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AD2088 Keyboard Operator’s Manual.
© Copyright 2000 S ensorm atic Vi deo System s Divisi on All rights reserved.
AD2088 Keyboard Operator’s Manual Copyright 2000 All rights reserved. No part of th is manual may be reproduced in an y form without written permiss ion from Sensormatic ® Electronics Corp oration.
WA RNING Do not instal l t hi s product i n hazardous areas w here highly combustible or explosi ve products are stored or used. To reduce the risk of fire or elect ri c shock, do not expose appliance to rai n or moi st ure.
Table of Conten ts iii Table of Contents CHAPTER 1: ABOUT T HE AD2088 KEYBOARD CONTRO LLER................................................................ 1-1 AD2088 F EAT URES ..........................................................................
AD2088 Operat or’s Manu al iv Running a Macro ................................................................................................................ ............................... 3-6 VCR M ODE O PER ATI ONS ( KEYSW IT CH IN OPERATE POSI TI ON ) .
About the AD2088 K eyboard C ontroller 1-1 Chapter 1: A bout the A D2088 Key board Controll er This chapter des cribes th e features of th e AD2088 ke yboard. It al so describes t he location and fun ction of the k ey board's f ront pan el com ponents .
AD2088 Ope rator's Manual 1-2 A D2088 Key board Overview The AD2088 k eyboard i s com prised of t he follow ing elem ents : A. Site Display - shows the number of the site entered with the keypad when the SIT E key (Sk) is pressed. 10. RUN key - runs system and scratch pad tours.
Connection and Se tup of the AD2088 2-1 Chapter 2: Connection and Setup of the A D2088 This ch apter describes the pow er and dat a connecti ons betw een the AD2088 k eyboard an d the sw itch ing sy stem bei ng used. It als o describes the se tup of com muni cations prot ocols and oth er keyboard parameters.
2-2 AD2088 Ope rator's Manual the other s even f oot m odular cabl e from the J1(k eyboard) jack of the du al term inal bl ock, to th e RJ-45 jack of the ke yboard.
Connection and Se tup of the AD2088 2-3 Key boar d Setup The A D2088 ke yboard comm unicates via RS -232 protocol. K eyboard s etup u p the ke yboard involves setting the keyboard's baud rate , LED brightnes s , speaker volume, and PTZ motion control .
2-4 AD2088 Ope rator's Manual To Set the Speaker Volume 1. After L ED brightness level selection has been completed, the message "SOUND" app ears in the CA MERA display. The speaker volum e level ("Off" or integer values from 1 to 7) ap pears in th e ENTER display .
Connection and Se tup of the AD2088 2-5 Built-i n Key board Operati ons Test ! CAUTIO N ! The following procedures expose int ernal el ec trical c omponent s and should be perform ed by qualif ied servic e personnel only. The AD2088 has bu ilt-in test capability to ve rify the operational integ rity of the unit' s hardw are and firm w are.
2-6 AD2088 Ope rator's Manual Speaker Test The speaker test perform s an audible check of the ke yboard' s speaker. A series of audio tones step through the fre quenc y range of the spea ker. D uring this t est the CAME RA disp lay shows the message "SOUND".
Connection and Se tup of the AD2088 2-7 When the joystick is m oved in any direction aw ay from the center position, the dashes in th e ENTER display are replaced by a four-digit movement code : Enter Display (Joystick in M otion) 8L1d • From left to right, the f irst digit represents the pan speed .
2-8 AD2088 Ope rator's Manual Key Functionality Test This test perform s a v isual and au dible check of key board key actions. When the test is started, each of th e key board LED display sections s how s a nu mber represen ting th e num ber of key s in that section of the key board.
Connection and Se tup of the AD2088 2-9 ROM Checksum Test In th is test a soft ware ch ecksum of th e ROM contents is calculated for com parison w ith a known checks um val ue. The know n value is printed on a label on t he AD2088 m icroprocessor. The label is visible on the bottom of the u nit, adjacent to the test s witch button.
2-10 AD2088 Ope rator's Manual.
Using the A D2088 in Operate Mode 3-1 Chapter 3: Using the A D2088 in Operate M ode This chapter describes how to call cam eras to view on workstation mon itors, and explain s how to control the movem ent of pan/tilt cameras, and how to zoom, f ocus, and adjust the iris of a camera lens.
AD2088 Ope rator's Manual 3-2 Moni tor M ode Oper ati ons (key switch in “opera te” positio n) Selecting Monitors Workstation m onitors dis play the v ideo from the cam eras and dom es ins talled in local and/or satellite facilities . Each m onitor has an identification nu mber documen ted by the sy stem admi nistrator.
Using the A D2088 in Operate Mode 3-3 Locking and Unlocking a Camera After callin g a pan/tilt cam era to view and control on a system m onitor, an operator can prevent other operators from controlling th e movem ents of th e called camera. This is referred to as “locki ng” the cam era.
AD2088 Ope rator's Manual 3-4 Calling Presets (Shots) A preset is a mem orized location or scene that a pan/tilt camera can display on operator demand.
Using the A D2088 in Operate Mode 3-5 Calling Salvos A salvo is the simultaneous display of m ultiple cam era scenes on a group of numerically contiguous m onitors. The num ber of allowable entries in a salv o is de pendent on the p articular switching system being used .
AD2088 Ope rator's Manual 3-6 1. Enter th e site n um ber on the num eric key pad. The site number w ill appear in the ENTER displa y. 2. Press the SITE key . Call the appropriate monitor and cam era. The site number w ill appear in the SITE display.
Using the A D2088 in Operate Mode 3-7 VCR Mode Oper ati ons (key switch in ope rate po sition) Selecting VCRs To initiate VCR control, the operator p erforms th e followin g actions: 1. Type a VC R num ber of up to four di gits on the n um eric key p ad.
AD2088 Ope rator's Manual 3-8.
Programming with the AD2088 4-1 Chapter 4: Programming w i th the AD 2088 This chapter provides step-by-step instructions f or keyboard o perations performed with the keys witch in the PROGRAM position. The chapter also includes a discussion o f operations available w ith the key sw itch set in the MENU position.
AD2088 Ope rator's Manual 4-2 There is also a pattern tim e li mit . A s ingl e pattern cann ot hav e a duration l onger th an 400 seconds . How ever m any com man ds have been issued, a pattern w ill stop recording once the tim e limit h as elapsed.
Programming with the AD2088 4-3 Programming Macros There are eigh t key s on the 2088 k eyboard u sed for m acros. A m acro perform s a sequ ence of switching system oper ations by ente ring a numeric i dentifier and pr essing a single m acr o key. T he macro key caps have us er-selected labels wh ich identify locations or general fun ctions.
AD2088 Ope rator's Manual 4-4 Once prog ramm ed, en tering a cam era nu mber an d then press ing th e [ ! ] macro k ey, cau ses the selected cam era to sw itch to Monitor 1. The sy m bol “ ! ” represen ts a m onitor and enables a m acro quick swi tch .
Programming with the AD2088 4-5 Expander set at 4800 bau d, the transf er will tak e up to 12 m inutes . During th e transf er, any key stroke w ill generate a beep (invalid key stroke).
AD2088 Ope rator's Manual 4-6 Using the A D2088 in Menu M ode When the three- position keysw itch is in the MENU position, you are able to view the m ain m enu of the sw itching system being used.
AD2088 Spec ifications A-1 A ppendix A : Specifications References: RS-232 EIA 232-D CCITT V. 24 Key board Specifications: Input: AD2088: 9 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 5 W AD2088-1: 8 VAC, 50/ 60 Hz, 600 m A Power Connection: W all Trans f ormer Size: 5.25” W x 16.
AD2088 Oper ator's Manual A-2.
AD2088 Trouble shooting B-1 A ppendix B: Troubleshooti ng Proble m Chec k List ✘ No power to keyboard ! ! ! ! Check AC outlet ! ! ! ! Check wall transformer connections ! ! ! ! Check modular cable conn ections to keyboard and terminal bloc k. ! ! ! ! Measure transform er output at te rminal block.
B-2 AD2088 Ope rator's Manual.
Typical Syste m Connec tions C-1 Typical Sy stem Connections A D2088 Keyboards to AD1024 Sy stem with Video Re corder Managem ent OUT IN OUT IN DATA LINE 1 2 PGM MON PORTS 1 23 4 5 6 78 9 1 0 CPU-X A .
C-2 AD2088 O pera tor’s M anual Typical Sy stem Connections A D2088 Keyboard t o AD1024 CPU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 J1 J2 DUAL 8 PIN WALL MOUNT TERM IN AL BLOC K 7 FOOT MODULAR CABLE 7 FOOT .
Typical Syste m Connec tions C-3 Typical Sy stem Connections A D2088 Keyboard t o AD1024 CPU WA LL TR ANSFO RME R DUAL 8 PIN WALL MOUNT TERMIN AL BLOCK 7 FOOT MODULA R CA BLE 7 FOOT MODULAR CABLE A D2.
C-4 AD2088 O pera tor’s M anual Typical Sy stem Connections A D2088 Keyboard t o AD2150 AL ARM S RE L AY CODE MONITORS RS - 232 PORTS KEYBO A RDS CA M ERA S 120V 60Hz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8.
Typical Syste m Connec tions C-5 Typical Sy stem Connections A D2088 Keyboard t o AD2150 7 FOOT MODULAR CABLE A D20 88 CONNECTION SHOW N W HERE DI S TANCES BETWEEN KEYBOARD A ND A D2150 ARE GREA TER T.
C-6 AD2088 O pera tor’s M anual Typical Sy stem Connections A D2088 Keyboard t o AD168 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 J1 J2 DUAL 8 PIN WALL MOUNT TERM IN AL BLOC K 7 FOOT MODULAR CABLE A D20 88 WAL.
Typical Syste m Connec tions C-7 Typical Sy stem Connections A D2088 Keyboard t o AD168 DUAL 8 PIN WALL MOUNT TER MINA L BLOCK 7 FOOT MODUL AR CA BLE A D20 88 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 J1 J2 WA .
C-8 AD2088 O pera tor’s M anual Typical Sy stem Connections A D2088 to MegaPo wer 48 To T ransf ormer DUAL 8-PIN W A LL MO UNT TERMIN AL BLOCK MEGA POWER 48 RS-232 SECTIO N TR ANSFO RME R 9 VAC OUTP.
Typical Syste m Connec tions C-9 Typical Sy stem Connections Built-in Test Connection DUAL 8 PIN WALL MOUNT TERMIN A L BLOCK 7 FOOT MODULA R CA BLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 J1 J2 WA LL TR ANSFO.
C-10 AD2088 O perat or’s M anual.
AD2088 Softwar e Licens e Agre ement D-1 A ppendix D: Software License A greement By using the AD2088 s oftware, you acc ept the t erms and c onditions of thi s lic ense agreement .
D-2 AD2088 Ope rator's Manual agents who require acc es s to t he S oftware for the purpos es of Cus tom er' s internal bus iness and who us e it in ac cordance with the ter ms of this License Agr eement. Cu stomer will n ot use the Softwa re for the pro vision o f time-sharing services to other s.
AD2088 Softwar e Licens e Agre ement D-3 Agreement and not as a result of the combi nation thereof with any other art icle, com puter sof tware or process, c onstitutes an infringem ent of any Uni ted.
D-4 AD2088 Ope rator's Manual.
Mo ni to r Ar mi ng Co mman ds E-1 A ppendix E: Moni tor Arming Commands Monitors are arm ed for alarm call up with c odes that speci f y the foll owing three param eters : 1. The displ ay method ( s ingle , dual , or block m onitors ). 2. The queuing met hod ( sequence or hol d ) 3.
E-2 AD2088 Ope rator's Manual.
AD2088 Gl ossary G-1 Glossary A alarm T he system 's respons e when a camer a input changes f rom its norm al st ate to its abnorm al state (if the system has been c onfigured to r espond to such a condition).W hen an alarm is triggered, the T OUCH T RACKE R beeps until you ack nowledge the alarm via the Ac k button.
G-2 AD2088 Ope rator’s Manual I input A device such as a sm ok e detector or twilight sens or that, when configur ed to do so, can trigger an alar m when it undergoes a change in state. iris The c amer a com ponent that determ ines how light enters the c amer a.
AD2088 Gl ossary G-3 P pan Side to side cam era m ovem ent pattern A sequence of pan, tilt, zoom, f ocus, and ir is m ovem ents fr om a s ingle program m able dome. T he dom e “learns ” these m ovem ents in real tim e thr ough keyboard program m ing, and can replay them autom atically.
G-4 AD2088 Ope rator’s Manual.
Macro Key L abels L-1 Macr o Key Labels Note: A sh eet of pre- printed l abels is provided for pl acement on the AD2088 m acro keys. Aft er a macro label is appropriately situated, a clear plastic cover is placed over th e macro key and label.
AD2088 O pera tor’s M anual L-2.
Macro Pr ogram ming Wor k Shee ts M-1 Macr o Pr ogramming Wor k Sheets Note: This page provides examples of typical macro sequences. Refer t o page 4-3 for a complete descri ption of the sequences described bel ow. The sheet on the following page can be removed from the manual and photocopied as needed to record macros.
M-2 AD2088 O pera tor’s M anual Macro Pr ogrammi ng Wor k Sheet macro # macro name Macro Keystrokes Macr o Keystrokes Macr o Keystrokes Macr o Keystrokes Macr o Keystrokes Macr o Keystrokes Macr o Keystrokes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Note: Remove this page and photoc opy as needed to record macros.
Index I-1 Index A accessory equipment ∙ 2- 1 alarm defi nition ∙ G- 1 alarms ack nowledg ing ∙ 3-5 disarming a m onitor ∙ 4-2 monitor arm ing ∙ 4-2 arming defi nition ∙ G- 1 arming a monit.
AD2088 Ope rator's Manual I-2 monitor defi nition ∙ G-2 monitor arm ing com mands ∙ F- 1 monitor mode ∙ 3- 1 monitor se lection ∙ 3-2 monitor tour defi nition ∙ G-2 O operate mode ∙ 3.
DECL ARA T ION OF CONFORMITY According to ISO/IEC G uide 22 and EN45 014 Manufacturer’s N ame: Sensormati c Elect ronics Corporat i on Manufacturer’s A ddress: 1 Blue Hill Plaza 2 nd Floor Pearl R.
2 Sensormatic Video Sy stems Division One B lue H il l Pla za Pearl River, Ne w York, 10965 Technical Support Center 1-800-442-2225 Business (845) 624-7600 PN: 8000-1811-01, Rev.
デバイスSensormatic AD2088の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sensormatic AD2088をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSensormatic AD2088の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sensormatic AD2088の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sensormatic AD2088で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sensormatic AD2088を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSensormatic AD2088の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sensormatic AD2088に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSensormatic AD2088デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。