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Contents 6400 Ser ies Mult i-line Telephones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Hea dset s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Headpieces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NOTICE While re asona ble ef forts w ere made to ens ure tha t the infor mation in thi s docume nt was compl ete an d accurat e at the time of print ing, Lu cent T echnolo gies c an assu me no respon sibility for any errors .
THE “ CE” MAR K If the “CE” m ark is af fixed to this e quipment. it me ans that i t confo rms to the European Union El ectromagn etic Co mpati bility Dire ctive (89 /336/EEC) a nd the Low V oltage D irectiv e (73/23/EEC).
• If yo u suspec t a natural gas l eak, r eport it immedia tely , but use a telepho ne aw ay from th e area in que stion. The teleph one’ s elec trica l contac ts c ould generate a tin y sp ark. W hile un likel y , it is pos sible that th is spar k could i gnite heavy c oncen trations of gas.
1 6400 Series Multi-line T elephones The 6400 Series multi-li ne tele phone s inc lude the fo llowin g: • The 6408 + T elephon e — has eight call app earanc e/featu re butto ns with a two -way spea kerp hon e.
2 The f ollowin g features corres pond to the numb ers in Figure 1. Headsets On all of the 6400 Series telep hones except the 6 416D+M and 6424 D+M, the headse t conn ection cons ists of a headp iece (sho wn a s 1 in F igu re 2 be low ) and m odular base unit (show n as 2 i n Figu re 2).
3 Note: When a mod ular base unit i s used w ith the H eadset j ack, the hands et should remai n plugged into th e Hands et jac k. The pr ivacy of t he Whis pe r Page annou nce me nt c an not b e gu arantee d when t elepho nes have modu lar base u nits o ther tha n the M 10L-84 00 (Comcode : 4076 39715; PEC: 3122 -022).
4 — Supra Mona ural Noise- Canceling (NC) — Same as above with noise-c ancelin g mic rophone that reduc es ba ckground noise transmi ssion by up to 75 perce nt.
5 The top lin e of ea ch so ftkey fea ture me nu sc reen sh ows yo u the st atus of each of the fou r features. An arrow a ppears above the feature name or abbrevi ation i f that f eature is activ e. In the ab ove e xample, the arrow above the T imer feature in dicate s that feature is activ e.
6 The Ho ld feat ure puts a call on hol d until yo u can return t o it. T o put a cal l on hold while you answer another call o r perform ano ther task 1. Press . T o answer a new call while acti ve on anothe r 1. Press . 2. Press the call appea rance button o f the inc oming call.
7 If yo u have a displ ay , it show s the v olume level: (There are eight volume leve ls.) T o turn off the s peaker and re turn to han dset 1. Pick up the handset. T o end a ca ll (whil e the handse t is on-ho ok and only the spea ker is acti ve) 1. Press .
8 4. If yo u ha ve a di spla y , it show s: (There are eight volume l evels.) T o change fr om the sp eaker phone to the handset 1. Pick up the handset and tal k. T o change fro m the ha ndset to t he speakerph one 1. Press . 2. Withi n 10 s econds, hang u p the h andse t.
9 call by press ing its call a ppeara nce button .) 4. Press again to compl ete the tran sfer . 5. Ha ng up. Note: If yo ur tele phone i s conne cted to a DEFI NITY Relea se 6.3 .2 or a later release , your administ rator may hav e cho sen T ransfer-on-Hang -up.
10 Selected V oice Features The Abbre viated Dialin g (AD) feat ure all ows you to sto re selec ted tel ephone numbers for qu ick and e asy dia ling. Ea ch nu mber can be a c omple te or partial t elepho ne num ber , an exte nsion num ber , or a t runk or feature ac cess code.
11 For 640 8D+, 641 6D+ and 6416D+M , and 64 24D+ and 6424D +M telephone s connec ted to a DEFINITY ECS Release 6.3 or later T o program an Abbreviate d Dialing b utton on th e softkey fe ature men u .
12 T o plac e an AD ca ll 1. Press the sele cted AD b utton, either a fe ature bu tton or the softke y below the AD fe ature on the feature menu sc reens. T o pr og ram o r r e pr ogra m an out sid e nu mb er , exte nsi on, or f eat ur e access code into an AD per sonal list 1.
13 Witho ut a d isp la y: Press the b utton (i f adminis tered) (while on-h ook o r off-h ook ) or Dial the Cal l Forward access code (while of f-hook). [dial tone] Note: If yo u hav e cons ole p ermissio n, next, dia l the e xtens ion nu mber whose calls a re to be forwar ded; rece ive di al ton e.
14 The Ca ll Pickup feature lets you answ er a c all at yo ur tele phone for ano ther exten sio n in y our pick up gr oup . If yo u can use t he D i re cted C all Pick u p feat ure , you c an pi ck up a cal l rin gin g at a spec ifi c e xte nsi on w it hou t t he person’ s being a m ember of your pi ckup group.
15 below LW C . Witho ut a d isp la y: Pr ess t he bu t ton or Dial the Le ave W ord Calli ng acces s co de (whil e of f-hook). [dial tone] 2. Di al the extensio n. [confirm ation tone] Message light goes on at t he called telephone (if so equipp ed).
16 below Expl? . 4. Press the bu tton on w hich yo u wish t o assign this feature. If the fe ature is suc cessfull y ad ministe red on the fe ature but ton, th e displ ay sh ows: “Button Pr og rammed !” Go on to Step 5.
17 The Whis per Pag e featu re allo ws you, if you ha ve ap propria te perm issions , to make an an nouncem ent to a perso n at an other exten sion current ly on anot her call . Only the p er so n at the o ther ext ensi on h ears the announc emen t; the ot her person on the call canno t hear t he messa ge.
18 buttons in t he rig ht co lumn be gin wit h i a nd the n go thr ough p (o n the 6416D+ and 641 6D+M) an d throu gh x (on the 6424D + and 6424D+ M). When th e displa y show s , it repres ents call informati on for the firs t call appearan ce butt on.
19 The Di rectory fea ture al lows you to sea rch for t he ext ension of anothe r user in your locati on by ke ying in the user’s nam e at th e dial pa d.
20 2. Press the call appea rance button in q uesti on. Inform ation is shown o n the dis play sc reen; you r emain con nected to th e pr esen t call. 3. T o return to the held cal l, pres s the Exit b utton a nd then the ca ll appearan ce bu tton of the hel d call.
21 CANNO T be used if the teleph one is to be wall -mount ed. FIGURE 5 A Rear V iew of th e 6416 D+M and 6424D+M T elephones T elephone Installation All of the 6400 Series telephone s des cribed in this m anual ca n be e ither desk-m ounted or w all- mounte d.
22 bott om of the tele phon e ho usi ng. 1. T urn the telepho ne fac e down o n a fla t surface. 2. Re move the deskt op sta nd (the upper tabs on the stand are sh own as 2 in Figure 6; the l ower tab s are shown as 7 in F igure 6) .
23 and sli de it t oward the top of the teleph one. (See b in Figu re 7.) — Rotate the hook 180 de grees ( as in c in Fig ure 7 ) an d th en sl i de it back i nto its slot so the bot tom part no w st icks ou t from th e top. (See d in Figure 7.) Snap the hook f irmly into plac e.
24 5. Re verse the deskt op sta nd so that the la rger end is fa cing d own. 6. Snap the line c ord into th e “LINE” ja ck in the bottom of the te lephon e and coi l the e xcess cord in the back of the des kstand. 7. Snap on e end of the coi led hands et cord into the Handset jack (labeled ).
25 Removing the T elephone T ray Y ou may wish to remove t he tray from th e base of the tel ephone , especi ally if you are wall-mo unting the telep hone. Se e Figure 1 0 for furt her hel p. 1. Pull the tray from the b ase of the telep hone a s far as i t will go.
26 Installing the Designation Card Use th e button d esign ation card to wr ite the tel ephone numb er , extensio n, name, o r featur e that each c all appe arance/fea ture button can acc ess.
27 T ones and Their Mea ning Note: The t ables below d escribe t he defa ults f or each ringing a nd feed back tone. Check w ith your s ystem m anage r to ver ify if the descr iptions i n the Meanin g column are a ccura te for y our sy stem. Ringing T ones are pro duced by an inc oming c all.
28 Line and F eature Button Li ghts Feedback T ones (continued) T ones Meaning cove rage One sho rt burst of ton e; indicate s your call wi ll be sen t to ano ther ex tension to be ans were d by a cove ri ng user. dial A continuo us ton e; indica tes di aling can be gin.
デバイスAvaya 6408+の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Avaya 6408+をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAvaya 6408+の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Avaya 6408+の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Avaya 6408+で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Avaya 6408+を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAvaya 6408+の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Avaya 6408+に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAvaya 6408+デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。