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I nst a ll Pr og ra ms P DF Man uals Re gis trati on Safety Instructions In tr od ucti on Conn ec tions Using th e Software A djus ti ng th e L CD Dis pl ay Trou ble shoo ti ng Speci ficati ons In formation Ap pen d ix © 20 07 Sam sun g Elec tro n ics Co.
Selec t Langu age Main P age Model Th e co lor a nd app ear anc e of the p ro duct may v ary depend ing o n t he mod el , and t he produ ct spe cificat io ns a re su bject to c hang e w itho ut p rior n oti ce f or re ason s of perf orm ance enhan cem ent.
U se onl y a pr ope r ly gr ounde d pl ug an d re ce ptac le . z A n im prope r gro un d may c aus e ele ctr ic sh ock or e quipm ent da ma ge. (Clas s l E quip men t onl y.) In sert the power plug firml y so that it does not come loose. z A bad c onne ctio n may ca use fire.
Fa ilu re to d o so ma y cau se ser ious dam ag e to y our L CD D ispl ay. Place yo ur LCD Display in a locat ion with low humidity and a mini mum of dus t. z Failure to do so may cause electric shock or fire inside th e LCD Displ a y. Do not d rop the LCD Display when moving it.
Put d own the LCD Display care f u lly. z Fa iling to do so m ay dama ge the LCD Di splay . Do not p lace th e LCD Dis play fa ce down. z Th is may dam ag e the T FT-LC D su rface. The i nstallat ion of the bracket must be don e by a quali fied pro fessional.
If the con nector between the plug and the pin is dusty or dirty , cl e an it pro per ly us in g a dry cl oth. z A dirt y con necto r may c ause electr ic sho ck or fire . Mak e su re to unplug the power cord befo re cleaning the pro duct. z O therw ise, thi s ma y caus e el ectr ic s hoc k or f ire.
Do not try to mo ve th e LCD Display by pulli ng only the wire or the sig nal cable. z Th is may c ause a bre akdo wn, el e ctric sho ck or fir e due t o d amage to t he ca ble. Do not mo ve t h e LCD Display ri ght or l eft by pulling only the wire or the sig nal cable.
out let and co nta ct t he Serv ice Cent er. Whe n viewing a fixed screen for an exten ded period of time, re sidual imag e or blurriness may appear. z Ch ang e the m od e to en er gy sav ing mode or s et a scr eens aver t o a ch angi ng pictur e whe n a way from the LCD Di spla y for an exte nd ed per iod of ti me.
Place t he product out of child ren’s re ach, as they could damage by hang ing on to it. z A fal ling product m ay cause i njury to the perso n or e ven fatality . Whe n not using the product for an exte nded period of time, keep the prod uct un pl ugge d.
rec ycl ing cent er or to a sto re s ell ing th e sa me ty pe of the bat ter y or rec har geabl e batt ery . © 199 5~ 2007 SA MSUN G. A LL Ri ght s Res erved.
Select Langu age Main Page Model The color and appearance of the product may v ary depending on the model, and the product spec ifications are subject t o change witho ut prior notic e for reasons of pe rformance enha ncement. Introduction Package Contents Note • Please make su re the following items are included with y our LCD Display.
Remote Control Batteri es (AAA X 2) (Not availab le in all locations) Cover-Hole BNC to RCA Adaptor Jack Semi Stand Screw: 4 EA Sold separately Wall Mount KIT Speaker Set DVI Cable BNC Cable Your LCD Display Front 1) MENU Opens t he on-screen men u and exits from t he menu or closes the adjustmen t menu.
Activat es a highlighted menu item. 5) SOURCE Switches fro m PC mode to Video mod e. Changing the source is onl y allowed for external devi ces that are co nnected to the LCD Display at t he time. [PC] → [BNC] → [DVI] → [AV] → [S -Video] → [Compone nt] → [HDMI] >> Click here to see an animation clip.
1) POWER S/W ON [ | ] / OFF [O] Switches the LCD Display On/Off. 2) POWER IN The power co rd plugs into t he LCD Display an d the wall plug. 3) REMOTE OUT/IN You can use a wi red remote contro l by connecti ng it to your monitor.
12) AV AUDIO IN [L-AUDI O-R] (LCD Display Audio Connection Terminal (Input)) 13) AV OUT [VIDEO] (VIDEO Connection Terminal): AV mode (Output) 14) AV IN [VIDEO] (VIDEO Connection Terminal) (Input) 15) .
22. FM RADIO 23. P.SIZE 24. SRS 25. DUAL/MTS 26. PIP 27. SOURCE 28. SWAP 29. SIZE 30. RE W 31. STOP 32. PLAY/PAUSE 33. FF 1) ON / OFF Turns the LCD Di splay On/Off.
12) P.MODE When you pres s this button, current pictu re mode is disp layed on the low er center of th e screen. AV / S-Video / Component : P.M ODE The Monitor has fou r automatic picture settings tha t are preset at the factory. Then push but ton again to c ircle through available prec onfigured mo des.
Every tim e you press the butt on, a PIP screen appea rs. 27) SOURCE Changes the sour ce of the PIP windo w signal. 28) SWAP Swaps the co ntents of the PIP and main image. The image in th e PIP window will appe ar on the main screen , and the main scree n image will appear in t he PIP window.
Mechanical Layou t | Monitor Head | Stand | Sp eaker | I nstall ation VESA Bracket | Wa ll B rac ke t Ins tal lati on 1. Mechanical Layo ut NETWORK M ODEL SIZE PROTECTI ON GLASS + N ETWORK MODEL SIZE Weight z Se t { 25.
{ 28.5 kg (with Basic Stand) { 34.0 kg (with Basic Stand / option protection glass) 2. Monitor Head NETWORK M ODEL SIZE PROTECTION GLASS + N ETWORK MODEL SIZE 3.
4. Speaker.
5. Installation VE SA Bracket z When installi ng VESA, make sure to comply with the intern at ional VESA st andards. z Purchasing VESA Bracket an d Installation Information : Please co ntact your near est Samsung Distributor t o place an order. After your order is place d, i ns tallation professionals will visit you and install the bracket.
For securing t he bracket on a wall, us e only machi ne screws of 6 m m diameter and 8 to 12 mm l ength. 6. Wall Bracket In st allatio n z Contact a technician f or inst alling the wall brack et. z Samsung Electronics i s no t respon sible for any dam a ges to t he product or harm to customers wh en the installation is done by the customer.
Check the installation diagram a nd mar k the drill points on the wall. Use th e 5.0 mm bit to dr ill holes deeper than 35 mm. Fix each anchor in the corresponding hole. Match each of the brackets and hinge holes to the correspondin g anchor holes and inse rt and tighten the 11 screws A .
1. Mount the product on the wall bracket and make sur e it is properly f ixed t o the left a nd right plastic hangers. 2. Be caref ul when installing the product on the bracket as fingers c an be caught in the h ol es . 3. Make sure the wall bracket is securely fixed to the wall, or the product ma y not stay in p lace after installation.
Mechanical Layou t | Monitor Head | Stand | Sp eaker | I nstall ation VESA Bracket | Wa ll B rac ke t Ins tal lati on 1. Mechanical Layo ut NETWORK M ODEL SIZE PROTECTI ON GLASS + N ETWORK MODEL SIZE Weight z Se t { 31.
{ 37.6 kg (with Basic Stand) { 42.4 kg (with Basic Stand / option protection glass) 2. Monitor Head NETWORK M ODEL SIZE PROTECTION GLASS + N ETWORK MODEL SIZE 3.
4. Speaker.
5. Installation VE SA Bracket z When installi ng VESA, make sure to comply with the intern at ional VESA st andards. z Purchasing VESA Bracket an d Installation Information : Please co ntact your near est Samsung Distributor t o place an order. After your order is place d, i ns tallation professionals will visit you and install the bracket.
For securing t he bracket on a wall, us e only machi ne screws of 6 m m diameter and 8 to 12 mm l ength. 6. Wall Bracket In st allatio n z Contact a technician f or inst alling the wall brack et. z Samsung Electronics i s no t respon sible for any dam a ges to t he product or harm to customers wh en the installation is done by the customer.
Check the installation diagram a nd mar k the drill points on the wall. Use th e 5.0 mm bit to dr ill holes deeper than 35 mm. Fix each anchor in the corresponding hole. Match each of the brackets and hinge holes to the correspondin g anchor holes and inse rt and tighten the 11 screws A .
1. Mount the product on the wall bracket and make sur e it is properly f ixed t o the left a nd right plastic hangers. 2. Be caref ul when installing the product on the bracket as fingers c an be caught in the h ol es . 3. Make sure the wall bracket is securely fixed to the wall, or the product ma y not stay in p lace after installation.
Select Language Main Page Model The color and appea rance of the product ma y vary depending on the model , and the product specif ications are subject to change w ithout prior notice for reaso ns of performance enh ancement. Connections Installi ng the Stand KIT Note • Only the supplied bol ts should be used.
Connecting the LCD Display Using a Power cor d with Earth In the event of failur e, the earth lead may cause elec tric shock. Make sure to wire t he earth lead in correctly, befo re connecting the AC power. When un-wiring t he earth lead, mak e sur e to disconnect th e AC p ower in ad vance .
3) Connect the audi o cable for your LCD Displa y to the audio port on the back of your com puter. Note • Turn on both your comput er and the LCD Display. Note • The DVI cable or BNC cabl e is optional. Co ntact a l ocal Samsu ng El ectr onic s Service Ce nter to buy optional item s.
1) Connect a set of aud io cables between the COMP ONENT AUDI O IN [ L-AUDIO-R] on the LCD D isplay and the AU DIO OUT jack s on the DVD playe r. 2) Connect a Comp onent cable between the BNC/C OMPON ENT IN - P R , Y, P B po rt on the LCD Displa y and the P R , Y, P B jacks on the D VD player.
• The audio-vide o cables shown here are usual ly included with a Camc order. (If not, check your local electronics store.) If your camcorder is stereo, you need to connec t a set of two cables. Connecting a DTV Set Top Box Note • The connecti ons for a typical Set Top Box a re shown b elow.
Note • Connect the speak er connection cable betw een the sp eaker connectio n jack on t he back of the SET and the speake r connection jack on th e back of the speaker. Note • Do not move the SET w hile the SET is connect ed to the speakers . The speaker -bracket for connectin g the SET speaker my beco me damaged.
Note • You can control your m onitor by a llowing it to receive t he remote con trol signals of other d evices thro ugh the REMOTE OUT terminal . • You can control a dev ice by allo wing it to receive remot e control s ignals from other device s through t he REMO TE IN te rmin al.
Note • I nput de vi ces s uch as d igit al D VD ar e co nnec ted t o the H DMI IN term inal of t he mo nitor u sing th e H DMI ca ble. Note • Y ou cann ot c onne ct a PC to the HDMI IN term inal .
Introduction A Multiple Display Cont rol (MDC) is an application allowing v arious displays to be easily and simult aneously operated on a PC. RS-232C, a standard of serial communication, is used for the communication between a PC and a display.
Main Icons Select Button Remocon Info Grid Safety Lock Display Selection Port Selection Control Tools 1. Use the main icons to switch into each screen. 2. Allows you to enable or disable the remote control signal rece iving function of the display unit.
1. The Multiple Display Control is originally set t o COM1. 2. If any port other than CO M1 is used, COM1 through COM4 can be selected in th e Port Selection Menu. 3. If the exact port name that is connected to the LCD Display using a se rial cable is not selected, communicatio n will be unavailable.
Info Grid shows some basic information necessary to Power Control. 1) (Power Status) 2) Input 3) Image Size 4) On Timer 5) Off Timer 2. Use the Select All butto n or Check Box to choose a display to control. Power Control allows contro lling some of the functions of the s elected display.
- Turns the power of the selecte d display On/Off. 2) Volume - Controls the volume level of the selected display. It receives the volume value of the selected display from the sets and displ ays it in the slider.
Info Grid shows some basic information necessary to Input Sourc e Control. 1) PC - Changes the Input Source of the se lected display to PC. 2) BN C - Changes the Input Source of the se lected display to BNC. 3) DV I - Changes the Input Source of the se lected display to DVI.
Info Grid shows some basic information necessary to Image Siz e Control. 1) ( Power Status) - Shows the power status of the curren t display. 2) Image Size - Shows the current Image Si ze of the display in use. 3) Input - Shows the current Input Source of the display in use.
Info Grid shows some basic information necessary to Image Siz e Control. 1) Click the Video Sou rce tab to adjust Image Size for TV, AV, S-V ideo, Component, DVI(HDCP), HDMI , DTV.
Info Grid shows some basic information necessary to Time Control. 1) Current Time - Set the current time for the sele cted display (PC Time). - To change the current time, first change the PC Time. 2) On Time Setup - Set the Hour, Minut e, AM/PM of On Time Setup, Status, Source, V olume of the selected display.
Info Grid shows some basic information necessary to PIP Si ze Control. 1) PIP Size - Shows the current PIP Size of t he display in use. 2) OFF - Turns off the PIP of the selected dis play. 3) Large - Turns on the PIP of the selected displ ay and changes the size to Large.
Info Grid shows some basic information necessary to PIP Sou rce Control. 1) P IP Source - PIP Source can be con trolled with turning on the LCD Display powe r. 2) PC - Changes the source of the PIP of the se lected display to PC. 3) BNC - Changes the source of the PIP o f the selected display to BNC.
Info Grid shows some basic information necessary to Settings Con trol. When each function is se lected, the set value of the selecte d function is displayed in the slide.When selected, each function fetches th e value for the set and displays it on the slide bar.
1. Click Settings of th e main icons and the Settings Control scre en appears. Info Grid shows some basic information necessary to Sett ings Control. When each function is sel ected, the set value of the selected functi on is displayed in the slide. When sel ected, each function fetches t he value for the set and displays it on the slide bar.
Audio 1. Click Settings of th e main icons and the Settings Control scre en appears. Info Grid shows some basic information necessary to Sett ings Control. When each function is sel ected, the set value of the selected functi on is displayed in the slide.
Info Grid shows some basic information necessary to Settings Con trol. 1) Image Lock - Available only for PC, BNC. 2) Coarse - Adjusts Coarse of the sele cted display. 3) Fine - Adjusts Fine of the sele cted display. 4) Position - Adjusts Position of the selected display.
An "Info Grid" showing seve ral basic data items appears. 1) Maintenance - Allows the Maintenan ce Control function for all input s ources. 2) Auto Lamp Control - Automatically adju sts the backlight of the selected display at a s pecified time.
1) Safety Screen - Eliminates the afterimages t hat can result when the selected displa y stays in Pause mode for an extended period of time. You can set the repeat cycle timer by selectin g the "Interval" by hour and "Second" by second.
1) Video Wall - A Video Wall is a set of video scree ns that are connected together, so that each screen shows a part of the whole picture or so that the same picture is repeated on each screen. 2) Video Wall (Screen divider) - The screen can be divided into.
- Check the displays to see if any of the other displays co nnected have the same I D. If more than one displays have the same ID, those displays are not properly detected by the program due to data confli ct. - Check if the Display Set ID is a number between 0 and 25 .
Select Langu age Main Page Model SyncMaster 400DX The color and appearance of the product may v ary depending on the model, and the product spec ifications ar e subject t o change witho ut prior notic e for reasons of pe rformance enha ncement.
Selects the in put source for the PIP. - PC : AV / S-Video / Comp onent / HDMI Mo de - BNC : AV / S -Video / HDMI Mode - DVI : AV / S-Video / Component Mode - AV / S-Video : PC / BNC / D VI Mode - Component : PC / DVI Mode - HDMI : PC / BNC Mode [The direct button on the remote control is the ' SOURCE ' button.
[MENU] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] MagicBri ght™ is a new feat ure providing the optimum view ing environmen t depending on t he contents of th e image you a re watching. Currentl y four differ ent modes are ava ilable: Enter tain, Interne t, Text and Cus tom.
Note • If you adjust the picture by using the Cu stom function, Color To ne will turn to the Cuso me mode. Color Temp [MENU] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [< / >] → [ENTER] Color Temp is a measure of the 'w armth' of the ima ge colors.
1) Signal Ba lance [MENU] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] Selects either On or Off with th e signal control .
[The direct button on the remote control is the ' P.MOD E ' button.] Custom [MENU] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [< / >] → [ENTER] By using the o n-screen menus, the contrast and brightness can be changed to your pe rsonal prefere nce.
Brightnes s Sensor is to aut omatically de tect distri bution of inpu tted visual s ignal and adjus t to create opti mum brightness. 1) Of f 2) On Dynamic Contrast [MENU] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER].
[MENU] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] The LCD Di splay has a buil t-in high fid elity ste reo amplifier . 1) Standa rd Selects St andard for the standard factory se ttings. 2) Mu sic Selects Music when watching musi c videos or concerts.
2) Sub [Available Modes: PIP ON] Setup Available Modes PC / BNC / DVI AV S-Video Component HDMI Language [MENU] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] You can choose from 11 languages . Note • The language chosen a ffects only t he language of the OSD.
3) Low 4) Opaque Safety Lock PIN [MENU] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [0~9] → [0~9] → [0~9 ] The pass word can be chan ged.
- Five adjustment l evels: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. 5) Sc reen Divider [MENU] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] The screen can be divided into seve ral images. A number of sc reens can be sel ected with a dif ferent layo ut when dividi ng.
5) 1366 X 768 Note • Selecting the menu is only allowed w hen the graphics resolution i s set to 1024 x 768 @ 60H z, 1280 x 768 @ 60Hz, 1360 x 76 8@ 60Hz or 1366 x76 8 @ 60Hz.
S-Video Component HDMI Multi Co ntrol Assigns an ind ividual ID to the SET. 1) ID Setup [MENU] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ ENTER] → [ ∧ / ∨ ] → [ENTER] → [ENTER] → [0~ 9] A ssigns distinctive IDs to the SET.
Selec t Langu age Main P age Model Th e co lor a nd app ear anc e of the p ro duct may v ary depend ing o n t he mod el , and t he produ ct spe cificat io ns a re su bject to c hang e w itho ut p rior n oti ce f or re ason s of perf orm ance enhan cem ent.
Mainte nance and Clean ing 1) Ma intain ing th e LCD Displ ay Case . Cle an with a so ft c lot h af ter dis c onne ct in g th e po wer cor d. • Do not use benz ene, thin ner o r o ther flamm ab le sub stan ces , or a wet cloth. • We r eco mmen d th at a Sa msun g cl eans ing agent is u sed to p rev ent dam age to t he s cr een .
(Ref er to Conne ct ing a Com puter ) Problems related to the Screen Note • Probl ems rel ated t o the LC D Disp la y scre en and t heir s olu tions are li sted. Problems Sol utions The sc reen is blank and the power in di cat or is of f. z E nsure that the po wer co rd i s fi rmly con necte d a nd the LCD LCD Disp lay is on .
• Probl ems rel ated t o au dio s ign als and th ei r sol ution s ar e li sted be low. Problems Sol utions No s oun d. z E nsure that the au dio ca ble i s fi rml y con nect ed to bot h the aud io-i n port on yo ur LC D D ispla y an d th e audi o-o ut port on yo ur s ound card .
Selec t Langu age Main P age Model SyncMaster 400DX Th e co lor a nd app ear anc e of the p ro duct may v ary depend ing o n t he mod el , and t he produ ct spe cificat io ns a re su bject to c hang e w itho ut p rior n oti ce f or re ason s of perf orm ance enhan cem ent.
A ud i o I n p ut 2 RC A J a c k R e d ( R ) W h i t e ( L ) , 0 . 5 V r m s ( - 9 d B ) PC A u d i o I n p u t 3 . 5 Ø S t e r e o J a ck , 0 . 5 V r m s (- 9 d B ) F r e q ue n c y R F : 8 0 H z ~ .
I BM, 64 0 x 3 50 31. 469 70. 086 25.1 75 +/- I BM, 64 0 x 4 80 31. 469 59. 940 25.1 75 -/- I BM, 72 0 x 4 00 31. 469 70. 087 28.3 22 -/ + MAC , 6 40 x 480 35. 000 66. 667 30.2 40 -/- MAC , 8 32 x 624 49. 726 74. 551 57.2 84 -/- MAC , 1 152 x 870 68. 681 75.
Selec t Langu age Main P age Model SyncMaster 460DX Th e co lor a nd app ear anc e of the p ro duct may v ary depend ing o n t he mod el , and t he produ ct spe cificat io ns a re su bject to c hang e w itho ut p rior n oti ce f or re ason s of perf orm ance enhan cem ent.
A udio Input 2 RC A Ja ck Re d(R) Whi te(L) , 0 .5 V rms (-9 dB ) PC A udi o I npu t 3.5 Ø Ste re o Ja ck , 0. 5 Vr ms (- 9 d B) Fr equen cy RF : 80 H z ~ 15 k Hz (a t -3 dB) Re spon se A/V: 80 H z ~ 20 kH z (a t -3 dB ) Plug and Play Capabilit y This monitor can be installed on any Plug & Play comp atible system.
I BM, 64 0 x 3 50 31. 469 70. 086 25.1 75 +/- I BM, 64 0 x 4 80 31. 469 59. 940 25.1 75 -/- I BM, 72 0 x 4 00 31. 469 70. 087 28.3 22 -/ + MAC , 6 40 x 480 35. 000 66. 667 30.2 40 -/- MAC , 8 32 x 624 49. 726 74. 551 57.2 84 -/- MAC , 1 152 x 870 68. 681 75.
Selec t Langu age Main P age Model Th e co lor a nd app ear anc e of the p ro duct may v ary depend ing o n t he mod el , and t he produ ct spe cificat io ns a re su bject to c hang e w itho ut p rior n oti ce f or re ason s of perf orm ance enhan cem ent.
Po wer Off, Sc reen Save r, or Powe r Save Mode z Tu rn the po wer off f or 4 h our s a fter 20 ho urs in use z Tu rn the po wer off f or 2 h our s a fter 12 ho urs in use z S et the Mon itor to pow er o ff w ith t he P C Dis play Pro perti es Power Scheme .
z E very 30 m i nutes , chan ge the char acte rs with mo veme nt. z A ll are a d ispla y M oving i mag e to get her w ith L ogo peri odica lly. - C ycl e: Displ ay moving ima ge t ogethe r with Logo f or 60 s econ ds af ter 4 hou rs in use.
- S el ect method . Ins truct ion Gui de : OSD M enu -> S et Up -> S afety Scr een -> B ar . Time Inte rva l : 1 ~ 1 0 hour s ( Recom mend : 1 ) . Time Peri od : 10 ~ 5 0 se cond ( Re com mend : 50 ) Note • ( Ple ase check CD 's Use r Gu ide a t "OS D Fu ncti on ", som e mod el's wil l not av ailab le .
Selec t Langu age Main P age Model Th e co lor a nd app ear anc e of the p ro duct may v ary depend ing o n t he mod el , and t he produ ct spe cificat io ns a re su bject to c hang e w itho ut p rior n oti ce f or re ason s of perf orm ance enhan cem ent.
CZECH RE PUBLIC DE NM AR K 70 70 19 70 http :// m/dk FI NLAND 03 0- 62 27 5 15 http :// m/fi FRANCE 3 26 0 SAMSU NG( 726-786 4) 08 25 08 65 6 5 ( € 0, 15/ mi n) http :// m/fr GERM ANY 01 805 - SAMS U NG(7 26 - 7864 ) (€ 0 ,14/Min) http ://www.
THAI LAND 18 00 -29 -32 32 , 02 - 689 -32 32 http :// m / th TAIW AN 08 00 -32 9- 99 9 http :// m / tw VIETNAM 1 800 5 88 889 h ttp://w ww.samsu Midd le East & A f r ica SOUTH AF RICA 0860 -SAMS U NG( 726 - 7864 ) h ttp://w ww.
Corr ect Disposal Corr ect Disp osal of This Product (Was t e Elect rical & Electro nic Equipment) - Eu rope only (A pplicable in the Europ ean Union and other Euro pean countri es with separ ate .
デバイスSamsung 400DXの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Samsung 400DXをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSamsung 400DXの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Samsung 400DXの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Samsung 400DXで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Samsung 400DXを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSamsung 400DXの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Samsung 400DXに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSamsung 400DXデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。