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W elcome to V erizon Wire less. It ’ s the Netw or k ® PROCESS C YAN PROCESS MAGENT A PROCESS YELLOW PROCESS BLACK PANT ONE 1795 C Job Nu mber File Na me Date Rev No. Description Production Proofreader Client Services QC Prod uced By Project Client Inks THIS FILE MAY CONT AIN IMAGES OR ILLUSTRA TIONS THA T ARE COPYRIGHT PROTECTED.
2 CONTENT S Conte nts Mob il e Ent er ta inm ent 50 T ex t Mess aging 5 1 P icture Messaging 53 V id eo M essag ing 56 M obile Web 63 VZ Navigator SM 66 C haperone® 68 M e dia Center 69 V C A ST 71 V.
3 CONTENT S Conte nts Mob il e Ent er ta inm ent 50 T ex t Mess aging 5 1 P icture Messaging 53 V id eo M essag ing 56 M obile Web 63 VZ Navigator SM 66 C haperone® 68 M e dia Center 69 V C A ST 71 V.
4 W elcome T he Basic s • Get ti ngSta r ted • UsingB lue toot h® • Placi ngan dRece ivi ngCa lls • S e ttin gUpandAccessing Voice Mai l • .
THE BASICS 5 W elcome T he Basic s • Get ti ngSta r ted • UsingB lue toot h® • Placi ngan dRece ivi ngCa lls • S e ttin gUpandAccessing Voice Mai l .
6 THE BASICS The Basics Gett ing Started Just the basics; we’ll get into the fun stu later on. 1. Earpiece : Allows yo u to hear the o ther c aller. 2. OK key : P res s the OK key t o sele c t a menu, s ub- menu o r option. 3. Le ft S of t key : Per form fun ct ions id enti ed by lef t display pr ompt.
7 THE BASICS The Basics Gett ing Started Just the basics; we’ll get into the fun stu later on. 1. Earpiece : Allows yo u to hear the o ther c aller. 2. OK key : P res s the OK key t o sele c t a menu, s ub- menu o r option. 3. Le ft S of t key : Per form fun ct ions id enti ed by lef t display pr ompt.
8 THE BASICS The Basics Gett ing Started Just the basics; we’ll get into the fun stu later on. Re fer t o the U se r Man ual f or m ore d et ail s on th e fu nc ti on o f ex te rn al key s. 1. Camera Lens : Allows yo u to take p hotos o r reco rd vid eo.
9 THE BASICS The Basics Gett ing Started Just the basics; we’ll get into the fun stu later on. Re fer t o the U se r Man ual f or m ore d et ail s on th e fu nc ti on o f ex te rn al key s. 1. Camera Lens : Allows yo u to take p hotos o r reco rd vid eo.
10 THE BASICS The Basics Ins ta lli ng th e bat te r y 1. I nser t the bat ter y cover r emova l to ol i nto th e sl ot o n the back cover and turn it counter clo ck wise to o pen the bat ter y cover (as s hown). 2. U se the grooves at th e top of th e cover to lif t the cover u p an d away from the ba ck of the ph one.
11 THE BASICS The Basics Ins ta lli ng th e bat te r y 1. I nser t the bat ter y cover r emova l to ol i nto th e sl ot o n the back cover and turn it counter clo ck wise to o pen the bat ter y cover (as s hown). 2. U se the grooves at th e top of th e cover to lif t the cover u p an d away from the ba ck of the ph one.
12 THE BASICS The Basics 4. With the bat ter y in posi tion on the phon e, p lace the cover back on the handse t and us e the b atter y cover removal too l to turn the grooved dial clo ckwis e until the cover lock s . Cha rgi ng th e bat te r y 1. C onnec t the USB c able to the chargin g he ad.
13 THE BASICS The Basics 4. With the bat ter y in posi tion on the phon e, p lace the cover back on the handse t and us e the b atter y cover removal too l to turn the grooved dial clo ckwis e until the cover lock s . Cha rgi ng th e bat te r y 1. C onnec t the USB c able to the chargin g he ad.
14 THE BASICS The Basics Poweri ng yo ur wi re les s devi ce on f or t he r st t ime It ’s impor tant to fully charge the batter y be fore turning on your w irel ess dev ice. 1. Press and hold the En d/Power key ( ) . Pow ering your wireless device o 1.
15 THE BASICS The Basics Poweri ng yo ur wi re les s devi ce on f or t he r st t ime It ’s impor tant to fully charge the batter y be fore turning on your w irel ess dev ice. 1. Press and hold the En d/Power key ( ) . Pow ering your wireless device o 1.
16 THE BASICS The Basics 3. Li f t the b atte r y fro m the bo tto m end an d remove. Ins ta lli ng th e mic roS D (sold s ep arat el y) 1. P ull the microSD slot cover out and tur n to exp ose the card sl ot. 2. P ush the microSD card into th e slot until it lock s into pla ce.
17 THE BASICS The Basics 3. Li f t the b atte r y fro m the bo tto m end an d remove. Ins ta lli ng th e mic roS D (sold s ep arat el y) 1. P ull the microSD slot cover out and turn to exp ose the card sl ot. 2. P ush the microSD card into th e slot until it lock s into pla ce.
18 THE BASICS The Basics Rem ovin g th e mic roS D 1. P ull the microSD slot cover out and turn to exp ose the card sl ot. 2. P ush in on the m emor y ca rd to releas e the lo ck and remove mem or y card fro m th e mi croSD sl ot. Using Bluetooth® How t o tur n on Bl ue too th 1.
19 THE BASICS The Basics Rem ovin g th e mic roS D 1. P ull th e microSD slot cover o ut and tur n to ex pose the card sl ot. 2. P ush in on the m emor y ca rd to releas e the lo ck and remove mem or y card fro m th e mi croSD sl ot. Using Bluetooth® How t o tur n on Bl ue too th 1.
20 THE BASICS The Basics 6. Th e p hone auto matica lly atte mpt s to send a pass - key of “ 0000 ” to a hands-fre e device and shows th e mess age “ A T TEMPTING TO A UTO P AIR ”. If the default passkey is not successful, the phone will display the messag e “ AUTO P AIR F AILED.
21 THE BASICS The Basics 6. Th e p hone auto matica lly atte mpt s to send a pass - key of “ 0000 ” to a hands-fre e device and shows th e mess age “ A T TEMPTING TO A UTO P AIR ”. If the default passkey is not successful, the phone will display the messag e “ AUTO P AIR F AILED.
22 THE BASICS The Basics For ste p -by- step i nstru c tions o n som e of thes e calli ng featu res, p lease r efer to yo ur Wir eless D evice M anual , or go to and se lec t: Whe re c an I n d he lp wi th fe at ure s on my wi re les s device ? in th e Frequent ly Aske d Que stio ns se cti on.
23 THE BASICS The Basics For ste p -by- step i nstru c tions o n som e of thes e calli ng featu res, p lease r efer to yo ur Wir eless D evice M anual , or go to and se lec t: Whe re c an I n d he lp wi th fe at ure s on my wi re les s device ? in th e Frequent ly Aske d Que stio ns se cti on.
24 THE BASICS The Basics How t o res et you r voi ce mai l pas swo rd 1. P r e s s 6 mno 1 1 and (airtime -fre e) fro m your wir eless d evice o r call 1-80 0 -922-020 4 (toll-free) from any phone to reach the easy-to- use automated Customer Ser vice menu.
25 THE BASICS The Basics How t o res et you r voi ce mai l pas swo rd 1. P r e s s 6 mno 1 1 and (airtime -fre e) fro m your wir eless d evice o r call 1-80 0 -922-020 4 (toll-free) from any phone to reach the easy-to- use automated Customer Ser vice menu.
26 THE BASICS The Basics Changing Ringtones Y our wire less device comes with a selec tion of ring tones . Her e’s how to manag e your rin gton e preferences: Selecting a r ingtone 1. F r om the home sc reen, press fo r MENU g wxyz 9 for Set ti ngs & T oo ls ( ).
27 THE BASICS The Basics Changing Ringtones Y our wire less device comes with a selec tion of ring tones . Her e’s how to manag e your rin gton e preferences: Selecting a r ingtone 1. F r om the home sc reen, press fo r MENU g wxyz 9 for Set ti ngs & T oo ls ( ).
28 THE BASICS The Basics Pus h to T alk NOTE: Us er mu st s ubs cr ib e to PT T se r vice w it h Veri zon W ire les s fo r PT T to be e nab led o n the d ev ice.
29 THE BASICS The Basics Pus h to T alk NOTE: Us er mu st s ubs cr ib e to PT T se r vice w it h Veri zon W ire les s fo r PT T to be e nab led o n the d ev ice.
30 THE BASICS The Basics PT T Con tac t s Allows yo u to view yo ur PT T Contac t Lis t. T he PT T Contac t List contains all individu al and group PT T conta ct s in a sing le list . 1. Pr ess for M ENU g 1 for Contacts ( ) g for P T T Cont ac t Lis t .
31 THE BASICS The Basics PT T Con tac t s Allows yo u to view yo ur PT T Contac t Lis t. T he PT T Contac t List contains all individua l and group PT T conta ct s in a sing le list . 1. Pr ess for M ENU g 1 for Contacts ( ) g for P T T Cont ac t Lis t .
32 THE BASICS The Basics Mak in g a PT T c all f rom P T T Cont ac t Lis t (Ale r t) Y ou can sen d an alert to any individual user with Verizon W ireless PT T ser vice. The user may answer or igno re the al er t. 1. P ress the Pu sh to Talk (PT T ) key ( ) to access your PT T Co ntac t Lis t.
33 THE BASICS The Basics Mak in g a PT T c all f rom P T T Cont ac t Lis t (Ale r t) Y ou can sen d an alert to any individual user with Verizon W ireless PT T ser vice. The user may answer or igno re the al er t. 1. P ress the Pu sh to Talk (PT T ) key ( ) to access your PT T Co ntac t Lis t.
34 THE BASICS The Basics Mak in g a PT T c all f rom key pa d (Ale rt) 1. E nter the 1 0 -di git wireless number of the V erizon Wire less P T T subs crib er you wi sh to aler t . 2. P re ss the Le f t Sof t key ( ) Alert . 3. P re ss and re lease t he Pus h to Talk (PT T) ke y ( ) to aler t th e indiv idual .
35 THE BASICS The Basics Mak in g a PT T c all f rom key pa d (Ale rt) 1. E nter the 1 0 -dig it wireless number of the V erizon Wire less P T T subs crib er you wi sh to aler t . 2. P re ss the Le f t Sof t key ( ) Alert . 3. P re ss and re lease t he Pus h to Talk (PT T) ke y ( ) to aler t th e indiv idual .
36 THE BASICS The Basics 7. Releas e the Pu sh to Talk (PT T ) key ( ) to liste n. 8. P ress the E nd/ Powe r key ( ) to end th e call . Inc omi ng P TT c al l (Bar ge) 1. W hen yo ur ph one re ceives a B arge c all, th e Barge tone p lays. You then hea r the ca lling pa r ty s peak ing throu gh the sp eaker pho ne.
37 THE BASICS The Basics 7. Releas e the Pu sh to Talk (PT T ) key ( ) to liste n. 8. P ress the E nd/ Powe r key ( ) to end th e call . Inc omi ng P TT c al l (Bar ge) 1. W hen y our ph one re ceives a B arge c all, th e Barge tone p lays. You then hea r the ca lling pa r ty s peak ing throu gh the sp eaker pho ne.
38 THE BASICS The Basics Assistance • MayWeHe lpY ou? • TheM yVerizo nAdv anta ge • L osso rThef t • Toll- FreeC allsand Emergency Services •�.
ASSIST ANCE 39 The Basics Assistance • MayWeHe lpY ou? • TheM yVerizo nAdv anta ge • L osso rThef t • Toll- FreeC allsand Emergency Services •.
40 ASSIST ANCE Assistance May We He lp Y ou? He lpf ul we b sit es an d in for mat ion verizo nwire less .com Main web site elcome Welcome p age in clude s: • Information.
41 ASSIST ANCE Assistance May We He lp Y ou? He lpf ul we b sit es an d in for mat ion verizo nwire less .com Main web site elcome Welcome p age in clude s: • Information.
42 ASSIST ANCE Assistance device at its promotional price through My Verizon every year with a 2 -year renewal ( upgrade fee applie s ). • If yo u’re us ing m or e min ute s th an you r Calli ng P lan inc lude s, we’ll let you k now with Mi nut e Che ck .
43 ASSIST ANCE Assistance device at its promotional price through My Verizon every year with a 2 -year renewal ( upgrade fee applie s ). • If yo u’re us ing m or e min ute s th an you r Calli ng P lan inc lude s, we’ll let you k now with Mi nut e Che ck .
44 ASSIST ANCE Assistance Billing options Y our se rv ice comes with a streamlined bill that you’ll receive each month at no additional cost. Y our bill includes all applicab le charges, but will not contain any c all details ( e.g., date, time, and wireless device number called).
45 ASSIST ANCE Assistance Billing options Y our se rv ice comes with a streamlined bill that you’ll receive each month at no additional cost. Y our bill includes all applicab le charges, but will not contain any c all details ( e.g., date, time, and wireless device number called).
46 ASSIST ANCE Assistance launch yo ur web b rowser, then se le ct M y V eri zo n . If you don’t subscribe to Mobile Web, you will s ee an option t o view My V erizon for free once you launch the br owser.
47 ASSIST ANCE Assistance launch yo ur web b rowser, then se le ct M y V eri zo n . If you don’t subscribe to Mobile Web, you will s ee an option t o view My V erizon for free once you launch the br owser.
48 ASSIST ANCE Assistance • Neverleavey ourwirelessdeviceunat tended, espe ciall y in your o ce or ca r . • W hennotinuse,lockthewirelessdeviceusingyour lock co de. • R eviewyourbillandrepor tanys uspiciouscalling acti vit y .
49 ASSIST ANCE Assistance • Neverleavey ourwirelessdeviceunat tended, espe ciall y in your o ce or ca r . • W hennotinuse,lockthewirelessdeviceusingyour lock co de. • R eviewyourbillandrepor tanys uspiciouscalling acti vit y .
MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT 50 Mobile Enter tainment • T e x tMe ssa ging • Pic tureM ess agin g • V ide oM essa ging • Mob ileWeb • VZ Naviga tor SM • Chap ero .
51 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment • T e x tMe ssa ging • Pic tureM ess agin g • V ide oM essa ging • Mob ileWeb • VZ Naviga tor SM • Chap ero .
52 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment Se ndi ng a ne w tex t m ess age t o a la ndl ine n umb er Follow these steps, and the recipient will hear your tex t mess age as a vo ice reco rding: 1. F rom the hom e scree n, press the Lef t S of t key ( ) fo r Message .
53 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment Se ndi ng a ne w tex t m ess age t o a la ndl ine n umb er Follow these steps, and the recipient will hear your tex t mess age as a vo ice reco rding: 1. F rom the hom e scree n, press the Lef t S of t key ( ) fo r Message .
54 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment 4. Enter the pho ne numbe r or em ail address of the reci pient in the To : f ield using the keyp ad and press . 5. E nte r th e me ssag e an d pr ess to SEND . * Not ava ilab le ev er y whe re. Pi c tur e Mes sa gin g cha rge s ap ply p er yo ur Ca llin g Plan .
55 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment 4. Enter the pho ne numbe r or em ail address of the reci pient in the To : f ield using the keyp ad and press . 5. E nte r th e me ssag e an d pr ess to SEND . * Not ava ilab le ev er y whe re. Pi c tur e Mes sa gin g cha rge s ap ply p er yo ur Ca llin g Plan .
56 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment Video Messaging* Record and send vid eos to virtually any wireless number or ema il addr ess. Rec ord a nd s end a v ide o me ssa ge 1. F rom the home scr een , pr ess a nd h old the Camera/ Camcorder k ey ( ) to launc h th e ca mcord er.
57 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment Video Messaging* Record and send vid eos to virtually any wireless number or ema il addr ess. Rec ord a nd s end a v ide o me ssa ge 1. F rom the home scr een , pr ess a nd h old the Camera/ Camcorder k ey ( ) to launc h th e ca mcord er.
58 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment Send a vid eo mess age usi ng a video st ored in t he wireless de vice’ s gallery 1. From the home scr een , pr ess for MENU g Media Cent er ( ) is high lighte d, p ress . 2. P r e s s 2 abc for Pic ture & Vid eo g 4 ghi for My Videos .
59 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment Send a vid eo mess age usi ng a video st ored in t he wireless de vice’ s gallery 1. From the home scr een , pr ess for MENU g Media Cent er ( ) is high lighte d, p ress . 2. P r e s s 2 abc for Pic ture & Vid eo g 4 ghi for My Videos .
60 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment Regi ster fo r a FREE Onli ne Album acco unt usin g My V erizon registration 1. G o to the Si gn In se c tion an d click th e Register link . 2. E nter your mobile number witho ut spaces or dashes and cli ck the Continue button.
61 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment Regi ster fo r a FREE Onli ne Album acco unt usin g My V erizon registration 1. G o to the Si gn In se c tion an d click th e Register link . 2. E nter your mobile number witho ut spaces or dashes and cli ck the Continue button.
62 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment 3. Cli ck and dr ag the d esire d med ia fro m the mid dle pane and d rop it into the right slide pane. The slide will expand with the sel ec ted media. Now you can add tex t and/or drag a nd drop sound into the slide.
63 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment 3. Cli ck and dr ag the d esire d med ia fro m the mid dle pane and d rop it into the right slide pane. The slide will expand with the sel ec ted media. Now you can add tex t and/or drag a nd drop sound into the slide.
64 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment Das hbo ar d wit h Mo bil e Web Dashboard is an easy-to -use app lication that act s as the primar y platfor m for discovering, buying and pers onalizing multimed ia content and ser vices on your devi ce.
65 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment Das hbo ar d wit h Mo bil e Web Dashboard is an easy-to -use app lication that act s as the primar y platfor m for discovering, buying and pers onalizing multimed ia content and ser vices on your devi ce.
66 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment VZ Na vigator SM Now you c an nd th e addr ess of a gre at rest aura nt or the nearest A TM . Check movie times.
67 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment VZ Na vigator SM Now you c an nd th e addr ess of a gre at rest aura nt or the nearest A TM . Check movie times.
68 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment Chaperone® Locate your children by their LBS-e nabled wirel ess devices and get real-tim e updates right on your PC or Verizon W irel ess dev ice.
69 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment Chaperone® Locate your children by their LBS-e nabled wirel ess devices and get real-tim e updates right on your PC or Verizon W irel ess dev ice.
70 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment Wallpapers Down loa d your favo rite de signs and w allp aper s. Acce ss Me di a Cent er 1. F rom th e ho me s cre en, press fo r MENU . Me dia Cent er ( ) is hig hlighte d, p ress . Download an application 1.
71 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment Wallpapers Down loa d your favo rite de signs and w allp aper s. Acce ss Me di a Cent er 1. F rom th e ho me s cre en, press fo r MENU . Me dia Cent er ( ) is hig hlighte d, p ress . Download an application 1.
72 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment De let e vid eo c lip s 1. F rom the ho me scre en, p ress for MENU . Media Cent er ( ) is h ighlig hted, p ress .
73 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment De let e vid eo c lip s 1. F rom the ho me scre en, p ress for MENU . Media Cent er ( ) is h ighlig hted, p ress .
74 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment Dow nlo ad mu sic t o your P C Open V CA ST Music with Rhapsody and log in. Do n’t have V CAS T Music with Rhapsody ? Download it for fre e at verizonwireless.
75 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment Dow nlo ad mu sic t o your P C Open V CA ST Music with Rhapsody and log in. Do n’t have V CAS T Music with Rhapsody ? Download it for fre e at verizonwireless.
76 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment Play so ngs w it h your w ire le ss de vice c lo sed NOTE: I f the b ack lig ht is o f f, pre ss a nd ho ld any e x ter nal k ey to t ur n on th e bac kl ight t he n pre ss t he ( ) Unloc k . 1. With th e pho ne clos ed, p ress th e Play/Pause key ( ) to access e xte rnal m enu.
77 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment Play so ngs w it h your w ire le ss de vice c lo sed NOTE: I f the b ack lig ht is o f f, pre ss a nd ho ld any e x ter nal k ey to t ur n on th e bac kl ight t he n pre ss t he ( ) Unloc k . 1. With th e pho ne clos ed, p ress th e Play/Pause key ( ) to access e xte rnal m enu.
78 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment Cre ate p layli st s on you r wir el ess d evi ce 1. F rom the ho me scre en, p ress for MENU . Media Cent er ( ) is h ighlig hted, p ress . 2. Musi c & T o nes is hi ghlighte d. Pres s . 3. P r e s s 4 ghi for My M usic .
79 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment Cre ate p layli st s on you r wir el ess d evi ce 1. F rom the ho me scre en, p ress for MENU . Media Cent er ( ) is h ighlig hted, p ress . 2. Musi c & T o nes is hi ghlighte d. Pres s . 3. P r e s s 4 ghi for My M usic .
80 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment De let e son gs f rom yo ur wi re les s devi ce 1. F rom the ho me scre en, p ress for MENU . Media Cent er ( ) is h ighlig hted, p ress . 2. Musi c & T o nes is hi ghlighte d . 3. P r e s s 4 ghi for My M usic .
81 MOBILE ENTERT AINMENT Mobile Enter tainment De let e son gs f rom yo ur wi re les s devi ce 1. F rom the ho me scre en, p ress for MENU . Media Cent er ( ) is h ighlig hted, p ress . 2. Musi c & T o nes is hi ghlighte d . 3. P r e s s 4 ghi for My M usic .
OPTIONAL SERVICES 82 Optional Ser vices • Saf et yandPr ote cti on • EquipmentP rotecti on • VoiceSer v ices • InternationalS ervices • O the rP roduc tsand Ser vices Work wirelessly. Protect your wireless devi ce against damage o r, even more impor tantly , protec t yourself on the r oad.
83 OPTIONAL SERVICES Optional Ser vices • Saf et yandPr ote cti on • EquipmentP rotecti on • VoiceSer v ices • InternationalS ervices • O the rP roduc tsand Ser vices Work wirelessly. Protect your wireless devi ce against damage o r, even more impor tantly , protec t yourself on the r oad.
84 OPTIONAL SERVICES Optional Ser vices • Asurion Wireless Phone Protect ion • Ex tended W arranty NOT E: Ins ura nce of fer ed by t hir d-p ar t y pr ovi der s. V oice Services Enhanced V oice Mail T urn your wireless dev ice into your oce assistant.
85 OPTIONAL SERVICES Optional Ser vices • Asurion Wireless Phone Protect ion • Ex tended W arranty NOT E: Ins ura nce of fer ed by t hir d-p ar t y pr ovi der s. V oice Services Enhanced V oice Mail T urn your wireless dev ice into your oce assistant.
86 OPTIONAL SERVICES Optional Ser vices order, contac t our Global Ser vices Acti vation Specialis ts at 1- 8 0 0 -71 1- 8 30 0 . For up-to - date Information on destinatio ns and rates, plea se visi t verizonwireless.
87 OPTIONAL SERVICES Optional Ser vices order, contac t our Global Ser vices Acti vation Specialist s at 1- 8 0 0 -71 1- 8 30 0 . For up-to - date Information on destinatio ns and rates, plea se visi t verizonwireless.
MORE INFORMA TION 88 More Information How w ire le ss wor ks Y our wire less ser vice is dierent from your home or business phone ser v ice. On a wireless device, you must press the S END button to aler t the networ k to conne c t your ca ll.
89 MORE INFORMA TION More Information How w ire le ss wor ks Y our wire less ser vice is dierent from your home or business phone ser v ice. On a wireless device, you must press the S END button to aler t the networ k to conne c t your ca ll.
90 MORE INFORMA TION More Information Worr y Free G ua rant ee® Subjec t to the C ustomer Agreem ent and Calling Plan. Please read and unders tand them befo re activating .
91 MORE INFORMA TION More Information Worr y Free G ua rant ee® Subjec t to the C ustomer Agreem ent and Calling Plan. Please read and unders tand them befo re activating .
92 MORE INFORMA TION More Information • Noperso nshallwillfullyormaliciouslyinter ferewith, or cause interf erence to, an y radio communication or sign al. • I tisunlawfulto“listenin”onc onversations intend ed fo r othe rs or to di vulg e any info rmatio n thereby o btained .
93 MORE INFORMA TION More Information • Noperso nshallwillfullyormaliciouslyinter ferewith, or cause interf erence to, an y radio communication or sign al. • I tisunlawfulto“listenin”onc onversations intend ed fo r othe rs or to di vulg e any info rmatio n thereby o btained .
94 MORE INFORMA TION More Information issued a website publication on health issues related to cell phone usage where it states, “ The scie ntic communit y at large … b elieves that the weight .
95 MORE INFORMA TION More Information issued a website publication on health issues related to cell phone usage where it states, “ The scie ntic communit y at large … b elieves that the weight .
96 MORE INFORMA TION More Information valu e of a wire less d evice wh ile op erati ng can b e less than the repor ted SAR value. This is because the SAR valu e may var y fr om cal l to call, d epe nd.
97 MORE INFORMA TION More Information valu e of a wire less d evice wh ile op erati ng can b e less than the repor ted SAR value. This is because the SAR valu e may var y fr om cal l to call, d epe nd.
98 MORE INFORMA TION More Information the Uni ted K ingd om [“UK ”] ma de such a r ecomm en - dation in D ecember 200 0. In this repor t a group of inde pen dent e xpe r ts no ted that n o evid ence ex ist s that using a c ell phone causes brain tumo rs or other ill e ec ts.
99 MORE INFORMA TION More Information the Uni ted K ingd om [“UK ”] ma de such a r ecomm en - dation in D ecember 200 0. In this repor t a group of inde pen dent e xpe r ts no ted that n o evid ence ex ist s that using a c ell phone causes brain tumo rs or other ill e ec ts.
100 MORE INFORMA TION More Information • Shou ldnotc arr yth ewirel essph oneinab reast pocket; • Sh ouldusetheearoppositetheimplantable.
101 MORE INFORMA TION More Information • Shou ldnotc arr yth ewirel essph oneinab reast pocket; • Sh ouldusetheearoppositetheimplantable.
102 MORE INFORMA TION More Information • Dono tturnth evolum euptoblo ckoutn ois ysurrou nd- ing s. If you cho ose to lis ten to you r por t able d evice in a noisy environ ment, u se noise-cancel ling h ead p hone s to blo ck out b ackgro und envi ronme ntal n oise.
103 MORE INFORMA TION More Information • Dono tturnth evolum euptoblo ckoutn ois ysurrou nd- ing s. If you cho ose to lis ten to you r por t able d evice in a noisy en viro nment, use noise-cancel ling h ead p hone s to blo ck out b ackgro und envi ronme ntal n oise.
104 MORE INFORMA TION More Information Natio nal Ins titute f or Occu patio nal Sa fet y and H ealt h H ub er t H. Hu mphre y Bldg . 2 00 In dep end ence Ave., SW W ashingto n, DC 20201 V oice: 1 800 C DC I NFO (1 800 232 4 636) I nternet: /niosh/topics/ noise/ default .
105 MORE INFORMA TION More Information Natio nal Ins titute f or Occu patio nal Sa fet y and H ealt h H ub er t H. Hu mphre y Bldg . 2 00 In dep end ence Ave., SW W ashingto n, DC 20201 V oice: 1 800 C DC I NFO (1 800 232 4 636) I nternet: /niosh/topics/ noise/ default .
デバイスSamsung SCH-u640の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Samsung SCH-u640をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSamsung SCH-u640の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Samsung SCH-u640の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Samsung SCH-u640で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Samsung SCH-u640を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSamsung SCH-u640の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Samsung SCH-u640に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSamsung SCH-u640デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。