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QUAD BAND Series SGH-A436 Portable Digital M obile Phone User Manual Please read thi s manual be fore operating your phone, and keep it for future refe rence.
Intellectua l Property All Intelle ctual Property , as defi ned below , owned by or whi ch is otherwis e the property of Samsung or its respec tive suppli ers relating t o the SAMSUNG Phone, inclu din.
i Table of Contents Importan t Safety Precautions ........ ............... ............. ............... ............ . 1 Getting Started .......... ................ ............ ............... ................ ............ ....... 3 Activating Your Phone .
ii Using Number Mode ........................................................................ ................. 33 Using Symbol Mode ......................................................................... ................. 34 Menus . ............ ..
iii Message s ............. ............. ............... ............ ................ ............ .............. 68 Send Text Message ............................................................................ .............. 68 Send Multimedia Message .
iv Security ........................................................................................................... 124 Reset Settings ................................................................................................. 128 Solvi ng Problem s .
Importa nt Safety Precautions 1 Important Safety Precautions Please read thes e guideline s before using y our wireless phone . Failure to comply with t hem may be dan gerous or ille gal. Road Safety at All T imes Do not use a hand-held phone wh ile driving; park the vehicl e first.
Import an t Safety Precautions 2 Sensible Use Use the pho ne only in the normal posit ion (held to the ear). Emergenc y Call Ensure the phone is switche d on and in service. Key in t he emergenc y number for your p resent loca tion, then pre ss the key .
Getting S tarted 3 Getting Started Activating Y our Phone When you su bscribe to a cellular ne twork, a plu g-in SIM c ard is provided loaded wi th your subscrip tion details , such as your PIN and other optiona l services. Removing the Battery Note: Y ou must unplug th e travel adapter before re moving the battery from the phone to avoid damage.
Getting S tarted 4 Installing the SIM Card Important! The plug-in SIM card and its contacts can be easily damaged by scratches or bending. Use caution when inserting or rem oving the card and keep all SIM cards ou t of reach of children.
Getting S tarted 5 2. Press the b attery down until it is seated in the battery ch amber . Make sure that the bat tery is properly installed before switching on t he phone. 3. With the ba ttery in position in the phon e, slide th e cover back on the handset and push down until the c over tab loc ks it into p osition.
Getting S tarted 6 1. Plug the con nector of the travel adapte r into the jac k on the side of the phone. 2. Plug the ada pter into a s tandard AC wall out let. If the phone is off, the internal dis play indicates that the phon e is charging. If the phone is on, one of the b ars in the battery icon flash es to indicate charging.
Getting S tarted 7 Switching the Phone On or Of f 1. Open the pho ne. 2. Press and hold the key until t he phone switche s on. 3. If the pho ne prompts y ou to enter th e phone password, enter the password an d press the key . For furthe r details, se e “Lock Phone ” on page 124.
Y our Phone 8 Y our Phone Features of Y our Phone Y our phone i s lightweight, easy-to-u se and offers ma ny valuabl e features. The followin g list outlines a few of th e features inclu ded in your phone.
Y our Phone 9 time, rece ption, battery po wer , an d any icon s associated wit h alerts, such as mes sage and a larm. 2. Camera key: la unches the camera to take a pho to. 3. Power Interface Connector/ Headset Jack: The power i nterface connector is used to plu g in the char ging accesso ries and the headset cord.
Y our Phone 10 2. Soft keys: Perform the function i ndicated by tex t on the dis play direct ly above the key . 3. V olume /Menu Na vigatio n key: Lets yo u adjust the ring er volume in standby m ode or adjust the voice vol ume during a call.
Y our Phone 11 11 . Menu/Me nu confirm key: When n avigating t hrough a menu it accepts the highl ighted choi ce in the menu. While in Idle mode, it la unches the main menu. 12. Navigation keys: In Menu mode, the na vigation keys work as direction al keys to scro ll through me nus and lists.
Y our Phone 12 Display Display Layout The inte rnal displa y has thre e m ain areas : Icons Shows the received signal streng th. The more bars, the st ronger the sign al. Appears when a new tex t message h as been rec eived. Appears when a new voi ce mail has been recei ved.
Y our Phone 13 Appears when you s et an alarm t o ring at a sp ecified time. Fo r details, see “Ala rm” on page 83. Appears when th ere is no net work covera ge availab le. Appears when a call is in progre ss. Appears when you a re conne cted to the Ed ge network.
Y our Phone 14 Selecting Functions and Options Soft Keys The roles of the soft ke ys vary depend ing on the function yo u are currently using. The la bels on the bottom line of the disp lay just ab ove each key indicate their cu rrent role. Some funct ions of the Left soft key are as follows .
Y our Phone 15 ♦ If you enter an in correct charac ter , pres s to backspace (and delete) the charac ter . ♦ T o erase an entire se ntence, press a nd hold . ♦ T o back up one menu leve l, briefly press . End Key The End key is used to turn on/off your phone, dis connect c alls, and return to the standby mode.
Y our Phone 16 Camera The embed ded camera on th e front of you r phone is a ctivated by pres sing the Camera key on the right side o f the phone . The internal display shows the image captured by the camera lens . Press the Camera ke y a second time to record a photograph.
Call Functions 17 Call Functions Making a Call From the Idle s creen, enter the phone nu mber (with a rea code, if necessary), then press the key . Note: When you activate the Auto Redial option, the phone automatical ly redia ls up to ten times when the call is not answered or someone is already on the phone.
Call Functions 18 Ending a Ca ll When you want to end your call, briefl y press the key . Redialin g a Recent Numbe r All incomin g, outgoing and miss ed calls are liste d in the Call History Menu. If the num ber or caller is listed i n your Address Boo k, the name associated with the number a lso displa ys.
Call Functions 19 For further d etails, see “Co ntacts” on page 99. Adjusting the V olume T o adjust t he earpiece vol ume during a call, use t he V olum e keys on the left side of the phone. Press the key to incr ease the volu me level and the key to decreas e the level.
Call Functions 20 Note: Y ou can answer a call while using the Con tact list or menu features. After ending the call, the phone returns to the function screen you were using. Missed Calls Whenever you m iss one or m ore calls, the n umber of call s missed i s display ed on the Front LCD and on the Idl e screen.
Call Functions 21 Note: Y ou can access the Missed Call feature at any time by selecting the Misse d Calls menu. For further details, see “Missed Calls” on page 64. Silent Mode SIlent mode i s convenient whe n you want to stop the phone from making any sound s, such as wh en you are i n a theater .
Options During a Call 22 Options During a Call Y our phone p rovides a number of f eatures t hat you can us e during a call. In Call Options During a call, pres s the Options soft ke y to access the fo llowing: ♦ Hold: Places t he call on h old. ♦ New Call: Places the cu rrent call on hold and al lows you to en ter and dial anot her number .
Options During a Call 23 T o make a call while you ha ve a call i n progress: 1. Place the cal l on hold us ing the prev ious procedure, and enter the phone nu mber that you wish to d ial or look it up in the Cont act List. 2. Press the key t o dial the s econd call .
Options During a Call 24 allows you to p ress keys to perform pho ne function s without hearing annoying key tones. Note: T o communicate with answering machines or computerized telephone systems, the S en d Keys option mu st be selected.
Options During a Call 25 4. Begin ent ering the le tters of the na me. As you type, Co ntact List ent ries are listed , starting with t he first entry matc hing your input . T o select a different entry t han the one th at is highl ighted, pres s the Up or Dow n Navigat ion key un til the e ntry you wa nt is high lighted .
Access Codes 26 Access Codes There are se veral acces s codes used by your pho ne and its SIM card. These co des help yo u protect the phone agai nst unautho rized use. When requested for any of th e codes listed below , en ter the approp riate code (displa yed as aste risks) and pre ss the Select soft key .
Access Codes 27 If you ente r an incorrect PIN th ree times i n succession , the code is disabled and cannot be used until y ou re-enable it by enterin g the PUK (see below). PUK The 8-digit PUK (PIN Un blocking Key) is required to c hange a disabl ed PIN.
Access Codes 28 T o change th e PIN2, see pag e 127 ( Menu 9.8.9 ). PUK2 The 8-digit PUK2 (PIN Unblocking Key 2), supplied with som e SIM cards, is required to cha nge a disab led PIN2. If you lose the code , contact your service pr ovider . T o re-enable y our PIN2: 1.
Enterin g T ext 29 Entering T ext This sectio n explains the various text input modes availab le for entering characters i nto your phon e. It also desc ribes how to use the T9 pred ictive text entry system to re duce the numbe r of key strokes required for enteri ng text.
Enter ing T ext 30 Changing the T ext Input Mode When you ar e in a field tha t allows charac ters to be entered , you will se e the text i nput mode i ndicator nea r the top ri ght corner of t he display .
Enterin g T ext 31 Using T9 Mode T9 is a predi ctive text i nput mode b ased on a built -in dictiona ry that al lows you to key in c haracters using a s ingle keystrok e. Y our phone s elects the most likel y word based on yo ur keystroke combinations .
Enter ing T ext 32 2. Enter the word you want usi ng Alphabet m ode. ♦ T o enter peri ods, hyphens, colons, or p arenthesis, press the key . T9 mode appli es grammar rules to ensure that correct punctuation is used. ♦ T o shift case in T9 mode, use the ke y to toggle between In itial capital, Capital loc k, Lower case and Numbe r mode s.
Enterin g T ext 33 Refer to the tabl e below for furth er details about the characte rs available: ♦ T o shift the case i n Alphabet mo de, use the key . ♦ Y o u can move the cursor by us ing the Left and Right key s. T o dele te letters, press . Press and hol d to clear the d isplay .
Enter ing T ext 34 Using Symbol Mode Symbol mo de enables you to insert sy mbols into a te xt messag e. Press and hold the key access Sy mbol mode. T o Press the select a symbol corresponding number k.
Menus 35 Menus The navigat ion keys on yo ur phone all ow you to scroll th rough menus quickly a nd easily . The scrol l bar at the rig ht of the me nu keeps track of your p osition i n the menu at all ti me s. ♦ T o navigate through a menu, simply pres s the navi gation key up o r down.
Menus 36 4. T o scro ll through th e menus, pre ss the Up or Down navigation k ey or the Vo l u m e key (located on the left side o f your phone). Press the Select soft key , or the key to make your selection. T o return to the previous menu leve l, press the Ba ck soft key or the key .
Menus 37 1. Internet (see page 45 ) 1. Home 1. Go to Favorites 2. Go to Messaging 3. Go to Media 4. Home 5. Back 6. Show U RL 7. Reloa d 2. Favorites 3. Brow ser Profiles 1. Curr ent Profile • GoRogers • Profile 2 - Pr ofile 5 2. Prof ile Settings • GoRogers • Profile 2 - Pr ofile 5 4.
Menus 38 3. Games & Apps (See page 61) 1. Download Games 2. My Games 4. Call History (See page 63) 1. All Calls 2. Missed Calls 3. Ca lls Made 4. Calls Receive d 5. Spe ed Dial List 6. Delete All 5. Rogers Mall (See page 66) 1. Sea rch 2. Music & T ones 3.
Menus 39 • Delivery After 2.Receive Se ttings • Anonymous Reject • Ads Al lowed • Report All owed • Send R ead Report • Message R eception 3.Profil es 1.Cur rent Pr ofile • RogersMed ia • Profile 2 - 5 2.Pr ofile Set tings • RogersMed ia • Profile 2 - 5 4.
Menus 40 8. Con tacts (See page 99) 1. Co ntact List 2. Add New Contact 3. G roup 4. Spe ed Dial List 5. My Name Card 6. O wn Number 7. FDN List 8. Ma nagement 1. Default Saving • Phone • SIM Card • Ask on Saving 2. Copy All to • Phone • SIM Card 3.
Menus 41 3. Set T ime & Date • TIme Zon e Updating • Home Zone • Time • AM/PM • Date • Tim e Format • Date Format 4. Set Ph one 1. Lang uage • Auto matic • English • Français 2. Shortcut s 3. Light S ettings 1.Brig htness 2.Backlight Time 3.
Menus 42 • Y ahoo! 2.Favorite IDs 3.Power On Sign In • O f f • Wind ows Live • Y ahoo! 4.Commun ity Settings 1.Automatic Sign-In 2.Sound Settin gs 5.IM Profil es 1.Curre nt Profil e • G o R o g e r s • Profil e 2 - 5 2.Prof ile Set tings • G o R o g e r s • Profil e 2 - 5 2.
Menus 43 1.All Channel s • D i s a b l e • E n a b l e 2.My Channels 4.La nguag e • A l l • E n g l i s h • F r a n ç a i s 3. Browse r Settings 1.
Menus 44 5. Memory S tatus 8. Secu rity 1. Lock Phone 2. Lock SIM Card 3. C heck PIN Co de 4. L ock A pplic ations • All • Messages • Call History • Ring T unes • Grap hics • Contacts 5. Show Caller Information • Also on Front Display 6.
Internet 45 Internet This menu ( Menu 1 ) allows you to view Internet sites, co nfigure your Internet b rowser or clear yo ur cache. Home This menu ( Menu 1.
Internet 46 Accessing an Internet Sit e There are se veral ways to acc ess an Internet site: ♦ Select a li nk on the s creen ♦ Using a b ookmark item i n the Favo rites folder; us e the Book marks optio n on the br owser menu lis t or Favorites men u.
Internet 47 ♦ Reload: rel oads the current p age. Favorites This menu ( Menu 1.2 ) lets you create boo kmarks for your favori te Internet sites to qu ickly and easily acces s them in th e future. Favo rites stor es your favorite URL addresses. Using Favorites 1.
Internet 48 4. Using the na vigation keys, scroll to an Empty location and pre ss the Add New soft key or t he key . 5. Change th e Name if you wi sh. 6.
Internet 49 5. Scroll to the profile you want to use and press the Select soft key or the key . 6. Select the Ba ck key to return to the Int ernet menu or the key to return to the Idl e screen. Profile Setting For each profil e, the follo wing options are availabl e: ♦ Profil e Name : enter the name to be assign ed to the Browser profile.
Internet 50 3. High light Clear Cache and press the Select soft key or the key . 4. Press t he Ye s soft key o r the key to confirm th e deletion. 5. Select t he Back key to return to the Internet menu or the key to return to the Idle scre en.
Media 51 Media The Media me nu ( Menu 2 ) is u sed to man age your col lection of ri ng tunes and graphics, rec ord audio c lips and acce ss the came ra. Ring T unes This menu ( Menu 2 . 1) allows y ou to download ring tunes using the Internet browser and save them to y our phone, ch ange your rington e and record your own audio files.
Media 52 3. High light the Downloaded Ring T unes menu and press the Select soft key o r the key . 4. Highligh t the desired ring tune and pres s the Options soft key or t he key . 5. T o play the tun e, highlight Play and press the Select sof t key or the key .
Media 53 5. T o access the options for the Default Rin g T une, press t he Select soft key or the ke y . T o play the tune, hig hlight Play and press the Select soft key or the key .
Media 54 6. After a fil e is saved, yo u can perform v arious function s by pressing the Options soft key and select one of the fo llowing: ♦ Send via Multimedia Message : allows you to send the audio c lip to someone e lse using a multimedia message.
Media 55 Downloadin g Grap hics 1. From the Idle s creen, press the Menu soft key to a ccess Menu m ode. 2. Use the nav igation ke ys to highl ight Media an d press the Select s oft key or th e key . Highl ight Graphics and press t he Sele ct soft ke y or the key .
Media 56 ♦ Delete: allows you to de lete the sel ected photo or all photos. ♦ Rename: allows you to ren ame the photo. ♦ Slide Show: displays a ll saved p hotos in seque nce on the screen. ♦ Lock: allows you t o lock the photo to prevent deletion.
Media 57 Note: Y our camera produces photos in JPEG format. Camera Op tions Before taking a photo, press th e Options soft key to access ca mera options. ♦ Shooting Mode: allows you t o either re view a ph oto after tak ing it ( Ta k e and Review) or return immediately to the viewfinder to take another ( Ta k e and Return ) .
Media 58 Y ou can adju st the follo wing optio ns in the Function me nu: Size: allows you to set the image s ize. The icon for the s elected image size appe ars on the captu re screen. Quality: allows you to sel ect the pict ure quality s etting. Ch oose from Super Fine, Fine or Norm al.
Media 59 Camera Option s After a Photo is T a ken After you have tak en a photo, you can ac cess vario us options by pressing the Options so ft key . Hig hlight an o ption and press the Se lect soft key or the key . The fol lowing options are available: 1.
Media 60 7. Properties: allows yo u to view the propert ies for this photo (Name, Date, Format, Reso lution, Size , Quality , Lock/Unlock). Accessing the Pho t os Folder 1. From the Idle scre en, pres s the Me nu soft key to access Menu mod e. 2. Use the n avigation key s to highlig ht Media and press the Sel ect soft key or the key .
Games & Ap ps 61 Games & Apps Y o u can play games already stored on yo ur phone, as well as do wnload games from y our service provider . Download Games This option allows you to download gam es from your serv ice provider . Follow the onli ne instructi ons shown on yo ur display scree n.
Games & App s 62 T o start a game 1. From the Idle scre en, pres s the Me nu soft key t o access the m enu. 2. High light Games & A pps and press the Select soft k ey or the key . 3. High light My Games and press the Select soft key or the key .
Call History 63 Call History In this men u ( Menu 4 ), you can: ♦ view calls y ou missed, received or d ialed ♦ view the l ength of cal ls made an d received Note: Y ou can access the most recent numbers in the three types of call history records by pressing the key in Idle mode.
Call History 64 call det ails. The numbe r is displa yed along with the time an d date when t he call wa s made. Missed Calls This menu ( Menu 4.2 ) lets you vi ew a list of th e calls you rec eived but did not answer . Use th e navigation k ey to scroll thro ugh the list and press th e key to view ca ll details.
Call History 65 Delete All This menu ( Menu 4.6 ) allows y ou to delete all of the records in each call record ty pe. Y ou can also delete all o f your call re cords at one time. When a confi rming message d isplays, p ress the Ye s sof t key to co nfirm.
Rogers Mall 66 Rogers Mall The Rogers Mall menu ( Menu 5 ) provide s a convenient place to download all your ring tu nes, games and graphics. Y ou can also view Internet s ites. Search This menu ( Menu 5.1 ) item opens t he browser a nd takes you to online search functi ons provide d by your servic e provider .
Rogers Mall 67 Graphics This menu ( Menu 5.4 ) allows y ou to download wallpapers fro m your service provide r . Follow th e online in structions shown o n your display screen. Downloaded graphics are added to yo ur phone’s list of wall papers. Email/Chat This menu ( Menu 5.
Messages 68 Messages Y ou can se nd and receive a range of different mes sage type s from your mobile ph one, including : ♦ Instant Messag e: Instant Mes senger (IM) lets you sen d and receive instant m essages using Windows Live and Y ahoo! communi ties.
Messages 69 5. T ype you r message in th e message window . For further informat ion on entering chara cters, see “Enter ing T ext” on page 29. 6. When you finish ente ring your message, press the Send T o soft ke y or the key and ente r the required numbe r .
Messages 70 • Miscellan eous: allows you to a ttach a miscellaneou s file to the message. • T ask: allows yo u to attach a task to the text message . ♦ Save to: allows you to save the tex t message to Drafts or My Folder . ♦ Select Language: allows y ou to set the l anguage to En glish or Français.
Messages 71 • Insert: allows you to insert te xt from saved T ext T emplates, a co ntact name and num ber from the Cont act List, or URLs from Favori tes. • Select Language: allows you to choose wh ether to type the subjec t in English or Fra nçais.
Messages 72 •Change: returns you to the Add sc reen to allow selecti on of a different file. • Preview: allows you to pre view your photo before s ending. • Save to: allows you to save th e message to Drafts or My Fo lder . • Add Page: allows you to add addi tional pages to your messa ge.
Messages 73 10. When you have f inished entering des tinations, pre ss the Send soft ke y or the key . Y our p hone sends the messa ge to all nu mbers listed . Message Folders Yo u r Inbox stores a ll your recei ved messa ges, while yo ur Outbox stores messages wait ing to be sent.
Messages 74 Forward: allows yo u to send th e message to s omeone. Delete: allows yo u to delete the message. Move to My Folder: lets you move messages to the My Fold er storage area. Move to Phone/Move to SIM : If a messag e is stored i n the SIM card, this option transfers it to the phone’s memory .
Messages 75 Extract Addr ess : allows you to sa ve the recip ient or sende r ’s number and URL, Email addresses or pho ne numbers f rom the message text. Lock: allows you to lock the message to prev ent deletio n. Instant Messenger Defaul t Communi ty Before using i nstant mes saging on your p hone you m ust create a defa ult community account.
Messages 76 V oice Mail This menu ( Menu 6.9 ) allows yo u to access your voice ma ilbox, if yo ur account supports this s ervice. Note: V oice mail is a network feature.
Messages 77 2. Us e t he Navi ga tion key s to highli ght Messages and pres s the Select soft key or the key . 3. Highlight V oice Mail a nd press the Select soft key or the key . 4. Highlight Connect to V oice Server and press the Select so ft key or the key .
Messages 78 While viewing the tem plates list, yo u can press the Options soft key to access the fo llowing o ptions (not all o ptions are av ailable in each menu): Send via : allows yo u to compos e a text or mu ltimedia me ssage wi th the template content ins erted into the body of th e message.
Messages 79 Messages Settings This menu ( Menu 6.1 1 ) l ets you set up various opt ions for using te xt and mult i media me ssaging s ervices . T o acces s the Settings menu: 1. From the Idle s creen, press the Menu soft key to a ccess Menu m ode. 2.
Messages 80 Multimedia Message The followin g Multimedia Me ssage sett ings are ava ilable: 1. Send Settings: ♦ Deliver y Report: when this option is e nabled, the network informs you whether or not y our message ha s been deli vered.
Messages 81 ♦ Current Profile: allows you to select an optio n for sending a text message. The default profi le is RogersMedia and there is space for four additi onal profiles. ♦ Profile Settings: The default profile is RogersMedi a and there is space for four addition al profil es.
Messages 82 5. IM Profiles: lets you set the Curre nt Profile and Pro file Settings for sending a nd receiving IM messages. Push Messages This setting selects whethe r or not to receive push messages. The set tings are: Nev er , Always and T ext Mess age-C Specif ic .
To o l s 83 To o l s The T ools m enu (Menu 7) lets y ou: ♦ set an alarm so that the p hone rings at a specific ti me to remind you of an appointment or other task ♦ view the c alendar and organiz.
To o l s 84 ♦ Alarm2 : secondary ta sk alarm. ♦ Auto Power-up : le ts you choo se whethe r the alarm rings eve n when the phone i s turned off. 4. Select a n alarm type and press the Sel ect soft key or the ke y . 5. If the Alar m status is Of f , highlig ht Alarm and press the Right navigatio n key to set it t o On .
To o l s 85 to select Repeat and use the Left and Righ t navigation keys to toggl e the setting for the number of times to repeat the alarm (1, 2, 3, 5, 10 ). 1 1. Press the Save soft key to save the settings. Note: The Alarm icon appears in the Icon area on the idle screen to show that an alarm has been set.
To o l s 86 Wee k view provides a grid with th e days of the wee k across and d aytime hours arranged v ertically . The same arrow indicators as in Month view appear on the i nitial indicating the day and col oured rectangle s indicate the time slot s where events are scheduled.
To o l s 87 1. From the Idle s creen, press the Menu soft key to access the menu mode. 2. Us e t he Navi ga tion key s to highli ght T ools an d press the Se lect soft key or the ke y . 3. Highlight Calendar an d press the Select soft key or t he key .
To o l s 88 ♦ Alarm (before): allows yo u to set an al arm to re mind you o f this event and the length of tim e before the e vent that th e alarm occurs (number of min utes, hours, day s or weeks ). ♦ Alarm T one: Press the key , choose o ne of the fou r availa ble alarm tones and press th e Select soft key .
To o l s 89 The followin g options ar e available: ♦ Occasion: enter t ext describi ng the appointm ent. ♦ Date : if the displ ayed date i s not correct, use the na vigation keys and nume ric keypad t o enter the req uired date. ♦ Alarm (before): lets you set an al arm to signal you a numb er of days or weeks before the a nniversary .
To o l s 90 3. High light Calendar and press the Sel ect soft key or the key . If necessary , switch t o Month view b y selecting th e Options soft key , Vie w b y , and then Month . 4. Use the n avigation k eys to select a date and press the Select so ft key or the key .
To o l s 91 ♦ Alarm T one: Press the ke y , c hoose one of th e four avail able alarm tone s and press the Select soft k ey . 7. When you hav e finished, press the Options soft key , highli ght Save and press the Select soft key or the key . The s creen displays a li st of app o intment s.
To o l s 92 ♦ Due Date: use the n umeric keyp ad to set th e due date fo r the task. ♦ Priority: use the Le ft or Right navigati on key to s elect task prio rity (High, Norm al, or Low).
To o l s 93 V ie w an Event 1. From the Idle s creen, press the Menu soft key to access the menu mode. 2. Us e t he Navi ga tion key s to highli ght T ools an d press the Se lect soft key or the ke y . 3. Highlight Calendar an d press the Select soft key or t he key .
To o l s 94 ♦ As shown in the diagram on the lo wer part of the screen, enter basic operators (+, -, × or ÷) using the navigation k eys, decimal poi nt using the key , brackets using the key .
To o l s 95 3. Highlight Ti p Calculator and press the Select so ft key or the key . 4. Using the n umeric k eypad and the key to en ter the decim al point, enter the to tal amount of th e bill in Bill.
To o l s 96 8. The c o nverted va lue is di splayed bel ow the fina l unit ty pe. ♦ T o reverse the direction of the conversion , select the Options so ft key , high light Reverse and press the Se lect soft key or the key .
To o l s 97 Stopwatch The Stopwatch ( Menu 7.7 ) allows you to time an ev ent and measure up to four separate sub- intervals, such as lap time s. T o use the stop watch: 1. From the Idle s creen, press the Menu soft key to access the menu mode. 2. Us e t he Navi ga tion key s to highli ght T ools an d press the Se lect soft key or the ke y .
To o l s 98 5. T o see an other time zo ne as well, press the Down naviga tion key to highlight the second sel ection area. Use the Le ft and Right na vigation keys to s croll to the new tim e zone. This zone is indic ated on the map by a red ve rtical li ne.
Contact s 99 Contacts The Contacts m enu ( Menu 8 ) is used to ma nage your co ntact list. Y ou can store names and phone n umbers in b oth your SI M card and your p hone’s memory , whic h are physically separate but both use d to create the co ntact list.
Contact s 100 5. Enter the information you wan t to save for thi s contact. The follo wing fields are avai lable for input: ♦ First Name ♦ Last Name ♦ Mobile: for recordi ng a mobile pho ne numb.
Contact s 101 6. Press the Options soft key , scroll to Sa ve and press the Select soft key or the ke y . 7. T o return to the Idle screen, press t he key . Storing a Number in th e SIM Card 1. From the Idle s creen, press the Menu soft key to access the menu mode.
Contact s 102 ♦ Graphic ID: lets y ou choose a gra phic Caller ID for t his contact. Scroll to the Gra phic ID icon and press the key twice to en ter Edit mode and then o pen the Gra phic ID screen.
Contact s 103 Contact List Option s While accessi ng the Contac t List, press the Options soft key to use any of the following options : ♦ Vi e w: l ets you view the information f or the highli ghted contact. ♦ Edit : allows you to e dit the nam e and numb er .
Contact s 104 2. Select Contacts and press the Se lec t soft ke y or the k ey . 3. Select Group and pre ss the Se lec t sof t key or k ey . 4. Using the Up an d Down navigati on keys, scrol l to the group that you wish to add t he contact(s) to a nd press the key .
Contact s 105 ♦ Delete Group : allows you to dele te the selected Grou p. Note: Deleting a Group does not delete individual Contact entries. Speed Dial Y o u can assign up to eight p hone numbe rs from your Conta ct List to number keys 2 t o 9 and dial them easil y whenever you want simply by pressing an d holding the a ssociated number key .
Contact s 106 7. Press the key or the Option s soft key th en Select soft k ey to save the speed dial number . The nam e associat ed with this phon e number appears on the Speed Dial Lis t screen imm ediately be low the speed dial numbe r . Vi ew , Change or Delete a Speed -dial Entry 1.
Contact s 107 2. Use the nav igation ke ys to highl ight Co ntacts and press the Select soft key or the key . 3. Highlight My Name Card and press the Select soft key or the key .
Contact s 108 4. Highligh t the number you want to vie w . The num ber is disp layed. FDN List FDN (Fixed Dial Number) mo de, if supported by your SIM c ard, allows you to restrict outgoing ca lls to the phone numbe rs in this list, whic h is stored i n the PIN card .
Contact s 109 Note: The use of Copy Al l to creates dup licate entries in the Contact List. Note: Deleting all entries i n the FDN list requires en try of the PIN2 password.
Settings 11 0 Settings This menu ( Menu 9 ) allows you to c ustomize numero us phone s ettings to suit your preferenc es. Set Sound Y ou can use th e Set Sound me nu ( Menu 9.
Setting s 111 ♦ Vo l u m e : allo ws you to set the default volume for your ringer t o sound when recei ving an incomi ng call. Press the Up or Down n avigation k ey to make se lection.
Settings 11 2 Power On/Of f T one This menu al lows you to enable or disable the mel ody that the phone pl ays when it is switche d on and of f. Press th e Up or Down nav igation k ey to make a s electio n (O ff, T one 1 or T one 2). Press t he Save soft key or the ke y to save changes.
Setting s 11 3 ♦ W allpaper: allows you to se lect from the prel oaded wallpape rs. User the Left or Righ t navigat ion keys t o view all choices . Press the Save soft ke y or the key to make your selection.
Settings 11 4 Set T ime & Date Use this menu ( Menu 9.3 ) to configur e the settings for the time and d ate displ ay . ♦ Time Zone Updating: allows you to choose Aut omatic, Man ual Only , or Prompt First fo r time zone u pdates.
Setting s 11 5 Langua ge Y o u can select t he display language. Th e choices are: ♦ Automatic: language is automatical ly selected ac cording to the language of the SIM card in th e phone. ♦ English ♦ Français (French) Press the Save soft key or the key to save selection.
Settings 11 6 ♦ Main Display Dim: 1 5 Seconds, 3 0 Seconds, 1 Mi nute, 3 Minu tes, and Off. Press the Save s oft key or th e key to sa ve selecti ons. Keypad Li ght The Keypad L ight optio n allows you t o choose whether the key pad lights al l the time whe n in use or only during certain ho urs.
Setting s 11 7 Network Selection This menu ( Menu 9.4.5 ) lets you choose whether to automatically or manually sele ct the network use d when roaming outside of your h ome area. If you s elect Automatic , you are con nected to the fi rst availab le network when roaming.
Settings 11 8 Call Answer The followin g options ar e available to a nswer a call o n your handset. ♦ Flip Open: allows y ou to answer the call when you o pen the phon e. ♦ Any Key: allows you to answer the call whe n you press any key . Call Status T one s Call Status T one s provide a udible sign als during a ca ll.
Setting s 11 9 4. Highlight V oice Call and press the Sel ect soft key or the ke y . 5. Highlight Call Forwarding and press th e Select soft key or th e key . The followi ng options are available: ♦ Forward always: forwar ds all voice c alls and/or data calls.
Settings 120 ♦ Incoming while Abroad: blo cks all incom ing calls whe n abroad. ♦ Cancel All: clears yo ur call barring options. ♦ Change Barring Password: allows y ou to chan ge the passwo rd used to set yo ur call barring opt ions.
Setting s 121 Auto Redial This option al lows you to enable or dis able the Auto Redia l function for your handset. Bluetooth Bluetooth ( Menu 9.6 ) is a short-range wirele ss communicat ions techno logy capable o f exchang ing informat ion over a di stance of about 30 feet without requiring a ph ysical conne ction.
Settings 122 5. Press t he Cancel soft key to retu rn to the previ ous screen or th e key to return to t he Idle scre en. Note: T urn off Bluetooth when it is no t required to save batte ry life and in situati ons where Bluetooth use is prohibited, such as on airplanes.
Setting s 123 Connectin g to a Bluetooth Dev ice 1. Find Blueto oth devices with in range (s ee above). On the d evice lis t, highligh t the device yo u want to conn ect to and p ress the Select soft key or the ke y . 2. Enter the Bluetoo th PIN for the device and press the OK soft key .
Settings 124 ♦ IM Settings ♦ Message s Settings ♦ Browser Settings ♦ Camera Settings ♦ Record Audio Settings ♦ Calendar Settings ♦ Contacts Sett ings Security The Security me nu ( Menu 9.8 ) let s you restrict the use of your phone by others and the types of c alls.
Setting s 125 switched on. Once the correc t password has been entered, yo u can use the phone u ntil you switch i t off. The followi ng options are available: ♦ Off: you are not ask ed to enter the phone pass word when you switch on the phone. ♦ On: you ar e required to ente r the phon e passwo rd when you switch on the phone.
Settings 126 ♦ On : the phone con nects direct ly to the network whe n you switch it on. ♦ Off: you must enter th e PIN each time the phone i s switched on .
Setting s 127 •A full length number wit h a specific c ontact name ca n be entered into the FDN list. •Wildcard ent ries allo w a range of numbers to be d ialed with a s ingle entry: ex . 555 – All dialed numbers tha t begin wi th 555 will be allowe d.
Settings 128 Reset Settings T o reset your p hone to its def ault set tings: 1. From the Idle scre en, pres s the Me nu soft key to access Menu mod e. 2. Use the navigat ion keys to highlig ht Settings an d press the Select sof t key or the k ey . 3. Highli ght Reset Settings and press the Select soft key o r the key .
Solving Probl ems 129 Solving Problems If you are ex periencing probl ems with y our phone, p erform the following simple che cks before con tacting a se rvice profes sional.
Solving Probl ems 130 “No service,” “Network failu re” or “Not done ” displays ♦ The network connec tion was los t. Y ou may be in a weak sig nal area (in a tunnel or surroun ded by bui ldings). Move an d try again. ♦ Y ou are trying to access an option for whic h you have not taken out a subscription with your s ervice provider .
Solving Probl ems 131 The phon e starts beepin g and “**W arning** Batte ry Low” flashes on the display ♦ Y o ur battery is i nsufficiently charg ed.
Health and Safety Informa tio n 132 Health and Safety Information Exposure to Radio Frequency (RF) Signals Y our wire less phone is a radio trans mitter and rec eiver . It is designed a nd manufact ured not to excee d the emiss ion limits for e xposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set b y the Federal Co mmunications Com mission (FCC) of the U.
Health and Sa fe ty In for m a tio n 133 Before a new model phone is available for s ale to the p ublic, it must b e tested and cert ified by the FCC tha t it does not exce ed the limit est ablished by the governme nt adopted re quirement for safe exposure.
Health and Safety Informa tio n 134 •http://www sumer ♦ World Health Organization (WHO) •http://www -emf/en Precautions When Using Batteries ♦ Never use any c harger or battery tha t is damaged in any way . ♦ Use the batt ery only for its i ntended purpo se.
Health and Sa fe ty In for m a tio n 135 battery is fu lly charged. Li-i on batteri es are partic ularly affected by temperatures b elow 0 C (32 F). ♦ Do not sho rt-circuit the b attery .
Health and Safety Informa tio n 136 Pacemakers Pacemake r manufact urers recommend t hat a minimu m distance of 15 cm (6 inches) be m aintained b etween a wireless ph one and a pace maker to avoid po tential interf erence with the pacemaker .
Health and Sa fe ty In for m a tio n 137 information. Switch you r phone off in health c are facilities whe n any regulations posted in thes e areas inst ruct you to do so. Hosp itals or hea lth care facilit ies may be usi ng equipme nt that coul d be sensit ive to extern al RF energy .
Health and Safety Informa tio n 138 such as grai n, dust or metal po wders, and any other are a where you wo uld normally b e advised to t urn off your vehicle e ngine.
Health and Sa fe ty In for m a tio n 139 Other Important Sa fety Information ♦ Only qualif ied personnel should service the phone or instal l the phone in a vehicle. Faulty installa tion or servic e may be dange rous and ma y invalidate any warranty applic able to the dev ice.
Health and Safety Informa tio n 140 ♦ Do not use the p hone with a wet h and. Doing so may cause an electric shock to yo u or damage t o the phone. ♦ Do not use or store the ph one in dust y or dirty areas. Mo ving parts m ay become d amaged or cl ogged.
Health and Sa fe ty In for m a tio n 141 FCC Notice Cautions Modifications not exp re ss ly appro ved by the party responsibl e for complianc e could void th e user's au thority to op erate the equ ipment. FCC Compliance Information This device comp lies with Part 15 of FCC Rules.
Health and Safety Informa tio n 142 ♦ Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from tha t to which the receiv er is connecte d. ♦ Consult the dealer or an e xperienced radio / TV technici an for help.
Health and Sa fe ty In for m a tio n 143 SAR is determined at the highest certified power level, the actual SAR lev el of the phon e while opera ting can be well below the ma ximum valu e. This is because the phone is designed to operate at multipl e power levels so as to use only th e power required to rea ch the network.
Health and Safety Informa tio n 144 Appendix B: Safe and Responsible Wireless Phone Use Cellular T eleco mmunicatio ns & Inte rnet Associat ion “Safety is t he most imp ortant call you wil l ever make.
Health and Sa fe ty In for m a tio n 145 Wireless Phone “Safety T ips” Below are safety tips to follow while driving and us ing a wireless phone which sh ould be eas y to remembe r: 1. Get to know yo ur wireless phone a nd its featu res such as speed dial and redial .
Health and Safety Informa tio n 146 6. Dial sen sibly and ass ess the traffic; if po ssible, pla ce calls when y ou are not mov ing or before pul ling into traffic. T ry to plan yo ur calls before you begin yo ur trip or attempt to coin cide your call s with times yo u may be stopped at a stop sign , red light or o therwise stationary .
Health and Sa fe ty In for m a tio n 147 Careless, dis tracted indiv iduals and pe ople driving irresponsibly rep resent a hazard to e veryone on the road.
Health and Safety Informa tio n 148 2. Do wireless pho nes pose a health hazard? The avail able scient ific evidence does not s how that any heal th problems are assoc iated with using wirel ess phones. The re is no proof, however , that wireless phone s are absolu tely safe.
Health and Sa fe ty In for m a tio n 149 ♦ Cooperate i n providing users of wi reless p hones with the best possibl e information o n possible effects of wire less phone us e on human heal th FDA be.
Health and Safety Informa tio n 150 are condu cted to addre ss important questions about the effects of exposure to ra dio frequenc y energy (RF). FDA has been a leading partic ipant in the World Health Organizati on Internation al Electromagneti c Fields (EMF) Proj ect since its inception i n 1996.
Health and Sa fe ty In for m a tio n 151 Again, the sc ientific data d o not demon strate that wireless phones are harmful. Bu t if you are c oncerned about the RF exp osure from the se products, you can use measures like those describe d above to reduce your RF exposu re from wirele ss phone use.
Health and Safety Informa tio n 152 used agains t the head o r against the body . Either conf iguration sh ould result in compliance with t he safety limit.
Health and Sa fe ty In for m a tio n 153 specifies tes t methods an d performance requirements for h earing aids and wireless phon es so that n o interference oc curs when a pe rson uses a compatible phone and a co mpatible he aring aid at the same tim e.
Health and Safety Informa tio n 154 exposures, s ince the av erage period of phone use in these stud ies was around thre e years. 1 1. What resea rch is needed to decide whether RF exp osure from wire.
Health and Sa fe ty In for m a tio n 155 National I nstitute for Occupa tional Safety and Health (NIOSH): http://www . World health Organization (WHO): http://www .wh Internati onal Commission on Non-Ioni zing Radiation Prote ction: http://www .
ST ANDARD LIMITED W ARRANTY 156 ST ANDARD LIMITED W ARRANTY What is Covered and For How Long? SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CANADA INC. (SAMSUNG) warrants to the orig inal purchaser (“Purchaser”) that SAMSU.
ST ANDARD LIMITED WARRANTY 157 This Limited W arranty covers batt eries only i f battery capacity f alls below 80% of rated c apacity or t he battery leaks , and this L imited W a rranty does not cove.
161 Index A Access Codes , 26 Alarm , 83 Alerts on Call , 118 Anniversary , 88 Answering call , 19 second call , 25 Any Key Answer , 118 Appointment , 86 Audio recorded , 54 recording , 53 B Backlight.
162 Games , 61 , 66 graphics , 67 music , 66 wallpaper , 67 Downloaded Graphics , 55 ring tunes , 51 Downloading Graphics , 55 ring tunes , 51 DTMF tones, send , 24 E Earpi ece , 11 Email web-based , .
163 Mute , 23 Mute keys , 23 My Photos , 55 N Name Card , 106 Navigation keys , 11 Network Services Settings , 117 New Contact in phone m emory , 99 in SIM card , 101 Number Mode , 33 O On/off switch,.
164 Text entering , 29 Text input mod e , 30 Text Message , 68 Settings , 79 Text templ ates , 77 Timer , 96 Tip Calculator , 94 Tools , 83 Travel adapter , 5 U URL entering , 66 V View Messages , 73 .
デバイスSamsung SGHA436の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Samsung SGHA436をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSamsung SGHA436の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Samsung SGHA436の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Samsung SGHA436で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Samsung SGHA436を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSamsung SGHA436の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Samsung SGHA436に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSamsung SGHA436デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。