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User's Manual Ethernet Interface Rev . 4.00 SRP-270 SRP-275 SRP-350 SRP-350plus SRP-370 / 372 SRP-770 / 770II SLP-T400 http://www .sams ungminiprinters.
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 2 - ■ T able of c ontent s 1. M an u al I nf or m at io n................................................................................................. 3 2. In t er fa ce ca rd a nd av ail ab l e pr in te r ....................
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 3 - 1. Manual Infor mation The purpose of this manual is to provide information on the operation and usage instructions of the Ethernet Interface for the BIXOLON Printers. 2. Interface card and a vailable printer Printer Interface Card Hardware version 그림 SRP-270 SRP-350 IF A-E TYPE V4.
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 4 - 3. Specifications 3-1. Hardware version Hardware v ersion is marked on the label on t he interface card bracket. Interface V er: V4.X.X has Function key while V er:V3.X.X doesn ’ t have it. IF A-E TYPE IFC-E TYPE [Note] - Th e DIP switch on the interface board should always be OFF .
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 5 - 3-3. Virtual Driv er - It converts output of Serial (COM) port into output of Ethernet (TCP/IP) port. - It is a vailable for W i ndows 2000, XP and 2003 server .
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 6 - 4. How to inst al l 1) Check the interface version [Note] - Each version uses its own Configuration T ool. 2) T u rn of the printer and insert the interface card. 3) Set the baud rate (Serial speed) - SRP-270,275: Max. 19200 bps - SRP-350: Max.
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 7 - 5. St atic IP interface set u p 5-1. Configuration T ool 1) T u rn on the printer . 2) Execute Configure T ool . [Note] - Use proper Configuration T ool dependent on hardware version 3) Click Search .
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 8 - 4) Select MAC Ad dress in Board list and set up Network Setting . [Note] - If many MAC addresses appear , refer t o the MAC address on the labe l of the interface card. - Ask the Network administrator IP and its related information.
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 9 - 5) Enter value at Local Port . [Note] - Default value is 9100 . Choose from 6000 to 10000. 6) Set Inactivity T ime as ‘0’. [Note] - Default value is 0. Choose from 0 to 65535. - W hen you set Inactivity time, Ethernet interface will disco nnect by force a fter designated time.
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 10 - 7) Set baud rate (S peed) at Serial Setting [Note] - The baud rate (S peed) should be same as the baud rate of the printer . (Ref er to [Appendix 1]) - Highest baud rate (S peed) can be used. 8) When setting finishes, click Setting .
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 1 1 - 9) Click Exit to finish set up..
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 12 - 5-2. Web Serv er 1) Execute Internet Explorer . 2) Enter IP address of the printer at Add ress of Internet Explorer and click go . [Note] - If you are not aware of IP address, check IP address by pushing Function key . (Refer to [Appendisx2]) - Ask Network adm inistrator IP Address and it s related information.
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 13 - [Note] - If you are not aware of Subnet Mask, refer to the below . - W he n the IP address is (1) Subnet Mask: (2) Subnet Mask: (3) Subnet Mask: 255.
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 14 - 6) Set baud rate ( Serial speed ). [Note] The baud rate (S peed) should be same as the baud rate of the printer . (Refer t o [Appendix 1]) 7) When setting finishes, click Apply . [Note] W hen the s etting finishes su ccessfully , the following message appears.
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 15 - 8) If you click the message, you can check your configuration setting. [Note] - If any change was not found after setting on Web Server , che ck the bellows; (1) Execute Internet Explorer . (2) Internet Explorer Menu → T ools → I nternet options .
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 16 - (4) Check for newer version of stored p ages → Cli ck Every visit to the p age. (5) Click Refresh in Internet Explorer ..
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 17 - 6. DHCP interface set up 6-1. Configuration T ool 1) T u rn on the printer . 2) Execute Configure T ool . [Note] - Use proper Configuration T ool dependent on hardware version 3) Click Search .
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 18 - 4) Select MAC Ad dress in Board list and check at DHCP Mode . [Note] - If m any M AC addresses a ppear , re fe r t o the M AC address on the label o f the interface card. - Ask the Network administrator IP and its related information.
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 19 - 6) When setting finishes, click Setting . [Note] Successfully finished set up Unsuccessfully finished set up - W he n setting doesn’t fin ish correctly , try again. 7) Wa it approximately 10 or more seconds until the printer receives IP from th e server .
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 20 - 8) Click Search to check given IP . 9) If the given IP is OK, click Exit ..
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 21 - 6-2. Web Serv er 1) Check at DHCP mode and click Apply . 2) Push the Function Key on the interface 10 or more seconds from finishing set up.
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 22 - 7. Firmw are up date 7-1. Configuration T ool 1) T u rn on the printer 2) Execute Configure T ool . [Note] - Use proper Configuration T ool dependent on hardware version 3) Click Search .
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 23 - 4) Select MAC Ad dress in Board . [Note] - If m any MAC addresses appear , refer t o the MAC address on the label of the interface card.
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 24 - [Note] - Check the extension of the file, which should be “ bin ” . Successfully finished F/W update Unsuccessfully finished F/W update - Printe r and available firmware Printer Firmware SRP-770, SRP-770II, SLP-T400 ethernettoserial_v5.
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 25 - 7-2. Web Serv er 1) Click Firmware upd ate . 2) Internet Explorer is executed and it moves to download site automat ically . [Note] Printer and available firmware Printer Firmware SRP-770, SRP-770II, SLP-T400 ethernettoserial_v5.
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 26 - 3) Download file and * .bin file. [Note] Y ou ca n download it by double-clicking icons or copy and paste. 4) Unzip Conf igure_Vx and execute Configure_Vx.xx.exe at Configure_Vx.xx folder . [Note] - In case Configure_Vx.
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 27 - 8. Ethernet test by using Window s test p age If you don ’ t have any test program to check printer ’ s p erformance, you can use W in dows driver . It is a vailable for W indows 2000, XP and 2003 server . 1) I nstall W indow s driver o f the printer .
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 28 - 4) Select Port s tab. 5) Click Add Port..
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 29 - 6) Select St andard TCP/IP Port and click New port . 7) When standard TCP/IP printer add wizard w indo w pops up, click Next . 8) Enter printer IP at Printer Name or IP A dd ress and click Next . [Note] Enter same IP address a s th e Ethernet interface ca rd.
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 30 - 9) Click Next . [Note] Click Next without any selection nor change. 10) Click Finish . 1 1) Click Close to close Printer port window.
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 31 - 12) Click Configure Port . 13) Enter same p ort number as the value of Lo cal Port of the Ethernet inte rface at Raw Setting . [Note] There is no change except Raw Setting .
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 32 - 14) Click OK . 15) Select General tab and click Print T est Page to check i f t he printer works properly ..
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 33 - [Appendix 1] P rinter DIP s w itch set up Printer Baud rate & DSW set up Handshaking & Parity Baud rate DSW 1-7 DSW 1-8 57600bps OFF ON 38400bps ON ON 19200bps OFF OFF .
Ethernet V 4. 00 - 34 - [Appendix 2] Fu nction Key set up 1. How to use (1) T u rn on the printer (2) W ait 10 or more seconds until the Ethernet interface boots up (3) Push the Function key SRP-770II (4) The settings w ill be p rinted only one time since the printer is turned on.
[Appendix 3] Fa ctory Reset 1. Default setting after factory reset - Activate DHCP mode - Local Port: 9100 - Inactivity T ime: 0 - S peed SRP-770II, SLP-T400: 230400 bps SRP-270 , SRP-275, SRP-350, SRP-350plus, SRP-370, SRP-372: 9600 bps 2.
デバイスSamsung SRP-275の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Samsung SRP-275をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSamsung SRP-275の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Samsung SRP-275の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Samsung SRP-275で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Samsung SRP-275を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSamsung SRP-275の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Samsung SRP-275に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSamsung SRP-275デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。