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SpeedStream SpeedStream SpeedStream SpeedStream ® Wireless DSL/Cable Router Model S S2624 Part No. 007-0311-001.
i T ABLE OF C ONTEN TS CHAPTER 1 IN TRODUCTION.............................................................................................. 1 Features of the DSL/Cable Router ...........................................................................
ii APPENDIX A TROUBL ESHOOT ING ................................................................................ 83 Overview ....................................................................................................................... ... 83 General Problem s .
1 Chapter 1 Introduction This C hapter provides an overview of the SpeedStream W ir eless DSL/Cabl e Router’s features and capabilities. Congratu lations on the purch ase of y our new SpeedStream DSL /Cable Rout er; comm onl y referred to as a Broad band Router.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 2 • PPPoE and PPTP Support. The Intern et (WAN port) con nect ion s upports PPPoE (PPP ove r Eth ernet) and PPTP (Pee r-t o-Peer T unneling P ro toc ol) , as well a s "D ire ct Co n- nection" type services. • Fixed or Dynamic IP Address.
Introduc tion 3 Configuration & Management • Easy Setup. Use your We b b rowser from anywhere o n the LAN fo r c onfigur ati on. • Remote Managem ent. The DSL/Cable Rou ter can be m anaged from any PC on y our LAN. A nd, if the Internet connection ex ists, it can also (o ptionally) be config ured via the Internet.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 4 Phy sical Details LEDs The front panel contains the follow ing LEDs. Power On - Norm al operation. Off - No pow er Status On - Error condition. Off - Norm al operation. Blinking - This LED blinks durin g start up, or w hen the Firm ware is being upgra de d.
Introduc tion 5 Rear Panel Figure 2: Rear Panel Printer Port Standard parallel printer port. If you w ish to share a printer, connect it here . Aerial Antenna Best results are usually o btained with the antenn a in a vertical position. Reset Button This button has three (3) functions : • Reboot .
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 6 Power port Connect th e supplied power adapter h ere..
7 Chapter 2 Installation This C hapter covers the physical i nstallat ion of the SpeedStr eam W ireles s DSL/Cabl e Router. Requirements • DSL or Cable m odem, and an Internet A ccess account w ith an ISP, for shared In ternet access. • Netw ork cables.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 8 The w ired L A N co nnectio n, rather th an the W ireless interface, is preferred for first-time router setup. Once the W ireless conf iguration is correct, th e Wireless interface can be used fo r any further co nfigu ration.
9 Chapter 3 Setup This C hapter provi des details of the Setup proces s. Overv iew This chapter describes th e setup procedure for: • Internet A ccess • LAN confi gurat ion • Wir eless LAN c onfigur ati on. • Assigning a Pa ssword t o pr ote ct the confi gurati on da ta.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 10 Configurati on Program The DSL/Cable Rou ter contains an HTTP server. This enables y ou to connect to it, an d config- ure it , using your W eb Br owser. Your B rowser m ust support JavaScript . The co nfigurat ion program has been tes ted on th e follow ing brow sers: • Netscape V4.
Setup 11 If you can't connect If the R outer does not res pond, check the follow ing: • The DSL/Cable Router is properly installed, LAN connection is OK, an d it is pow ered ON. You can test the conn ection by using the "P ing" comm and: • Open th e MS-D OS w indow or comm and prom pt w indow.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 12 Setup Wizar d The first time y ou connect to the DSL/Cable Router, the Setup Wizard w ill run autom atically. (The Setup Wizard will also run if th e Ro uter's defau lt settings are restored.) 1. Step thro ugh the Wi zard until finished.
Setup 13 DSL Modems Connection Ty pe Details Data Required PPPoE You c onn ect to th e ISP only w hen requ ired. The IP address is allocated au to- matically . Usernam e and passw ord. Note that this is the Usernam e and passw ord for Internet access , not for E-m ail.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 14 Home Screen After f inishing the Setup Wizard , you w ill see the Home screen. When y o u connect in the future, y ou will see this screen w hen y o u connect.
Setup 15 LA N Screen Use the LAN link on the m ain menu to reach the LA N screen. A n example s creen is sh ow n below : Figure 5: LAN Screen Data - L A N Scre en TCP/IP IP Address IP address for the Wireless DSL/Cable R o uter, as seen from the local LAN.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 16 DHCP What DHCP Does A DHCP ( Dynamic Host Configur atio n Pr oto co l) server allocates a valid IP address to a DHCP client (PC or device) upon request . • The client requ est is made w hen th e client device start s up (boots ).
Setup 17 Wireless Screen The Wireless Access Point settings mu st match the other Wireless stations. To change the DSL/Cable Rou ter's def ault setting s for the Wireless A ccess Point feature, use the W ire less link on the m ain menu to reach the Wireless screen.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 18 WEP data encryption • WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy ) status will display "Enabled" or "D isab led ", dep end ing on whether WE P i s bei ng used. If used , data is Encrypted before being transm itted, making com munication more s ecure.
Setup 19 WEP Screen This screen is acces sed by clicking the " Conf igure WEP" button on th e Wireless screen . An exam ple WEP screen is show n below .
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 20 • If selected, data is encry pted using the k e y before being transm it- ted. The receiving s tation mus t be set to use 128 Bit En cryption, and have the sam e Key value. Oth erwise, it w ill not be able to d e- crypt the data.
Setup 21 Passw ord Screen The passw ord screen allows you to assig n a passw ord to the DSL/C able Router. Figure 8: Password Screen Once y ou hav e assign ed a password to th e DSL/Cable R outer (on th e Passwo rd screen above) you w ill be pr ompted for the passw o rd when you conn ect, as shown below.
22 Chapter 4 PC Configuration This C hapter detail s the PC C onfiguration requir ed for each PC on the local LAN. Overv iew For each PC, the f ollowi ng m ay need to be conf igured: • TCP /I P net .
PC Configurat ion 23 Checking TCP/IP Settings - Window s 9x/ME: 1. Select Contr ol Panel - Net work . You shou ld see a screen lik e the followin g: Figure 10: Network Configurati on 2. Select the TCP/IP protocol for y our netw ork card. 3. Click on the Pr operties b utton.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 24 • On the Gateway tab, enter the DSL /Cable Router' s IP address in the New Gateway fi eld and click Add . You r LA N admi nistrator can advise you of the IP Address they assigned to the DSL/C able Router. Figure 12: Gateway Tab (Win 95/98) • On the DN S Configurati on tab, ensure Enable DN S is selected.
PC Configurat ion 25 Checking TCP/IP Settings - Window s NT4.0 1. Select Contr ol Panel - Net work , and, on th e Protocols tab, sel ect the TCP/ IP protocol, as show n below . Figure 14: Win dows NT4.0 - TC P/IP 2. Click the Pr operties button to see a s creen like th e one below .
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 26 Figure 15: Win dows NT4.0 - IP Ad dress 3. Select the netw ork card for y our LAN. 4. Select t he appropriate radio button - Obtain an IP address f rom a DHC P Server or Specify an IP Address , as explained below . Obtai n an IP address from a DHCP Server This is the default Windows setting.
PC Configurat ion 27 Figure 16 - Win dows NT4.0 - Ad d Gateway 2. The DNS sh ould be set to the addres s provided by y our ISP, as foll ow s: • Click the DNS tab. • On the DNS screen, sh own below, click th e Add butto n (und er DNS Service Search Order ), and enter the DNS prov ided by y our ISP.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 28 Figure 17: Win dows NT4.0 - DNS.
PC Configurat ion 29 Checking TCP/IP Settings - Window s 2000: 1. Select Contr ol Panel - Net work and Di al-up Connecti on . 2. Right clic k the Local Area Connection icon and select Properti es . You sh ould see a screen like the follow ing: Figure 18: Network Configurati on (Win 2000) 3.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 30 Figure 19: TCP/ IP Properties (Win 2000) 5. Ensu re you r TCP/IP settings are correct: Using DHCP To use DHCP, select the radio button Obtain an IP Addr ess autom aticall y . This is the default Windo ws settings. Restart y our PC to ensure it obtains an IP Address f r om th e DSL/Cable Router.
PC Configurat ion 31 Checking TCP/IP Settings - Window s XP: 1. Select Control Panel - Netw ork Connection . 2. Right clic k the Local Area Connection and choose Pr operties . You sh ould see a screen like the follow ing: Figure 20: Network Configuration (Windows XP) 3.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 32 Figure 21: TCP/ IP Properties (Windows XP) 5. Ensu re you r TCP/IP settings are correct. Using DHCP To use DHCP, select the radio button Obtain an IP Addr ess autom aticall y . This is the default Windo ws settings. Restart y our PC to ensure it obtains an IP Address f r om th e DSL/Cable Router.
PC Configurat ion 33 Internet A ccess To configure y our PCs to use the DSL/ Cable Router f or Internet access : • Ensure that th e DSL modem, Cable m odem, or other perman ent connection is f unctional. • Use the f ollowi ng procedure to con figu r e your Brow ser to access the Intern et via the L AN, rather than by a Dial- up conn ection.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 34 Printer Setup for Window s The DSL/ Cable Router prov ides prin ting su pport for 2 met hods f o r printi ng f rom Window s: • Print Port Driver. After in stalling the Print Port Driver, W indows u sers can print directly to the DSL /Cable Rout er.
PC Configurat ion 35 Under Windows 95, if you see the follow ing error message, either install Internet Explorer 4 or later, or follow the proce- dure in the "Trouble Shooting - Printing" section of A ppendix A .
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 36 Figure 23: Print Port C onfiguration Items show n on this s creen are as follow s: Port If desired, click Browse to select a dif ferent dev ice. (T he Select Device Port button is provided to allow this softw are to work with mu lti-port models.
PC Configurat ion 37 LPD/LPR Printing LPD/L P R print ing can be us ed with Window s NT 4.0 Server or Win dow s 2000. No sof tware needs to be installed on client PCs. Window s NT 4.0 Server Configuration To use LP D p rint ing, M icrosoft TCP/IP Printing m ust be installed an d enabled.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 38 Window s 2000 Server Configurati on The LPD/LPR Port is not en abled by default. To enable it, use this procedure: 1. In Cont rol Panel , select Add/Remove Progr ams , then Windows C omponents . 2. Select Other N etwork Fi le and Print Ser vices , then click the Details button.
PC Configurat ion 39 Figure 25: Win dows 2000: Select Port 4. In the Dialog requestin g Nam e or Addres s of ser ver providing lpd , enter the IP address of the DSL/C able Router. 5. For Name of printe r or pri nt queue on that s erver , en ter L1 6. Click OK, and then Next , and con tinue th e W izard.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 40 Maci ntosh Clie nts From y our Macintosh, y ou can access the Intern et via the DSL/Cable R outer. The procedure is as follows. 1. Open the TCP/IP Control P anel. 2. Select Ethernet from the Connect via pop-u p me nu. 3.
PC Configurat ion 41 2. Select Add . For the printer type, select Remote Unix (lpd) Queue . 3. Use the follow ing data to co mplete the resu lting dialog. Field Data Example Name En ter a nam e for this printer gw _ prn Spool Directory /var/spool/lpd / printe r_name Where print er_name is the "Name" entry above.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 42 Wireless Station Configuration This section applies to all Wireless s tations w ishing to u se the DSL /Cable Router' s Access Point, regardless of the operating system which is u sed o n the client.
43 Chapter 5 Operation and Status This C hapter detail s the operati on of the DSL/ Cable Router and the status screen s. Operation Once both the DSL/Cable Router and the PCs are configured, operation is autom atic.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 44 Status Screen Use the Status link on th e main men u to view this screen. Figure 26: Status Screen Data - Stat us Screen Internet Connection M ethod This indicates the current connection m ethod, as set in the Setup Wizard.
Operation and St atus 45 questing the Internet connection . • Destination - The Internet address w hich w as requested. If the URL Filter is enabled, this address will be show n as a URL. Otherw ise, the IP ad dress will be displayed. • Block ed - If t he reques t w as blocked by the URL Filter function, this w ill display "Yes" .
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 46 Connection Status - PPPoE If u sing PPPoE (PPP over Et her net ), a s creen li ke the follow ing exam ple w ill be displayed wh en the "Co nnection Details" button is clicked.
Operation and St atus 47 • The "Clear Log" button will restart the L og, wh ile the Re- fresh button w ill upd ate the messages show n on screen. Buttons Connect If not conn ected, establish a connection to y our ISP. Disconnect If co nnecte d to your I SP, hang up the co nnec tion.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 48 Connection Status - PPTP If using PP T P (P ee r-to-P eer T unneling P ro toco l), a scre en like the fo llowing example will be displayed wh en the "Connection Details" button is clicked.
Operation and St atus 49 Buttons Connect If not conn ected, establish a connection to y our ISP. Disconnect If co nnecte d to your I SP, hang up the co nnec tion. Clear Log Delete all data currently in the Log . This will m ake it easier to read new m essages.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 50 DHCP Client This will sh ow "Enabled" or " Disabled" , depending on wh ether or not this device is fun ctioning as a DHCP client. If "Enabled" the "Remaini ng lease tim e" field indicates w hen the IP Address allocated by the DHCP Server w ill expire.
51 Chapter 6 Advanced Features This C hapter explains when and how to us e the DSL/C able Router's "Ad- vanced" Features. Overv iew All advan ced features are accessed via th e Advanced m enu. The follow ing advan ced features are provided.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 52 Figure 30: Advanced Internet Screen Conferencing & Telephony Most applicat ions are s upported tran sparentl y by the DSL /Cable R outer. But som etim es it is not clear w hich PC should receive an incoming connection.
Advanced Features 53 Conferencing & Telephony Select an Application This lists applicatio ns w hich may generate incoming conn ections, where the d est inatio n (o n your l oca l LAN) i s unknown. Send incoming calls to This lists the PCs on your LAN.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 54 Data - Special A ppl ications Screen Checkbox Use this to Enable or Disable this Special Application as required. Name En ter a descriptive name to identify this Special Application. Incoming Ports • Type - Select the protocol (TCP or UDP) used w hen y ou receive data from the special application or s ervice.
Advanced Features 55 The "DM Z PC" is effectiv ely outside the Firewall, mak- ing it more v ulnerable t o attacks. Fo r this reason, you should only e nable the DMZ feature when required. URL Filter The URL Filter allows y ou to b lock access to undesirable Web sites.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 56 Add Filter String T o add an entry to the list, en ter it here, and click the "Add" button. An e n t r y ma y b e a D o ma i n na me ( e . g. www. t r a sh . c o m) o r si mp l y a string . (e.g. ads/ ) Any URL which co ntains A NY entry ANYWHERE in the URL w ill be blocked.
Advanced Features 57 Virtual Servers This feature allow s you to m ake Servers on y our LAN access ible to Internet u sers. Norm ally, Internet u sers w ould not be able to access a serv er on your LA N because: • Your Se rver do es not ha ve a val id ext ernal IP Addr ess.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 58 Virtual Serv ers Screen The Virtual Server s screen is reached by the Virtual Server s link on th e Advanced screen. A n exam ple screen is show n below. Figure 34: Virtual Servers Screen This screen lists a number of pre-defined Serv ers, and allow s you to def ine y our own Servers .
Advanced Features 59 External Port No. The port number u sed by Internet u sers wh en conn ecting to th e Server. This is norm ally th e same as th e Internal Port Num b er.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 60 View all Settin g s of all Servers Click the "Show All" button. This will gen erate a report in a new win dow , w here is can be printed or saved, as w ell as view ed. From the Internet, A LL Virtual S ervers have the IP A d dress allocated b y your ISP.
Advanced Features 61 Dy na mic DNS Scre en Select Advanced on the main menu, then Dynamic DNS , to see a screen like the f o llowi ng: Figure 35: DDNS Screen Data - Dynamic DNS Screen DDNS Service DDNS Service • You m ust sign u p first to create a n ew account bef o re using the service.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 62 Remote Management This feature allow s you to m anage the DSL/Cable R o uter via th e Internet. A n exam ple screen is show n below . Figure 36: Rem ote Management Screen Data - R emote Manage ment Scre en Remote Management Enable Remote Managemen t Enable to allow m anagemen t via the In ternet.
Advanced Features 63 A ccess Control This feature is acces sed by the Access Con trol l ink on the Advanc ed menu. Overv iew The Access C ontrol featu re allow s adm inist rators to restrict Intern et Access by in dividual PCs. With the defau lt settings , every one has u nrestricted Intern et access.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 64 A ccess Control Screen To view this screen, select th e Access Co ntro l link o n the Adva nced menu. Figure 37: Access Control Screen Data - A ccess Control Screen Group Select Group Select the desired Group. T he screen w ill update to display the settings for the selected Group.
Advanced Features 65 Use List Below - block Selected Services You can select w hich Services are allow ed, and w hich are blocked. Use this to gain f ine control over a group.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 66 Group Members Screen This screen is displayed wh en the Members button on the Access Con trol screen is clicked. Figure 38: Grou p Memb ers Use this s creen to add or rem ove mem bers (PCs) from th e current group.
Advanced Features 67 Services Screen This screen is displayed wh en the Services button on the Access Co ntro l screen is clicked. Figure 39: Services Data - Services Screen A v ailable Serv ices Available Services This lists all the available services.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 68 New Service" area on screen. Cancel Clear the " Add New Service " area, ready for en tering data f or a new Service. Firm w ar e Upgrade The firm ware (softw are) in the DSL/ Cable Rout er can be upgraded u sing you r Web Browser.
69 Chapter 7 Advanced Configuration This Chapter explains the settings available via the Advanced configuration section of t he "Advanced" menu.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 70 Netw ork Clients Screen The Network Clients database is used w henever y ou need to select a PC (e.g. for th e "DMZ" PC). It elimin ates the need to en ter IP addresses. A n exam ple Network Clien ts screen is shown below .
Advanced Conf iguration 71 Buttons Add This will add the new PC to the list. T he PC will be sent a "ping" to determine its h ard ware address. If th e PC is not available (not con- nected, or not powered On) y o u w ill not be able to add it.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 72 Options This screen allow s advanced u sers to enter or ch ange a n umber of se ttings. For n o rmal opera- tion, there is n o need to use th is screen or ch ange an y s ettings. A n example Options screen is show n below .
Advanced Conf iguration 73 Allow Internet access to be disabled • If check ed, then UPnP us ers can disable In ternet access v ia this device. • If Disabled, UPnP users can NOT disable Internet access via this device.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 74 Printer Port Pr inter Po rt confi gurat ion i s only re quir ed if using LP D pr inti ng under Linux o r Unix. Othe r- w ise, these s ettings are ig nored. Under L PD, the DSL /Cable Rout er supports 3 " Logical Printers ".
Advanced Conf iguration 75 MAC A ddress The MAC (hardw are) ad dress is a low-level n etw ork identifier. It m ay be called "MAC A d- dress", "Hardware A ddress", or " Physi cal Address ". On a PC, this address is associated w ith the Netw ork card or adapter.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 76 If the M AC address is changed, the DSL/Cab le Router must be restarted..
Advanced Conf iguration 77 Routing Overv iew • If you do n't have o ther Route rs o r Ga teways on your LAN, you can igno re the " Rout ing" page completely . • If the DSL /Cable Router is only acting as a Gatew ay for th e local LA N segm ent, ignore the "Ro uting" pa ge eve n if your LAN has o ther Route rs.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 78 Figure 45: Routing Screen Data - Routi ng Screen RIP Enable RIP Check this to enable the RIP (Routing In form ation Protoco l) feature of the DSL /Cable Rout er. The DSL /Cable R outer supports RIP 1 onl y. Static Routing Static Rout ing Table Entrie s This list shows all entries in th e Routing Table.
Advanced Conf iguration 79 Buttons Save Save the RIP setting. This has no eff ect o n the Static Routing Table. Add Add a new entry to the Static Routing table, usin g the data show n in the "Properties" area on screen. The entry s e lected in the list is ignor ed, and has no e ffect.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 80 Static Routing - Example Router B (192. 168 .1. 90) (192. 168 .2. 70) Router A Seg ment 0 Seg ment 2 Seg ment 1 DSL/Ca ble (192. 168 .254 .xx ) (192. 168 .1. xx ) (192. 168 .254 .1) (192. 168 .2. xx ) (192. 168 .1. 80) Router (192.
Advanced Conf iguration 81 Security The security screen is acces sed by the Security optio n on the Advanc ed menu. Figure 47: Security Screen Data - S ecurity Scree n Firewall Enable DoS Firewall If enabled, DoS (Denial of Service) attack s will be detected and blocked.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 82 ICMP (Ping) Respond to ICMP (ping) The ICMP protocol is used by the "ping" and "traceroute" programs , and by netw ork m onitoring an d diagnostic program s. • If check ed, the DSL/Cable Router w ill repond to ICMP packets received from the Internet.
83 Appendix A T roubleshooting This Appendix cover s the most likely probl ems and their s o lutions. Overv iew This chapter covers some com mon problem s that may be encountered w hile using the DSL/Cab le Ro uter a nd so me possib le so lutions t o them.
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 84 Soluti on 2: The DSL/Ca ble Ro uter pr oce sses the d ata p assing thr ough it , so it is not transparent. Use the Special Appl ications feature to allow the use of In ternet applications wh ich do not function correctly .
Appendix A - Troubleshoot ing 85 4. The printer wizard w ill disp lay a m essage stating that “The Netw ork Printer is off-line”. This is OK. Continu e the Add Printer Wizard until finished . 5. When f inish ed, go to Con trol Pan el-Printers . T he printer icon w ill b e grayed out in dicating the printer is not ready .
DSL/Cable Rout er User Guide 86 8. Click OK to see the Print Port Configura tion screen, as sh own below . 9. Click the Brow se Device button, select the dev ice nam e of the desired DSL/Cable R outer, and click OK. 10. Click OK to return to the Printers folders, and righ t-click on th e Printer.
87 Appendix B Specifications SpeedStream Wireless DSL/Cable Router Model SS2624 Wirel ess DS L/C able Router Dimensions 2 04 mm(W) * 127 mm(D) * 29 mm(H)----Up da te fo r ne w case and put in inches a.
88 Appendix C T echnical Support Before contact ing techni cal support , please refe r to the previ ous Troubles hootin g inf ormation. If y ou are still unable to resolve the problem, be prepared to .
デバイスSiemens SS2624の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Siemens SS2624をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSiemens SS2624の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Siemens SS2624の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Siemens SS2624で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Siemens SS2624を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSiemens SS2624の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Siemens SS2624に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSiemens SS2624デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。