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User Guide for the Avaya P580 and P882 Multiservice Switches Softwa re Version 6.1 Doc. No. 10-300077 Issue 2 May 2004.
User Guide for the A vaya P580 and P882 Multiservice Switches, Software V ersion 6.1 © Copyright A vaya Inc., 2004 ALL RIGHTS RESER VED Produced in US A, May 2004 The produc ts, spe cificat ions, and oth er techni cal i nformat ion regar ding t he prod ucts conta ined i n this documen t are subjec t to change wit hout noti ce.
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 iii T able of Content s Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii Preface Contents . . . . . . .
iv User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Table o f Contents Chapter 2 — Setting Up the Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 v Table of Contents Enabling the Simple Networ k Time Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 Setting Summer Time Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vi User G uide for th e Avaya P580 and P882 Multiser vice Sw itches, v6.1 Table o f Contents Localized Ke ys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 Engine ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 vii Table of Contents Egress Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 -6 Creating and Impl ementing VLANs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
viii User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Table o f Contents Using th e All Module Ports Con figuration W eb Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-39 Viewing Switc h Port Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 ix Table of Contents Superviso r Module Redundancy Stat istics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-13 Active and Sta ndby Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-13 Synchronizat ion Procedure .
x User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Table o f Contents Configur ing the DVMRP Global Confi guration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-35 Modifying a DVMRP Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 xi Table of Contents Recognizing Pe rformance Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-20 Evaluating Sy stem Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13-21 Enabling Routi ng at the Module .
xii User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Sw itches, v6.1 Table o f Contents Chapter 16 — Config uring IPX Routin g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6-1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 xiii Table of Contents Deleting an App l eTalk Inte rface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-9 Creating an App leTalk Stati c Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xiv User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Sw itches, v6.1 Table o f Contents Enabling CGMP Snoopi ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-33 Viewing CGMP Snoopin g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 xv Table of Contents Chapter 24 — Managing Bu ffers and Queues on 50-Series Modules . . . . . 24-1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xvi User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Table o f Contents Resetting the QoS Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-51 Display ing the Buffer Settings for Egre ss Queues . .
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 xvii Preface Preface Co ntent s This Prefa ce contains the foll owing informati on: ■ Overview of Use r Guide Contents ■ T ec.
xviii User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Preface This guid e is divided in t o the follow ing chapte rs: ■ Chapter 1 , Introdu cti on — Provides an overview of hardware a nd software used on the P580 and P8 82.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 xix Preface ■ Chapter 1 5 , Configuring the OSPF Routi ng Protocol — Explain s how to c onfigure OSPF routing protoc ol on your swit ch. Also provided is informat ion on OSPF sta tistical dis plays. ■ Chapter 1 6 , Configur ing IPX Routin g — Explains how to co nfigure IPX on your switch.
xx User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6 .1 Preface T echnical Suppo rt T o conta ct A vaya’ s techni cal support: ■ From the United S tates: 1-800-237- 0016 ■ Fro.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 xxi Preface ■ Release N otes f or the A vaya P580 and P882 Multi service Switch es, Softwar e V ersion 6.1 lists ne w so f twa re fe a ture s, r esolv ed issu es, and known i ssues in v6.1 appli c ation software.
xxii User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Preface 3. In the naviga tion pane, exp and the Syste m > C onf igur ation folde rs, and then c lick Online Help . The Onlin e Help Configuration W eb page is dis played in t he content pan e.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 xxiii Preface W ARNIN G: CAUTION: Notes, Caut ions, and W arnings The followi ng text a nd icon convention s are used in thi s guide for Notes, Cautions, a nd W arnings. * Note: Provides addi tional i nformation about a procedure or t opic.
xxiv User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Preface T erminology Throughout this guide, the term layer 2 refers to swit chi ng cap ab ili ty . Fo r example, l ayer 2 module is a m odule that pro vides switching capability .
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 1-1 1 Introduct ion Ove rview The followi ng information i s provide d in this chap ter: ■ Swit ch De scr ipti ons ■ Hardwar.
1-2 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 1 Hardware Compone nt s Overview Cha ssis The A va ya s wit ch ch assi s co mes i n tw o mo dels : ■ The P580 chas sis.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 1-3 Introdu ction ■ The Power Sys t em ■ The M8000R-SUP Sup ervisor Module ■ Media Module s A v aya P580 Multiservice Switch Ch assis The A vaya P5 80 Mult.
1-4 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 1 Switch Fabric In Fabri c mode 1, the switching fabri c provides 45.76 Gbps agg regate bandwidth . In Fabric mode 2 (P5 80 only), the s witching fabri c provides 54.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 1-5 Introdu ction A v aya P882 Multiservice Switch Ch assis The A vaya P8 82 Multiser vice Switch Chass i s consists of: ■ Seventee n slots (1 slot for the sup.
1-6 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 1 Switch Fabric In Fabr ic mode 1, the swit ching fabric pr ovides a 16x16 cr ossbar wi th 56.32 Gbps aggregat e bandwidt h. In Fabric mode 2, the switchi ng fabri c provide s a 33x33 cr ossbar with 139.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 1-7 Introdu ction St atic P ower Allocation The swit ch uses stat ic power allocati on at st art up when the swit ch has insuf ficient p ower to tur n on all module s in the chassis .
1-8 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 1 3. Modules 1 1 and 12 remain turned of f. 4. M o dul e 13 is turn ed on . 5. Modules 14 th rough 17 remain turned of f becaus e all availabl e power is now cons umed.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 1-9 Introdu ction ■ Real -time clo ck ■ Out-of- band consol e: 10/100BASE-T and RS-2 32 ■ Dot ma trix disp lay ■ System management fu nctions and i nterfac es ■ 1.5 milli on packets per se cond of hardware- based rout ing for packets that arrive on layer 2-o nly media modules T able 1-1.
1-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 1 Redundant Supervisor The re dundant supervis or module is an auxiliary (stand by) superviso r mod ul e th at ac ts a s a fau lt-to l eran t su p erv isor in the eve nt tha t the act ive supervi sor fails.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 1-11 Introdu ction 50-S eri es Me dia Module s Ta b l e 1 - 2 lists the 5 0-serie s (also call ed seri es 1 ), layer 2 and layer 3, Fas t Ethernet m odules that t he A vaya P580 and P88 2 Multiservic e swit ches support.
1-12 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 1 80-Ser i es Medi a Modules Ta b l e 1 - 4 list s t he 8 0-s er ies (als o ca lle d se rie s 2 ), 10-Gigabit modules that the A vay a P580 and P88 2 Multiservice s witches support.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 1-13 Introdu ction T ab le 1-5. 80- Series Gigabit Modul es Mod el Nu mber Descript ion M8004R- 1000GB 4 -port, Gigabit Interface Card (GBIC) base d module. This module can be conf igured wit h up to 4 GBIC optical modules .
1-14 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 1 Ta b l e 1 - 6 lists the 80- ser ies Fast Ethern et modules that th e A vaya P580 and P882 Multis ervice swit ches suppor t.
1-15 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 1 The maj or featur es of the A TM Uplink module ar e: ■ LANE V2 Client - with LANE 1 compat ibilit y , support s 128 inte rfac es ■ QoS (Quality of Service) support f or UBR, nrt-VBR, rt-VBR, and CBR ■ A TM UNI (User -to-Networ k Interface) V 3.
1-16 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 1 Security The P580 and P882 support t he followi ng security fea tures: ■ Secure Mod e—Secure mode rest ricts management of the switch to the foll owing secure prot ocols: HTTPS, SSH, and SNMPv3.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 1-17 Introdu ction The hardwar e on all mult iservice switches suppor t port-base d VLANs with the fo llowing cha racterist ics: ■ Frames cl assified as Lay e .
1-18 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 1 ■ Dual-Layer Spanning T ree ■ Global Disa ble For more i nformation about Spanning Tree, s ee Chapter 7 , “ Configuring Rapi d S pa nni ng T ree .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 1-19 Introdu ction Routing Pro toc ols The P580 and P88 2 support the fol lowing routing p rotocols: ■ IRD P . For i nfo rmati on o n IRD P , s ee Chapter 12 , “ Configurin g IP Routing .” ■ RIP . For i nformation on RIP , see Chapter 14 , “ Conf iguring RIP Routing .
1-20 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 1 50-Series Buffers and Qu eues Buff er and queue manage m ent rel ieves congestion i n a network. Addi ng gigabit speeds to exis ting n etwo rks means that t here c an be a hug e di sparity between l ink speeds .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 1-21 Introdu ction System Management The P580 and P88 2 support the fol lowing system management fe atures: ■ LDAP .
1-22 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 1 * Note: La yer 2 traf fic that does no t require rout ing is bridg ed indepen dently of the layer 3 t raffic b ased on the MAC addr ess or VLAN info rmation.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 1-23 Introdu ction ■ Since la yer 2 modules have n o routing capa bility , pack ets that are receive d by a layer 2 module an d require routing are for warded by sending t he packet to the 50-series layer 3 or 80-series supe rvisor module.
1-24 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 1.
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 2-1 2 Setting Up the Switch Ove rview The followi ng informa tion and procedur es that are pro vided in t his chapter are common.
2-2 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 2 Settin g Up Y our Laptop or PC Y ou need a lap top or PC to make a serial line connection to the switch to com plet e init ial s w itch set up . Ta b l e 2 - 1 l ists the sett ings required f or the lapto p or PC to comm un i cate wi th the swi tch.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 2-3 Setting Up th e Switch Figure 2-1. A vaya P580 Mul t iservice Swit ch Front V iew 2. Run a te rminal emulatio n program (Hyp erT erminal, for exam pl e) on the attache d laptop or PC. V erify that t he lap top or PC moni tor settings match thos e listed in Ta b l e 2 - 1 .
2-4 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 2 * Note: A vaya strongl y recommen ds that you change the default pas swor d. d. Enter the IP address for the s witch manager’ s Ethernet console. e. Enter the subnet mas k .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 2-5 Setting Up th e Switch Y ou can now connect to the switch us ing the front- panel out-of-ba nd 10Base-T con nection.
2-6 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 2 ■ V iewing Active T e lnet Sess ions ■ T elnet Sessi on Expirat ion Ti mer As a more secur e alt ernat ive to T elnet, you can use SSHv2. Fo r infor mat ion on using a n SSH connection to m anage th e switch, see “ SSHv2 ” in Chapter 4 , “ Securi ty .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 2-7 Setting Up th e Switch Although it is possible t o establish nes ted T elnet sessio ns, A vaya recommends tha t you estab lish a separate T el net session f or each switch t hat you want to ma nage.
2-8 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 2 CAUTION: Ta b l e 2 - 3 lists the minimum, maximum, an d default v alues for the T elnet inactiv ity t imer . A vaya recommend s that you not disable th e inactivity timer .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 2-9 Setting Up th e Switch Opening th e W e b Agent Although th e W eb Agent is su pported by any fr ames-capable brows er , the syst em has be en s pec if ica lly q ual if ied onl y wi th the foll o win g bro wse r s: ■ Microsof t Internet Expl orer 5.
2-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 2 Figure 2- 2. Enter Networ k Password Di alog Box 5. In the User Name field, ent er a valid user name. The default s uper user name is ro ot . 6. In the Password field, ente r a va lid pas sw or d.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 2-11 Setting Up th e Switch Figure 2-3. G eneral Information W eb Page Loggi ng Out of the We b Agent T o exit the W eb Agent secu rely , you must log out o f the W eb Agent and close all open browser windo w s.
2-12 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 2 T o log out of the W eb Agent: 1. In the naviga tion pane, expa nd the System folde r. 2. Click Logout . The Logou t W eb page is displ ayed in t he content pane. See Figur e 2-4 .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 2-13 Setting Up th e Switch After cre ating one or mo re custom ac cess types (use r profiles), y ou can cr ea te a u ser acc ount and assi gn a cus to m a cce ss typ e to that acc o unt .
2-14 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 2 Figure 2- 6. Create Cust om Access T ype W eb Page 3. In the Ty p e N a m e fiel d, enter a name for the custo m access type. Y ou can ent er up to 31 charac ters. Do not us e spaces.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 2-15 Setting Up th e Switch Modifying a Custom Access T ype Web A g e n t Procedure T o modify a cust om access t ype: 1. In t he navigation pan e , expand the Syst em > Administ ration folders , and then c lick Custom Access T ypes .
2-16 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 2 CLI Command T o modify a cu stom access ty pe, use the foll owing CLI command: (configure)# set c ust om-a cce ss.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 2-17 Setting Up th e Switch CLI Command T o delete a cust om access t ype, use the foll owing CLI command: (configure)# n o custom-acc ess-type <cat n a m e &.
2-18 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 2 Figure 2- 9. User Account Management W eb Page 3. In the Log in A tt em p ts fiel d, enter the nu mber of logi n att empts t hat you want to a llow users.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 2-19 Setting Up th e Switch CLI Commands T o configure user account sec urity , use t he following CLI command: (configure)# set login [atte mpts <num -l ogi .
2-20 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 2 Figure 2- 10. Add User Acc ount W eb Page 4. In the User Name field, ent e r a unique user name. User names can consis t of a maximum of 31 cha r acters. 5. In the Password field, e nte r a pa s swo r d fo r the us er n ame.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 2-21 Setting Up th e Switch 8. In the Expiration W arning (weeks ) field, enter the numb er of weeks before us er account expiration that you want the user wa rned. The expirat ion warning can range from 0 t o the expiration pe riod.
2-22 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 2 Modifying a Use r Account T o modify a us er account: 1. In the naviga tion pane, expa nd the System > Admini stra tio n fold ers . 2. Click User Account s . The User Account Management W eb page is displa yed in the conten t pane.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 2-23 Setting Up th e Switch 6. T o change the number o f weeks for which t he user account i s valid, change the setting of the Expiration Period (weeks) field. The expirat i on period can ra nge from 3 to 999 week s.
2-24 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 2 Changing Y o ur Password All user s can change thei r own passwords. We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o change your passwor d: 1. In the naviga tion pane, expa nd the System folde r.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 2-25 Setting Up th e Switch Disabling a Use r Account For secur ity r easons , you may want t o d isable c ertai n user acco unts, s uch as the manuf and diag acc ounts. Web A g e n t Procedure T o disa ble a us er ac co un t: 1.
2-26 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 2 Figure 2- 13. Delete Us er Account W eb Page 5. Click YES to dele te the user acc ount.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 2-27 Setting Up th e Switch Configurin g the Serial Console Port as a TTY Console Y ou can configu re the serial port as a TTY cons ole using eithe r the W eb Agent or th e CLI. Web A g e n t Procedure T o configure the con sol e serial port as a TTY Console using t he W eb Agent: 1.
2-28 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 2 Figure 2- 15. Console Por t Configuration W eb Page 3. See Ta b l e 2 - 4 and configure th e other Console Por t Configuratio n W eb page p ara m ete rs. 4. Click APPL Y to save your c hanges, or CANCEL to clear yo ur select ion.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 2-29 Setting Up th e Switch Configuring the Serial Co nsole Port as a PPP Console Y ou can recon figure the seri al port as a PP P consol e to su pport a dial-in PPP connectio n using either t he W eb Agent or the C LI.
2-30 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 2 We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o confi gure the c onsole serial port as a PPP consol e from the W eb Agent: 1. In the naviga tion pane, exp and the Syste m > C onf igur ation folde rs, and then c lick Console .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 2-31 Setting Up th e Switch 5. Enter t he mode m initi ali zation comman d in t he Mo dem I nit Cm d field. The defaul t modem configurat ion init command is A T&D0SO=1. See Ta b l e 2 - 5 for a def i nition of the Modem Configur ation Init com mand pa ra me te rs.
2-32 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 2 Regaining Configuration Access to the PPP Serial Port Console If you i ncorrectly config ure the PPP seria l port console, y ou cannot regain configur ation access t o the W eb Agent or the CLI.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 2-33 Setting Up th e Switch 5. Open t he Select a Modem pull-down m enu. 6. Sele ct your modem and sele ct Configure . The Modem Pr oper ties window opens. 7. Sele ct the Connection tab . The Connection wind ow opens.
2-34 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 2 24. Selec t OK to close th e TCP/IP window . 25. Selec t OK to close th e New Connections Pr operties window .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 2-35 Setting Up th e Switch Chan gi ng th e T CP Ports for HTTP and T e ln e t Overview For securi ty purposes, you may want to change the TCP port number for T elnet requ ests and HTTP request s. The defaul t setti ngs for th ese ports ar e the well- known TCP ports .
2-36 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 2 Figure 2- 18. TCP Port s W eb page 3. T o change the TCP port for T elnet re quests, in the Port Number field f or T elnet, en ter the port numbe r that you want t o use.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 2-37 Setting Up th e Switch CLI Commands T o cha ng e th e TC P po rt fo r T e lnet req ue sts , use the f ollo win g CL I command: (configure)# ip telne t p or .
2-38 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 2 Managin g Configuration Files When you fir st install t he swit ch, or u pgrade from a prev ious installa tion, your conf iguration para m eters are stored in a start up.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 2-39 Setting Up th e Switch Viewing the Runn ing Config uration Y ou must have admin istrator acce ss to vie w the running c onfiguration. Web A g e n t Procedure T o view the running co nfiguratio n: 1. In t he navigation pan e , expand the Syst em > Configuration > Configurat ion Fil es fol der s.
2-40 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 2 Copying Con figuration F iles Y ou must have ad m inist rator ac cess to copy the c onfiguration f iles. If you make any changes, yo u must save t he running confi guration as the startu p configuration to save the chang es.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 2-41 Setting Up th e Switch Figure 2-19. Configuration Fil e Management W eb Page 2. Clic k Save . The runnin g configuration is saved as the startup configur ation. * Note: Y ou can a lso save the run ning configur ation to the st artup configur ation through the Configur ation File Management W eb page.
2-42 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 2 Copying Files Y ou must have ad m inistrat or access to copy t ext files and BOOT , APP1, and APP2 image s. Y o u ca n copy fil es to and fr om m ult iple lo cat ion s.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 2-43 Setting Up th e Switch — File — T o copy a file stored o n the swit ch to your running or start up configurat ion, to a locat ion on the switch , or to a locati on on a TFTP se rver .
2-44 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 2 — TFTP Server — Copie s your startup o r running config uration, or anothe r file located on the switch, to a l ocation on a T FTP server .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 2-45 Setting Up th e Switch Viewing the S t atus of a TFTP T ransfer After you h ave copied the startup configuration or other files to a TFTP server , you can use ei ther the W eb Agent or the CLI to ch eck the st atus of the TFTP tra nsfer to ens ure that files copie d correctly .
2-46 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 2.
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 3-1 3 Configuring Sys tem Information Ove rview Y ou can manage sys t em information by using eit her the W eb Agent or t he CLI.
3-2 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 3 Entering General Sys tem Informati on Y ou can enter general infor m ation a bout your s ystem by using eit her the W eb Agent or the CLI .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 3-3 Configuring System Informati on 4. Enter the person who sho uld be contacted in the event o f a probl em in the Con tact fie ld.
3-4 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 3 2. Select Simple Network T ime Protocol (SNTP) from the Clo ck Options box. The SNTP Clie nt Configuratio n W eb page is displ ayed in the cont ent pane. Se e Figure 3-3 .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 3-5 Configuring System Informati on Setting Summer T ime Hours Summer T ime Hours, al so refer r ed to as Daylig ht Savings Time (DST) , is the stra tegy of moving cloc ks ahead to provi de greater amount s of daylight in the af ternoon and to standardize t ime with other parts of the world.
3-6 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 3 Figure 3- 4. System Clock W eb Page 2. Select Summer T ime Hours Algori thm from t he Clock Options field . The Summer T ime Hours Configurat ion W eb page is displayed in the content pane.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 3-7 Configuring System Informati on Figure 3-5. Summ er T ime Hours W eb Page 3. Se lect En a b le from t he Enable S tate pull- down menu. 4. Enter th e re s et va lue for t he cl o ck i n min ute s in the Offset field.
3-8 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 3 See Ta b l e 3 - 1 for deta ile d i nfo rm at io n ab o ut th e fiel ds in the R ecu rr ing Summer T ime Hours sect ion of the Summer T ime Hours Co nfiguration W eb page .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 3-9 Configuring System Informati on CLI Command T o se t r ecu rrin g Sum mer Time Hour s us in g th e CLI , ent er th e fo llow i ng command from Conf igure mod.
3-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 3 Setting One -Time Summer Time Hours Y ou can set one-time su mmer time h ours using eit her the W e b Agent or the CLI. We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o s et S um mer Time Hour s th at ar e no t ba se d on a st anda rd ru le u sin g t he We b A g e n t : 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 3-11 Configuring System Informati on CLI Command T o set Summer T ime Hours that are not ba sed on a standard rule using t he CLI, enter t he following command f.
3-12 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 3 Figure 3- 6. System Clock W eb Page 2. Ent er th e time in the C urrent Time Sett ing Hour , Minutes, an d Second s fields us ing 24-hour time for mat (for exampl e, 10 p.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 3-13 Configuring System Informati on Setting t he T emperatu re System Y ou can set the upper and lower temperatur e warning systems fo r the switch backplane an d slot 1.
3-14 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 3 2. In the Slot 1 Senso r and Backpla ne Sensor fields, ent er the des ired temp er atu re wa rnin gs. * Note: The P882 does not di splay the curr ent temperatu re of the backpla ne.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 3-15 Configuring System Informati on Displayi ng the Power System S t atis ti cs Y ou can disp lay th e stat istics for yo ur switc h’ s power s ystem fro m the either the W eb Agent and the CLI.
3-16 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 3 two of t he three power supp lies. The third power supply is a redunda nt power supply and is use d only if one of t he other power sup plies fail s.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 3-17 Configuring System Informati on Figure 3-10. P882 Cooling System S tatus W eb Page 2. Check t he S ta tus c olumn to e nsure that all the i ndivi dual c omponents a re operati onal.
3-18 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 3 Figure 3- 1 1. System Reset Page W eb Page 2. Select Save t o save your Running Con f iguration (Runn ing-Config to the startup configuration (S tartup-Confi g before perfor ming a system rese t.
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 4-1 4 Security Ove rview This chapt er contains the following to pics: ■ Secure Mode ■ SSHv2 ■ HTTPS Using SSLv3 or TLSv1 .
4-2 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 4 When secure mode is ena ble d: ■ All non-se cure protocols, such as T elne t , HTTP , and SNMPv1 and v2 are aut omatically disa bled. ■ Y ou cannot use I P to manage the sta ndby supervisor m odule.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 4-3 Security Enabling Secure Mo de T o enable secure mode, use the followin g CLI command : (configure)# secur e-mode Disabling Secu re Mode T o disable s ecure .
4-4 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 4 Encryption Ciphers The A vaya Multis ervice swi t ch supports Blo wfish and 3DES enc ryption ciphers . When the client c onnects to the ho st, the client supplies a lis t of ciphers that it sup ports.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 4-5 Security Figure 4-1. TCP Ports W eb Page 3. In the St a t e fi eld for T elnet, se lect Disable . 4. In the Port Number field f or SSH, ente r the port number y ou want to use for SS H . V alid SSH ports are 22 and 9000 to 6 5,535.
4-6 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 4 CLI Command T o disable SSH, use the following CLI command: (configure)# no ip s sh Generating an SSH Server Key The A vay a Multiservi ce switch currently supports RSA and DSA key t ypes.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 4-7 Security CLI Command T o generate SSH key pairs and save t hem on the local se rver , use the following CLI command: (configure)# ssh k eygen [{rsa | dsa}] [ke y-size {768 | 1024 | 2048}] Displaying the Pub lic SSH Key The SSH Server Key is sent to th e client in an SSH c onnectio n.
4-8 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 4 Figure 4- 3. SSH Configurat ion W eb Page 3. In the Server Idle Timeou t f ield, spe cify the time out on a con nection. V alid r ange is 0 to 1800 s econds. The defa ult is 60 0 seconds.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 4-9 Security Displaying SSH Co nnections CLI Command T o di spl ay cur ren t S SH s essi ons , use the fo llow in g CLI c om m and : # show ssh se ssi ons T o end an SSH sess ion, use the fol lowing CLI comman d: (configure)# clear ss h <session-id> This funct ionality is a vailable only i n the CLI.
4-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 4 HTTPS Using SSLv3 or TLSv1 Overview The A vaya P580 and P882 Multiservi ce switches supp ort Secure Socket Layer , ver sion 3 (SSLv3 ), and T ransport Layer Se curity , version 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 4-11 Security This sect ion contains the foll owing informat ion and procedu res: ■ Supporte d Cipher Suites ■ V iewing Cipher Su ites ■ V iewing the SSL C.
4-12 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 4 V iewing Cipher Suites We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o view av ailable cipher suites: 1. In the naviga tion pane, expand t he System > Administrat ion > Secur i ty > SSL fol ders.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 4-13 Security Creating a Self-Signed SSL Server Certificate Overview A sel f-signed ce rtific ate is a ce rtif ic ate for wh ich the is sue r is t he same as the subje ct (the entit y whose public k ey is bein g authenticate d by the certifi cate).
4-14 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 4 Figure 4- 5. SSL Server Certif icate Reque st W eb Page 4. Enter the app ropriate infor mation in the following fi elds: ■ Key T yp e —RSA only . ■ Key L e n g th —Select t he l ength of the key .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 4-15 Security 5. Clic k Crea te Sel f-S igned Cer tific a te . 6. Rest art SSL for the n ew certi fica te t o ta ke effect. Fo r in form atio n on ho w to rest art SSL, see “ Resta r ting SSL/HTTPS ” late r in this chapt er .
4-16 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 4 Figure 4- 6. SSL Server Certif icate W e b Page CLI Command T o view the SSL certificate , use the followi ng CLI.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 4-17 Security Enabling SSL/HTTPS Before you c an enable SSL/HTTPS on the swit ch, you must disabl e HTTP . Web A g e n t Procedure T o enable SSL/HTTPS : 1. In t he navigation pan e , expand the Syst em > Administratio n folders.
4-18 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 4 Rest arting SSL/HT TPS Y ou must rest art SSL after upda ting the certi ficate infor mation. We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o rest art SSL: 1. In the naviga tion pane, expand t he System > Administrat ion > Secur i ty > SSL fol ders.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 4-19 Security RADIUS Client Support Overview Purpose of RADIUS In a network wit h man y A vaya switches , con fi gur ing use r accounts on eac h of the switch es can be time -consuming .Y ou can centrali ze the use r accounts by using a Re m ote Authentic ation Dial-In Us er Service ( RADIUS) server .
4-20 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 4 This inter ope rab ility issue occurs beca use Micr osof t RADIUS server includes a cl ass attr ibute in Acce ss-Accept messages that the P580 a nd P882 RADIUS client do es not support.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 4-21 Security Similarl y , when the sa me user logs in to a switch on the Sou th campus, the message will appen d @A vayaRealm and a g roup name of Sout hSwitches . The RADIUS serve r will send an Acce ss-Accept message indicat ing that the user h as read-only permission.
4-22 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 4 If the u s er login is i ncorrect or does not exist, then the RADIUS serv er sends an Access-Reject message to t he switch and the user is denied access to the swi tc h.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 4-23 Security For example, to give a user access to modules and ports , event management, layer 2 swi tching, and rout ing, you would enter a hexadecimal val ue of 08888000 (000 0 1000 1000 1000 100 0 0000 0000 0000 binar y).
4-24 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 4 RADIUS Server Files Each RADIUS vend or may have a dif ferent method for configuring client and user files. For info rmation on conf iguring t he client and us er files on your RADIUS ser v er , see the RADIUS server do cumentation.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 4-25 Security Sample User File The following is a sample user file. Ea ch RADIUS vendor may have a dif ferent method for configuring use r files. In th is sample, text v alues are defined t hat represent the actual valu es used by the A vaya switch u sing the directives A TTRIBUTE and V ALUE.
4-26 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 4 Configuring a RAD IUS Client We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o configur e a RADIUS client: 1. In the naviga tion pane, expa nd the System > Admini stra tio n fold ers , and then click RADIUS .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 4-27 Security T ab le 4-4. RADIUS W eb Page Configurat ion Paramete rs Parameter Defi nition Enable S tate Enable or disable RADIUS on the switch. Primary Server • IP Address - Enter the IP address for t he primary RADIUS server .
4-28 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 4 CLI Command Use the f ollowing CLI commands t o configure the R ADIUS client on the switc h: ■ T o enable or d .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 4-29 Security ■ T o set the IP address use d as the s ource IP address for Access- Requ est me ss age s, (configure)# s e t rad i us a u the n tica tio n sour .
4-30 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 4.
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 5-1 5 Configur ing SNMP Ove rview Supported versions of SNMP The P580 and P88 2 support SNMPv1, v2, and v 3.
5-2 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 5 ■ Creating a n SNMPv3 Administrator ■ Configuri ng V iews ■ Configuri ng Groups ■ Configuri ng an SNMPv3.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 5-3 Configu ring SNMP Authentic ation and Encr yption Localized Keys T o perform aut henticat ion and encry ption, the switch and NMS (networ k man age men t sy stem ) sha re loc aliz ed keys .
5-4 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 5 T imeliness Chec ks The s wit ch pe rfo rm s tim elin ess ch eck s to e nsu re tha t PD U s ar e not reorder e d, delayed or re played. These timel iness checks i nclude the followi ng informatio n: ■ Number of reb oots since the s witch was upgrad ed from v5.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 5-5 Configu ring SNMP Predefined V iews When you upg rade the switch f r om v5. x applicat ion software to v6. x , the follow ing pred efined v iews are crea ted: ■ normal —In cludes the MIB ob jects that the norm al secu rity le vel include d.
5-6 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 5 CAUTION: This sect ion co nta i ns th e fo ll ow ing in for matio n: ■ Predefine d Groups ■ Migration of Existing Community Strings For info rmation on how to configur e groups, see “ Configur ing Groups .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 5-7 Configu ring SNMP Ta b l e 5 - 1 lists all th e predefined vie ws, groups, and us ers. Migration of Existing Comm unity Strings When you upg rade the switch f r om v5.
5-8 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 5 Ta b l e 5 - 2 lists the grou ps to which exist i ng communi ty st ri ngs are assi gne d when you upgr ade the switch f rom v5. x appli ca tio n soft wa re to v6 .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 5-9 Configu ring SNMP Process The p roxy forwarder pr ocess is as fol lows: 1. An NMS prepa r es an SNMPv3 request PDU. This PDU contain s the switch sec urity creden tials, includi ng the engine ID and context name of the A TM Uplink module.
5-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 5 CAUTION: SNMP v3 Administrator After either manuall y assigning the s witch an engine I D or assigning the console port an IP addres s, you can crea te an SNMPv3 admin istrator .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 5-11 Configu ring SNMP CAUTION: Viewing the Engine ID T o view th e c urr ently configur ed engine ID o f t he swi tc h, us e the following CLI comm an d : (conf.
5-12 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 5 Config u r in g Views This sec tion contains pr ocedures for th e following tas ks: ■ Creating o r Modifying a .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 5-13 Configu ring SNMP Viewing Configu red Views T o view the current l y configured vi ews, use the foll owing CLI command: # show snmp vi ew [ <vie wname>.
5-14 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 5 CAUTION: Creating or Modif ying a G roup T o create o r modify a group, us e the fol l owing CLI command: (config.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 5-15 Configu ring SNMP Deleting a Group T o delete a specifi c group or a ll groups o f a spec ific gro up name (if mul tiple groups have the same group n ame), .
5-16 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 5 Adding a User to a Group T o add an SNMPv3 user to a group, u se the fol l owing CLI command: (configure)# snmp -s erv er us er < user nam e> group <groupname> T able 5-7.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 5-17 Configu ring SNMP Removing a User from a Group T o remove an SNMPv 3 user fro m a group, use the followin g CLI command: (configure)# no snmp- server user &.
5-18 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 5 Changing a User Password Y ou must change user passwords when the engine ID chan ges.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 5-19 Configu ring SNMP Ta b l e 5 - 8 defines the command keywords and varia bles. Creating or Modifyin g a Community S t ring for the A TM- Uplink Modu le T o c.
5-20 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 5 V iewing Configured Communit y S t rings T o view th e cu rr ent ly configure d co mmun it y strings, use th e fo.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 5-21 Configu ring SNMP A TM Module Community String T o delete a com m unity s tring for the A TM-Upli nk module , use the follow ing command : (configure)# no snmp-server at m-community <communi ty-string> [ <ip-addr> ] Ta b l e 5 - 1 2 provides an explana tion of the command variables.
5-22 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 5 SNMP T o set the admin istrative con t act for the swi t ch, use the sys C ontact object, OID The compl ete path to this obje ct is: iso(1) .org( 3).
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 5-23 Configu ring SNMP Disabling or Reenabling SNMP Disabling SNMP T o disable SNMP , use the follo wing CLI command: (configure)# no snmp- server This command overr ides se cure mode, whi ch disabl es SNMPv1 and v2 and enables SNMPv3.
5-24 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 5.
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 6-1 6 Using VLANs, Hunt Group s, and VTP Snooping Ove rview The followi ng informa tion and procedur es are pr ovided in this c .
6-2 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 6 Advantage s with VLANs: ■ Segment tra ffic and u sage pattern s in a ma nner simil ar to creatin g subnets an d segments in tra ditional networ ks. ■ Reduce the c ost of equipment mov es, upgrades, and ot her chang es.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 6-3 Using VL ANs, Hunt Groups , and VTP Snooping A switch tha t is strictl y port based needs addi tional info rmatio n to sep arate traf f ic passing fr om one VLAN t o an oth er .
6-4 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 6 IEEE 8 02.1Q VLAN T agging The A vaya Multiservi ce switch is co mpliant wi th the I EEE 802.1Q sta ndard for VLANs and defines a T ag Header . T wo T ag format s are defined as an Ethernet Encoded (4 bytes) for 802.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 6-5 Using VL ANs, Hunt Groups , and VTP Snooping Forwar ding Rule s These rul es dete rmine t he set of port s on the swit ch throug h which m embers of the VLAN can be reached. This i s called bin ding a port to a VLAN.
6-6 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 6 CAUTION: Forwarding : Only forward frames to the por t for the assigned VLAN. Egress : All fr ames tr ansmitted out of the port t o be tagged usi ng the IEEE 802.1Q/Mu lti-Laye r tag header format.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 6-7 Using VL ANs, Hunt Groups , and VTP Snooping CAUTION: Creating and Implementing VLANs Adding user s to VLANs include: ■ VLAN Considera tions ■ Creatin g .
6-8 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 6 We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o create a VLAN: 1. In the navi ga ti on pa ne, expand the L2 Switchin g > VLANs fold ers , and then c lick Configurat ion . The VLAN Config uration W eb page i s displayed in t he content pane.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 6-9 Using VL ANs, Hunt Groups , and VTP Snooping Figure 6-4. Create VLAN W eb Page 3. Enter a name for the VLAN in the Name fi el d.
6-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 6 CAUTION: 6. Click APPL Y to create the new VLAN, or CANCEL to restor e previous settin gs.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 6-11 Using VL ANs, Hunt Groups , and VTP Snooping Figure 6-5. V LAN Switch Por ts W eb Page 3. See Ta b l e 6 - 2 to confi gure the VLAN Swit ch Ports W eb page para mete rs: T ab le 6-2. VLAN Swit ch Port W eb Page Para meters Parameter Defin es.
6-12 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 6 4. Click APPL Y to save your c hanges, or CANCEL to rest ore previous settin gs. Binding T y pe The binding types are set through the switch ports. See “ Assigning VLANs to a Port and As s ociated Issues ” in Chapt er 8 , “ Configuring P orts .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 6-13 Using VL ANs, Hunt Groups , and VTP Snooping CAUTION: Assigning Port s t o VLANs See “ Config uring Switch Ports Set tings ,” in Chapter 8 , “ Configurin g Ports , ” for instr uctions on assigning por ts to VLANs.
6-14 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 6 Hunt group s expand the ca pacity of the core switch ed backbone. While there i s no specific limi t on the number of p orts in a hunt gr oup (see “ Hu nt Group Confi guration Conside rations ”).
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 6-15 Using VL ANs, Hunt Groups , and VTP Snooping ■ Quicker re covery from lin k failure — If a port in the group fails , the remainin g ports carry the loa d.
6-16 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 6 80-Ser ies Forwarding Engines The Forwar di ng Engines ar e number ed st arting at one and incre ase d b y on e for eac h Forwarding Engine. The Supervisor modul e always has Forwardin g Engines numbere d one an d two.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 6-17 Using VL ANs, Hunt Groups , and VTP Snooping This is dif fer ent for the 50-serie s modules. The twe lve port la yer 3 50-serie s media module, all twelve po rts are a ssociated with one Forwarding Engin e for layer 3 tr affic and one Forwarding Engin e fo r la yer 2 traf f ic .
6-18 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 6 Figure 6- 7. Slot to Fabric Po rt Rela tionship T able 6-3. Module Forwarding Engines and Fa bric Port s Module T.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 6-19 Using VL ANs, Hunt Groups , and VTP Snooping * Note: All 80-series med ia modules are L3 capable . Figure 6-8. Load Sharing Example Optimiz ing Hun t Group T hrough put T o optimiz e hunt grou p throughput f ollow these consi derations.
6-20 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 6 Hunt Group Co nfiguration Consideration s Consider the followin g before c reating hunt gro ups: ■ Hunt group e nd to end physic al connec tions must be c onfigured with the hu nt group ports co nnected to hunt gr oup ports.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 6-21 Using VL ANs, Hunt Groups , and VTP Snooping Hunt Group s and Multicast T raffic All multic ast traf fic is forwarde d by the base port of the hunt g r oup. If the base po rt c han ges, mult ica st tr affic is in terr upted un ti l the ses si ons are relearne d through t he new base port.
6-22 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 6 Figure 6- 9. Hunt Group Confi guration W eb Page 2. Click CREA TE . The Create Hunt Group W eb page is displ ayed in the content pane. See Figure 6 -10 . Figure 6- 10.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 6-23 Using VL ANs, Hunt Groups , and VTP Snooping CLI Commands Use the fol lowing CLI commands to configure a hu nt group: ■ T o create a hunt group, ( configu.
6-24 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 6 2. Select a port number from the Ports col umn. The Physic al Port Configur ation W eb page is displayed in the content pane. See Figure 6- 12 . Figure 6- 12. Physical Port Configuration W eb Pag e 3.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 6-25 Using VL ANs, Hunt Groups , and VTP Snooping Adding Switch Port s to the Hunt Group 1. Sele ct Modules at the bo ttom of the Physic al Port Configur ation W eb page. The Modul e Information W eb page is re displayed.
6-26 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 6 Figure 6- 14. Switch Por t Configurati on W eb Page 4. Select the hu nt group assignmen t from the Hun t Gr oup pull-down menu. 5. Click APPL Y to save your c hanges, or CANCEL to restore previous settin gs.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 6-27 Using VL ANs, Hunt Groups , and VTP Snooping 6. Rep eat S teps 1-9 for any additional ports that you want to a dd to this hunt group . 7. Rep eat step s 1 through 10 on th e switch at the o ther end of the hu nt group conne ction.
6-28 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 6 Figure 6- 15. Hunt Group Member s W eb Page CLI Commands T o view details ab out hunt group member s using the CL.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 6-29 Using VL ANs, Hunt Groups , and VTP Snooping Configuring VTP Snooping Enabling VLAN T runk Prot ocol (VTP®) Snoopi ng on the A vaya Multise rvice switch al lows it to automa tically synchr onize its VLAN configura tion with that of a Cisco VTP server switch.
6-30 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 6 We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o confi gure VTP snoop ing using the W eb Agent: 1. In the naviga tion pane, expa nd the Modules & Ports folder, and th en click Configuration .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 6-31 Using VL ANs, Hunt Groups , and VTP Snooping 9. Clic k APPL Y to save your change s, or CANCEL to re sto re prev iou s setting s. CLI Command T o configure VTP snooping using the CLI , ente r the fol lowing co mmand in Con fig ure mo de: (configure)# set vtp-snooping en able T ab le 6-4.
6-32 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 6.
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 7-1 7 Configuring Ra pid S p anning T ree Ove rview Contents This chapter contains the fo llowing secti ons: ■ How RSTP Achiev.
7-2 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 7 In STP , a po rt that is blocki ng must change to li stening and then learnin g before i t can chan ge to forwa rding. Norm ally , a port remains in the li stening state fo r 15 second s and in the learni ng stat e for 15 sec onds.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 7-3 Config uring Rapid Spa nning Tree How RSTP Achieves Rapid Recovery Port Roles In addit ion to por t stat es, RSTP assi gns an d maintain s port r oles for all por ts in a Spanni ng Tr ee domain. One of five possibl e roles can be a ssigned to a port: ro ot, designated, a lternate, backu p, and disabled.
7-4 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 7 IEEE S ta ndards For more de tailed informati on about the STP and RSTP , see the I EEE 802.1D stan dard for Media Acce ss Control (MAC) bridges and IEEE802.1w amen dment for rapid r econfiguration .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 7-5 Config uring Rapid Spa nning Tree Per-VL AN Sp anning T ree Per-VLAN mode i s the Default Sp anning T ree settin g on all mul tiservice switches. I n this mode, t he swit ch runs a separ ate spa nning pr ocess for eac h VLAN.
7-6 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 7 In this mode, l egacy b ri dges re main in sep arate Spannin g T ree d omains, ye t loops bet w een the la yer 3 and legacy domai ns c anno t f orm.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 7-7 Config uring Rapid Spa nning Tree Configuring Globa l Sp anning T ree Options Overview Glob al spanning t r ee options incl ude the configur ation and ver sion of spanning t r ee (common STP or Rapid Span ning T ree).
7-8 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 7 4. In the Protocol V ersion fie ld, cl ick the ve rsion of Spann ing T ree that you want t he switch to run. 5. Click APPL Y to save your ch anges or CANCEL to res tore the previ ous settin gs.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 7-9 Config uring Rapid Spa nning Tree CLI Command Use the follo wing CLI c ommands to configure global Spanning T ree options: ■ T o set the type of spanning t.
7-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 7 V iewing Global S p anning T r ee Inf ormation We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o view globa l spanning tree information: 1. In the naviga tion pane, expa nd the L2 Switching folder .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 7-11 Config uring Rapid Spa nning Tree Configuring S p anning T ree Bridges Web A g e n t Procedure T o config ure a spann ing tree bri dge: 1. In t he navigation pan e , expand the L2 Switchin g folder . 2. Clic k Spanning T re e .
7-12 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 7 Priority Priority of the bridge as hexidecimal v a lu e. The valid ran ge for this field i s 0x00 00 (0) to 0xF000 (61,440) i n increm ents of 0x10 00 (4,096). The defau lt setting is 0x8000 (32,768).
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 7-13 Config uring Rapid Spa nning Tree * Note: T h e A v aya Mu ltis erv ic e swi tche s enfo r ce th e foll owin g relati onships, as defi ned by IEEE 802.1D: — 2 × ( Bridge Forward Dela y – 1 second) > Bridge Max Age — Bridge Max Age > 2 × ( Bri dge H ell o Time + 1 second) 5.
7-14 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 7 ■ T o set the maximum age f or the bridge, (configure)# set spantr ee maxage <maxage-value > {802.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 7-15 Config uring Rapid Spa nning Tree Figure 7-4. Spanning T ree Bridge Port Inf ormation W eb Pag e T able 7-4. Spanning T ree Bridg e Port Information Field Explanat ion Bridge P ort Bridge p ort number . Port Physical port num ber of the bridge po rt.
7-16 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 7 CLI Command Use the show spantr ee port {802.1D | vlan { <vlan-id> | name <vlan- name> }} command to vi ew informat ion about Spannin g Tree bridge ports.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 7-17 Config uring Rapid Spa nning Tree Configuring a Br idge Port Web A g e n t Procedure T o config ure a spann ing tree bridge port: 1. In t he navigation pan e , expand the L2 Switchin g folder . 2. Clic k Spanning T re e .
7-18 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 7 6. Configure the bridge port as a ppropriate. Ta b l e 7 - 5 provide s explanations of each field. 7. Click APPL Y to save your ch anges or CANCEL to res tore the previ ous settin gs.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 7-19 Config uring Rapid Spa nning Tree Operational P ath Cost The path cost that Spanning T ree is using for the port: • If Administ rati ve Path Cost is set to a n onzero value, th i s field displays that nonzero value.
7-20 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 7 CLI Commands Use the foll owing commands to c onfigure a Spanni ng T ree bridg e port: ■ T o set the pr iority of t he bridge port, (configure)# set po rt spantr ee priority <mod- swpo rt- rang e> [.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 7-21 Config uring Rapid Spa nning Tree Configuring S p anning T ree Settings for Swit ch Port s Web A g e n t Procedure T o configure Spanning T ree setti ngs for a switch port: 1. In t he navigation pan e , expand the Modules & Ports folder .
7-22 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 7 Figure 7- 6. Switch Port Configurat ion W eb Page.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 7-23 Config uring Rapid Spa nning Tree 5. Enter th e app ro pr iate in for matio n in th e fo llow ing fi eld s: ■ Spanning T r ee Mode —Enable or dis a ble Spanning T ree on thi s port. If you click Disabl e , the port does not parti cipate in Spanni ng Tr e e .
7-24 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 7 6. Click APPL Y to save your ch anges or CANCEL to res tore the previ ous settin gs. For in for m ati on ab ou t al l oth e r sw it ch p ort s e ttin gs, se e “ Configuring Swit ch Po rts S e ttin gs ” in Chapter 8 , “ Config uri ng Port s .
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 8-1 8 Configuring Port s Ove rview The followi ng informa tion and procedur es are pr ovided in this c hapter and are common to .
8-2 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 8 Physical Port Features This sec tion describes the followin g feature s that are avai lable when configur ing th.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-3 Config uring Ports It may seem t hat because the FLP and the normal li nk pulse use the same interval at the s ame frequency , older d evices may not be co m patible with auto-nego tiation. This i s, however , not the case .
8-4 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 8 * No te: If a Gigabit mo dul e th at does not suppor t t he a uto negotiation is connect ed to a device th at does, disa ble autone gotiation to ensu re pro per operat io n.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-5 Config uring Ports Figure 8-1. R emote fa ult detec t ion Enable remot e fault detection on bot h ends of a switch-to-sw itch connectio n, in the followi ng two cases: ■ When two Gigab it ports that do not support aut o-negotiation are connecte d.
8-6 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 8 There ar e four flow control options on Gigabit Ethernet Ports. ■ Disable ■ Enable ■ Enable – Sen d Only ■ Enable – Respond Only The Disabl e option disable s flow cont rol (the defau lt).
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-7 Config uring Ports Switch Port Featur es The A vaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice swit ches support up t o 1000 VLANs and al so support multiple for warding database s. This means th at each VLAN is as sociated with its own Address Forwardi ng T able (AFT).
8-8 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 8 T able 8- 2. Re lat ion shi p Bet ween Sw it ch P ara m et ers VLAN Binding T runk Mod e Descripti on S tatic Clear In gress: Untagged frames are classified to the VLAN associated with the port on which the frame is received.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-9 Config uring Ports Assigning VLANs to a Po rt and Associated Issues There are two ways to assign VLANs to ports on the A vaya Multiser vice Switch. Y ou configure the Port(s) to the VLA N desire d for the in dividual port(s) , or entire modul e.
8-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 8 The second way is to assign t he VLAN to a port is by using the foll owing CLI command in Enable/Configur e mode:.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-11 Config uring Ports W i th th e set vlan CLI command , assign port 1, an d port 2 to VLAN4 and also assi gn port 4 to VLAN1 and VLAN2. T hen PC1 and PC2 could communicate wi th SER VER1 across VLANs withou t any noti ceable problems.
8-12 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 8 We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o confi gure a por t on a 10-Gigabit m odule by using the W eb Agen t: 1. In the naviga tion pane, expa nd the Modules & Ports folder .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-13 Config uring Ports Figure 8-3. Physical Port Co nfigurati on W eb Page for the 10-Gigabit Modu le 4. In the Enable column, sele ct the checkbox t o enable the por t. 5. Clic k APPL Y to save your sett ings, or CANCEL to restore pre vio us setting s.
8-14 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 8 8. In the Name field, enter a port name, or you c an use the default n ame. 9. In the Category fiel d, select one of the following opt ions: — User Port if you wa nt t he switch to genera te only log messa ges for the port.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-15 Config uring Ports T ab le 8-3. Det ailed Physic al Port W eb Page Parameter Defi nition Name A n ame for this port. F o r example, you cou ld enter a drop connectio n name or the name of the station or other device that is connected to the port.
8-16 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 8 CLI Command T o configur e ports on a 10 -Gigabit m odule, us e the following CLI command: (configure)# set po rt When you use t he CLI to configur e the 10-Gigabit module, enter the the module number in the format of <Slot N> - <Slo t N+1 > .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-17 Config uring Ports Figure 8-5. Physical Port Co nfigurati on W eb Page for the Gigabit Ethernet Modul e 3. Click th e checkbo x in the Enable column to enabl e a port.
8-18 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 8 Figure 8- 6. Detailed Physi cal Port Configurat ion W eb Page for Port o n Gigabit Et hernet Mo dule 6. En ter a p ort name in the Name field, i f desire d, or use the defa ult name suppli ed 7.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-19 Config uring Ports 10. Selec t Enable fr o m the Full Duple x Flow Contr ol Advertisement field pu ll down menu 11 . Se lec t Enable fr o m the Pace Priori ty Mode fi eld pull down menu t o recogniz e and use 3Com’ s P ACE prior ity mechanism.
8-20 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 8 Flow Contro l Mode This field determines if the po rt uses IEEE 802.3z pa use control. The pause m echanism allows the port to stop a send ing st ati o n fr om sendi ng m ore pa cke t s if th e buffe r s of the receiving p ort are f ull.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-21 Config uring Ports CLI Command T o configure por ts on a gigabi t module using the CLI, ent er the followin g command from Conf igure mode: (configure)# set port <options> * Note: W hen a port on an 8 0-Series Giga bit Ether net module is disable d, the port link l ight bli nks continuousl y .
8-22 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 8 Figure 8- 7. Physical Port Configuration W eb Page for t he Fast Ethernet Module 4. By defaul t the chec kbox is chec ked in the Ena ble c olum n. T o change the enable remove the chec k in the check box.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-23 Config uring Ports Figure 8-8. D et ailed Phys i cal Port Configur ation W eb Page for Port on Fast Etherne t Module 7.
8-24 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 8 10. Selec t a duplex mode (hal f-duplex or ful l-duplex) fro m the Duplex Mode field pul l-down menu i f you want to manual ly set the port ’ s duplex mode . Y ou do no t have to select a duplex mod e if you set the port t o autonegotiate .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-25 Config uring Ports 15. S elect one of the following from the Flood Rate Li mit Mode pull - down menu: Enable – If you want thi s port to limit the number .
8-26 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 8 T able 8-5. Fast Ethe rnet (10/100) Por t Parameters Parameter De finitio n Name Enter a user configurable name for this port (possibly a drop c onn ect ion n ame or the name of the sta tio n or ot her device connected t o the port).
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-27 Config uring Ports CLI Command T o configure por ts on a Fast Ether net module using the CLI, e nter the following command from Configure m ode: (configure)# set port <options> Auto Negotiati on Duplex Advertisement Determines what information the port ad vertises wh en it starts auto-negotiating.
8-28 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 8 Using the All Po rt s Conf iguration Web Page Y ou can apply t he same parameter setting s on all of a module’ s ports using the All P orts Configurat ion W eb page.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-29 Config uring Ports CAUTION: Configurin g Switch Ports Y ou can configu re how each switch p ort performs it s switching func tions (for exa m ple, VLAN par a meters, hunt group a ssignments, trun k mode, and frame tag s cheme) through th e switch port par ameters.
8-30 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 8 Figure 8- 9. Switch Port Configurat ion W eb Page 4. En ter infor mat io n in the W eb pag e fi el ds a s appr op riat e. Se e Ta b l e 8 - 6 for an e xplanation of e ach fiel d.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-31 Config uring Ports 5. Clic k APPL Y to save your change s, or CANCEL to re stor e de fau lt setting s. * Note: Do not enab le Automatic VLAN Creation and VTP Snooping at the same time. Ta b l e 8 - 6 describes the Swi tch Port Configu r ation W eb page fields.
8-32 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 8 Allow Learning Select Disable to pr event th e port from learning n ew MAC addresses and forwarding th em to the Supervisor module to be added to the VLANs AFT . Enable is the default.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-33 Config uring Ports Known Mode Enable or disable known mode. The default value is Disable. If know n mode is enab led , unicast frames that have an unknown des tination address are not flood ed out this por t.
8-34 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 8 Examp le See Ta b l e 8 - 7 as an example of t he recommended swi tch port sett ings for a Cisco Cat alyst 5000 TM . Admi n Ed ge Por t Specify w het he r th is po rt is an edge port or a nonedge port.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-35 Config uring Ports CLI Command T o configure swi tch ports using the CLI, use t he foll owing CLI command: (configure)# set port <options> * Note: See the example s later in thi s section for r ecommendations o n how to set particular trunk port connection s.
8-36 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 8 T able 8-8. VLAN Binding Opt i ons Option Definiti on Stat ic Assigns VLAN membershi p manually , using the VLAN Switch Po rt s page descr i bed in “ Creating an d Implementing VLANs ” in Chap ter 6 , “ Using VLANs, Hunt Gr oups, and VTP Sno oping .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-37 Config uring Ports Automatically Creating VLANs and Frame T ags Parameters VLANs are cr eated automati cally by the s w itch r eading the VLAN tag of al l ingress I EEE 802.1Q and Multi-Lay er tagged frames .
8-38 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 8 We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o use t he W eb Agent to enabl e the MAC Address Lock f eature and traps for unkno w n source addre sses: 1. Manually add th e “permitted” MAC address es to the Address Forwardi ng T able (AFT).
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-39 Config uring Ports 4. Use th e following command t o enable known mode on a port or port range: set port known-mode <mod-swport- range> ena ble *Note:.
8-40 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 8 Figure 8- 10. Switch Ports Conf iguration - All P orts W eb Page 4. Select the c heck box next to the field y ou want to c onfigure. 5. Select an opt ion for the spec ific field f rom that fields pull-down menu.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-41 Config uring Ports Viewing Switch Port Settin gs Y ou can view swi tch port paramet ers through ei ther the W eb Agent and the CLI. Web A g e n t Procedure T o view swit ch port pa rameters usi ng the W eb Agent: 1.
8-42 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 8 4. Select one of t he fo llowin g i tems a t the bott om of t he W eb page for more informa tion about the swi t ch ports: — Next/Pr evious Module – Dis plays the next or previous module’ s switch p ort parameters.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-43 Config uring Ports This sect ion contains pro cedures for t he foll owing tasks: ■ Creatin g a Port Redundan cy Pair ■ Deletin g a Port Redundancy Pa ir.
8-44 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 8 3. Complete th e following: ■ Name —E nte r the pai r ’ s n am e . ■ Primary Port — Select the pai r ’ s primary por t from the pull-down menu. ■ Secondary Port — Select the pai r ’ s secondar y port fr om the pull- down menu.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-45 Config uring Ports Disabling or En abling Port Redu ndancy Web A g e n t Procedure Y ou can globa ll y enable or d is abl e port redunda ncy i n t he Port Redunda ncy Configurat ion W eb page. Dis abling redundanc y does not del ete the pa irs.
8-46 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 8 GBIC I dentific ation The G B IC Id ent ific a tion fea tu re id enti fies the type o f GBI Cs t hat ar e instal led in 80-seri es gigabi t modules with GBIC int erfaces.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-47 Config uring Ports Network Error Detect ion and Recovery Overview Functionality The Network Er ror Detection and Rec overy (NEDR) featur e monitors Ethernet C RC errors on Ethe rnet data port s and compares t he rate o f errors that occu rs to the thres hold values that you set.
8-48 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 8 Hardware Support Y ou can enable NEDR onl y for ports on gi gabit and 10-gig abit Ethernet modules an d only by using CLI co m mands.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-49 Config uring Ports See Ta b l e 8 - 1 1 for expla nations of the ke ywords, ar guments, and options i n this command. The CLI disp lays a confirmat i on message if you successfully e nable NEDR for a por t or range of por ts.
8-50 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 8 * Note: I f you set the ri sing threshold value and the falling threshold value c l ose together , events may be logg ed more often if the Notify op ti on is sel ec ted .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-51 Config uring Ports Internal Error Detection and Recovery Overview The Inter nal Error Detect ion and Recovery (I EDR) feature shut s down a port if it s rate of i nte rna l errors exce eds the thr es hol d s etting.
8-52 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 8 Ena bling IEDR * Note: T o enable IEDR for por ts in a hunt gro up, you must us e a dif ferent com mand that enable s the featu re globally fo r all ports in all h unt g rou ps on t he s witch .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-53 Config uring Ports T o globally d isable IEDR for al l ports in hunt groups, ent er: set huntgr oup internal- erro r- shutdown disa ble Settin g the IEDR Th reshol d for Internal Errors Y ou can set the threshol d at which the swi t ch will shutdown a port.
8-54 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 8 Error Messages * Note: If IEDR d ete ct s err ors on a po rt i n the hunt gro up, it tes ts ea ch port wit hin that hun t group. Wh en it finds the first bad po rt, it removes i t from the hunt gr oup and disables the port.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 8-55 Config uring Ports Internal-error-config enabled on por t 7/1 Internal-error-config enabled on por t 7/2 Internal-error-config enabled on por t 7/3 Internal.
8-56 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 8 ■ Upon Success: Threshold value set to 10 ■ Upon Failur e (The only fai lure th at can occur i s that t he nu.
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 9-1 9 Managing the Address Forwarding T able Ove rview The Address Forwardi ng T able (AFT) is a mapping ta ble of MAC a ddresses with the ir ass oci ated p ort l oca tio ns .
9-2 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 9 For mor e inform ation abo ut the CLI commands that are ment ioned in t his chapter , see Command Refer ence Guide for the A vaya P580 and P882 Multiser vice Swit ches, Softwar e V ersion 6.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 9-3 Managi ng the Address F orwarding Table Hash T able and Buc ke t me mo ry usage guidelines The A vaya Mul t iservice swit ch provid es 60K of memory tha t is used to store hash ta bl es and AFT bucket s.
9-4 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 9 VLAN ID number out side the recommended range If you us e an ID number outsi de the range of r ecommended numbers , you may f ind cert ain VLAN ID numbers cause “collisions” and are unava i lable when you t ry to create a new VLAN.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 9-5 Managi ng the Address F orwarding Table If the number of VLANs s uppo rted in the switch is 500, th en t he VLAN ID numbers used in the switch sho uld be chos en from the range o f 1 to 500 rather t hen 1 to 100 0.
9-6 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 9 Examples of Configuring VLANs and Hash T able Size Examp le 1 All VLANs have the same Hash T able Size Conf igure the A vaya Mu ltis ervic e sw i tch for 45 VLA N s.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 9-7 Managi ng the Address F orwarding Table AFT Default Set tings Figure 9-1. Create VLANs Name —Name for the new VLAN ID —VLAN ID number , valid number between 1- 4094 (1 is reserved f or the Default VLAN) Instance I D —Instance tabl e representation o f a VLAN.
9-8 User Guid e for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switc hes, v6 .1 Chapt er 9 Figure 9- 2. Address Forwarding T able Con figuration Auto-Increment Auto-I ncrement is the Enable/Di sab le setting for the Auto- Sizing featur e.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 9-9 Managi ng the Address F orwarding Table It is hig hly recommended t he default of 4 0% not be cha nged. The affects of varying the Th reshold (Uti l%) are as follows: ■ Incr easing Threshol d: Gives better memory utili z ation at the expense o f more frequent flus hing, flo oding, and r e learning.
9-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 9 Enter a n ew value in the Supe r Age Time fi eld. The va lid entrie s are 1-30 days . The Supe r Age T i me r m ark s all i nva li d ta ble e ntr ie s, t he n ch ecks to see i f th ey rema in i nvali d fo r th e sp ecif ied s upe r ag e in terv al.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 9-11 Managi ng the Address F orwarding Table Figure 9-3. A ddress T able Inst ance W eb page See Ta b l e 9 - 3 for a defini tion of the Ad dress T able Instance W eb page para mete rs.
9-12 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 9 Entry T ype Displays the ent ry ty pe for this VLAN. Options i nclude: • Learne d - Entry is dy namically learned. • Managem ent - Entry is conf i gured by the user statically .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 9-13 Managi ng the Address F orwarding Table 3. Clic k: ■ APPL Y to save your changes ■ CANCEL to restore previous set ti ngs ■ Delete Al l Learned Entr ie.
9-14 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 9 We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o f ilte r th e A F T us in g th e W eb A gent : 1. In the naviga tion pane, expa nd the L2 Switching > Addr ess Forwarding T able folde rs, an d th en cl ick Address Sear ch .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 9-15 Managi ng the Address F orwarding Table 3. T o se arch usin g a VLAN: — Select the VLAN check box in t he Search By: colum n — Select a VLAN name from the VLAN fiel d pull-d own menu in the Search V alue: column.
9-16 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 9 Figure 9- 5. Address Forwarding T able W eb Page * Note: Some types of ent ri es in the Addre ss Forwa rdi ng T able can be modifie d. The port, prior ity , and persisten ce can be changed fo r learne d and mana gement entr ies.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 9-17 Managi ng the Address F orwarding Table 9. After making the changes , click the APPL Y button to save the c urrent setting s, or CANCEL to restore previo us settings . or MO RE to view more st atistics. 10. S ee Ta b l e 9 - 4 to revi ew your search cr iteria option s: T a ble 9-4.
9-18 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 9 Persistence The persistence of the entry in the table can be set on all learned entries: • Permanent - The address is n ot aged out of th e table. • Invalid - This entry is cleared from the table ea ch time the switch resets .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 9-19 Managi ng the Address F orwarding Table CLI Command T o se ar ch t he s w itch A FT u sing the C LI, e nte r t he fo llo w ing co mm and in Configur e mod e.
9-20 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 9 3. In the VLAN field, sele ct a VLAN for this en try . 4. In the Port Binding fiel d, select Forwar d or Fi lter : ■ Forward —Frames that have this source or destination MAC address are for war ded.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 9-21 Managi ng the Address F orwarding Table 8. In the DA-Priority field, selec t th e pr ior ity th at y ou w ant asso ciate d w ith frames th at have this des tination MAC addres s: ■ None ■ Aft —Use s t he p ri ori ty tha t is a ss igned to t he MAC addre ss in th e AFT .
9-22 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 9 We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o use t he W eb Agent to change the status of o ption 82: 1.
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 10-1 10 Configur ing Redundancy Options Ove rview The A vaya Multi service Switch c an be configured w ith redund ancy to prov ide faul t tole ran c e.
10-2 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 10 VRRP The A vaya Mult iservic e Switch supports V irtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), an IETF protoc ol designed to su pport redundant L A N routers , a s well as lo ad bal ancing of tr af fic .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 10-3 Configu ring Redund ancy Options Configuring Re dundant Hardware The A vaya Mul tiservice swit ches p rovide a r edundant backplan e to ensure that should a Supervisor module, Swit ch Controller , or fabric element fa il, it will cont inue to fo rward data proper ly .
10-4 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 10 Figure 10- 2. Layout of the Redun dant Backplane for P88 2 Chassis The A vaya Multiser vice switc hes are equipped with diagnost ics to: ■ Mo nito r t he s tatu s of the Pr im ary sw itc h co n trol ler .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 10-5 Configu ring Redund ancy Options Inst alling and Enabling Re dundant Hardware The standar d switch conf igurati on does not inc lude a red undant contro ller or el em ent. T he co rrec t pr ocess is to : ■ Instal l the red unda nt hardware.
10-6 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 10 Enabling R edunda nt Hardw a re We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o enabl e redundant hardware using t he W eb Agent: 1. In the naviga tion pane, exp and the Syste m > C onf igur ation folde rs, and then c lick Switch Fabric .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 10-7 Configu ring Redund ancy Options Figure 10-4. Switch Fabric S tatus W eb Page CLI Command T o enable the re dundant hardware b y using the CLI, enter the fo.
10-8 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 10 W ARNIN G: Figure 10- 5. Switch Fabr ic S tatus W eb Page If a re dundant controll er is install ed in the switc h and enabled, t he switch resets and th e redundant control ler aut omaticall y takes o ver the op eration of the fa iled Prim ary c ont roll er .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 10-9 Configu ring Redund ancy Options W ARNIN G: Replacing a n Element If an ele m ent fa ils, you are noti fied by: ■ An ev ent lo g m e ssag e ■ An error m essage that displays i n the S witch El em ents fie ld T o repl ace a f ai le d el em en t: 1.
10-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 10 CLI Command T o enabl e an element using the CLI, enter th e following co mmand from Configur e mode: > set .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 10-11 Configu ring Redund ancy Options 2. Enter th e inte rnal I P ad dres ses of th e slot 1 and slot 2 CPUs in the Redundant CPU Consol e IP Address f ield. The addresses cannot be the same as the console IP o r each other .
10-12 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 10 Synchronizing the Active and St andby CPUs Overview After i nstalling the active an d standby supervi sor modules, you must synchroni ze them. Y ou can use the W eb Agent or CLI to pe rform the synchroni zation.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 10-13 Configu ring Redund ancy Options Supervisor Modu le Redundancy S t atis tics The active supervisor per iodically sends a health re port messag e to the standby (r edundant) su pervisor . If th e standby supervi sor is enabled, it responds wi th a health repo rt reply .
10-14 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 10 CAUTION: * Note: If the stan dby sup ervisor becomes ac ti ve, it ass umes the IP and MAC addresse s of the previou sly active supe rvisor .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 10-15 Configu ring Redund ancy Options Synchroniza tion Procedure Web A g e n t Procedure * Note: Y ou must s ynchronize the a ctive and standb y supervisor modules for the st andby (r edun dant) supe rvisor to use the s ame configur ation as the act ive supervisor .
10-16 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 10 Figure 10- 7. CPU Redundancy S tatus W eb Page 3. Monitor the CPU redundanc y statistics to ensure tha t the health messages between the su pervisor modules a re being sent an d received.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 10-17 Configu ring Redund ancy Options 4. Clic k SYNCH RONIZE to sta r t the synchroni zation process . If both s upervisors are running v6.
10-18 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 10.
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 11-1 11 Configuring DNS Client Ove rview This chapt er provides an ov erview of the Domain Naming System (DNS) Client su pport a.
11-2 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 11 Recurs ive vs. Iter ati ve The goal of DNS is to resol ve a fully qual ified domain name ( FQDN) to an IP addre ss. This work can ei ther be done by th e DNS server or the DNS client .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 11-3 Configuring DNS Client Sample Recursive DN S Query T ypically , a net work will have a l ocal DNS server whic h provides tra n slat ion s fo r d evi ces in the loca l n etw or k. That ser ver w ill also “ kno w” the IP addr ess of the Root s ervers.
11-4 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 11 DNS Client on the A vaya Multiservi ce Switch The A vaya Multis ervice switch ha s DNS client capabi lities that work in conj unc ti on wi th th e Com man d Lin e In te rfa ce (CL I).
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 11-5 Configuring DNS Client Order of O perations for DNS on the Switch Y ou can configure up to si x DNS servers and up to six DNS suf fi xes.
11-6 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 11 Configuring the DNS Client Y ou can confi gure DNS client fr om the W eb Agent or the CLI . We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o confi gure a DNS cl ient by using the W eb Agent: 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 11-7 Configuring DNS Client Figure 1 1-1. DNS Configur ation W eb Page.
11-8 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 11 2. Select Enable from th e DNS Lookup field pull- down menu to enabl e DNS on the s w itch. *Note: W hen DNS is ena bled and con figured, you ca n enter DNS names in pla ce of IP addre sses for the following CLI commands.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 11-9 Configuring DNS Client Avaya(configure)# ip name-s erver Added name server ’’ to the name serv er list. Avaya(configure)# ip name-server 0 Added name server ’30.30.30.
11-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 11.
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 12-1 12 Configuring IP Routing Ove rview The A vaya Multi service Switch s upports the ful l suite of IP protocols f or unicast a nd multicast pac ket routi ng and control.
12-2 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 12 ■ Configuri ng VRRP ■ Configuri ng IRDP ■ Configuri ng LDAP ■ Configuri ng a Static Route for the PPP C.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-3 Config uring IP Routing Requirement s for IP Routing Hardware Requirement s T o configure your switch as an IP router , you must configu re your switch with.
12-4 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 12 Routing Configu ration Quickst art This sec t ion provides an overview of the ho w to conf igure th e A vaya Multiser vice switch as a IP router . T o confi gure the s witch as a IP rout er: 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-5 Config uring IP Routing Figure 12-2. IP Interface s W eb Page 2. T o modi fy an IP i nt erfa ce, fi rst s ele ct th e spec ific inte rfac e, th en m o dif y the p ara mete rs, and the n cl ick APPL Y or CANCEL to r estor e pre vious setting s.
12-6 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 12 Creating and Assigning IP Inter faces to the VLAN We b A g e n t Proc edu re After yo u have set up a VLAN, y ou must crea te the IP inter face that your VLAN and your s ubnet uses to communicate wi th each ot her .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-7 Config uring IP Routing Figure 12-3. Add IP Interface W eb page.
12-8 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 12 T able 12-1. Add IP Interface W eb Page Fie lds Parameter Allows yo u to... Name Enter a unique, alphanumeric nam e for the interface (maximum 30 characters ) VLAN A p u ll down menu that associates a VLAN wit h this IP Interface.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-9 Config uring IP Routing MAC Format Select the MAC addr es s format for the i nterface. Options i nclude: • Ethernet V2 • Simple Network Access Protocol (SNAP) ARP T imeout Enter t he timeout per i od for Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) in seconds.
12-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 CLI Commands T o create an IP interf ace, you must use two CLI co mmands: 1. Create an Int erface Name fi rst. (configure)# interfa ce < interface _name> typ e <etherne t | nbma> Example: (configure)# interface myif type ethernet 2.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-11 Config uring IP Routing Web A g e n t Procedure T o enable IP routin g using the W eb Agent: 1. In t he navigation pan e , expand the Routing > IP > Configurat ion folders , and then cli c k Global . The IP Global Con figuration W eb page is displ ayed in the content pane.
12-12 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 2. See T able 12-2 to con figure the IP Glo bal Configurati on W eb page. 3. Click APPL Y to save your c hanges, or CANCEL to restore previous settin gs. T able 12-2.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-13 Config uring IP Routing Maximum Number of Rou tes Enter the maxi mu m n umber of routes that yo u wa n t added to the routing table. The default number o f routes is 16 384 . Note: These rou tes refer only to IP Unicast entries.
12-14 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 IP Mult inetti ng Y ou can set up a configuratio n of multiple subnets, a nd IP interf aces on a single VLAN.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-15 Config uring IP Routing Creating a Multinet Interface T o crea te a m u ltin et inte rfa ce: 1. In t he navigation pan e , expand the Routing > IP > Configurat ion folders , and then cli c k In ter fac es.
12-16 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 If the f orwarding cache contains a hi gh number of short- lived protocol entrie s, you can set t he switch to use the slow pa th to route p ackets of a specifi c short-live d protocol.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-17 Config uring IP Routing Examples T o send a ll SNMP packets t o supervis or module for slow path rou ting, ente r the fo llowing com mand: ip sh ort- live .
12-18 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 Examp les T o disable the sho rt-lived IP prot ocol filter f or DNS, enter the following command: no ip short -.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-19 Config uring IP Routing Creating IP St atic R outes Y ou can create IP static routes using either t he W eb Agent or t he CLI. *Import ant: Do not create a st atic route t o a local int erface. This configurat i on is not supported.
12-20 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 CLI Commands T o create and show I P static route s use the followi ng CLI commands: ■ T o crea te a n I P st.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-21 Config uring IP Routing Figure 12-7. Null Interface Exa m ple In the pre ceding figure, Ro uter 1 has a de fault r oute that point s to the Border Route r for addresse s that are not kn own within the e nterpri se.
12-22 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 Procedure We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o creat e a stat ic route to a null interfa ce: 1. In the naviga tion pane, expa nd the Routing > IP > Configur ation folde rs.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-23 Config uring IP Routing Figure 12-8. IP S tatic ARP Entri es W eb Page 2. Sele ct C REA TE . The Add I P Static ARP Entry W eb page is displaye d. See Fig ure 12-9 . Figure 12-9. Add IP S tatic A RP Entry W eb Pag e 3.
12-24 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 Creating a BOOTP/DHCP Server Entry The BOOTP/DHCP Serve r Entry allows yo u to configure a Ro uter as a BOOTP/DHCP Relay Agen t between a BOOTP/DHCP serv er and the request ing client.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-25 Config uring IP Routing CLI Command T o create a BOOTP/DHCP entry using the CLI, enter the foll owing command in Co nfigure mod e: (configure)# ip bo ot-dh.
12-26 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 This sec t ion contains t he followi ng procedu res: ■ Creating a n IP Redistribut e List Ent ry ■ V iewing.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-27 Config uring IP Routing Figure 12-13 . Add IP Redistribut e List Ent ry 5. In the Access List field , selec t an access li st to filter the routes that are redistr ibuted. If you s e lect NA , all routes ar e redistribut ed.
12-28 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 V iewing IP Redistribute L ist Entries We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o view I P redistr ibute list en tries: 1. In the naviga tion pane, expa nd the Routing > IP > Configur ation folde rs.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-29 Config uring IP Routing Figure 12-14 . IP Redistrib ute List Ent r ies W eb Page 2. Sele ct the route redistr i bution entry t hat you want to modi fy . 3. Modify the entry as nec essary . 4. Clic k APPL Y .
12-30 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 2. Select the r oute redistri bution en try that you wa nt to del ete.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-31 Config uring IP Routing This sect ion contains the following pr ocedures: ■ Conf igu rin g IG MP ■ Globally Enabling IGMP ■ Modifyi ng IGMP Inter fac.
12-32 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 Figure 12- 15. IGMP Global Configura tion W eb Page 4. Select Enable from th e IGMP field pull-down m enu to e nable IGMP . 5. Select Enable from th e MTRACE field pull -down menu to enab le MTRACE processi ng.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-33 Config uring IP Routing Figure 12-16 . IGMP Interfaces W eb page 2. See Ta b l e 1 2 - 8 to modify an IGMP inter face. 3. Clic k APPL Y to save your change s, or CANCEL to re sto re pr evi ous setting s. T ab le 12-8.
12-34 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 CLI Command T o mo dif y an IG MP inte rf ace usi ng the CLI, ente r the foll o win g comm an d from in ter face m ode: (config-if: <interface> )# ip igm p <options> Always be Group Membership Querier V ersion 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-35 Config uring IP Routing Configurin g and Modif ying DVMRP Distance V ector Mult icast Routing Protoco l (DVMRP) uses IP pac kets with protocol type 2 (IGMP) to exch ange routi ng datagrams.
12-36 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 Figure 12- 17. DVMRP Global Conf iguration W eb Page 4. Select Enable from th e DVMRP V ersion 3/0xFF field. 5. See T able 12-9 to con figure the DVMRP Global Configurat ion W eb page p ara m ete rs.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-37 Config uring IP Routing CLI Command T o configure DVMRP globa lly using the CLI : (configure)# r outer dvmrp Neighbor R outer T imeout Interval Enter the time-out interval (in s econds) that a neighbor stays up without confirm a tio n.
12-38 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 Modifying a DVMRP Interface Y ou can modi fy a DVM RP i nte rf ace using ei th er th e W eb Agent o r t he CLI. We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o modify a DMVRP interfa ce using the W eb Agen t: 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-39 Config uring IP Routing CLI Command T o con figu re t h e DVM RP Inte rf ace usi ng the C LI: (configure-if: <interface> )# i p dvmrp <options> Interface T ype Select an Interface ty p e.
12-40 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 Monitor ing Switch Performance Using IP S tatistics This sect ion pr ovides detai led inf orma tion on the ana lysis and use o f IP and IP mult icast s tatistics.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-41 Config uring IP Routing Figure 12-19 . IP Routing Global S tat istics W eb Page 2. C lick — Clear to set al l s tati stic s to ze ro. — Refr esh to updat e all st atistics. 3. See Ta b l e 1 2 - 1 1 t o review the defi nition of each s t atistic: T able 12-1 1.
12-42 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 IP In Address Errors Number of input datagrams discarded because the IP address in their IP header’ s destination field was not a valid a ddress to be received at this entity .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-43 Config uring IP Routing IP Out Discar ds Number of outp ut IP da tagrams fo r which no problem was encoun t ered to prev ent their transmissi on to their destin ation, but were discarded (for ex ample, for lack of buf fer space).
12-44 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 ICMP In Errors Number of ICMP messages that the entity received but deter mined as having IC M P-specific errors ( bad ICMP checksums, bad length). ICMP In Destination Unreachables Number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages received.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-45 Config uring IP Routing ICMP Out Source Quenchs Number of ICMP Source Quench m es sages sent. ICMP Out Redi rects Number of IC MP Redirect messages sent. For a host, this object will always be zero, s ince hosts do not se nd redir ects.
12-46 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 CLI Command T o display the global IP routing stati st ics using t he CLI, ent er the foll owi ng command f rom the enab le mode or configur ation mode promp t: > show ip tr affic Searching the IP Ro uting T a ble T o use th e IP routi ng table: 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-47 Config uring IP Routing Figure 12-20 . IP Route T able Search W eb Page 2. Sele ct the searc h criter ia you want to use to find more s pecific inform ation on a vailable route s.
12-48 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 Figure 12- 21. IP Route T able W eb Page * Note: T o delete a local entry from your I P routing table , you must delete the local I P inte rface as sociated with th at entry .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-49 Config uring IP Routing CLI Command T o display th e IP rou ting t able s tati stics , enter the f ollowi ng comman d from the prompt: > show ip r oute summary Searching the I P ARP Cache T o search the IP ARP Cache en tries: 1.
12-50 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 Figure 12- 23. ARP Cache Entry Sea rch W eb Page 2. Se lec t the se arc h cr it eria you want to u se to fi nd m ore s pec ific informa t ion on your switch’ s curr ent ARP cache.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-51 Config uring IP Routing IP Mult icast S t atisti cs Y ou can view I P Multicast sta t istics through by using either the W eb Agent or th e CLI .
12-52 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 Figure 12- 24. IGMP Global S tat istics W eb Page 2. T o modify your glob al statistics, p erform one of the following: — Click CLEAR to r eset all stat istics to zero — Click REFRESH to view th e la test stat is tics .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-53 Config uring IP Routing Web A g e n t Procedure T o disp l ay th e IGM P In terf ace Stat istic s us in g th e W eb A ge nt : 1. In t he navigation pan e , expand the Routing > IGMP folde rs, and th en click Inter face S tatistics .
12-54 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 This Rout er is Gro up Membership Querier Router that was configured or elected to be the designated gr oup mem bership querier . The switch queries hosts on each interf ace on ly when it is acting as the designated querier on that interface.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-55 Config uring IP Routing CLI Command T o di sp lay the IG MP Inte rf ace Statistic s us ing th e C L I, ent er th e foll ow in g command from con figuration.
12-56 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 CLI Command T o display the multicast gr oup table using t he CLI, enter the following command f rom configu r .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-57 Config uring IP Routing 2. T o modify the Local Mul t icast Forwarding Cache, select an entry a nd: — Click Delete En try to delete one or more entri es. — Click Fl ush T able to clear the en tire tab le .
12-58 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 Figure 12- 28. DVMRP Global S tatist ics W eb Page 2. C lick: — CLEAR to re set a ll st atis tic s to zer o — REFRESH to view the latest statistics.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-59 Config uring IP Routing Displaying DVMRP Interface St atistics DVMRP interf ace statisti cs list acti ve DVMRP interface s and provide specifi c information on each interfa ce. Web A g e n t Procedure T o disp lay D VM RP i n terf ace stat isti cs u si ng t he W e b Ag e nt: 1.
12-60 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 2. Select an int erface and per form one of t he follo wing: — Click REFRESH to view the la test inte rf ace stat isti c s. — Click CLEAR All to reset all statisti cs to zero.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-61 Config uring IP Routing CLI Command T o di sp lay the D VMR P int erf ac e sta tis tics us ing the C LI, e nte r th e following command from configur ation.
12-62 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 CLI Command T o displa y th e DVMRP neighb or routers using th e CLI, enter the fol l owing command f rom confi.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-63 Config uring IP Routing Figure 12-31 . DVM RP Route T able S tatistics W eb Page 2. See T able 12-22 for an explana tion of the DVMRP Route T able S tatist.
12-64 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 Figure 12- 32. DVMRP Route T able W eb Page 2. T o modify your DVMRP Route tabl e, do one of the f ollowing: — T o delete on e or more entries ., select the en try and click Delete Entry — T o clear the enti re table, cl ick Flush T able .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-65 Config uring IP Routing CLI Command T o display the DVM RP route ta ble using the CLI, enter the following command from con figuration mode: (configure)# show i p dvmrp routes Displaying the DVMRP U p stream Routers Web A g e n t Procedure T o view th e DVM RP ups trea m r out er s: 1.
12-66 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 Displaying the DVMRP Designated Forwarder(s) T able We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o view the DVMRP Desi gnated Forwarder table: 1. In the naviga tion pane, exp and the Routing > DVMRP folders, an d then click R oute T able .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-67 Config uring IP Routing Displaying the DVMRP D ownstream Dependent Routers Web A g e n t Procedure T o view th e DVM RP dow ns t r ea m de pen d ent r out er s : 1. In the n avigatio n pane , expa nd the Routi ng > DVMRP folders, and t hen click Route T able .
12-68 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o displ ay the mult icast forwardi ng cache W eb pag e : 1. In the naviga tion pane, exp and the Routing > DVMRP folders, an d then click M ult ica st F or wa rdi ng C ach e .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-69 Config uring IP Routing 4. Sele ct the number i n the Upstre am Interface is Pruned field. Th e Upstream Pr une Information W eb page is disp layed. 5. See T able 12-28 for an explanation of the Upstream Pru ne Information W eb page par ameters.
12-70 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 6. Select the nu m ber in the Downstream In terface( s) field. The DVMRP Downstrea m Link(s) W e b page is displ ayed. 7. See T able 12-29 for a n explanation of the DVMRP Downstre am Links W eb pa ge parameters .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-71 Config uring IP Routing 8. Sele ct the number in t he Upstre am Sour ce (s ) field. The DVMRP Upstream Source(s ) W eb page is di splayed. 9. See T able 12-30 for an explanation of the DVMRP Upstream Source( s) W eb page par ameters.
12-72 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 Configuring VRRP V irtual Route r Redundancy Protoc ol (VRRP) is used to provide fast -fail over for h osts if the d efa ult g atew ay fa ils.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-73 Config uring IP Routing Figure 12-35 . IP Global Configura tion W eb Page 2. Sele ct Enab le fr om the VRRP fie ld pull-d own menu. 3. Clic k APPL Y to save your change s, or CANCEL to re sto re prev iou s setting s.
12-74 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o enable an VRRP on an interface using the W eb Agent: 1. In the naviga tion pane, expa nd the Routing > IP > Configurati on folde rs, an d th e n cli ck Interfaces .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-75 Config uring IP Routing Figure 12-37 . VRRP V irtual Route rs W eb Page 2. Sele ct C REA TE . The Add VRRP V irtua l Router W eb page opens ( Figure 1 2-38 ). Figure 12-38 . Add VRRP V irtual Router W e b Page 3.
12-76 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 T able 12-31. Add VRRP V irtual Router W eb Page Pa rameters Parameter Defi nition Interface This is the IP Interface that the virtual r outer will be associated with.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-77 Config uring IP Routing Advertisemen t Ti m e r Enter the value of the Advertisement In terval in seconds. This is the time interval that the router will sen d out advertisements if it is the Master . The range is from 1 - 255 seconds .
12-78 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 4. Click CREA TE to save yo ur changes, or CANCEL to rest ore previous settin gs.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-79 Config uring IP Routing Figure 12-39 . VRRP V irtual Route r St atistics W eb Page 2. T o modify the VRRP stat istics: — Click CLEAR to reset a ll th e e ntr ies . — Click REFRESH to recei ve th e most up-to -da te infor mation on the en trie s.
12-80 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 CLI Command T o view VRRP virt ual router sta tistics us ing the CLI, enter the following command in Use r mode.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-81 Config uring IP Routing Assigning the IP Address of a Virtual Router When creati ng a virtual ro uter , it must be fir st decide d whether to make th e IP Address of t he virt ual rout er (t he VIP) uni que or the same as the Primary IP A ddr es s of the asso c iate d IP In ter fac e ad dr ess .
12-82 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 This is es pecially helpf ul in a network whe re a routing pro tocol is used (RIP , OSPF). In most case s, the VRRP ele ction pro cess will take plac e before the routing tabl e has been upda ted.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-83 Config uring IP Routing Configuring IRDP ICMP Router Dis covery Protocol ( IRDP) is an alternative rout er discovery protocol using ICMP messages on multicast links . ICMP uses router discovery messages, known as router a dvertisements a nd router soli cita tio ns.
12-84 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 2. Se lec t th e in te rfa ce o n w hi ch to e n able IRD P in th e Se le ct c olu m n. A checkmar k displays. 3. See T able 12-33 to co nfigure the ICMP Router Disc overy Protocol W eb page p ara m ete rs.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-85 Config uring IP Routing 4. Sele ct Enab le fr om the IRDP S tate pull-down menu. 5. Sele ct M ultic ast fr om t h e Adv . Addre ss pull-down menu. 6. Modify t he de faul t va lu e in the M in . Adv ert isem ent Inter val (sec .
12-86 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 Configuring LDAP Lightwei ght Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) al lows you to access the “Acc ess Cont rol L ist s”( A CLs) , re trie ve t he m f rom a data bas e on a n LDA P server , and apply th em to the A vaya P580 or P882 M ultiservi ce switches.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-87 Config uring IP Routing Figure 12-41 . LDAP Configuration W eb Page 2. See T able 12-34 to configure the LDAP Conf iguration W eb page para mete rs. 3. Clic k APPL Y to save your change s, or CANCEL to re sto re prev iou s setting s.
12-88 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 CLI Command T o configur e LDAP settings on a primary and sec ondary server , use the followi ng commands: ■ .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-89 Config uring IP Routing Vie w i n g L D A P Stat is t i c s Y o u ca n vie w L D AP st atis tics fro m eith e r the W eb A gen t or t he CL I. Web A g e n t Procedure T o view LDA P st a tis tics usi ng th e W e b Age nt: 1.
12-90 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12 CLI Command T o view co nfigurat ion and LDAP statis tics using the CLI , enter the followi ng command: > show ldap Configuring a S t atic R oute for the PPP Console We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o confi gure a PPP Cons ole static ro ute: 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 12-91 Config uring IP Routing Configuring the IP Interface for the PPP Console Y ou can configu re an IP interf ace for the PP P console from either the W eb Agent or th e CLI. Web A g e n t Procedure T o configure the PPP console wit h an IP address an d mask using the W eb Agent: 1.
12-92 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 12.
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 13-1 13 Configuring Access List s Ove rview Contents This chapter contains the fo llowing secti ons: ■ Creatin g Access Rules .
13-2 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 13 These fi ve parameters are referred to as a “5 T uple”. Sour ce or dest ination address es allow you to pri oritize traf fic between a ny combination of host, subnet, a nd network address es.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 13-3 Configur ing Access Lis ts An ACL name can be a number . For exampl e, you can c reate a list whose name is 1 or 151. If you chose t o use numbers , keep in mind the f ollowing rest rict ion s: ■ Numbers 1 t hrough 99 are r eserved f or Stand ard type Rul es ONLY .
13-4 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 13 What is TCP Est ablished? TCP Establish ed is a cr iteria appl ied by a r ule where t he “Acknowle dge” bit in a TC P h e ade r is e xami ned .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 13-5 Configur ing Access Lis ts The rules for implementi ng the above re strict ions would be as follows: Rules 1 and 2 collectively m anage W eb tr aff ic to and from the W eb serve r (WS). Rule 1 says tha t any source addr ess can get to t he W eb se rver ’ s IP address us ing destinati on port 80.
13-6 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 13 Creatin g Ac ce ss Rul es This sec t ion contains t he followi ng procedu res: ■ Creating S tandard Access Rules ■ Creating E xtended Access Rules Creating St a ndard Access Rules T o create s tandard access rules: 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 13-7 Configur ing Access Lis ts Figure 13-1. IP Access List W e b Page 2. Clic k Create S tandard . The Crea te St andard Access List W eb pag e is displaye d. See Figur e 13-2 . Figure 13-2. Create IP S tan dard Access Lis t W eb Page 3.
13-8 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 13 4. Click CREA TE to save yo ur changes, or CANCEL to re store pr evious settin gs.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 13-9 Configur ing Access Lis ts *Note: Th e IP Access List W eb page disp lays all standa rd and extended access rule s that have been c reated. If no ru les have been created, the fol lowing statement displays: No IP Access Rules are currently configured .
13-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 13 T a ble 13- 2. IP Exte nd ed Ac cess Rule Cr eati on Pa ra mete rs Parameter Allows you to... Access List Name Enter the alphanumeric name of the access list this rule will be added to.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 13-11 Configur ing Access Lis ts TCP/UD P Sourc e Po rt Specify a range of s ource ports that p ass between two hosts or swit ches usi ng the T ransmis sion Control P rotocol (TCP) or the User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
13-12 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 13 Enablin g an Access List Y ou can enable an access li st on the switch through t he W eb Agent and t he CLI.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 13-13 Configur ing Access Lis ts 2. Sele ct Enab le fr om the Enable field pull-down m enu to f i lter inbound traffic. 3. Select the n ame of th e ac ce ss l ist to be u s ed f or fi lter ing w hen IP acc ess cont rol i s en ab led fro m the IP Ac ce ss L ist field pul l-down menu.
13-14 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 13 7. En ter the IP add r e ss in the D est Add ress field that represen ts the destin ation address of the W eb serve r . Enter a wil dcard of 0 .0.0.0 to ident ify t he spe cif ic IP a ddr ess of the destin ati on W e b serv er .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 13-15 Configur ing Access Lis ts 3. Enter a number between 100 and 199 (or Alph anumeric) (extended ACL) in th e Access List Name field to id en tify y our new a cce ss con tro l list. 4. Enter a number in th e Access Rule Index fi le to id enti fy th e acce ss r ule .
13-16 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 13 ■ Forwarding inf or mati on: — The p rio ri ty o f the pack et if the A C L as sign s it a pri ority and forwards it. — Forward with no change in priority if the ACL forwards the packet withou t changing it s priority .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 13-17 Configur ing Access Lis ts CLI Command To enable ACL logg ing, use the foll owing CLI command: (configure)# ip ac l-logging en able <acc ess-lis t-name&.
13-18 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 13 CLI Command T o set the interval fo r ACL logging , use the foll owing CLI command: (configure)# ip acl -loggin.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 13-19 Configur ing Access Lis ts ■ DA : Destinati on IP Add res s. ■ F-chip : F orwarding-chip ( F-chip) is an ap plication spec ific integr ated circuit ( ASIC) that forwar ds recognized pac kets via Fast Path or u nrecognized packe ts via Slow Path.
13-20 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 13 the CPU for pr ocessing and for warding. Once the CPU h as determine d the destinati on, it updates t he L3 forwarding cache on the F-chi ps with the L3FE. On ce updated , the F-chip can f orward futu re p acket s vi a Fa st Pat h.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 13-21 Configur ing Access Lis ts Once you have determined th at the ACL is the root cau se, and have optimiz ed the rul es, you need t o tune system pa ramete rs. Evaluating System Performan ce The first step is to determine whether the use of an ACL aff ects system performanc e.
13-22 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 13 How Many Cac he Entr ies? Each F-chip/PRE (s ee “ Iden tify in g th e Por ts ” later i n this cha pter for PRE column explanation) r eserves s pace for IP uni cast, IP m ultic ast, and IPX.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 13-23 Configur ing Access Lis ts Figure 13-7. Active FE Cache W eb page Enabling Ro uting at th e Module The P580 and P88 2 have the opti on of cent ralized (unli censed) or distrib uted (li censed) routing function.
13-24 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 13 Designing Safe, Efficient AC Ls The entr y of ACL rules via the CLI , W eb or A vaya Poli cy Manager does not encou rage or enfor ce any chec king beyond corre ct syntax.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 13-25 Configur ing Access Lis ts Identifyin g the Port s The chassi s is organi zed by slots, fa bric ports, PREs or F-chips, and physical ports. The number of F-Chips and phys ical ports var ies accordi ng to the module type.
13-26 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 13 Conf iguring Ha sh Mode If your diagnosis shows a p erformance degra dation with an ACL ena bled, IP Unicast Has h mode may need to b e changed from DA-only to SA-DA .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 13-27 Configur ing Access Lis ts SA- DA m o de ca n ca us e a n otic e abl e inc r eas e in t he to t al fl ows id en tifie d and resul t in an increase d usage of F-chip memory . See “ Manag i ng F-chip Memory ” in th is case.
13-28 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 13 dif ferent iate packe ts by protoc ol and port. Th ese entri es all hash to the same value be cause they have t he same source and de stination addres s, and you may observe a degradation o f the switch perf ormance.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 13-29 Configur ing Access Lis ts T o view the current total number of e ntries for the CPU, expand the Routing > L3 For warding Cache fold ers , and the n clic k Cache Configurati on . The T otal Curre nt Entries field dis pla ys the cur ren t to tal entr ies f or the CPU .
13-30 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 13.
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 14-1 14 Configuring RIP Rout ing Ove rview * Note: T o glob all y en able the Routin g Inf or mati on Pr oto col (RIP), see Chapter 1 2 , “ Confi guring IP Ro uting .
14-2 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 14 Figure 14- 1. RIP Global C onfigur ation W eb Page 2. See T able 14-1 to con figure the RIP Glo bal Configuration W eb page para meters 3. Click APPL Y to save your c hanges, or CANCEL to restore previous settin gs.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 14-3 Config uring RIP Routing CLI Commands T o configure or modify the RI P parameter s globally on you r switch using the CLI, ent er the followin g commands in.
14-4 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 14 3. Click APPL Y to save your c hanges, or CANCEL to restore previous settin gs. T able 14-2. RIP In terface W eb Page Pa rameters Parameter Allo w s you to... Select Select the RIP in terface to be modified.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 14-5 Config uring RIP Routing CLI Command T o mo dify R IP i nte rf ace s pa ra me te rs us ing th e C L I en te r the foll o win g command from Conf igure mode: (configure)# interfa ce <intf-name> | [type {mbna | ethernet}] Default Metric Specify the RIP route metric v alue.
14-6 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 14 Creating T rusted RIP Neighbors T rusted RIP n eighbors enable you to enhance the switch’ s security by enablin g one or more neighbo rs to relay RIP informat ion.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 14-7 Config uring RIP Routing Figure 14-4. Add T rusted RIP Neighbors W eb Page 6. En ter the I P address for t he node that acts as t he trusted RIP n eighbor in Network Address fi eld. 7. Clic k APPL Y to save your changes, or CANCEL to re sto re prev iou s setting s.
14-8 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 14 Key Chains on the A vaya Mul tiservice Switch The A vaya Multis ervice swi tch supports t he creation of a single Key Chain with a si ngle Key . Hence, Key and Key Ch ain are interc hangeable term s.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 14-9 Config uring RIP Routing Figure 14-5. Key Chain W eb Page 2. Con figure t he key chai n as appropriat e. See T able 14-3 for an explanat ion of each fiel d. 3. Clic k APPL Y to save your changes, or CANCEL to re sto re prev iou s setting s.
14-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 14 CLI Commands T o assign or modify K ey Chain parameter s using the CLI, enter th e followi ng commands fr om ro.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 14-11 Config uring RIP Routing Vi e w i n g RI P Sta t i s t i c s Y ou can view RIP st atisti cs using either the W eb Agent or the CLI . Web A g e n t Procedure T o view RIP sta tisti cs u si ng t he W e b A gent: 1.
14-12 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 14 CAUTION: CLI Command T o v iew R IP s tati stic s usin g the CL I, ent er the foll owin g co m man d fr om Conf.
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 15-1 15 Configur ing the OSPF Routing Protoc ol Ove rview The followi ng informa tion and procedur es provided in t his chapter .
15-2 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 15 sum mari ze th e n et wo rks i n thei r are as a nd ad ver tise them ont o the backbone ar ea. The bac kbone, in turn, di stri butes t he inf ormatio n to the other areas.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 15-3 Con figur in g th e OS PF R outi ng P roto col Configurin g the OSPF Glob al Config urat ion The OSPF global configuration allows you to glob ally configure OSPF on your switc h.
15-4 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 15 2. See T able 15-1 to con figure the OSPF Globa l Configuratio n W eb page para meters. 3. Click APPL Y to save cha nges, or CANCEL to rest ore previ ous sett ings.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 15-5 Con figur in g th e OS PF R outi ng P roto col CLI Command T o globally conf igure OSPF , use the foll owing command: (configure)# r outer ospf Creating OSPF Areas Y ou can create OSPF areas using ei ther the W eb Agent or the CLI.
15-6 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 15 Figure 15- 3. ADD OSPF Area W eb Page 3. See T able 15-2 to con figure the Add OSPF Are a W eb page para m eters. 4. Click CREA TE to save yo ur changes, or CANCEL to re store pr evious settin gs.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 15-7 Con figur in g th e OS PF R outi ng P roto col CLI Command T o create OSPF areas, u se the fol lowing CLI command: (configure router:ospf)# ar e a <area-.
15-8 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 15 Modifying OSPF Areas Y ou can modif y the para meters o f an OSPF area usi ng either the W eb Agent or the CLI. We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o modify an OSPF area us ing the W eb Agent : 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 15-9 Con figur in g th e OS PF R outi ng P roto col Modifying OSPF In terfaces Y ou can modify th e parameters on an OSPF inte rface using either t he W eb Agent or th e CLI. Web A g e n t Procedure T o modify an OSPF i nterface using the W eb Agent: 1.
15-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 15 11 . Re ena b le th e inte rfac e: a. In the navigati on pane, expand Rou ting > IP > Configurati on folde rs. b. Clic k Interfa ces . The IP Int erfaces W eb page is displ ayed in the co ntent pane.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 15-11 Con figur in g th e OS PF R outi ng P roto col CLI Command T o modify an OSPF inte rface using the CLI, enter the fo llowing command: (configure router:osp.
15-12 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 15 Configuring an OSPF Passiv e-Interface Y ou can prevent OSPF f rom sen d in g rou ti ng upda tes across th e net work by usin g the OSPF passi ve-interface c omm and.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 15-13 Con figur in g th e OS PF R outi ng P roto col Figure 15-5. OSPF V irtual Links W e b Page 2. Sele ct C REA TE . The Add OSPF V irtu a l Link W eb page is displayed. See Fig ure 15-6 . Figure 15-6. Add OSPF V irtual Link W eb Page 3.
15-14 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 15 CLI Command T o create a OSPF virtual link, us e the following c ommand: (configure router:ospf)# ar ea <a rea-i d> virt ual-link < route r- id> T able 15-4.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 15-15 Con figur in g th e OS PF R outi ng P roto col Deleting O SPF V irt ual Links Y ou can delete OSPF V irtual l i nks using eith er the W eb Agent or the CLI. Web A g e n t Procedure T o delete an O SPF virtual li nk using the W e b Agent: 1.
15-16 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 15 Creating OSPF Summaries The primar y purpose of the OSP F summary is route ag gregatio n. Route aggregat ion is a grou p range of IP addresses tha t are linked to a single addr ess.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 15-17 Con figur in g th e OS PF R outi ng P roto col 3. See Ta b l e 1 5 - 5 for details about the Add OSPF Summary W eb page para mete rs: 4. Clic k CREA TE to sav e the n ew OSPF summar y , or CANCEL to ignore the new summar y .
15-18 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 15 Modifying OSPF Sum maries Y ou can modify a n OSPF summary using with er the W eb Agent or the CLI. We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o modify an OSPF summary using the W eb Agent: 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 15-19 Con figur in g th e OS PF R outi ng P roto col Displaying OSPF St atistics Y ou can displa y OSPF statistics using eit her the W eb Agen t or the CLI . Web A g e n t Procedure T o display t he OSPF global st atisti cs using the W eb Agent: 1.
15-20 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 15 CLI Commands T o display the OSPF gl obal statist i cs using the CLI, use the foll owing commands: ■ > sh ow ip osp f sta t s ■ > show ip ospf virtual-links OSPF V ersi on Current vers ion of OS PF .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 15-21 Con figur in g th e OS PF R outi ng P roto col Displaying OSPF Li nks The OSPF link d isplay provides information on t he currently ac tive OSPF links. Y ou can display t he OSPF using e ither the W e b Agent or the CLI .
15-22 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 15 Displaying OSPF Neighbors The OSPF neigh bors table summa ri zes th e list of OSPF inte rfaces and thei r associa ted neighbors . Y ou can displa y OSPF neighbors usi ng either the W eb Agent or t he CLI.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 15-23 Con figur in g th e OS PF R outi ng P roto col CLI Command T o display the OSPF neighbors using t he CLI, enter t he following command: > show ip os pf neighbor T able 15-8. OSPF Neighbors W eb Page Parameters Parameter Definition IP Address The IP address associated with the OSPF neighb or .
15-24 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 15 Searching the OSPF Lin k St ate Dat abas e Y ou can sear ch t he OSPF kink sta te dat aba se using either t he W eb Agent or the C L I. We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o sear ch the OSPF li nk state databa se using the W eb Age nt: 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 15-25 Con figur in g th e OS PF R outi ng P roto col 4. If y our search produc es results, the detailed info rmation displays in the OSPF Link S tate Database W eb page ( Figure 15-13 ). Figure 15-13 . OSPF Link S tate Dat abase W eb Page 5.
15-26 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 15 6. T o upd ate all L SA en tri es in th e da tab ase , sele ct Refresh T able .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 15-27 Con figur in g th e OS PF R outi ng P roto col Figure 15-14 . LSA Detail W eb Page 8. See Ta b l e 1 5 - 1 1 f or an explanatio n of the LSA Detail W eb page para mete rs.
15-28 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 15 9. T o upd ate the L S A e n try , sel ect Refr es h En try . CLI Command T o search t he OSPF link sta te data.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 15-29 Con figur in g th e OS PF R outi ng P roto col CAUTION: The NBMA feature is not backward compat ibl e. If you have NBM A interface s set up and nee d to down grade from v 6.1 to a 5.2 version of soft w are, cont act technical support .
15-30 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 15 7. Click APPL Y to save your c hanges, or CANCEL to restore previous settin gs. *Note: Y ou m ust br ing the I P inte rfa ce Do wn to suc ces sful ly enable OSPF on the IP interfa ce.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 15-31 Con figur in g th e OS PF R outi ng P roto col CLI Commands T o set up NBMA nei ghbors on OSPF , you must first creat e an OSPF inte rfac e.
15-32 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 15.
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 16-1 16 Configuring IPX Routi ng Ove rview This chapt er provides t he follo wing informati on and procedures for configuri ng layer 2 modules or licensed la yer 3 modules.
16-2 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 16 IPX Dat a gram Structure The IPX d atagram contai ns an IPX header and any data to be t ra nsf er re d on the netwo rk. The IPX header i s a 30 byte header that contains 1 0 fields.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 16-3 Config uring IPX R outing Configuring the A vaya Switch as an IPX Router Y ou can configu r e the A vaya P580 or P882 Multi service switch as an IPX router . Specifi c hardware is require d to accomplis h this configur ation.
16-4 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 16 Hardware Requirement s T o configur e your switch as an IPX rou ter , your A vaya P580 or P882 Multiser vice swit ch must be configur ed with the fol lowing hardware: ■ Layer 3 50- series media mo dules.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 16-5 Config uring IPX R outing CLI Commands T o enable IPX routi ng globally using the CLI, enter the fol lowing command from Configu re mode: ■ T o e nable IP.
16-6 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 16 Figure 16- 3. IPX Inter f aces W eb Page 2. T o crea te a new IP X in terf ace C lick o n CREA TE . * Note: Only the crea te bu tton is sho w n if no IP X Inte rfa ces a re configu red.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 16-7 Config uring IPX R outing Figure 16-5. IPX Interfaces W eb Page *Note: D ue to its le ngt h, the IPX In terf aces W eb pa ge is sp lit in to two views. 5. T o view or modify IPX Interf aces, expand the Routi ng > IPX > Configurat ion folders in t he navigat ion pane, and then click Interfac es .
16-8 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 16 T able 16-3. IPX In terface W eb Page Paramet ers Parameter Allows you to... Select Select the Interface to be config ured. This field id displayed in the IPX Interfaces W eb page not in the Add Interfaces W eb page.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 16-9 Config uring IPX R outing CLI Command T o begin the cre ation of a new IPX interface using the CLI, ent er the following command in Configure mod e: (configure)# interf ace <interface name> Creating IPX S t atic Routes Y ou can create IPX stati c routes using eit her the W eb Agent or the CLI.
16-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 16 2. T o create a new IPX S tatic Route, c lick CREA TE . * Note: Only the crea te bu tton is s ho wn if no I PX Stati c Rou tes are configu red. The Add IPX S tatic Route W eb page is dis played.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 16-11 Config uring IPX R outing 4. Clic k APPL Y to save your change s, or CANCEL to re sto re prev iou s setting s. 5. T o view or modify IPX Sta t ic Routes, expan d the Routing > IPX > Configurat ion folders in t he navigat ion pane, and then click St a t i c Routes .
16-12 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 16 CLI Command T o d ele te an IP X sta tic rou t e usin g the CL I, ent er the foll ow in g co m man d from Confi.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 16-13 Config uring IPX R outing Figure 16-9. IPX static Se rvices W eb Page 2. Sele ct C REA TE to crea te a n ew st atic ser vice . The A dd IP X Stat ic Service W eb page is d i splayed. See Figu re 16-10 . * Note: O n ly t he Cr eate bu tto n is show n if no I PX Stati c S erv ice s a re configur ed.
16-14 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 16 4. Click APPL Y to save your c hanges, or CANCEL to restore previous settin gs. 5. T o vi ew or modi fy IP X Stat i c Se rvic es, e xpa nd t h e Routing > IPX > Configura t ion fold ers in the na vigation pane, and then c lick St a t i c Service s .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 16-15 Config uring IPX R outing Figure 16-1 1. IPX S tatic Servi ces W eb Page CLI Command T o create IPX stat ic servic es usin g the CLI, ente r the foll owing.
16-16 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 16 2. Select the c heckbox for the I PX Static Ser vice that you want to modify from the Select column. 3. See T able 16-5 to m odify the IPX S tatic Servic es W eb page para m eters .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 16-17 Config uring IPX R outing Figure 16-12 . IPX Global S tat istics Dialogue Box 2. T o vie w the latest sta tist ics a vai la ble , clic k REFR ESH to upda te al l statis tics. 3. T o reset all of the statisti cs that are cur rently displa yed, click CLEAR.
16-18 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 16 CLI Command T o display the global IPX routing s tatistics use t he following command: > show ipx t raffic Searching the IPX Rou te T able T o search t he IPX route tabl e: 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 16-19 Config uring IPX R outing Figure 16-13 . IPX Route T a ble Search W eb Page 2. Sele ct the SEARCH Criteria you w ant to use to f ind informatio n on specifi c rout es.
16-20 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 16 Displaying the IPX Route T able T o display the IPX route tabl e: 1. Perform an IPX Route T able search as described in “ Searchin g th e IPX Route T able .” If avai lable r outes are found the y are dis played in the IPX Route T able W eb page.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 16-21 Config uring IPX R outing Figure 16-14 . IPX Route T a ble S tatist ics W eb Page 2. See Ta b l e 1 6 - 9 and review each statistic: Searching the I PX Service T able T o sear ch th e IPX serv ice tabl e : 1.
16-22 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 16 Figure 16- 15. IPX Service T able Search W eb Pag e 2. Select the search criter ia you want to use to find infor m ation on speci fic servic es in the Search By column.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 16-23 Config uring IPX R outing 4. Clic k on the SEARCH to st art the s ear ch . — If avail able servi ces are foun d they are displ ayed in IPX Ser vice T able W eb page. — If ser vices are not a vailable, a mes sage disp lays in the IPX Serv ice T abl e W eb page .
16-24 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 16 Displaying IPX Service T ab le St atistics T o d ispla y th e IP X serv i ce ta ble stat is tics : 1. In the naviga tion pane, expa nd the Routing > IPX > Display folders, and then click Servic e T able S tatis tics .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 16-25 Config uring IPX R outing Figure 16-16 . IPX Service T able S tatis tics 2. See T able 16-12 to revie w eac h stat is ti c: T ab le 16-12. I PX Service T able S tati stics W eb Page S tat isti c Defines the .
16-26 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 16.
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 17-1 17 Configur ing the IPX RIP Protocol Ove rview The informa tion and procedur es provided in t his chapter per tain to layer 3 module co nfigurat ion only .
17-2 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 17 Figure 17- 1. IPX RIP Interfaces W eb Page 2. See T able 17-1 to m odify the IPX RIP Interface s W eb page paramet ers. 3. Click APPL Y to save your c hanges, or CANCEL to restore previous settin gs.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 17-3 Config uring the IPX RIP Protocol CL Command T o c onfigure IPX RIP interface s using the CLI , enter th e following command in Int erface mode: (config-if:.
17-4 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 17 Figure 17- 2. IPX RIP Filt ers W eb Page 2. Select CREA TE to crea te a new filter . The Add IPX RIP Filter W eb page is displayed. See Figure 17- 3 . Figure 17- 3.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 17-5 Config uring the IPX RIP Protocol T able 17-2. Add IPX RIP Filter s W eb Page Pa rameters Parameter Allows yo u to... Select The Select chechbox sel ects the IPX Interface. This box only appears with the IPX RIP Filters W eb page.
17-6 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 17 Example # 1: Configuri ng your switch to su ppress adve rtising of network 10 T o confi gure your s witch to suppr ess the a dvertising of netw ork 10 on the IPX i nte rf ace nam e d Ba ckbo ne , co m ple te the foll owin g st eps : 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 17-7 Config uring the IPX RIP Protocol 4. Clic k Apply to save yo ur changes, or CANCEL to r estore pr evious setting s. The filte r crea ted in thi s exa mpl e en su res that al l ad ver tisi ng of n e two r k 10 from th e interface la beled Backbone is suppres sed.
17-8 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 17 c. Enter 0 in th e S tart Network fiel d. d. Enter ffffffff in the End Network field . e. Select Outbound fro m the Dir ecti on pull -down menu. f. Select Ena ble from th e Filter/Suppr ess pull-down men u.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 17-9 Config uring the IPX RIP Protocol CLI Command T o inte rpr et IP X RIP i nte rfac e st at isti cs u sing t he CL I, e n ter t he fol low in g command fr om Interface mode: (config-if <interface name> )# show ipx interface [ <intf- name> ] T ab le 17-3.
17-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 17.
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 18-1 18 Configuring the IPX SAP Protocol Ove rview The informa tion and procedur es provided in t his chapter per tain to layer 3 module co nfigurat ion only .
18-2 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 18 Figure 18- 1. IPX SAP Inter faces W eb Page 2. See T able 18-1 to conf igu re th e IPX S AP In ter fac e W eb pag e para meters. 3. Click APPL Y to save your c hanges, or CANCEL to restore previous settin gs.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 18-3 Configuri ng the IPX SAP Protocol CLI Command T o configure the IPX SAP interfa ces using the CLI, enter the fo llowing command fr om Interface mode: (confi.
18-4 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 18 Creating IPX SAP Name Filters Y ou can creat e IPX SAP name filter suing ei ther the W e b Agent or the CLI. We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o c r e ate IPX S AP na me fi lter s us ing th e W eb Agen t: 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 18-5 Configuri ng the IPX SAP Protocol 3. Conf ig ure an IPX S AP na me fil ter . S e e T able 18-2 for an expl ana tio n of the Add IPX SAP Na m e Filter W eb pa ge parameters 4. Clic k APPL Y to save your change s, or CANCEL to re sto re prev iou s setting s.
18-6 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 18 Example: Suppr ess Advert ising of all Pr int Server s on Interface Remote T o confi gure your s witch to su ppress the adverti sing of al l Print Se rvers (f or example, t ype 7) on Interf ace Remote: 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 18-7 Configuri ng the IPX SAP Protocol f. Selec t Enable fr o m the Filter/Su ppress pull-down m enu. g. Enter 0 in t he Hops fie ld. T his ens ure s tha t th ere i s no over ride in the tran smission of data on the network.
18-8 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 18 Figure 18- 5. Add IPX SAP Net Fi lter W eb Page 3. See T able 18-3 to con figure the Add IPX SAP N et Fil ters W eb pa ge para meters. 4. Click APPL Y to save your c hanges, or CANCEL to rest ore previous settin gs.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 18-9 Configuri ng the IPX SAP Protocol T ype Specify the service type (i n hex) that identifies the typ e of service the server provides.
18-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 18 Filteri ng all Services Except Netwar e Dir ectory Se rvices (NDS) T o confi gure your s witch to fil ter all services e xcept NDS a speci fic Inter fac e, yo u mus t cre ate tw o fi lt ers.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 18-11 Configuri ng the IPX SAP Protocol Filter 2 Filter 2 ensures that all net works and servi ce types are filter ed for the indic ated inte rface. 1. In t he navigation pan e , expand the Routing > IPX > SAP folders, and then cli ck Net Filters .
18-12 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 18 Interpre ting I PX SAP In terface St atis tics Y o u can interp ret IPX SA P int erfa ce st atisti cs u sing ei the r the W eb Age nt or the C L I. We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o i nter p ret I PX SA P i nte rf ace stat isti c us in g th e W eb Agen t: 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 18-13 Configuri ng the IPX SAP Protocol CLI Command T o interpret I PX SAP interface st atistics usi ng the CLI, enter t he following command fr om Interface mod.
18-14 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 18.
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 19-1 19 Configuring Apple T alk Routing Ove rview The followi ng informa tion and procedur es provided in t his chapter per tain.
19-2 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 19 The A vaya P580 and P882 Multiservi ce switches supp ort the following AppleT alk pr otocols: ■ AppleT alk Ad.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 19-3 Config uring AppleTa lk Routi ng Need for App leT alk Routin g If you conf igure your A vaya P580 or P882 Mul tiserv ice switch into a network running Appl .
19-4 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 19 Enabling A ppleT alk Glo bal Routing T o enable Appl eT alk routing globally: 1. In the naviga tion pane, expa nd the Routing > Apple T alk > Configura t ion fold ers, and then c lick Global Conf iguration .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 19-5 Config uring AppleTa lk Routi ng 3. Select CREA TE . The Add AppleT alk Inte rf ace s W eb page is displ aye d. See Fig ure 19-3 . Figure 19-3. Add AppleT alk Interfaces W eb Page 4. See Ta b l e 1 9 - 1 to configu re the Add App leT alk Interfac e W eb page para mete rs: T ab le 19-1.
19-6 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 19 5. Click Apply to a dd the new Appl eT a lk in terf ace, or C ANCEL to resto re previou s settings. Once you click Apply , you are returned to th e AppleT alk I nterfaces W eb page ( Figure 19-4 ) Figure 19- 4.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 19-7 Config uring AppleTa lk Routi ng CLI Commands Use the foll owin g C LI co mma nd s in interf ace mo de t o crea te a n A ppl eT a lk inte rfac e: ■ (confi.
19-8 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 19 3. T o add a new zone, en ter the new AppleT alk zone name i n the Add text field and click Add. Repeat this st ep as needed f or each ne w zone on this in ter fa ce.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 19-9 Config uring AppleTa lk Routi ng CLI Command T o edit an Appl eT alk interfac e using the CLI , e nte r the foll owi ng command from Int erface m ode: (conf.
19-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 19 Creating an App leT alk St atic Rou te Y ou can creat e an AppleT alk stat ic route using t he W eb Agent or t he CLI. We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o creat e an AppleT alk static route us ing the W eb Agent : 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 19-11 Config uring AppleTa lk Routi ng 4. Clic k APPL Y to add t he static r oute, or CANCEL t o rest ore pr evi ous setting s. When you click APPL Y , you are returne d to the AppleT alk Sta tic Route W eb page.
19-12 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 19 CLI Command T o create a n AppleT alk stat ic route using the CLI, enter the foll owing command i n Interface mode: (config-if: <interface-name> )# app letalk static cable-range <cable -range> to <network.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 19-13 Config uring AppleTa lk Routi ng 3. If y ou need to add a new z one, enter the new Ap pleT alk zone name and click Add in the Add text field. If you need to delete a zone(s), place a chec k in th e Select column n ext to the zone yo u need to delete then click t he DELETE button.
19-14 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 19 Figure 19- 1 1. AppleT alk S tatic Rout e 2. Select the App l eT alk static rout e that you want to delete from the Select colum n. 3. Click DELETE to remove t he AppleT alk static r oute.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 19-15 Config uring AppleTa lk Routi ng Web A g e n t Procedure T o crea te a n N BP F ilt er usin g th e W eb A ge nt: 1. In t he navigation pan e , expand the Routing > Apple T alk > Configurat ion folders, and then click NBP Filter .
19-16 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 19 CLI Command T o c rea te an N B P fi lter us ing the C LI, e nte r the fo llo wing comm an d from Interf ace mo.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 19-17 Config uring AppleTa lk Routi ng 3. Clic k: — CREA TE to add a ne w filter . The Add AppleT alk NBP Fi lter W eb pa ge is disp layed. See “ Creat ing an Apple T alk Name- Binding P rotocol (NBP) Filter ” earl ier i n this cha pte r fo r m o re infor matio n.
19-18 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 19 Figure 19- 15. Add/Delete Int erface to NBP Filte r W eb Page 3. Se lec t th e in te rfa ce to b e ad d ed fr o m the Add field pull - down menu. Or Click an interface from th e Select colum n f or th e inte rfa ce tha t y ou want to b e remove.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 19-19 Config uring AppleTa lk Routi ng Creating an AppleT alk Zone Filter Y ou can create an Apple T alk Zone F ilter us ing eithe r the W eb Agent or t he CLI. Web A g e n t Procedure T o create an AppleT alk zone filt er using the W eb Agent: 1.
19-20 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 19 CLI Command T o c rea te an A p ple T al k zon e filte r us ing th e C L I, use the foll o wing command: (confi.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 19-21 Config uring AppleTa lk Routi ng — CANCEL to rest ore previous set t ings. — Edit If to add or d ele te thi s zo ne filte r to /from an int erfac e. The Add/ Dele te In terf ace to Zo ne Fil ter W eb pa ge i s d isp lay ed .
19-22 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 19 4. Click: — Add to add thi s z one f ilte r to th e sel ecte d inte rfa ce. — DELETE to rem ov e thi s zo ne filte r fr om th e s elec ted int erf ace. — CANCEL to re sto re pr evi o us se ttin gs .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 19-23 Config uring AppleTa lk Routi ng Viewing AppleT alk Glo bal St atistics Y ou can view Appl eT alk glo bal statisti cs using eithe r the W eb Agent or the CLI. Web A g e n t Procedure T o view Apple T alk glob al statisti cs using t he W eb Agent: 1.
19-24 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 19 2. See T able 19-5 for i nformation ab out the Appl eT alk Global S tatistics W eb pa ge parameters . 3. C lick REFRESH to updat e all stati stics, or CLEAR to re set al l statis tics to zer o.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 19-25 Config uring AppleTa lk Routi ng CLI Command T o vi ew A ppl eT al k glo bal s tati stic s usin g th e CL I, ent er th e foll owin g command from Privi leg.
19-26 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 19 Figure 19- 20. AppleT alk Interface S tati stics T able 2. See T able 19-6 fo r inform ation on the Ap pl eT a .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 19-27 Config uring AppleTa lk Routi ng Web A g e n t Procedure T o view the Apple T alk r oute tabl e, and de lete o r flus h entr ies fr om the ta ble using the W eb Age nt: 1. In t he navigation pan e , expand the Routing > AppleT alk > Display folders , and then cli c k Route T able .
19-28 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 19 CLI Command T o view the App leT alk Interf ace stat istics table using the CLI, enter the followi ng command: .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 19-29 Config uring AppleTa lk Routi ng 2. Se e Ta b l e 1 9 - 8 for informa tion o n AppleT alk Route T able S tat isti cs W eb page para meters: CLI Command Currently th ere is no CLI comma nd to show app leT alk Route S tatistics .
19-30 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 19 2. See T able 19-9 for a definition of the AppleT alk ARP Cache T able para meters. 3. Se lec t th e A R P ent ries tha t y ou wa nt to d ele te and clic k Delete Entri e s .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 19-31 Config uring AppleTa lk Routi ng Viewing the AppleT alk Z one T able Y ou can view the AppleT alk Zone table using eit her the W eb Agent or t he CLI. Web A g e n t Procedure T o view th e App leT al k z one tab le u sin g the W eb A ge n t: 1.
19-32 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 19 V iewing AppleT alk Zone T able St atistics Y ou can view th e AppleT alk Zone T able S tatistic s using either t he W eb Agent or t he CLI. We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o view AppleT alk zone tabl e stati stics us ing th e W eb Agent : 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 19-33 Config uring AppleTa lk Routi ng Viewing the AppleT alk N BP T able Y ou can view the AppleT alk NBP T able using either the W eb Agent or t he CLI. Web A g e n t Procedure T o view the Appl eT alk NBP ta ble using the W eb Agent: 1.
19-34 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 19.
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 20-1 20 Managing Intelligent Multicasting Ove rview The followi ng informa tion and procedur es provided in t his chapter per ta.
20-2 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 20 Rout er p o rts a re po r ts th at a re at tache d to (or i n the p a th to ) mul tica st route rs an d mu st be trea ted s pe cia lly . Al l m ult ic ast tr affic on a VLA N mu st be forwar ded to the ro uter port.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 20-3 Managin g Intelligent M ulticasting The Learning Process, I GMP Snooping T o learn whic h sessions must be configured, or whi ch client or ro uter port s must be added or removed, a mech anism to draw that in formation fr om the layer 3 pr otocols must be en abled.
20-4 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 20 The Dissemination Process, LGMP and CGMP Snooping The Dissemi nation Process p rovides a meth od to dynamic ally configu re mult ica st sess ion s on s wit ch es w i th V L ANs that do no t ha ve IP i nte rfac es.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 20-5 Managin g Intelligent M ulticasting Configuring I ntelligen t Mult icasti ng This sect ion provides t he following pro cedures: ■ Conf iguri ng G l oba l .
20-6 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 20 Figure 20- 2. Intelligent M ulticasti ng Global Configurat ion W eb Page *Note: In orde r to ro ute multi cas t traffic , IP multi cas t for ward ing must be e nabled on t he switch.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 20-7 Managin g Intelligent M ulticasting CLI Command T o configure int elligent mult icasting global ly using the CLI, e nter the following command from Configur e mode: (configure)# set inte lligen t-m ulti cast {e na b le} T ab le 20-1.
20-8 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 20 Displaying Rou ter Port s Y ou can displ ay router ports using eit her the W eb Agen t or the CLI . We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o display router ports us ing the W eb Agent : 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 20-9 Managin g Intelligent M ulticasting CLI Command T o display rout er ports using t he CLI, enter the f ollowing command fr om User mode: > show in tell igen t-mu ltic a st route r -p or t Configurin g St atic Router Port s Y ou can configu r e Static Router ports usi ng either the W eb Agent or the CLI.
20-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 20 4. Select All from the VLAN column to add thi s router port to a ll VLANs Or Select a specific VL AN from the VLAN field pull-down m enu. *Note: When adding a r outer port to all VLANs, th e router po rt is added only t o the VLANs bound to th e switch port.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 20-11 Managin g Intelligent M ulticasting Figure 20-4. Intelligent Mult icast Se ssion Search W eb Page 2. See Ta b l e 2 0 - 3 fo r a n ex plan atio n of th e In tellig ent Multic ast Sessi on Search W eb page parameters.
20-12 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 20 3. Select SEARCH to be gin th e se arc h for th e mu ltic ast s essio n. The Multi cast Sessions W eb page is di splayed.wi th the search re sults. See Figur e 20-5 .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 20-13 Managin g Intelligent M ulticasting CLI Command To perform a ses s ion search usi ng the CLI, enter t he following command from User mode : > show in te.
20-14 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 20 Deleting a Multic ast Session C lient Port Y ou can dele te an intel ligent mul ticast session cl ient port by using eit her the W eb Agent or the CLI . We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o delet e a multic ast sessio n client port by using th e W eb Agent: 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 20-15 Managin g Intelligent M ulticasting CLI Command T o de le te a mult icas t se ssio n clie nt p o rt us ing th e CLI , en ter th e fo llow i ng command from.
20-16 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 20 Figure 20- 7. St atic Multic ast Sessi on W eb Page 2. Select Cr eate to create a new sessi on. The St atic Mul ticast Session Configur ation W eb page is displayed.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 20-17 Managin g Intelligent M ulticasting CLI Command T o create a new st atic multicas t session usi ng the CLI, enter the fo llowing command from Conf igure mo.
20-18 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 20 3. Click DELETE to rem ove the st atic multic ast session. CLI Command T o delet e a stat ic multicast session .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 20-19 Managin g Intelligent M ulticasting Figure 20-10 . S tatic Mult icast Sessions Cl ients Port W eb Page 3. Enter the new port number to be added in the Port fi eld , . 4. Clic k Add Client Port . The new por t is added.
20-20 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 20 Managin g IGMP Snooping This sec t ion provides t he followi ng procedures for managing Interne t Group Managem.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 20-21 Managin g Intelligent M ulticasting 2. Sele ct Enab le fr om the S tate field. 3. Clic k APPL Y to comp lete the operation or CANCEL to ignore the operati on.
20-22 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 20 3. Click: — CLEAR to clear the statis tics. — REFRESH to refre sh the contents of the table.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 20-23 Managin g Intelligent M ulticasting Figure 20-12 . LGMP Server Configurat ion W eb Page 2. See Ta b l e 2 0 - 9 to configure the LGMP Server Conf igurati on W eb page para mete rs. 3. Clic k... — APPL Y to save your c hanges.
20-24 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 20 T able 20-9. LGMP Serve r Configuration W eb Page Par ameters Parameter De finitio n Enable St ate Select to enable or di sable LGMP server configurati on. The default value is Disabled.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 20-25 Managin g Intelligent M ulticasting CLI Command T o configure the LGMP server usi ng the CLI, enter the following command from Configu re mode: (configure).
20-26 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 20 CLI Command T o v ie w LG MP ser ver stat is tic s, use th e fo llow ing C LI com ma nd: > show lg m p s erv.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 20-27 Managin g Intelligent M ulticasting CLI Command T o view the LGMP ser ver statisti cs per VLAN, use the f ollowing CLI command: > show lgmp server statistics vlan {all | <vlan-id> | name <vlan-name> } T able 20-10.
20-28 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 20 Manag ing the LGM P Cl ient This sec t ion provides t he followi ng procedures for managing t he Lucent Group M.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 20-29 Managin g Intelligent M ulticasting T able 20-1 1. LGMP Client Confi guration W eb Pag e Parameters Parameter Defini tion Enable State Select t o enable or disable LGMP client. The default value is Disabled.
20-30 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 20 Enabling the L GMP C lient Y ou can enab le the LGMP c lient stat istics using eit her the W eb Agent or the CLI. We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o enabl e an LGMP cli ent usin g the W eb Agent: 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 20-31 Managin g Intelligent M ulticasting Viewing LGMP Client s per VLAN st ati stics Y ou can view LGMP client s per VLAN statistics using ei ther the W eb Agent or th e CLI. Web A g e n t Procedure T o view LGMP client statistics per VLAN using the W eb Agent : 1.
20-32 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 20 CLI Command T o view LGMP cl ient sta tistics pe r VLAN, use the follo wing CLI command: > show lgmp cli ent.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 20-33 Managin g Intelligent M ulticasting Figure 20-16 . CGM P Snooping W eb Page Enabl ing CGMP Sn ooping Y ou can enable CGMP Sno oping usin g either the W eb Agent or the CLI. Web A g e n t Procedure T o enable CGMP snoopi ng using the W eb Agent: 1.
20-34 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 20 CLI Command T o enable CGMP sno oping using th e CLI, enter the following co m mand from Configur e mode: (configure)# set c gmp enable T able 20-13.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 20-35 Managin g Intelligent M ulticasting Viewing CGMP Snooping Y ou can view CGMP Snoopi ng using ei ther the W eb Agent or the CLI.
20-36 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 20.
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 21-1 21 Monitoring the A vaya Multiservice Switch Ove rview The followi ng informa tion and procedur es provided in t his chapte.
21-2 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 21 Checking Active Alarms Each switch stores a table of active alarms from whic h you can view a list of open iss ues without havin g to view the en tire event log .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 21-3 Monitorin g the Avaya Mul tiservic e Switch Figure 21-1. Active Alarm T able W eb Page CLI Command Use the show al arms CLI command to view the act ive alar m table. Y ou can ente r th is co m man d in U ser m ode .
21-4 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 21 This secti ons cont ai ns proc edures for the follo wing ta sks: ■ Configuri ng Event Notifica tion ■ Confi.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 21-5 Monitorin g the Avaya Mul tiservic e Switch Figure 21-2. General Event Management W eb Page 2. In the ID field, sele ct the classes of events that you want logged. T able 21-2 lis ts the classes of events that you can log and wh at events are logge d for each class .
21-6 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 21 4. Click APPL Y . T able 21-2. Event Classes Class Determine s whether the switch se nds a not ific at ion fo r ... St a r t Starts of th e s ystem. System System events.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 21-7 Monitorin g the Avaya Mul tiservic e Switch CLI Command Use the follo wing CLI commands to configure eve nt notificati on: ■ T o log event s in the event .
21-8 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 21 ■ T o forwa rd e ven ts to s ysl og s erv er s, (configure)# set sysl og faci li ty {sta rt | sys te m | conf.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 21-9 Monitorin g the Avaya Mul tiservic e Switch Figure 21-3. Protocol Event Manage m ent W eb Page 2. Enabl e the categorie s of protocol ev ents for which you want to genera te notific ations. See T able 21-3 for an explanation of each cat egory .
21-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 21 CLI Command T o set whi ch catego ries of protoc ol events gene rate notific ations, use the followi ng CLI com.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 21-11 Monitorin g the Avaya Mul tiservic e Switch Viewing the Event an d Shut down Lo gs Y ou can view the event l og and shutdown lo g using eithe r the W eb Agent or the CLI. Web A g e n t Procedure T o view the event log or shutdown log using the W eb Agen t: 1.
21-12 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 21 4. Click Sear ch . The event log or shutdown lo g is displayed i n the content pan e. See Figure 2 1-5 . For an explanation o f the event log f i elds, see T able 2 1-4 .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 21-13 Monitorin g the Avaya Mul tiservic e Switch Clearing the Event Log Y ou must have re ad-wri te acce ss to clea r the eve nt log. Th is func ti onali ty is not avail able if you have read-only acc ess. Web A g e n t Procedure T o clea r th e e ven t lo g: 1.
21-14 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 21 Configuring Sysl og Event Report ing Overview The A vay a Mul tise rvi ce s witch es s upp o rts s ysl og ev ent repo rtin g . Th is featu re m a kes it po s sib le to fo rw ar d sp ecif ic s ys tem e ven ts to r emo t e devices to be logged.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 21-15 Monitorin g the Avaya Mul tiservic e Switch Y ou can specif y a maximum of t hree remote sysl og servers . Syslog messages from the A vaya Multiser vice switch are unidirectiona l. No acknowledge m ent is expect ed from the syslog server .
21-16 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 21 3. In the Enable S tate field , sele ct Enable or Dis able : ■ Enable —Enabl es syslog repor ting to the IP address es that you enter in the Syslog Coll ector’s I P Addresses fi elds.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 21-17 Monitorin g the Avaya Mul tiservic e Switch Configuring Ut ilization Monitoring Overview Utilizat ion monitoring mak es it possible for you to monit or util ization of the: ■ CPU—the numbe r of packet s per second tha t the CPU on the supervi sor module routes (slow path ).
21-18 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 21 To disable util izat ion monit oring , enter Global Con figur ation mode and use the fol lowing command: clear .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 21-19 Monitorin g the Avaya Mul tiservic e Switch Setting a Ut ilization Th reshold T o set a uti lization thre shold, enter Globa l Configurat ion mode and u se.
21-20 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 21 V iewing Utilization Settings T o view the c urrent utili zation sett ings, use t he following command: show util ization settin gs Y ou can enter this command from user mode.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 21-21 Monitorin g the Avaya Mul tiservic e Switch Sample 8: 3 percent Sample 9: 3 percent Sample 10: 2 percent Sample 11: 3 percent Viewing S t atistics fo r For.
21-22 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 21 The command dis plays a history o f utilizat ion and th e averag e utiliz ation. A sample of the display is as follows: Average statistics over the 120 second sample window: Forwarding Engine Utilization =1 percent.
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 22-1 22 Monitoring and Configuring the Forward ing Cache Ove rview Contents The inf ormation and proce dures provided in this ch.
22-2 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 22 T o prevent t his issue fro m occurr ing, monitor the f orwarding cache a nd increas e the maximum number of system entries a s necessary . Y ou may need to a djust the se tting in itially t o accommodat e peaks in networ k demand.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 22-3 Monito ring and Config uring the F orwarding Cache 3. Clic k: — APPL Y to save your c hanges — CANCEL to rest ore previous set t ings — REFRESH to updat e your system co nfigurat ion — CLEAR to res et al l co nf igu rat io n pa ra me te rs to zer o .
22-4 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 22 CLI Command T o con fig u re th e forw ar din g c ach e usin g the CL I, ent er the foll ow in g commands fr om.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 22-5 Monito ring and Config uring the F orwarding Cache Figure 22-2. Frame Forwarding S tatist ics W eb P age 2. See Ta b l e 2 2 - 2 fo r an ex pla nat io n fo r the F ram e Fo rw ard ing Stat isti cs W eb page par ameters.
22-6 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 22 Displaying and Searching th e L3 Forwarding Ca che for an Entry We b A g e n t Proc edu re Y ou can di splay an.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 22-7 Monito ring and Config uring the F orwarding Cache T o search the L3 address cache using the W eb Age nt: 1. In t he navigation pan e , expand the Routing > L3 For warding Cache folders , and then cli c k Entry Search .
22-8 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 22 T able 22-3. L3 For warding Cache Ent ry Search W eb Page Paramet ers Parameter Al lows you to s earc h for all entrie s.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 22-9 Monito ring and Config uring the F orwarding Cache Figure 22-4. Forwarding Cache Searc h by VLAN CLI Command T o display the L3 Forwarding Cache ca che, use.
22-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 22 Figure 22- 5. Active FE Ca che W eb Page 2. T o modify your FE Cache table, do one of the following : — Sele .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 22-11 Monito ring and Config uring the F orwarding Cache T able 22-4. Active FE Cache W eb Page Fields Parameter Defines... Fabric/ Chip Ind ex The Pack et Routing Engin e in question. T ype The type of packet (f or example, IP unicast, IP multicast).
22-12 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 22.
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 23-1 23 Using RMON and Ethernet S t atistics to Analyze Network Performance Ove rview The followi ng informa tion and procedur e.
23-2 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 23 Figure 23- 1. Module S tatistics W eb pa ge 2. Select Clear C ount ers to ge t a fr esh vie w of th e st at isti cs b ein g gather ed. This reset s all of the counters to zero, so that yo u can track the counter s from a speci fic point forward.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 23-3 Using R MON and Ethernet Statistics to Ana lyze Network Pe rformance 4. Click Cle ar Counters t o get a fr esh view of the st atisti cs being ga thered. This rese ts all of the c ounters to zero so tha t you can t r ack the counter s from a par t icular point for ward.
23-4 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 23 T able 23 -1 . Et her n et In ter fac e S t at isti cs W eb P age Fie lds S tat isti c Indic ates Actio ns Sample The sample nu mber . N/A Interval Start The date and time this log entry was made.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 23-5 Using R MON and Ethernet Statistics to Ana lyze Network Pe rformance Multicasts Normal during network operation. For example, multicast packets are to sen d target video s treams to selected stations on the netw ork, an d are part of the operation of th e S panning T ree Protocol .
23-6 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 23 Oversized Packets Count of packets with a valid CRC t hat violate the maximum Ethernet packet size. These malforme d packets are most often the result of software errors.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 23-7 Using R MON and Ethernet Statistics to Ana lyze Network Pe rformance CLI Command T o vi ew ne twor k sta tis tics usi ng the CLI, ent e r the foll o win g c.
23-8 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 23 Packets addressed to the CPU, such as pings, ar e duplicated out of the mirror por t. T agged packets th at are sent int o a source port with a VLAN ID to which t he source port i s not b ound, are no t transmitted o ut the mir ror port.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 23-9 Using R MON and Ethernet Statistics to Ana lyze Network Pe rformance Web A g e n t Procedure T o set up a por t mirror on a swit ch in Fabr ic mode 1 by usin g the W eb Agent: 1. In t he navigation pan e , expand the Modules & Ports folder , and then click Port Mirror ing .
23-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 23 3. Select a sour ce port for tr affic fr om the Configur e Source c olumn. The Port Mir roring Configura tion W eb page is di splayed. See Figur e 23-5 . Figure 23- 5.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 23-11 Using R MON and Ethernet Statistics to Ana lyze Network Pe rformance Piggyback P ort Por t used to enable bi -directional port mi rroring. If no pi ggyback port is speci fied, on ly received traf fic from the source port will go t o the mirror port.
23-12 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 23 CLI Command T o s et up a n R MON m irr or p or t by usin g the CLI, ent e r the foll o win g command f rom Ena.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 23-13 Using R MON and Ethernet Statistics to Ana lyze Network Pe rformance Web A g e n t Procedure T o use the W eb Agent to set up port mirroring on a switch in Fa bric mode 2: 1. Exp and the Modules & Ports folde r .
23-14 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 23 T able 23-4. Port Ranges for Fa bric Mode 2 Port Mirrorin g Module Port ranges that you can mirr or 4-por t gigabi t modul es • 1–2 • 3–4 • Any s ingle port Y ou can mirror any fo ur single port s simultaneo usly (one port per channel).
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 23-15 Using R MON and Ethernet Statistics to Ana lyze Network Pe rformance 3. Se lect t he Chann el and t he ass ociat ed p ort fr om the Sou r ce Po rt column pull-down m enu. 4. In th e Mi rror P ort column pull- down menu, select the port to which you wan t to mi rr or tr affic.
23-16 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 23 7. Do one of the fo llowing: 8. If you selec ted T r ansm it /DA F i lter in th e Direct ion /Fi lte r field, e nter the MAC a ddress tha t you want to mon itor in t he DA Fil ter field for the port m irr or .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 23-17 Using R MON and Ethernet Statistics to Ana lyze Network Pe rformance CLI Command Use the following CLI commands to configure Fabr ic mode 2 port mirroring . Y ou must be in Global Config uration command mode t o enter these commands.
23-18 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 23 Removing a Fa bric Mode 2 Port Mirro r We b A g e n t Proc edu re T o remove a port mirr or on a switch in Fabric mode 2 by usi ng the W eb Agent: 1. In the naviga tion pane, expa nd the Modules & Ports folder, and th en click Port Mirror ing .
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 24-1 24 Managing Buffers and Queues on 50-Series Modules Ove rview The followi ng informa tion and procedur es provided in t his chapter per tain to layer 2 and layer 3 modu le confi gurations.
24-2 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 24 The Servi ce Ratio can be cho sen to match tr aff ic patterns a nd performance require ments using a weigh ted round robin s cheduling algori thm. The avail abl e se rvic e ratio s o f th e al gor it hm are d e fine d in “ Managing Buf fers and Queues ” .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 24-3 Managing Buffers and Q ueues on 50-Series Mo dules Figure 24-1. M odule Informati o n W eb Page 2. Sele ct the module who se buf fers you want to m anage f r om the Select column. 3. S ele ct th e Module number f or tha t mo dul e f rom t he Buf fer Manage ment column.
24-4 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 24 5. Select the Fa bri c P o rt Buf fer number whos e a sso ci ate d buffe rs you wa nt to manage . The Buffer De tail Configuratio n W eb page for t hat fabric port is dis pla yed.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 24-5 Managing Buffers and Q ueues on 50-Series Mo dules Figure 24-3. Buffer Det ail Conf iguration W eb Page 6. See Ta b l e 2 4 - 2 for an explana tion of the Buf fer Detail Configur ation W eb page input and outp u t fi el ds: T ab le 24-2.
24-6 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 24 High Priority Allocation Displays the percent of the buf fer ’ s queuing space allotted to high priority traf fic.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 24-7 Managing Buffers and Q ueues on 50-Series Mo dules 7. Repea t Steps 1- 4 to tune P hy si cal P or t (F as t Ethe rne t) bu ffers . Ph ysic al Port port s have addition al buffers on both the input and output ports .
24-8 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 24.
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6. 1 25-1 25 80-Series QoS Ove rview Quality of Service (QoS) is a set of tools that make it poss ible for you to manage traf fic acro ss a switch or a ne twork. These to ols prote ct specific traf fic from the ef fects of ne twork congestio n.
25-2 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 25 Why implemen t QoS? Purpose of QoS In a ne tw ork t h at ha s ti me-s ens itiv e tra ffic (V oIP ) or ba nd wid.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-3 80-Serie s QoS How Does QoS W ork? The QoS process st arts at the poi nt where a frame ent ers the switch and ends when the fr ame exits the swit ch.
25-4 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 25 3. Forwarding the fr ame or packet from the ingress queue to its destinati on.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-5 80-Serie s QoS Example Y ou want to a ssign a pr iority of 5 to a V oIP flow that is destined to a n IP 600 phone swi tch. Y ou then want t h e switch to use t he CBWFQ queue- servici ng algorit hm to forwa r d frames from queue 5.
25-6 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 25 Diagram of QoS Process Figure 25 - 1 illust rate s th e Qo S pr oces s fro m wh en a f ram e ent ers the s witc h to when th e frame exits th e switch. Figure 25- 1.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-7 80-Serie s QoS Class ifica tion of T r af fic The switch a ssigns t raf fic to one of eight queues acc ording to t he prior ity , or “cla ss, ” of th e tra ffic. Pr iori ties ra nge 0 to 7 , 7 bei ng t he h ig he st pr iority .
25-8 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservi ce Switche s, v6.1 Chapt er 25 ■ Setting a Physical Port t o Ignore T ag Prio rity ■ Sett ing th e Prio rity o f a MAC Add ress ■ Displa.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-9 80-Serie s QoS Classifying T raffic b y Layer 2 Characteristics In additi on to Cisco ISL ta g, 802.1p tag, and physical port pr iority , the switch can cla.
25-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 25 The prior i ty that is s pecified by an ACL takes prece dence over all ot her priori ties. Because o f th is precedence , th e switch determi nes whet her a rule in an A CL e xis ts for an IP p ack et in th e fi nal stag e of cl ass ific atio n .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-11 80-Serie s QoS Diffserv RFC 2475 defin es a field in t he layer 3 header of IP packe ts, called the Diff Serv code poin t (DSCP). T ypically , hosts or route rs sending tr aff ic into a Dif fServ network ma rk each tr ansmitted pa cket with the app r opriate DSCP .
25-12 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 25 Supported Nu mber of Queues Ta b l e 2 5 - 3 specifie s the number of ingress and e gress queues that are availab le on each modul e. Layer 2 DSCP (f or bridged IP tra ffic) Destination MAC ad dress priority Source MAC address pr iority 802.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-13 80-Serie s QoS Setting the Priority of a Ph ysical Port CLI Command Use the set port defa ult -pr ior it y command to set the priori ty of a physic al port. Each p hysical port ha s a defaul t priority of 3.
25-14 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 25 Examp les Setting a Physical Port to Ignore T ag Priorit y CLI Command Use the set p ort ignor e-tag priori ty command to set a p ort to ig nore any layer 2 tag priority ( includin g 802.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-15 80-Serie s QoS Examples T able 25-6. Keywords, Argument s, or Options Keyword, Argument or Op tion Definition <mo d-num> The s lot number of a module. I f you specif y <mod-num> , the switch ignores tag priorities on all por t s of the module.
25-16 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 25 Setting the Priority of a MAC Address CLI Command Use the set aft entry com mand to set the prio ri ty of a sour ce MAC address or desti n ation MAC address.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-17 80-Serie s QoS For defini tions of all o t her keywords, ar guments, an d options in thi s command, see Command Refer ence Guide for the A vaya P580 an d P882 Mul tise rvi ce S w itch es, S oft ware V ers io n 6 .
25-18 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 25 Displaying the Priority of a MAC Address CLI Command Use the show aft e ntry command to dis play the priority of a sour ce MAC address or destination M AC address.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-19 80-Serie s QoS Setting a Physical Port to Us e DiffServ CLI Command Use the set por t use-diffserv command to set a port to clas sify bridged IP traf fic by its Dif fServ code point (DSCP).
25-20 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 25 Setting a Physical Port to Mask DiffServ Bit s CLI Command Use the set por t m ask-dif fserv command to m ask the three le ast signific ant bits of the DSCP when the swit ch is using the DSCP t o classi fy bridge d IP traffic.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-21 80-Serie s QoS Assigning a Priority to a DSCP CLI Command Use the set dif fse rv pr iori ty com mand to ass ign a prio rity to a D iffSer v code point (DSCP) in the Dif fServ Mapping T abl e.
25-22 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 25 Displaying the QoS Settin gs for a Physical Port CLI Command Use t he show port command to displ ay the QoS set tings for a physical port. This command d isplays the pri ority of the port , if the port is set to ignore 802.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-23 80-Serie s QoS The command synt ax is: St andard ACL (configure)# access -list <ac cess-list-name> <access-li st-index> {permit [{use- priority.
25-24 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 25 <dscp> The DSCP that you want to replace the DSCP of the packet. use-l2 Classifies traf fic by the layer 2 priority of the packet. If you enter use-l2 , the switch ign ores the ACL rule priority and DiffServ priority .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-25 80-Serie s QoS * Note: Y ou m ust us e th e CLI to s et up A CLs for Q o S. D o no t atte mpt to u se the IP A cc ess Con tro l W e b p age in t he W eb Age nt to se t up ACLs for QoS.
25-26 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 25 Examp les : Extended ACL Rules • Replace the existing DSCP with a DSCP of 5 for al l traffic that has a source IP address i n the 10.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-27 80-Serie s QoS Assign a priority of 2 to all TCP traf fic that has a: • Source IP address in the 1.1 s ubnet • Source por t that is greater than 24 • Destination IP address in the 6.6 subn et • Destination port of 23 access-list MyAccessList2 3 permit use-pri ority 2 t cp 1.
25-28 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 25 Setting Up a Defa ult ACL Rule CLI Command Use the any keyw or d in the access list command to set up a default ACL rule. The r ule wil l be ap plie d to al l pa cke ts on t he s wit ch tha t do no t mat ch any other ACL rules.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-29 80-Serie s QoS Examples Displaying AC L Rules CLI Command Use the show acce ss-lists c omm and to disp lay the ACL rules i n an ACL.
25-30 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 25 The s wit ch u s e s qu eu e 0 to fo rw ard pro toc ol pa ck et s ( A RP , VRR P , OS PF , and so on) to the supervis or module. If you en able policing on queue 0, be sure to allocate the qu eue enough bandwi dth for management p ackets and learned packets.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-31 80-Serie s QoS T able 25-17. Keywords, Argument s, and Options Keyword, Argument or Op tion Definition <mo d-num> The s lot number of a module. I f you specif y <mod-num> , policing is enabled for all ports on the module in the slot that you s pecify .
25-32 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 25 Displaying the Policing Sett ings Use the show port police command t o di sp lay the settings for polic ing . Fo r inform ation on h ow policing wor ks, see “ Ingre ss Poli ci ng ” earlier in thi s chapter .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-33 80-Serie s QoS Queue-Servicing Algorithms The followi ng queue-servic ing algorithms a re available f or egress queues : ■ W eighted fair queueing ( W FQ.
25-34 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 25 The s wit ch alw ays s erv ice s the q ueu e th at has the h igh e st accumulated weight . If two q ueue s hav e the same acc umul ate d w eig h t, t he sw it ch fi rst service s the queue that has the highest priority (0 – 7 ).
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-35 80-Serie s QoS St rict Priority Queueing W ith stric t pr i ori ty queuing, the swi tc h s ervices the eig h t queu es i n order of thei r pri ori ty .
25-36 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 25 ■ The action that you want the switch to tak e when the bi t rate exceeds t he maximum bit rate.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-37 80-Serie s QoS Setting Up WFQ Use the set port queue servic e wfq command to set a p ort, port range, or module to us e weighted fair queueing (WFQ) queue servicing . WFQ is the default q ueue-servic ing algor ithm.
25-38 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 25 Setting Up Strict Priority Queueing CLI Command Use the set p ort queue se rvice strict- priority comm and to set a port, port range, or module to use stric t priority queu e servicing.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-39 80-Serie s QoS Setting Up CBQ Use the set port queue servic e cbq command to set a p ort, port range, or module to us e class-based qu euing (CBQ) queue ser vicing. The synta x of the comman d is: (configure)# set port queue service {{ <mod-num> | <mod- swport- range> } [.
25-40 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 25 Sett ing Up CBW FQ Use the set po rt queue s ervice cbwfq c ommand to set a port , port range , or module to u se class-based weighted fair qu euing (CBWFQ) queue servici ng.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-41 80-Serie s QoS <norma l-burs t> The maximum size o f burs t th at is gu aranteed transfer . Bursts that are smaller than this size are guaranteed transfer . Bursts that are lar ger than this size are either serviced by W FQ or dropped (wh i chever action that y ou specify).
25-42 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 25 For info rmation about how CBWFQ works, se e “ CBWFQ ” ea rlie r in this chapter . * Note: The switch doe s not d rop packet s on egre ss queue 7 , even i f you spec ify the dr op keyw or d .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-43 80-Serie s QoS Displaying the Queu e-Service Settings CLI Command Use the show port queue service command t o display th e settin gs for queue serv icing. The synt ax for th is command is: > show port queue service { <mod-num> | < mod-swpor t-range> } [.
25-44 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 25 QoS St atis tics Y o u ca n dis p lay QoS s tati stic s fo r: ■ All ports on a module ■ A port or po rt ran.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-45 80-Serie s QoS Threshold (% Full) The threshold for q ueue capacity that determines whether additional fr ames are counted tow ard Frames Enqueued Above Thr eshol d or Fr ames E nqueue d Below Thr eshol d .
25-46 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 25 Egre ss Por t St atistics for 10 / 100 Mod ules The egres s port statis tics for 10/100 m odules a r e reported per 12 ports, not for indi vidual physica l ports.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-47 80-Serie s QoS Egress Port St atis tics for Gigabit Modules The egress port statist ics for gigabit modules are repo rted per indi vidual port. T able 25-28 lists the s tat istic s tha t the swi tc h di spl ay s fo r port s on gigabit mod ules.
25-48 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 25 Buff er S t atistics for Egress Que ues Y ou can also d isplay the amo unt of memo ry that i s alloca ted to each egre ss queue. The all ocated amount o f memory is dis played in bot h the number of buf fers and the n umber of bytes.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-49 80-Serie s QoS This sect ion contains pro cedures for t he foll owing tasks: ■ Displayi ng QoS S tatis tics ■ Rese ttin g the Q oS Statis tic s ■ Disp lay in g th e B uffer Set tings for E g res s Que ues T ab le 25-29.
25-50 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 25 Displaying Qo S S t atis tics Use the show port queue counters to di spl ay QoS statis ti cs . The synt ax of this co m mand is: > show port que ue counters { <mod-num> | <mod-swport-ran ge> } [.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 25-51 80-Serie s QoS Resetting the QoS St atistics Use the r eset port queue counter s to reset t he queue statis tics to 0. The syntax of the command is: > r eset port queue coun ters { <mod-num> | <mod-swport -range> } [ .
25-52 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Chapt er 25 Displaying the Buffer Settings for Egress Queu es Use the show port que ue buffer command to di splay the amount of memory that is assi gned to each queue.
User Gui de for the Avaya P 580 and P882 Mul tiservice Switch es, v6.1 A-1 A Upgrading the Application Sof tware CAUTION: Overvi ew Upgradin g the switch s oftware i nvolves the foll owing steps: 1. Backing Up the Cu rrent Software 2. Backing Up the P revious Configura tion 3.
Appendi x A A-2 User Guide f or the Avaya P580 and P882 Multis ervice Swit ches, v6.1 CAUTION: Backing Up the Current Sof tware The A vaya Multis ervice swi tches have two memor y locations for storing the em be d ded sw itc h sof twa re: AP P1 a nd A P P2.
Docu ment No. 10-300 077, Iss ue 2 A-3 Upgrading th e Application So ftware Figure A-1. FEPROM Content s W eb page 3. Ensure th at A PP1 conta ins the softw are that y ou wa nt to ba ck up. When you do wnload the n ew application s o ftware, you must down load it to t he APP2 memory location .
Appendi x A A-4 User Guide f or the Avaya P580 and P882 Multis ervice Swit ches, v6.1 2. Select File M anagement . The Confi guration File Mana gement W e b page is di splayed i n the content pane ( Figure A-2 ). Figure A-2. Configuration Fil e Management W e b page 3.
Docu ment No. 10-300 077, Iss ue 2 A-5 Upgrading th e Application So ftware CAUTION: CLI Command T o back up the cur rent configurat ion to a TF TP server , use the f ollowing command: # copy st artup.
Appendi x A A-6 User Guide f or the Avaya P580 and P882 Multis ervice Swit ches, v6.1 Figure A-3. System TFTP Update W eb page 3. In the TFTP Server IP Addr ess field , enter the I P address of the TFTP server on which the ne w applicat ion software is stored.
Docu ment No. 10-300 077, Iss ue 2 A-7 Upgrading th e Application So ftware Setting the S t artup Image After you d ownload the new s oftware, yo u must set the swit ch to load the new sof t w are at s ta rtup . Y ou ca n us e e ith er th e W eb Ag en t or CLI to perform th is task.
Appendi x A A-8 User Guide f or the Avaya P580 and P882 Multis ervice Swit ches, v6.1 If any of these settin gs changed during t he synchronizat ion, the stan dby supervi sor module automatic ally resets so that it is failover -ready .
Docu ment No. 10-300 077, Iss ue 2 A-9 Upgrading th e Application So ftware Figure A-4. Sy stem Reset W eb Page 3. Selec t Ye s in respons e to the que stion , Do yo u w ant t o reset the s wit ch? The s wi tc h res ets an d lo ads th e ne w ap plic atio n sof twa re.
Appendi x A A-10 User Gui de for the Avaya P5 80 and P88 2 Multiservice Sw itches, v6.1 CLI Command T o rese t the swit ch after downloa ding new applicat ion software, use the followi ng CLI command:.
User Gui de for the Avaya P 580 and P882 Mul tiservice Switch es, v6.1 B-1 B Boot Mode Boot Mode i s a special mode f or the A vaya P580 and P8 82 Multiservice switch.
Appendi x B B-2 User Guide f or the Avaya P580 and P882 Multis ervice Swit ches, v6.1 Accessing BOOT Mode with Corrupted Operationa l Images The A vaya P580 and P882 Multiservi ce switch will automatica lly come up in BOOT mode if both operationa l image s are corr upted.
Docu ment No. 10-300 077, Iss ue 2 B-3 Boot Mode Downloading New Op erational Code T o download new ope rational code in BOOT mode into APP1 or APP2. * Note: The A vay a P580 and P882 Multise rvice switche s do not have an IP addres s assigned to th e console eth ernet por t when it comes up in BOOT mode.
Appendi x B B-4 User Guide f or the Avaya P580 and P882 Multis ervice Swit ches, v6.1.
User Gui de for the Avaya P 580 and P882 Mul tiservice Switch es, v6.1 C-1 C Supported MIB Group s This app endix lists, by p rotocol, public and privat e MIBs that are support ed by the A vaya P58 0 and P882 Multis ervice swi t ches.
Appendi x C C-2 Us er Guide for the Av aya P580 and P882 Multis ervice Swit ches, v6.1 AT M U p l i n k St andard MIB lecmib.mib , MIB for LAN Emulation Cli ent Management, as def ined by the AT M F o r u m . Priv ate MIB avaya1483.mib, MIB for multi-prot ocol over A TM encapsulat ion, as defined in RFC1483.
Docu ment No. 10-300 077, Iss ue 2 C-3 Supported M IB Groups IP St andard MIBs ■ rfc2096. m ib, IP Forwardin g T able MIB. ■ rfc2863. m ib, Interf ace MIB. ■ ianaif type.mib, MIB for d ifferent interface types. ■ rfc1213. m ib, MIB II. ■ rfc201 1.
Appendi x C C-4 Us er Guide for the Av aya P580 and P882 Multis ervice Swit ches, v6.1 Monitorin g St andard MIBs ■ rfc1757.mib , Remote network monito ring MIB. ■ rfc1513.mib , T oken Ring RMON MIB. ■ rfc2856.mib , M IB for HCRMON. ■ draf t-ie tf-r mon mib-h crm on- 10.
User Gui de for the Avaya P 580 and P882 Mul tiservice Switch es, v6.1 D-1 D FCC Notice FCC Notice — Cla ss A Computing Device: This eq uipment generate s, uses, and may em it radio f requency ener gy .
Appendi x D D-2 Us er Guide for the Av aya P580 and P882 Multis ervice Swit ches, v6.1 A verti ssement! Cet appar eil est un appareil de Classe A. Dans un environ nement rési dentiel cet appar ei l pe ut provoquer de s br oui ll age s ra dio électriques.
User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switche s, v6.1 IN-1 Index Numerics 10/100 por t auto negotiation speed/d uplex advertisement , 8-26 , 8-27 10/100 por t param eter auto-negotiat.
IN-2 Use r Guide for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservice Switches, v6 .1 Inde x delete all l earned entries , 9-1 3 delete invalid learned entries , 9-13 address table ins tance entry type learned .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 IN-3 Index RTMP Rq Rx , 19-25 RTMP Rq Tx , 19-2 5 RTMP Rsp Rx , 19-2 5 RTMP Rsp Tx , 19 -25 Short PDU in error , 19-24 too long , 19-24 too short , 19-24 TTL exp.
IN-4 Use r Guide for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservice Switches, v6 .1 Inde x router por t disp lay parameters , 20-9 area LSA detail , 15-2 7 OSPF interface parameters , 15-10 OSPF summ arie s p.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 IN-5 Index IP global con figuration parameters , 12-12 border Rtrs OSPF statisti cal parameters , 15-20 bridge forw ard delay spanning tree bridge level paramete.
IN-6 Use r Guide for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservice Switches, v6 .1 Inde x VTP snoo ping parameters , 6-31 configure , 20 -9 , 20- 10 configure p orts gigabit module , 8-1 2 , 8-16 , 8-21 , 8-.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 IN-7 Index create a Custom Access Type , 2- 13 creating , 12- 19 Creating 3 C om Mapping Tables Usi ng the Web Agent , 6-1 3 creating a BOOTP/DHCP server entry ,.
IN-8 Use r Guide for the Av aya P580 and P88 2 Multiservice Switches, v6 .1 Inde x forwarding in terface , 12-66 desi gn ate d po rt spanning tree bridge port paramet ers , 7-16 desi gnat e d ro ot sp.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 IN-9 Index DVMRP do wnstream dep endent router DVMRP su pported major/mi nor version , 12-67 foun d on inter fa c e , 12 -67 router is SNMP manageable , 12 -67 r.
IN-10 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Inde x router cost to sour ce network , 12-65 router netw ork address , 12-65 view ing , 12-65 DVMRP upstream sour ce param.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 IN-11 Index event configuration accessing , 21-4 , 21-10 event ID event and shutdow n log entri es , 21 -12 event log (switch event) def init ion , 21-3 event lo.
IN-12 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Inde x type , 22-1 1 forwarding ca che statistics monitoring , 22-4 forwarding in terface designated forward er(s) table pa.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 IN-13 Index grou p mu ltic a st pr otoc ol IGMP group members hip tabl e paramet ers , 12- 56 group repo rter address IGMP group members hip tabl e paramet ers ,.
IN-14 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Inde x IEEE 802.3 X P AUSE , 24-2 IEEE802.1D SPANNING TREE , 7-4 IGM P configuri n g , 12-31 Global statistics , 12-51 , 12.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 IN-15 Index LGM P se rve r dis pl ay p e r VL A N pa ra m et e rs , 20-2 7 intelligent m ult icastin g , 20 -5 , 20-9 , 20-10 interface add IP interfac e paramet.
IN-16 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Inde x filtering Web traffi c example , 13-1 3 IP addres s ARP cache search parameters , 12 -50 DVMRP interface parameters .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 IN-17 Index IP routing glob al statistics , 12-43 IP routing glob al statistics BOOTP/DHCP in discards , 12-46 BOOTP/DHCP in hops exceeded , 12-46 BOOTP/DHCP in .
IN-18 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Inde x node number , 16 -1 RIP interfaces , 17-1 routing table statistics , 16- 20 searching the rou te table , 16-18 searc.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 IN-19 Index ticks , 16-20 TTL , 16- 20 IPX route table search , 16-18 IPX route table statistics examining , 16- 20 IPX router configur ing , 16-4 , 16 -5 IPX ro.
IN-20 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Inde x service name , 16-14 socket , 16 -14 type , 16-14 IPX st atic se rvic e p a rame ter s , 16-1 3 IPX st atic se rv ice s creating , 16-12 , 16-15 IPX syntax exam ple , 16-1 IRDP , 12-83 enabling on an interface , 12-83 IRDP ov erview , 12-83 IRDP paramet ers adv.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 IN-21 Index settings , 12- 86 LDAP configurati on paramete rs primary serv er IP address , 12-87 primary se rver port , 12-87 search base , 12-88 secondary serv .
IN-22 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Inde x type , 15-27 LSAs OSPF statistical p arame ter s , 15 -20 M MAC Addr ess search , 9-14 , 9-15 MAC address address fo.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 IN-23 Index Modifying the DVMRP Global Config uratio n Using the CLI , 12-39 module features , 1-10 modules & ports , 6-30 , 8- 12 , 8-16 , 8- 21 , 8-28 , 8-.
IN-24 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Inde x AppleTalk static rou t e , 19- 1 1 netw ork ran ge s ta rt AppleTalk interface par ameters , 19-6 AppleTalk static r.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 IN-25 Index stat ic ext type , 15-5 static low ext type , 15-5 OSPF inter-area routes IP global con figuration parameters , 12-13 OSPF interface parameters area .
IN-26 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Inde x owne r AppleTalk route table statistics , 19-28 P packet length IPX datagram fields , 16-2 packet tracing enabling ,.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 IN-27 Index PPP console settin gs baud rate , 2-28 flow contro l , 2-2 8 PPP console static route configur ing , 12-90 PPP serial p ort co nsol e , 2-34 regainin.
IN-28 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Inde x rate limit burst si ze 10/1 00 p or t par ame ter , 8-2 7 rate limit mode 10/1 00 p or t par ame ter , 8-2 7 rate li.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 IN-29 Index route add fai lures IPX routing table statis tic , 16-21 route metric DVMRP route table parameters , 12-64 route preference by pro tocol IP global co.
IN-30 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Inde x LGMP server con figuration parameters , 20-24 service name IPX service table s earch parameter , 16-23 IPX st ati c .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 IN-31 Index name , 7-1 5 port , 7-15 stat e , 7-16 span ni ng tre e mode switch por t conf ig urati on para mete rs , 8-32 speed mode 10/100 por t parame ter , 8.
IN-32 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Inde x managing , 2-40 switch descript ion , 1-1 switch fabric event class parameters , 21-6 switch features crossb ar swit.
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 IN-33 Index IPX datagr am fields , 16-2 triggered upd ates IPX SAP interface parameters , 18-3 RIP gl obal configuration parameters , 14- 3 triggered u pdates se.
IN-34 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Inde x upstream ro uter DVMRP rout e table parameters , 12-64 upstream s ource IGMP local multicast forwardi ng cache para .
Docu ment N o. 10 -3 00 077 , Issu e 2 IN-35 Index auto increment HT size , 6-10 initial hash tab le size , 6-10 VLAN considerations , 6-7 VLAN exchange parameters updater timestamp , 6-3 1 VLAN opera.
IN-36 User Guid e for the Avaya P5 80 and P882 Mult iservice Switc hes, v6.1 Inde x AppleTalk interface par ameters , 19-6 AppleTalk NBP table param eters , 19- 33 AppleTalk static rou t e , 19- 1 1 z.
デバイスAvaya 580の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Avaya 580をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAvaya 580の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Avaya 580の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Avaya 580で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Avaya 580を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAvaya 580の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Avaya 580に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAvaya 580デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。