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Cheet ah 15K.5 FC ST33 00655F C ST31 46855F C ST37 3455F C.
©2006, 2007, Se agate T echnology LLC All righ ts res erved Pub lication nu mber: 100 384772, Rev . D May 20 07 Sea gate, Seagate Techn ology and th e Wa ve logo are regi stered trad emarks of Seagate Techn ology LLC i n the United States a nd/or oth er countrie s.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D i.
ii Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D i Cont ent s 1.0 S cope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.0 Ap plicable stan dards an d reference d ocumentatio n .
ii Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D 6.4.1 T emperatu re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 6.4.2 Relat ive humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D iii 9.5.12 D evice control codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 9.6 S ignal charac teristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D v List o f Fi gures Figure 1. Typical ST330065 5FC drive, 4 G bit, +12V cur rent prof ile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Figure 2. Typical ST330065 5FC drive, 4 G bit, +5V curr ent profile .
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 1 1.0 S cope This ma nual de scribes Seagate T e chnology ® LLC, Cheet ah ® 15 K.5 FC (Fibr e Chann el) disc dri ves. Che etah 1 5K.5 FC drives suppo rt the F ibre Channel Arbitrat ed Loop a nd SCS I Fibre Cha nnel Protocol speci fi - catio ns to the extent de scribed in this manu al.
2 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 3 2.0 Appl icable st andards and ref erence docu ment ation The dr ive has been d evelope d as a system p eriphe ral to the hig hest st and ards of desig n and construc tion.
4 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D 2.1.2 Elect roma gn etic com plia nce Seag ate uses an ind ependent l aboratory to confirm comp liance w ith the dir ectives/st andards f or CE Ma rking and C-T ick Marking. T he dr ive was tested in a r epre sent ative system for typical applications.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 5 Seag ate also h as internal system s in place to en sure ongoing complian ce with the RoHS Direct ive and all laws and regu lations which restr ict chemical conte nt in el ectron ic produ cts.
6 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 7 3.0 General d escription Cheet ah 15K .5 FC drive s provide high perfor man ce, high cap acity dat a stor age for a variety of systems includ - ing engi neering wor kstations, n etwork server s, mainframe s, and superco mputers.
8 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D 3. 1 S tand ar d featu re s Cheet ah 15 K.5 FC dri ves have the f ollowing st andard f eatures: • Perp endicula r recordin g technology • 4-Gbi t Fibre .
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 9 3.3 P erfo rm ance • Prog rammable multi- segment able cache buf fer • 800 Mb ytes/sec maximum instant aneous d ata tra nsfers per port • 15k R PM spindle; aver age latency = 2.
10 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D change the capacity it is currently for matted to have. A numb er in the number of blocks fiel d that is l e ss t han the ma ximum numb er of LB As changes the tot al drive cap acity to th e value in the block d escriptor nu mber of blocks field.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 11 4.0 Performance cha racteristics This secti on provi des det ailed inf ormation co ncerning pe rformance -related ch aracteri stics and fe atures of Che etah 15 K.5 FC dr ives. 4.1 Int e rnal driv e ch arac ter is tic s ST3300655FC ST3146855FC ST373455FC Drive capacity* 300.
12 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D 4.2.2 For mat co mmand ex ecution time (minut es) 4.2.3 Ge neral perfor mance charac teristic s 4.3 S t art/ stop time If the Mot or S tart option i s disabled, the drive be comes ready with in 20 seconds af ter DC po wer is applie d.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 13 the app licable byt es in pag e 08h. P refetch and cache operations are i ndependent features f rom the st andpoi nt that each is enabled a nd disabled i .
14 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D If the numb er o f write dat a logical blo cks excee d the size o f the segm ent b eing wr itten into, wh en th e en d of the segment is re ached , the dat.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 15 5.0 Reliabili ty specificat ions The follow ing reliability specifi cations assume cor rect hos t and drive ope rational interface , inclu ding all inter - face timi ngs, power supply volt ages, e nvironment al requir ements and drive m ounting constr aints.
16 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D 5.1.3 Seek errors A seek err or is defined as a failu re of the drive to pos i tion the heads to the ad dressed track. Aft er detec ting an initia l seek error , the drive autom ati cally perf orms an error recover y process.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 17 The Pass-thro ugh st ate is disabled while the drive performs se l f test of the FC interfac e. The contr ol line for an externa l port b ypass cir cuit remains in the Enabl e Byp ass sta te while self test is runni ng.
18 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D Re po rti ng co ntr ol Reporti ng is con trolled by the M R I E bits in the Info rmati onal Excepti ons Control mode p age (1C h). Subject to the repo rting me thod, the firmwar e will issue to th e ho st an 01- 5Dxx sense code.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 19 be use d to set this trip point. The d efault value for th is drive is 68°C, however , you can set it to any value i n the range of 0 to 68°C. If yo u specify a temperature greater than 6 8°C in this field , the temp erature is rounded down to 68 °C.
20 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D • Motor will not spin • Motor will not lock to speed • Servo will not lock on track • Drive cannot read conf igurat ion tables f rom the disc In these condition s, the drive r esponds to a T e st Unit Ready command with an 0 2/04/00 or 02/04/03 code.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 21 The dr ive will report the failur e condition and LB A (if applicable) in the Self-test Re sults Log p arameter . The Sense key , ASC, AS CQ, and FRU ar e used to r eport the fa ilure conditi on. 5 Abor t There are severa l ways to abort a d iagnost ic.
22 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 23 6.0 Physical/el ectrical spe cifications This secti on prov i d es informatio n relating to the physi cal and electrica l chara cteristics of the d rive. 6.1 AC po wer re quir em ent s None. 6.2 DC po wer re quir em ent s The voltage a nd curre nt requi rements for a s ingle d rive are shown below .
24 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D [1] Measur ed with aver age readin g DC am meter . Instan taneou s +12V current peaks will exceed these val - ues. P ower supply at n ominal voltage. N ( number of drives tested) = 6, 3 5 Degrees C a mbient.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 25 314 I/Os pe r second for S T3146855FC an d ST373455F C m odels. Curre nt and power spe cified at nomi - nal volt ag es. Decrea sing +5 vol t supply by 5% increases 5 V olt curre nt by 3.5% . Decreasin g +12 vol t sup - ply b y 5% increa ses 12 volt curr ent by 2.
26 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D Not e: All times and currents are typical. See T ables 2, 3, and 4 for maximum current requirements. Figure 1.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 27 Figure 3. T ypical ST3146855FC drive, 4 Gbit, +12V current profile Figure 4. T ypical ST3146855FC drive, 4 Gbit, +5V current profile.
28 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D Figure 5. T ypical ST373455FC drive, 4 Gbit, +12V current profile Figure 6. T ypical ST373455FC drive. 4 Gbit, +5V current profile.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 29 6. 3 Po wer diss ipatio n ST3 300655FC T ypical power dissip ation under idle conditi ons in 4 Gbit o perati on is 13.3 watt s (45.4 B TUs per hour). T o obta in operating power for typ ical random rea d operations, re fer to the following I/O ra te curve (see Figu re 7 ).
30 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D ST3 146855FC T ypical power dissipati on under idle conditi ons in 4 Gbit o peration i s 10.56 wat ts (36.0 BTUs per hour). T o obta in operating power for typ ical random rea d operations, re fer to the following I/O ra te curve (see Figu re 7 ).
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 31 ST3 73455FC T ypical power dissip ation under idle conditi ons in 4 Gbit o perati on is 9.12 watt s (31.1 B TUs per hour). T o obta in operating power for typ ical random rea d operations, re fer to the following I/O ra te curve (see Figu re 7 ).
32 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D b. Non -operating –40° to 1 58°F (–40 ° to 70°C) p ackage ambi ent with a m aximum gra dient o f 36°F (20 °C) per hour . This speci fication assumes th at th e dr i ve is p ackaged i n the shipping cont ain er designe d by Se agate for use with drive.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 33 b. Operati ng—abno rmal Equipm ent, as insta lled for n ormal opera tion, does not i ncur physical da mage while su bjected to i ntermit - tent shock not exceeding 40 Gs at a maxi mum durati on of 1 1 msec (h alf sinewave).
34 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D Figu re 1 1. Re c o mmende d moun t in g Z Y X Z Y X.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 35 V ibration a. Operati ng—normal The dr ive as inst alled for norm al operation, shall co mply wi th the comp lete specifie d performa nce while subjected t o contin uous vibration not exceeding 10-500 Hz @ 0.
36 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D Users shoul d use cau tion exposing an y electro nic component s to uncon trolled chemi cal poll utant s and corr o - sive chemi cals as el ectroni c dr ive com ponen t reliab i lity can be af fecte d by the i nst allati on enviro nmen t.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 37 6. 5 M echa nica l spe ci ficat ion s The follow ing nominal dim ensions are excl usive of the decor ative front pa nel accessory . However , dimensions of the fro nt panel ar e shown in fi gu re belo w . Refer to F igure 12 for deta iled mou nting conf igura ti on dime nsi ons.
38 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 39 7.0 Defect and error management Seag ate continues to use innovative technologies to ma nage defect s and erro rs. These tech nologies a re designed to incre ase data integrity , perform drive se lf-m aintena nce, and validat e proper drive o peration.
40 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D The drive firmware erro r recovery algor ithms consist s of 1 1 levels for read reco veries and five leve ls for write. Each level may consist of m ultiple steps, where a step is defined as a recovery function involving a si ngle r e- read or re- write attemp t.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 41 [1] These va lues are subje ct to change. Setting these r etry count s to a value belo w the default se tting could result in an incr eased unrecover ed error rate whic h may exceed the value g iven in this pro duct manual .
42 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D With BMS, the host system can consu me less power and system over head by only checking BMS status and result s rat her th an tying up th e bus a nd consu ming p ow er in the pr ocess o f host- initiated media scanning activ - ity .
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 43 8.0 Inst allation Cheet ah 15K.5 FC di sc drive instal lation is a plug- and-play pro cess. There are no jum pers, switches, or ter mi - nators on th e drive. Simply plug the drive into the host’ s 40-pin Fibre C hannel backp anel connector (F C- SCA) — no cables ar e required .
44 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D If forced ai r is necessary , possible air- flow patter ns are shown in Fig ure 13. The air- flow pattern s are created by fans either forcing or drawing air as sho wn in the illustrations.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 45 8.5 G round ing Signal ground (P CBA) and HDA groun d are conn ected toget her in the drive an d cannot be separa ted by the user . The equipment in which the drive is moun ted is connected directl y to the HDA and PCBA with no el ectri - cally isolating shock mounts .
46 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 47 9.0 Interface requ irement s This secti on pa rtially descri bes the interf ace requirem ents as imp lemented on Cheet ah 15K.5 FC drives. Addi - tion al informatio n is prov ided in the F ibre Channel Interf ace Manual ( part n umber 10 0293070).
48 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D 9.1. 2 Fib re Cha n nel t as k ma na gem ent fu nct ions T able 7 list s the F ibre Chann el SCS I Fibre Channel Protocol ( FC SCS I FCP) t ask ma nagement functio ns sup - ported .
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 49 9.1.4 Fibre Ch annel port login T able 9 ide ntifies the req uired content of th e N_Port L ogin (PLOGI) p ayload fr om an initiator .
50 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D 9.1.5 Fibr e Chann el port lo gin accept T able 10 id entifies the N _Port Login a ccess payloa d values. 9.1.6 Fibr e Chann el Process Login T able 1 1 lists the proce ss login paylo ad data . XX I ndicates fields that are not us ed.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 51 9.1.7 Fibr e Chann el Process Login A ccept T able 12 lis ts Che etah 15 K.5 FC pr ocess login accep t payl oad dat a. 9.1.8 Fibre Ch annel fabric lo gin T able 13 lis ts th e fabric logi n paylo ad from th e drive.
52 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D 9.1.9 Fibr e Chann el fabr ic accept login T able 14 lis ts th e required content of th e Fabric Lo gin Accept ( ACC) p ayload from the fabric.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 53 9.1.10 Fibre Ch annel Ar bitrated L oop opt ions T able 15 lis ts th e FC-AL options suppor ted by Cheet ah 15K .5 FC drives. 9.2 Dual port supp ort Che etah 1 5K.5 FC drives have two inde pendent F C-AL po rts.
54 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D 9. 3 SC SI c omma nds supp or ted T able 16 lis ts th e SCSI comma nds supporte d by Cheet ah 15 K.5 FC driv es.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 55 Y V erify error recovery page (07h) Y Caching parameters page (08h) Y Control mode p age (0Ah) Y Fibre Channel Interface C ontrol page (19h) Y Power contr.
56 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D 32h N Search data low 33h N Set limits 34h N Prefetch 35h Y Synchronize cache 36h N Lock-unlock-cache 37h Y Read defect data 39h N Compare 3Ah N Copy and v.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 57 [1] Che etah 15 K.5 FC dri ves can form at to 512, 5 20, 524 or 528 b ytes per l ogical block. [2] Wa rn i n g . Power lo ss during fla sh progr ammin g can re sult in fi rmware co rruption. This usually makes the driv e inoperab le.
58 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D 9.3.1 Inqu iry dat a T able 17 list s the Inq uiry comma nd dat a that th e drive sh ould retur n to the initiato r per the forma t given i n the Fibre Ch anne l Interface Manual . * Copy right year (changes w ith actual year).
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 59 On standa rd OEM drives, the saved values are taken from the default values list and store d into the saved values stor age loc ation on the m edia prior to shipping. 3. Cur rent values Curren t values are volatil e values being used by the dri ve to contro l it s oper ation .
60 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D T able 18: Mode Sense data saved, default and ch angeable values for ST3300655FC drive s MMODE SENSE (10 BYTE) HEADER DATA 00 ae 00 10 00 00 00 08 22 ec b2.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 61 T able 19: Mode Sense data default and changeable values fo r ST3146855FC drives MODE SENSE (10 BYTE) HEADER DATA 00 ae 00 10 00 00 00 08 11 17 73 3 0 00 .
62 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D T able 20: Mode Sense data default and changeable values fo r ST373455FC drives MODE SENSE (10 BYTE) HEADER DATA 00 ae 00 10 00 00 00 08 08 8b b9 9 8 00 00.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 63 9. 4 M iscel lane ous oper ating feat ures and con diti ons T able 21 lists vari ous featur es and cond i tions. A “Y” in the support col umn indica tes the featu re or condi tion is support ed. An “ N ” in the suppo rt column ind icates th e feature o r condition is no t supported .
64 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D 9.5 FC-A L ph ysic al in terfa ce Figure 14 sho ws the l ocation o f the J1 Fibre Channel single conn ection attachment (FC-S CA). Figure 16 pr o - vides the d imension s of the FC- SCA connector . Det ails of the physical , e lectrical, an d lo gical chara cteristics are provide d within this secti on.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 65 9.5.2 Conn ector req uirement s The F C-A L SC A device conn ector i s illu strat ed in F i gur e 16. Co nt act your pr eferr ed co nnecto r vend ors fo r m at - ing conne ctor par t number s. Figure 16. FC-AL SCA d evice connector dimensions 9.
66 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D T able 23: FC-SCA p in descriptions *Short p ins in mating b ackpanel co nnector . [1] This pin may be co nnected to external logic to d etect the p resence of the drive. The dr ive connect s this pin to the common gr ound.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 67 9.5.6 P ower Power is supplied through the FC-SCA with support for +5 volt s and +12 vo lts. All of the volt age pins in the drive con nector are the same l ength. Four 12 volt pins provide +12 volt power to the drive.
68 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D 9.5.8 Active L ED Out The Ac tive LED Ou t signal is d riven by the d rive as indi cated in T able 25. The Ac tive LED Out signal i s designed to pull do wn the catho de of an LED. The ano de is att ached to the proper +5 volt supply through an appr opriate curre nt lim iting resistor .
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 69 9.5.1 1 SEL_6 through SEL_0 ID l ines The S EL_6 throu gh SEL_0 ID lines de termine dr ive ad dress, and, optionally , for an Enclosure S ervices Inter - face. W hen th e Parall el E SI line is high, the en cl osure backp ane l must pr ovide add ress info rma tion on th e SEL line.
70 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D T able 26: Arbitrated loop physical address (AL_P A) values AL_ P A (hex) SEL I D (hex) Setting (dec) AL_P A (hex) SEL I D (hex) Setting (dec) AL_P A (hex).
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 71 9.5.12 Device cont rol codes The dr ive input s a Device Control Code on the DEV_CTRL_C ODE lines at power up to determ ine the link r ate on the Fi bre Channe l ports.
72 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D 9.6.2 LED d river sign als Fault and Active LED signal s are located in the FC-SC A connector (J1) . See T able 30 for the output character - istics of the L ED drive signals. 9.6. 3 FC Di ffer ent ial outpu t The ser ial output sign al volta ge character istics are provided i n T able 31.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 73 Figure 19 provides t he da ta valid eye diagram for typical a nd minimum requireme nts to r ecover dat a at the speci fied interface error r ate.
74 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 75 10.0 Seagat e T echnolo gy suppo rt services Onli ne s ervices Inter net www . for in formation about S eagate p roducts and ser vi ce s. W orldwide su pport is available 24 hours d aily by e- mail for your questions.
76 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D Seag ate CSO war ranty cent ers for a ssi sta nce. Have your drive’ s “ST” model nu mber and serial number avail - able. Data Re co ve ry Ser vic e s Seag ate off ers data recovery se rvices for all formats an d all br ands of storage m edia.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 77 Eu ropean supp ort serv ices For presales an d technical suppor t in Europe, dial th e Seagate S ervice C enter toll-free n umber fo r your spe - cific locatio n. If your location i s not listed here, di al our pre sales and technical support call cente r at +1-405- 324-47 14 from 8:00 A .
78 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D As ia/Paci fic supp ort s ervices For As ia/Pacific presa les and techni cal support, dial the to ll -free n umber for your speci fic locatio n. The Asia/ Pacific toll - free n umbe rs are avai lable f rom 6:00 A .
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 79 Index Numerics 12 volt pin s 67 3rd pa rty reserve command 5 7 5 volt pins 67 A Abor t Sequence (A BTS) 47 abort t ask set function 48 AC coup ling 66 AC .
80 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D D DAR 42 data block size modifi ng the 9 data he ads read/wr ite 11 data ra te inte rnal 11 data tr ansfer rate 12 data valid e ye 73 Date code page comman.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 81 Firmw are do wnload opti on comma nd 56 Firmw are nu mbers page comm and 54 flawe d sector real location 8 FLOGI received on Port A 51 received on Port B .
82 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D Defe rred er ror handling 63 FC-AL selective reset 63 Para meter ro unding 63 Queue ta gging 63 Reporti ng actual retr y count 63 Segm ented caching 63 SMP.
Cheetah 1 5K.5 FC P roduct M anual, Rev. D 83 requir ements, A C 23 requir ements, DC 23 sequencing 25 Power control pag e (1Ah) command 55 pow er distributi on 3 power failure warning 71 Pref etch co.
84 Cheetah 15K.5 F C Product Manu al, Rev. D shock 32 , 33 and vibra tion 3 2 shock mount 45 signal characte ristics 71 LED dr iver 72 single-un i t shipping pack kit 1 0 SMART 9 , 17 SMP = 1 in Mode Select comm and 63 SO 49 , 52 spindl e brake 8 Stacked connection r eq.
Seag ate T echno logy L LC 920 D isc Drive , Scotts V alley , Califo rnia 95066- 4544, U SA Public ation Numb er: 10038 4772, R ev . D, Printed in USA.
デバイスSeagate ST3146855FCの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Seagate ST3146855FCをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSeagate ST3146855FCの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Seagate ST3146855FCの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Seagate ST3146855FCで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Seagate ST3146855FCを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSeagate ST3146855FCの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Seagate ST3146855FCに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSeagate ST3146855FCデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。