi on 92) 137 7 Adjusting The Volume Of Various Features (Function 92) You can ch an ge the beeper (mon ito r) volum e of the desired feature.
Technical R eference 138 7 F Adjust the dial monitor volum e with W W W W and V V V V and press the { { { { Yes } } } } key when you're do ne. DIAL MONITOR Y/hi MIN iii MAX G Adjust the BUZZER KEY volume with W and V and press the { { { { Yes } } } } key when you'r e d one.
Selecting The D isplay's Language ( Function 93) 139 7 Selecting The Display's L anguage (Function 93) If y ou would rat her use an o t her lan- guage for mess ages and d isplays, fol- low the procedure below. The t hree languages available are: English, French, and Spanis h.
Technical R eference 140 7 Entering Characters Use the t en key pad f or enteri ng numb ers. Use Qu ick Dial key s 1 to 26 for ent er- ing le tters, th e W an d V ke ys t o chan ge to ano ther l etter , t he { Yes } ke y to accept a character, and Quick Dial key 27 for spaces and Quick Dial key 28 for oth er characters.
Document & Paper Specificati ons 141 7 Document & Pape r Specifications Docu me nts (Us ing The A uto Docu me nt Feed er) ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Length: 4.
Technical R eference 142 7 Capabilities St ored N umber s (L ong T erm) • 30 Quick Dial keys, each of wh ich can hold an individu al num ber. Any five of the Quick Dial keys can hold a g r ou p o f num b ers. • 50 individual numbers stored as two-digit S peed Dial c od e s (see P.
Specif icat i ons 143 7 Specificatio ns Base Ma chine ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Power supply: 115 Vac, 6 0 Hz ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Power consumption: Energy saver mode: Average 2 W Standby mode: Average 25 W Transmi.
Technical R eference 144 7 This pa g e is intention ally blank ..
145 8. Installation Before Installatio n Before installing y o ur machine, read the safety instructions at the beg in - ning o f thi s manua l. To in stall th e ma- chine, follow these pr oced ures: A Find a suitable location for the ma- chine . B Remove all the pieces of tape at- tached t o the machine.
Installati on 146 8 Machine Environment When choosing a locat ion for your machine, p lease follow the safet y in- struct ion given on the first section. Loca tion For the best possible performance, in- stall your machine in a place which satisfies th e follo w i ng conditions.
Installing The Toner Cassette 147 8 Installing The Toner Casse tte A Pull the lowe r unit release leve r tow ards you an d open the top co ver. Note ❒ If you d o not p ull the l ever, only t he upper uni t wil l open. B Prepare the new toner cassette.
Installati on 148 8 B Hold the cassette horizontally and shake it gently from side to side a few times C Remove the blac k paper and tape. C Hold th e cas sette as sh own and rest it in the mac hine. Make s ure it fits in the slots pro vided on either side.
Installing The Toner Cassette 149 8 D Press d own on the cassette until it loc ks into place. Note ❒ If you do n ot push the cass ette right in, the top co ver will not close. E Close the top co v er. Note ❒ Bac kgroun d gray cast is som e t imes e v ide n t on prin ted m e ssa ges ju st after installing a new toner cas sette.
Installati on 150 8 Installing The Main Paper Cas sette A Un pa ck the casse tte . B Ra ise the ca sse tte cov e r. C If nec e ssa r y, adjust the pa pe r size. Whe n s hi p ped th e c as se tt e i s re ad y t o be lo ad ed w it h Le tt er siz e pa per , so if you wi ll be us ing this size th en skip t his st ep.
Installing The Main Paper Cassette 151 8 E Replace the cass ette. Push it in firmly until it locks into place. Note ❒ When you change th e paper size, you need to adjus t the pape r size set ting with Func tion 36.
Installati on 152 8 Installing The Optional Se cond Cassette After you have in st alled the Second Cassette, do not lift it up . A Turn of f th e power swit ch. B Unpack the second cass ette and re move any tape that was protectin g it dur- ing transmit.
Installing The Optional Second Casset t e 153 8 D If necessary, adjust the paper size. When shipped the cassette is ready to be loaded with Letter size paper, so if you will be using the size then skip this step. E Set the paper then lowe r the cassette co ver.
Installati on 154 8 G Lay the mac hine o n top of the unit as show n. H Make s ure the m achine and unit fit to gether correctly. If they a re n ot aligned, the machine w ill not be ab le to detect th e second cassette w hen you try and change the paper size setting with function 36.
Attaching The T rays And Docum ent Table 155 8 Attaching The Trays And Document Table A Attach the Pr int Delivery T ray. Insert it at an angle so that the tabs fit in the slots pr o vided. B Attach the D ocument Deliv ery Tray. C Attach the D ocument Table.
Installati on 156 8 Note ❒ If nec essary, pull o ut the ex tensions o n the Document Tabl e and trays. Venti lati on Gril l Di rection You c an adjust th e ventilation grill direct ion so that air is blown d ow nwards or to the rear of t he mac hine.
Installing The Optional Mult i-purpose Feeder 157 8 Installing The Optional Multi-purpose Feed er A Turn of f th e power swit ch. B Lift back th e document table.
Installati on 158 8 D Hold the M ulti - purpose Feed e r as sh own an d fit it in th e slots p rovided. Note ❒ Do not hold the Multi - pu rp ose Feeder by t h e extension, it cou ld be dam- aged. E Before you use the M ulti - purpose Feeder , you need to change th e pap er size setting to match the size of paper you will be using by function 36.
Installing The Optional Memory C ard 159 8 Installing The Optional Mem ory Card A Turn of f th e power swit ch. B Remo ve the cover from the front right of the mach ine. C Hold the card in the way shown (pay attention to which sid e is printed) and insert it carefully into the slot.
Installati on 160 8 Installing The Optional H andset A Remo ve the information card fro m the holder. B Attach the ho lder to the bracket with the tw o screws pr ovided. Screw in firmly but not too tightly (e.g., use a small coin). C Replace the information card.
Installing The Optional Handset 161 8 D Fix the bracket to the protruding plastic hook on the le ft o f the mac hine at the rear. E Plug the han dset jack in to the “TEL 1” socket at the rear of the machine.
Installati on 162 8 Connecting The Machine Before us ing the mac hine, c onn ect the m achi ne to t he tele phone line properly. Then p lu g in the pow er cable and sw itch on. Make sure the machine i s properly connec ted to the telepho ne line and the po w- er outlet, as shown follow ing.
Connecting Up To The Tel ephone Line 163 8 Connecting Up To The Telepho ne Line There are similar so c kets located at t he rear of the machine: • TEL1: Fo r th e h andset option or external telephon e • LINE: T elephone line conn ect ion A Insert the line cable into the so cket labeled “LINE”.
Installati on 164 8 Connecting The Power And Switching On R CAUTION: Do n o t swit ch on unt il e veryt hi ng i s conn ect ed pr oper ly. A Insert the power cable into the socket located at the rear of the mach ine. B Plug in the c able to the mains. C Turn t he powe r swit ch on.
In it ial Set ting s & Adjust ment s 165 8 Initial Settings & Adjustments Before y ou connec t your machi ne to the telep hone system, you must ente r a few sett ings a nd make a few adju s t- ments. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Own number : The phone number used by yo u r fax line.
Installati on 166 8 Y/NEXTi SET OWN NUMBER B Press th e { { { { Yes } } } } key. OWN NO. KPAD kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk C Enter you r ph one n umb er. OWN NO.
In it ial Set ting s & Adjust ment s 167 8 Note ❒ Should be the sam e as in step D . M Press th e { { { { Yes } } } } key. PROGRA MMED will flash on t he dis- play and you'll get the display.
Installati on 168 8 Then enter { { { { 9 } } } } { { { { 1 } } } } and the { { { { Yes } } } } key. SAT */#/Y OCT. 24 1998 01:35PM B Chang e the month using { { { { * } } } } or { { { { # } } } } ( { { { { * } } } } to s c roll fo rwar d , or { { { { # } } } } to scroll bac kward) o n the ten key pad and press V V V V to move the c ur - sor .
169 9. Function List Function List Pre ss t he { Function } key fo l lo wed by one of the numbers below. No. F eature Refer ence 11 Pic king a document s tored elsewhere P.74 “Calling To Requ est A Message (P olli ng)” 21 Eras ing a mess age stored f or transmi s- sio n P.
Function List 170 9 52 Pr int re ceived doc ume nts that we re sen t to you by Confidential Trans mission. P.37 “Printing messages Re- ceived int o Memo ry (Func- tion 52)” 61 *1 Initial Setti ngs : P.165 “I ni tial Settin g s & Ad - justment s” Own telephone n umber P.
Function List 171 9 *1 These func tions re quire the access code ( see P.131 “Access Code Fo r F unctions 61 To 95” ). Photocopy this tab le and use as a quick ref erence.
Function List 172 9 This pa g e is intention ally blank ..
173 10. Certif ication Label Certification Label The certification is located behin d the mac h i ne..
174 INDE X A Acces s Co de , 131 Ac cess Nu mber , 165 , 16 7 Ac tivi t y Repor t , 42 Add Pa per ind icator , 9 Add T oner indi cator , 9 , 86 AI Red ial key , 24 Arrow keys , 9 Auth ori zed Rec epti.
175 F Faxing , 11 , 13 Fax mode , 17 File li st , 67 Fil e Reser ve Repor t , 41 Fo rwar din g , 60 Forwardi ng Mark , 64 Free polling reception program , 45 Function key , 10 Fun cti on Li st , 169 G.
176 Printing Center Mark , 66 Page Nu mber , 21 Part of the Ima g e , 42 Received Messa ges , 19 , 37 Stored M essages , 35 Teleph on e n umber list , 67 Printing Ma rgins , 11 8 Pr ogra mmin g Co nfi.
177 Memory , 13 Tona l Sig nal s , 52 U s in g R e di al , 24 Tr an smi ss ion R esu lt Rep o rt , 41 Tray s And Doc ume n t Tabl e , 155 Tro ubles hoot ing , 10 5 TT I( T r an s mi tter Te r m inal I.
178 UE USA H545.
デバイスRicoh H545の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Ricoh H545をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRicoh H545の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Ricoh H545の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Ricoh H545で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Ricoh H545を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRicoh H545の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Ricoh H545に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRicoh H545デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。