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Paper t ype: OK Pr ince Eco G10 0(55kg), Paper Thic kness=80 µ m // Pages in book= 152 // P rint scal e=81% Gap (when print ed at 81% sc ale) = Pages in book × Pape r thick ness / 2 = 6.080000 mm B1567541B Operat ing Instr uctions Copy Reference Read th is manual careful ly before you use t his machin e and keep i t handy f or fut ure refer ence.
Paper t ype: OK Pr ince Eco G10 0(55kg), Paper Thic kness=80 µ m // Pages in book= 152 // P rint scal e=81% Gap (when print ed at 81% sc ale) = Pages in book × Pape r thick ness / 2 = 6.080000 mm In acco rdance wi th IEC 6 0417, thi s machine uses the f ollowi ng symbols for t he main po wer switc h: a a a a means POWER ON.
i Manuals f or This M achine The following manuals describe the op erational procedures of this machine. For particular functions, see the relevant parts of the manual. Note ❒ Manuals provided are specif ic to machin e type. ❒ Adobe Acrobat Reader /Adobe Reader is necessary to view the manuals as a PDF file.
ii ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Scanner Reference (PDF file - CD-ROM1) Describes operations, functi ons, and troubleshooting for t he machine's scan- ner function. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Manuals for DeskTopBind er Lite DeskTopBinder Lite is a utility included on the CD-ROM labeled “ Scanner Driver and Docu ment Management Utility ” .
iii What You Can Do with This Machine <Colour Func tions/Colo ur Adjustme nts> GCMO022e Themis C1_AE_ Copy_F Page iii Tue sday, J une 21 , 2005 9 :09 PM.
iv AFT010S Themis C1_AE_ Copy_F ok Page iv Tue sday, June 21, 2005 9:09 P M.
v GCMO023e Themis C1_AE_ Copy_F ok Page v Tues day, J une 21, 2005 9: 09 PM.
vi What You Can Do with This Machine Functi ons differ dependi ng on mac hine typ e and op tions. S ee p.4 “ Functions Re- quiring Optional Confi gurations ” .
vii 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 3 1 3 1 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 2 1 8 7 8 7 2 16 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 1 2 7 83 4 5 6 1 3 5 3 1 5 1 3 5 3 1 5 3 1 3 1 Themis C1_AE_ Copy_F ok Page vii Tu esday, June 2 1, 200 5 9:09 P M.
viii ThemisC1_AE_Copy Page viii Tuesday , June 21, 2005 9:09 PM.
ix TABLE OF CONTENTS Manuals for This Machin e ...... ..... ........ ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ........ ..... ........ ..... ........ . i What You C an Do wit h This Machi ne <Colour Functio ns/Colour A djustments> ... i ii What You Can Do with This Ma chine .
x Stack ......... ...... .......... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... .......... .......... ...... .......... ....... .......... . 44 Staple ........ ...... .......... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... .......... .......... ...
xi 5. User Tools (Copier / Document Server Features) User T ools Menu (Copi er / Do cument Server F eatur es) .......... ....... ...... ........ ... 99 Accessi ng User Tools ( Copier / Document Serve r Features) . .......... .......... ... 107 Changing Default Settings .
xii Themis C1_AE_ Copy_F ok Page xii Tu esday, June 2 1, 200 5 9:09 P M.
1 Notice Do not copy or print an y item for whi ch repr oducti on is prohi bited by law. Copying or printing the followi ng items is generally prohibited by local law: bank notes, revenue stamps, bonds, stock certificates, bank drafts, checks, pass- port s, d riv er' s li cens es.
2 How to Read This Manual Symb ols This manual uses t he follow ing symbols: R WARNING: This symbol ind icates a potentially hazardous situation that might result in death or seri ous injury if y ou misuse the machine by not following the instruc- tions und er this symbol.
3 Machi ne Types This machi ne comes in two mode ls which vary by copy speed . To confi rm which model you hav e, se e th e in side fron t co ver of t his ma nual.
4 Functions Re quiring Opti onal Configurations Ce rtain func tion s req uir e spe cial ma chin e co nfig urat ion and ex tra op tions . Se e the tab le below.
5 Control Panel This illustration shows the control panel of a machine with options fully in stalled . 1. Screen Con trast knob Adjusts display panel brightness. 2. { { { { User To ols/Counter } } } } key • User Tools Press to change the defau lts and con- ditions to meet your requiremen ts.
6 12. Main power indicator and On indicator The main power ind icator turns on when you turn on the m ain power. The On in- dicator lights w hen the power is on. Important ❒ Do not tur n off the main powe r switch whi le the On indic ator is li t or blinking.
7 Display Panel The function item s displayed serve as selector ke ys. You can select or specify an item by lightly pressing them. When y ou select or spec ify an item on the display p anel, it is highlight ed like this: . Keys appearing as cannot be used.
8 Themis C1_AE_ Copy_F ok Page 8 Tues day, J une 21, 2005 9: 09 PM.
9 1. Placing Originals Origina ls Note ❒ Highlighter pen co lours are difficult to repr oduce. Depending on the colour used, they m ay not come out on cop ies, or may com e out as a d ifferent col our.
Placing Origi nals 10 1 • Curled, fo lded, or c reased origin als • Pas ted orig inal s • Originals with any kind of coating, su ch as thermal fax pap er, art pap er, alu- minu m foil , carbo n .
Origin als 11 1 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Exposure glass ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ADF Note ❒ When copying custom size originals, make sure you specify the size of the originals. If not, th e image may no t be cop ied prop erly. See p.17 “ Placing cus- tom size orig inals ” .
Placing Origi nals 12 1 Missing Image Area Even if you correctly place or iginals in the ADF or on the exposure glass, m ar- gins of a few mill imeters on all four sides of the o rigin al mig ht not be co pied. 1. 0 - 4.0 mm, 0"- 0.16" 2. 0 - 4.
Placin g Originals 13 1 Placing Or iginals Note ❒ Place originals only when a ll cor- rection fluid a nd ink has complete- ly dried. Not taking this precaution could dirty the exp osure glas s, thus resu ltin g in blem ish ed c opi es. Referenc e For or igina l si zes y ou can set, se e p.
Placing Origi nals 14 1 B B B B Select the original orientation. Standard orientation A Make sure is select ed. 90 ° turn A Place t he original in th e land- scape orientation, and then press . C C C C Pre ss [ OK ] . Placing Originals on the Exposure Glass A A A A Lift the exposur e glass cover or the ADF.
Placin g Originals 15 1 Placing Ori ginals in the ADF Settings should be made acc ordingly in the foll owin g situ atio ns: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ When placing ori ginals consisting of more than 5 0 pages: p.15 “ Batch ” ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ When placing ori ginals one by one: p.
Placing Origi nals 16 1 A A A A Pre ss [ Specia l O rig ina l ] . B B B B Pre ss [ Bat ch ] , and then press [ OK ] . Note ❒ If [ SADF ] is displayed, change the settings. See p.119 “ Switc h to Batch (SADF) ” . C C C C Place the first inst alment of the original s, and then p ress the { { { { Start } } } } key.
Placin g Originals 17 1 ❒ Sizes of orig inals th at can be placed together us ing this function are a s follows: A A A A Pre ss [ Specia l O rig ina l ] . B B B B Pre ss [ Mixed Sizes ] , and then pres s [ OK ] . C C C C Align the rear and left edges of the originals as shown.
Placing Origi nals 18 1 Themis C1_AE_ Copy_F ok Page 18 Tues day, J une 21, 2005 9 :09 PM.
19 2. Copying Basi c Procedure Prep arat ion When User Code Aut hentication is set, the screen for entering a user code wil l be displayed. Enter you r user code u sing the nu mber keys , and then pres s the { { { { # } } } } key. For user codes, see "Authentication I n- formation", General Settings Guid e .
Copying 20 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ When clearing entered values Press the { { { { Clear/Stop } } } } key or [ Clear ] on the display. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ To check the settings Press the { { { { Check Mo des } } } } key. Auto Start Copy star ts autom atically when th e machine is re ady for copy.
Basic P rocedure 21 2 Job Prese t You can make settings for the next copy job whi le copyin g is in pro gress. If a long c opy job is in pr ogress and you do not want to wait for it t o fin- ish, you can use this function t o make sett in gs fo r t he n ext cop y j ob i n ad - vance.
Copying 22 2 Copying from the By pass Tray Th e op tion al byp ass tra y is r eq uire d to use this fu nction . Use the bypass tray to copy o nto spe- cial paper such as OHP transparen- cie s, thick pap er, thi n pa per, an d co py paper that cannot be load ed in the pa- per trays.
Copying f rom the Bypass Tray 23 2 B B B B Insert the p aper wi th the side you want t o co py fa cing d own until you hear the beep, and align the pape r gui de to the pa per size . 1: Extender Importa nt ❒ If the guides are not flu sh against the cop y paper, image skewing or misfeeds might occur.
Copying 24 2 D Enter the hor izontal size of t he paper using the number keys, and then press [ # ] . Note ❒ If [ Hori z. mm ] i s not highlight - ed, press [ ] . ❒ To register the custom siz e entered, press [ Pr ogram ] , a nd then press [ Exit ] .
Copying f rom the Bypass Tray 25 2 F F F F Pre ss [ OK ] twice. G G G G Place th e original s, and t hen press the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key. Importa nt ❒ When cop ying onto OHP trans- parencies, remove copied sheets one by one. H H H H When yo ur copy job is finished, press the { { { { Clear Modes } } } } key to clear the s ettings.
Copying 26 2 A A A A Open the bypass tray, and then adj ust t he gu ides to the p ap er size. B B B B Gently insert the copied paper with the side you want to copy face down u ntil the beeper sound s. C C C C Pre ss th e { { { { # } } } } key . D D D D Select the pape r size.
Making A3, 11" × 17" Full Bl eed Co pies 27 2 Making A3, 11" × × × × 17" Full Bleed Copies You can ma ke A3, 11" × 17" full bleed cop ies with 12" × 18" paper. This is usef ul for m aking A 3, 11" × 17" size copies with a coloured background (e.
Copying 28 2 Colour Func tions Sele cting a Colour Mode S e l e c t a C o l o u r m od e t h a t b e s t s u i t s your originals and co pying require- ments .
Colour Fu nctions 29 2 When the { { { { Singl e Co lour } } } } key is selec ted A A A A Select designation method of col- our ( [ Ba sic Colou r ] , [ User Colour ] ). B B B B Sele ct t he colo ur, and then pre ss [ OK ] . Note ❒ When copied using the regis- tered colour, the ori ginal will b e copied lighter than the regis- tered co lour.
Copying 30 2 B B B B Pre ss [ Edit / Colour Creation ] . C C C C Pre ss [ Co lour Creation ] . D D D D Pre ss [ Co nvert Colour ] . E E E E Select any one item from [ Conver- sion 1 ] to [ Con ver sion 4 ] . F F F F Select the co lour to be c onverted.
Colour Fu nctions 31 2 E E E E Pre ss [ OK ] after selecting all the colours to be deleted. F F F F Pre ss [ OK ] twice. G G G G Place th e original s, and t hen press the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key. Colour Backgrou nd Copies by adding a colour in the whole pag e.
Copying 32 2 Copier Functi ons Adjusting Copy Image Density There ar e thr ee ty pes of adju stment available: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Auto Image Density The machine autom atically adjusts image de nsity. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Manual image density You can adjust the general de nsity of the original in nine increments.
Copier Fu nctions 33 2 Selecting the Original Type Select one o f the following si x types to matc h or igi nals : ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Text When o riginal s contain only text (no pictures). ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Text / Photo When originals contain photo- graphs or pi ctures alongside the text.
Copying 34 2 Selecting Copy Paper There are t wo wa ys to select copy p aper: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Auto Paper Select The machine selects a suitable siz e of copy paper automatically based on orig- inal size and reproduc tion ratio.
Copier Fu nctions 35 2 Auto Paper Select A A A A Make s ure [ Auto Paper Select ] is se lec ted . Note ❒ Trays with a key mark are not auto matically selected. See “ Paper Type ” in “ Tray Paper Settings ” , General Sett ings Guide . Manual Paper Select A A A A Sele ct t he p aper tray , by pass tra y or L CT.
Copying 36 2 - - - - Rotated cop y If the o rientat ion of t he orig inal ( L or K ) i s d i f f e r e n t t o t h a t o f t h e p a p e r y o u a r e copyi ng onto, t his func tion ro tates th e original imag e by 90 ° , f itting it ont o the copy paper.
Copier Fu nctions 37 2 Preset Reduce/ Enlarge You ca n select a pr eset ratio for c opy- ing. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Base Point The base point of Reduce/Enlarge differs depending o n how the or ig- inal was sc anned. When the origi- nal is placed on the exposure glass, the upper left corner i s the base point.
Copying 38 2 A Press [ Create Margin ] on th e init ial disp lay . B If you do no t want to com bine it with the Reduce/Enlarg e function, place orig inals, and then press the { { { { Start } } } } key. Zoom You can chan ge the re product ion ra- tio in in crement s of 1%.
Copier Fu nctions 39 2 Note ❒ You cannot use t he bypass tray with th is f unctio n. ❒ When using Auto Reduc e / En- large, see the following table for ori gin al si zes and or ient ati ons y ou can use : ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Metric version ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Inch version Referenc e p.
Copying 40 2 Note ❒ You can enter s izes within the following ranges: E E E E Enter the length of the copy using the number keys, a nd then pr ess [ # ] . Note ❒ To change the length after press- ing [ # ] , select [ Origin al ] or [ Copy ] , and then enter the length.
Copier Fu nctions 41 2 D D D D Pre ss [ OK ] . E E E E Place th e original s, and t hen press the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key. Directional Size Magnification (mm) A sui table repr oducti on ratio is auto- mati cally sel ected wh en you ente r the horizontal and vert ical lengths of t he original and copy image you requ ire.
Copying 42 2 Sor t The mac hine can s can o rigin als into memory and automaticall y sort c op- ies. Referenc e Related def ault settings: p.120 “ S elect Stack Function ” p.120 “ M e m o r y F u l l A u t o S c a n R e - start ” p.119 “ Rotate Sort: Auto P aper Continue ” p.
Copier Fu nctions 43 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ When the 500-sheet finisher is installed ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ When the 1000-sheet finisher is installed Note ❒ When th e optional finisher i s in- stalled, use the User Tools to displa y [ Rota te S ort ] . See p.120 “ Select Stack Function ” .
Copying 44 2 Note ❒ If you press [ Suspend ] after check- ing the result s, return to step A to adjust the copy settings as necessary. You can change the settin gs for Staple, D uple x, Copy Orientation, St amp, Mar- gin Adjust., and Cover / Slip Sheet.
Copier Fu nctions 45 2 B B B B Ente r the nu mbe r of cop ies us in g the numb er keys. C C C C Place th e original s, and t hen press the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key. Note ❒ When pl acing or iginals on the exposure glass, start with the first page to be copied.
Copying 46 2 Sta ple An optional finisher and the bridge unit are required to use this function. Indi vidual copy sets ca n be s tapled. Note ❒ You ca nnot us e the byp ass tray with thi s funct ion. Stap ling p osit ion a nd or igina l set ting Place all the ori ginals in an orie ntation in which they can be read.
Copier Fu nctions 47 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 1000-Sheet finisher *1 Not available for paper size larger than A4. Original l ocation Stapling position Exposure glass Document Feeder Top K L Bottom K L Left 2 K *1 L Top 2 K L *1 Themis C1_AE_ Copy_F _FM.
Copying 48 2 A A A A Select one of the stapling positions. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 500-Sheet finisher Note ❒ The stapling position will be fixed to “ Top ” . ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 1000-Sheet finisher Note ❒ When y ou select the st apling p osition, the Sor t functio n is automati cally se- lected .
Copier Fu nctions 49 2 Duplex A duplex unit is required to use this function (1 Side d → 2 Sided, 2 Sided → 2 Sided only ). There ar e three types of duple x cop- ies: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 1 Sided → → → → 2 Sided Copies 2 one-sided pa ges onto a two-si ded pag e.
Copying 50 2 A A A A Pre ss [ Du p./Combine/Serie s ] . Note ❒ You can also select "1 Sided to 2 Sided" or "2 Sided to 2 Sided" di- rectly, by pressing the Copy Function Ke y. If you do this, proceed to step D . B B B B Select [ 1 Sided ] or [ 2 Sided ] for Ori g- inal, and then sele ct [ 1 Sided ] or [ 2 Side d ] for Copy.
Copier Fu nctions 51 2 1 Sided Combine Combine sev eral pag es onto one side of a sh eet. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 1 Sided 2 Pages → → → → Combine 1 Side Copies 2 one-sided o riginals onto one si de of a s heet. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 1 Sided 4 Pages → → → → Combine 1 Side Copies 4 one-sided o riginals onto one si de of a s heet.
Copying 52 2 A A A A Pre ss [ Du p./Combine/Serie s ] . Note ❒ You can selec t "1 Sided 2 Pages → Combine 1 Side" or "1 Sided 4 Pages → Combine 1 Side" by us- ing Copy Function key. In this case, proceed to step F . B B B B Pre ss [ 1 Sided ] or [ 2 Si ded ] for Orig- inal, and then press [ Com bine 1 Side ] for Copy.
Copier Fu nctions 53 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 1 Sided 16 Pages → → → → Combine 2 Side Copies 16 one-sided originals onto a sheet, eight pages per side. 1. Front 2. Back ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 2 Sided 4 Pages → → → → Combine 2 Side Copies 2 two-sided orig inals ont o a sheet, two pages per side.
Copying 54 2 B B B B Pre ss [ 1 Sided ] or [ 2 Si ded ] for Orig- inal, and then press [ Com bine 2 Side ] for Copy. Referen ce p.50 “ Original s and copy orien- tation ” C C C C Select the number of originals t o combine, an d then p ress [ OK ] .
Copier Fu nctions 55 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Metric version ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Inch version ❒ You can not u se the bypas s tra y with Book → 2 Sided or Front&Back → 2 Sided. A A A A Pre ss [ Du p./Combine/Serie s ] . B B B B Pre ss [ Series / Book ] .
Copying 56 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 2 Sided → → → → Booklet Makes 2 sided originals into page ordered copies for a folded book- let. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Open to l eft ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Open to r igh t ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 1 Sided → → → → Magaz ine Copies two or more orig inals into magazine page order cop ies (when folded and stacked).
Copier Fu nctions 57 2 How to fold copies to make a booklet 1. Open to Left 2. Open to Right How to fold and unfold copie s to make a magazine ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Open to le ft ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Open to rig ht Note ❒ You cannot use t he bypass tray with th is f unctio n.
Copying 58 2 Image Repeat The orig inal ima ge is copie d repe at- edly . There are tw o types of desig nation metho ds f or Ima ge Re pea t. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Whole Are a Repeat Repeatedly cop ies the entire im- age. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Specified Area Rep eat Repeatedly cop ies a specified por- tion of the i mage .
Copier Fu nctions 59 2 Specified Area Repeat Yo u can use this f unc tion o nly when you are maki ng a copy f rom the Ex- posure Glass. Note ❒ The b ase point X1, Y1, an d the length set by point X2, Y2 deter- mines the area of an image repeat- edly copi ed.
Copying 60 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Inch version ❒ Originals with a size of A5 KL , B6 JIS KL , 5 1 / 2 " × 8 1 / 2 " L cannot be detected pro perly on the exposure g l a s s . B e s u r e t o s e l e c t t h e c o p y p a - per manually or plac e the originals in the ADF .
Copier Fu nctions 61 2 B B B B Pre ss [ Edit / Colour Creation ] . C C C C Pre ss [ Edit Image ] . D D D D Pre ss [ Cent ring ] . E E E E Pre ss [ OK ] twice. F F F F Place th e original s, and t hen press the { { { { Sta rt } } } } key. Posit ive / Negativ e If y our or igina l is b lack and white, copy images are invert ed.
Copying 62 2 Note ❒ Copy re sul ts m ay di ffe r de pend ing on the se t orienta tion o f the orig inals. A A A A Pre ss [ Edit / Colour Creation ] . B B B B Pre ss [ Edit Image ] . C C C C Pre ss [ Mi rror Image ] . D D D D Pre ss [ OK ] twice. E E E E Place the originals , then press t he { { { { Start } } } } key.
Copier Fu nctions 63 2 Border Erase A A A A Pre ss [ Edit / Colour Creation ] . B B B B Pre ss [ Era se / Margin Adj. ] . C C C C Pre ss [ Erase ] . D D D D Set the erase bord er width. Selecting [ Same Width ] A Press [ Same Wi dth ] . B Set the erase b order width us- ing [ n n n n ] and [ o o o o ] .
Copying 64 2 Centre/border erase A A A A Pre ss [ Edit / Colour Creation ] . B B B B Pre ss [ Era se / Margin Adj. ] . C C C C Pre ss [ Erase ] . D D D D Pre ss [ Cent re / Bord er ] . E E E E Set t he c ent re an d bor der t o be erased. Selecting [ Same Width ] A Press [ Same Wi dth ] .
Copier Fu nctions 65 2 Note ❒ You can change the width of the binding margin as follows: A A A A Pre ss [ Edit / Colour Creation ] . B B B B Pre ss [ Era se / Margin Adj. ] . C C C C Pre ss [ Marg in Ad just me nt ] . D D D D Set a binding margin for the front pages.
Copying 66 2 E E E E Pre ss [ OK ] 3 times. F F F F Place the originals , then press t he { { { { Start } } } } key. Changing the stamp col our A A A A Pre ss [ St amp Colour ] . B B B B Select the stamp colour, then press [ OK ] . Preset Stamp Frequently used messages can be stored in memo ry and stamped on copi es.
Copier Fu nctions 67 2 B B B B Pre ss [ Stamp ] . C C C C Pre ss [ Preset Stamp ] . D D D D Sele ct the mess age. E E E E Pre ss [ All Pages ] or [ 1st Page Only ] to sel ect th e p rin t p ag e. Note ❒ You ca n change the co lour, po- sition, size , and density of the stamp.
Copying 68 2 Referenc e Related def ault settings: p.117 “ Stamp Posi tion 1 - 4 ” p.117 “ Stamp Form at 1 - 4 ” p.118 “ Stamp Col our : 1 - 4 ” A A A A Pre ss [ Edit / Colour Creation ] . B B B B Pre ss [ Stamp ] . C C C C Pre ss [ User Stamp ] .
Copier Fu nctions 69 2 C C C C Pre ss [ Co pier / Do cument Se rver F ea- tures ] . D D D D Pre ss [ Stamp ] . E E E E Pre ss [ User Stamp ] . F F F F Pre ss [ Prog ram / Delete Stamp ] . G G G G Pre ss [ Program ] , and then p ress t he stamp num ber (1 – 4) you want to program.
Copying 70 2 D D D D Pre ss [ Stamp ] . E E E E Pre ss [ User Stamp ] . F F F F Pre ss [ Prog ram / Delete Stamp ] . G G G G Pre ss [ Delete ] , and then p ress the stamp numbe r you w ant to delete. H H H H Select [ Delete ] , and then press [ Exit ] .
Copier Fu nctions 71 2 A A A A Pre ss [ Edit / Colour Creation ] . B B B B Pre ss [ Stamp ] . C C C C Pre ss [ Dat e Stamp ] . D D D D Pre ss [ All Pages ] or [ 1st Page Only ] to sel ect th e p rin t p ag e. Note ❒ You can change the colour, for- mat and position of the date stamp.
Copying 72 2 Page Number ing You can use this function to print page num bers onto copie s. There are six types of Page Number- ing ( “ n ” is th e total number of page s in orig inal): • P1, P2, … Pn • 1/n, 2/n,... n/n • -1-, -2-,... -n- • P.
Copier Fu nctions 73 2 Note ❒ You can specify th e Stamp Col- our, position, pages to be stamped, and numbering. See “ Chan ging the stamp co lour ” , “ To cha nge the st amp posi tion ” , “ Specifying th e first print ing page and start number ” .
Copying 74 2 Note ❒ The ex ample below sho ws the first printi ng page as “ 2 ” an d th e start number as “ 3 ” . D D D D Press [ Last Number ] , enter the numbe r of the page to stop n umbering us- ing the numb er keys, and then pre ss th e { { { { # } } } } key .
Copier Fu nctions 75 2 ❒ The last nu mber is the l ast page number prin ted. For exam ple, if [ Total P ages ] is ten, i f you want to print seven pages up to page 7, enter [ 7 ] as the [ Last N umber ] . ❒ Normally, you do not need to enter this number .
Copying 76 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Front cover The firs t page of origi nals is copie d onto a speci fied cover sheet pa per, or a cover sheet is inserted before the first co py page. • Copy • Blank ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Front/Back covers The first and last p age of or iginal is copied onto a specified cover sheet paper.
Copier Fu nctions 77 2 Note ❒ The paper for slip sheets should be the sam e size as the cop y paper and should b e set in the same di- rection. ❒ You cannot select the bypass tray for sheet paper t o copy the origi- nals. ❒ You can specify up to 20 pages.
Copying 78 2 E E E E Enter the number of the first p age of the firs t chapt er usi ng the number keys. Th en, press the { { { { # } } } } key . F F F F To specify another page, repeat steps D D D D to E E E E . Note ❒ To select chapte rs 11 to 20, press the [ T T T T 11~20 ] key.
Stori ng Data in the Document Server 79 2 Storing Dat a in the Docume nt Serve r The Docu ment Server enables you to store documents in memory and print them as you want. Important ❒ Machine failur e can result in data loss. Important data stored on the hard disk should be ba cked up.
Copying 80 2 ❒ To check t hat the doc ument has been stored, press the { { { { Docu- ment Ser ver } } } } key to display the documen t sele ction s creen. ❒ Whe n the mac hine is pr int ing a documen t stored us ing the cop- ier funct ion, wait until pr inting has finished before you store another c opy document.
Programs 81 2 Programs You can store frequently used copy job sett ings in mach ine memory and recall them for future use. Note ❒ You can store up to 1 0 prog rams. ❒ You can s elect the standard m ode or Program No.10 as the default mode to be set when modes are clea red or rese t, or im media tely af- ter the operation switch is turned on.
Copying 82 2 F F F F Pre ss [ OK ] . When the settings are successfull y stored, the program name is dis- played on t he right side of the reg- iste red pro gram nu mber . The display returns to the initial copy dis play for a w hile . Changin g a store d progra m A A A A Check the program settings.
83 3. Colour Ad justment/Program Colour Adjust ment This function lets you alter up to th ree sing le colo urs by mi xing them wi th adja cent co lours in th e colou r cir cle.
Colour Ad justment/Pr ogram 84 3 Colour Bala nce You can adjust the overall co lour tone when the o verall c opy i s redd ish or bluish. Referenc e For ty pes and examples of the im - age adjustment functions, se e p.iii “ W ha t Y o u Ca n D o w i t h T h i s Ma - chine <Co lour Fu nctions/C olour Adjustments> ” .
Col our B ala nce 85 3 Changing the reg istered settings A A A A Pres s th e { { { { Adju st /Pr ogr am C olo ur } } } } key . B B B B Make s ure t hat [ Colour Balance ] is selected, and then press [ Program Colour Bala nce ] . C C C C Select the program number (1 – 3) whose s ettings you want to change.
Colour Ad justment/Pr ogram 86 3 Image Adjustment Referenc e For ty pes and examples of the im - age adjustment functions, se e p.iii “ W ha t Y o u Ca n D o w i t h T h i s Ma - chine <Co lour Fu nctions/C olour Adjustments> ” . Yo u can make th e foll owing type s of image adjustments.
Image Adjus tment 87 3 Adjusting the background density A Adjust by pressing [ i i i i Lighter ] or [ Darker j j j j ] . Note ❒ Adjust to a lighter density when copyin g dark textur ed origin als, suc h as ne wspaper or re cycl ed pape r. ❒ A d j u s t t o a d a r k e r d e n s i t y when da rkening the co lour of ma rke rs o r h ighli ghte rs.
Colour Ad justment/Pr ogram 88 3 User C olour You can register colours created b y adjusting the density of yellow , ma- genta , cyan, and b lack. Yo u can a lso name the colour s that you regi ster, and pri nt out reg istered colours . Referenc e For ty pes and examples of the im - age adjustment functions, se e p.
User Col our 89 3 Note ❒ Press [ Custom Se tting ] to dire ctly specify the density of each col- our with the number keys. S ee p.89 “ Mixing Colours Manually with the Numbe r Keys ” Selecting from user c olours A Press [ User Colour ] . B Select from the regis tered col- ours.
Colour Ad justment/Pr ogram 90 3 When renaming a colour A Press [ Change Name ] . B Enter th e name of t he colour (up to 1 6 characters can be used) , and th en p ress [ OK ] . Refe rence “ Enteri ng Text ” Ge neral Set- ting s G ui de . G G G G Ch eck t he na mes of eac h co lou r, and then press [ OK ] .
91 4. Troubleshooting If Your Mac hine Does Not Oper ate As You Want When a Message Is Dis played The foll owing chart cont ains explanations of common m essages. If ot her mes- sages are displa yed, then foll ow the instructions as displayed. Note ❒ For messages not listed here, see “ Trou blesh ootin g ” General Settings Guide .
Troublesh ooting 92 4 Maximum num ber of sets is *. The numb er of copies ex- ceeds ma ximum copy quantity. You ca n chang e the ma ximum copy quantity. See p.109 “ Max. Co py Quant ity ” . Cannot co py. Or ig- inal is bei ng scan ned by anot her functio n.
If Yo u Cannot Make Clear Copies 93 4 If You Cannot Make C lear Copies Prob lem Ca uses Sol utio ns Copies appear di rty. The image densi ty is too dark. Adjust the image density. See p.32 “ Adjusting C opy Ima ge Density ” . Auto Imag e Den sit y is not selected.
Troublesh ooting 94 4 If the original is a photographic print, black spots may appear on the copy. High humi dity caus es prints to stick to the expo- sure glass. Set the print in one of the following ways: • With an OHP transp arency placed betwee n the sheet and the exposure glass .
If You Cannot Ma ke Copies As You Wan t 95 4 If You Cannot Make Copies As You Want This sect ion explains c auses of, and rem edies for, u nexpected c opy result s. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Basic Prob lem Ca uses Sol utio ns Copies are n ot stapled . There ar e jammed stapl es in the stap ler.
Troublesh ooting 96 4 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Edit ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Stamp Prob lem Ca uses Sol utio ns When using th e Double Copies function, parts of the original image are not copied. The original and cop y pa- per c ombin atio n is n ot co r- rect. Select A3 L for A4 K originals and A4 for A5 originals.
If You Cannot Ma ke Copies As You Wan t 97 4 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Combine ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Duplex Prob lem Ca uses Sol utio ns You cannot f old copies in to a book using the Magazine or Booklet function. Combin e Origina l Maga- zine Format is not set cor- rectly.
Troublesh ooting 98 4 When Memor y Is Ful l Note ❒ If you set [ Memory Full Auto Scan Restart ] i n User Tools (see p.120 “ Memory Fu ll Auto Scan Restart ” ) to [ Yes ] , even if memory b ecomes full, the memor y over- flow messag e will not be disp layed.
99 5. User Tools (Copier / Document Server Features) User To ols Menu (C opier / Docu ment Server Features ) User Tools Item Names Default Settings General Features P.
User Tools (Co pier / Document Server Feat ures) 100 5 General Features P.3/5 See p.110 “ General Featur es P. 3 / 5 ” . Copy Function Key: F1~F5 When 2 Sided is available • F1: 1 Sided → 2 Si.
User Tools Menu (Copier / Docu ment Server Fea tures) 101 5 Enlarg e 1~5 Metric vers ion • Enlarge 1: 115% • Enlarge 2: 122% • Enlarge 3: 141% • Enlarge 4: 200% • Enlarge 5: 400% Inch v ersi.
User Tools (Co pier / Document Server Feat ures) 102 5 Edit P.1/2 See p.112 “ Edit P. 1 / 3 ” . Fron t Mar gin: Le ft/R ight Metri c vers ion: Left 5mm Inch v ersio n: Left 0.2” Back Margin : Left/Rig ht Metric version: R ight 5mm Inch v ersio n: Right 0.
User Tools Menu (Copier / Docu ment Server Fea tures) 103 5 Stamp See p.116 “ Stamp ” . Back gro und N um beri ng Siz e Normal Densit y Normal Stam p Colo ur Black Preset St amp Stamp Pr iority CO.
User Tools (Co pier / Document Server Feat ures) 104 5 Date St amp Format Metric vers ion: DD / MM / YYYY Inch v ersio n: MM / DD / YYYY Font Fo nt 1 Stamp Position Metric version • Position: Top Left • Top Margin: 8mm • Right Margin: 32mm Inch v ersio n • Position: Top Left • Top Margin: 0.
User Tools Menu (Copier / Docu ment Server Fea tures) 105 5 Page Numb ering Stamp For mat P1, P2... Font Fo nt 1 Size Au to Duplex Back Page Stamping Posi tio n Opposite Position Page Numb ering in Combine Per Original Stamp on Designated Slip Sheet No Stamp Positi on: Metric versi on • Position P1, 1/5, P.
User Tools (Co pier / Document Server Feat ures) 106 5 Adjust Colour Image See p.120 “ Adjust Colour Image ” . Background Density of ADS(Full Colour / Two-colour) Centre of t he 5 le vel a djustment Colour Sens itivity Centre of t he 5 le vel a djustment A.
Accessing User Tools (Copi er / Document Server Fea tures) 107 5 Accessi ng User T ools (C opier / Document Server Features ) This sectio n is for key operator s in charg e of this machi ne. Wi th User Tools can change the machine's de - fault settings.
User Tools (Co pier / Document Server Feat ures) 108 5 Settings You Can C hange with User Tools General Feat ures P. 1 / 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Auto Paper Select Priority Auto Paper S elect is the default setting. You can cancel t his setting. See p.34 “ Selecti ng Copy Paper ” .
Settings Yo u Can Change w ith User Tools 109 5 ❒ [ With Imag e Rotation ] Use to copy when usin g the Au to Tray Switchi ng funct ion. ❒ [ Without Image Rotation ] Onl y copies with Au to Tra y Switc h- ing if you loa d paper of the same size and in the same ori en- tation in two or more trays.
User Tools (Co pier / Document Server Feat ures) 110 5 General Feat ures P. 3 / 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Copy Functi on Key : F1-F 5 You can assign frequently used functions to fun ction keys F1 to F5.
Settings Yo u Can Change w ith User Tools 111 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Auto Image Density Priority You can set whet her Auto Image Density is “ On ” or “ Off ” wh en th e machine is tu rned on, reset, or modes are cleared.
User Tools (Co pier / Document Server Feat ures) 112 5 Note ❒ Default: • Metric version: • Reduce 1: 25% • Reduce 2: 50% • Reduce 3: 65% • Reduce 4: 71% • Reduce 5: 75% • Reduce 6: 82%.
Settings Yo u Can Change w ith User Tools 113 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Front Margin: T op/Bottom You can s pecif y top and bot tom margin s on t he fron t sid e of copie s using the Margin Adjustment function. Note ❒ Default: • Metric version: T/B 0 mm • Inch version: T/B 0.
User Tools (Co pier / Document Server Feat ures) 114 5 Note ❒ Default: Comb ine ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Copy Order in Comb ine You ca n set th e copy o rder when using the C ombi ne fu ncti on to Lef t to Right or To p to Bottom .
Settings Yo u Can Change w ith User Tools 115 5 ❒ An image o f appr oximately 1.5mm will not be displayed as the width of the se paratio n line, when specifying solid or broken line s.
User Tools (Co pier / Document Server Feat ures) 116 5 Note ❒ Default: None ❒ Line colour (Full Col our): Yel- low, Red, Cyan , Mage nta , Green, Bl ue, Blac k ❒ Separa tion li nes ca nnot be spec- ified wh en us ing [ None ] .
Settings Yo u Can Change w ith User Tools 117 5 Note ❒ Default: • Metric Ver sion: • Position : Top Right • Top Margin : 24 mm • Right Margin: 24 mm • Inch Version: • Position : Top Right • Top Margin : 1.0" • Right Margin: 1.0" ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Stamp Format You can adjust th e stamp's size, density, and print page.
User Tools (Co pier / Document Server Feat ures) 118 5 Note ❒ Default: All Pages ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Stamp Col our: 1 - 4 Sets the colour registered in User Stamp colo ur (1 to 4). Note ❒ Default: Black Date Stamp ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Format You can sel ect the date format f or the Da te Sta mp fu nction.
Settings Yo u Can Change w ith User Tools 119 5 Note ❒ Default: Auto ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Duplex Back Page Stampi ng Position You can set the p osition o f the du- plex bac k page nu mber pri nted us- ing the Duplex function.
User Tools (Co pier / Document Server Feat ures) 120 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Auto Sort You can specify w hether the Sort functi on is to be selec ted when the machin e is tur ned on, or when t he functions are cleared.
Settings Yo u Can Change w ith User Tools 121 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ A.C.S. Sensiti vity This 5-st ep setting dete rmines the level of the stan dard used for dis- criminating between black & white originals an d full colour ori ginals when “ Auto Co lou r Se lect ” is se- lected.
User Tools (Co pier / Document Server Feat ures) 122 5 Themis C1_AE_ Copy_F ok Page 122 Tu esday, June 2 1, 20 05 9:09 PM.
123 6. Specifications Combination C hart The combinat ion chart below shows which functions can be used together. The following tabl es explains the symb ols used in the c hart. *1 Combination is not available when the copi ed content is 2 sided. *2 Combinati on with covers is not possib le with 2 Sided 1 Sided.
Specificat ions 124 6 Suppleme ntary S pecificatio ns ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Mixed Size mode • Since small originals may not be correctly al igned with the or iginal guide, the copy image may be slanted . • Copying speed and scanning speed will be reduced.
Supplement ary Specifi cations 125 6 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Inch version ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Zoom • The repr oducti on rat ios you c an speci fy are 2 5 – 400%. • You can s elect a rat io regard less of the siz e of an or iginal or copy paper . With so me rati os, par ts of th e image m ight not be copi ed or ma rgins w ill be di spl ayed o n cop ies.
Specificat ions 126 6 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Sort, Rotate Sort , Stack • Paper sizes and orientations t hat can be used in t he Shift Sor t and Stack fun cti ons ar e as foll ows : *1 To plac e paper of s ize 12" × 18" L use the optional byp ass tray.
Supplement ary Specifi cations 127 6 *1 250 sheets when t he optional bridg e unit is inst alled. *2 125 sheets when t he optional bridg e unit is inst alled. *3 B5JIS KL , A5 K , 5 1 / 2 " × 8 1 / 2 " K , 7 1 / 4 " × 10 1 / 2 " KL , 16K KL cannot be shift ed.
Specificat ions 128 6 • When using Double Copies, or [ 1 Side d → → → → 1 Sided ] , [ 1 Side d → → → → 2 Sided ] , [ 2 Sided → → → → 1 Sided ] , or [ 2 Sid ed → → → → 2 Sided ] in Combine mode , select K paper for L origina l and L paper fo r K origi nal.
Supplement ary Specifi cations 129 6 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Duplex • You cannot use the f ollowing cop y paper with this fun ction: • Paper thic ker than 105 g/m 2 , 28 lb .
Specificat ions 130 6 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Series Copies • The mac hine sets the reprodu ction ratio automatica lly to meet the pap er size and copies the or iginals toge ther onto the paper . • The repr oducti on rat ios you c an speci fy are 2 5 – 400%.
Supplement ary Specifi cations 131 6 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Margin Adju stment • If you set a binding mar gin that is too wide, part of the ima ge may not be copied. • When ma king copies in Combin e mode, the binding margin is ad ded to the copies after the com bination is finished.
Specificat ions 132 6 • Page Numbering per copy: Combined with 1 Sided / 2 Sided in the Co mbine function I f y o u c o m b i n e t h i s f u n c t i o n w i t h t h e D u p l e x ( T o p t o T o p ) f u n c t i o n a n d s e l e c t [ P1, P2 ] or [ 1/n, 2/n ] , page num bers on the bac k are printed as fo llows: 1.
133 INDEX 1 sided → 2 si ded , 49 2 sided → 1 si ded , 49 2 sided → 2 si ded , 49 90 ° turn , 14 A Accessing us er tools copier/docu ment server feature s , 107 A.
134 selectin g copy pape r , 34 selectin g the original type , 33 series copi es , 54 size magni fication , 39 slip shee ts , 78 sort , 42 stack , 44 staple , 46 user stamp , 67 zoom , 38 Copy fu ncti.
135 original type display , 108 original type priority , 108 pape r di spl ay , 108 tone − original remains , 109 two-colour mode priority , 110 Genera tion copy , 33 I Image adjustm ent , 86 backgr ound densit y , 86 , 87 contras t , 86 sharpness/softn ess , 86 text/photo sen sitivity , 86 , 87 U.
136 Preset sta mp , 116 changi ng co lour , 67 changing de nsity , 67 changing posit ion , 67 changing size , 67 colour , 117 format , 117 langua ge , 116 position , 116 position and original orien ta.
137 T Text , 33 Text / Photo , 33 Tone − original re mains , 10 9 Troublesh ooting , 91 memory i s full , 98 problems operating the machin e , 91 you cannot make clear copies , 93 you cannot make co.
138 MEMO Themis C1_AE_ Copy_F ok Page 138 Tu esday, June 2 1, 20 05 9:09 PM.
139 MEMO Themis C1_AE_ Copy_F ok Page 139 Tu esday, June 2 1, 20 05 9:09 PM.
140 AE AE B156-7541 B MEMO Themis C1_AE_ Copy_F ok Page 140 Tu esday, June 2 1, 20 05 9:09 PM.
Paper t ype: OK Pr ince Eco G10 0(55kg), Paper Thic kness=80 µ m // Pages in book= 152 // P rint scal e=81% Gap (when print ed at 81% sc ale) = Pages in book × Pape r thick ness / 2 = 6.080000 mm In acco rdance wi th IEC 6 0417, thi s machine uses the f ollowi ng symbols for t he main po wer switc h: a a a a means POWER ON.
Paper t ype: OK Pr ince Eco G10 0(55kg), Paper Thic kness=80 µ m // Pages in book= 152 // P rint scal e=81% Gap (when print ed at 81% sc ale) = Pages in book × Pape r thick ness / 2 = 6.080000 mm B1567541B Operat ing Instr uctions Copy Reference Read th is manual careful ly before you use t his machin e and keep i t handy f or fut ure refer ence.
デバイスRicoh ISC1024cの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Ricoh ISC1024cをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRicoh ISC1024cの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Ricoh ISC1024cの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Ricoh ISC1024cで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Ricoh ISC1024cを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRicoh ISC1024cの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Ricoh ISC1024cに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRicoh ISC1024cデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。