SiemensメーカーHiPath 4000の使用説明書/サービス説明書
ページ先へ移動 of 74
HiPath 4000 Gigase t M1 prof ession al in HiP ath Co rdle ss Enterp ris e Operating Instructions.
Sa fety notes for the mobile telephone Danger : • Do not us e the mobil e tele phone in pote nti ally explo sive atmospheres . • A tr ansmit ter pow er is emit ted by y our mobile te lephone, see p age 57. Pl ease o bserv e saf ety p roced ures f or y our area.
I Ov erview of unit parts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 13 10 11 12 1 Receiver inse t 1 0 Hash key 2 Display 1 1 NET/ c allback key 3 D i spl ay keys 1 2 Dir e ct ca l l key 4 Con trol k ey 1 3 Mi crop hone 5 T a.
II Sa fety notes for usin g the battery Cau tio n: • On ly used appro ved bat terie s, see p age 1 0. • A void contact with fire and w ater . • On ly use the appr ov ed C3928 0-Z4-C373 po wer su pply unit in accorda nce wi th the environmen tal sp eci ficat ions.
III Quick r eference guide P e rforming a dir ect call: Pr ess the direct call key . A ctiva ting or deactiv ating the mobi le telephone: a Hold do wn the on/of f ke y . A ctiva ting or deactiv ating the k eypad loc k: ª Hold dow n the ha sh k ey . A ctivating or deactiv ating the ring er volu me: « Hold do wn the star ke y .
V Conten ts Overview of unit parts ............................ ................ I Quick reference guide ................... .................. .... III Operating instructions ................... ......................... 1 Useful information about the mobile telephone 1 Featu res .
VI Pre parin g f or re gist rati on ....... ....... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... 1 5 Registeri ng at the syst em for the firs t time .. ..... .....17 Reg iste ring at a not her syst em .... ...... ..... .... .... ..... .... 1 7 Det ermin ing di rect ca ll numb ers .
VII Rese tting the de faul ts . ..... .... ..... .... ....... .... .... ..... .... ..... . 3 5 Selec ting a b ase ........ .... ..... .... ..... ...... ..... .... ..... .... .... .... 36 Enhanced functions ................................. ...........
VIII Entering text ......................... ........................... ........53 Cha ract er ta ble . .... .... ....... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... ....5 3 Key uti lisatio n ....... .... ..... .... ....... .... ..... .... .....
1 Oper ating instr uctions T hese o pera ting ins tr ucti ons de scri be y our mob ile t eleph one an d its funct ions on your comm unic ations system.
2 Environmental conditions F or saf e ty info rmation, see the back co ver . P ermitted temper ature range, see pa ge 57 . Radio r ange Display ing the radio range Connection qualit y T he stre ngth o.
3 Keys , function selection and displa y Fu ncti on k ey s T he f ollo wing fu ncti on k ey s are a vaila ble: Key Name Use a On-h ook an d on/of f ke y • En d a ca ll • Cancel fun ctions • Jump.
4 NET/Callback k ey The NET/Callback key pro vides access to the following func tions de- pendi ng on h ow i t is op erat ed: Contro l key The cont rol ke y is assig ned diff erent fu nction s depe nding on the o p- era ting si tu ation: Operation Function P ress a nd ho ld (min.
5 Display keys Eac h display ke y can be programmed with one function. Display k ey programmin g depe nds o n the o perati ng st atus. A fu nction can b e rep- re sented by text or an icon.
6 On or messa ge stat us Exampl e for on or messa ge st atus display: Dial status Example for dial st atus display: Ringing status Exa mple for ring ing st atus dis play: Call st atus The user interface of the telephone sy stem is di spla yed. T he tele phone sy stem functions v a lid f or the oper- atin g status a re visibl e.
7 Call status Exa mple f or c all stat us di spla y: 1 Name of the us er 2 Interna l phon e numb er of th e user 3 F unctions of fere d by the tele- phone system 4 Curr ent fu nction s of th e dis- pl.
8 Funct ion select ion Funct ion select ion with the on or mess age status W ith th e on or m essag e sta tus, the mobi le t elephon e fu nction s are liste d in th e displa y . T hese ar e summari zed i n the me nus. O ver view s of m enus ar e displa yed in th is ope rati ng manua l, e.
9 S election in dial/ringing/call status Th e telephone system func tions appear in the display i n dial, ringing and call st atuses. F or example, you can scroll through the following functions in call sta- tus : Proceed as follows to select a f uncti on: or Mark t he func tio n you want by pressing th e displ ay key .
10 P utt ing the mobile telephone int o servic e Removing the protect ive co ver Inserting the battery Opening the bat tery compartment Unscrew the battery comp artm ent li d with a coin, for example (1), a nd remo v e it (2). Inserting the bat tery Insert the permitte d battery (3).
11 Charging an d using the batt er y T o charge the ba t tery , inse rt the mobi le tel ephon e into the charging shell wi th the keypad facing f orwards.
12 Operating and charging times T he oper ating times are o nly ac hiev ed af ter se ver al c harging and dis - charging cycles. P ermitt ed batteries The f ollowing battery is perm itted f or the m obile teleph one: Capacity (mAh) Standb y mode (hours) Ta l k t i m e (hours) Chargi ng time (hours) 50 0 up to 250 ove r 15 approx.
13 Fitting the att achment clip A second bat tery compartment lid is supplied with the mobile tele- phon e f eatu ring a slot f or the a t tach ment clip. Assem ble the at tachmen t cli p as f oll ows: Open ing th e battery compartment Unscre w the battery compartment lid with a co in, f or example, (1) and remo ve it (2).
14 Se tting the language Y ou can c hange t he la nguage i f y our pref err ed lan guage is no t set by def ault: © or G Open th e main me nu. or: Select th e main me nu. [ Confi rm your se lect ion. or: Select t he me nu item. [ Confi rm your se lect ion.
15 Registering the mobile telephone at the system Overview P reparing for registration • Ask your s ystem administr ator f or the f ollo wing inf ormation: – Pho ne numbe r of the mobile t elepho ne. – B ase PIN (HiP ath s ys tem). – Mobil e telepho ne code number (PI N E1).
16 Second telephone • Open th e logi n windo w on the tel ephon e sy stem with a secon d tele phone. Carry out the ste ps desc ribe d below . Th e seco nd tele phon e can be a mob ile tel epho ne that has a lre ady been r egistere d or a Hi com t elephon e with d ispla y , e.
17 Registering at th e system for the fir st t ime Regis terin g a mobile t elephone Proceed as follows when regist erin g th e mobile tele phone: © or G Open the mai n menu . Select the main menu. [ Confir m your sele ction . Select the me nu it em.
18 Determining direct call numbers Y ou must determine a direct call number to perf orm a d irect call. The room monito r number is used as th e dir ect cal l number . Thi s numb er is then sel ected onc e you acti vate the direc t call ke y , see page 23.
19 Conducting call s c or u Start a ca ll with the talk or spea ke rphone ke y . a or k Y ou can e nd a c all w ith t he on- hoo k key or by placin g th e mo bile t ele- phone in the chargi ng she ll. a Y o u can al so us e the on-h ook key to canc el all funct ions .
20 Y ou can use t he menu key to activate the following fu nction s when enteri ng the p hone n umber: c or u Press the ta lk or speakerp hone ke y . Conducting a call E / D and [ Y ou can s croll through t he lis t of f uncti ons th at app ears dur ing the call and e xecu te an y of th e funct ions sho wn, se e page 9.
21 Ending a call a or k Pr ess the on -hook k ey or place the mob ile tele phone in the c hargi ng shell. T he call c harge s are d ispl ay ed, de pendi ng on t he sy stem s et ting.
22 Speakerphone mode Advant ages S peakerp hone mode off ers you th e follo win g advantag es: • Othe r persons can listen to an d parti cipate in the call . • Y our hand s are free. • When di alling, y ou can hea r the ri ng to ne, f or e xample, without hav ing t o lif t the mo bile t eleph one to y our ear .
23 Conducting direct calls If a direct call nu mber is specifi ed, you ca n condu ct direc t calls i n on or mess age st atus. This is also possib le if th e keypad lock is activated. a ... a If the mo bile tel epho ne is i n dial , ring ing or ca ll st atus, press t he on - hook key repeated ly (if neces sary) to swit ch to on or me ssage status.
24 Number redial z Use the "R edial" d ispla y k ey to ope n the nu mber re dial list. T he la st five phone n umbers dialled are automa tica lly saved in the redi al lis t. If you tried to call a par ty from the mobile telephone ’ s telephone di- rect ory , the name o f the pa rty is disp lay ed in case of number red ial.
25 Dial this function to cancel automatic redial, or press any k ey . P rocessing the redial list T o find the functi on you ar e looking f or , please re f er to the o verview on pa ge 24. T he f ollo wing func tions a re a vailab le: Call u p one o f the n umber s sa ved in the redial list.
26 T elephone directory and NET carrier list D Use t he cont rol k ey t o open t he mob ile tel ephon e’ s t eleph one di rec- tory . The mobile teleph one ca n save entries with na mes an d phone numbe rs in its te leph one di rectory . The entries are arrang ed in the f ol- low ing seq uence: b lanks, di gits, le tte rs, other c hara cters .
27 Overview T elephone directory funct ions Ple ase proc eed as shown i n the o vervie w on pa ge 27 to per f orm a tel- ephone d irecto ry or N ET carrier li st fu nction on t he mobi le te lephon e. Save a new entry with t he na me (max. 1 6 characte rs), phon e num ber (max.
28 Call up a phon e numbe r s av ed in th e mobil e t elephon e’ s tel epho ne di - rectory . Call up a prefix numbe r saved in the NET carrier list. Y ou can extend this and use it f or connection setu p. Delete an entry in the mobile telephone ’ s telephone directory .
29 [ Save th e a n n ive rs a ry . Y ou can us e this d ispla y ke y to d elete th e anni ver sary . Dialling with the telephone director y or NET carrier list D or R P ress t he contro l ke y or the NE T/Callbac k ke y . T he entrie s are dis- pla yed with the a ssocia ted nam es.
30 S etti ngs Over vi e w The f oll owing overview shows the fu nction s for setting the mo bile telep hone. G On or mes sage status or © x t Main menu Î D Fa m i l y / F u n Calendar /Clock [ Sou nd Setti ngs Sound Settings [ H/Set S ettings D Handset V olume E ˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜ ˜˜˜˜ Ring er Set ting Ring er Set ting.
31 Def ault stat e T he f ollo wing tab le sho ws the mo bile t eleph one ’ s de fa ult set tings : Setti ngs Exp lan atio n/no tes Leve ls Def ault state Sound Setti ngs Ring er volume 5 5 Ring er mel ody 10 1 Hand set volume 3 1 Lo udspea ker 5 5 Key tones, audibl e each time a ke y is pressed .
32 Se tting the soun d setting func tions Finding and set ting Pleas e proceed as shown in th e overview on page 30 to f ind a so und setting fun ction. Then se t the require d soun d setting func tion as f ol- low s: F or G Use t he co ntrol key to change the volume, the me lody or the st atus of the soun d set ting funct ion.
33 Menu Y ou can s et a diff e rent ring er volume f or a spe cific l ength of tim e in this me nu ( e.g . du ring t he ni ght). Menu The adviso ry to nes have the following mea ning: Time C. Note: Plea se t ake a ccoun t of the spec ial features of the mob ile tel e- phon es ’ internal cloc k, see pag e 42.
34 Activat ing/deactivating the ringer Deactiva ting « Hold down the key until you he ar a conf irmat ion tone. The ring er is dea ctivated. Activ ating « Hold down the key until you he ar a conf irmat ion tone. Activating/deact ivating the warning tone When activated, th e warning t one de acti vates all other ton es.
35 Activating/deact ivating the vibration alarm Y ou ca n activate the vibration alarm in addition to or in place of the ring ing tone. Plea se procee d as shown in the overview on page 3 0 to acti vate or deactivate the vibration alarm. The activ ated function is tick ed.
36 Selecting a base If your mobi le te lephon e is reg istered at multi ple b ases, t hen you can set a specific bas e or the base with the best reception as the base to be us ed. The mobi le t eleph one th en switches automa tica lly to t his bas e. Pleas e proceed as shown in the overview on pag e 30 to se lect t he base.
37 Enhanced funct ions T elephone sy stem funct ions Overview T he f ollow ing o ve rvie w show s the serv ice func tion s whic h can be ac- cess ed fr om the S ys tem me nu on the telepho ne in di al or cal l stat us.
38 Using the service codes The f oll owing tab le shows t he se rvice f uncti ons wh ich you can exe- cute via your mobi le t elephon e eit her in interac tive mod e (see over- view on pag e 37) or in the service menu b y entering the codes dis- pla yed.
39 Fun ct i o n Expl ana tion/ note s Standard code Indi vidual code Switc hes (continued) Call forwarding See page 40 25 Fo r wa r d n u m b e r See pa ge 40 26 Vo i c e i n f o Own m ail b ox P rereq uisite: a mailbo x has been set up f or your mobile tel- ephone.
40 Forwarding calls HiP ath Cordless Enterprise of fer s the f ollowing functions f or call f or- war ding. Ple ase p rocee d as s ho wn in th e o verv ie w on p age 37 and f ol- low the prompts to perf orm the function. Y o u can also a ctiva te these func tions di rectly with se rvic e codes, see pa ge 3 8.
41 Using the mailbo x If you se t up fixed call f orwarding to t he mailbox, you can then pla y back and del ete in coming messa ges. Pleas e proceed as sh own in the ov erv iew on page 37 and follow the prompts to open the mail box.
42 Opening the digital t elephone director y Y ou can use this function to open the telephone sy stem’ s digital tele- phon e direc tory . Pleas e procee d as sh own in the overview on pa ge 3 7 an d f ollow the prompts to perf orm the function.
43 P erforming the code functions T he f ollo wing tab le sho ws cod e functi ons wh ic h yo u can ex ecute b y ente ring the stan dard codes d ispla yed . T he ind ividu al func tions m ust b e enab led. T he code s are stand ard codes. They can be set dif f erently .
44 Mobile tele phone functions Room monitor and walkie-talkie mode Ove rvi ew Using as a room monitor This functi on allows y ou to monitor a room from a remote l ocation. The distan ce between the mo bile telep hone and the an ticipa ted nois e source sh ould be 1 to 2 m eters at leas t.
45 Plea se proce ed as shown in t he overview on pa ge 4 4 to co nfigu re and deactiv ate the room moni tor function. A ca ll rec eiv ed at a mo bile te leph one at w hic h the r oom mo nitor f unc- tion is activated is onl y sign alled on the di splay .
46 Activ ating and deactiv ating Pleas e procee d as shown i n the overview on pa ge 44 to ac tivate an d deactivate walkie -tal kie mode . Making and an swe ring ca lls Calling mob ile telephone Pr ess t he di spla y ke y . Call ed m obile telephone T he call i s sign alled by a ringi ng to ne and a messa ge on t he disp la y .
47 P erforming the time functions Overview G On or message st atus or © x t Main menu Î D Fam i l y / F un [ Î Cale nda r/C lo ck Cal ender /Cloc k [ Soun d Se tting s D S et Appoint s.
48 Functi ons Y ou can arrang e f or your mo bile teleph one to re mind you of an ap - poi ntment. Only one app ointm ent ca n be se t. Pleas e proceed as shown i n the ov erview on page 47 to enter the appointment. o 190 5 For e xample: enter the time 1 9:05.
49 S witching functions Ringing status Overview The f ollowing overview shows the switching f unc tions w hich can be accessed in ri ngin g status. The de sired cal led par t y is calle d in t he ring ing stat us but ha s not y et answ ered th e call .
50 Call stat us Ov erview The f oll owing ov er view shows the swi tching fun ction s which can be access ed in ca ll st atus. Call status Switching functions [ MUTE ON A ct ivate/deactivate microphon e CONSUL T MUTE OFF [ ST ART CO NF .
51 Function s Plea se procee d as shown in the overview on pag e 50 to use on e of these functions. Set ting up an enquir y durin g a call Y ou c an use this function to consult another internal or external part y while a ca ll is i n progress .
52 T ransf erring a c all Y ou can use this function to f orward an e xternal call which y ou an- swered to a not her s t ation. Pic king up a call Y ou can use t his fu ncti on to an swer calls for anothe r phone on your own phone.
53 Entering text Char acter tabl e This c h aracter table is the internal c haracter table of the mobile tele- phone. It sho ws the a ssign ment o f all k eys : Press x 1 Press x 2 Press x 3 Press x 4.
54 Key utilisat ion T o ent er a character , pr ess the ap propriat e key the relevant number of times or until the character appear s. The first let ter of a word is automatically writ ten in upper case letters . This is followed by lower ca se l etters.
55 Appendix Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Some mal fun ctions can be resol ved witho ut outs ide in tervent ion. The f ollo wing tabl e pr ovid es a li st of s uc h malfu nction s. Error P ossib le cau se Remedy No dis play . Mobile teleph one no t swit ch ed on.
56 Cleaning the mobile telephone T o cl ean the mobile tele phone an d the cha rgi ng shel l, simp ly wipe them with a dam p or a ntist atic cloth; never use a dry c loth. Do no t use abra sive clea ning agents! The f ollowing a ppears immediately af ter the talk key is pressed : Conn ect .
57 Te c h n i c a l d a t a HiP ath Cor dless Enterprise Mobile telephone St andards DECT in accorda nce wi th ETSI TBR 6/1 0/2 2 Numbe r of c hanne ls 1 20 dupl ex ch annels Radio freq uenc y range 1 .
58 Accesso ries Charging shell The S308 07 -K6 7 18-X charging she ll is use d for charging the ba t tery and s toring t he m obile t eleph one sa f ely . Furthe r information abo ut this is available on request . Plea se conta ct your neares t Siem ens sales of fice.
59 Declaration of conformity Y o ur mobi le t elephon e is su pplie d f or use w ithin a spe cific co untr y , whic h is di spla yed on the unde rsid e of th e de vice . Count ry-s pecifi c f eatures must be observed. T he de vice c omplies with th e basic r equi remen ts of the R&TTE Direc- tiv e and the ref ore dis pla y s the C E sy mbol.
60 List of abbreviat ions T he f ollowin g is a list of abbr ev iation s used in this manual. Abbreviati on Defi ni tion %P e r c e n t ADPCM A dapt ive Dif ferential Pulse Cod e Modula tion °C Degr .
61 Index A Abbrev iations ... .... ..... .... .... ..... ... 60 Accessori es ..... .... ..... ...... ..... .... . 58 Activa ting .... ....... .... ..... .... ..... .... . 13 Alarm cloc k .... .... .... ..... .... ..... .... . 48 Alert tones ......... .
62 Do not dist urb ...... .... .... ..... .. 38, 4 3 DTB ...... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .... .. 42 E Electr onic equi pment interf erenc e . ..... ...... ..... .... ..... . 2 Enquiry ..... ..... ....... .... .... ..... .. 50, 52 Enteri ng text .
63 settin gs .... .... .... ..... .... ..... ..... 3 0 switching fu nctions ........ .... . 50 telepho ne direct ory ..... ..... ... 27 time funct ions ....... .... ..... .... . 47 walkie-t alkie mo de .. .... ..... ... 44 P Permitte d batteri es ....
© Siemens AG 2004 Info rmat ion and Com mun ic atio n Net wor ks Hofmannstr. 51 • D-81359 München Order no.: A31003 -G2123-B200-1-761 9 The information in this document contains only general descr.
デバイスSiemens HiPath 4000の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Siemens HiPath 4000をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSiemens HiPath 4000の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Siemens HiPath 4000の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Siemens HiPath 4000で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Siemens HiPath 4000を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSiemens HiPath 4000の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Siemens HiPath 4000に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSiemens HiPath 4000デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。