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Barracuda 720 0.7 Serial A T A ST320082 2AS ST316082 7AS ST316002 3AS ST316002 1AS ST312082 7AS ST312002 6AS ST312002 2AS ST380817 AS ST380013 AS ST38001 1AS ST3401 1 1 AS ST340014 AS.
Barracuda 720 0.7 Serial A T A ST320082 2AS ST316082 7AS ST316002 3AS ST316002 1AS ST312082 7AS ST312002 6AS ST312002 2AS ST380817 AS ST380013 AS ST38001 1AS ST3401 1 1 AS ST340014 AS.
©2003–2 004–20 05 Sea gate T e chnology LLC All rights res erved Public ation num ber: 1002 70024, R ev . N Septemb er 20 05 Seagate and Seag ate T echn ology ar e regis tered tra demarks of Se agate T echnology LLC.
Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial ATA P roduct M anual, Rev. N iii Contents 1.0 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 About the Serial ATA in terface .
iv Barrac uda 720 0.7 Ser ial AT A Prod uct Ma nual, R ev. N.
Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial ATA P roduct M anual, Rev. N v List of Figures Figure 1. Typical 5V startup and ope ration c urrent p rofile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Figure 2. Typical 12V s tartup and operati on current profile .
Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Produc t Manua l, Rev . N 1 1.0 Introduction This m anual describes the fun ctional , mecha nical an d inte rface sp ecific ations for the fo llowing S eagate Barracud a ® 7200 .7 Seria l A T A model dri ves: T able 1: Barracuda 7200.
2 Barracuda 7200. 7 Serial A T A Product M anual, Rev . N 1.1 About the Serial A T A interface The Serial A T A inter face provi des se veral a dva nta ges ov er the trad itio nal ( par alle l) A T A inte rface. The primar y advantages i nclu de: • Easy ins tallation and configurat ion with t rue plug-a nd-play c onnectivity .
Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Produc t Manua l, Rev . N 3 2.0 Drive speci fications Unless ot herwise n oted, all sp ecifi cations are measur ed under ambien t condition s, at 25° C, and nominal power .
4 Barracuda 7200. 7 Serial A T A Product M anual, Rev . N Average latency (msec) 4.16 Power-on t o ready (typical) 10 sec S t andby to ready (typical) 10 sec S t ar tup current (typical) 12V (peak) 2.8 amps Track-to-track seek time (m sec typical) <1.
Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Produc t Manua l, Rev . N 5 *One Gbyte equals one billion bytes when referring to hard drive c apacity . Accessible capacity may vary depending on operating e nvironment and formatting. **During periods of drive idle, som e offli ne activity may occur ac cording to the S .
6 Barracuda 7200. 7 Serial A T A Product M anual, Rev . N 2.4 Physical or ganization 2.5 Recording and interf ace technology 2.5.1 Physica l charact eristic s Drive mode l Read/wr ite heads Number of .
Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Produc t Manua l, Rev . N 7 2.6 Seek time Seek mea suremen ts are taken with nomina l power at 25°C am bient tempe rature.
8 Barracuda 7200. 7 Serial A T A Product M anual, Rev . N • Operating power and c urrent Operating power is mea sured u sing 40 percen t random seeks, 40 pe rcent r ead/writ e mode (1 write for e ach 10 reads ) and 20 percent drive i dle mo de.
Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Produc t Manua l, Rev . N 9 T ypical curr ent pro files Figure 1. T ypical 5V st artup and operation curre nt profile Figure 2. T ypical 12V st artup and operati on current profile 2.8.2 Defer red sp inup Barracud a 7200.
10 Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Product M anual, Rev . N cessful excha nge of Out-O f-Band (OOB ) sign als with a fu nction al ho st-sid e Seri al A T A po rt. In d eskto p system s, SA T A trans ceiver s shoul d initi alize OO B as soo n as po wer come s ready to guar antee th e drive spi ns up quick ly .
Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Produc t Manua l, Rev . N 1 1 2.8.5 Power-m anageme nt modes The driv e provides programmab le power mana gement to p rovide grea ter energy effici ency . In most s ystems, you can co ntrol power manage ment thr ough the s ystem setu p program .
12 Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Product M anual, Rev . N 2.9.2 T emperat ure grad ient 2.9.3 Humidity Relative hu midity Wet bulb temperatu re 2.9.4 Altitude 2.9.5 Shock All shoc k speci fication s ass ume that th e drive is mounted secure ly with th e input s hock appl ied at the drive mounting s crews .
Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Produc t Manua l, Rev . N 13 2.9.6 Vibration All vib ration sp ecifi cations assume tha t the dri ve is moun ted secur ely with th e input vibr ation applied at th e drive m ountin g screw s. Vibration may b e appl ied in the X, Y or Z axis.
14 Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Product M anual, Rev . N 2.1 1 Electroma gnetic immunity When pro perly i nstalled in a repres entative host sys tem, the d rive ope rates withou t error s or degr adation i n perform ance when subje cted to the radi o freq uency ( RF) env ironmen ts defined in the followin g table: 2.
Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Produc t Manua l, Rev . N 15 2.13 Agency certifi cation 2.13.1 Safety ce rtification The drive s a re re co gni ze d in ac co rd ance wi th UL 1950 and CSA C22 .2 ( 950 ) a nd m eet a ll appl ic ab le s ec ti ons of IEC950 a nd EN 6 0950 as tested by TUV Nor th Am erica.
16 Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Product M anual, Rev . N Australian C-Tick (N176) If these mode ls h ave the C-Tick marking, they com ply wi th the Austr alia/N ew Zeal and St andard AS/NZS 3548 1995 and me et the Electrom agneti c Compatibilit y (EMC) Framework requirem ents of the Austra lian Com muni- cation A uthority (ACA).
Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Produc t Manua l, Rev . N 17 2.14 Environmental protection Seaga te designs its prod ucts to meet environ mental protectio n requirements wor ldwide, incl uding regul ations restri cting cer tain chem ical su bstances .
18 Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Product M anual, Rev . N.
Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Produc t Manua l, Rev . N 19 3.0 Configur ing and mo untin g the drive This sec tion c ontains the s peci fication s and instruc tions for con figuring and mo unting the driv e.
20 Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Product M anual, Rev . N 3.2 Configuring t he drive Each drive on the S erial A T A inter face co nnects i n a p oint-to- point configur ation with the Serial A T A host adapter . The re is n o mas ter/slav e re lation ship because each driv e is c onsider ed a m aster i n a poi nt-to -point relatio nships.
Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Produc t Manua l, Rev . N 21 3.4 Drive mounti ng Y ou can mount the drive in any o rientation u sing four s crews in the side -mountin g holes or four sc rews in th e bottom-m ounting holes. S ee Figu re 5 on page 2 2 for d rive mo unting di mensions .
22 Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Product M anual, Rev . N Figure 5. Mounting dime nsio ns—to p, side and end view 4.000 (101.6) 5.787 (146.9898) max. 1.028 max (26.111 max) 2.00 (50.80) 1.638 (41.605) 4.000 (101.6) 2 x 1.750 (2 x 44.45) 2 x 3.750 (2 x 95.
Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Produc t Manua l, Rev . N 23 4.0 Ser ia l A T A (SA T A) in te r fac e These drives use th e industry- st andar d Serial A T A interf ace that sup ports FIS data trans fers. It sup ports A T A programme d input/o utput ( PIO) mod es 0–4; mul tiword D MA modes 0– 2, and Ult ra DMA modes 0– 6.
24 Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Product M anual, Rev . N 4.2 Serial A T A dev ice plug connec tor pin def initions T a ble 8 s ummari zes the s ignals on the Ser ial A T A inte rface an d power connect ors. Notes: 1. All pin s are in a singl e row , with a 1.
Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Produc t Manua l, Rev . N 25 3. There are thr ee power pins for each voltage. One pin from each volta ge is used for pre-ch arge whe n installed i n a bl ind-ma te back plane c onfig uration. 4. All use d vol tage pins (V x ) must be termina ted.
26 Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Product M anual, Rev . N 4.3 Supported A T A commands The follo wing table lists Ser ial A T A standard co mmands that the driv e supports. Fo r a detailed desc riptio n of the A T A co mmands, r efer to th e Seria l A T A: High S peed Seriali zed A T At tachment spec ificati on .
Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Produc t Manua l, Rev . N 27 Write DMA without Retries CBh Write Multi ple C5h Wri te Multip le Extende d 39h Wri te Sectors 30h , 31h Wri te Sectors Extended 34h A T A.
28 Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Product M anual, Rev . N 4.3.1 Identify De vice comman d The Ident ify Device c omman d (comma nd code E C H ) trans fers inf ormation about the drive to the host fol lowin g power up. T he data is o rg anize d as a s in gle 51 2- byte b loc k of data, who se c onte nts are sho w n in the table o n page 27.
Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Produc t Manua l, Rev . N 29 53 Words 54–58, 64 –70 and 8 8 are vali d 0007 H 54 Number of c urrent logica l cylin ders xxxx H 55 Number of c urrent log ical head s.
30 Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Product M anual, Rev . N Note. Advance d Powe r Manag ement (APM) and Au tomatic Ac oustic Mana gement (AAM) featu res are n ot supporte d Note. See the b it descri ptions below for words 63, 88, and 93 of the Identi fy Drive da ta.
Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Produc t Manua l, Rev . N 31 Description (if bit is set to 1 ) Bit Word 63 0 M ult i w ord DMA mo de 0 i s sup por ted. 1 M ult i w ord DMA mo de 1 i s sup por ted. 2 M ult i w ord DMA mo de 2 i s sup por ted. 8 M ult iw ord DMA mo de 0 i s cur rent ly a cti ve.
32 Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Product M anual, Rev . N 4.3.2 Set Features command This com mand c ontrols the im plemen tation of v arious f eature s that the d rive s upports. Wh en the d rive r eceives this comma nd, it sets BSY , ch ecks the cont ents of the Features re gister , clears BS Y and generates an inter- rupt.
Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Produc t Manua l, Rev . N 33 4.3.3 S.M.A.R.T . commands S.M.A.R.T . provides near-ter m failure predicti on for disc drives . When S.M .A.R.T . is enabled, the dr ive moni- tors pre dete rm in ed driv e attri bute s tha t a re s usce pti ble t o degr ad ati on ov er t ime .
34 Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Product M anual, Rev . N.
Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Produc t Manua l, Rev . N 35 5.0 Seagate T echnol ogy support services Online serv ices Internet www .seagat for infor matio n about Seag ate pro ducts and ser vices. World wide s upport is availab le 24 hours d aily by e-mail for your questio ns.
36 Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Product M anual, Rev . N Customer Se rvice Opera tions W arranty Service Seagate offers wo rldwide cus tomer supp ort for Seagate drives. Seag ate distri butors, OEMs and other direct cust omers sh ould contact t heir Sea gate Cus tomer Service O pera tions (CS O) rep resentative for warr anty- related i ssues.
Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Produc t Manua l, Rev . N 37 European support services For presa les and tec hnical s upport in E urope, dia l the Sea gate Serv ice Cent er toll-fr ee number fo r your spe- cific lo catio n.
38 Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Product M anual, Rev . N Asia/Pacific support ser vices For Asia/ Paci fic pres ales and tec hnica l suppor t, dial the toll-fre e number for your spe cific lo cat ion. The As ia/ Pacific toll-fr ee numb ers are av ailable from 6:0 0 A .
Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Produc t Manua l, Rev . N 39 Publica ti on fe edba ck survey We are intereste d in you r comm ents and su ggesti ons rega rding this pu blicatio n. Plea se take a few minutes to participate in our survey at the fo llowing U RL: http://surv ey .
40 Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial A T A Product M anual, Rev . N.
Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial ATA P roduct M anual, Rev. N 41 Inde x A ACA 16 acousti cs 4 , 13 Active 11 Active mode 11 actuator arm 7 Addres s 26 Agenc y ce rtifi catio n 15 Altitude 12 Altitude , nonop.
42 Barrac uda 720 0.7 Seri al ATA Prod uct Manua l, Rev. N H Handling pr ecauti ons 1 9 heads 3 , 5 Height 3 Humidity 12 humid ity 4 I I/O data-tr ansfer rat e 3 , 6 Identif y Device 26 Identify D evi.
Barracud a 7200. 7 Serial ATA P roduct M anual, Rev. N 43 Read Sectors without Retries 26 Read Verify Sectors 26 Read Ver ify Sector s Exten ded 26 Read Ver ify Sector s without Retries 2 6 read/write.
44 Barrac uda 720 0.7 Seri al ATA Prod uct Manua l, Rev. N Write M ult iple 27 Write M ultipl e Extend ed 27 Write S ectors 27.
Seagate T ec hnol ogy LL C 920 Disc Dri ve, Sco tts Valley , Ca lifornia 9 5066-454 4, USA Public ation Numbe r: 100 270024 , Rev . N, Prin ted in USA.
デバイスSeagate ST310005N1A1ASRKの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Seagate ST310005N1A1ASRKをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSeagate ST310005N1A1ASRKの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Seagate ST310005N1A1ASRKの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Seagate ST310005N1A1ASRKで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Seagate ST310005N1A1ASRKを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSeagate ST310005N1A1ASRKの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Seagate ST310005N1A1ASRKに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSeagate ST310005N1A1ASRKデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。