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Contents Pre f a ce .... .. ..... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .... ... ..... ..... ..... .... ... ..... ..... .... .. 1 Ele ctro stat ic d isc harg e p rotec tion .... .. ..... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .... 1 Important saf ety inf ormati on and pre cautions .
Barr acuda 18LP FC Instal lation Gui de , Rev . A 1 Pre face This manual contain s inf ormation for users of Seagat e Bar ra- cuda 18L P FC (Fibr e Channel in terf ace) disc dri ves . It pro vides techn ical support in f ormation, per f ormance spe cificat ions , i nstal- lat ion inst r u ctions, and a troub lesh ooting sect ion.
2 Barr acuda 18 LP FC I nstallat ion Guid e, Re v . A gro unded t o av oid pot enti ally damag ing s t atic d ischar ges. • Do not remo ve an y circuit b oard s f r om t he dri v e.
Barr acuda 18LP FC Instal lation Gui de , Rev . A 3 • Fo llo w the pr ec autions l isted a bov e in “ Electro static dischar ge prot ection. ” • Do not re m o ve an y circui t boards fr om t he dr i ve cha ssis. Return the enti re drive f or dep ot repair if an y circuit b oard is def ectiv e.
4 Barr acuda 18 LP FC I nstallat ion Guid e, Re v . A This u nit is a c omponent par t and as suc h is not meant to com- ply wi th FCC or simi l a r national requiremen ts as a stand- alone unit . Engineering radi ated emissi ons test resul ts are av ailab le thr ough the Seagate Saf ety De par tment to assist the su bsystem desi gner .
Barr acuda 18LP FC Instal lation Gui de , Rev . A 5 Beacht en Sie i n jedem F all di e fol genden W ar n-und V orsicht - shi nw eis e: • Beacht en Sie alle W arn- und V orsic ht s hinweise i n diesem Ha nd buc h.
6 Barr acuda 18 LP FC I nstallat ion Guid e, Re v . A • Die HD A ist nicht v or Ort r epar i erbar und da rf nicht auseinan - dergen ommen w erden! Ö f fnen der ver siegelt en HDA dur ch andere P e.
Barr acuda 18LP FC Instal lation Gui de , Rev . A 7 Eur opean Un ion Compli ance If this model has t he CE Marking, it compl ies wit h the European Union requirement s of the El ectrom agnetic Compat .
8 Barr acuda 18 LP FC I nstallat ion Guid e, Re v . A Se agat e T ech no logy sup po rt se r v ic es Onli ne Se r v ices In ter ne t F or onl ine inf or mati on about Seagate pr oducts , visi t www .sea gate. com or e-mail your disc or tape question s to: Presal es Sup por t: Disc: ht tp://www .
Barr acuda 18LP FC Instal lation Gui de , Rev . A 9 phone n umbers, commonly ask ed ques tions , t roub leshooti ng ti ps and specif ications for disc driv es and tape dri ves 24 hour s dail y . I nter nat ional c allers c an reac h this se r vice by di aling +1 - 405-93 6-1234.
10 Barr acuda 18 LP FC I nstallati on Guid e, Re v . A spec iali st from 8:00 A.M. to 12:15 P . M. and 1:30 P .M . t o 6:00 P . M. (central time) Monda y through F riday . Custo me r Serv ice (C S O) W arra nt y R e pair Seagat e of fers w orl d wide custo m e r suppo r t fo r Seagate driv es.
Barr acuda 18LP FC Instal lation Gui de , Rev . A 11 W arra nt y R e pair USA 1-800- 468-3472 F AX: +1-405- 949-674 0 Mexi co an d Lati n Ame ric a +1-405- 949-7758 F AX: +1-405-949- 6738 A ut hor ize.
12 Barr acuda 18 LP FC I nstallati on Guid e, Re v . A Ire land 1 800- 55 21 22 Ita ly 1 677 90 695 Netherl and s 0 800-732 4283 Norwa y 800-113 91 P oland 00 800-311 12 38 Spain 900-98 31 24 Sw eden .
Barr acuda 18LP FC Instal lation Gui de , Rev . A 13 Singap ore +65-488- 7584 F AX: +65- 488- 7528 T aiwan +886- 2-2514-2237 F AX: +886- 2-2 715-2923 SeaF AX A ustra lia +61-2-9 756-5170 W arra nt y R.
14 Barr acuda 18 LP FC I nstallati on Guid e, Re v . A Gener al descr iption Barr acuda 18LP F C disc driv es are h i gh -speed, random-acce ss digi tal-dat a storag e de vices designed to be used w i thin a Fibre Channel host syst em. The dri ve is a co mponent f or instal lation in an enclosur e desi gned f or the driv e.
Barr acuda 18LP FC Instal lation Gui de , Rev . A 15 Cha rac teri stic s ST3 9175 FC ST 3182 75F C Interface Fibre Channel Fibre Ch a nnel Capacity Unf ormat ted (G b yte s) For mat te d (Gby te s) 1 10.
16 Barr acuda 18 LP FC I nstallati on Guid e, Re v . A Installing the Barracuda 18LP FC drive T o inst all a Barr acuda 18LP FC dri ve , simply plug the dri ve dir ectly into y our system ’ s Fi bre Channel b ackpan el 40-pin sin- gle con nector att achment (FC-SCA).
Barr acuda 18LP FC Instal lation Gui de , Rev . A 17 Figur e 2 sh ows one des ign ap proach wit h one or more f ans u sed to ge nerat e air flo w . The air-fl ow pat ter n can be c reated b y the f ans either pushin g or dra wing air . The o ver all flo w p attern must be di rect ed from s ide t o sid e in m ost FC-SC A system s.
18 Barr acuda 18 LP FC I nstallati on Guid e, Re v . A Figur e 2: Sugg ested air flow Abbil dung 2. Empfohlener L uftstr om verl auf Note. Air flows in the direction shown (front to back) or in reverse direction (back to front) Note.
Barr acuda 18LP FC Instal lation Gui de , Rev . A 19 Mounting the drive Do not tou ch the connector pins or any compon ents on the con - tro l board wit hout observing static-di scharge precautio ns.
20 Barr acuda 18 LP FC I nstallati on Guid e, Re v . A Unter seite des La ufwerk es w eist v ier weit ere Befe st igungsl ö che r auf . S iehe Ab biludung 3. Gemes sen vo n der A u ß enfl ä che d es Geh ä us es d ü rf en die Schr auben maxi m a l 3,81 m m i n die Bef estig ungsl ö cher des Geh ü uses hineinr agen.
Barr acuda 18LP FC Instal lation Gui de , Rev . A 21 Figur e 3: Dimensi ons Abbil dung 3: Laufwerkabm essungen 5.75 4.00 1.026 .620 4.000 .250 3.750 2.380 1.750 0.181 1.622 1.620 .1215 .1215 146.05 101.6 26.06 0 15.748 101.60 0 6.35 0 95.25 60.45 44.45 0 4.
22 Barr acuda 18 LP FC I nstallati on Guid e, Re v . A Inserti ng the drive Mos t syst ems prov ide a wa y to i nser t t he drive us ing a ca rrier or tr ay whi ch al l ows the driv e t o be hot -plugged int o t he sy stem ’ s Fibr e Channel 40-p in single connector at tachment (F C-SCA).
Barr acuda 18LP FC Instal lation Gui de , Rev . A 23 Enabling write cache Write cach ing is a f eature that al lows the drive to tr ansf er write dat a to it s ow n cac he, tel l the cont roll er th at th e ta sk is c omp lete, and then ac tually co m p lete the write at a l at e r time .
24 Barr acuda 18 LP FC I nstallati on Guid e, Re v . A Figur e 4: LED i ndicator c onnector ( J6) J6 Drive Front Pin 1 Port A Bypass LED [1] Reserved Port B Bypass LED [1] Fault LED [1] Reserved Active LED [2] +5V Active LED [1] Ground [3] [1] T he drive has a 2 .
Barr acuda 18LP FC Instal lation Gui de , Rev . A 25 T abl e 1: FC-SCA p in descr i ptions Pin/co ntact S ignal na me Signa l type 1* – EN b ypa ss port A TT L outp ut 2* 12 Volts 3* 12 Volts 4* 12 .
26 Barr acuda 18 LP FC I nstallati on Guid e, Re v . A *Shor t pi ns in mat ing backpan el connecto r. [1] T his pin m ay be conn ected to external logic to detect the presenc e of the drive. The driv e connects this pin to the commo n ground. 26 Grou nd 27* +P or t B_ in Diff.
Barr acuda 18LP FC Instal lation Gui de , Rev . A 27 T r ouble shoo tin g Bef ore c alling Seagate T echni cal Supp or t, please r ead th e pos- sibi lities di scusse d belo w . The su ggestions p resented her e will resol ve t he ma jorit y of instal lat ion probl ems.
Seagat e T echnol ogy , Inc. 920 Disc Dri ve, Scotts V alle y , CA 9 5066- 4544, USA Publ icatio n Numb er: 7776754 2, Re v . A, Pri n ted in USA.
デバイスSeagate ST39175FCの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Seagate ST39175FCをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSeagate ST39175FCの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Seagate ST39175FCの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Seagate ST39175FCで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Seagate ST39175FCを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSeagate ST39175FCの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Seagate ST39175FCに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSeagate ST39175FCデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。