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Con tents Prefac e . . ........ . . . . ...... . ... . . ........ . . ........ . . . . ........ . . . .. ....... . .. ....... . . . .. ..... 1 Electr ostatic discharge protection ............................. ................... 1 Imp ortant safety informatio n and p re cautions .
Barracuda 9 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 1 Preface This manual contains infor mation for users of the Seaga te® ST1917 1 Barracud a™ 9 SCSI disc drives.
2 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Re v . A • Turn off the power before removing or installi n g the DC power cable. • Do not remove any circuit boards f rom th e drive. • Never use an ohmmeter on any cir cuit boards. • When i nstalling t he drive on a carr ier or t ray, discharge the carrier or tray prior to insert ing it i nto the system.
Barracuda 9 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 3 Always obse rve the following war nings and p re cautions: • Perform all maintenance by followin g the procedures i n thi s manual. • Follow all cautio ns a nd war nings i n the proce dures. • Use sound safety practices when operating or repair ing the unit.
4 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Re v . A As a component, this drive is d esigned to be installe d and op er- ated in acc or d ance with UL19 50, EN60950 , CSA C2 2. 2 950- M89 , and VDE0805. Seaga t e take s all reas onable steps to ensure that its pro ducts are certifiable to currently a ccepted standards.
Barracuda 9 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 5 aratur d e r Einhe it. Ei nige Verfahren erfordern Spez i a l- werkzeug e; diese müs sen zur sa c hgemäßen Aus führung der Wartungsarbeiten und aus Siche rheitsgründen den Empfehlun- gen entspreche nd verwendet werden.
6 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Re v . A • Wenn eine Einheit unter Spann ung steht, gehen Sie bei der Fehlerdiagnose besonders vorsichtig vor. Schalten Sie die Einheit aus, bevor Si e mit den Reparatur arbeiten beginnen . • Tragen Sie Si cherheits s chuhe , wenn Sie schwere T ei le aus- bzw.
Barracuda 9 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 7 Als Te i l komponente ist dieses Lauf werk für die Inst allation und den Betr ieb in Über einstimmung mit UL 1 950 , EN60950, C S A C22.
8 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Re v . A Eur op ean Uni on Compl iance If this mode l has the CE Marking, it complies w it h the Europea n Union requirem ents of the Electr omag neti c Compati bili ty Direc- tive 89/336/EEC of 03 May 1989 as amended by Di r ective 92/ 31/EEC of 28 Apri l 1 992 and Directive 93/68/EEC of 22 July 1993.
Barracuda 9 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 9 Tec h n ical support s ervices Seaga t e Tec hnology provides tech ni c al s upport l it eratur e and diagnos t ic utilities to authorized distributors. Please c ontact your dealer for technical supp ort and installation troubleshoo ting.
10 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, R ev. A SeaT DD: (40 8) 438-5 382 TDD is a telecommunication device f or the deaf where two peo- ple can communicate using a keyb oard conn ected to th e phone line. A TDD device is required to access this se r vice, which is available from 8:00 A .
Barracuda 9 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 1 1 Gen eral des criptio n Barracuda 9 SCSI disc drives a r e h i gh-speed, random-ac cess digital- dat a storage dev ic es. The d r ive is a com ponent f or installa t ion in an e nclosure designed for the drive.
12 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, R ev. A Characteris t ics ST1917 1 Interface Ul t r aSCSI 1 Capac ity Unformatted 11.7 Gbytes Formatt ed 2 9 .1 Gbyt es Recording Cylinders ( u ser) 5,273 Re a d/writ e data heads 20 Se rvo hea ds Embedded Seek tim e 3 Avera ge read 9 .
Barracuda 9 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 1 3 DC power r equir ements 1 Measured with an average reading DC ammeter. Instanta- neous +12 V cur rent p eaks w ill e xc eed t hese values. Single-e nded Diffe r enti al +5 V 11 ± 5% +12V ± 5% 2 +5V 11 ± 5% +12V ± 5% 2 Voltage regulation 5 Amps Maximum operating current 1 1.
14 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, R ev. A 2 A –10% toleranc e i s permissible during ini tial start of the spin- dle but must return to ±5% before reaching 7 , 200 RPM. The ±5% must be maintained after the drive sign ifies that its power-up seque nce has been co m p l e ted and that the drive is able to accept selection by the host initiator.
Barracuda 9 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 1 5 11 No termin ator power. See 1 1. 7.3.4 in the Barracuda 9 P r oduct Manual. 12 All power-saving features are e nabled; ASA II code o nly. 13 Seeking is defined as a third-stroke s eek at OD. The com- mand is issued every 20 msec.
16 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, R ev. A Init ial setu p info rmation The general information beginning on thi s page ap pl ies t o all of the Barr acuda 9 drive models.
Barracuda 9 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 1 7 SC SI I D ju mpers Each device o n the SCSI chain must h a ve a unique SCSI ID. The host system’s SCSI co nt roll er usually uses the highe s t-num- bered ID available; therefore the lower-numbered SCSI IDs are normally used fo r other SCSI devices such as this Barracuda disc drive.
18 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, R ev. A The top example in Figure 2 s h ows an inter nal hard disc at one end of the SCSI bus with the SCSI co n t roller at t he other e n d (b oth are terminated).
Barracuda 9 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 1 9 Term inato r pow er You usually w ill not n eed t o change this option and ca n n ormally leave th e drive configured as it wa s shipped from the factory. For informati o n about h ow to chan ge the term inator power o ption on your drive, refer to the app ropriat e drive-specific section.
20 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, R ev. A traveled b y a i r that is h e at ed by the dri ve and by other nearb y heat sources. Figure 3 shows two design approache s with one or more fans used t o generate air flow. The air- flow patterns can be created by the fans either pus hing or drawing a ir.
Barracuda 9 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 2 1 Kü hlun g des System s Die Gehäuseko nstr uktion mu ß eine ausreiche nde Kühlung de s Lauf werk es gewähr lei sten.
22 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, R ev. A . Figure 3. Suggested air flow Abbild ung 3. Empfohlener Luftst romverlauf SEAGATE SEAGATE Above unit Über der Einheit Under unit Unter der Einheit Above unit Über der Einheit Under unit Unter der Einheit Note.
Barracuda 9 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 2 3 Mou nti ng the driv e and conne ctin g cabl es Do not touch the c onnector pins o r any components on the con- trol board wit hout observing static- discha r ge pr ecautions. Alw ays handle the drive by the frame only.
24 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, R ev. A 1. Befestigen Sie d as Laufwer k m i t vier 6-32-UN C-Schr aube n am Geh äuse des Host- Systems. Die bei den Seiten de s Laufwe rkes si nd mit je weils zwei Befes t i gungs löcher n versehen, die Unterseite des Laufwerkes weist v i er weit ere Befestig u ngslöch er auf.
Barracuda 9 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 2 5 defined i n IEC 950. Figure 4 pro v i des the pin inf ormation for the DC power conne ct or. To connec t the DC powe r cable to the driv e , simply insert the c able end into the dri ve’s DC power connec tor.
26 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, R ev. A Note. Signal ground on the powe r contr ol board (PCB) and the head and disc assembly (HDA) are c onnec te d to gether in this d rive and you cann ot sepa r ate th e m .
Barracuda 9 Install ation Guide, Rev. A 2 7 tem ein ba uen . D ie da rau s u. U. resu lt ie rende ver st ärk te elektromagnetisc he St rahlung fällt in den Zuständigke its- bereich des Systemdes i g n er s . 5. Replace the host system’s cover. 5.
28 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, R ev. A N driv es N/ND d rives section Settin g the SCS I ID jumper s Use the J6 connector to set the SCSI ID (s e e Fi g ur e 5). To chan ge the SCSI I D, i n st all j umpers on t h e ap propr iate pin s a s shown in th e i llust rati o n .
Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Rev. A 29 N driv es Term inati ng the d riv e ST1917 1N dr ives are terminated with p e rmanently mounted IC active termi n at o r s.
30 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, R ev. A N driv es Term inato r pow er There are thr ee possible terminator power configuratio n s for ST1917 1N drives ( see Figure 7). You will not normally need to chan ge t his option and c an leave the drive configured a s it was shipped from the factory.
Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Rev. A 31 N driv es O ther app licab le jump er opti on s Several oth e r jump e r options are a v ai lable as illustrat ed. Figur e 8. Addit ional jumper optio n s Enable parity check of SCSI bus (default). Disable parity check.
32 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, R ev. A W/WD drives W/ WD dri ves secti on Settin g the SCS I ID jumper s Use the J6 jumper block to set the SCSI ID (Figure 9). To chan ge the SCSI ID, install j umpe rs on the appro pr iate pi ns as shown in the ill u st rati o n.
Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Rev. A 33 W/WD driv es Figure 10. Using the J1 auxil iary jumper block A 3 A 2 A 1 A 0 DC Power Connector 68 Pin SCSI I/O Connector J1 Auxiliary Pin 1 J1 Auxil.
34 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, R ev. A W/WD drives Term inati ng the d riv e ST1917 1W d rives a r e terminate d w ith permanently mounted IC active termi n at o r s. If you install one of these drives and i t is not on th e end of the SCSI bus, disable the termi nators by r emov i n g the jumper f rom pins 15 a nd 1 6 of conn ector J2 .
Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Rev. A 35 W/WD driv es Term inato r pow er There are thr ee possible terminator power configuratio n s for ST1917 1W drives (see F ig ure 12) . You wi ll not no r mally n eed to chan ge t his option and c an leave the drive configured a s it was shipped from the factory.
36 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, R ev. A W/WD drives O ther app licab le jump er opti on s Oth er option jumpers ar e a vail ab l e as illu s t rated bel ow. Figure 13. Additional jumper opti ons Enable parity check of SCSI bus (default). Disable parity check.
Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, Rev. A 37 WC/DC drives W C/DC d rive s sectio n Settin g the SCS I ID jumper s The SCSI ID for WC and DC dri ves is normally s et over th e SCSI bus by the host system using co n nector co nt acts 39 (ID0), 40 (ID2), 79 (ID1) , and 80 ( ID3).
38 Barracuda 9 Installation Guide, R ev. A WC/DC d riv e s Ap plica bl e jump er op tio ns Option jumpers are available as i llustrated below. Figure 14.
Seag ate Tech no logy, I nc . 92 0 Disc Dri ve, Scotts Valley, CA 95066-4544, USA Publicatio n Number: 83 329020 , Rev. A, Pr inted in USA.
デバイスSeagate ST19171Nの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Seagate ST19171Nをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSeagate ST19171Nの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Seagate ST19171Nの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Seagate ST19171Nで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Seagate ST19171Nを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSeagate ST19171Nの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Seagate ST19171Nに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSeagate ST19171Nデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。