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AXIS 2 1 20 Net w ork Camer a Now with support for AXIS 2191 Audio Module! User ’ s Manual R2 .01.
AXIS COMMUN ICATIONS <Product Name> Quick User’s Guide AXIS 21 20 Use r ’s M anual 2 About This Docu ment This document i s intended for administrators and users of the AXIS 21 20 Ne twork Camera , and is a pplic able for fir mware release 2.
AXIS 2120 User’s Manual Table of Cont ents 3 Table of Contents Product Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Featu res an d Ben efits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of Con tents AXIS 2120 Us er ’ s Ma nu al 4 Installing the Audio Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Configuring the Au dio Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
AXIS 212 0 U s er ’ s Manual Produc t Ove r vi ew 5 Product Overview The AX IS 21 20 is a digital network camera running TCP/IP. It i ncludes al l of the require d netw orki ng co nne ctiv ity for di strib uting mon itore d im ages ov er a s ecu re int ranet netw ork or the Inte rnet.
Product Ove rvie w AXIS 2120 User ’ s Ma nu al 6 Features and Benefits Eas y t o U se - The AXIS 2120 i s comp letely i ndepe nden t of an y other s erver an d req uires no other sp eci al hardw are or so ftware suc h as PC fram e grab ber car ds o r vie wing s oftware.
AXIS 212 0 U s er ’ s Manual Produc t Ove r vi ew 7 Imag e U pdat ing - The on-board AXIS ETRA X 100 pro cesso r combined with the revolu tio nary AX IS AR TPEC-1 Real Time Picture Encod er prov ide s an am azing power- sy nergy to de liver up to 25 /30 frame s/s econ d ( PAL/ NTS C) over 10Mbp s or 10 0M bps networks.
Physic al Des cripti o n AXIS 2120 User ’ s Ma nu al 8 Physical Descri ption Read the foll owin g in format ion to fam ili arize y our self w ith the A XIS 2 120, ma king part icul ar no te of whe re the conne cto rs and i ndi cators are l ocated.
AX IS 212 0 Us er’s Man ual Physic al De scri ptio n 9 The Rear Panel Note: The power supply for your AXIS 2120 is country specific. Plea se check that you are using the cor- rect type. See page 10. Powe r Su ppl y Connec tor A sing le J ack so cke t (PS-D) for c onnection of the AXIS 21 20 power supply.
Assemb li ng Your Came ra AXIS 2120 User ’ s Manua l 10 Asse mbling Your Camera The in form ation prov ide d in t his se cti on wi ll assi st y ou in unpac king and asse mblin g the prod uct correctl y. Once ass embled, you are then re ady to install and confi gure your prod uct, as descr ibed in th e foll owing se ctions o f this do cument.
AXIS 212 0 U s er ’ s Manual Assemb l i ng You r Camera 11 Fixing the AXIS 2120 to a Moun ting Assembly Cautio n! The m ounting ass embly suppli ed with y our AXIS 2120 features a screw h ead that attaches to the undersid e of the product. Fasten the AXIS 2120 to the mounting ass embly and posit ion it a pprop riat ely for your applica tion.
Inst alling Your Came ra on a Netwo rk AXIS 2120 User’s Manua l 12 Installing Your Camera on a Network • Macintosh users - Please refer to Notes for Macin tosh U sers, on page 61 . • Easy installation - Use The AXIS IP Inst aller. See Using the AXIS IP Insta ller, on page 60.
AX IS 212 0 Us er’s Man ual Instal ling Your Camer a on a Ne twork 13 You will now see ‘ Request timed out ... ’ messages re peatedly r eturned i n the window. Notes: •In Windows you can find out the IP address of y our workstation by run ning winipcfg (Win 95/98/ME) or ipconfig (Win NT/ 200 0) from the comm an d line.
Inst alling Your Came ra on a Netwo rk AXIS 2120 User’s Manua l 14 Verifying the Installatio n From Your Br owser Having comp leted th e installa tion pro cedure abov e, you should th en verify th e connectio n betw een th e AX IS 21 20 and th e n etw o rk , as fol lo ws: 1.
AXIS 2120 U s er ’s Manual Instal l in g You r Cam era to a Modem 15 Installing Your Camera to a Modem The info rmation in thi s section des cribes h ow to connect the AXIS 2120 to a seri al modem for transmitting images o ver a normal Di al-up connection.
Inst allin g Your Came ra to a Mo dem AXIS 2120 User ’ s Manua l 16 3. Logi n wit h th e us erna me root and the pa sswor d pass . The P hone Numb er and Modem Type that you ent er ar e irre leva nt at logi n and yo u can use dummy nu mbers fo r completi ng these di alogs.
AXIS 2120 U s er ’s Manual Instal l in g You r Cam era to a Modem 17 Connecting Your Computer Using the Null Modem Cable Import ant! Foll ow the step s b elo w to co nfi gur e a s eri al m ode m co nn ect ion for yo ur AX IS 2 12 0: • The informa ti o n an d screen examp les featur ed here are specific to Wi ndows NT.
Inst allin g Your Came ra to a Mo dem AXIS 2120 User ’ s Manua l 18 Creating a Dial-up Networking Connection Follo w the step s belo w to create a dial-u p networ king connecti on to yo ur AXIS 21 20: ❶ Double-click My Computer and then double-click the Dial-Up Networking icon.
AXIS 2120 U s er ’s Manual Instal l in g You r Cam era to a Modem 19 Refining the Dial-up Networking Properties Having cr eat ed the dial -up co nnectio n for you r AXIS 212 0, fol low the s teps bel ow to refine th e connectio n proper ties: ❷ Click the Server Ty pes tab.
Inst allin g Your Came ra to a Mo dem AXIS 2120 User ’ s Manua l 20 Initiating the Dial-u p Connection Imp or ta nt! Verifying the Modem Connectio n Havi ng in itia ted yo ur di al-up con nect ion a.
AXIS 2120 User’s Manua l Configu ring Y our Ca mera 21 Configur ing Yo ur Came ra Import ant! Befor e You B egin Having ch osen the ty pe of app licati on you wan t to devel op and ha ving insta lle.
Configu ring Your Camera AXI S 21 20 User’ s Ma nu a l 22 Installation Wizard Over view The Installation Wiz ard prov ides a quick and e asy way to define the System , Security , Image and Layout settin gs f or yo ur app lica tion - as des crib ed in the Tool s Overview, on page 24 .
AXIS 2120 User’s Manua l Configu ring Y our Ca mera 23 Accessing the Tools 1. Star t your br owser and e nter the na me or Inter net address of the AXI S 2120 ( or any DNS name if yo u are acc essing the unit v ia the Null Mode m Cabl e) in the add ress fi eld .
Configu ring Your Camera AXI S 21 20 User’ s Ma nu a l 24 Tools Overview The ta ble b elow pr ovid es a o ne- stop over view of the Ad min is tr ati on Tool s : Settin gs Tool D es cript ion Imag e Focu s the ca mera using the F ocus Ass istant, a djust th e Auto Iri s settings, and define image attributes for your AXIS 2120.
AXIS 2120 User’s Manua l Configu ring Y our Ca mera 25 System Securi ty To prev ent any unauthori zed use of th e camera, th e AXIS 2120 supports multi-u ser passwor d prote ction an d access is rest ricted to define d users only .
Configu ring Your Camera AXI S 21 20 User’ s Ma nu a l 26 Motion Detection The AXI S 2120 includes in-imag e motion detection th at compr ises mult i-w ind ow supp ort for up to thr ee motion de tection windo ws in the target imag e area. Use the motion detect ion featur e to generate an alar m whenever move ment occurs in the image area.
AXIS 2120 User’s Manua l Configu ring Y our Ca mera 27 Creatin g a Motion Detectio n Window Follow the instructions bel ow to create a motion detect ion window within the image area: 1.
Configu ring Your Camera AXI S 21 20 User’ s Ma nu a l 28 Reinstating the Factory Defaul t Settings In certai n circ umstances, it may b e necessary to reinstate th e Fact ory De fault se ttin gs f or your AXIS 21 20.
AXIS 2120 User’s Manual Choosing You r Appli cation 29 Choosing Your Application The AXIS 2120 can be u sed in a wid e varie ty of appli cation s and inst alls d irectly on to an Ethern et ne tw ork, or it c an be used with a V.9 0-co mpati ble modem .
Choosin g Your Ap plicati on AXIS 21 20 User’ s Ma nu a l 30 Picture frequency for Ne tworking Applications When use d in a TCP/IP ne tworking en vironment, the AXIS 2 120 de livers up to 25 /30 (PA.
AXIS 2120 User’s Manual Choosing You r Appli cation 31 Viewing Images in a C ustom-designed Web Page Often used as an attracti on for enhancing a Web site with li ve images, this typ e of applicati on represen ts the mos t basic form of network camera configur ation.
Choosin g Your Ap plicati on AXIS 21 20 User’ s Ma nu a l 32 Sequentially Uploading Images to a Remote FTP Serv er Ideal for a ny busy Web site wher e a large audience is expected, th is applicati o.
AXIS 2120 User’s Manual Choosing You r Appli cation 33 Uploading Pre and/ or Post Alarm Images to a R emote FTP server The AXIS 2 120 is a n ideal s olut ion for a wide variet y of remote monitorin g app licati ons.
Choosin g Your Ap plicati on AXIS 21 20 User’ s Ma nu a l 34 Modem Appli cations If a local network c onnection is not avai lable at your chos en point of insta llati on , you can altern ative ly conn ect yo ur AXIS 21 20 to a V.
AXIS 2120 User’s Manual Choosing You r Appli cation 35 Picture Frequency for Modem Applic ations When used with a modem, the spe ed of your communicati ons link will nor mally determine the imag e freq uency in yo ur br owser.
Choosin g Your Ap plicati on AXIS 21 20 User’ s Ma nu a l 36 Remote Imaging in a Cu stom-designed Web Page The AXIS 2120 can be configured as a standalone appl ication that is remote from any network.
AXIS 2120 User’s Manual Choosing You r Appli cation 37 Uploading Images to Your Internet Service Prov ider Perfect f or Web attr acti on s, re mot e moni tori ng a nd proc ess cont ro l a ppl ica ti.
Choosin g Your Ap plicati on AXIS 21 20 User’ s Ma nu a l 38 Uploading Pre/Post Alar m Images to Your Internet Service Provider Perfect as a remote imagi ng tool, the AXIS 2 120 not onl y transmits .
AX IS 212 0 Us er’s Manual Adju sti ng the Camer a F ocus 39 Adjusting the Camera Foc us The AX IS 2120 has a varifoca l DC Ir is lens that auto matically regul a tes the amou nt of ligh t enter ing the camera, to prov ide a w id e-ang le zoo m with a mi nimal amount of disto rtio n.
Adjusting the Camera Focus AXI S 21 20 User’s Manua l 40 Focusin g Quality The ta bl e bel ow s ho ws th e fu ll r an ge o f colo rs di spl a ye d by the Status Indicator when the Focus As sistan t .
AX IS 212 0 Us er’s Manual Adju sti ng the Camer a F ocus 41 3. Enable th e Focus Assi stant: Using a su itabl y poin ted obje ct, pres s and co ntinue to hold the Co ntr ol B ut ton - u ntil th e Sta tus Ind ica t or flashes Ye l l o w .
Adjusting the Camera Focus AXI S 21 20 User’s Manua l 42 Repl aci n g the Le n s Since the AXIS 2120 is designed with a C S-mount, the len s suppli ed with your prod uct can be repl aced wi th any s tanda rd C o r CS le ns typi call y use d withi n the s urveil lance indu stry.
AX IS 212 0 Us er’s Manual Adju sti ng the Camer a F ocus 43 Exposure Control O verview The tabl e be low p rovid es a sum mary of t he Exp osure Con trol set tings i n t he Image - Advanced page .
Adjusting the Camera Focus AXI S 21 20 User’s Manua l 44 Adjusting the Back Focus Your AXIS 21 20 is s uppl ie d wit h the b a ck focu s rou ghl y s et to acc ommodate a re aso nabl e lev el of focu s throu ghout the comp lete fo cusin g range.
AXIS 2120 User ’s Man ual The A XIS 2 191 Audio Module 45 The AXI S 21 91 Audio Mod ule The AXIS 219 1 Aud io Mod ule is an add -on devic e that prov ides audio capabil ity to Axis netw ork cameras. The mod u le connect s quickly and easily to the ser ial port of the camera and is configured and contro lled via the camera’s user inte rface.
The AXIS 21 91 A udio Mod ule AXIS 21 20 U ser’ s Ma nual 46 The Fron t Pane l The Rear Panel Powe r Conn ecto r Power Indic ator - N ormally lit . Serial Po rt C onnect or - Conne ct the serial cable from here to t he serial port on the camera. Acti v ity In dic a to r - Lights u p when the camera has configured the audio module.
AXIS 2120 User ’s Man ual The A XIS 2 191 Audio Module 47 Inst alli ng th e Aud i o Modu le ❶ Before installi ng the AXIS 219 1 Audio Modu le, fi rst install you r net work camer a.
The AXIS 21 91 A udio Mod ule AXIS 21 20 U ser’ s Ma nual 48 Confi guri ng th e Au di o Mo dul e The network camera’s admi nistrati on pages prov ide all the too ls required for succes sfully configuring th e AX IS 2191. Fro m th e ca mera ’s home pag e, click on the link to Administratio n Tools .
AXIS 2120 User ’s Man ual The A XIS 2 191 Audio Module 49 Using the Audio Module wi th You r Camera Your audio mod ule is now con f igu red an d ready for use with you r netw ork camer a. En ter yo ur camera’s IP-address in Internet Explorer, o r click Ho me on the camera’s adm in page .
The AXIS 21 91 A udio Mod ule AXIS 21 20 U ser’ s Ma nual 50 Simplex - Talk Simpl ex - Talk mode means that only th e web-clie nt end of the connec tion can tran smit audio (that is, to t he AXIS 21 91). This co uld b e us ed, f or exam ple, to pr ovid e sp oke n inst ructions to a per son see n in the networ k camera.
AXIS 2120 User ’s Man ual The A XIS 2 191 Audio Module 51 Troublesho oting the Audi o Module Note: If you still have a prob lem after reading this informati on, pleas e cont act your reseller , or visit www . an d check the suppo rt section for Axis camera pro ducts.
The AXIS 21 91 A udio Mod ule AXIS 21 20 U ser’ s Ma nual 52 Technic al Spec ifications for the AXIS 2191 Connect ion Diagram • Operati ng te mperatu re : 40-1 05 o F (5-40 o C). • Humidity - 8-80% r elative humidity . • EMC - : EN55024 , EN55022 , Class B and EN6 1 000-3-3.
AXIS 2120 User ’s Man ual The A XIS 2 191 Audio Module 53 The Audio Module to Camera Serial Cable The serial cable su pp lied with yo ur AXIS 2191 is wired as shown in the table belo w: Pinouts for .
Troublesho oting AXIS 2120 Us er ’ s Ma nu a l 54 Append ix A - Tro ublesh ooting This appendi x provid es us eful i nformat ion to h elp you to res olve an y dif fi culty you migh t have with your AXIS 212 0. Symptoms, po ssibl e cause s and re medial a ction s are pr ovided in a qui ck refe re nc e tab le.
AXIS 2120 User’s Manual Troublesho oting 55 PINGing Yo ur IP Addr ess By sendi ng a packet to the s pecif ied addre ss and waiting fo r a reply, th e PING utility can determi ne whethe r a specifi c IP addres s is acces sible. It also pr ovides a particularl y useful method for confirmi ng addressing conflicts with your AXIS 2120 on the netwo rk.
Troublesho oting AXIS 2120 Us er ’ s Ma nu a l 56 Symptoms, Possible Causes and Remedial Actions Symp to ms Possible cau se s R em ed ial act ions The AX IS 2120 can not be accessed from a browser.
AXIS 2120 User’s Manual Troublesho oting 57 The Network indicator dis- plays red. Faulty cabling. 1. To ve rify tha t the c able is functional, conne ct the cable to a known fun ctioning device on t he network and PING it from your work stati on. 2.
Troublesho oting AXIS 2120 Us er ’ s Ma nu a l 58 Note: If you still have a problem a fter reading this information, please conta ct your resell er or check the FAQ on th e AXIS 2120 product pa ges at the Axis Website at www.a Bad focus Focus has not been correctly adjusted.
AXIS 212 0 User ’s Man ual Other IP S etup Meth ods 59 Appendi x B - Ot her IP Setup Meth ods In additi on to the ARP command (descri be d earlier in th e Install ation sect ion of this manual), you.
Other IP Set up Method s AXIS 21 20 U ser’ s M anual 60 Using the AXIS IP Install er AXIS IP Installe r is a Wi ndows progr am that is ideal for se tting the IP addres ses fo r multi ple Axis net working prod ucts on your networ k.
AXIS 212 0 User ’s Man ual Other IP S etup Meth ods 61 Notes for Macintosh Users The AXIS 2120 supports TC P/IP over Ethernet, or PPP Mode m dial-up.
Updating th e Firmware A XI S 2120 User ’ s Manua l 62 Appendix C - Updating the Fir mware Th e A X I S 2 1 2 0 c am e r a f ir m w a re is s t or ed i n F l as h m em o r y. T hi s m e m o ry i s p ro v i de d by a silic on chip that, just l ike any other ROM device , retains data content even after power is remove d.
AX IS 212 0 Us er’s Manual The U nit Conn ecto rs 63 Appen di x D - Th e Unit C onne ctors This s ection provid es a detailed ov erview of th e two supported product c onnectors; name ly the Seri al Conne ctor and IO Co nnector .
The Unit Connec tors AXIS 2120 User’s Manual 64 The Ph ysi cal Con ne ctor A sing le 9-pi n D-sub co nnector provi des the physica l conn ection for the RS- 232 seri al interface of the AXIS 2120. This interface is f or use with an external modem and is sui table f or spe eds of up t o 115kbps .
AX IS 212 0 Us er’s Manual The U nit Conn ecto rs 65 Digital Input Used for conn ecting exte rn al alarm device s and trig geri ng images for specific alar m-base d even ts, th e digi tal i nput i s.
The Unit Connec tors AXIS 2120 User’s Manual 66 Schematic Diagram Schematic diagram of th e I/O and RS232 connector - showing a possible application Caut ion! Pins 1 and 2 are connected to the d erived DC power for the un it, and can be use d as an external powe r feed for external equipment, s uch as a n infra red sensor .
AXIS 2120 User’s Manual High-Spee d Servic es 67 Appendix E - High-Speed Servi ces You wi ll experi ence th e full per for mance of the AX IS 2120 if you h ave acc ess to high-s peed Inter net servi ces such as, xDSL or a cable- modem conn ection.
High-Speed Servi ces AXIS 21 20 Us er’s G uide 68 Routers and Fi rewalls Another ideal sol ution is to use on e of seve ral small r outers/fi rewall s currently available on the marke t.
AXIS 2120 User’s Manual Custo m Web Pages 69 Appendix F - Cust om Web P ages The AXIS 2120 contains a re-writeable f lash memory file system that allow s some direct orie s and fi les to be change d by the root user, usi ng FT P (Fil e Transf er Prot oco l).
Custom Web Pages AXIS 2120 User’ s Ma nu a l 70 Editing and Storing Y our Webpages Note: Severa l demonstration and tutorial pages describe in some detail how to perform, execute, and implement various HTML development functions for your pr oduct. Follo w the inst ruct ions belo w to create and sa ve customi zed page s to the AXIS 2 120: 1.
AXIS 2120 User’s Manual Custo m Web Pages 71 Creating a New Hom e Page Having cr eat ed and st ored yo ur new custo m Web pages in pro duct memor y, you t hen proc eed to assi gn o ne of these page s as yo ur de fault Hom e pag e in th e AX IS 212 0, as desc ribe d be low: Cautio n! 1.
Technic al Spe cifications AXI S 21 20 User’ s Ma nu a l 72 Append ix G - Tech ni cal Specif ications System Requirements - The AXI S 2120 uses the st an dard I n ternet TCP/IP suite of pr otoc ols and ca n be us ed wi th most op erating sy stems: Wind ows 95, 98, N T an d 2000, Linux, U NIX, Mac and others .
AX IS 212 0 Us er’s Man ual Tech nical Spec ifi cation s 73 Camera Lens - Varifoc al DC Iri s lens with CS Mount, m anual zoom , variab le focus , and expo sure cont rol. V ariab le shut ter s peeds betw een 1/50 - 1/10 000 (PA L) and 1/60 - 1/10 000 ( NTSC) .
Index AXI S 21 20 User ’ s Manua l 74 Inde x A Access rights 25 ActiveX 14 Anonymous user access 25 AppleTalk 61 ARP 56 ARTPEC-1 7, 7 2 Assigning an I P address 12 Audio Configuration 48 AXIS 2191 A.
AXIS 212 0 User’s M anua l Ind ex 75 O Obtaining updated firmware 62 Other IP setup methods 59 P Performance 73 Power indicator 51, 5 6 Power supply conne ctor 9 PPP 7 Profile slider s - motion dete.
AXIS COMMUN ICATIONS <Product Name> Quick User’s Guide AXI S 21 20 User’ s Ma nu a l 76 ActiveX - A co ntrol ( or s et of rule s) u sed by a brow ser. ActiveX controls are often downloaded and installed automatically as r equired. ARP - Ad dres s Reso luti on Prot ocol .
デバイスAxis 2120の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Axis 2120をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAxis 2120の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Axis 2120の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Axis 2120で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Axis 2120を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAxis 2120の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Axis 2120に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAxis 2120デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。