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Printer/Scanner Unit Type 2045e Operating Instructions Scanner Reference For safe and correct use of this machine, plea se be sure to read the Safety Information in the General Settings Guide be fore you use it.
Printer/Scanner Unit Type 2045e Operat ing Instructions Scanner Reference EN USA B654-8707.
Introduction This manual describe s detailed in structions on the operation and notes a bout the use of thi s machine. To get maximum versatility from this mach ine all op erators are requ ested to read this manual carefully and follow the instructions.
In accordance with IEC 60417, this machine uses the fol lowing symbols for the main power switch: a means POWER ON. c means STAND BY. Note to users in the United States of Americ a Notice: This equipment has been tested and fo und to comply wi th th e limits for a Class B digita l device, pursu- ant to Part 15 of the FCC R ules.
i Manuals for This Machine The following manu als describe the operat ional procedures of this machine. For particular functions, see the relevant parts of the manual. Note r The manuals provided are specific to machine type. r Adobe Acrobat Reader is necessary to view the PDF file manuals.
ii v Manuals for DeskTopBinder V2 Lite DeskTopBinder V2 Lite is a utility incl uded on the CD-ROM labeled "Scanner Driver & Document Ma nagement Utilities".
iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Manuals for This Machine .............................................. ........................................ i How to Read This Manual .............................................. ....................................... 1 Symbols .
iv 4. Sending Scan File by E-mail Preparation for Sending by E-mail .......................................... ........................... 45 E-mail Screen...................... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............
v 9. Appendix Relationship between Resolution and File Size................................................ 99 When Using as E-mai l, Scan to Fol der, Document Server or Netwo rk Delivery Scanner ... 99 When Using as a Network TWAIN Scanner .... .....
1 How to Read This Manual Symbols In this manual, the follo wing symbols are used: Important If this instruction is no t followed, paper might be misfed, originals might be damaged, or f iles might be lost. Be sure to read this. Preparation This symbol indicate s the prior kn owledg e or prep arations requ ired before op - erating.
3 1. Network Scanner Outline By installing the printer/scanner controll er, the machine can be used as a ne t- work scanner. As a network scanner, the machine can se nd e-mail, send files to the FTP s.
Network Scanner 4 1 3. Client computer An e-mail with scan file attached is re- ceived from the e-mail server using e- mail software. Check the content of the file using an ap- plication appropriate for the file type.
Outline 5 1 3. Client computer Scan file that is sent from the machine is received in the shared folders of Win- dows. Check the content of the file using an ap- plication appropriate for the file type.
Network Scanner 6 1 Network Delivery Scanner The machine is used as a deli very scan ner with ScanRouter V2 Lite/Profession- al. Scan file from the originals scanned by the machine is stored in the delivery server and delivered to the folders of client computers on the same network.
Outline 7 1 Reference For more information about ScanRouter V2 Lite, DeskTopBinder V2 Lite, or Auto Document Link, see the respective documentation. See p.
Network Scanner 8 1 Control Panel This illustration shows the control panel when options are installed. 1. { User Tools/Counter } key Use to change default or operation pa- rameters according to the operating con- ditions. 2. Display panel Displays the operation status and mes- sages.
Control Panel 9 1 10. Indicators Display errors and the machine status. d : Add Staple indicator D : Add Toner indicator B : Add Paper indicator L : Service Call indicator M : Open Cover indicator x : Misfeed indicator Reference For more informat ion, see General Settings Guide .
Network Scanner 10 1 Display Contents This section e xplains the n o rmal screen configuration. The display's contents differ depending on the function. Note r The Copy screen is set as the default screen when the machine is turned on. You can change this s etting in the System Settings.
Control Panel 11 1 Using as a networ k delivery scanner Press the { Scanner } key to display the Network Deli very Scanner screen (when [ Delivery Serv er ] has been selected in [ Destination List Display Priority 1 ] ). If the Ne t- work TWAIN Scann e r s c reen appears, press [ Exi t ] .
Network Scanner 12 1.
13 2. Preparations for Use as a Network Scanner To use the machine as a network scanner, you must make settings required for use as a scanner as well as basi c settings for us e in a network. Reference First, see General Settings Guide for details about how to make basic settings, and then make scanner settings.
Preparations for Use as a Network Scanner 14 2 v Destination List Settings For explanations of settings, see p.20 “Destinat ion List Settings”. Note r [ Destination List Display Priority 1 ] and [.
Initial Scanner Setup 15 2 Setting procedure A Press the { User Tools/Counter } key. B Press [ Scanner Features ] . C Press [ Send Settings ] . D Press the item to be set. Example: TWAIN Standby Time setting E Change the setting. • To select an item, touch its key on the screen.
Preparations for Use as a Network Scanner 16 2 Scan Settings This section explains how to set the defaults for scan settings. The scan settings consist of the fol- lowing.
Initial Scanner Setup 17 2 Note r If either [ SADF ] or [ Batch ] is specified when scanning, this setting is invalid. r If [ Off ] is selected, sending will start automatically after one page of original is scanned.
Preparations for Use as a Network Scanner 18 2 r If a paper jam occurs or any of the following operation is per- formed while the machine is waiting f or addition al origin als, the countdown stops and does not start again until the { # } key is pressed.
Initial Scanner Setup 19 2 v Change Initial Mode If you use the settings which are displayed when modes are cleared, reset, or immediate ly after the op- eration switch is turned on as th e initial mode, select [ Standard ] . Select [ Program No.10 ] when yo u use the settings stored in Program No.
Preparations for Use as a Network Scanner 20 2 •S c a n S i z e X3: 10 - 432 mm (0.4” - 17.0”) Y3: 10 - 297 mm (0.4” - 11.7”) Keep the scan area settings within these ra nge.
Initial Scanner Setup 21 2 Send Settings This section explains how to set the defaults for sending settings such as the compressio n level for scan f ile and how the machine switches to the network TWAIN scanner function. The send settings consist of the fol- lowing.
Preparations for Use as a Network Scanner 22 2 v Max. E-mail Size Select whether the size of an e-mail is limited or not. When [ On ] is selected, enter the size limit (64 - 102400 KB) with the number keys. Note r When the SMTP limits the size, match that settin g.
Programs 23 2 Programs You can store frequently used set- tings in the machine memory and re- call them for future use. Note r You can store up to 10 programs for the scanner mode. r You can use the settings stored in program No.10 as the initial mode by selecting [ Program No.
Preparations for Use as a Network Scanner 24 2 Recalling a Program A Make sure the { Scanner } key is se- lected, press the { Program } key. B Press [ R e cal l ] . C Press the number of the program you want to recall. The stored sett ings are displayed.
Installing Software 25 2 Installing Software The machine comes with two CD- ROMs containing various software. The CD-ROM labeled “Scann er Driver & Document Manageme nt Utilities” con- tains the necessary software to use the machine as a network scanner.
Preparations for Use as a Network Scanner 26 2 The installing sequence using Auto Run is as follows: For information about the software that can be installed by Auto Run, see p.29 “Software Supplied on CD- ROM”. Installation Sequence The installer starts up.
Installing Software 27 2 Software for Using a Network TWAIN Scanner To use the machine as a network TWAIN sc anner, i t is essential to install the TWAIN driver. If you do not have applications that wo r k w i t h T W A I N , i t i s n e c e s s a r y t o a l s o install DeskTopBinder V2 Lite.
Preparations for Use as a Network Scanner 28 2 Software for Using the Networ k Delivery Scanner Function To use the machine as a network delivery sc anner, it is essential to install Scan- Router V2 Lite on the delivery server. To ch eck an in-tray or retrieve file, it is nec- essary to instal l TWAIN Driv er on the client comput er.
Installing Software 29 2 DeskTopBinder V2 Lite Use Auto Run for installati on. Preparation Before installation, check the system re quirements for DeskTopBinder V2 Lite.
Preparations for Use as a Network Scanner 30 2 Type2045e TWAIN Driver This driver is required to sc an an original on the machine. To use the machine as a network TWAIN scanner, this driver must be installed.
Installing Software 31 2 DeskTopBinder V2 Lite DeskTopBinder V2 Lite is to be installe d on the client comp uters for integration and management of v arious kinds of file su ch as scan file, files created with ap- plications, and existing scan files.
Preparations for Use as a Network Scanner 32 2 v Software installed with DeskTopBinder V2 Lite •A u t o D o c u m e n t L i n k A u t o D o c u m e n t L i n k o n t h e c l i e n t c o m p u t e r m o n i t o r s i n - t r a y s o f t h e d e l i v - ery server.
Installing Software 33 2 • Operating system Microsoft Windows 95 (OSR 2 or lat er) Microsoft Windows 98 Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Windows XP Ho.
Preparations for Use as a Network Scanner 34 2.
35 3. Setting Originals This chapter explains the procedure for placing originals on the exposure glass and in the ADF, and setting the original scan area and orientation according to the placemen t method.
Setting Originals 36 3 Placing on the Exposure Glass Originals which do not fit int o the ADF, such as sheets with glued-on parts, books, etc., can be placed di- rectly on the exposure glass for scan- ning. Note r For information about the origi- nals which can be placed on the ex- posure glass, see Copy Reference .
Placing Originals 37 3 v When placing the original so that the top edge touches the top left of the exposure glass When using the machine as a network TWAIN scanner, this orientation is the standard set- ting for the TWAIN driver. Nor- mally, use this orientation for placing ori ginals .
Setting Originals 38 3 v When placing the originals so that the top edges touch the back of the ADF v When placing the top edges of the originals first When using the machine as a network TWAIN scanner, this orientation is the standard set- ting for the TWAIN driver.
Original Orientation and Scan Area 39 3 Original Orientation and Scan Area To correctly display the top/bottom orientation of a scanned original on a client computer, original orientation and page flow must be set when plac- ing the original.
Setting Originals 40 3 For E-mail, Scan to Folder, and a Network Delivery Scanner A Make settings for one-sided/two- sided combination , Batch/SADF, mixed original sizes, and original orientation.
Original Orientation and Scan Area 41 3 Mixed size selection A When originals of different sizes are placed, select [ Mixed Size ] . Note r If [ Mixed Size ] is selecte d and [ Auto Detect ] is selected for scan size, the maximum size detected is set as the scan size.
Setting Originals 42 3 Scanning Originals in Several Times Multiple originals can be scanned as a single file by dividing them and scan- ning them using the exposure glass or the ADF.
Original Orientation and Scan Area 43 3 Note r When the scan settings are changed while performing the procedure, the count- down for additional origi- nals is stopped. Press the { Start } key to restart the countdown. When using the ADF A Select [ SADF ] in [ Original Feed Type ] .
Setting Originals 44 3 E Press the { Start } key. F When there are additional origi- nals to scan, place them and press the { Start } key. Repeat this step until all originals are scanned. G After all originals are scanned, press the { # } key. Storing or sending will start.
45 4. Sending Scan File by E-mail Scan file can be sent from this machine to a specified destination using e-mail system. This chapter explains the prepar ation for sending file by e-mail system, various display screens, procedures for sending, and how to che ck the sending result when this fu nction is used.
Sending Scan File by E-mail 46 4 E-mail Screen The screen when using the machine for e-mail is as shown. 1. Destination field The selected destination is shown here. If multiple destinations are selected, the destinations are displayed in the order they were selected by pressing [ U Prev.
Sending Scan File by E-mail 47 4 Sending Scan File by E-mail Procedure for Sending E-mail Scan file is sent after specifying scan settings and destinations. A Press the { Scanner } key. B If user codes are set, enter a user code with the nu mber keys, and then press the { # } key.
Sending Scan File by E-mail 48 4 E If the network delivery scanner screen appears, switch to the screen for sending e-mail. A Press [] . B Press [ Switch Destination List ] . C Press [ E-mail ] . D Press [ Exit ] . The E-mail screen appears. F Specify the destination.
Sending Scan File by E-mail 49 4 Using a registration number to select a destination A Press [ Registration No. ] . B Use the number keys to enter the five-digit registration number that has been assigned to a destination. If the entered number is less than five digits long, press the { # } key after the last number.
Sending Scan File by E-mail 50 4 Searching to select a destination from the Destination List A Press [] . B Press [ Search by Dest. Name ] . Note r To search using e-mail ad- dresses, press [ E-mail Ad- dress ] . The soft keyboard is displayed for entering a user name.
Sending Scan File by E-mail 51 4 Note r Press the item, and the soft keyboard is displ ayed for en- tering inform ation appear s. Enter the first character or characters of the item.
Sending Scan File by E-mail 52 4 H Press [ Exit ] . Note r A searched e-mail address can be registered in the list. Press [ ProgDest ] , and a screen for entering the address ap- pears. For information about registering destinations, see General Settings Guide .
Sending Scan File by E-mail 53 4 When selecting a s ender from the list A Press [ Attach Sender's Na me ] . B Select the sender. Note r When a protection code has been set, a screen for entering the protection code appears after selecting the sender.
Sending Scan File by E-mail 54 4 Note r When [ Return Receipt ] is se- lected, an e-mail notifying that the e-mail has been read by the destination pa rty is sent to the sender selected here. However, if the mailing software used by the destina- tion party does not support MDN (Message Disposition Notification), the e-mail may not be sent.
Sending Scan File by E-mail 55 4 Note r When [ Return Receipt ] is select- ed, an e-mail notifying that the e-mail has been read by the destination party is sent to the sender selected here.
Sending Scan File by E-mail 56 4 When selecting a message from the list A Press [ Subject/Message ] . B Press [ E-mail Message ] . C Select a message. D Press [ OK ] twice. Manual entry of a message The operation to specify a message “Thank you for wha t you did yes- terday.
Sending Scan File by E-mail 57 4 Simultaneous Storage and Sending by E-mail You can use e-mail with the Docu- ment Server. Scan file is stored in the Document Server at the same time the file is sent by e-mail. Note r This section expla ins mainly the operation for simu ltaneous storage and sending of e-mail.
Sending Scan File by E-mail 58 4 Checking the Status of E-mail The status of the last 100 sendings can be checked. For every new sendin g record after 100, the oldest record is deleted. Note r When [ Print & Delete Scanner Jour- nal ] is set to [ Delete all after printing ] , the whole journal is printed when the number of records reaches 100 .
59 5. Sending Scan File by Scan to Folder S c a n f i l e c a n b e s e n t t o t h e f o l d e r s o f t h e F T P s e r v e r o r t h e s h a r e d f o l d e r s o f W i n - dows.
Sending Scan File by Scan to Folder 60 5 Scan to Folder Screen The screen when using the machine for Scan to Folder is as shown. 1. Destination field The selected destination is shown here. If multiple destinations are selected, the destinations are displayed in the order they were selected by pressing [ U Prev.
Sending Scan File by Scan to Folder 61 5 Sending Scan File by Scan to Folder Procedure for Sending by Scan to Folder Scan file is sent after specifying scan settings and destinations. A Press the { Scanner } key. B If user codes are set, enter a user code with the nu mber keys, and then press the { # } key.
Sending Scan File by Scan to Folder 62 5 E If the network delivery scanner screen appears, switch to the screen for Scan to Folder. A Press [] . B Press [ Switch Destination List ] . C Press [ E-mail ] . D Press [ Exit ] . The E-mail screen appears. E Press [] .
Sending Scan File by Scan to Folder 63 5 Using a registration number to select a dest ination folder A Press [ Registration No. ] . B Use the number keys to enter the five-digit registration number that has been assigned to a destination folder. If the entered number is less than five digits long, press the { # } key after the last number.
Sending Scan File by Scan to Folder 64 5 I If entering a password to log on is required, press [ Manual In- put ] on the right side of the password field. The soft keyboard is displayed for entering a password. J Enter a password. K Press [ OK ] . L Press [ Connection Test ] .
Sending Scan File by Scan to Folder 65 5 G Press [ Manual Input ] on the right side of the path field. The soft keyboard is displayed for entering the path fo r the folder. H Enter the path for the folder. Note r This is an example of enter- ing a pass to send to the sub- folder “lib” in the folder “us- er”.
Sending Scan File by Scan to Folder 66 5 Searching to select a destination folder from the network A Press [ Enter Destination ] . B Press [ SMB ] . C Press [ Browse Network ] on the right side of the path field. The client computers list on the same network appears.
Sending Scan File by Scan to Folder 67 5 Searching to select a destination folder from the Destination List A Press [] . B Press [ Search by Dest. Name ] . The soft keyboard is displayed for entering a user name. C Enter part of the destination folder name.
Sending Scan File by Scan to Folder 68 5 Note r The scan file is given a 21-dig- it (except the extension) file name which combines the time and date of scanning originals with a 4-digit page number. (Example : When one page is scanned in TIFF at 15.10 seconds, 3.
Sending Scan File by Scan to Folder 69 5 If the entered number is less than five digits long, press the { # } key after the last number. Example: To enter 00002 Press the { 2 } key, and then press the { # } key. Note r When a protection code has been set, a screen for entering the protection code appears after selecting the sender.
Sending Scan File by Scan to Folder 70 5 J Press the { Start } key. Note r To interrupt scanning, press the { Clear/Stop } key or press [ Stop ] on the screen. r When using the Batch function or the SADF function, place the next original after the others have been scanned.
Checking the Status of Scan to Folder 71 5 Checking the Status of Scan to Folder The status of the last 100 sendings can be checked. For every new sendin g record after 100, the oldest record is deleted.
Sending Scan File by Scan to Folder 72 5.
73 6. Using the Document Server Function S c a n f i l e o b t a i n e d b y s c a n n i n g o r i g i n a l s c a n b e s t o r e d i n t h e h a r d d i s k o f t h e m a - chine using the Document Server, and the stored file can be used later .
Using the Document Server Function 74 6 Storage Procedure Scan and store the file in the Docu- ment Server. A Press the { Scanner } key. B If the user codes are set, enter a user code with the number keys, and then press the { # } key. The Scanner Function screen ap- pears.
Storing Files 75 6 B Press [ Store Only ] . Note r To store and deliver scan files, pres s [ Send & Store ] . See p.57 “Simultaneous Storage and Sending by E-mail”, p.70 “Simultaneous Storage and Sending by Scan to Folder”, or p.93 “Simultaneous Stor- age and Delivery”.
Using the Document Server Function 76 6 B Select the user name. Note r The user names shown here are names that were pro- gramed on the Key Operator Tools tab in System Settings. To enter a name not shown here, press [ Non-programed Name ] , and then enter the user name.
Viewing a List of Stored Files 77 6 Viewing a List of Stored Files From the list of stored files, you can delete the files st ored in the Docu- ment Server or change the file infor- mation. To show the list of stored files, perform the following steps: A Press the { Scanner } key.
Using the Document Server Function 78 6 Viewing the List The list of stored files has the foll owing elements. v When using the network delivery scanner function, e-mail, or Scan to Folder v When displaying information of a selected stored file 1.
Viewing a List of Stored Files 79 6 6. [ Manage/Delete File ] Press to manage or delete files stored in the Document Se r v e r o r t o c h a n g e file information etc.. 7. [ Send ] Press to send or deliver files stored in the Document Server. For more infor- mation, see p.
Using the Document Server Function 80 6 Searching for Files You can search for files from the stored files using the user name or file name. Searching by user name A On the screen with the list of stored files, press [ Search by User Name ] . B Select the user name to be used for the search.
Viewing a List of Stored Files 81 6 Sending Stored Files by E-mail or Scan to Folder, or Delivering Files stored in the Document Server ca n be se nt by e -m ail or Sc an t o F ol d- er, or delivered to the delivery server. Note r This section expl ains how to se lect files to be sent or delivered.
Using the Document Server Function 82 6 Managing Stored Files - Displaying and Downloading Stored Files Using a Web Browser Using a Web browser in a client com- puter, you can display or download the files in the Document Server.
Managing Stored Files 83 6 Changing File Information The information about files stored in the Document Server (user name, file name, and password) can be changed.
Using the Document Server Function 84 6 Changing the file name A Press [ Change File Name ] . The soft keyboard is displayed for changing the file name. B Enter the new file name. Reference For information about how to enter characters, se e Gener- al Settings Guide .
85 7. Using the Network Delivery Scanner Function Scan file can be sent to a specified de stination using the ne twork delivery scan- ner function. This chapter explains th e preparation sequence, various display screens, delivery procedures, and how to check the delivery result when this function i s used .
Using the Network Delivery Scanner Function 86 7 Network Delivery Scanner Screen The screen whe n using the machine as a network de livery scanner is as shown. 1. Network delivery scanner icon () Shows that the screen for network deliv- ery scanner function is displayed.
Delivering Scan File 87 7 Delivering Scan File Delivery Procedure Scan file is delivered after scan set- tings and destinations are specified. If necessary, you can select a sender and a subject. A Press the { Scanner } key. B If user codes are set, enter a user code with the nu mber keys, and then press the { # } key.
Using the Network Delivery Scanner Function 88 7 B Press [ Switch Destination List ] . C Press [ Delivery Server ] . D Press [ Exit ] . The Network Delivery Scanner screen appears.
Delivering Scan File 89 7 Example: To enter 00009 Press the { 9 } key, and then press the { # } key. C To select more destinations, re- peat step B . Note r To deselect a destination, press [ U Prev. ] or [ T Next ] to display the destination in the destination field, and then press the { Clear/Stop } key.
Using the Network Delivery Scanner Function 90 7 B Enter the destination. Note r Enter the e-mail address of the destination when send- ing via the delivery server. r It is possible to use letters, numbers, and periods. The symbols (),;:” cannot be used.
Delivering Scan File 91 7 r When [ Return Receipt ] is se- lected, an e-mail notifying that the file has been re ad by the destination party is sent to the sender selected here. To use [ Return Receipt ] , it is necessary to make settings such as the e-mail address in advance in ScanRouter V2 Professional.
Using the Network Delivery Scanner Function 92 7 C Press [ User (Dest.) Name ] . The soft keyboard is displayed for entering a sender name. D Enter part of the sender name. Note r Enter the first characte r or characters of the sender name. r It is necessary to differentiate between capital and small letters.
Delivering Scan File 93 7 I Press the { Start } key. Note r To interrupt scanning, press the { Clear/Stop } key or [ Stop ] on the screen. r When using the SADF or Batch function, place th e next original after the others have been scanned. See p.42 “Scanning Originals in Several Times”.
Using the Network Delivery Scanner Function 94 7 Checking the Status of Delivery The status of the last 100 deliveries can be checked. For every new deliv- ery record after 100, the oldest record is deleted.
95 8. Using the Network TWAIN Scanner Function This chapter descri bes the operations fo r scanning originals with the network TWAIN scanner using DeskTopBinder V2 Li te. In addition, the preparation for using the network TWAIN scanner and some functions of the TWAIN driv er are introduce d.
Using the Network TWAIN Scanner Function 96 8 Scanning Originals This section explains how to scan originals using the n etwork TWAIN scanner function. A Start DeskTopBinder V2 Lite, and then select the scanner driver. A On the [ Start ] menu, point to [ Program ] , point to [ DeskTop- Binder V2 ] , and then click [ Desk- TopBinder V2 ] .
Scanning Originals 97 8 Note r For advanced settings, click [ Detail ] to display the Detail window. For information about the Detail window , see TWAIN driver Help. C According to the settings of [ Document: ] and [ Orientation: ] , change the other setting of the [ Document ] group.
Using the Network TWAIN Scanner Function 98 8 Functions of the TWAIN Driver The following is an introduction to the various functions of the TWAIN driver: Reference For more information about these functions or other functions, see TWAIN driver Help.
99 9. Appendix Relationship between Resolution and File Size Resolution and scan area are inversel y re lated. The higher the resolution is se t, the smaller the area that can be scanne d. Conversely, the larger the scan area , the lower the resolution that can be set.
Appendix 100 9 *1 The scanning size must be manually entered. When Using as a Network TWAIN Scanner Reference To specify the scanning area or resolu tion when using the machine as a net- work TWAIN scanner, see TWAIN driver Hel p.
Relationship between Resolution and File Size 101 9 v When Gray Scale is selected as the Colors/ Gradations The originals can be scanned us ing combinat ions marked with m in the table (Original orientation: S ). *1 The scanning size must be manually entered.
Appendix 102 9 Relationship between File Type Specified and File Type Used When Sending E-mail The relationship between the file ty pe sp ecified when scanning originals and the file type converted into when sending e-mail or storing f ile s is shown below by scan type.
Max. Number of Addresses Which Can Be Specified and Files Which Can Be Stored 103 9 Max. Number of Addr esses Which Can Be Specified and Files Which Can Be Stored *1 There is a limitation to the number of addr esses to specify in the following 1-4 case.
Appendix 104 9 Troubleshooting This section contains ad vice on what to d o i f y o u h a v e p r oblems scanning an original, or if the network delivery sca nner or e-mail function does not work. Various messages that may appear on th e control panel or client computer are listed, along with ca uses and solution s.
Troubleshooting 105 9 When an Error Message Appe ars on the Control Panel Note r If an error message that is not included in this section appears, turn off the ma i n p ow er s wi t ch of t he ma c hi ne , an d t h en tu r n i t o n ag ai n .
Appendix 106 9 Captured file exceeded max. number of pages per file. Cannot send the scanned data. The maximum number of pages which can be stored as a single file is 1000. Reduce the number of pages and send them again. Connection with LDAP server has failed.
Troubleshooting 107 9 Exceeded max. number of alphanumeric characters for the path. The maximum number of characters which can be entered for path is 128. Check the number of character you entered, and then en ter it again. Exceeded max. number of files which can be sent at the same time.
Appendix 108 9 Memory is full. Cannot scan. The scanned data will be deleted. Because of insufficient hard disk space, the first page could not be scanned. Try one of the following measures: • Wait for a while, and then retry the scan operation. • Reduce the scan area or scanning resolution.
Troubleshooting 109 9 Selected file is currently in use. Cannot change user name. The user name of a file that is being edited with DeskTopBinder V2 Lite/Professional or that is waiting for delivery cannot be changed. Try the operation again after editing is finished or delivery is canceled.
Appendix 110 9 When an Error Message Appear s on the Client Computer This section describes the main possible causes and actions for error messages displayed on the client computer when the TWAIN driver is used.
Troubleshooting 111 9 [ Cannot find the scanner. Check if the scanner main power is on. ] • Chec k whether the main power switch of the machine is turned off . • Check whether the machine is c onnect- ed to the network correctly. • Deselect the personal firewall function of the client computers.
Appendix 112 9 [ Invalid Winsock version. Please use versio n 1.1 or high- er. ] Install the operating system of the compu- ter or copy Winsock from the operating system CD-ROM. [ No response from the scann er. ] • Check whether the machine is connect- ed to the network correctly.
Specifications 113 9 Specifications Scan method Flatbed scanning Scan speed • E-mail/Scan to Folder/Network Delivery Scanner 51 pages/minute [Scan size: A4 R , Scan type: Text (Print), Resolution: 2.
114 INDEX A Automatic Tilt Correction , 98 Auto run program , 25 C Checking t he status of delive ry , 94 { Check Modes } key , 8 { Clear Modes } key , 8 { Clear/Stop } key , 9 Compression (Black &.
115 R Relationship be tween File Type Specified and File Type Used When Sending E-mail , 102 Relationship between resolution and file size , 99 Resolution , 16 S Save , 97 Scanner Features , 13 Scanni.
116 EN USA B654-8707.
デバイスSavin 2045eの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Savin 2045eをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSavin 2045eの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Savin 2045eの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Savin 2045eで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Savin 2045eを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSavin 2045eの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Savin 2045eに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSavin 2045eデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。