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DIGIT AL FULL COLOUR MUL TIFUNCTIONAL SYSTEM Saf ety Guide Saf ety Guide Saf ety Guide Bef ore installing this product, be sure to read the "CA UTIONS" and "INST ALLA TION REQUIREMENTS" sections . K eep this manual close at hand f or ref erence whene ver needed.
EMC (thi s machine a nd peripheral devices) Caution! For compl ete elec trical disco nnection , pull out the main plu g. The sock et-outlet s hall be installed ne ar the equi pment and s hall be e asily acce ssible. Shielded interface cab les must be used with this equipm ent to mainta in comp liance wit h EMC regulatio ns.
1 For the users of the fax function FAX interface cable and Line cable: Thes e speci al acce ssorie s must be used wit h the de vice. The De claration of Conformi ty can be vi ewed at the following URL addres s.
2 Contents The produc ts that meet the ENERGY STAR ® guid elines carry the logo shown abov e. The produc ts without the logo may no t meet the ENERGY STAR ® gui del ines .
3 CAUTIONS Symbols in this manual T o ensure safe use of the machine , this manual uses various saf ety symbols. The safety symbols are classified as e xplained belo w. Be sure you understand the meaning of the symbols when reading the man ual. W ARNING Indicates a risk of death or ser ious injur y .
4 CAUTIONS Do not install the machine on an unstable or slanted surface. Install the machine on a surface that can withstand the weight of the machine. Risk of injury due to the machine falling or toppling. If peripheral devices are to be installed, do not install on an uneven floor, slanted surface, or otherwise unstable surface.
5 CAUTIONS Laser informa tion Wave len gth 790 nm ±1 0 nm Pulse times (North Americ a and Europe) 4.6 µs ±4 .6 ns /7 mm Outp ut p ower Max 0.6 mW (LD1 +LD2 ) Caution Use of con trols or adj ustm ents or per for manc e of proc edur es ot her than th ose sp eci fied he rei n may r esult in haz ard ous ra diat ion exp osur e.
6 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS The pe rformanc e of the ma chin e is affec ted by the ambie nt conditi ons o f the inst allati on locati on. Do not i nstall i n the followi ng locati ons: Locations th at are excess ively hot, cold, humid, or dry (near heaters, humidifiers, air conditioners, etc.
7 SUPPLIES Standar d suppl ies for this produ ct that can rep laced by the us er inclu de pape r, toner c artridg es, and s taple cartridge s for the fini sher. Be sur e to use o nly SH ARP-s pecified prod ucts for the tone r cart ridges, finisher s taple cartri dge, an d transpa rency film.
8 SPECIFICATIONS Machine specifications / copier specifications * First copy o ut time is mea sured with original on th e document glass in ful l ready cond ition with fus er at operat ing temperatu r.
9 SPECI FICAT IONS Machine specifications / copier specifications (Continued) * Type A connect ors are locate d on the front of the mac hine and on the rig ht side of the ma chine at the back (total of two con ne ctors) ; howeve r, the connec tors cannot b e used sim ultaneously .
10 SPECIFICATIONS Continuous copying speeds* * Copy speed d uring outp ut of the sec ond copy an d following copies when performin g continuous one-sided c opying of th e same page (exc luding o ffset output) u sing plain one-sided pa per from a t ray other than the bypass tray.
11 SPECI FICAT IONS Acoustic noise emission (measure ment according to ISO7779) Automatic document feeder specifications * Scanning in mo no 2 mode of one side on ly is poss ible in fax and sca n send modes. H owever, wh en the resolution is 600 x 600 dpi in Int ernet fax mod e, the maxim um length i s 800 mm (31 -31/64").
12 SPECIFICATIONS Stand/1x500 sheet paper drawer specifications Stand/2x500 sheet paper drawer specifications Mod el MX-DEX6 Paper si zes A3, B4 , A4, A4R, B5, B 5R, 11" x 1 7", 8-1/ 2".
13 SPECI FICAT IONS Finisher specifications *1 The max imum numb er of sheets that can b e held varies dependi ng on ambie nt condition s in the i nstallation location, the type o f paper, an d the sto rage condi tions of the paper. *2 Up to 10 e nvelopes c an be output.
14 SPECIFICATIONS Punch modul e specifications (for fini sher) Printer spe cificat ions *1 When the PS3 expansio n kit is ins talled an d the machi ne is used a s a PostScrip t printer. *2 Barcode font kit is re quired. *3 Supported operating systems a re Windows 2000 / XP / Vi sta.
15 SPECI FICAT IONS Network scanner / Internet Fax* 1 specifications *1 Internet fax expansion kit is required . *2 Total number of all des tinations (Scan to E-mail, Sca n to FTP, Sc an to Des ktop, .
16 SPECIFICATIONS Facsimile speci fications *1 Transmi ssion spee d is for an A4 or 8-1/2" x 11" docume nt with app roximately 700 characte rs at stand ard resolutio n (8 x 3.8 5 lines/m m) sent in h igh spee d mode (33.6 kbps (JBIG) o r 14.
17 INFORMATION ON D ISPOSAL A. Information on Disposal for Users (private households) 1. In the E uropean Union Attentio n: If yo u want to dispos e of this e quipment, please do not us e the ordi nar.
19 Information th at the administrator of the machine requires is prin ted on the back of this page. (Separate this page from the manual and ke ep it in a safe place. In addition, fill in th e name of the administrat or and the administrator's contact inf ormation in t he left h and margin.
20 TO THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE MACHI NE (Separat e this page from the ma nual and k eep it in a safe place.) Factory default passwords When ac cessi ng the sy stem sett ings, the admini strator pa ssword is requ ired to l og in w ith admini strator rights.
21 TO THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE MACHIN E Trademark ac knowledgments The f ollo wing tr ademarks and r egistered tradema rks are used in conjunct ion with the machin e and its peripheral d ev ices and acce ssor ies. • Microsoft ® , Windows ® , Windo ws ® 98, Windows ® Me, Windows NT ® 4.
48 Sharpde sk CD-ROM (for Wi ndows) Installing SHARP TWA IN AR/DM SHAR P TWAI N AR/DM can not be u sed in W indows V ista. 1 Quit any software a pplications and/or re sident programs that are running on your computer. 2 Insert the "Disc 1" CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive .
Sharpd esk CD-ROM (for W indows) 47 6 When the "Customer Information" window appears, enter the serial number that appears on t he cover of the this ma nual, and click the "Next" button.
46 Sharpde sk CD-ROM (for Wi ndows) Installi ng the Software Pro gram Note the fo llowing w hen ins talling the so ftware pr ogram from the CD- ROM: ● Be sur e to check the system requireme nts for ins tallatio n of each of the so ftware pro grams in the user's gui des and o n the Inf ormation screen during instal lation.
Sharpd esk CD-ROM (for W indows) 45 User's Gui des for Software Programs The Ma nual fo lder in the CD-ROM c ontain s user's gu ides (in P DF form at) for e ach of the software p rogram s.
44 Sharpdesk CD-ROM (for Windows) The CD-RO M contai ns the fol lowing software program s: ● Sharpdesk* (Desk top Document Management Software) ● Network Scanner Tool ● SHARP TWAIN AR/DM (Twain .
43 Sharpdesk Installation Guide Please read ● The ex planatio ns in thi s manua l assu me that the pers on who will ins tall the produc t and the user s of the p roduct have a working knowl edge of Micros oft Windows.
42 REMOVING THE SOFTWARE To re move the p rinter driver or softwar e install ed us ing the in stall er, foll ow the step s belo w. Windows 1 Click the [start] bu tton and then click [Control Panel]. In Window s 2000, cl ick the [ Start] button, point to [Settings] , and clic k [Control Pane l].
41 WHEN I NSTALLATIO N WAS N OT SUCC ESSFUL X The pri nter driver canno t be inst alle d (Wind ows 2000 /XP/ Server 2003 ) If the printer dr iver cann ot be i nstalled on Wi ndows 200 0/XP/Ser ver 200 3, follow th e step s below to chec k your compute r settin gs.
40 WHEN IN STALLATI ON WAS NOT SUCC ESSFUL The machi ne is not detected (w hen connected to a network). Is the m achine power on? If the mac hine is powered o ff, it will not b e detected. Switch on th e main po wer switch a nd the [POW ER] key ( ) i n that orde r.
39 WHEN INSTALLATION WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL This se ction provid es so lution s to po ssible insta llation p roblems . See the f ollowi ng table o f conte nts to loc ate the approp riate pag e for you r questi on or probl em. 4 TROUBLESHOOTING • The softwar e cannot be installe d.
38 MAC OS 9.0 - 9.2.2 10 Sele ct the PPD fi le. (1) Click the PPD file for your model. (2) Click t he [Select] bu tton. 11 Make sur e that the m achine is se lected in the "Se lect a Post Script Printe r" list and then click the [Setup] button.
37 MAC OS 9.0 - 9.2.2 1 Insert the "Sof tware CD-ROM" into your computer's CD-ROM drive. Insert the "Softw are CD-ROM" that show s "Disc 2" on the front of the CD-ROM. 2 Doubl e-click the [C D-ROM] icon ( ) on the desktop.
36 MAC OS X X Printing us ing the IPP fu nction The ma chine can pri nt using the IPP fun ction. W hen the machine i s in a r emote loc ation, thi s functi on can be used in place of the fa x functi on to pri nt a highe r quali ty im age than a fax.
35 MAC O S X 15 Display printe r information. (1) Click the machine's name. If you are u sing Mac OS X v10.5 to 10.5 .6, click th e [Options & Supplies] butto n, click the [Dri ver] tab and go to s tep 16. (2) Click [ Show Info]. If you are using Ma c OS X v10.
34 MAC OS X + 14 Configure the printer driver. • The procedure for configurin g the print er driver va ries dependi ng on the oper ating sys tem version. The procedur e for versi ons 10.4.11 a nd 10.5 - 10 .5.6 and the p rocedure f or other ver sions are expl ained sep arately belo w.
33 MAC O S X 7 The License Agreement window will appear. Make sure that you understand the co ntents of the li cense agr eeme nt and then click the [Continue] button. A messag e will appear asking you if you ag ree to the terms of t he license. Click the [Agree] button.
32 This ch apter explain s how to in stall the PPD file to enab le print ing from a Maci ntosh and how to c onfigur e the pri nter driv er set ting s. ☞ MAC OS X: this page (v10.2. 8, v10.3.9, v10.4. 11, v10 .5 - 10.5. 6) ☞ MAC OS 9.0 - 9.2.2 : page 37 MAC OS X 1 Insert the "Sof tware CD-ROM" into your computer's CD-ROM drive.
31 CHANGING THE PORT 7 Click the [Next] button in the screen of step 5. 8 Click the [Finish] button. 9 Click the [Clo se] button in the screen of step 2.
30 CHANGING THE PORT X Changi ng to a Standa rd TCP /IP Port If the machine is being used on a n IPv6 net work, ch ange th e port to a port cr eated u sing the o perating system 's "Standa rd TCP /IP Port" . 1 Follow steps 1 to 3 of "CHANGING THE PORT" ( page 28).
29 CHANGING THE PORT 4 Sele ct [SC 2 TCP/IP Port ] and th en clic k the [New Port] button. 5 Create the new port. (1) Enter the machi ne's IP addres s. ☞ Checking the IP addre ss of the ma chine (page 7) (2) Make sure t hat [LPR] is selected. (3) Make sure t hat [lp] i s entered.
28 CHANGING THE PORT When us ing the ma chine in a Windows environme nt, follo w the steps be low to ch ange the p ort when you have ch anged the IP ad dress o f the ma chine or have insta lled the P C-Fax dr iver wh en the m achine is connecte d with a USB cabl e.
27 INSTALLING THE PS DISPLAY FONTS Fonts that can be used b y the PS printer driver are co ntaine d on the " PRINTER UTILITIES" CD-ROM that acc ompanies the PS3 expan sion ki t.
26 INSTALLING THE SCANNER DRI VER 7 Select the IP address of the machine from the "Address" menu and click the [OK] bu tton. • Be sure to as k your syst em admin istrator (netw ork adminis trator) for th e IP address o f the machin e.
25 INSTALLING THE SCANNER DRIVER The s canner dri ver (TWA IN driver) can onl y be used when th e machine is con nected to a networ k. When t he scann er drive r is in stalled, PC scan mode of the im age se nd functio n can be used.
24 INSTALLING THE PRINTER STATUS MONITOR Printe r Status Monit or is a printer utility that allows gene ral users to ch eck the c urrent sta tus of the machi ne on th eir compute r scr een, such as whe ther or not the m achine is ready to print.
23 INSTALLI NG THE PRINTER DRIVER / P C-FAX DRIVER X When the PPD driv er is installed 1 Click the [Start ] button ( ), click [Control Panel], and th en click [Printer] . • In Windows XP/Se rver 2003, click the [s tart] butto n and then click [Printe rs and Fax es].
22 INSTALLING THE PRIN TER DRIVER / PC-FAX DRIVER 5 Configure the image of the mach ine. An image of the machi ne is formed in the printer driver configura tion windo w based on the option s that are installe d. (1) Select t he options that are installed on the machine.
21 INSTALLI NG THE PRINTER DRIVER / P C-FAX DRIVER CONFIGURING THE PRINTER DRIVER FOR TH E OPTIONS INSTALLED ON THE MACHINE After i nstalling t he pri nter driv er, you must conf igure the prin ter drive r setting s appro priately for the o ptions th at have been ins talled a nd the s ize and type o f paper lo aded i n the mach ine.
20 INSTALLING THE PRIN TER DRIVER / PC-FAX DRIVER USING THE MA CHINE AS A SHARED PRINTER If you are going to use the machine as a shared pr inter on a Wi ndows network w ith the printer driver or the PC-Fax d river installed on a p rint server, follow the ste ps below to install th e pr inter driver or the PC-Fax driver on the client compute rs.
19 INSTALLI NG THE PRINTER DRIVER / P C-FAX DRIVER 6 Select whether or not you wish the printer to be your default printer and click the [Next] button. If you are installing multiple drivers, sel ect the printe r driver to b e used as th e default prin ter.
18 INSTALLING THE PRIN TER DRIVER / PC-FAX DRIVER When inst alling t he PS pr inter driver , PPD dr iver, or PC- Fax drive r Install ation is possib le even a fter the US B cable has be en connec ted.
17 INSTALLI NG THE PRINTER DRIVER / P C-FAX DRIVER 6 Click the [Close] button in the window of step 1. When a me ssage a ppears prompt ing you t o connect th e machine to your c omputer, cli ck the [OK] butto n. 7 Connect t he machine to your computer with a USB cable.
16 INSTALLING THE PRIN TER DRIVER / PC-FAX DRIVER WHEN THE MACHINE W ILL BE CONNECTED WITH A USB CABLE Supported operat ing systems: Windows 2000 * /XP * /Se rver 2003 * /Vis ta * /Server 2 008 * * Admi nistrato r's rights are requi red to ins tall the software.
15 INSTALLI NG THE PRINTER DRIVER / P C-FAX DRIVER 5 Enter the machine's URL and click the [Next] but ton. Enter the URL i n the followin g format: Normal format: http://<the machine's dom ain name or IP ad dress>:631* 1 /ipp *1 Normally "631" sho uld be entere d for the p ort number.
14 INSTALLING THE PRIN TER DRIVER / PC-FAX DRIVER X Printing us ing the IPP fu nction and the SSL functi on The IP P functio n can be u sed to print to t he machi ne over a network using HTT P protocol .
13 INSTALLI NG THE PRINTER DRIVER / P C-FAX DRIVER 5 When the model selection window appears, s elect the model name of your machine and click the [ Next] butt on. 6 When the printer driv er selection window appears, select the printer driver to be instal led and click the [Next] but ton.
12 INSTALLING THE PRIN TER DRIVER / PC-FAX DRIVER X Instal lation b y specif ying th e machin e's addr ess When the mach ine ca nnot be fou nd bec ause it i s not power ed on or otherw ise, ins tallatio n is pos sible by enteri ng the name (h ost name) or IP a ddress of th e machin e.
11 INSTALLI NG THE PRINTER DRIVER / P C-FAX DRIVER 6 When you are asked whether or not you want the printer to be your default printer, make a selection and clic k the [Next] but ton. If you are installing multiple drivers, sel ect the printe r driver to b e used as th e default prin ter.
10 INSTALLING THE PRIN TER DRIVER / PC-FAX DRIVER 2 Click the [Standard installat ion] button. 3 Prin ters connec ted to the networ k are detected. Sele ct the machine and clic k the [Nex t] button. 4 A confirmation window appears. Check the contents and then click t he [Next] button.
9 INSTALLING THE PRINTER DRIVER / PC-FAX DRIVER To ins tall the printer driver or the PC -Fax driv er, foll ow the a ppropriate procedu re in thi s section dependi ng on w hether the m achine i s connec ted to a network or conne cted by U SB ca ble.
8 This se ction explain s how to install the softwa re and configure settin gs so that the pr inter an d scanne r functi on of th e machin e can be used wi th a Wind ows co mputer. OPENING THE SOFTWARE SELECTION SCREEN (FOR ALL SOFTWARE) 1 Insert the "Sof tware CD-ROM" into your computer's CD-ROM drive.
7 CONNECTING THE MACHINE CONNECTING TO A NETWORK To co nnect the m achin e to a netwo rk, con nect the LA N cable t o the ma chine 's netwo rk connec tor. Use a shielde d LAN cable. After con nectin g the m achine to a network , be su re to co nfigure t he IP addr ess and other netw ork sett ings before instal ling the s oftware.
6 VERIFYI NG SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS SOFTWARE REQUIREME NTS The fol lowing r equirem ents m ust be met to use the softwar e descr ibed in this manu al. *1 For the types of computers and operating systems that can run the software, see "SYS TEM R EQUIREMENTS" (page 5).
5 VERIFYING SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Before installing the softwa re desc ribed in this man ual, make sure that y our com puter satis fies the following requir ement s. *1 The ma chine 's USB 2.0 port w ill tran sfer dat a at the speed specifi ed by t he USB 2.
4 CD-ROMS AND SOFTWARE OTHER CD-ROMS X "PRINTER UT ILITIES" CD-RO M that a ccompanies the PS3 ex pansion k it (for Windows /Macintosh) This con tains the display fonts tha t are use d with the P S print er driv er. (Install t he PS pr inter driv er and M acintos h PPD fil e from the "Softwar e CD-ROM".
3 CD-ROMS AN D SOFTWARE Disc 2 Software for Windows • PC-Fax driver This ena bles you t o send a file f rom you r compu ter as a fax u sing the same pr ocedure as when prin ting the fi le.
2 This ch apter describes th e softw are prog rams tha t allow y ou to use t he printe r and sc anner fun ction s of the ma chine , the CD-ROMs that con tain th e software, and the pa ges wher e the in stallati on procedu res can be foun d.
1 TABLE O F CONTENTS 1 BEFORE INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE CD-ROMS AN D SOFTWARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 • SOFTWARE CD-RO M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 • OTHER C D-ROMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Thank you for purchasin g this produc t. This manu al expl ains how to inst all an d configu re the so ftware that allows th e machin e to be used a s a prin ter or sc anner for a c omput er.
DIGIT AL FULL COLOUR MUL TIFUNCTIONAL SYSTEM Software Setup Guide Software Setup Guide Software Setup Guide K eep this manual close at hand for ref erence whene ver needed. MX-2301N MODEL: Please see opposite side to access to "Safety Guide".
デバイスSharp MX-2301Nの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sharp MX-2301Nをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSharp MX-2301Nの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sharp MX-2301Nの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sharp MX-2301Nで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sharp MX-2301Nを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSharp MX-2301Nの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sharp MX-2301Nに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSharp MX-2301Nデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。