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INSTRUCTION MANUAL System Controller VSP-9000 About this manual • Before installing and using this unit, please read this man ual carefully . Be sure to k eep it handy for later reference . • This manual giv es basic connections and operating instructions.
English 1 Introduction Table of Co ntents Precautions (For UL) ...................................2 Safety Cau tions..... .... ....... ...... .... ...... ....... .... .3 Major Charac teristics ...... .... ...... ...... ....... .... .8 Accessories.....
English Introduction 2 Precautions (F or UL) CAUTION: Changes or modifications not expressly approv ed by the manuf acturer may void the user 's authority to operate this equipment. This equipment has been tested and found t o comply with the limits for a Class B digit al device, pursuant to part 15 of t he FCC Rules.
English 3 Introduction Safety Cautions Main Unit WARNING b b b b Never use when unit emits smoke, unusual noises, or un usual smells. Using under these abnormal conditions can cause fires and electric shock.
English Introduction 4 Safety Cautions CAUTION b b b b Transport with care Unplug the AC adapter power plug from the outlet, confirm that connection cables are disconnected, and transport carefully to avoid dropping the unit or su bjecting it to seve re s hoc k.
English 5 Introduction Safety Cauti ons (Continued) Provided AC Adapter WARNING b b b b Use only the provided AC adapter Use the prov ided AC adapter. Using a different AC adap ter can cause fires or electric shock, due to differences in po wer cord current capac ity.
English Introduction 6 Safety Cautions CAUTION b b b b Do not co nnect t o other equipme nt The provided AC adapter is exclusively for this unit. Connecting to ot her equipment can cause f ires or electric shoc k. b b b b Power cord Damaging the po wer cord in the following manner can cause fires or electric shock.
English 7 Introduction Safety Cauti ons (Continued) Always Observ e These Rules for Proper Use b b b b Trademark Brands and product names described in this document ar e trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. b b b b When no t using for l ong per iods Unplug the power plug from t he outlet.
English Introduction 8 Major Characteristics • Use joystick for pan/tilt/zoom operations • Select your language • Wide- range contr ol of high-s peed dome cameras and receivers • Automatically.
English 9 Preparation Part Names 1 Menu Display (P1 1) When the unit is turned on, the main menu is displayed. Press the buttons in the menu to display setup screens, etc. to access s ettings and operate the unit. 2 Joystick This pans, tilts, and zooms the camera.
English Preparation 10 Part N ames 1 Power te rminal Connect the DC terminal on the AC adapter provided. 2 Dip swi tch (S W) Used for PC settings, communication settings, or terminate settings on this unit. 3 PC connection terminal (COM: RS-232C) Use for connect ing to a PC.
English Preparation 12 System Informatio n Press the button to display the current ini tial setting s informat ion for this uni t. These settings change when c ommunicat ion line settings have b een chan ged i n System Setup.
English 13 Preparation Sample System Conn ection A When co nnected to vid eo communi cation term inal (VIDEO) P15 B When co nnected to vid eo communi cation term inal (VIDEO) P18 C When co nnected to .
English Preparation 14 Sample System Connection D When co nnected to vi deo communica tion termin al (VIDEO) and camera communica tion terminal (TELEMETRY B) P24 E When co nnected to vi deo communica .
English 15 Preparation Connectio n and Comm unicatio n Setup 1 A When co nnected to vid eo communi cation term inal (VIDEO) b b b b Connecting communication conve rsion connectors RS-485 MONITOR OUT M.
English Preparation 16 Connection and Communication Setup 1 b b b b Making Connections 1 1 1 1 Connect this unit to equipment for communication and operation.
English 17 Preparation Connection and Communication Setu p 1 (continued) Check Setup: • Type : To operate a hard disk digital recorder with a multiplexer function, this s hould display “ DVR/MUX ” . • Protoco l: When “ DVR /MU X ” is s elected for “ Type ” , “ SANYO DVR/MU ” is automatically displayed.
English Preparation 18 Connectio n and Comm unication Setup 2 B When co nnected to vi deo communica tion termin al (VIDEO) RS-485 MONITOR OUT MAIN A 1 IN 2 B VIDEO COM SW ON 1 234 AB TELEMETRY 12V 3 1.
English 19 Preparation Connection and Communication Setu p 2 (continued) b b b b Making Connections 1 1 1 1 Connect this unit to equipment for communication and operation. Before co nnecting, make sure all equipment is turned off. 2 2 2 2 Terminate Setup.
English Preparation 20 Connection and Communication Setup 2 Check Setup: • Type : To operate a hard disk digital recorder with a multiplexer function, this should display “ DVR/MUX ” . • Protocol : When “ DVR/MUX ” is selected for “ Type ” , “ SANYO DVR/MU ” is automat ically displayed.
English 21 Preparation Connectio n and Comm unicatio n Setup 3 C When connected to video communication terminal (VIDEO) and camera communication terminal (TE LEMETRY A) b Connecting communication conv.
English Preparation 22 Connection and Communication Setup 3 b b b b Making Connections 1 1 1 1 Connect this unit to equipment for communication and operation.
English 23 Preparation Connection and Communication Setu p 3 Check Setup: • Type : To operate a hard disk digital recorder with a multiplexer function, this s hould display “ DVR/MUX ” . • Protoco l: When “ DVR /MU X ” is s elected for “ Type ” , “ SANYO DVR/MU ” is automatically displayed.
English Preparation 24 Connectio n and Comm unication Setup 4 D When connected to video communication t erminal (VIDEO) and camera communica tion terminal (TELEMETRY B) b Connecting communication conv.
English 25 Preparation Connection and Communication Setu p 4 (continued) b b b b Making Connections 1 1 1 1 Connect this unit to equipment for communication and operation. Before co nnecting, make sure all equipment is turned off. 2 2 2 2 Terminate Setup.
English Preparation 26 Connection and Communication Setup 4 Check Setup: • Type : To operate a hard disk digital recorder with a multiplexer function, this should display “ DVR/MUX ” . • Protocol : When “ DVR/MUX ” is selected for “ Type ” , “ SANYO DVR/MU ” is automat ically displayed.
English 27 Preparation Connectio n and Comm unicatio n Setup 5 E When connected to video communication terminal (VIDEO) and camera communication terminals (TELEMETRY A/B) b Connecting communication co.
English Preparation 28 Connection and Communication Setup 5 b b b b Making Connections 1 1 1 1 Connect this unit to equipment for communication and operation.
English 29 Preparation Connection and Communication Setu p 5 (continued) Check Setup: • Type : To operate a hard disk digital recorder with a multiplexer function, this s hould display “ DVR/MUX ” . • Protoco l: When “ DVR /MU X ” is s elected for “ Type ” , “ SANYO DVR/MU ” is automatically displayed.
English Preparation 30 Commun ication Lines an d Number of Connected Units This uni t can ope rate mu ltiple ha rd disk d igital rec orders with a mult iplexer func tion connect ed to th e rear vid eo termina l (VIDEO), or m ultiple d ome or zo om came ras connect ed to the c amera term inals (TELEME TRY A/B).
English 31 Preparation Communication Lines and Number of Connected Units (Continued) VIDEO COM SW ON 1 234 AB TELEMETRY 12V SW ON 1 234 RS-485 TERMINATE TERMINATE OFF ON RS-485 OFF ON 1 VIDEO COM SW O.
English Operati on 32 Hard Disk Digital Recorder (DVR) Operation When con necting t his unit w ith hard disk di gital reco rders, zoo m cameras, etc. Note: Some operation buttons may not be operable, depending on the connected equipment. 1 Press the button.
English 33 Operati on Hard Disk Digital Recor der (DVR) O peration (Continued) 4 Press . changes to . 5 Use the ten-key pad to enter the camera addres s (Exam ple: 2) . The Datum “ 00002 ” will f lash. 6 Press t he button. The Datum changes to “ 00000 ” , and the camera input channel in the message display is “ 2 ” .
English Operati on 34 Hard Disk Digital Recorder (DVR) Opera tion Recording stop button The recording s top screen is displayed on the menu display. Press to c ontinue recording, or press to stop recording. Mul tiple disp lay b utto n The main monitor displays a nine-pane or sixteen-pane s creen.
English 35 Operati on Hard Disk Digital Recor der (DVR) O peration (Continued) Security lock button Press to engage a security lock on hard disk digital recorder operation. Camera sequence button This automatically switches t he monitored live image. P ress again to cancel.
English Operati on 36 Multiplexer (MUX) operation Note: Some operation buttons may not be operable, depending on the connected equipment. 1 Press the button. The but ton changes to . 2 Press the button. The address input screen appears, and Datum “ 00000 ” will flash.
English 37 Operati on Multiplexer ( MUX) operation (Continued) b b b b Main Menu Screen O peration Spot monitor b uttons ( *) Press to select the im age to output to the spot monitor. Main monitor button (*) Press to operate the main m onitor. Mult iple d ispla y but ton The main monitor displays a nine-pane or sixteen-pane s creen.
English Operati on 38 Dome Camera/Z oom Camera Operation Note: Some operation buttons may not be operable, depending on the connected equipment. 1 Press the button. The address input screen appears, and Datum “ 00000 ” will flash. 2 Use the te n-key pad to enter the camera i nput channe l (Exampl e: 1), then pre ss the button.
English 39 Operati on Dome Camera/Zoom Camera Operation (Continued) b b b b Main Menu Screen O peration Perfor ms a sequenti al pan. Performs an automatic pan. Engage s tour mode. Cancels sequential pan/automatic pan/ tour m ode. Performs one-push auto-fo cus.
English Operati on 40 Dome Camera/Zoom Camera Operation Turns OFF ot her funct ions. The ten-key pad screen is displayed on the menu display. Select the function nu mber, and press the button. To return to the previous screen, press the button. Sets zoom to max telefocus.
English 41 System Setup System Setup Overview SYSTEM ent 1-ITALIANO > 2-ENGLISH 3-FRANÇAIS 4-DEUTSCH 5-******** 6-******** 7-******** 8-******** 9-******** 10-******** 11-******** 12-******** ENAB.
English System Setup 42 Language Selection Passwords and menu display settings are avai lable for o peratin g this un it. As an exampl e, changin g the langu age (LANGU AGE) is expla ined here. Use the sam e method for other s ettings o n the Syst em scree n.
English 43 System Setup Communic ation Setup This se ts up com munica tion with equipme nt connecte d to the video c ommunicati on terminal (VIDEO) or camera com munication term inals (TELEMET RY A/B). Serial commu nication testing be tween c onnected equipme nt is als o availa ble.
English System Setup 44 Communication Setup b b b b Unit Addres s Setup When purchased, the unit address is set to “ 1 ” . Change the address when using multi ple controllers. Allocate addresses from 0 to 4. * The addresses can also be checked using the but ton.
English 45 System Setup Communication Setup (Cont inued) B 2 – TELEMETRY (Dome came ra or zoom camera commu nication setu p) Upon purchasing, the communica tion settings are set to c onnect our video equipment to cameras using coaxial cables. Communication uses the video communication term inal (VIDEO) .
English System Setup 46 Communication Setup C 3 – SERIAL TESTS (Communicati on output t est for video comm unication te rminal an d camera com munication t erminal) Remove all lines c onnected to this unit, and use two m odular cables and two communication converter connec tors to connect as shown below.
English 47 System Setup Control Setu p Sets up e quipment and funct ions effec tive for t his unit. b b b b Select a Control Item (ACCE PTED VA LUES) Press the button or button to select a setup item, then press the button. Displays the selected screen.
English System Setup 48 Control Setup Single row cl ear button Clears a row at a time. Individual camera setup button The ten camer as on the c ursor line can be set (A/B/ m ) individually. A line selection button When pressed, the A/B line switch button switches to the button.
English 49 System Setup Control Setup (Continue d) C 3 – FUNCTIONS Other functions c an be started or stopped. • Mtx/Dvr/Mux setup Enables display of the video equipment menu. • Telemetry setup Enables display of the camera menu. • Autopan/Scan/Patrol Enables automatic operation of dome cameras.
English System Setup 50 Password Setup (PASSWORD) Passwords can be s et for opera tions upon unit power O N, setup m enu acce ss, etc. enter . 0 Digit password Start enter . 0 Digit password Alarm reset enter . 0 Digit password Parameters enter . 0 Digit password Level 1 enter .
English 51 System Setup Passwor d Setup (PASSWORD) (Continued) The pass word se tup procedure is the s ame for ea ch ite m. Here, ente ring the p assword upon uni t power ON is explai ned. b b b b AT SWITCHING ON (Power ON passwor d) 1 Press the button or button to select “ AT SWITCHING ON ” , then press the button.
English 53 System Setup Setup ( CONFIGURATION) (Continued) b b b b Initialize (RESTORE BASIS VA LUES) When this is set, the settings of each menu screen revert to the default settings. 1 Press the button or button to select “ RESTORE BASIS VALU ES ” , then pres s the button.
English System Setup 54 Setup ( CONFIGURATION) • 4 – Matrix alarm: M atrix alarm detection This setting sounds a buzzer when an alarm is dete cted. Selections: YES , N O • 5 – Power saving: Power save functi on When no button s are operated for approximately one minute, the screen brightness is automatically switched (dimmed).
English 55 System Setup Setup ( CONFIGURATION) (Continued) b b b b Touch scr een adjust ment (TOUCH SCREEN SETTING) 1 Press the button or button to select “ TOUCH SCREEN SETTING ” , then press the button. The adjustment screen appears. 2 Press t he center of the button at the upper left to display t he press ed coordinates.
English System Setup 56 Setup ( CONFIGURATION) 6 Press t he button. The coordinates at the lower right are placed in mem ory, and change to “ = = = = = ” .
English 57 System Setup Setup ( CONFIGURATION) (Continued) 5 After initiali zing, operate the joystick as shown i n the drawing to perform touch screen adjustment. The touch screen adjustment screen appear s. Perform settings using the procedure on P55.
Software CONT ENTS 2 2 2 2 Software Configuration ..... .............. ............ 59 2 2 2 2 Connection and Software Ins tallation ........ 60 2 2 2 2 System Setup (Setup) ............ .............. ........ 61 2 2 2 2 Language Setup (La nguage) ..
English 59 Software Software Confi guration Use the s oftware on th e provide d CD-ROM to p erform various settings for this unit on your PC. Syst em set up fo r thi s un it ar e per form ed on t he PC.
English Software 60 Connectio n and Software Installation b b b b Install the Software 1 Insert the provided CD-ROM in the CD- ROM drive on th e PC, open it, and click SET UP.EXE. The next screen is displayed. 2 Follow the instructions on the screen to install the soft ware.
English 61 Software System Setup (Setup) 1 Menu [File] New: Create new system settings. Open: Open existing settings. Save: Sa ve settings. Save as: Save settings by another name. Receive from keybo ard: Download unit settings to this software. Send to keyb oard: Upload software set tings to the unit.
English Software 62 System Setup (Se tup) A General ( General S ettings) 1 From the “ Fil e ” menu, select “ New ” . • To open sav ed settings, select “ Open ” . • To download the c urrent unit settings and change them , select “ Receive from keyboard ” .
English 63 Software System Se tup (Setup) (Continued) 1 Language (Select Lang uage): Each nu mber corr esponds to the numb er by each langua ge displayed in the L ANGUAGE sc reen unde r Syst em Set up ( ). Check th e display l anguage and select th e proper number.
English Software 64 System Setup (Se tup) B Cameras (C amera communic ation setup) 1 Click the [Cameras] tab. 2 Set camer a lines using the various buttons. : Clear butto n Disconnects all cameras. : Single row clear button Clears a row at a time. : A/B lin e sw itch but ton When pres sed, all camera connection terminals switch to A.
English 65 Software System Se tup (Setup) (Continued) Changing the Camera Address Number • Click to enter input/output settings mode (upper left grid displays “ Addr.
English Software 66 System Setup (Se tup) C Monitor/Local Mux (Valid/Invalid set up for hard disk digit al recorder with mult iplexer) 1 Click the [Monit or/Local Mux] tab. 2 Set the video equipme nt output using the various buttons. : Clear butto n Invalidates all video equ ipment.
English 67 Software System Se tup (Setup) (Continued) D Enabling (stopping or starting settings) 1 Click the [Enabling] tab. 2 Check the functions to turn ON. Uncheck the f unctions to turn OFF, leaving them blank. • Setup Matrix/Dv r/Mux Enables display of the v ideo equipment menu.
English Software 68 Languag e Setup (Lang uage) 1 Menu [Text m anagement ] Receive from keybo ard: Receives the current language from the unit. Load fr om file: Opens language settings file. Send to keyboard: Uploads software language settings to the unit.
English 69 Software Language Setup (Language ) (Continued) b b b b Creating Two Different English Tabs 1 From the “ Text management ” menu, sel ect “ Receive fr om keyboard ” . 2 Receives t he current la nguage from the un it. The receive status is displayed on the screen, and t he language is displayed when receiving is com plete.
English Software 70 Language Setup (Language) 7 Use the s ame proced ure to change other words o r change them into symbols, cre ating tabs with different English wording. Pressing will display t he special character input scre en. Enter the language name in the t op row.
English 71 Software Graphics Environm ent Setup (Map s) 1 Menu [Project] • New: Creates new graphics. • Open: Opens an existing file. • Save: Sav es cur ren t set tin gs. • Save as: Save settings by another name • Receive from keyboard: Downloads the current settings from the unit.
English Software 72 Graph ics Envir onment Se tup (Ma ps) b b b b Display Telephone Number on Open ing S cre en 1 From the “ Project ” menu, selec t “ New ” . The Opening screen appears. 2 Click the “ Servic e ” tab, click “” , and selec t the imag e file to read.
English 73 Software Graphics Environment S etup (Maps) (Continue d) b b b b Map Sc reen Ex planat ion 1 From the “ Projec t ” menu, select “ New ” . The Opening screen appears. 2 Click the [Maps] tab. The left window displays Map 1, and the right window displays the General icon.
English Software 74 Graph ics Envir onment Se tup (Ma ps) 1 Map Displa y 2 Map Se lection Click the up or down arrows on the spin button to switch the map display screen. Note: Maps 1 to 4 are basic displays for this unit, and cannot be changed (Locked ).
English 75 Software Graphics Environment S etup (Maps) (Continue d) (Allocation Setup Screen) (1) Matrix /Mux-Dvr Allocates functions and selects video equipment and camera s for operat ion. (2) Moveme nts Allocates dome camera automatic functions. See Protocol Ch art (Autopan/Patrol).
English Software 76 Graph ics Envir onment Se tup (Ma ps) b b b b Sample Equipment Alloca tion A To allocate “ Play ” to the hard disk digital recorder (DVR) at ad dress 1 1 Check “ Mix ed Sy stem ” . 2 Check “ Local Dvr ” . 3 Check “ Select Dvr ” , and enter “ 1 ” in the text box (input field).
English 77 Software Graphics Environment S etup (Maps) (Continue d) B Select the camera connected to CH16 of the hard disk digital recorder (DVR) on ad dress 2, a nd alloca te “ Autopan ” . 1 Check “ Mi xed System ” . 2 Check “ Local Dvr ” .
English Software 78 Graph ics Envir onment Se tup (Ma ps) C To switch the map disp lay screen t o Map 15 1 At the lower right of the scr een, b y “ Ju mp p age ” , check “ No. ” , and e nter “ 15 ” in the text box. 2 Press “ S ave and ex it ” to exit the screen .
English 79 Software Graphics Environment S etup (Maps) (Continue d) b b b b Protocol Char t (Autopan) (*) only wi th VKR Eneo ma trix on video li ne Proto col Start 1 Stop 2 Toggle 3 Number Funct ion Number Func tion Number Function ------ --------- --- 1.
English Software 80 Graph ics Envir onment Se tup (Ma ps) b b b b Protocol Chart (Patr ol) (*) only with VKR Eneo matrix on video line Protoco l Start 4 St op 5 To ggle 6 Number Funct ion Number Function Number Function ------- ----- ------ 1..32 START T OUR (*) 0 STOP TOUR (*) 0 RESET TOUR (*) ELBEX ELMO 0.
English 81 Software Graphics Environment S etup (Maps) (Continue d) b b b b Changing the Opening screen to “ SANYO ” 1 From the “ Projec t ” menu, sele ct “ New ” . The Opening screen appears. 2 Click the “” icon, and sele ct t he ima ge f ile t o rea d.
English Software 82 Graph ics Envir onment Se tup (Ma ps) b b b b Create a map using the graphics tool and display on opening screen. 1 From the “ Project ” menu, selec t “ New ” . The Opening screen appears. 2 Fro m th e “ Images ” m enu, select “ Change ima ge ” .
English 83 Software Graphics Environment S etup (Maps) (Continue d) 3 Click to save setting s. 4 From the “ Projec t ” menu, sele ct “ Send to keyboard ” . A dialog box is displayed for select ing the upload screen. Check the “ Maps ” checkbox, and click the OK button.
English Software 84 Graph ics Envir onment Se tup (Ma ps) 3 Drawing Tools : Selects t he item (c ursor) : Draws lines freehand : Draws straight line : Draws rectangle (outline only) : Draws solid rect.
English 85 Others Specifications Appearance and specifications may be revised without notice. Thank you for your understanding. b b b b Outer Dimen sions (Units: mm) Communica tion Meth od RS485 Keybo.
English Others 86 Appendix b b b b Communications Chart 1 – VIDEO (Vi deo Line) Type Proto col Baudrate DVR/MUX SANYO DV R/MU 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4/2 VIDEOTEC MACRO MACRO NO P.
English 87 Others Appendix (Continued) 2 – TELEMETRY A (Camer a Line) 2 – TELEMETRY B (Camer a Line) Connector P rotoco l Baudrate Video Video Video Video SANYO SSP SANYO HSSP SANYO HSSP SANYO HSS.
English Others 88 Appendix b b b b Message Chart ALARM: Esc to ex it PATROL: Sen t 'Walk' Stop AUX: Select fu nction PATROL: Sent Re cording "Walk" nr.
English 89 Others Appendix (Continued) b b b b Special Co de Chart These functions can be loaded by entering their special codes. ERNITEC SA TURN ........ ....... ...... .... ...... ....... ...... 89 MARK MERCER ........ .... ....... ...... ...... ...
English Others 90 Appendix b b b b MARK MERCER Cod e Functio n IRIS MANUAL 11 Opens the iris. 12 Clo se s th e ir is . ON SCREEN DISPLAY 21 Screen display ON. 22 Screen display OFF. 23 Screen display on top half of monitor. 24 Screen display on bottom half of monitor.
English 91 Others Appendix (Continued) Code Functio n TOGGLE AUTO PARK (ON/OFF) 2XX Dome camera s can be set to automatically move to preset position No. 1 after a set stopping inter val passes. XX= 01 – 99 (*): Waiting time (minutes) be fore automatically stopping (*) when waiting time XX =00 , the funct ion is invalid.
English Others 92 Appendix b b b b PELCO Cod e Functio n 0 Pan 0 positio n SPEED CURVES 11 First speed c urve (speed values : 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 45, 63). 12 Second speed curve (speed values: 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 63). 13 Third speed curve (speed values: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, 63).
English 93 Others Appendix (Continued) Code Functio n ALARMS X Alarm identification ( X is 1 to 8 ) MISC 99 Cleans screen. 999 Initializes remote camera operations (pan/tilt).
English Others 94 Appendix b b b b SENSO RMATI C Cod e Functio n RELAYS 0 All relays OFF 1 Relay 1 ON 2 Relay 2 ON 3 Relay 3 ON 4 Relay 4 ON 12 Relay 1 and 2 ON 13 Relay 1 and 3 ON 14 Relay 1 and 4 ON.
1AC6P1P2951-- L8CSC/WA (0805KP)a VTECH SANYO Electric Co., Ltd..
デバイスSanyo VSP-9000の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sanyo VSP-9000をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSanyo VSP-9000の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sanyo VSP-9000の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sanyo VSP-9000で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sanyo VSP-9000を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSanyo VSP-9000の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sanyo VSP-9000に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSanyo VSP-9000デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。