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Sprint PCS. The clear alternative to cellular ..
This phon e w i ll wor k onl y with se r vice fro m Sprin t PC S , which mu st be p urc h ased sep a rat el y . S e e T er m s a nd C o n d iti o ns of S er vic e . © 1999 Sprin t Spectrum L . P . Al l rights reserved. No reproduction i n wh o le or in par t wit ho u t p rior wr itt e n ap p ro v al .
(KTUVVJKPIU HKTUV 4GCFVJKUDG HQTG[Q WFQ CP[VJKPIGNUG &GVGTOKPG KH[QWTRJQPGKUR TGCEVKXCVGF If you received yo ur Sp r int PC S Pho ne TM in the mail or purchased it at a Spr int P CS Center , y our phone may already be activa ted.
9JCV[QWU JQWNFMPQY DGHQ TG[QWECNN The call may take up to 30 minutes. A credit chec k will be r un. Y our Sprint PCS Phone wil l be re ady f or use abou t one hour after this call is finished. 9JCV[QWU JQWNFJCX GJCPF[ Y our new S pr int PCS Pho ne.
*QYV QWPNQEM [QWTR JQPG If you receiv ed your pho ne in the mail, you need to unlock it bef ore y ou begin ma king calls . Jus t enter yo ur f our-digit l ock code, and you’ ll be read y to begin making calls.
6CDNGQH% QPVGPV U (KTUVVJKPIUHKTUV 4GCFVJ KUDGH QTG[QWF QCP[V JKPIGNU G Determine if your phone is pr e-activated 1 How to activate yo ur phone 1 What you s.
$CUKE XQKEGE CNN HWPEVKQPU EQPV KPWGF Adjusting ring volume 30 Silencing (or muting) the ring er during an incoming ca ll 30 To mute the micr ophone durin g a call 31 Where you c.
&KURN C[QRVK QPU Displaying my phone number 49 Backlight cont rol 50 Personal greeting 51 Backlight cont rast control 51 Setting the language of your phone 52 Displaying your phon.
%JCPIKP I;QWT +PVGTP CN2JQPG $QQM Editing Inter nal Phone Book numbers 73 Secret Inter nal Phone Book n umbers 73 Erasing Inte rnal Phone Book entries 74 Erasing the Inter na.
;QWTR JQPG UUGEWT KV[ HGCV WT GU Lock mode 94 Lock code setting 95 Locking the p hone 95 Dialing in Lo ck mode 96 Special numb ers 96 Storing s pecial numbers 97 Dialing s peci.
5RTK PV2%59 KTGNGU U9GD7 RFCVGU HTQO;C JQQs /GPWU Main menu 116 In Use menu 116 Menu navigation 116 ;QWT2 JQPG U/CKPOGPW 7UC.
9GNEQOGVQ5RTKPV 2%5 Spr int PCS b uil t th e on ly all -dig ita l, all -PCS na tionw id e netwo rk fr om the g round up f o r clear er calls, s er ving more than 280 majo r metropolitan areas.
)GVVKPIVQMPQY[QWTRJQPGEQPVKPWGF 1. Active Flip: Closi ng yo ur phone ends a call a nd turns off the backlight. There are sev eral options y ou can set when you open the phone: Answer an incom ing call. T o set this optio n, se e “ Answer ing a call ” on page 29.
)GVVKPIVQMPQY[QWTRJQPGEQPVKPWGF 3. Navigation Keys: These keys allo w you to scroll when vie wing menus, the Sprint PCS Wirel ess W eb Browser , In ternal Ph one Book, etc., and to mo ve t he cursor when editing any option.
)GVVKPIVQMPQY[QWTRJQPGEQPVKPWGF 5. V olume/Scroll Key: This key is actually two keys (on e up and on e down) that are used to set the ringer volume , se t au dio volu me level s and to navigate t hrough the menus. Press t he volume/ scroll key to: Adjust vo ice volume du ring conversation.
)GVVKPIVQMPQY[QWTRJQPGEQPVKPWGF 7. V oice Memo Key: Fro m S t a nd b y mode: Press and hold it to record up to 60 seconds of a udio. A total of f our minu tes of audio ca n be recorded in f our separate V oice Memos. Each V o ice Memo can be stored indefinitely or erased.
)GVVKPIVQMPQY[QWTRJQPGEQPVKPWGF 10. Microphone: Y our typical voice microphone for conv er sation, but also accepts your voice commands f or V oice-Activated Dialing an d speech f or voice memos. Y ou can mute the microphone during a ca ll by simply pressin g or .
)GVVKPIVQMPQY[QWTRJQPGEQPVKPWGF 13. CLR Key: This ke y is used to erase numbe r s or character s you may have entered inco rrectly , or to return to a previous screen. T o erase one char acter from the display scr een, brief ly press it once.
)GVVKPIVQMPQY[QWTRJQPGEQPVKPWGF 16. LED Indicator: Flashes to indicate an incoming call or messa ge. When you hav e the phone closed and the ringer set to off, the LED indicator will notify y ou that yo u have an incoming call or message.
6WTPKPI[Q WT5RTKPV 2%5 2JQPGQPCP FQHH 6QVWTP KVQP When you’ re read y to turn your phone on, fully e xtend the anten na for be st rece ptio n. S imply p ress and th ree things happen: The LED indica tor f lashes, the phone beeps and the start-up graphics begin to play .
6JGVQRNKP GQHV JGFKURNC[ Display indicators (or icons) appear across the top of your phone’ s displa y screen. The signal str ength and batter y strength icons will alwa ys appear , but other icons appear based your phone’ s operating mode.
Note: The no service indic ator will alwa ys appear when you turn on your phone. As soon as ser vice is f ound, the indicat or disappear s . Roaming: This icon i ndicates you are “roaming” off the Spri nt PCS Dig ital Network. If you are: in your home service area, this indicator will not displa y .
7UKPIVJGDCVV GT[ Y our Sprint PCS Phone co mes pack aged w ith a pa rtially charg ed, r echarg eable Lithium Io n (LiIon) battery so that you can use your phone immediatel y after it is activ ated. +PUVCNNKPIVJGDCVVGT[ T o attach the batter y to your Sprint PCS Ph one: 1.
%JCTIKPIYKVJV JGFWCNUNQVFGUMVQREJCTIGT Use only Samsung -approved chargers and adapte rs with your Sprint PCS Phone. Use of any unauthorized accessories may be dang erous and wil l invalidate t he phone warranty if the accessories cause dama ge or a defect t o the phone.
The LEDs on the front of the charger indicate the fo l l o w i n g: Red indicates that t he batter y is charging. Green indicates that the batter y is full y charg ed. Y ellow indicates that the batter y is operating at a tempe rature that is too high or to o low , or that something is not plugged in correctly .
;QWTRJQPG U OQFGU 5VCPFD[ OQFG Standby is the most basic s tate of your Sp rint PC S Phone. The phone goes into Standby mode soon after you turn it on, or if your phone is on, whenever you brief ly press .
$CUKEXQKEG ECNNHWPEV KQPU Note: Y our phone makes sev era l kinds of cal ls (voice, f ax and Spr int PCS Wir eless W eb). This section e xplains voice calling onl y . /CMKPICX QKEGECNN T o place a voice call: 1. Press to power on your Sprint PCS Phone.
%QTTGEVKPIFKCNKPI OKUVCMGU T o correct a misdialed d igit: Press to erase one digit at a time. Y ou can erase all the digits at once by pressing and holding it down for one second. 'PFKPI CECNN T o end a call, close the phone or press .
Y our Spr int PCS Phone provides the following v oice call notification f eatures. Six ring vo lume settings in cluding V ibrate, Off an d 1-Beep. Nine unique ring types and f our melod y tones (see “Ring er type setting for v oice calls” on page 53).
#FLWUVKPIXQ KEGXQNWOG Y ou can adjust the earpiece volume during a call using the volume key on the side of your phone. Brief ly pr ess the volume key to increase o r decrease the volume.
6QOWV GVJGOKETQR JQPGFWTKPI CECNN Y ou can mute the microphone during con versation by selecting the Mute option f rom the In-Use m enu. When Mute is active, “MUTE” displays. The phone resets this condition to the def ault (Un)Mute setting a t the end of yo ur call.
5GVVKPI [QWTRJQ PG UTQCOKP ICDKNKV[ Y our Sp rint PCS Phone a llows y ou to c ontrol your abi lity to roam. Th e roaming ability is determined by the “mode” that you s elect in the Main menu. The three service modes are: A utomatic: The phone will search f or Sprin t PCS ser vice fir st.
4QCOKPIECNNIW CTF Y our phone can b e set to displa y a confirmation m essag e when a roaming call is about to be placed or received. This is helpful if yo u want to av oid roa ming charg es. T o chan ge y our roaming call guar d setting: 1.
8QKEGECNNKPIGZRGTKGPEG When you use y our phone on other CDMA networks, y our calling e xperience and ca ll quality will be similar to what y ou e xperience when ma king call s from within the Sprint PCS Netwo rk. Although certain v oice-calling f eatures may not be avai lable, yo ur phone calls a re still priva te and secure.
7UKPI%C NNGT+& This featu re tells yo u who is calling you by displaying the caller’ s number when the phone rings. If a caller’ s name and number are stor ed in your Internal Phone Book, the corresponding name is also display ed.
%CNN9CKVKPI Call W aiting lets y ou receiv e a second call dur ing conversation. When a Call W aiting call come s in, the incoming call alert sounds (this sound is audible to you but not y our first caller), and a te xt notif ication displa ys.
7UKPI6JTGG9C[ %CNNKPI Three-W a y Calling lets y ou talk with two different people at the same time. When y ou use this f eature, you wil l be charged normal air tim e rates for each of the two calls you make. The phone records eac h called party in the Outgoing Calls Log.
7UKPI%CNN(QTYCTF KPI W ith Call F orwar ding, y o u can hav e all of your in coming calls f orwarded to another phone num ber — even if your phone is turned o ff. When Call Forwar ding is used, you can still make calls fr om your phone.
/KUUGFECNNU Y our phone kee ps a list of calls that you do not ans w er when the phone is on and ser vice is availa ble. The phone indicates a missed call by displaying a te xt notification on the scr een.
(CKNGFECNNU A failed call can occur if your Sprint PCS Phone is out of calling rang e or the networ k is temporarily busy . Y our phone responds to a failed call by disp laying an appropriate te xt messag e: “Call F ailed Out of Rang e” or “Call F ailed Netw or k Busy”.
#FXCPEGFX QKEG ECNNKPIHGCVWT GU 6QPGNGPIV JUGVVK PI The tone length set ting enable s you to select short or long DTMF (dual-tone multi-frequency) tones. DTMF tones are sent by your phone to access teleservices (such as a bank account or voicemail system).
2TGRGPFFKCNKPI The Prepend option lets y ou add digits such as area codes and network feat ure ac tiva tio n code s (for examp le, t o tem po rar ily cancel call waiting) to a phone number that is stored in your Internal Phone Book or Call Logs.
4. Using the navigation keys, scroll to the number/ per son you w ant to prepend and press . 5. Press or for mo re opti ons. 6. Press to Pr epend. 7. Enter the area code or f eature activation code by pressing the digit keys. For f eature calls, pr ess befor e dialing the f eature code.
2CWUGFKCNKPI When yo u call automated syst ems (like banking services), y ou are often r equired to enter a pass wo rd or account number . Instead of manuall y entering the numbers each tim e, you can st ore the numbers in yo ur Internal Phone Book, separ ated by special c haracters called p auses.
2. Press . More options dis play . Pre ss or to enter the d esired paus e. Press to enter a Har d P ause. The letter “p” displa ys in the number , mean ing that a hard pause will occur at that point in th e dialing sequence. Enter the d igits that need to f ollow the pause (suc h as your account number).
/CPWCNRCWUGF KCNKPI T o perform ma nual pause d ialing wit hout first storing the number in the Internal Phone Book, enter pauses manuall y using the Digit Entr y menu during the dialing proc ess. T o manu ally dial a numbe r using a pa use( s): 1.
#WFKDNGCNGT VU Y our phone will beep at y ou from tim e to time to let y ou know that certain things have happened. Y ou can easily turn these beeps off or on.
/KPWVG DGGR Y ou can set the minute beep option to sound an al ert 10 seconds b efo re eac h elapsed m inute to r emind yo u of the length of the current call. T o tur n min ute beep on or off: 1. Press to display the Main menu in Stand by mode befor e placing the call.
&KURNC[Q RVKQPU Y our Sprint PCS Pho ne has sever al easy-to- use displa y option s. These allow y ou to: Display y our o wn phone nu mber . Control when and how long your backlight is on. Define a per sonal greeting of up to 12 character s.
$CEMNKIJVEQP VTQN Y ou have s everal op tions for setting how the backl ight operates. When t he phone is closed, the backlight rem ains off, thus conserving batter y power . When the f lip is open, the length o f time that the bac klight r emains on can be set a s e xplained below .
2GTUQPCNITGGVKPI Y our phone comes with a g reeting that r eads “Sprint PCS”. This gr eeting displays in Standby mode. Y ou can person alize this gr eeting with anything yo u want up to 12 characters. Here’ s how to do it: T o modify your per sonal greeting: 1.
5GVV KPIVJGNCPIW CIGQH[Q WTRJQPG Y our Sprint PCS P hone can dis pla y all menu s and messag es in either Span ish or English; all ver bal promp ts will also be spoken by the phone in the selected language. I t’ s quic k, easy and v ery convenie nt f or bilingu al fa milies or friends.
4KPIGT QRVKQPU Y our Sprint PCS Phone pro vides a variety of ring er options in the Sound s menu. These opt ions allow you to customize y our ringer typ e and ringer volum e settings so that y ou can eas ily recognize when a certain type of call is coming in.
4KPIGTXQNWO GUGVVKP IHQ TXQKEGCPF HCZECNNU There are t wo wa ys to set the ringer v olume f or v oice and fax calls: From Standby mode, press t he volume keys until the desired v olume is rea ched. The option s are High, Med, Low , Vibrate, 1-Beep, or Off.
4KPIGTV[RGUGVVKPIHQTO GUUCIGECNNU This option enables you to set a un ique ringer type f or incoming message calls. This means y ou can have distinct ringer types f or Sprin t PCS V oicemail notifications, T ext message s, numeric pages and W ireless W eb messag es.
6. Press the scroll keys to High, Med, Low , 1 -Beep, Vibr ate or Of f. 7. When the desir ed volume set ting displa ys, press to sav e the setting. 4KPIGTV[RGUGVVKPIHQT[QW TCNCTO This option enables y ou to set a unique ringer type f or your alar m.
4KPIGTV[RGUGVVKPIHQ TFCVCCPFHCZ ECNNU This option enables you to set a un ique ringer type f or data/fax call s. T o set the ringer type fo r data/fax call s: 1. Press to d isplay the Main menu. 2. Press for S etup / T ool .
8QKEGOGOQ Y our Sp rint PCS Phone c an reco rd f our separ ate voic e memos. Eac h v oice mem o can be up to on e minute in len gth. When recording, a 60-secon d timer displays and an alert sounds to indicate when recor ding time e xpires. Note: V oice memo does not wor k when your phone is in analog mod e .
4GXKGYKPIC 8QKEGOGOQ T o review a V o ice mem o: 1. Press to display the V oice Memo menu. 2. Press for R eview . The phone displa ys the label fo r voice me mo 1, beg ins to pl ay voice me mo 1 and disp lays a list of four r eviewing op tions.
8QKEGCEVKXCV GFFKCNKPI Y our Spr int PCS Phon e features V o ice-activated dialin g. When on the Sp rint PCS Natio nwide Netw ork , you can ca ll up to 20 stored entries by speaking the name into the microphone.
2TQITCOOKPI VJGRJQP GHQT8QKEGCEVKXCVGFF KCNKPI Programmin g your S pri nt PCS Pho ne f or V oic e-act ivated dialing is easy . The phone provides vo ice prompts and screen displays to guide y ou through the reco rding process.
8QKEGCEVKXCVGF FKCNKPI UGVWRQR VKQPU V oice-activated dialing is alwa ys on once you have progr ammed the phone to accep t voice dialing entries. T o place voice-activated dialing calls, press and hold . Then say the n ame into the phone after y ou hear the v oice prompt and the beep.
2NCEKPICECNNWU KPIXQKEGFKCNKP I T o place a call using voice dialing: 1. Press and hold or open the phone (if set in the Main menu). 2. At the voice prompt, sa y the name into the phone. If the phone recognizes the name, then it says the name to yo u and then conne cts your call .
'TCUKPIXQKEGF KCNKPIGPVTKGU T o er ase an individual v oice dialing entr y: 1. Press to display the Main menu. 2. Press for V oice Dial. 3. Press for Review . A list of entries displa ys. 4. Press t he digit ke y to select the desired en tr y , or scroll to the desired entr y and press .
'OGTIG PE[FKCNKPI Y ou can place calls to 911 even if yo ur phone is locked (see “Lock mode” on pa ge 94). 911 calls can be made in analog service a reas outside of the Spr int PCS Ser vice area. %CNNKPI 1. Dial . 2. Press .
6JG+PVGTP CN2JQPG$ QQM Y our Spr int PCS P hone lets you store up to 229 nu mber s and names in the Internal Phone Bo ok. Each entr y can have up to 6 associated pho ne numbers. Each entr y can contain up to 32 digits including hard pauses, with an associated name of up to 12 characters.
(KPFKPIUVQTGFGPVTKGUD[P COG 1. Press to display the Main menu. 2. Press f or Phone Bo ok. 3. Press for F ind Name. Stored n ames displa y in an alphab etical list. 4. Using the alphanumeric keys enter the first character of the name that you want to find in your phone book .
5VQTKPIR JQPGPWOD GTUCPF PCOGU T o store phone numbers and names: 1. Press to display the Main menu. 2. Press f or Phone Bo ok. 3. Press for Add N ew Entr y . 4. The screen prompts f o r the phone number . (Y ou can enter up to 32 digits.
6QCFFCP GYRJQ PGPWODGTV QCPGZKU VKPIGPV T[ T o store phone numbers and names: 1. Press to display the Main menu. 2. Press f or Phone Bo ok. 3. Press f or Add New Entr y . 4. The screen prompts f o r the phone number .
5JQTVEWV UVQ UVQTKPI RJQP GPWODGTU Y ou can store a phone number quic kly by entering the number , and then pressing . Then f ollow the prompts to designate the label, name and entry . Y ou can quickl y save a numb er aft er an inco ming or o utgoi ng ca ll.
2TGRGPFCRJ QPGPWODGT Y our Sprint PCS Phone includes a Prepend f eature ( to temporarily disable call waiting, fo r example). This featur e lets y ou add a temporar y prefix to telephone numbers stored in the Internal Phone Book. T o Prepend a stored phone number: 1.
#FFKPI C0COG4KPIGT Y ou can associate one of 13 differen t ringers (fo ur melodies and nine to nes) to numbers stored in your Internal Phone Book. When y ou receiv e an incoming call fro m a number matching an en tr y in your Internal Phone Book your phone will sound the a ssociated ring er to announce the call.
%JCPIKPI;QW T+PVGT PCN 2JQPG$QQM 'FKVKPI+ PVGTPCN2JQP G$QQM PWODGTU Once you hav e stored a number in the Internal Phone Book you can easil y change it.
'TCUKPI+PVGTPCN2J QPG$QQMGP VTKGU T o erase an entry in the Internal Phone Book: 1. From Standby mode, find the Internal Phone Book entr y that you wa nt to chang e by pressing the key a nd then scroll ing to the name or number .
&KCNKPIP WODGTU HTQO [QWT+PVGT PCN2JQPG $QQM Dialing numbers from your Inter nal Phone Book is quick and easy . There are fiv e methods e xplained below . 5JQTV EWVU VQ/ GOQT [& KCNKP I Scroll to the number: From Standby mode, press the key to enter y our Internal Phone Book list.
+PVGTPCN2JQPG $QQMUGTXKEGU Phone numbers for fr equentl y used ser vices are pre- progr ammed into your phone. The pre-progr ammed numbers are: for Sp rint PCS Custom er Care. for Dir ector y Assistance. for Prepaid C alli ng Ser vice.
%CNGPFCT Y our Sprint PCS Phone f eatur es a Calenda r to help y ou keep track of important dates and e vents, cr eate T o Do Lists, set a Count Down ala rm, check the time in another part of the world and perform numer ical calculations. T o access y our Calendar press , or simply press .
4. Enter your event information, you can enter up to 32 characters . For more inform ation on T ext and Sym bol Entr y ref er to “Entering te xt, numbers or symbols” o n page 107. 5. Press to accept your ent r y . 6. Enter the Star t Time and Date, and press .
/QPV J8KGY Month V iew allows y ou to view in ca lendar f or mat the current month, or a past or futu re mo nth. I n Month Vie w , the current date is highlighted on the calendar . Days with scheduled ev ents are underlined. When in Month V iew , the scroll keys wor k like this: The up/down ke ys mov e up or down the Calendar by one week.
If more than one event is sc heduled for T oday , use the navigation keys to view all events f or the da y you sele cte d. 5. Press or to return to the Calendar . 6. Press to display the O ptions menu. Choose what you w ant to do: New Ev ent, Edit Event, Erase Ev ent and Exit.
6Q&Q .KUV Y our T o Do list can help y ou keep trac k of an d prioritize the things you need to do. Y ou ca n enter and pr ior itize up to 20 items on your T o Do List. *GTG UJQY VQETGCVGC6Q& Q.KUV 1. Press to display the Main menu.
9QT NF%NQE M Have y ou ever wanted to call a fr iend in a nother par t of the world but wo ndered what time of the day it is ther e? T o know what time it is before y ou call, use the W o rld Clock function of the Calendar .
%QWP V&QYP Have y ou ever wanted to know how much time it takes y ou to do somethin g, or how man y minutes, ho urs, days and months until a special event ? The Count Down option can help you ans w er these questions. Y ou can create up to 5 Count Down t imers using the Count Down f eature in Calend ar .
6QXKGYCP FCFFGFKVQ TGTCUGC%QW PV&QYP 1. Press to display the Main menu. 2. Press for Cale ndar . 3. Press for Coun tdown. Count Down tim ers display in o rder of least amount of time pass ed since the Coun t Down was sta rted, and least amount of time remaining until the specified date.
#NCTO%NQEM Y our Spr int PC S Phone has an alar m clock inside of it with thr ee separate a larms. Each a larm can be set to g o off one time or to go off daily at a time that you have prog rammed. Onc e yo u s et a n a la r m, it is ea sy to ch an ge it ’ s ti m e or to tur n it off.
and you are retur ned to the Alar m men u. Y ou can also choose (Ex it) if you chang e your mind. 6. If y ou chose Edit, then c hoose ““Dail y” or “No Repeat” f or the alarm, and enter t he new date and tim e fo r the alarm. Use the volume keys on the side of the phone to select AM or PM or press for AM or for PM.
%CNEWNCVQT Y ou can perform calculations including addition, subtraction, multip lication and div ision on your phon e. 6QRGTHQTOC ECNEWNCVKQP 1. Press to display the Main menu. 2. Press for Setup / T oo l. 3. Press for Calcula tor .
5RTKPV2% 58QKEGOCKN 5GVV KPIW R[QW T5R TKPV 2%58 QKEGO CKN DQZ Setting up your Sprint PCS V oicemail box p rovides access to voicemail messag es. T o set up your voicemail box (you will be prompted to perf or m each of the f o llowing steps): 1.
/GUUCIKPI Y our Sp rint PCS Phone r eceiv es f our kin ds of me ssages : voicem ail, te xt, n umeric pages and W ireless W eb messag es (W ireless W eb message notif ication may not be availab le at time of printing). +PEQOKPIO GUUCIGU Y our phone receiv es incoming messages in both Standby and T alk modes.
4GXKGYKPI0WO GTKE2CIGU6GZV/GUUCIGUCPF 9KTGNGUU 9GD/GUUCIGU When a mess age ar r ives, you ca n im mediat ely review it b y pressing , or sto re the message f or later r eview by pressing . The Messages menu provides optio ns for reviewing the sen der’ s name, phone number , time / date stam p and the messag e.
/GUUCIGQRVKQPU The Messag es menu pro vides a numb er of options while y o u are revie wing te xt messages. Y ou can retu rn a ca ll to the phone number in the mess age, sav e or erase the messag e, scroll to the ne xt or previous message, or extr act a phone number that is incl uded in the message.
'TCUKPIKPFKXKF WCNOGUUCIGU Y ou can eras e an individ ual text message, numer ic page, or Wireless W e b mess age a fter re view ing it. T o erase a te xt message, n umeric pa ge, or W ireless W eb messag e: 1. Press to display the Messag es Menu.
/GUUCIGOGOQT [ECRCEKV[ Y our Sp rint PCS Pho ne can s tore up to 100 m essag es, depending on the length of the messag es. When message memor y reaches 75% capacity , the screen displa ys “Memory is 75% full.
;QWTRJQPG U UGEWTKV[HGCV WTGU Y our Sprint PCS Phone provides security options, including a user-progr ammable lock code and special phone number features.
.QEMEQFG UGVVKPI The defau lt lock code for your Spr int PCS Phone i s generally 0000 or the last f our digits of your phone number . Y ou can enter a per sona l lock code an d later chang e the lock code as often as y ou like. T o enter a new loc k code: 1.
5. Press the scroll keys to select an option: Unlocke d: The phone remains unlo cked. Lock Now: The phone locks immediately and stays locke d un til t he l ock co de is ent ered. On Po wer-Up: The phone locks automatically the ne xt time y our phon e is powe red on an d sta ys loc ked until the lock code is entered.
5VQTKPIURGEKCN PWODGTU T o store special numbers: 1. Press to display the Main menu. 2. Press f or Setup / T ool. 3. Press f or Security and ente r your cu rrent lock code. 4. Press f or Special #. 5. Press , or to select a location for the special number .
4. Press for Reset Phone. A confirmation displa ys e xplaining that y ou will r eset the phone to fa ctor y defaults. 5. Press to re set the phone or pr ess to cancel t he operation. 6. The phone reboots (turns itself o ff and back on), r estores the default set tings, erases yo ur messages and then return s to St andby m ode.
-GGR KPIVTCEMQ H[QWT ECNNU Y our phone does a great job of tellin g you about it’ s calling activity and l ets you easil y return these calls . Y our phone retain s these three lists in mem or y: Incoming - th e last 10 calls placed to your phone.
3. When the list of cal ls displa ys, press the scr oll keys to scan the logs. The time / date stamp displa ys f or eac h log. If there is an Internal Phone Book matc h, the name displays. If ther e is not an Internal Phone Book match, only the phone number displ ays.
4GXKGYKPICKTVKOG Y our phone recor ds (or logs) the amount of airtime or talk time used. There ar e three airtime measurements. A “T otal” measurem ent that lists t he number of calls made to or from y our phone, an d the total time in ho urs and minutes fo r these calls.
6JG5 RTKPV2%5 9KTGNGUU9 GD$TQYUGT Y our phone comes equipped with a MiniBrowser which makes it possible f or you to us e the Sprint PCS Wir eless W eb Browser . The Sprint PC S W ireless W eb Browser allows y ou to access up-to-the-minute information through yo ur Spr int PCS Phone.
6JG/KPK$TQ YUGT5VCTVCPF 'PF2TQORVU Each tim e you launc h the MiniBrowser , you will vie w a remind er that you wil l be charg ed f or the connection time. If y ou wish to disable this reminder when it appea rs, fol low the step s b elow: 1.
2. Once connected , the Home page (or the last page visited) will be displa yed. T o access the Home menu page from any other menu in th e MiniBrows er , press and h old . An example of a Home P age is shown below: Home P a ge 1S p r i n t P C S 2Y a h o o ! 3 W eather 4 P ortf olio 5 More Internet 3.
0CXKICVKPIVJG5RT KPV2%59KTGNGUU9GD $TQYUGT When yo u use the MiniBrowser , some keys on your phone operate differentl y than during a normal pho ne call.
2. OK / Mes sages Key: This is the lef t soft ke y . The left soft key is used pr imar ily f or selecting the highlighted item, but its function ma y chang e depending on what you ar e doing ( see “The MiniBrowser soft keys” on pa ge 105).
'PVGTKPIVGZVPWO DGTUQT U[ODQNU When you ar e prompted to enter te xt, the current te xt entr y method will app ear on the right soft key as T9word, alph a, SYM1 or NUM.
. Press repeatedly to display al l of the available wor ds that T9 knows. When the w ord y ou want disp lays continue t o enter te xt in the same wa y or chan ge to ano ther te xt or c hara cter entr y mode. If the w ord y ou want to enter is not known by T9 pr ess to cha nge the Input Mo de.
you t o use. Whenever packets of inf ormation are not being e xchang ed, your phone can receive calls. T o answe r a call while in th e MiniBro wser pr ess . When you complete y our call, y ou are automat ically returned to y our MiniBrows er session where y ou w ere when yo u answ ered y our call.
5RTKPV2% 59KTGNGUU9GD %QPPGEVKQP Now y ou can use your l aptop PC, handheld or palm-siz ed computing device to send and receive e-mail, access the Internet or yo ur compan y’ s networ k and mor e, without sear ching f or a wall-moun ted telephon e jack.
#VVCEJKPIVJ GFCVCECDNG Bef ore y ou install t he Sprint PCS Dialer so ftware o n your computer , it is a good idea to attach the data cable to the comp uter an d y our Sprin t PCS P hone. 1. Plug the smaller end of the data cable, with the release tab facing up, into the accessor y connection of your phone.
&WTKPIV JGECNN %CNNGT+& Y our phone stores t he numbers of incoming Sprint PCS Wireless W eb Connection calls with yo ur voice Caller IDs. T o let you know whic h is which, you wil l see “Data” or “F ax” along with the nu mber of the caller when view ing your Call er IDs .
4GEGKXKPICFCVCQ THCZECNN Note: Y our phon e mus t be on a dig ita l net work to receive or send fax es a nd data . 1. Ensure t hat your Sprint PCS Phone is connected to your computing device and is p ower ed on. 2. Press to display the Ma in menu.
%JCPIKPI[QW TRJQP GDCEMVQX QKEGECNNKPI 1. Press to display the Ma in menu. 2. Press for Setup/T ool. 3. Press f or Data/Fax In. 4. Use the scroll keys to sel ect “V oice Call On ly”. 5. Press to save the setting. The screen displa ys “No incoming data/fax calls can be received”.
5RTKPV2% 59KTGNGUU9GD 7RFCVGUHTQO;CJQQ s Sprint PC S Wi rel ess W eb Update s from Y ahoo! autom atical ly sends y ou the inf ormation that’ s impor tant to y ou.
/GPWU Y our Spr int PCS Phon e includes both a Main menu an d an In-Us e menu . /CKPOGPW The Main menu in Standb y mode contains eight pr imar y option s, all of which co ntain sub- menus (see “Y our Phone’ s Main menu” on pa ge 117).
;QWT 2JQPG U/CKPOG PW ➪ ➪ ➪ ➪ ➪ ➪ ➪ ➪ ➪ ➪ ➪ Main menu Menu Level 1 Menu Level 2 ➪ ➪ ➪ ➪.
7UCIGIWKFGNKPGU #NNCDQWV RGTHQT OCPEG CPFUCHGV[ -GGRKPIVCDUQPUKIP CNUVTGPIVJ The voice qualit y of your phone will alwa ys be at its best when the antenna is not o bstructed. If you’ re inside a building, reception may be better near a win dow .
4CFKQHTGSWGP E[UCHGV[ In 1991—1992, the Institute of Electr ical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) a nd the America n National Standards Institute (ANSI) joined in upd ating ANSI’ s 1982 standard for safet y levels with r espect to human expo sure to RF signa ls.
'OGTIGPE[ %CNNU +/2146#06016+%' 2.'#5' 4'#& Because of v arious tran smission methods , networ k parameters, and user settin gs used to complete a call from your wir eless phone, a conn ection cannot always be guaranteed.
1RGTCVKPIC/Q VQT8GJKENG +/2146#06016+%' 2.'#5' 4'#& (#+.74'61 (1..196*' 5'+05647%6+105/#; .'#& 615'4+1752'4510#.+0,74;#0&2155+$.
6WTPQHH[Q WTRJQPGDGHQTG HN[KPI Y ou should turn off y our phone bef ore boarding a ny air craft. T o prevent poss ible interf erence with air craft systems, U .S. Feder a l A viation Administratio n (F AA) regulations require you to have permission from a crew member to use your phone while the plane is on the gr ound.
7UKPI[QWTR JQPGPGCTQVJGT GNGEVTQPKEFGX KEGU Most modern electronic equipment is shielded from r adio frequenc y (RF) signals. How ever , some electronic eq uipment may not be shiel ded, or adequately s hielded, from RF s ignals.
%CWVKQPU An y chang es or modifications to y our pho ne not e xpressl y approved in this document could void y our warranty for this equipment and vo id your authority to operate this equipment. Onl y use approv ed batter ies, antennas and charg ers .
(%%%QORNKCP EG+PHQTOCVKQP This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful interf erence. +PHQTOCVKQP6Q7UGT This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limi ts of a Cl ass B digita l device, pursuant to P art 15 of the FCC Rules .
2TQVGEVKPI [QWTDCVV GT[ For best bat ter y performance, you should f ollow these guidelines: Use your battery for its intended purpose onl y . Only use Samsung-appr oved batt eries and desktop chargers. These chargers are d esigned to maximize battery life .
T o avoid damage, do not stor e the batteries at temperatures below -4° F or higher than 185° F and avoid leaving the batteries unused for v er y long periods of time without periodic charging.
5RTKPV2%52 JQPGCPFD CVVGT[URGEKHKECVKQPU Dual Band: CDMA 1.9 GHz / AMPS 800 MH z Displ ay Scr een: Graphical LCD (wit h 1 dedic ated I con Line) Battery Type: Standard: 1000 mAh Lithium-Ion Extended: 1600 mAh Lithium-Ion PCS Antenna: retractable, user-replaceable Dimensions (H x W x D): 3.
+PFGZ 911, 65, 94, 12 0 # access a men u option, 11 6 accessories, 24 , 120, 122, 1 24 connector , 17, 111 desktop c harg er , 24, 25, 126 e xtended batter y , 128 headse t, 16 stand ard bat.
caller ID 34-35 , 53 , 70, 72, 1 12 Name d ispla y wi th Call er ID , 29 Using Call er ID , 35 Cautions, 124 Cellula r ro amin g, 34 Clear Key back up one menu level , 18 correct a misdia le.
* Headset, 16 help, 2, 3, 11, 40, 77, 8 1, 83, 125, 128 high hu midity ar eas, 126 + incoming call, 13, 15- 16, 18-19 , 22, 28-3 0, 36, 38, 72, 94 incoming message ca lls, 55 inco mi ng voic.
1 Operator Services, 40 other CDMA networ ks, 31, 34 out of callin g rang e, 40 Out of Rang e, 40 Outgoing C alls Log, 37 outside the Sprint PCS N etwork, 31, 3 4 2 Pa g e s , 9 0 numeric pa.
Spri nt PC S Wireless W eb , 14, 17, 22 , 27, 34, 55, 89-90, 92, 102- 115 Connecting, 1 10-111 Stan dard B att er y , 128 Stan db y Mod e, 9 9 Standby T ime, 128 static, 34 stor ing a phone .
デバイスSamsung SCH-8500の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Samsung SCH-8500をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSamsung SCH-8500の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Samsung SCH-8500の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Samsung SCH-8500で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Samsung SCH-8500を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSamsung SCH-8500の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Samsung SCH-8500に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSamsung SCH-8500デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。