Avalon StovesメーカーRainierの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Rainier (945/990) Owner's Manual • Freestanding Stove • Mobile-Home Approved • Alcove Approved • Hearth-Stove Approved • Masonry Fireplace Insert • Zero-Clearance (Metal) Fireplace Insert S A FE TY N OTIC E : If thi s appl i anc e i s not properl y i ns t al l ed, a hous e fi re ma y result.
2 Introduction Travis Industries 100-01140 4 050124 Introduction We welcome you as a new owner of an Avalon Rainier wood-burning stove. In an Avalon Rainier you have joined the growing ranks of concerned individuals whose selection of an energy system reflects both a concern for the environment and aesthetics.
Table of Contents 3 Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 General Information Introduction & Important Information ......................2 Safety Precautions .............................................4 Features & Specifications .............
4 Safety Precautions Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 • The viewing door must be closed and latched during operation. • Never block free airflow through the air vents on this appliance. Gas • Gasoline or other flammable liquids must never be used to start the fire or "Freshen Up" the fire.
Safety Precautions 5 Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Mobile Home • When installed in a mobile home, this appliance must be bolted to the floor, have outside air, and not be installed in the bedroom (Per H.U.D. requirements). Check with local building officials.
6 Features & Specifications Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Installation Options: • Freestanding • Freestanding in an Alcove • Freestanding in a Mobile Home • Masonry Fireplace Insert • Factory-Built (Z.C.) Fireplace Insert Features: • EPA Phase II Approved • 1.
Stove Installation (for qualified installers only) 7 Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 S AFE TY NOTICE : P lease r ead th is en t ir e m anu al b ef o r e yo u in st all and u se yo u r new r o o m h ea t e r . F a ilu r e t o fo llo w in s t r u c t io n s m ay r es u lt in p r o p e r t y dam age, b o d ily injur y, or even d eath .
8 Stove Installation (for qualified installers only) Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Floor Protection Requirements • Stove must be placed on the Travis Industries legs or Pedestal. Minimum 37-3/4" Minimum 41-3/8" Min. 16 ” Min. 6 ” Min.
Stove Installation (for qualified installers only) 9 Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Stove Placement Requirements Clearances may be reduced by methods specified in NFPA 211, listed wall shields, pipe shields, or other means approved by local building or fire officials.
10 Stove Installation (for qualified installers only) Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Chimney Requirements • DO NOT CONNECT THIS UNIT TO A CHIMNEY FLUE SERVING ANOTHER APPLIANCE. • Chimney connector must be a minimum 24 MSG black or 26 MSG blued steel (6" diameter).
Stove Installation (for qualified installers only) 11 Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Chimney Termination Requirements • Must have an approved cap (to prevent water from entering) • Must not .
12 Stove Installation (for qualified installers only) Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Alcove Installation Requirements Whenever the stove is placed in a location where the ceiling height is less than 7' tall, it is considered an alcove installation.
Stove Installation (for qualified installers only) 13 Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Mobile Home Requirements • Outside air must be installed - see "Outside Air Requirements" on page.
14 Stove Installation (for qualified installers only) Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Standard Ceiling with a Factory Built Chimney Chimney Cap (See the section "Chimney Termination Requirem.
Stove Installation (for qualified installers only) 15 Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Exterior Factory Built Chimney NOTE: Exterior chimneys are subject to greater moisture and creosote accumulation due to the lower temperatures. An insulated chase will reduce these accumulations (the proper clearances to the chimney must be maintained).
16 Stove Installation (for qualified installers only) Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Hearth Stove Direct Connection NOTE: Direct connections require installation of an airtight, non- combustible block-off plate or damper adapter.
Insert Installation (for qualified installers only) 17 Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 S AFE TY NOTICE : P lease r ead th is en t ir e m anu al b ef o r e yo u in st all and u se yo u r new r o o m h ea t e r . F a ilu r e t o fo llo w in s t r u c t io n s m ay r es u lt in p r o p e r t y dam age, b o d ily injur y, or even d eath .
18 Insert Installation (for qualified installers only) Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Insert Size Requirements (see Illustration below) Minimum Fireplace Size Masonry Fireplace Z.
Insert Installation (for qualified installers only) 19 Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Masonry Fireplace Requirements • Chimney must have a clay tile liner or a stainless steel liner (positive connection) • Entire fireplace, including chimney, must be clean and undamaged.
20 Insert Installation (for qualified installers only) Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Block-Off Plate Installation Whenever this appliance is installed with a direct connection a block-off plate, or other non- combustible seal-off device (e.g. damper adapter), will need to be installed.
Insert Installation (for qualified installers only) 21 Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Insert with Positive Connection NOTE: Most factory-built chimney manufacturers make stainless steel chimney liners, either flexible or rigid. This provides a wide variety of installation options.
22 Insert Installation (for qualified installers only) Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Insert with Direct Connection (Z.C. Fireplace) NOTE: Direct connections require installation of an airtight block-off plate or damper adapter (see "Block-off Plate Installation" on page 20).
Operating Your Appliance 23 Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Safety Notice: If this appliance is not properly installed, a house fire may result. For your safety, follow the installation directions. Contact local building or fire officials about restrictions and installation inspection requirements in your area.
24 Operating Your Appliance Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Starting a Fire Since the dawn of time man has debated the best way to start a fire. Some use the boy-scout "tee- pee", some prefer the "tic-tac-toe" stack. Either way, review the hints and warnings below to ensure proper fire starting.
Operating Your Appliance 25 Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Adjusting the Burn Rate Use the air control slider to control the burn rate of the stove. See the illustration below for details. Low Burn (air control closed) High Burn (air control open) Use the air control to change the burn rate.
26 Operating Your Appliance Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Optional Blower Operation The blower will turn on once the stove is up to temperature. This is typically 15 to 30 minutes after starting the fire. Follow the directions below to alter the blower speed.
Operating Your Appliance 27 Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Hints for Burning • Get the appliance hot before adjusting to low burn • Use smaller pieces of wood during start-up and high burns .
28 Operating Your Appliance Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Troubleshooting Problem Possible Cause Smoke Enters Room During Start-Up • Cold Air Blockage - burn a piece of newspaper to establish a draft. • Close the doors - if the flame is not getting enough air, first make sure the air control is open (all the way in).
Maintaining Your Appliance 29 Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Failure to properly maintain and inspect your appliance may reduce the performance and life of the appliance, void your warranty, and create a fire hazard. Daily Maintenance (while stove is in use) Remove Ash (if necessary) Ash removal is not required once it builds up.
30 Maintaining Your Appliance Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Monthly Maintenance (while appliance is in use) Make sure the appliance has fully cooled prior to conducting service. Door and Glass Inspection The door must form an air-tight seal to the firebox for the stove to work correctly.
Maintaining Your Appliance 31 Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Yearly Maintenance Make sure the appliance has fully cooled prior to conducting service. Touch Up Paint Included with the owner's pack of this appliance is a can of Stove-Brite ® paint.
32 Maintaining Your Appliance Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Door Parts 5/16" Nutdriver Glass Clip Screw Door Gasket - Adhere with gasket cement.
Maintaining Your Appliance 33 Travis Industries 100-01140 4 060417 Firebox Parts 1 5 2 3 4 6 6 6 6 8 9 9 13 12 11 10 6 6 6 7 ID # Description Qty Part # ID # Description Qty Part # 1 Front Baffle Supp.
34 Maintaining Your Appliance Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Air Tube Removal & Replacement a b Remove the left pin on the air tube collar (it may be a roll pin or push pin). Air Tube Collar Air Tube Push Pin Slide the air tube to the left, swing it down and remove from the firebox.
Limited 7 Year Warranty 35 Travis Industries 100-01140 4 050124 To register your TRAVIS INDUSTRIES, INC. 7 Year Warranty, complete the enclosed warranty card and mail it within ten (10) days of the appliance purchase date to: TRAVIS INDUSTRIES, INC., 4800 Harbour Pointe Blvd.
36 Listing Label Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 MODEL: Rainier 90 Rainier 45 990 (Top Flue) 945 (45° Flue) 10850 1 17th Pl. N.E. Kirkland, W A 98033 Manufactured By: Combustible floor beyond hearth must be protected by a minimum 0.25 inches thick insulating board, having a thermal conductivi ty of K= 0 .
Optional Equipment 37 Travis Industries 100-01140 4080103 Stove Leg Installation (Brass # 99200500, Cast Black # 99200800, Sculptured # 99200105) Raise the stove 8" (use lumber).
38 Optional Equipment Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Outside Air Installation (for wood stoves only) This pedestal has an internal air duct that may be used to direct air to the combustion chamber. Follow the directions below prior to installing the stove or attaching the pedestal.
Optional Equipment 39 Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Rear Blower Installation (Part number 99000138) The rear blower improves heat transfer by pushing heated air through the convection channel. Operating instructions are described in the section "Blower Operation" on page 26.
40 Optional Equipment Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Outside Air Boot Installation (Part number 99200134) The outside air boot routes outside air to the stove for combustion. Refer to the section "Outside Air Requirements" on page 11 for installation concerns.
Optional Equipment 41 Travis Industries 100-01140 4 051104 Surround Panels (see part #'s below) PANEL SIZING Size Size on Insert (w trim) PART # 8" 41 3/4" wide by 28 7/8" high 99300256 10" 45 3/4" wide by 30 7/8" high 99300257 12" 49 3/4" wide by 32 7/8" high 99300258 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1.
42 Optional Equipment Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Front Blower (part # 99000137) TO SWITCH THE POWER CORD TO THE LEFT SIDE: Follow the directions below to switch the power cord. Make sure the power cord, wires, or molex assembly do not protrude into the opening of the blower.
Optional Equipment 43 Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628.
44 Index Travis Industries 100-01140 4 020628 Air Control ....................................................2 5 Air Tube Part Number ....................................3 3 Air Tube Removal & Replacement .................... 3 4 Alcove .........
デバイスAvalon Stoves Rainierの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Avalon Stoves Rainierをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAvalon Stoves Rainierの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Avalon Stoves Rainierの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Avalon Stoves Rainierで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Avalon Stoves Rainierを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAvalon Stoves Rainierの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Avalon Stoves Rainierに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAvalon Stoves Rainierデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。