SeagateメーカーSavvio 15K.1 FC ST973451FCの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Prod uct Ma nu al Savvi o ® 15K. 1 FC 10038 4763 Rev . B Aug ust 2007 ST97 34 51FC ST93 67 51FC.
©2007, Se agate T echnology LLC All rights reser ved. Pub lication nu mber: 100 38476 3, Rev . B Aug ust 2007 Sea gate, Sea gate T echnology and th e W ave logo are registered t rademarks of Seagat e T echnology LL C in the United S ta tes and/or ot her co untrie s.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B i Cont ent s 1.0 S cope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.0 Ap plicable standard s and refe rence docume ntation .
ii Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 6.0 P hysical/ electrical sp ecificati ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 6.1 A C power re quirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B iii 9.5 F C-AL physica l interfa ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 9.5.1 P hysical characte ristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B v List o f Fi gures Figure 1. Savvio 1 5K.1 family disc drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Figure 2. Typical ST973451 FC drive +12V and +5V curre nt profil es .
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 1 1.0 S cope This ma nual de scribes Sea gate T echnolog y ® LLC, Savvio ® 15K .1 FC (Fibre Chan nel) disc drives. Savvio driv es supp ort the Fibr e C ha nnel A rbi trate d Lo op and SCS I Fi bre Chan nel Pro tocol sp ecific ations to the extent descri bed in this man ual.
2 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 3 2.0 Appl icable st andards an d refer ence docu ment ation The dr ive has been d evelope d as a system p eriphe ral to the hig hest st and ards of desig n and constru ction.
4 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 2.1.2 Elect roma gn etic com plia nce Seag ate uses an i ndepend ent lab oratory to confirm comp liance w ith the di rectives/st and ards for C E Ma rking and C-T ick Ma rking. The dr ive wa s tested in a repre sent ative system for typica l applications.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 5 Seag ate also h as internal system s in place to en sure ongoing complian ce with the RoHS Direct ive and all laws and regu lations which restr ict chemical conte nt in el ectron ic produ cts.
6 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 7 3.0 General d escription Savvio dr ives com bi ne T u nneli ng Magne tore sistiv e (TMR ) he ads and a Fibr e C han nel inter face to provi de high perfor m.
8 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 3. 1 St and ar d fea tu re s Savvio d rives have the followi ng stan dard featu res: • Perp endicula r recordi ng techn ology • 4-Gbit F ibre Channel in terface.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 9 3.2 M ed ia de sc ri pti on The me dia used on the drive has an al uminum substr ate coated w ith a thin film m agnetic m aterial, ov ercoated with a propriet ar y protective l ayer for improved dura bility and e nviron mental p rotecti on.
10 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 3.5.1 Progr amma ble dri ve cap a city Using the Mode Select com mand, the drive can change its ca pacity to somet hing less than maximu m. See the Mode S elect (6) par amet er list tab le in the Fibre Chann el Interf ace Manual , pa rt number 1002 93070.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 11 4.0 Performance cha racteristics This secti on provi des de ta iled i nformati on co ncern ing perf orm ance- rel ate d chara cteristics an d featur es of Sav - vio drives. 4.1 Int e rn al driv e char act eris tic s ST973451FC ST936751FC Drive capacity 73.
12 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 4.2.2 For mat co mmand execut ion tim e 4.2.3 Ge neral perf orma nce cha racter istics 4.3 St art/ stop time The drive accep ts the comm ands listed in the SAS Interface Manual less than 3 seconds af ter DC power has been ap plied.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 13 The S T ART S T OP U NIT comm and m ay be used to comm and the dr iv e to st op the spindl e. S top time is 30 sec - onds (m aximum) fr om remo val of DC power . There is no po wer co ntrol switch on th e drive .
14 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B If rea d caching is en abled (RCD=0), then dat a written to th e medium is retained in the cach e to be m ade avail - able for future re ad cach e hits . The sam e buffe r sp ace and se gmenta tion is use d as set up for re ad func tions.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 15 5.0 Reliabili ty specifi cations The follow ing reliab ility specificat ions assume correct hos t and driv e ope ration al int erface, inclu ding all inter - face timi ngs, power supply volt ages, environ mental requir ements and dri ve mounting constraint s.
16 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 5.1.2 Unrec overab le Errors An un recoverab le dat a error is def ined as a failure of t he dr ive to recover dat a from the media. T hese errors occur due to head /media or wr ite p roblems. Unrecove rable da ta error s are only detected d uring read opera - tions, b ut n ot caused by t he read.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 17 5.2. 3 Hot plu ggi ng th e dri ve Inserting and removing the drive on the FC-AL will interr upt loop operatio n. The interruption occur s when the receiver of the next device in the loop must synchroni ze to a differ ent input signal.
18 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B Perf orma nce i mpact S.M. A.R.T . attribute dat a is sa ved to th e disc so that the e vent s that caused a predi ctive failur e can be recr e - ated. The drive measu res and saves parame ters once ever y two hours subject to an idle period on the FC-AL bus.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 19 The the rmal monitor system genera tes a war ning code of 01- 0B01 when th e temperat ure exce eds the speci - fied lim it in compliance w ith the SCSI st andard. T he drive tem perature is reporte d in the FRU code field of mode s ense d at a.
20 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B Im pleme nt ation This secti on pro vides all of the info rmation ne cessary to implement the DST f unction o n this d rive. 1 S t ate of t he drive p rior to t esting The dr ive mu st be in a re ady st ate befor e issuing the Send Diagnos tic command.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 21 4 Log p age entrie s When the dr ive b egins DST , it cr eate s a new entr y in the Sel f-test Result s L og p age. The ne w ent ry is crea ted by i nserti ng a new self -te st p ar ame ter block a t the beg i nning of t he se l f-test resu lts l og p a rameter section of the log p age .
22 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B Produ ct rep ai r and ret urn info rmatio n Seag ate customer service centers are the only facilit ies authorized to service Seag ate drives. Seagate does not sanct ion any third -part y repair facilities. Any unau thor ized re pair or t ampering with the facto ry seal voids the w arranty .
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 23 6.0 Physical/el ectrical spe cifications This secti on pro vides infor mation re lating to the physical and electrica l chara cteristics o f the driv e. 6.1 AC po wer re qu ir em ent s None. 6.2 DC po wer re qu ir em ent s The volta ge and current r equir ements for a s ingle d rive a re show n below .
24 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B [1] Measur ed with average r eading D C ammete r . Instan taneou s +12V cur rent peaks will exceed these val - ues. P ower suppl y at nomina l volt age. N ( number of drives tested) = 6, 3 5 Degr ees C ambient .
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 25 6.2.1 Cond ucted nois e immu nity Noise is specifi ed as a per iodic and random distr ibution of fre quencies cover ing a ba nd from DC to 1 0 MHz. Maximum allowed noise valu es given below ar e peak-to- peak measu rement s and apply at the d rive p ower connector .
26 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B Figure 3. T ypical ST936751FC drive +12V and +5V current profiles.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 27 6. 3 Power di ss ipatio n ST9 73451FC T ypical power dissip ation under idle co nditions in 1Gb o peration i s 5.58 watt s (1 9.04 BTUs per hour ). T ypical power dissip ation under idle co nditions in 2Gb o peration i s 5.
28 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B Figure 6. ST 973451FC DC current and power vs. input/output operation s per second at 4 Gbit CURRENT/ P O W ER vs T HROUG HP UT ( F C - 4 G B) Ra ndom 8 Bloc k Re a d s 0.000 0.200 0.400 0.600 0.800 1. 0 0 0 1.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 29 ST9 36751FC T ypical power dissip ation under idle co nditions in 1Gb o peration i s 5.35 watt s (1 8.26 BTUs per hour ). T ypical power dissip ation under idle co nditions in 2Gb o peration i s 5.4 watt s (18 .
30 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B Figure 9. ST 936751FC DC current and power vs. input/output operation s per second at 4 Gbit 6.4 Enviro nmental li mit s T emperatur e and humidity val ues experience d by the driv e must be such that cond ensation does not occu r on any dr ive p art.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 31 b. Non -operating –40° to 1 58°F (–40° to 70°C) package ambie nt with a m aximum gra dient o f 36°F (20 °C) per hour . This speci fication assum es th at th e dr ive is p ackaged in the shippi ng cont ain er desi gne d by Seagate for use w ith drive.
32 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B abnorm al levels may pr omote de graded op eratio nal per formance during the abnor mal shock per iod. S peci - fied ope rational per formance will co ntinue when n ormal ope rating shock levels re sume. Shock ma y be appli ed in the X , Y , or Z axis.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 33 Figu re 1 1. Reco mm e nd ed m ou ntin g Z Y X Z Y X.
34 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B V ibration a. Operati ng—nor mal The dr ive as inst alled for normal oper ation , shall comply wi th the comp lete specifie d perf ormance w hile subjected t o contin uous vibrati on not exce eding 10-500 Hz @ 1.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 35 6.4.7 A cous tics Soun d power dur ing idle m ode shal l be 3.1 be ls typical when mea sured to ISO 77 79 specifica tion. There will not be any d iscrete to nes more tha n 10 dB above the maski ng noise on typical drives wh en mea - sured ac cording to Seaga te specificat ion 305 53-001.
36 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 6. 5 Mecha ni cal spe ci fic at ions Figure 12. D rive dimensions (inches) Height: 0.583 i n 14.8 mm Width: 2.755 i n 69.98 m m De pth: 3.945 in 100.2 m m We ig ht : 0.50 pounds 0.227 ki logram s 2.755 +/- .
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 37 7.0 Defect and error management Seag ate continues to use innovative techno logies to ma nage defect s and erro rs. These tech nologie s are designed to incre ase data integr ity , perform dri ve se lf-m aintena nce, and vali date pro per drive o peration.
38 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B The drive firmware error recove ry algor ithms consist s of 1 1 levels for read reco veries and five levels for w rite. Each level may consist of m ultiple steps, where a step is defined as a re covery function involving a sin gle re- read or re- write a ttempt.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 39 7.4 Back grou nd Med ia Sca n Backgr ound Med ia Scan ( BMS) i s a sel f-initiate d medi a scan. B MS is de fined in the T10 document S PC-4 avai lable from the T10 committee. BM S perform s seque ntial reads across the entire pack o f the media w hile the driv e is idle.
40 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 7.7 Id le Read After Wri te Idle Read After Write (IRA W) utilizes idle tim e to verify the integrity of recently written data.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 41 8.0 Inst allation Savvio disc dri ve insta llati on is a p lug-a nd-play process. There are no jumpe rs, switch es, or te rminators on the driv e. Simply plug the dr ive into the ho st’ s 40-pin Fi bre Channel backpan el connecto r (FC-SCA) — n o cables are re quire d.
42 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B Figu re 1 3 . Air flow 8. 3 Driv e mo unt ing Use M3 x .5 m etric screws to mo unt th e drive using eithe r side, bott om, o r end m ounting holes. Sel ect a screw len gth that result s in a minimum thr ead engageme nt of 0.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 43 9.0 Interface requ irement s This se ction p artiall y describe s the interface req uirement s as i mplement ed on Savvi o drives. Addi tional i nfor - mation is p rovided in the Fibre C hannel Inte rface Manual (p ar t number 100293070) .
44 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 9.1. 2 Fib re Cha nne l tas k m ana gem en t fu nct ion s T able 6 list s the F ibre Channel SCSI F ibre Channel Protocol (FC SCSI FCP) t ask ma nagement funct ions sup - ported .
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 45 9.1.4 Fibre Ch annel port login T able 8 identifies the req uired conten t of the N_P ort Login ( PLOGI) p ayload fr om an initiator .
46 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 9.1.5 Fibr e Chann el por t login acce pt T able 9 ide ntifies the N_P ort Login acc ess p ayload values. 9.1.6 Fibr e Chann el Pro cess Lo gin T able 10 list s th e process logi n pa yload d ata. XX Indicates f ields that are not us ed.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 47 9.1.7 Fibr e Chann el Pro cess Lo gin Accep t T able 1 1 lists Savvi o process log in accept p ayload d ata. 9.1.8 Fibre Ch annel fabr ic login T able 12 list s th e fabric l ogin payl oad fr om the dr ive.
48 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 9.1.9 Fibr e Chann el fa bric ac cept lo gin T able 13 list s th e required conten t of the Fa bric Lo gin Accept ( ACC) p ayload from the fa bric.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 49 9.1.10 Fibr e Chann el Ar bitrated L oop o ption s T able 14 list s th e FC-AL options suppor ted by Savvio dr ives. 9.2 Dual po rt su pp ort Savvio d rives ha ve two indepen dent FC-AL p orts. T hese port s m ay be connecte d on in dependent loop s or on the same loop.
50 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 9. 3 SCSI c om ma nds su ppor te d T able 15 list s th e SCSI comma nds sup ported by Savvi o drives. T able 15: Supported comman ds Command co de Su pp or.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 51 Y Disconnect/reconnect control (page 02h) Y Format page (03h) Y Rigid disc drive geometry page (04h) Y V erify error recovery page (07h) Y Caching paramete.
52 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 2Fh Y Ve r i f y Y Disable page out Y Byte check N Relative address 30h N Search data high 31h N Search data equal 32h N Search data low 33h N Set limits 3.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 53 N LBdata 42-4Bh N Not used 4Ch Y Log Select 4Dh Y Log Sense Y Support Log p age (00h) Y Write Error Counter page (02h) Y Read Error Counter page (03h) N Re.
54 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B [1] Savvio d rives can form at to any multiple of four bytes per log ical block in th e ra nge 512 to 528 bytes. [2] Wa r n i n g . Power lo ss during fl ash pr ogrammi ng can resul t in fi rmware co rru ption.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 55 9.3.1 Inqu iry dat a T able 16 list s the Inq uiry co mmand d ata th at th e drive sh ould r eturn to the i nitiato r per the forma t give n in the Fibre Ch anne l Interface Manual . * Copyright year (changes with actual y ear).
56 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 9. 4 Miscel la neou s oper ati ng fe at ur es a nd c ondi ti ons T able 17 lists vari ous featur es and cond itions. A “Y” in the suppor t column i ndicates the feature o r condi tion is support ed. An “ N” in th e support co lumn ind icates the feat ure o r condition is not supp orted.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 57 9.5 FC -AL phys ic al i nte rface Figure 14 shows the locatio n of the J1 Fibre Channe l single connecti on att achment (FC -SCA). Figure 16 pr o - vides the d imension s of the FC -SCA conn ector . Det ails of the ph ysical, electrical, an d logical chara cteristics are provide d within this secti on.
58 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 9.5.2 Conn ector req uirement s The F C-AL SC A device conn ector is il lustrated i n Figure 16. Figu re 1 6 .
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 59 9.5.4 Pin desc rip tio ns This secti on pro vides a p in-out of the FC-S CA and a descripti on of the f unctions provided by th e pins. T able 20: FC-SCA p in descriptions *Short p ins in m ating backp anel connecto r .
60 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 9.5.5 FC-AL t ransmitt ers and receiv ers A typica l FC-A L dif feren tial copp er transm itter and receiver p air is shown in Figure 17 . Th e receiv er is requ ired to provid e the AC coupling to eliminat e gro und shift noise .
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 61 9.5.8 Active L ED Out The Ac tive LED Ou t signal is d riven b y the drive as indicated in T able 21. The Ac tive LED Out signal is design ed to pull do wn the cathode of an LED. The ano de is att ached to the proper +5 volt supply through an appr opriate curre nt limiti ng resistor .
62 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 9.5.1 1 SEL_6 throu gh SEL _0 ID lines The S EL_6 throu gh SE L_0 ID lines determ ine dr ive ad dress, and, option ally , for an Enclosur e Servic es Inter - face. W hen th e Parall el E SI line is high, the en cl osure backp ane l must pr ovide add ress info rma tion on th e SEL line.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 63 T able 23: Arbitrated loop p hysical address (AL_P A) values AL_ P A (hex) SEL I D (hex) Setting (dec) AL_P A (hex) SEL I D (hex) Setting (dec) AL_P A (hex.
64 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B 9.5.12 Devi ce cont rol codes The dr ive input s a Device Con trol Cod e on the DEV _CTRL_COD E lines at power up to de termine the li nk rate on the Fi bre Channe l port s. Both por ts run at the sam e rat e.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 65 9.6.2 Differ ential P ECL outp ut The se rial PECL outp ut signa l volt age c hara cteristi cs a re p rovided in T able 26. The outp ut s are not A C cou pled in order to deliver maximum signal without rise and fall time deg rada tion.
66 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 67 10.0 Seagate T echnology suppo rt service s Inter net For info rma tion regardin g Seagate pr oducts and services, vi sit www .sea g . Worldw ide support i s availa ble 24 hour s daily by email fo r your que stions.
68 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B Custo mer S ervi ce O pera tion s W arranty Ser vice Seag ate of fer s worldw ide custom er supp ort for Seagate pro duct s. Se agate distr ibutor s, OEMs and other di rect customer s should cont act their Sea gate Customer S ervice Operati ons (CSO) repr esent ative for warra nty- related issu es.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 69 Index Numerics 1 Gbit 60 12 volt pin s 60 2 Gbit 60 3rd pa rty reserve command 5 3 4 Gbit 60 5 volt pins 60 A Abor t Sequence (A BTS) 4 3 abort t ask set f.
70 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B inte rnal 11 data tr ansfer rate 12 data valid e ye 65 Date code page command 5 0 DC power 58 requir emen ts 23 defect an d er ror mana gement 37 deferr ed.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 71 G Good stat us 56 gradien t 31 ground shift no ise 60 ground ing 42 H hard assig ned ar bitrated l oop physical add ress (A L_P A) 41 HDA 42 heads read/wr .
72 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B comman d 50 monitor ing stat e 17 mot or s ta rt controls 61 mounting 42 orientat ions 41 mounting configu ration di mensions 37 MTB F 9 , 15 , 16 N N_Port.
Savvio 1 5K.1 FC P roduct Manua l, Rev. B 73 Read com mand 50 Re ad d a ta m o de ( 2 ) 52 Read defe ct data command 52 Read descr iptor mode (3) 52 read e rro r rates 15 Read exten ded co mmand 51 Re.
74 Savvio 15K.1 F C Produ ct Manual , Rev. B Function not suppor ted 05 44 Function reject 04 44 task set full st atus 56 technical support services 67 temper ature 30 limits 30 non-op erat ing 31 reg.
Seag ate T echnolog y LLC 920 D isc Drive , Scott s V alley, Californ ia 95066- 4544, U SA Public ation N umber: 1 00384763, Rev . B, Prin ted in USA.
デバイスSeagate Savvio 15K.1 FC ST973451FCの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Seagate Savvio 15K.1 FC ST973451FCをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSeagate Savvio 15K.1 FC ST973451FCの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Seagate Savvio 15K.1 FC ST973451FCの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Seagate Savvio 15K.1 FC ST973451FCで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Seagate Savvio 15K.1 FC ST973451FCを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSeagate Savvio 15K.1 FC ST973451FCの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Seagate Savvio 15K.1 FC ST973451FCに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSeagate Savvio 15K.1 FC ST973451FCデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。