Avalon StovesメーカーFreestanding Stoveの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Featuring the Burner • Direct Vent Freestanding Stove • Natural Gas or Propane • Vent Horizontally or Vertically • Standard Residential • Mobile Home Approved Tested and Listed by Omni-Test Laboratories, Inc. Beaverton, Oregon Report # 028–S–28-5 AN S I Z 21.
2 Introduction and Important Information Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Introduction We welcome you as a new owner of an Avalon Prairie stove. In purchasing a Prairie you have joined the growing ranks of concerned individuals whose selection of an energy system reflects both a concern for the environment and aesthetics.
Table of Contents 3 Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Introduction Introduction & Important Information ................2 Safety Precautions Safety Precautions ......................................4 Features & Specifications Features .......
4 Safety Precautions Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 • IF YOU SMELL GAS: * Do not light any appliance * Extinguish any open flame * Do not touch any electrical switch or plug or unplug anything *.
Safety Precautions 5 Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 • Do not place clothing or other flammable items on or near the heater. Because this heater can be controlled by a thermostat there is a possibility of the heater turning on and igniting any items placed on or near it.
6 Features and Specifications Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Features: - Works During Power Outages (millivolt system) - High Efficiency - Optional Thermostat or Remote Control - Realistic "W.
Installation (for qualified installers only) 7 Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Installation Warnings: ! Failure to follow all of the requirements may result in property damage, bodily injury, or even death.
8 Installation (for qualified installers only) Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Installation Hints: • If converting to LP, convert the appliance prior to installation.
Installation (for qualified installers only) 9 Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Heater Placement Requirements • Heater must be installed on a level surface capable of supporting the heater and vent • Due to the high temperature, the heater should be located out of traffic and away from furniture and draperies.
10 Installation (for qualified installers only) Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Gas Line Installation ! The gas line must be installed in accordance with all local codes, if any; if not, follow current ANSI Z223.1 or NFPA 54 in the USA and the current CGA B149 in Canada.
Installation (for qualified installers only) 11 Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Vent Requirements ! Always maintain the required 1 ” clearance (air space) to combustible materials to prevent a fire hazard.
12 Installation (for qualified installers only) Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Approved Vent Configurations Restrictor Position • A restrictor is built into the appliance to control the flow rate of exhaust gases. This ensures proper flames for the wide variety of vent configurations.
Installation (for qualified installers only) 13 Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Approved Venting Configurations for Vertical Terminations with Zero, Two, or Four 45° Elbows • 10 ’ Minimum Syst.
14 Installation (for qualified installers only) Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Approved Venting Configurations with a Horizontal Termination and One 90° Elbow • If using a Snorkel Termination (14 ” or 36 ” ) add the snorkel height to the vertical height (snorkel terminations are used primarily for basement installations).
Installation (for qualified installers only) 15 Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Approved Venting Configurations with a Horizontal Termination and Two Elbows ( one 90° vertical and one 90° or 45°.
16 Installation (for qualified installers only) Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Approved Venting Configurations with a Horizontal Termination and Three 90° Elbows (all vertical) • If using a Sno.
Installation (for qualified installers only) 17 Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Approved Venting Configurations for Vertical Terminations with Two 90° Elbows • The termination must fall within the shaded area shown in the chart. Use the indicated restrictor position.
18 Installation (for qualified installers only) Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Approved Venting Configurations for Vertical Terminations with Three 90° Elbows (Two 90° Vertical and One 45° or 90° Horizontal Elbow) • The termination must fall within the shaded area shown in the chart.
Installation (for qualified installers only) 19 Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 V e n t T e r m in a t io n R e q u ir e m e n t s ( se e illu st r a tio n b e lo w) ! Venting terminals shall not be recessed into a wall or siding.
20 Finalizing the Installation (for qualified installers only) Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Finalizing the Installation ! Make sure the gas control valve is “ OFF ” and the heater is cool prior to conducting service. 1 Remove the glass (see page 22) 2 Install the log set and coals (see page 24).
Finalizing the Installation (for qualified installers only) 21 Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 ! If the vent configuration is installed incorrectly the vent may cause the flames inside the heater to lift or “ ghost ” – a dangerous situation. Inspect the flames after installation to insure proper performance.
22 Finalizing the Installation (for qualified installers only) Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Face and Glass Removal ! Make sure the gas control valve is “ OFF ” and the heater is cool prior to conducting service. 3/8" Nutdriver a Twist 1/4 turn.
Finalizing the Installation (for qualified installers only) 23 Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Glass Frame Removal and Installation (continued) The spring pin can come loose from the latch assembly. This occurs when it is turned 1/4 turn when it is disengaged.
24 Finalizing the Installation (for qualified installers only) Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Log Installation ! Make sure the gas control valve is “ OFF ” and the heater is cool prior to conducting service.
Operation 25 Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Before You Begin Warning: Read this entire manual before you use your new stove (especially the section "Safety Precautions" on pages 4 & 5). Failure to follow the instructions may result in property damage, bodily injury, or even death.
26 Operation Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Starting The Pilot Flame The pilot flame is required to ignite the main burners (it also plays a safety role). It should be left on once lit. It will stay lit unless the gas control valve is turned to "OFF".
Operation 27 Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Starting the Stove for the First Time Fumes from the Painted Surfaces Curing Burn the heater at a medium setting for approximately one hour the first time. This will cure the painted surfaces. Fumes from the paint curing and oil burning off the steel may occur.
28 Operation Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Adjusting the Blower Speed (optional) The blower helps transfer the heat from the heater into the room. It will not turn on until the heater is up to temperature (approximately 10 minutes after starting).
Maintenance (for qualified service personnel only) 29 Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Maintaining Your Stove's Appearance Painted Surfaces • Painted surfaces should be cleaned with a duster. If scratches occur, lightly sand the area with fine sandpaper.
30 Maintenance (for qualified service personnel only) Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Troubleshooting Table Problem: Possible Cause: Don't Call for Service Until You: Pilot Will Not Light A ga.
Maintenance (for qualified service personnel only) 31 Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 How this Stove Works ! This stove was designed with safety as the primary concern. Many of the components inside this stove are for safety purposes. Therefore, only certified gas service technicians should service this stove.
32 Maintenance (for qualified service personnel only) Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Wiring Diagram Caution : Label all wires prior to disconnection when servicing controls.
Safety Label 33 Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 The safety (listing) label is on back of the stove. A copy of the safety label is shown below. Prairie V ented Gas Fireplace Heater Report No. 028-S-28-5 Certified for USA & Canada T ested to: ANSI Z21.
34 Limited 7 Year Warranty Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 To register your TRAVIS INDUSTRIES, INC. 7 Year Warranty, complete the enclosed warranty card and mail it within ten (10) days of the appliance purchase date to: TRAVIS INDUSTRIES, INC., 4800 Harbour Pointe Blvd.
Optional Equipment (for qualified installers only) 35 Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 LP Conversion Instructions Install the conversion kit prior to installing the gas line to ensure proper gas use. 1 Remove the face and glass (see page 22). Remove the log set (if installed - page 24) 2 Remove the burner (see illustration below).
36 Optional Equipment (for qualified installers only) Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 3 Follow the directions below to remove the natural gas orifice. Apply thread sealant to the LP orifice ( it has ".062" stamped on it) and tighten in place with a 1/2" open end wrench.
Optional Equipment (for qualified installers only) 37 Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 4 Remove the pilot orifice following the instructions below. Replace with the propane pilot orifice. The propane conversion kit includes pilot orifice with "35" stamped on it.
38 Optional Equipment (for qualified installers only) Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 6 Make the gas line connection, bleed the gas line (if applicable), start the heater and thoroughly leak- test all gas connections and the gas control valve. Check the pilot.
Optional Equipment (for qualified installers only) 39 Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 2 Place the blower near the rear of the stove. Attach the wiring in grommets following the directions below. Slide the rubber grommets (with spacers inserted inside) onto the fan mounting bracket.
40 Optional Equipment (for qualified installers only) Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 4 Make sure all of the wiring is placed away from the blower impeller and the bottom of the burner. Use lock ties, if necessary, to ensure no wires are damaged. 5 Open the control cover following the directions below.
Installation Addenda 41 Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 ADDENDUM #1 Class A Chimney Conversion Kit Simpson Duravent provides a conversion kit for those wishing to use an existing wood stove chimney to vent this direct vent stove. The illustration below gives an overview of this type of installation.
42 Index Travis Industries 93508115 4050113 Approved Vent Configurations .......................... 12-18 Adjusting the Blower Speed ..............................2 8 Adjusting the Flame Height ...............................2 7 Air Shutter Adjustment .
デバイスAvalon Stoves Freestanding Stoveの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Avalon Stoves Freestanding Stoveをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAvalon Stoves Freestanding Stoveの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Avalon Stoves Freestanding Stoveの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Avalon Stoves Freestanding Stoveで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Avalon Stoves Freestanding Stoveを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAvalon Stoves Freestanding Stoveの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Avalon Stoves Freestanding Stoveに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAvalon Stoves Freestanding Stoveデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。