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57-039-001 R ev C1 © Copyrigh t 2002 Roper Scient ific, Inc. 3440 East Britan nia Drive Tucson, Ari zona 85706 Tel: 520.889. 9933 Fax: 520.295 .0299 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by an y means wit hout the writ ten permission of R oper Scientific, I nc.
i LIMITED WARRANTY — Roper Scientif ic Analytical Inst rumentation Roper Scientific, Inc. ma kes the follo wing limited warra nties. These limited warranties extend to the o riginal purchaser only and no other purchaser or transferee.
ii Advanc ed Camera O peration Manual warranty the original purchaser is al so entitled to receive free version upgrades. Version upgrades supplied free of charge will be in t he form of a downl oad from the Interne t.
iii Table of Contents Chap ter 1. Intro duction Description .................................................................................................................... ............. 1 Software..................................................
iv Advanc ed Camera Operati on Manua l Chapter 3. Advanced CCD Theory Introduction ................................................................................................................... .......... 29 Theory of Operation ..................
1 Chapter 1. Introduction Description The Advanced Camera O peration Ma nual incl udes : • Imag er Contro l Languag e (ICL)— Rules of synta x, AS CI II command set, and exampl e scripts • Advanc.
2 Adva nced Camera Operat ion Man ual Softw are To run I CL scripts, you m ust be running a full -function imaging pack age that is ICL compatible. You must also have inst alled the IC L and PVCAM file s that are appropriate for your camera a nd interface.
3 Chapter 2. ICL Introduction ICL scripts can be written in a ny text editor. Save the script as a text file , then downlo ad through an I CL-compatibl e imaging pack age.
4 Advanc ed Camera Operati on Manua l Single Parameter Functions Some fun ctions req uire a single parame ter. Fraction al/decimal and negative values are not allowed. Numeric expressi ons generate an error. Whitespace can be included anywhere inside the parent heses.
Chap ter 2. ICL 5 Verbs as Subroutines You can t hink of ve rbs as ca mera function s or subr outines. A si ngle-verb instructio n such as flas h() or clear _until _trig () can be expanded into a sequence of camera-specific instructio ns. Most verbs are directions for the camera to perfor m the func tion immed iatel y using the current set tings.
6 Advanc ed Camera Operati on Manua l Display V erbs The pixe l_di splay verb is not sent to the camera and doe s not affect data collection. However, once the data has been collected, the application examines the script, the pixel_ displa y verbs, and any loop comman ds.
Chap ter 2. ICL 7 Function Definitions clear_parallel( clear_count ); clear the entire parallel re gister, clear_cou nt times clear_serial( clear_count ); clear the serial regist er, clear_count times.
8 Advanc ed Camera Operati on Manua l clear_until_trig( ); This function causes the CCD to enter clearing mode an d continues c learing i ndefini tely until a trigger a rrives. Both the parallel and serial registers are conti nuously clearing ( moving charge t oward and int o the serial register then out).
Chap ter 2. ICL 9 loop_b egin (loo p_coun t); This functio n allows l ooping within a script. A loop _count specifies the number of times to perform the loop. All instru ctions be tween the loop_b egin and matching loop_ en d commands are executed exactly loop _count times.
10 Advanc ed Camera Operati on Manua l You can use this funct ion to stack several regio ns, one af ter the other, in the para llel direction. However, you cannot stack more than one region at a time in the se rial direction. s_ offset may be ze ro. All other parameters must be between 1 and 65,53 5, inclu sive.
Chap ter 2. ICL 11 shift_ mode _i s( ); Shift Image a nd Storage. Thi s is a pa rallel shifting mode that shift s the entire parallel register. T his mode can be used on all CC Ds and use s the normal cl ocking method that is equiva lent t o MPP of f.
12 Advanc ed Camera Operati on Manua l comman ds af fect th e shut ter. For mo re in formation con cerning the pinouts and electric al spe cificati ons of the trigg er po rt, and how they rel ate to th e shutt er c ommands , r efer to you r came ra’s User Manu al .
Chap ter 2. ICL 13 Exam ple Scripts The eight example scripts in this section illustra te the rules and principles of ICL. These scripts use every ICL function wi th the exception of shift_mode_sm () and the _alt modes. Electronic copi es of the example scripts are in the ICL Example file on your HCK diskette.
14 Advanc ed Camera Operati on Manua l TDI (Time Delay I ntegration) Panorama This script is written for us e with a Kodak 1400 C CD (serial size 1317,parallel s ize 1035).
Chap ter 2. ICL 15 Ratio Imaging: 2-F rame Ratio This script collects two frames in quick suc ces sion, for use in a ratio im agi ng experiment. The camera is a PXL ® /37 (a Marconi CCD37-10 CCD, wi th a 512x51 2 image area, a nd a masked 51 2x544 stora ge area).
16 Advanc ed Camera Operati on Manua l Ratio Imaging: Multi-F rame Ratio This script performs ratio imagi ng with t he CCD37-10 CCD. Only three small subreg i ons are needed, but to get a good stati stical base for the images, y ou must ta ke a sequence of 100 identical exp osures.
Chap ter 2. ICL 17 3-Color Sequence In this setup the target is i lluminated by three filter ed lights. Ea ch light can be s witched o n and off almost instantaneou sly (in less t han a mi llisecond). There is a sma ll amount of camera- triggered hardware logic t hat coordinates the hardware with the exposure.
18 Advanc ed Camera Operati on Manua l Intermittent E xposure This script takes a stellar image of a faint ga laxy. The observatory is lo cated under the f light p ath of a local airport an d incoming planes o ccasionally pas s through the fiel d of view.
Chap ter 2. ICL 19 High-Sp eed S pectroscopy This script u ses a frame-transfer device (the CCD37-10 CCD) to perfo rm high-speed spectroscopy. It collects a spectral image in t he image array, an d bins t hat imag e down to a sing le line, as it shifts it int o the storage area .
20 Advanc ed Camera Operati on Manua l Erro r Cod es This section lists the error codes that may appear when us ing ICL. 10100 C101_ICL_UNKNO WN_ERROR ICL OPTION LIBRARY: unkno wn error 10101 C101_ICL.
Chap ter 2. ICL 21 Man Pages This section co ntains the Man Page descripti ons for the six ICL scripti ng functi ons included i n the PVCAM library. These functions are in tended fo r use by applicati on programmers o nly. PVCAM Class 101: IC L pl_exp_displ ay_script(101) NAME pl_exp_display_script – lists the displa y rectangles.
22 Advanc ed Camera Operati on Manua l PVCAM Class 101: IC L pl_exp_ini t_script(101) NAME pl_exp_init_script – initialize the scr ipting library. SYNOPSIS boolean pl_exp_init_script(void) DESCRIPTION This f unction prepar es and initia lizes the scripting option library.
Chap ter 2. ICL 23 PVCAM Class 101: IC L pl_exp_lis terr_script(10 1) NAME pl_exp_listerr_script – if an error occurred during script processing, list the exact position of that error.
24 Advanc ed Camera Operati on Manua l PVCAM Class 101: IC L pl_exp_setu p_script(101) NAME pl_exp_setup_script – process a script; download instructio ns to the camera.
Chap ter 2. ICL 25 PVCAM Class 101: IC L pl_exp_start_s cript(101) NAME pl_exp_start_script – begin exposing, return immediately. SYNOPSIS boolean pl_exp_start_script(int16 hcam, void_ptr pixel_stream) DESCRIPTION hcam mus t specify a CCD camera th at ha s been successfully opened by PVCAM.
26 Advanc ed Camera Operati on Manua l PVCAM Class 101: IC L pl_exp_unin it_script(101) NAME pl_exp_uninit_script – unitialize the scripting library. SYNOPSIS boolean pl_exp_uninit_script( void ) DESCRIPTION T his functio n undoes t he pre parations d one by pl_exp_init_script .
Chap ter 2. ICL 27 Decoding Decoding (defined as decoding the pixel stream to display one or more images) must be simp le enough to easily use, yet, pow erful enough to displa y most experiment s. To satisfy both needs, the scripts can conta in any numbe r of pixel display statements.
28 Advanc ed Camera Operati on Manua l This page i ntentionall y left blank..
29 Chapter 3. Advanced CCD Theory Introduction The charge-coupled device (CCD) is the imager of ch oice for use in quantitative image acq uisitio n systems. This chapter familiari zes you with CCDs and the terminol ogy used in d escribing them. It a lso discusses CC D performa nce characteristics.
30 Advanc ed Camera Operati on Manua l A thin layer of silic on di oxide is grow n on a secti on of silicon a nd a conductive gate structure is applied over the ox ide. Applying a positive electrical potential to the gate creates a depletion regi on where the free electrons generated by incomi ng phot ons can be s tored.
Chapt er 3. Ad vanced CCD T heory 31 Classical CCD Implementatio ns The one-dimensional ch arge transfer concept can be extended to two dimensions. Buried channels arranged i n parallel establish colum ns; charge cannot migrate between columns.
32 Advanc ed Camera Operati on Manua l CCD Readout The standard CCD readout sequence is shown in CCD Readout . After an integration, a program med sequence of changing gate potentials c auses all char.
Chapt er 3. Ad vanced CCD T heory 33 9 1 2 4 3 The CCD is e xposed to light and a charge pattern accumulates in the subarra y . Subarray Readout A subarra y is speci- fied. The charge in the subarra y is fast- shifted tow ard the serial register . The first row is shifted into the serial register .
34 Advanc ed Camera Operati on Manua l 8 1 2 4 3 Charge in the parallel register is shifted once into the serial register . Binned Readout The CCD is e xposed to light and a charge pattern accumulates in the parallel register . Charge is again shifted into the serial register .
Chapt er 3. Ad vanced CCD T heory 35 1 T ime Delay Integration 4 Image trav el/parallel shift 2 3 5 6 CCD Architectures Three types of CCD imagers are used for quantitative electronic imaging. CCD Architectures illus trates basic CCD st ructures t hat are in current use.
36 Advanc ed Camera Operati on Manua l There are some s pecial adaptations of frame-transfer dev ices, shown in Frame Transfer Va riations . Frame T ransfer V ariations Standard frame transf er Image .
Chapt er 3. Ad vanced CCD T heory 37 CCD Camera Implementa tions To take advantage of the high performa nc e a CCD ha s to offer, special slow -scan or still-imagi ng cameras have been des i gned to operate at a signific antly lower speed than conv entional video cameras.
38 Advanc ed Camera Operati on Manua l Spectral Response Light nor mally enters the CCD through th e gates of the para llel regis ter. These gates are mad e of very thin p olysilicon t hat is reasona bly transparent a t long waveleng ths but becomes opaque at wavelengths shorte r than 400 nm.
Chapt er 3. Ad vanced CCD T heory 39 Fiberoptics In most applications, the CCD is ill umin ated by light from an imag ing source such as a telesco pe, spectrograph , or microscope. Th ere is a class of applicat ions, however, in which c oherent fi beroptic bundle s can be used in pla ce of i maging optics.
40 Advanc ed Camera Operati on Manua l Dark Curre nt Noise Dark current, or thermally generated ch arge, can be measured and subtracted from da ta, but its noise comp onent cann ot be isola ted. Da rk current noise is a particular concern i n low-light a pplicatio ns.
Chapt er 3. Ad vanced CCD T heory 41 Additional Readin g The following articles provide mo re information on CCDs and their applications. Aikens, R ichard S. Charge- Coupl ed Dev ices for Q uantita tive Elec tronic Imaging. Tucso n, Arizona: Photometrics, Ltd.
42 Advanc ed Camera Operati on Manua l This page i ntentionall y left blank..
43 Index #-B 3-color sequence, 17 Argumen ts/paramete rs, 3 ASCII name, 6 Begin an d End, 5 Binning, 33 Branching, 3 Bulb-mode exposur e, 8 C C generation, 6 Calls, 3 Camera help, 2 repair, 2 Carriage.
44 Advanc ed Camera Operati on Manua l H-L Help camera, 2 High-speed fra ming, 36 High-speed spectroscopy, 19 ICL scripting functio ns, 21 Image array, 10, 15, 16, 19, 3 5 , 36 Interline transfer device, 36 Intermittent exposure, 18 Inverted operation.
Index 45 TTL-compatible signal, 8 Underscores, 6 Unnested comments, 3 Verbs, 4 as Subrout ines, 5 Display, 6 looping, 5 Shift, 5 syntax, 6 W-Z Warranties, i image intensif ier detector, i Warranties (cont.
57-039-001 R ev C1 BENELUX Roper Scientific , BV Ir. D.S. Tuijnmanweg 10 4131 PN VIANEN, Netherland s tel: 31.347 .324989 fax: 31.347. 3249 79 email: mail to @rop ersc ien tific . com FRANCE Roper Scientific , SARL Z.I. Petite M ontagne Su d 4, rue de l'Oisans - C.
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