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WLM-4501 Wireless AD SL2+ Gig abit Modem R outer User Manual V ersion: 1.0.
T able of C onte nts INTRODUCTION........ .......... .......... ............. ....... .......... .......... ............... .... 4 1 KEY FEATURES ............ .......... .......... ........ ............ .......... .......... ......... 5 2 PACKAGE CONTENTS .
ACL 41 IP F IL TER 42 DMZ 45 V IRTU AL SERVER 46 15 TOOLBOX SETTINGS .................. .......... ........ ....... ............... .......... .. 47 P ASSWORD 47 T IME S ETT INGS 53 F IRMWARE U PGRADE 54 R EBOO T 55 Revision 1.
Introdu ction Congratulations o n your purc hase of t he WLM- 4501 Wire less A DSL 2+ Modem . This mo dem i s f ul ly comp liant w ith 802 .11b, 802.1 1g and 802 .1 1n. Thi s modem provides t he best perf ormance whe n use d in c ombi natio n with 802.
1 Key Fe atures Fea tures Advantages IEEE 802.11g compliant Fully I nteroperable w it h IEEE 802. 11b / IEEE802. 11g compl iant devic es Based on 802.11 n technolo gy WLM-4501: U p to 6 ti mes fast er than regular 8 02.1 1g (in comb inati on w ith a 150 n or 802.
2 Package Conten ts Open the packag e careful ly , and make sure that none of t he items l ist ed below are mis sing. Do not di scard the packi ng material s, i n case of return; the unit must b e shi pp ed ba ck in i ts or igi nal package. 1. WLM-450 1 modem/rout er 2.
3 Caution s This router ’ s d esi gn an d manufacturer has your safety i n min d. In or der to safely an d eff ecti vely us e thi s router , p lease read t he fol l owi ng b efore u sage. 3.1 Usage Cautions The user sho ul d not mo dify t his r outer .
4 Product La yout Port Description ADSL Connect your tel ephon e/ADS L cabl e this port LAN Connect the cab le fr om your PC or network dev ice to this p orts. Power connector Connect your pow er adapter to t his port. Power button T u rn th e modem On or Off .
Back label The back l abel descr ibe s the correspondi ng L ED i ndi cations a nd port f uncti onal ity . LED Description P ower Lights up wh en p owered ON . Bl inks on T EST/RESE T ADSL Lights up wh en an AD SL cabl e is connecte d. Internet Lights up wh en internet connect ion is U P .
5 Syst em Requ irements T o begi n usi ng t he WLM-4 501, make sure you meet the fol low i ng as mi ni mum requirements: • PC/Notebook. • 1 Free Ethernet port. • Wi-Fi card/USB don gle ( 802. 11 b/ g/n) – opti ona l. • Annex A, AD SL inter net conne ction.
8 PC Ne twork Adapter setup Windows XP • Go to [ Start Menu ], [ C ontrol panel ], [ Network Conne ctions ]. • Right-mouse-cl ick on the [ L ocal Area Con nection] ) icon, an d sel ect [ properties ] • Select [ I nternet Protoc ol (TCP/IP) ] =>Cl ick [ Pro perties ].
Windows Vista/Windows 7 • Go to [ Start Menu ], [ C ontrol panel ], [ Vi ew network status an d tasks ], -> [ Manag e network connectio ns ].
• Select [ I nternet Protoc ol Versio n 4 ( TCP/IPv4) ], and Cl ick [ Prop erties ]. • Open the [ Ge neral ] tab. The WLM-4501 sup ports DHCP . Please select both [ Obtain an I P address automatically ] and [ Obtain D NS server ad dress automaticall y ].
9 Bring u p t he WLM- 4501 Connect the suppl ied power- adapter to the po wer i nlet port and co nnect it to a wall out l et. Press th e Power-Button to turn the m odem on.
Status The pages in t he status secti on provi de you ge neral i nformation about the operational status of yo ur devi ce. Status The System status sectio n al lows you to monitor t he current statu s of your modem/router: th e UP time , hardware inf ormation, seria l num ber as w el l as firmware version i nformation is di spl ayed here.
Statistics Y ou can view statisti cs on the processin g of IP p ackets o n the networki ng interfaces . Y ou w il l not typica ll y need to view thi s data, b ut you m ay fi nd it helpf ul when worki ng with your ISP to diagnose n etwork and I nternet da ta transmission probl ems.
DHCP List This pa ge sh ows al l D HCP cl ients (LA N PCs) currently co nnected to your network. The tab le s how s the assi gne d IP address, MAC address a nd ex piration time f or each DHC P lease d cl i ent.
Diagnostics The Dia gnost ics page al lows you to test th e current c onfi guration. Clic k ‘Start’ to let th e modem router perform s ever al tasks to verify if t he connecti on is o perational.
11 Conf iguration Wizar d Clic k Wizard to conf igur e the modem. The Setup wizard w il l now be disp layed; check that th e adsl l in e is connecte d and c li ck Next. Sele ct your country fro m the Country li st. Sel ect your internet pr ovider . Cli ck Next.
12 Basi c Sett ings LAN Settings This page i s us ed to c onfi gure th e LAN i nterface of your ADSL R outer . Y o u ca n set IP addres s, s ubnet mask, and IGM P Snoo ping or modi fy the IP v6 ad dress range .
DHCP Settings Y ou can co nfi gure your netw ork and the ro uter to us e the Dynami c Hos t Confi guration Protocol (DH CP). This page al lows you to se lect t he DHCP mo de that this ro uter wi l l su pport. There are two diff erent DHCP Modes: DHCP Server and DHC P R el ay .
W AN Settings This page al low s you to manuall y conf ig ure the ADSL/WAN setti ngs. Th e setting s on th is page re qui re some know led ge c oncerni ng the WAN conf ig uration we advi ce less-ex pe.
ATM VC • Virtual Circuit: VPI (Virtual Path Ident ifi er) and VC I (Virt ual Channel Identif ier) defi ne a v irtual c ircui t. • VPI : The vali d range fo r the VPI is 0 to 255. E nter the V PI assig ned to you. This fi el d may already be con figured.
• Network Address Translation: Select None , Many to One or Many to Many from the drop-so wn l ist box. Refer to the NA T chapter for more detail s. • RIP Version: Select th e RIP versi on from RIP-1, RIP-2B and RIP-2M. • RIP Direction: Select the RIP d irecti on fro m None, Both, In Onl y and Out Only.
Wireless Settings This s ectio n provi des th e wire less network sett in gs for your router . Y ou can enable a nd co nfi gure th e wire less A P fun ctio n here. Parameter Description Band Please sel ect t he radio band fro m one of the f oll owin g options.
for 802. 11b cli ents, maxim um 54Mbp s for 802. 11g clie nts, and m axim um 150M bps f or 802. 11n c l ie nts). Mode It all ows you to set the router to act i n “ AP” , “C l i ent” or “WDS” mod e. SSID The SSID (up t o 32 pri ntabl e AS CII characters) is the uniqu e name i dent ifi ed in a WLA N.
Security Settings This router provide s comp lete w ir eless LAN security funct ions, in clud e WEP , I EEE 802.1 x, IEEE 80 2.1x w ith WEP , WPA with pre-sh ared key and WP A wit h R ADIUS. With the se sec urity fu nctio ns, you can prevent your w irel ess LAN f rom i ll egal access.
IEEE 802 .1x. WEP-64Bits WEP is les s le vel o f secu rity than WPA. WEP su pports 64-bit and 128- bit key le ngths to encrypt the w ir ele ss data. T he longer key le ngth w il l pr ovide h igh er security .
Wirele ss ACL This w irele ss ro uter supp orts MAC A ddress Control, w hic h prevents unauthorized cl i ents fr om acces sing your wirel ess network. Parameter Description Active Choose to e ither En.
13 Ad van ced Sett ings The advanced setti ngs pages al l ow us ers to mod ify th e more com pl ex features of this d evice. Adv ances wire less This page al low s advanced users who have suffi cie nt know ledge of wi rel ess LAN.
DTIM Broadcast SSID If thi s opti on is enabl ed, the ro uter wi ll automati cally transmit the network name (SSID) i nto o pen a ir at regular interval. Th is fe ature is inte nded t o all ow cli ents to dynamica lly di scover the router . If th is opt ion is disab led , the r outer wi ll hi de it s SSID.
QoS QoS all ows you to clas si fy Internet a ppl icatio n traffic by source/de stinatio n IP address and port numb er . Y ou can assi gn pri ority for eac h type of app licati on and reserve bandwi dth f or it. The packets of ap plica tions with hi gher prior ity w ill always go fi rst.
Enable/Disable QoS Y ou can check “Enabl e QoS” to enabl e QoS functiona li ty for the WAN port. Add a ru le Ent er all the data require d for the rule you wish to set and cli ck Add to s ave this ru le. Edit a QoS rule Select the rul e you want to ed it and c lic k “Edit” , then en ter the detail f orm o f the QoS rule.
UPnP When the U PnP f unctio n i s enab led, t he router c an be detect ed by U PnP compl iant system such as Wi ndows 7. The ro uter w il l be di spl ayed in t he Neighb orhood o f Wi ndows 7, s o you can di rectl y doubl e cl ick th e router or ri ght cli ck the r outer and s el ect “I nv oke” to co nfi gure th e router through web browser .
R o uting The page enabl es you t o de fin e spec ifi c route f or your Internet and network data. Most users do n ot nee d to de fin e routes. On a typi cal smal l home or off ic e LAN, the exi stin .
SNMP Simp le Network Management Protocol ( SNMP ) is a trou blesh ooti ng and management protoc ol t hat uses t he UDP protoc ol on port 1 61 to c ommunicate between c li ents a nd ser vers. The router can be managed lo cally or remotely by SNMP protocol .
DDNS Dynamic DN S (DDNS ) al lows you to map the static domai n name to a dynamic IP address. You must get an accou nt, password an d your static domain name from the DD NS servi ce providers . Parameter Description Enable Check the b ox to enabl e D DNS fu ncti on.
NA T This page all ow s vi ewin g or changi ng of the c urrent status of the NA T for ea ch VC. Here it’s possi ble to set Virtual server or DM Z setti ngs for each virtual circu it. Fo r more i nformatio n about t he DMZ and virtua l ser ver please read chapter 13 Firewall.
TR -69 As a bi dir ecti onal S OAP/HT TP-based protocol , it provide s the co mmunic ation between c ustomer-premises equi pment (CPE) and Auto Co nfi guration S ervers (ACS). It i nclu des both a safe auto c onfig uration and t he c ontrol of other CPE management funct ion s wit hin an integrated framework.
14 Firewa ll S ettings The Broadband rout er provi des exten sive f irewall protect ion by restricti ng connecti on parame ters, thus limi tin g the ri sk of hacker attacks, an d def endi ng against a w i de array of common Internet attack s.
ACL This page i s use d to IP addresses for Acc ess Control. I f AC L is enable d onl y the I P Addresses t hat are i n the A CL T ab le can access the CPE. ACL Enable or disa bl e Access Control ACL Rule index Select an i nde x number f or the rule you are creating .
IP Filter Filter Type Choose the ty pe of f i lter you w is h to use, t here are 3 possi bl e types o f filt er . - IP/Mac Fi lter - A ppl icati on f ilter - UR L bl ock IP Filter Rule Editing • IP Filter Rule Index: T his is it em number • Active: Select Yes from th e drop down li st box to enable IP fi lt er rule .
• Destination IP Address: T his i s the destinati on s ubnet I P address. • Subnet Mask: It is the desti natio n IP addr esses based on ab ove destinati on s ubnet IP • Destination Port Number: This is t he Po rt or Port R ange s that defi nes the appl icati on.
Application filter Here you can cho ose wh ich ap pl icatio ns shoul d be b locked or allowe d acces s. Choose whi ch a ppli cati on sh ould be al low ed or d eni ed access a nd cl ic k ‘ Save ’ to apply th e sett ings. The URL block Here it’s possi ble to b loc k certain w ebsit es.
DMZ The DMZ Host is a l ocal com puter expose d to th e Internet. When s etting a particular inter nal IP A ddress a s the D MZ Host, all i ncomin g packets w il l be checked by t he f irewall and NA T al gorithms th en pas sed to t he DMZ Host. For exa mpl e, i f you have a local cl ient PC that cannot r un an Internet appl icatio n (e.
Virtual server Use the V irtual Server fun ctio n wh en you want dif ferent servers/cli ents in your LAN to ha ndle di fferent s ervi ce/Internet app licat ion type ( e.g. Emai l, FTP , W e b server etc.) from the Internet. Computers use numbers cal le d port numbers to recognize a part icul ar servi ce/Inter net ap plicat ion type.
15 TOO LB OX Sett ings Sitecom Cloud Se curity Antivi rus s oftware a lo ne is not safe enou gh. Y ou can now benefi t from additi onal bui lt-i n s ecurity in your mod em or r outer . Protect al l devic es in your home network against cybercrime whil e browsi ng.
With the protection of unsafe we bsites acti vated the S itecom Cloud Security wil l a lways check if a website is sa f e. I f it i s not safe it wi ll i nf orm you that is not safe to enter . If y ou still wi sh to vi sit this webpage cli ck o n ‘ proceed an yway’ .
If you wi sh to change y our security o ptions or to extend your subscri ption at any time, op en http://w ww .si tecomcl oudsecur ity .com from your web browser . Y ou wil l be as ked for a us ername and password. These can be f ound on the backlabel on t he bottom of your S itec om router or modem.
Or click ‘Lice nse’ to renew your subscri ption . If you w ish to disab le t o S itecom c l oud security at any time, ope n the we bpage of your Sitec om product and log in with th e su ppl ie d c.
found on t he back la bel on the bottom of your S itecom devi ce). Go to T oolbox and s el ect “Si tecom Cl oud Se curi ty” . Click t he “D isabl e” radio button and cl ick ‘ A pply’ for the s ettings to take eff ect. P assword This page al low s you to set the password t o access the we b server of t he router .
Please use n ew passw ord to ent er web ma nagement int erface agai n, and you shoul d be a bl e to l ogi n wit h new password..
Time Settings The Time Zone a ll ows your rout er to set its t ime; es peci al ly for recordi ng System Log. Parameter Description Current Time The current t ime of the sp eci fie d time zo ne. Y ou can set the current tim e by yourself or confi gured b y SN TP server .
Firmware Upgr ade Enable Automatic firmware update When enabled t he router w i ll check f or updates on t he f irmware if an updat ed fi rmware has been rel eased the router w ill inform you that a newer firmware i s av ail abl e an d off ers to downl oad a nd i nstal l the firmware.
R e boot Whenever you use the W eb confi guration to ch ange system settin gs, t he changes are ini tia lly pla ced i n temporary storage. T o save your change for future use, you have to cli ck “ App ly” to re boot the router .
デバイスSitecom WLM-4501の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sitecom WLM-4501をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSitecom WLM-4501の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sitecom WLM-4501の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sitecom WLM-4501で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sitecom WLM-4501を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSitecom WLM-4501の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sitecom WLM-4501に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSitecom WLM-4501デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。