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PRODUCT MANUAL Savvio ® 15K SA S 10040773 9 Re v . B March 200 7 ST97 3451 SS ST93 6751 SS.
©2007, Seagate T echno logy LLC All rights reserved. Pub lication nu mber: 100 407739, Rev . B March 2007 Sea gate, Seagate T echnolog y and the W ave logo are registered t rademarks of Seagate T echnology LL C in t he United S t ates and/o r other countri es.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, R ev . B i Revision st atus summar y sheet Revision Date Notes Rev . A 09/15/06 Init i a l release. Rev . B 03/28/07 Cha nges per ECR 0076456.
ii Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B i Cont ent s 1.0 S cope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.0 Ap plicable stan dards and r eference docu mentation .
ii Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B 6.4.2 Relat ive humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 6.4.3 E ffective altitude (sea level) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B iii List o f Fi gures Figure 1. Typical S T973451SS cur rent profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Figure 2. Typical S T936751SS cur rent profile . . .
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 1 1.0 S cope This ma nual de scribes Seagate T echnol ogy ® LL C, Savvio ® 15K SAS (Serial A ttache d SCSI) disc dr ives.
2 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 3 2.0 Appl icable st andards and refe rence docu ment ation The dr ive has been d evelope d as a system p eriphe ral to the hig hest st and ards of desig n and construction.
4 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B 2.1.2 Elect roma gn etic com plia nce Seag ate uses an ind ependent lab oratory to confirm comp liance wi th the dir ectives/stand ards f or CE Marki ng and C-T ick Ma rking. The dr ive wa s tested in a repre sent ative system for typica l applications.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 5 2.1.3 Eur opean U nion Re strictio n of Ha zardou s Subst anc es (RoH S) The Euro pean U nion Restr icti on of Hazard ous S ubst ance s (RoHS ) Dire cti ve re strict s the p resen ce of ch emi cal subst ances, in cl u ding Lead ( Pb), in electron ic prod ucts ef fective Jul y 2006.
6 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 7 3.0 General d escription Savvio dr ives combine gian t magnetor esistive (GM R) heads, p artial respo nse/maximum likelihood ( PRML) read ch annel ele ctronics.
8 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B 3. 1 St and ar d fea tu re s Savvio d rives have the following st andard features: • Perp endicular reco rding techno logy • 1.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 9 3.4 Reli abilit y • Annua lized Fa ilure Rat e (AFR) of 0.55% • Mean T im e Between Failur es (MTBF) of 1,600,0 00 hours • Incorpor ates industry- standar d Self-Moni toring Analysi s and Repo rting T echnology (S .
10 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B 3.8 O ptions Y ou may order the follo wing items which are incor p or ated at the manufacturing facility durin g production or packa ged before shipping.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 11 4.0 Performance cha racteristics This secti on provi des de ta iled i nformati on co ncern ing perf orm ance- relate d charac teristics an d featur es of S av- vio drives. 4.1 Int e rnal drive ch arac ter is tic s ST973451SS ST936751SS Drive capacity 73.
12 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B 4.2.2 For mat co mmand ex ecution time Executio n time measu red from receipt of t he last by te of the Com mand Descrip tor Block ( CDB) to the req uest for a S tatus B yte T ransfer to th e Initiat or (excluding connect/di sconnect).
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 13 4.3 St art/ st op time The drive accep ts the command s listed in the SAS Interface Manual less than 3 seconds af ter DC power has been ap plied.
14 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B 1. The d rive fetches the r equested log ical blocks from the disc and transfers them into a segment, and then from t here to the host in accord ance with the Mode Select Disconnect/ Reconnect p arameter s, page 02h.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 15 5.0 Reliabili ty specificat ions The follow ing reliability specifi cations assume cor rect hos t and drive ope rational interface , includi ng all inter - face timi ngs, power supply volt ages, envi ronmental requir ements and d rive mounti ng constrai nts.
16 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B 5.1.3 Seek errors A seek err or is defined as a failu re of the drive to pos i tion the heads to the ad dressed track. Aft er detecti ng an initia l seek error , the drive autom aticall y perf orms an error recovery process.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 17 requir ed to insure dat a integrity . 5.2.4 S .M.A.R. T . S.M.A.R .T . is an acronym for Self -Monitoring Analysis and Reporti ng T echno logy .
18 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B Err or rate is the number of errors per oper ation. The algo rith m tha t S .M.A .R.T . uses to re cord rate s of err or i s to set thre sholds f or the nu mber of e rrors an d their inter v al.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 19 2. Shor t text The mo st thorough o ption is the extend ed test that per forms variou s tests on the d rive and scans eve ry logical blo ck address (L BA) of the drive .
20 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B These t esting options a re described in the fol lowing two subsecti ons. Each test consist s of three segment s: an electrical test segmen t, a servo test segment, and a read/ verify scan segment .
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 21 procedu re. Seagate will pay for tr anspor ting the repair or replacement item to the custome r . For more det ailed warran ty in formati on, re fer to the stan dard terms an d c ondition s of purcha se for S eaga te prod uct s on your pur- chase docu menta tion.
22 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 23 6.0 Physical/el ectrical spe cifications This secti on prov i d es informatio n relating to the physical and electrica l characteri stics of the d rive. 6.1 AC po wer re quir em ent s None. 6.2 DC po wer re quir em ent s The voltage a nd curre nt requir ements for a s ingle d rive are shown below .
24 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B [1] Measur ed with aver age readin g DC ammete r . Inst anta neous +12V current peaks will exceed these val - ues.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 25 6.2.1 Cond ucted nois e immunit y Noise is specified a s a periodi c and rand om distribution of frequen cies coverin g a band fro m DC to 10 MHz. Maximum allowed noise values gi ven below ar e peak-to- peak measu rement s and apply a t the drive p ower connector .
26 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B Figure 2. T ypi cal ST936751SS current p rofile.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 27 6. 3 Po wer di ssipati on ST973451 SS in 3 Gb it operat ion T yp ical power dissipation under idle co nditions in 3Gb opera tion is 5.9 3 watts (2 0.23 BTUs pe r hour). T o obtain oper ating power for typ i cal rando m read opera tions, refer to th e following I/O ra te curve (see Figu re 3).
28 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B ST936751 SS in 3 Gb it operat ion T yp ical power dissipation under idl e conditions in 3Gb opera tion is 5.6 2 watts (1 9.18 BTU s per hour). T o obtain oper ating power for typ i cal rando m read opera tions, refer to th e following I/O ra te curve (see Figu re 3).
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 29 6.4 Enviro nmental limi t s T emperatur e and humidity values exp erienced by the dr iv e must be such that cond ensation does not occu r on any dr ive part . Altit ude and a tmospheric p ressure sp ecifications are refe renced to a stand ard day a t 58.
30 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B 6.4.3 Effecti ve altitude ( sea level) a. Operati ng –200 to +10,000 feet ( –60.96 to +3,048 meter s) b. Non -operating –200 to +40,000 feet ( –60.96 to +12,210 meters) 6.4.4 Shock a nd vibrat ion Shock and vibratio n limit s specified in this d ocument are m easured d irectly on the dri ve chassis.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 31 d. Packag ed Disc drives shipped as l o ose load ( not p alletized) general freight will be p ackaged t o withstand drops fr om hei ghts as de fined in the t able b elow . Fo r additi onal deta ils refer to S eagate specifica tions 30 190-001 (under 100 lbs/45 kg ) or 3019 1-001 (o ver 100 lbs/45 Kg).
32 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B V ibr ation a. Operati ng—normal The dr ive as inst alled for norm al operation , shall comply w ith the comp lete specifie d performa nce while subjected t o contin uous vibration not exceeding 10-500 Hz @ 1.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 33 6.4.7 A cous tics Soun d power dur ing idle mode shall be 3.1 bels typical when mea sured to IS O 7779 spec i fication. There will not be any d iscrete tones mo re than 10 dB above the maski ng noise on typical dr ives when me a- sured ac cording to S eagate specifi cation 305 53-001.
34 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B 6. 5 M echa ni cal s peci fic at ions Refe r to Figur e 9 for de taile d mounting configurati on dimens ions. See Secti on 8.3, “D rive mountin g.” Figu re 9. Mo unt ing co nfi gurat ion dim ensi ons Height : 0.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 35 7.0 Defect and error management Seag ate continues to use innovative techno logies to ma nage defect s and erro rs. These tech nologies are designed to incre ase data integrity , per form drive se lf-maintena nce, and vali date pro per drive o perati on.
36 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B The drive firmware erro r recovery algor ithms consist s of 1 1 levels for read reco veries and five levels for w rite. Each level may consist of m ultiple steps, where a step is defined as a recovery function i nvolving a sin gle re- read or re- write attemp t.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 37 7.4 Back grou nd M edia Sca n Backgr ound Med ia Scan (BM S) is a s elf-initiate d media scan . BMS i s defined in the T10 document SP C-4 avai l a ble from the T10 committee. BM S performs seque ntial reads across the enti re pack o f the med ia while the driv e is idle.
38 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B 7.7 Id le Re ad A fter Writ e Idle Read After Write (IRA W) utilizes idle tim e to verify the integrity of recently wr itten dat a.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 39 8.0 Inst al lat ion Savvio disc drive i nsta l lation is a plug-a nd-play pr ocess. The re are no jumpe rs, switch es, or termi nators on the driv e. SAS drives are designed to be used in a host system t hat provides a SAS-compatible backplane with bays designed to acco modate the dr ive.
40 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B 8.2 Coolin g Cabi net cooling mu st be designed by the custom er so that the ambient temperat ure im mediately sur rounding the driv e will n ot exceed temper ature conditi ons specifie d in Section 6.4.1, "T emperat ure.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 41 8. 3 Dr iv e mo unti ng Mount the dr iv e using the b ottom or side mo unti ng holes. If you moun t the d ri ve u sing the botto m ho le s, ensu re that you do not physical ly distort th e drive by att empting to m ount it on a stiff, non -flat su rface.
42 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 43 9.0 Interface requ irement s This se ction pa rtially d escribes the interface requirem ents a s implement ed on S avvio drives. Additiona l infor - mation is p rovided in the SAS Interface Manual (par t number 100293071) .
44 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B 9.2 Dual port supp ort Savvio S AS drives have two ind ependent port s. These port s may be connected in the sam e or differ ent SCSI domains. Each driv e port has a unique SAS address. The two port s run at the same link rate.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 45 9. 3 SC SI comm and s su ppor te d T able 7 list s the SCSI com mands supp orted by Savvio dr ives. T able 7: Comm ands su pported by Sa vvio SAS f amily dr i.
46 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B Last n De ferred E rrors or A synchronous Even ts pa ge (0Bh ) N Last n E rror Even ts pa ge (07h) N Non-me dium Err or pa ge (06h) Y Pages Su pported list ( .
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 47 Read Cap acity (10) 25h Y Read C apacity (16) 9Eh/10 h N Read Defect Dat a (10) 37h Y Read Defect Dat a ( 1 2) B7h Y Read Lon g 3Eh Y Rea d Long (16 ) 9Eh/1 1.
48 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B [1] Savvio d rives can form at to 512, 520, 524, or 528 bytes per l ogical block. [2] Wa r n i n g . P ower lo ss during fl ash pr ogrammin g can re sult in fi rmware co rruption. This usually makes the driv e inoperab le.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 49 9.3.1 Inqu iry dat a T able 8 list s the In quiry comman d data th at the drive sho uld return t o the initia tor per the format gi ven in the SAS In terface Ma nual . T able 8: Savv io inquiry dat a * Copyright year (changes w ith actual year).
50 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B On dr ives requi ring u nique saved values, the requi re d unique saved values are stored into the saved val - ues storag e location on the medi a prior to shippi ng the drive. Some dr ives may have uni que firmware wi th unique d efault va lues also.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 51 T able 9: Mod e Sense dat a default and ch angeable va lues fo r ST973451 SS drive s MODE DATA HEADER: 03 fa 00 10 00 00 00 08 BLOCK DESCRIPTOR: 08 8b b9 98 0.
52 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B T able 10: M ode S ense dat a default and chang eable values for S T936751SS drives MODE DATA HEADER: 03 fa 00 10 00 00 00 08 BLOCK DESCRIPTOR: 04 45 dc cc 00.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 53 9. 4 M iscel la neou s op erati ng fe at ures and con diti ons T able 1 1 lists va rious featur es and conditions. A “Y” in the supp ort colu mn indicates the f eature or co ndition is support ed. An “N” in the suppo rt column ind icates the feat ure or con dition is no t supported .
54 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B 9.4.1 SAS physical interf ace Figure 12 shows the lo cation of th e SAS devi ce conn ecto r J1. Figur es 13 an d 14 pr ovide the d im ension s of the SAS co nnector . Det ails of the physical , e lectrical, and lo gical characteri stics are provide d with in this section.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 55 Figu re 13 . SAS de v i ce plug dimen sio ns C OF DATUM B L 5.08 1.27 (6X) 1.27 (14X) 15.875 0.35MIN 15.875 33.43 0.05 B 4.90 0.08 0.84 0.05 (22X) 0.15 B P15 P1 S7 S1 SEE Detail1 0.30 0.05 (4X) 4.00 0.08 0.15 D 0.
56 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B Figu re 14 . SAS de v i ce plug dimen sio ns (de tail ) 6.10 Detail A 0.30 0.05 x 45 (5X) 0.40 0.05 X 45 (3X) CORING ALLOWED IN THIS AREA. 2.25 0.05 4.85 0.05 0.10 B E S14 S8 4.40 0.15 SEE Detail 2 3.90 0.15 SECTION A - A SECTION C - C A 0.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 57 9.4.2 Physical charact er istic s This section defines physi cal interface connector . 9.4.3 Conn ector req uirement s Con tact you r prefe rred co nnector m anufacture r for mating par t information.
58 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B T able 13: SAS pin desc ri ptio ns * - Shor t pin t o support h ot plugging NC - No connection in the drive. 9.4.6 SAS transm itter s and receiv ers A typ ical SAS differe ntial co pper tra nsmitter a nd receiver pair is sh own in Figu re 15.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 59 9.4.7 P ower The dr ive receiv es power ( + 5 volts and + 12 volt s) throug h the SAS devi ce connecto r . Three +12 volt p ins provide po wer to the drive, 2 sh ort and 1 lo ng. The cur rent retu rn for the +12 volt p ower supply is through the com mon ground pi ns.
60 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B T able 16 defi nes the ge neral interfa ce character istics. Eye mask s 1 Eye m asks ov erview The e ye masks ar e graphical representat ions of the volt a ge and time limit s on the signal at the compliance poi nt.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 61 3 Jitter toleran ce masks Figure 17 describes the r eceive toleranc e eye masks and is const ructed using t he X2 an d Z2 values given in tabl e 19.
62 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B Figure 18 defines th e sinusoid al jitter mask. Figure 18. Sinusoidal ji tter mask T r ansmitte r signa l chara cteristics T able 17 speci fies the signa l requireme nts at th e transm itte r end of a TxRx connecti on as me asured into the zero-le ngth test load.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 63 Receiver signal character istics T able 18 d efines the comp liance point requirem ents of the signal at the recei ver e nd of a TxRx con nection as measur ed into the te st loads speci fied in figur e 19 and figu re 20.
64 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B 1 Ji tter T able 19 d efines the ma ximum all owable jitt er . 2 Rec eiver jitter tolerance T able 20 defi nes the am ount of jitter the receiver shall tole rate .
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 65 4 Impe dance speci fication s T able 21 d efines impeda nce require ments. T able 21: Im pedan ce requir ement s (Sh eet 1 of 2) Requirement Units 1.
66 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B Elect rical TxR x connecti ons TxRx conn ections may be d i v ided into T xRx connecti on segme nts. In a single T xRx connecti on individual TxRx connecti on segments ma y be formed from dif fe ring media and mate rials, including traces on printed wir - ing boa rds and o ptical f ibers.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 67 for 50 MHz < f < 1.5 GHz, and: for 1.5 GHz < f < 5.0 GHz, where: a) f is the signa l frequency in hertz. The tr ansmission mag nitude respo nse of the T CTF in dB is given by the following e quation for 3.
68 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B Figure 20 shows the ze ro-length test load . Figu re 20 . Zer o- l ength test lo ad Figure 21 shows an IS I loss examp le at 3.0 Gbp s. Figure 21. ISI loss examp le at 3.0 Gbps Figure 22 shows an IS I loss examp le at 1.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 69 Receiver character istics The driv e re ceiver i s A.C. coup led. The receive netwo r k termina tes the TxRx conne cti on by a 100 ohm eq uiva- lent i mpedance as specified in t able 2 1.
70 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 71 10.0 Seagat e T echnology suppo rt services Inter net For info rmation reg ardin g Seagate product s and services, vi sit www .sea . W orldwide sup port is availa ble 24 hour s daily by emai l for your questions.
72 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B Custo mer Se rvice Op eratio ns W arran ty Ser vice Seag ate of fer s worldw ide custom er supp ort for Seagate pro duct s. Seagate distr i butor s, OEMs and other direct customer s should contact the ir Seagate Custom er Service Ope rations (CSO) repr esentativ e for warranty- related issu es.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 73 Index Numerics 12 volt pin s 59 5 volt pins 59 A abort t ask set function 43 AC coup ling 58 AC powe r requi rements 23 ACA active status 53 ACA acti ve, faul.
74 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B envi ronmenta l control 32 error manage ment 35 rat es 15 error s 35 F FCC rules and r egulations 3 feature s 8 interface 43 firmware 8 corrup tion 48 flawe d.
Savvio 1 5K SAS Product Manual, Rev. B 75 N noi se audi ble 3 noi se immunity 25 non-op eratin g 29 , 30 , 32 temper ature 29 non-op eratin g vibration 3 2 O offi ce environme nt 32 operat ing 29 , 30.
76 Savvio 15K SAS Produ ct Manual, Rev. B operat ion 53 system cha ssi s 41 T task man agement fun ctions 43 Abort task se t 43 Clear ACA 43 Clear task se t 43 termina te task 43 task man agement r es.
Seag ate T echno logy L LC 920 D isc Drive , Scotts V alley, Californi a 95066-4544 , USA Public ation Numb er: 10040 7739, Rev . B, Printed in USA.
デバイスSeagate ST973451SSの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Seagate ST973451SSをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSeagate ST973451SSの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Seagate ST973451SSの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Seagate ST973451SSで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Seagate ST973451SSを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSeagate ST973451SSの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Seagate ST973451SSに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSeagate ST973451SSデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。