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PRINTER Controller Type 1 013 Operat ing Instruc tions Printer Reference 1 (option) Read this m anual carefully befo re you use this prod uct and keep it handy for futur e referenc e.
Intr oduc tion This manual contain s detailed instruc tions on the operation and m aint enance of this machine. To get maximum versati lity from this machine all operat ors should carefu lly read and fol low the i nstruct ions in this manu al. Please k eep this manual in a handy place ne ar the machi ne.
i Manuals for This Machine Manuals f or This Machine There are ten m anuals that separately describe the operational procedures for the ope ration and maintenance of the machi ne. To enhance safe a nd efficient operation of the mac hine, all users should read and follow the instructions contained in the following manuals.
ii ENER GY STA R Progr am • Low P ower mode This product automatically lowers its power consumption 15 minutes after the last copy or print job has fi nished. Fax reception and printing is stil l pos- sible in Low Power mode, but if you wish to make copies press the operation switch f irst.
iii ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Specification Recycled Paper In accord ance with the ENE RGY STAR Program, we recom mend use of recy cled paper which is enviro nment f riendly.
iv How to Read This Manual Symb ols In this m anual, the follow ing symbols are used: R WARNING: This symbol indicates a po tentially h azardous situation which, if ins tructions are n ot fo llowed , cou ld res ult in death or se rious i njury .
v TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Getting Started Feat ures o f This M achine ...... ........ ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... ...... ........ ...... ...... ... 1 Printer Drivers for This Machine......... ....... ....... ....... ....... ...... ....... .......
1 1. Getting Started Features of T his Machine This machine is designed especially for office workgroups, both for shared us- age within a network e nvironment, and for one-to-one usage by being connected direct ly to the compute r. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Time Saving Superior feat ures save time on print tasks.
Getting Started 2 1 Printer Drivers for This Mach ine Printing requires installation of a printe r driver for your operating system. The follow ing dri vers are pr ovided on the CD-ROM that comes with this m achine.
Featur es of This Machine 3 1 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ PostScript Printer Description (PPD) files for a Macintosh PPD file s, in combin ation wi th the LaserWrit er driver, allow the comp uter to communicate with the printe r. The print er spec ific functi ons c an be used by installin g a PPD file.
Getting Started 4 1 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Printer Util ity for Mac T h i s u t i l i t y a l l o w s u s e r s t o d o w n l o a d a n d m a n a g e a v a r i e t y o f f o n t s a s we l l a s to manage their pri nters.
Guide to This Machi ne 5 1 Guide t o This Machine Contro l Panel This panel display is for the instal led Printe r and Facs imile feature. 1. Printer Mode key Press to use printer functions. 2. { Job Reset } key When the printer is online, press this key to canc el any on going print job.
Getting Started 6 1 Panel Display The panel di splay shows operation al statu s, error messages, and func tion menus. Impor tant ❒ Do not apply a strong shock or forc e of more than about 30N (about 3kgf) t o the panel display or it may be dam aged.
Guide to This Machi ne 7 1 Offline When the machine is offline, it cannot receive d ata from the com puter. 1. { Onl ine/O fflin e } key Press this key to switch the p rin ter of- fline. "Offline" appears on the panel display. 2. Data In/Online indicator Is off while the printer is o ffline.
Getting Started 8 1 Connecti ng the Machine Confirm t hat the shape and the position of the connect or are as sh own in the il- lustrati on. 1. 10BASE-T/1 00BASE-TX (option) 2. Parallel Port Requirements Requirements Before using this machine, confirm that all the envi ronmental and electrical re- quirements have been met.
Connecti ng the Machi ne 9 1 Network cable req uirements Optional Netw ork Interface Board Type 1018 can be i nstalled to allow direct connecti on to a netwo rk. The optional N etwork Inter face Board su pports 10BASE -T or 100BASE-T X con- nec tio ns.
Getting Started 10 1 Connecting the Network I nterface Cabl e to the Net work Connect the machine to the network using optional Network Interface Board Type 1018. Follow these steps to co nnect the m achine. A Confirm that you have the correct cable. B Confirm that the machine is turned off.
Connecti ng the Machi ne 11 1 Indicators on the optional Network Interface Board 1. Indicator (gr een) Is on wh en the power of th e mac hine is on and on w hile the ma chine is in a net - work environment.
Getting Started 12 1 Connecting the Machine to the Host Usi ng the Parall el Interface Cable Connect the machine to the host computer using a pa rallel interface cable com - pliant wit h IEEE 1284 (supplied by you) . Follow these steps to co nnect the m achine to th e host computer .
13 2. Configuring the Printer for the Network Configuring the Printer for t he Network with the Control Panel After installing the optiona l Netwo rk Inter face Bo ard, config ure it for the networ k usi ng the printe r's con trol panel. If you use TCP/IP, you should assign the IP Address and Subnet Mask.
Configuri ng the Printer for th e Netwo rk 14 2 G Set the IP Ad dress with the 0 or 1 key and t he number keys. Note ❒ To get t he IP Addr ess f or the printer, contac t your netwo rk administ rator. A Ty pe th e f ir st th re e d ig it s o f t he IP Address, and the pointer moves to the ne xt entry field au- tomatical ly.
15 3. Installing the Printer Driver and S oftware This manual assumes that yo u are familiar with general Windo ws procedures and practices. If you are not, see the d ocumentation that comes with Windows for details. Installation Me thod The following table shows how to install the printer drivers and software.
Install ing th e Printer Driver a nd Software 16 3 Quick I nstall Auto R un starts the insta ller automatica lly when you load the CD -ROM in th e CD-ROM drive.
Quick In stall 17 3 F Click to sele ct a model name you want to use when the "Select Pri nter" di- alog box appear s. Note ❒ For a network connecti on with TCP/IP, selec t the printer w hose IP address is di splayed in [ Connect To ] .
Install ing th e Printer Driver a nd Software 18 3 Installing th e PCL 6/5e Printer Driver Installi ng the PCL 6/5e Printer Dri ver Two kinds of PCL printer driv ers, PCL 6 and PCL 5e, are provided with this printer. We re commend PCL 6 as your fir st choi ce.
Instal ling the PCL 6/5e Printe r Drive r 19 3 Settin g up op tions Impor tant ❒ If the printer is eq uipped with certain options (e.g. the Paper Feed Unit or the Memo ry Unit), you sho uld set up t he option s with the printer driv er. Limitatio n ❒ In Windows 2000, changing the printer settings requires Manage Printers per- mission.
Install ing th e Printer Driver a nd Software 20 3 Installing t he PostScript Pr inter Drive r This section describes basic instructions for installing the PostScript printer driv- er. The actual pro cedure may differ depen ding on the operating system.
Install ing th e PostScr ipt Prin ter Dri ver 21 3 Settin g up op tions Impor tant ❒ If the printer is eq uipped with certain options (e.g. the Paper Feed Unit or the Memo ry Unit), you sho uld set up t he option s with the printer driv er. A Click [ Start ] on the taskbar, point to [ Setting s ] , and t hen click [ Pri nter s ] .
Install ing th e Printer Driver a nd Software 22 3 E Click [ Next ] . F Check [ Local Pr inter ] a nd the n cl ick [ Next ] . A dialog box for selec ting the pri nter port appears. G Select t he check box of the port you want to u se, and th en click [ Next ] .
Install ing th e PostScr ipt Prin ter Dri ver 23 3 Windows NT 4.0 - Installing t he PostScript Printer Driver Installing the printer driver Limitatio n ❒ Installi ng a printer driver require s Administra tors permission. When you in- stall a printer driver, log on using an account that has Administrators permis- sion.
Install ing th e Printer Driver a nd Software 24 3 Settin g up op tions Limitatio n ❒ Changing t he printer settings r equires Manage Printers p ermission. Member s of the Ad ministrators and Power Users groups have Manage Pr inters p ermis- sion by default.
Instal ling the SmartNet Monitor fo r Clie nt/Admin 25 3 Installing t he SmartNetMonitor for Clie nt/ Admin Limitatio n ❒ If your system is Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.
Install ing th e Printer Driver a nd Software 26 3 Installing the AGFA Monotype Font Manager 2000 Limitatio n ❒ If your system is Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.0, installing software by Auto Run req uires A dministrators permission. When you install a printer driver by Auto Run, log on using an account that has Administrato rs permis- sion.
Macintosh 27 3 Macintosh Macintosh - Installing the PPD File You can us e the LaserWriter printer driver that comes with a Macintosh wh en printing from a Macintosh. However, if you use the Laser Writer printe r driver alone, you cannot use the printer specific functions.
Install ing th e Printer Driver a nd Software 28 3 Setting up the PPD file Prep aratio n Confir m that the pri nter is connec ted to an Appl eTalk netwo rk b efore per- forming the following procedure. A On the Apple menu, sel ect [ Ch ooser ] . B Click the [ La serWriter 8 ] icon.
29 INDEX 10BA SE-T/10 0BASE -TX , 8 A AGFA Monoty pe Font Manager 2000 , 3 C Cancel k ey , 5 Control P anel , 5 D Display pa nel , 5 G Gateway Add ress , 14 I Ind icato rs , 5 J Job Re set key , 5 M M.
30 UE US A B4 41 MEMO.
i Manuals for This Machine Manuals f or This Mach ine There are ten m anuals that separately describe the operat ional procedures for the operation and maintenanc e of the machine. To enhance safe and efficient operation of the machine, all users should read and follow the instructions contained i n the following manuals.
ii How to Read This Manual Symbols In this manual, the following symbols are us ed: R WARNING: This symbol indicates a potentia lly haz ardous si tuation which, if instructions are not followed, could result in death or serious inj ury.
iii TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Setting Up the Printer Driver and Canceling a Print Job PCL 6/5e - Access ing the Printer Properties ............ ................... ............ 1 Windows 95/98/Me - Accessing the Printer Properties ............... .........
iv 4. Using the Control Panel Adjusting Printer Features ....................... .................. ................... .......... 24 Printer Features Menu ......... .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... ........... ........ . 24 Printer Features Para meters .
1 1. Setting Up the Printer Driver and Canceling a Print Job PCL 6/5e - Accessing the Printer Properties Windows 95/98/ Me - Accessing the Printer Properties Changing the default printer settings A Click [ Start ] on the taskbar, point to [ Settings ] , and then click [ Printers ] .
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Canceling a Print Job 2 1 B Select the printer you want to use in the [ Name ] list box, and then click [ Prop- erties ] . The Printer Properties appear. C Make any setting s you require and click [ Apply ] . D Click [ OK ] to start printing.
PCL 6/5e - Accessing the Printer Properties 3 1 B Click to select the icon of the printer w hose defau lt settings yo u want to change. C On the [ Fi le ] menu, click [ Printing Prefer ences... ] . The Printing Preferences Properties appear. D Make any setting s you require and click [ Apply ] .
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Canceling a Print Job 4 1 Windows NT 4. 0 - Accessing the Printe r Properti es Changing the default printer settings - Printer Properties Limita tion ❒ Changing the setting of the printer requires F ull Control access permission.
PCL 6/5e - Accessing the Printer Properties 5 1 Making printer settings from an application To ma ke the printer settings for a specific application, open the Printer Proper- ties dialog box from that app lication. The following example d escribes how to make settings for the WordPad application that comes with Windows NT 4.
Se tting Up the Printer Driver and Canceling a Print Job 6 1 PostScript - Setting Up for Printing Windows 95/98/ Me - Accessing the Printer Properties Changing the default printer settings To make the Printer default settings, first open the Printer Properties dialog box from the [ Print ers ] win dow.
PostScript - Setting Up for P rinting 7 1 B Select the printer you want to use in the [ Name ] list box, and then click [ Prop- erties ] . The Printer Properties appear. C Make any setting s you require and click [ Apply ] . D Click [ OK ] to start printing.
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Canceling a Print Job 8 1 B Click to select the icon of the printer w hose defau lt settings yo u want to change. C On the [ Fi le ] menu, click [ Printing Prefer ences... ] . The Printing Preferences Properties appear.
PostScript - Setting Up for Printing 9 1 Windows NT 4. 0 - Accessing the Printe r Properti es Changing the default printer settings - Printer Properties Limita tion ❒ Changing the setting of the printer requires F ull Control access permission.
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Canceling a Print Job 10 1 Making printer settings from an application To ma ke the printer settings for a specific application, open the Printer Proper- ties dialog box from that app lication. The following example d escribes how to make settings for the WordPad application that comes with Windows NT 4.
PostScript - Setting Up for Printing 11 1 Setting up for printing from an application A Open the file you want to pr int. B On the [ Fi le ] menu, click [ Pr int ] . The [ Pri nter ] dialog box appears. C Confirm that the printer is selected in t he [ Printer : ] box, an d make the pri nt- er settings.
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Canceling a Print Job 12 1 Canceling a Print Job Windows 95/98/Me, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0 - Canceling a Print Job A Double-click the printer icon on the Windows taskbar. A window appears, showing all the print jobs that are currently queuing to be printed.
Canceling a Print Job 13 1 Macintosh - Canceling a Print Job A Double-click the printer's icon on the desktop. A window appears, showing all the print jobs that are currently queuing to be printed. Check the current status of the job you want to cancel.
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Canceling a Print Job 14 1.
15 2. Uninstalling the Printer Driver and Software Uninstalling the PCL 6/5e Printer Driver This section describes how to uninstall the printer driver. The actual procedure may differ depending on the operating system. Fol low o ne of the a pprop riate proc edur es bel ow.
Uninstalling the Printer Driver and Software 16 2 Windows NT 4. 0 - Uninstal ling the PCL 6/5e Print er Driver Limita tion ❒ Uninstalling a printer driver requires Full Control access permission. Mem- bers of the Administrators, Server Operators, Print Operators, and Power Us- ers groups have Full Control Permission by default.
Uninstalling the PostScript Printer Driver 17 2 Uninstalling the PostScript Printer Driver This section descr ibes how to uninstall the PostScri pt printer driver. The actual procedure may differ d epending on the operating system. Fol low o ne of the a pprop riate proc edur es bel ow.
Uninstalling the Printer Driver and Software 18 2 Windows NT 4. 0 - Uninstal ling the Post Script Print er Driver Limita tion ❒ Uninstalling a printer driver requires Full Control access permission. Mem- bers of the Administrators, Server Operators, Print Operators, and Power Us- ers groups have Full Control Permission by default.
19 3. Troubleshooting Error & Status Messages on the Control Panel Messages/Second message s Description Solution Add Toner Open Front Cover and /Follow Instructions to Replac e it Toner is running out. It is time to supply toner. Clear Misfeed(s) /Follow instructions in Front Cover There is misfeed a t the front cover.
Troubleshooting 20 3 Processing... T he printer is processing in- ternally. Wait for a while. Ready The printer is online and ready to print. If you want to se t the printer offline, press { Online } . Resetting Job... The print job is being reset. Wait for a while.
Machine Does Not Print 21 3 Machine Does Not Print Poss ible Cause Solut ions Is the power on? Turn on the machine. Is the interface cable properly connected? Connect the interface cable properly. If there are any connectors or screws, ma ke sure that they are fas tened securely.
Tr oubleshooting 22 3 Other Printing Problems Problem Action An image is printed on the revers e side of the paper. Set the pa per upside down. Multiple pages are fed through the printer at once. Remove all the pap er from the tray and fan them gently.
23 4. Using the Control Panel Though the factory default settings of the printer are suitable for most printing jobs, the "Printer Features" gives you access to a number of settings that control basic printer operations. "Prin ter Features" settings you make are retained even when you turn off the printer.
Us ing the Control Panel 24 4 Adjusting Printer Features Printer Fe atures Menu There are four menu items in the "Printer Features" menu. • Job Contro l • N etwork Setup • Maintenance • L i s t P r i n t You can select function s in the following table.
Adjusting Printer Features 25 4 *1 Optional Network Interfac e Board is re quired. *2 Optional PostScript lev el2 Compatibl e Kit is requir ed. Accessing the P rinter Features M enu Press { U ser Tools/Counter } . Press the 0 or 1 key to display “5.
Using the Control Panel 26 4 Note ❒ 1 key : Press to go to the next menu. ❒ 0 key : Press to go back to the previous menu ❒ After making the printer settings, be sure to return to the previous menu by pressing { Canc el } . ❒ After m aking the printer s ettings, press { User Tools/Counter } to return to the initial display.
Printer Features Parameters 27 4 Printer Features Parameters Job Control Menu There are four menu items in the “Job Control” menu. • Paper Input • Print Quality •S y s t e m • PCL Menu Job.
Using the Control Panel 28 4 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Print Quality B y p a s s P a p e r S i z e Y o u c a n s p e c i f y t h e p a p e r s i z e , s t a n d a r d o r c u s t o m , f o r t h e b y p a s s tray. When the by pass paper size is no t sp ecified , th e pap er size you set on the control panel is used.
Printer Features Parameters 29 4 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ System Toner Saving You can select whether to enable Toner Saving. •O f f •O n Note ❒ Default: Off ❒ If “Toner Saving” is “On”, “EdgeSmoothing” is ignored even if it is “On”. ❒ The setting in the printer drive r ta kes priority of the setting on control panel.
Using the Control Panel 30 4 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ PCL Menu Auto Continue You can set whether to enable Auto Continue. When it is set to “On”, the printing continues even if t he following error mess ages appear on the display. “Print Overrun. Job Incomplete.
Printer Features Parameters 31 4 Font Number You can set the ID of the default font you want to use. • 0 to 54 (for Int ernal) • 1 to 50 ( for Download sourc e) Note ❒ Default: Internal ❒ Default: 0 Point Size You can set the point size you want to use for the default font.
Using the Control Panel 32 4 Changing the Paper Input Menu The following procedure describes changing the “Tray Priority” as an example in the “Paper In put”menu. A Press { User Tools/Counter } . B Press the 0 o r 1 key until the following message appears on th e pa nel dis- play.
Print er Features Parameters 33 4 F Press { OK } . The following screen ap pears on the panel dis play. G Press the 0 or 1 key to select the tray type you want to use. H Press { OK } . “Programmed” is displayed for two seconds. I The following screen appears on the panel display.
U sing the Control Panel 34 4 Network Setup Menu There are three menu items in the “Network Setup” menu. •I P A d d r e s s • Subnet Ma sk • Gateway Address Note ❒ This “Network Setup” m enu appears only when installing the optional N et- work Interface Board.
P rinter Features Parameters 35 4 Maintenanc e Menu There are three menu items in the “Mai ntenance” menu. • Restart Printer •M e n u R e s e t • Hex Dump Maintenance Parameters Restartin g a Printer The following procedure describes selecting th e “Restart Printer” as an example in the “Mainte nance” menu.
Usi ng the Control Panel 36 4 B Press the 0 o r 1 key until the following message appears on th e pa nel dis- play. C Press { OK } . The following screen ap pears on the panel dis play. D Press the 0 o r 1 key until the following message appears on th e pa nel dis- play.
Printer Features Parameters 37 4 List Prin t Menu There are four menu items in the “List Print” menu. • Configuration Page •M e n u L i s t • PCL Font List •P S F o n t L i s t List Print .
Using the Control Panel 38 4 C Press { OK } . The following screen ap pears on the panel dis play. D Press the 0 o r 1 key until the following message appears on th e pa nel dis- play. E Press { OK } . The following screen ap pears on the panel dis play.
Printer Features Parameters 39 4 Interpreting the Conf iguration Page Reference ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Printer ID Shows the serial number assigned to the board by its manuf acturer. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Firmware Version Shows the version number of the printer firmware.
Using the Control Panel 40 4 Adjusting System Settings Accessing th e System Se ttings A Press { User Tools/Counter } . B Press the 0 or 1 key to display “2.System Settings”. C Press { OK } . The following screen ap pears on the panel dis play. Select the desi red menu you want to change.
Adjusting System Settings 41 4 System Settings Parameters This section contains the information about the parameters used for the printer. Reference For more information about the other parameters in the System Settings menu, see the “System Settings” manual.
Using the Control Panel 42 4.
43 5. Appendix Specifications This section contains the electrical and hardware specificati ons for the printer, including the information about the options.
A ppendix 44 5 Options Network Interface Boar d Type 101 8 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Topology: Ethernet (10BaseT/100Ba seTX) ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Protocols: TCP/IP, IPX/SP X, AppleTalk ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Interface Connect or: RJ45 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Required Cable: Int erfac e cab le wi th fe rrite cor e Interface cable is not pro vided with this option.
45 INDEX A Auto Off Timer , 41 C Cancel key , 26 Conf ig. Page , 37 Configura tion Page , 37 E error , 19 F Functi on Pri ority , 41 H Hex Dump , 35 J Job Control , 25 , 27 L List Print , 25 , 37 M Ma.
46 UE USA B441 W Window s 2000 PCL 5e, uninstalling , 15 PCL 6, uninstalling , 15 PostScript, uninstalling , 17 print er propert ies, PCL , 2 printer p roperties, PostSc ript , 7 Window s 95/98 /Me PC.
Note to u sers in t he United St ates of America Notice: This equipmen t has been tested and found to comply with the limi ts f or a Class B di gital device, pur su- ant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limit s are designed to provid e reasona ble protec tion against harmful inter ferenc e in a resident ial i nstalla tion.
PRINT ER Control ler Type 10 13 Op erating Ins truction s Printe r Reference 1 (opti on) Print ed in China UE USA B4 41 -8607.
デバイスSavin 1013の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Savin 1013をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSavin 1013の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Savin 1013の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Savin 1013で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Savin 1013を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSavin 1013の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Savin 1013に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSavin 1013デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。