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Part No. 007-0207-001 SpeedStream SpeedStream SpeedStream SpeedStream ® 2614 4-Port DSL/Cable Router 4-Port DSL/Cable Router 4-Port DSL/Cable Router 4-Port DSL/Cable Router User Guide.
i T ABLE OF C ONTENTS 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 About the SpeedStream 2614 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ii 5 Configuring Printer Ser vices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Install t he P rint Server Pro gr am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1- 1 C HAPTER 1 I NTRODU CTION Congratul ations o n your purc hase of th e SpeedStream 261 4 DSL/Cable Router . Siemens is proud to provide you with a po werful yet simple co mmunication d evice for connecti ng your loc al area n etwork (LAN) to the Inter net.
1- 2 Applications The SpeedSt ream 2614 by S iemens provide s many advance d featur es and func tionality: • LAN Acces s – The Speed Stream 2 614 provides c onnectivi ty to 10/100 M bps dev ices, making it easy to create a netwo rk in sma ll offices or hom es.
2- 1 C HAPTER 2 I NSTA LLI NG THE S PEED S TREAM 2614 Before i nstalling t he SpeedSt ream 2614 DSL/Cable Router , verify th at you have all the it ems listed und er “Pack age Contents,” and that y ou have all the neces sary cablin g.
2- 2 These ports can a uto-negotiate the operating speed to 10/100 Mbps, the mode to half/ full duplex, and the pin signals to MDI/ MDI-X, allowin g these ports to be co nnect ed to any networ k devic e with straigh t- through cab le.
2- 3 System Requirements Y ou must have ac cess to a net work th at meets the f ollowing mi nimum requirement s: • Internet access from your local telepho ne company or Intern et Service Provider (ISP) using an xD SL modem, cabl e mode m, ISDN T A, or PSTN analog m odem.
2- 4 Figure 2-2. Connecting the SpeedStream 2614 Caution Do not plug a phone j ack connec tor into any RJ-45 por t. This may damage th e SpeedSt ream 2614 . Instead, u se only twisted- pair ca bles with RJ-45 c onnector s that co nform to FCC standa rds.
2- 5 If Inte rnet se rvice s are prov ided thr ough an xDSL or ca ble modem, use unshi elded or shielded t wist ed- pair Et hernet cabl e with RJ-45 pl ugs t o conne ct the broad band modem d irect ly t o the W AN port on the SpeedS tream 2614.
2- 6 7. Configur e the SpeedStr e am 2614. Configure t he SpeedStr eam 2614 as d etailed in Chapter 3, “Configur ing the Sp eedStream 26 14.”. 8. Configur e TCP/IP . Configur e t he TCP/IP prot ocol on yo ur netwo rk c omput ers as d eta iled in Cha pte r 4, “Config uring Client TCP/IP .
3- 1 C HAPTER 3 C ONFI GURI NG THE S PEED S TREAM 2614 Before y ou can config ure t he S peedStr eam 2614 DSL/Cable Router , the TCP/IP proto col must be in stalle d on all c omputers on your networ k. If you need t o instal l TCP/IP , refer to Cha pter 4, “Installi ng and Conf igur i ng T C P/IP .
3- 2 client filter ing, and var ious other sett ings . • Tools – Reset the Sp eedStream 2614, rest ore the factory se ttings, or upgrad e on-board firmwar e. • Help – View descriptions of menu items, troubles hooting tips, gloss ary of terms, and contact information for SpeedStream support, driver up dates, Web site, and FT P site.
3- 3 Configuration Changes Configur able para meters ar e availab le by means o f dialog boxes or drop-d own lists. After you c hange a configu ration, be sure to cli ck the Enter but ton at the b ottom of th e page to co nfirm the new s etting. To ensure proper screen ref resh aft er a comman d entry, co nfigure In ternet Expl orer 5.
3- 4 The Status screen pr ovides t he followi ng informatio n: Table 3 -2. Stat us Menu Op tions Simple Setup Procedures The managemen t interf ace will gui de you thro ugh sequenc e of steps require d to confi gure the SpeedStr eam 2614 for use with an ISDN T A or 56k, cabl e or DSL modem.
3- 5 2. On the Simple Se tup menu, click Set T ime Zone . 3. On the Set T ime Zone sc reen, sele ct the co rrect time z one in the drop-down l ist box.
3- 6 Static I P Address (Fi xed IP) If you r se le cted Static IP Addr ess as your W AN connection type , the Simple Setup | W AN | Fixed IP screen d isplays wh en you cli ck More Configura tion . 1. In the I P addre ss assigned by y our ISP boxes, enter your IP address.
3- 7 fill in the re leva n t fie ld s und er Secondary Dial- up . Figure 3- 3. Sim ple Setup | WAN | Dial-up M odem 1. In the Check if you only use a di al-up modem to co nnect to t he Interne t check box, clic k to sele ct it if the serial port is used f or primary In ternet access.
3- 8 address for you to use, se lect Ye s and ente r the des ignated I P address a nd subnet ma sk. Advanced Setup Procedures After co mpleti ng the Simple Setup menu opt ions, you will next move t o the Advanced Setup optio ns. Y ou may also go d irectly to any of the se screen s by click ing that option on the ma in menu.
3- 9 Enable Firewall Protec tion From the Adva nced Setup | Firewal l screen, you can enable the SpeedSt ream 2614 fir ewall to bloc k common hacker attacks , includi ng IP Spoofing, La nd Attack, P ing of Deat h, IP with zero length, Smurf Attack, UDP p ort loopback, Snork Attac k, TCP null scan, a nd TCP SYN floodi ng.
3- 10 infor mati on. 4. Click Copy to to e nter that informat ion in the Public Por t boxes on the desig nated line. Network Address Translat ion (NAT) Network Addr ess T ranslation, o r NA T , i s automati cally enabl ed when you en able multi-us er Inter net acces s or en able the V ir tua l Serv er fun ction .
3- 11 3. Click in the box to the right of Copy to a nd select th e line number to which t he syste m will ente r that infor mati on. 4. Click Copy t o to ente r that informat ion in the Public Port boxes on the desi gnated li ne.
3- 12 a DMZ host. Caution: Adding a c lient to the DMZ (demil itarized z one) may expose your local networ k to a vari ety of secur ity risks. Use thi s option as a last resort on ly! System Tools From the T ools sc reen, you c an manage addi tional features and function s of the Sp eedStream 26 14.
3- 13 Reset Router On the T ool s menu or sc reen, click Re set R out er to reboot the route r and retai n all your configur ation settin gs. Restore Factory Defaults On the T ool s menu or sc reen, click Rest ore Fa ctory Defaul ts to re boot the r outer , overwriti ng your configu ration se ttings with tho se of the facto ry defaul ts.
4- 1 C HAPTER 4 I NSTA LLING AND C ONFI GURI NG TCP /IP T o access the Internet through t he SpeedStr eam 2614 DSL/Cable Ro uter , you must co nfigure i t and your network compu ter s wit h sa m e IP subnet . Manu al ly con fi gur e the IP addr ess for cli en t computers or obta in it aut omatically f rom the Speed Stream 2614’ s DHCP servic e.
4- 2 Figure 4-2. Select Network Protocol 6. The TCP/IP p rotocol will be listed i n the Networ k window . Click OK t o comp lete th e ins tall procedur e, and res tart your compu ter to enabl e the TCP/I P protocol .
4- 3 4. Click OK and r eboot your system to implement t he changes. Figure 4-3. TCP/IP Pr operties Sheets Manual IP Configuration 1. On the IP Addr ess tab, select Specify an I P addre ss . Select the IP add ress base d on the def ault network 1 92.168.
4- 4 However , if the followin g message app ears, the re may be somet hing wrong in y our installation procedur e: Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Request timed out.
5- 1 C HAPTER 5 C ONFI GURING P RINT ER S ERVICES The SpeedS tream 2614 printe r server sup ports W i ndows 95/98/NT/200 0/ME and Unix pl atforms. T o configu re print services for devi ces attached to the SpeedStre am 2614: 1. Instal l the print server pr ogram from the SpeedStrea m 2614 CD-ROM.
5- 2 spec ified lo cation. Figu r e 5-2 . Choose Desti natio n Loca tio n 4. Select the folder to co ntain the progr am icons ; then cl ick Next . Figure 5-3.
5- 3 5. E nter th e print er p or t nam e that will id entif y the port m onito r in you r syst em; t hen cl ick Next . Figure 5-4. Select Po rt Name 6. When the se tup pro gram finis hes inst alling the p ort monitor , select Y es, I want to res tart my computer now ; then cl ick OK .
5- 4 Configure the Printer Por t After yo u instal l the pri nt server program, l ocate the instruc tions bel ow that ar e specifi c to your operatin g system: W indows 95/98/NT/ME , W indows 2000, or Unix. Windows 95 / 98 / NT / ME 1. On the W indows desk top, dou ble-click My Comput er | Pri nters | Add Pr inter .
5- 5 3. Select the port y ou want to use with this pri nter; t hen click Ne xt. Figure 5-8. Select Printer Port 4. Follow the prompts to comple te the SpeedS tream 2614 pri nter port c onfigurat ion. The prin ter type you specif ied will n ow be added t o your Print ers menu.
5- 6 2. Select L oc al pr inter ; t he n clic k Next . Figure 5-10. Select Network Printer.
5- 7 3. Select the print er port; then click Ne xt . Figure 5-11. Select Printer Port 4. Follow the prompts t o complet e the prin ter po rt configu rati on.
A- 1 Appe ndix A T ROUBLESH OOTING This sec tion desc ribes common p roblems you ma y encounter and thei r possibl e soluti ons. Use the panel indicat ors to monito r and identify p roblems wit h the Speed Stream 2614. I f you canno t resolv e any connecti on proble m s afte r checkin g the indi cators, r efer to the foll owing tabl e.
A- 2 Table A- 1 . Troubl esh ooting Ch art Technical Support Before c ontactin g T echnical Suppor t, ple ase refer t o the pre vious T roubleshoo ting table.
B- 1 Appe ndix B C ABLES Ethe rnet Cable Cable Types and Specifications Table B-1. Cable Type s and Spe cification s Twisted-pair Cable Caution : DO NOT pl ug a phone jack c onnector into any RJ-45 por t. Use on ly twiste d-pair ca bles with RJ-45 conn ectors that conform with FCC s tandards.
B- 2 RJ-45 Pin Number ing Table B- 2. RJ-45 Pin Number ing RJ-45 Pin Assignments All LAN port s on the Spe edStream 261 4 support aut omatic MDI/MDI- X configura tion. This means that the pin signals i n use will dep e nd on whether the LAN port is op erating in MDI or MDI-X mode.
B- 3 DB-9 Port Pin Assi gnments Tabl e B-4 . DB- 9 Port Pin A s sig nment Seri al Po rt to 9- Pin CO M Port on C o mput er Table B -5. Ser i al Port t o 9-Pin COM P ort on Com pu ter Seri al Po rt to 25 -P in DC E Port o n Mode m Table B-6.
B- 4 Seri al Po rt to 25 -P in DT E Port o n Compu ter Table B-7. Serial Port to 25-Pin DTE Port on Co mputer Printer Port Pin Assignments The DB-25 para llel port on t he SpeedSt ream 261 4’ s rear panel is used to co nnect t he SpeedSt ream 2614 to a print er .
B- 5 DB-25 Printer Port Pi n Assignments Table B - 8. DB-25 Pr inter Po rt Pin Assi gnment Pin Signal Name Direction 1 -Strobe To printer 2 +Data 0 To printer 3 +Data 1 To printer 4 +Data 2 To printer.
C- 1 A PPENDIX C Specific ations WAN In ter fac e 10B ASE-T , 1 RJ-45 port (1) DB-9 RS-232 port for PSTN/ISDN connections LAN Interface 10BASE -T/100Base-TX (4) RJ-45 port s Printe r Interface Pa r a .
C- 2 Te m p e r a t u r e Operating 32 to 104°F (0 to 40°C) Storage -40 to 158°F (-40 to 70°C) Humidity 5% to 95% (n oncond ensing).
デバイスSiemens 2614の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Siemens 2614をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSiemens 2614の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Siemens 2614の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Siemens 2614で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Siemens 2614を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSiemens 2614の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Siemens 2614に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSiemens 2614デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。