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DEFINITY ® 4612 IP T elephone Release 1 User ’ s Guid e 555-2 33-777 Issue 1 Comco de 70 02064 28 July 2001.
Copyright and Legal Notices Copy ri ght 2001, A vaya, Inc. All Rights Reserved Noti ce Every effort was mad e to ensu re th at the informa tion in this book was co mplete an d accurat e a t the time of printing. Ho wever, inform ation is subjec t to ch ange.
Part 15 : Pe rson al Computer Statem en t. This equipm e nt has been cert ified to co mpl y with the limit s for a Class B compu ti ng de vi ce , pursuant to Subpa rt J of Par t 15 of FCC Rules. Only periph erals (computi ng i npu t/output devices, term inals, p rinters, etc.
Contents Issue 1 July 2001 i Abou t This Docu ment ■ Purp ose v i i ■ Intended Audience v ii ■ Issue Date vii ■ How to Us e This Document vii ■ Doc ument Organiz ation viii ■ Conven tions .
Contents ii Issue 1 July 2001 Chapter 4 - Call Handling Features ■ Introdu ction 4-1 ■ Confe r ence 4-1 Adding another part y to a call 4-1 Adding a held call to the current call 4-2 Droppin g the.
Contents Issue 1 July 2001 iii ■ Button V iew 5-4 Viewing the feature p r ogrammed on a Line/Feature butto n 5-4 ■ Call Display 5 -5 ■ Call For warding 5-5 Temporari ly sending yo ur calls to a .
Contents iv Issue 1 July 2001 ■ Program Abbreviated Dialing 5-12 Programm ing or re-prog ramming a sin gle Abbrevia ted Dialing butto n on a Li ne/Feature button 5-1 3 Programm ing or re-prog rammin.
Contents Issue 1 July 2001 v Chapter 7 - IP Telephone Management Features ■ Introdu ction 7-1 ■ Interpre ting Ringer Tones 7- 1 ■ Persona lizing You r Telephone's Ri nging Pattern 7-3 Selec.
Contents vi Issue 1 July 2001.
Issue 1 July 2001 vii About This Doc ument Purpose The DEFINITY ® 4 612 IP T elephone Use r ’ s Guide descr ibes the 46 12 IP T elephone ’ s operation and functionali ty . Intended Au dience This docume nt is intende d f o r IP t elephone use r s who have a 4612 IP T elephone at their desks.
About This Docum ent viii Issue 1 July 20 01 Document Organization This guid e contains t he f ollowing cha pters: Chapter 1 , 4612 IP T ele phone Descripti on Describes ea ch element o n the face of the tele phone. Chapter 2 , Using Programmable Buttons Ex plains how to program cer tain Line/Feature buttons f or addi tional functiona lity .
Conv enti ons Us ed Issue 1 July 20 01 ix Conventions Used This guid e uses the following textual, sy mbolic, and typographi c conv entions to help you inter pre t inf or mation.
About This Docum ent x Issue 1 July 2001.
Issue 1 July 2001 1-1 1 4612 IP T elephone Description Introduction This chapter i ntroduces you to the la yout of the 4612 IP T elep hone. It provides a descr iption for each functio nal b utton and other phone c har act eristics.
1-2 Issue 1 J uly 2001 Match the numbered call outs on the 46 24 IP T elepho ne illustration to th e descript i ons be low . 1. Display - The display screen h as two lines of 24 c haracters each.
The 4612 IP Phone Issue 1 July 2001 1-3 13. V olume Control - Adj ust the sp eak er , han dset or r inger volume, depending on whic h it em is in use .
1-4 Issue 1 J uly 2001.
Issue 1 July 2001 2-1 2 Using Programmable Buttons Introduction Y our 4 612 IP T elephone has 12 Line/ F eatu re b uttons, some of which are dedicate d to incoming an d outgoing ca lls. The remaining L ine/F eature buttons can be programmed by your T elepho ne System A dministrator to pr o vide additi onal phone functi ona lit y .
2-2 Issue 1 J uly 2001 IP T elephone Feature s A vaila ble on Programmable Line /Feature Buttons Regardle ss of whether a specific feature is av ailable on a Li ne/F eature button, a Display Menu or Access Code, you can find pro cedures f or all 461 2 IP T ele phone f eature s in C h apt er 5, “ IP T el ephone F eatures .
Issue 1 July 2001 3-1 3 Using the Disp lay Screen Introduction The 4612 IP T eleph one has a two-l ine b y twenty-four character dis pla y (screen) area, four display control buttons (M en u, Lef t Arrow , Right Arrow and Exit) and f our unlabe led "softkeys," all located at the top thir d of the phone.
3-2 Issue 1 J uly 2001 Lower Display Line Line/Feature Button Informat ion The 4612 IP T eleph one has 12 Li ne/F eature buttons (also called call appearance buttons).
Display Me nu Mode Issue 1 July 2001 3-3 abov e. Chapter 5, “ IP T elephone F eatures ,” p ro vid es inf or m ati on on th ese alter native softke y f eatures. Navigating Displ ay Menus The illustrati on below shows the Dis pla y Control buttons, locate d to the rig ht of the Displa y screen.
3-4 Issue 1 J uly 2001.
Issue 1 July 2001 4-1 4 Call Han dling Featur es Introduction Call-handl ing f eatures are t hose you would use whi le a call i s in progress o r while making a c all.
4-2 Issue 1 J uly 2001 Adding a held c all to the current cal l 1. P ress Conf . The curren t line and the held line ligh ts flutter . 2. Press the line button of the hel d call.
Mute Issue 1 July 2001 4-3 Mute Duri ng an active call, the Mute f eature prev ents the pa r ty with whom you are speaki ng from hear ing y ou. This f eature i s most commonl y used in con junction with the S peak er phone, but can be us ed to hold an off-line conv ersation at an y ti me durin g a cal l.
4-4 Issue 1 J uly 2001 Placing a ca ll wi tho u t l ift in g the ha ndset or using the Speakerpho ne with any feat ure 1. P ress Spk r . The Speaker/Mute i ndicator above the Speaker button lights an d v oice control is handled b y the speaker . 2. Place o r ans wer the cal l, or access the selecte d f e ature.
Transfer Issue 1 July 2001 4-5 T ransfer The T ransfer f e ature lets y o u transf er a call fr om y our telephone to another e xtension or outside number . Sending a call to another telephone 1. With the c all active (or wit h only one he ld call and no active calls), p ress Tr n s f r .
4-6 Issue 1 J uly 2001.
Issue 1 July 2001 5-1 5 IP T elephone Features Introduction This chapter contains pr ocedures for using each of the DEFINITY ® phone f eatures. Dependi ng on how your 4612 IP T el ephone was set up b.
5-2 Issue 1 J uly 2001 Feature List The follo wing DEFINITY ® f eatures are describ ed in alphabetic order in thi s chapt er: Check with your Syst em Adminis tr ator for your phone sy stem’ s specific configurat ion.
Abbrev iated Dialin g (AD) Issue 1 July 2001 5-3 Abbreviated Dialing (AD) The Abbreviated Dialing (AD) f e ature lets you pres s a Line/Feature b utton to automatic ally dial a st ored telephone n umber , ins ide e xtension or Feature Acce ss Code.
5-4 Issue 1 J uly 2001 2. H ang u p . Y ou hea r a prior ity rin g when both your phone and the number you call ed are av ailable. The displ a y shows the messa ge "Callback." 3. When you hear the prio rity ring, lift th e handset. Y our call pr ocee ds as origin ally diale d.
Call Display Issue 1 July 2001 5-5 Call Display The Call Display f eature initi ates a call to the phone extension or number sh o wn on the di splay screen. The n umber dis pla yed co uld be from a Leav e W ord Calling (L WC) mess age , or a numb er y ou retr ie v ed using the director y feature.
5-6 Issue 1 J uly 2001 Call Park The Call P ar k f eature lets you place a c all on hold at your teleph one f or retriev al at any e xtension. Parkin g a call at your extensio n If your System A dmini.
Cons ult Issue 1 July 2001 5-7 Picking up a ca ll for someone in your of fice using Directed Cal l Pickup 1. If your System A dministrator has programmed one of the L ine/F eature buttons to repres ent Directed Ca ll Pickup , press that button, or Dial the Di rected Call P i c kup Acce ss Code.
5-8 Issue 1 J uly 2001 4. T o sear ch f or a new director y na me , repeat t he procedure fro m Step 1, or T o exit the director y , p r ess th e Exi t display contro l b utton . Calling the per son whose name is displayed 1. Pick up the hands et (or leav e it on- hook to use the s peakerphon e if you hav e a Call Disp button).
Headset On/O ff Issue 1 July 2001 5-9 Headset On/Off The Head set On/Off feature allows heads et usage to be ac tiv ated or deac tiv ated using a L ine/F eature button.
5-10 Issue 1 J uly 2001 Internal Auto A nswer (Hands Free Answer) The Inter nal Auto Ans wer (or Hands -F ree An s wer on Intercom) feature lets y our Speaker phone-equi pped telephon e automatically go off-hook to ans wer i nternal call s . Answering int ernal call s automati cally 1.
Pause ( During Abbrevi ated Dialing) Issue 1 July 2001 5-11 Leaving a messa ge after dia ling an exte nsion (in response t o a busy or coverage to ne, no ans wer or Hold status) 1.
5-12 Issue 1 J uly 2001 Priority Calling The Pr iority Calling f eature lets y ou place a n inter nal call with a disti nctiv e r ing (usual ly a 3-burst r ing) to indic ate y our c all needs imme diate atten tion.
Program A bbreviated Di aling Issue 1 July 2001 5-13 Programming or re -programming a si ngle Abbreviated Di aling button on a Line/Feature button NOTE: If you mak e a mista k e while programming, you CANNO T mov e back a space to erase it. In stead, pres s the # ke y or go on- hook to erase the entry and star t ov er .
5-14 Issue 1 J uly 2001 Programming or re -programming a si ngle Abbreviated Di aling button on a softkey NOTE: If you make a mistak e while programming, you CANNO T mov e back a space to erase it. In stead, pres s the # ke y or go on- hook to erase wha t w as entered and star t ov er .
Release Issue 1 July 2001 5-15 A three-be ep confir mation tone indicates the AD number has b een stored and the me ssage "Numb er sav ed " displa ys for one second ; then the message "Change l abel? Y es=1 No=2" disp la ys . 7. Choose on e of the f ollo wing opti ons: 8.
5-16 Issue 1 J uly 2001 Ringer Off The Ringer Off f e ature stops y our phone fr om ringin g. Use this feature when you don't want to b e disturbed. Wh en y our r inger is se t to off , the Lin e indicator li ghts and the di spla y aler ts you to in coming calls.
Self-A dministration Issue 1 July 2001 5-17 Administeri ng any of the above features on y our telephone's available buttons T o perform thi s procedure, your telephone must be idle, without any acti v e or held call s .
5-18 Issue 1 J uly 2001 5. P ress t he s oftk ey b elo w t he f eature y ou w ant t o plac e on (or r emo v e fr om) an av ailable F eature button, for e xample, SAC to add or r emo v e send all calls.
Send All Calls Issue 1 July 2001 5-19 Send All Calls The Send All Cal ls f ea ture lets y ou temporarily send y our calls to the extension of a perso n designated by the Sy stem Adminis trator to ans wer them whe n y ou canno t.
5-20 Issue 1 J uly 2001 Stored Number (V iew) The Store d Number feature lets you display: ■ The numbers stored in Abbreviated Dialing (AD) locatio ns ■ The number you last d ialed V iewing eithe r the last number dialed or a number stored o n an AD button 1.
Whisper Page (Acti vate) Issue 1 July 2001 5-21 Whisp er Page (Activate) The Whispe r P age f eature lets you make an announcemen t to a person at another e xtension who is curren tly on a call; onl y the person b eing paged he ars the announce ment.
5-22 Issue 1 J uly 2001 Answering a Whi sper Page call 1. When you hear the Whisper Page beep while o n a call, pr ess the button your System Ad ministrator has de signated for Whisper P age Answer . Y our cur rent call is placed on hol d to allow you to speak with the person who paged you.
Issue 1 July 2001 6-1 6 Retrieving V oice Mess ages Mes sage R etri ev al Y our m essage indicator lights when a caller has l eft y ou a messa ge . Becaus e v oice mail system s are admin istered differently am ong custome rs, chec k your office proc edures f or message retr ie v al.
6-2 Issue 1 J uly 2001.
Issue 1 July 2001 7-1 7 IP T elepho ne Ma nagemen t Feat ures Introduction This ch apter e xplains how to inter pret both t he diff erent r inger tones y ou hear a nd the teleph one’ s indi cator lights. Also c o vered are testin g y our t elephone to be sure it is op erating properl y , and p ersonalizin g y our phon e’ s r inging patter n.
7-2 Issue 1 J uly 2001 Feedback (Handset ) T ones Meaning Busy --- --- -- - Low-pitched, rapid tone (repeated 60 times per minu te), signify ing the numbe r dia led is in use.
Person alizing Your Tel ephone's Ringing Pattern Issue 1 July 2001 7-3 Personalizing Y o ur T e lephone's Ringing Pattern The Selec t Ring f eature l ets y ou choos e y our own persona lized ringin g patter n from amo ng eight different patter ns.
7-4 Issue 1 J uly 2001 T esting Y our Phone The T est feature let s y ou verify that your te lephone's light s and display are operating pro perly . T esting the telep hone's lights and di splay 1. With the p hone idle, pres s and hold Tr n s f r .
Issue 1 July 2001 8-1 8 Using a Headset or Specialized Handset Introduction This chapter descri bes the headsets and special iz ed handsets that are compatible wit h y our IP te lephone.
8-2 Issue 1 J uly 2001 Operating a Hea dset Headset op eration must be admin istered by your System Admi nistrator and requires either an M12LU Modular Ba se Unit (PEC 31 24-022) or a 3124 -HIC: Attenuation ( headset adapter ) Cord (PEC 312 4-HIC).
Issue 1 July 2001 9-1 9 T roubleshooting Introduction The DEFINI T Y 4600- Series IP T el ephones are r elatively trouble-free. The Basic T roubleshooti ng char t provides th e most common p rob lems an end user migh t encounter .
9-2 Issue 1 J uly 2001 Characters d o not appear on the Di sp lay scre en See "Ph one does not a ctivate after conne cting it the first time" ab ove. Check th e power source to be sure your telephone is receiving power. Check all l ines into the phone to be su r e it is prop erly connected.
Basic Tro ubleshooting Issue 1 July 2001 9-3 Echo, no ise or static when using a headset; hands et operatio n works proper ly Check th e headset connec tion.
9-4 Issue 1 J uly 2001 Resetting and Power Cycling the IP T elephone Reset your IP T el ephone when oth er T rou b leshoot ing suggestion s do not corr ect the problem. Use a P ow er Cycle with th e approv al of your System Administrator only when a reset does n ot resolve the problem.
Resetting and Power Cycl ing the IP Tel ephone Issue 1 July 2001 9-5 Power cycling the phone Use the power cy cle with your Sy stem Administ r ator’ s approv al only if the basi c or programmed res et procedure can not be performed or does not correct the problem: 1.
9-6 Issue 1 J uly 2001.
デバイスAvaya 4612の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Avaya 4612をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAvaya 4612の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Avaya 4612の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Avaya 4612で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Avaya 4612を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAvaya 4612の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Avaya 4612に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAvaya 4612デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。