SMC NetworksメーカーSMCWHSG44-Gの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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2 Cop yright Inf ormation furnished by SMC Net work s, Inc. ( SMC) is believ ed to be ac cu- r ate and r eliable . How-e ver , no re sponsibility is assumed b y SMC f or its use , nor for an y infringements o f patent s or other rights of thir d parties which may r esult fr om its use .
3 LIMITED W ARRANTY Limited W arrant y St atement: SMC Net work s, Inc. (“SMC”) w arr ants its pr oducts to be fr ee fr om defects in w orkmanship and materials , under normal use and servic e, f or the applicable w arr anty t erm.
5 F eder al Communication C ommission Interf erenc e Stat ement This equipment has been t est ed and found t o comply with the limits f or a Class B digital de vice , pur suant to P art 15 of the F C C Rules. T hese limits ar e designed t o pro vide reas onable prot ection against harmful int erf erenc e in a re sidential installation.
6 E C Con formanc e Declaration SMC cont act for thes e products in E urope is: SMC Netw orks Sp ain S.L., Edificio C onata II, Calle F ructuós Gelabert 6-8, 2o , 4a, 0897 0 - Sant Joan Despí, Bar celona, Spain. Signed and dated C opy o f the Declar ation of C onformit y can be f ound in the product s ection of www .
to other s y stem. T he user is obligated t o ensur e the devic e is operating acc ording t o the channel limitations , indoor / outdoor r es trictions and licens e requir ements f or each Eur opean Communit y country as de scribed in this document.
8 Important! Bef ore making c onnections, mak e sure y ou hav e the corr ect cor d set . Check it (r ead the label on the cable ) against the follo wing: Po wer C ord S et U.S .A. and Canada T h e c o r d s e t m u s t b e UL - appr oved and C SA c ertified.
9 • La prise sect eur doit se tr ouver à pr oximité de l' appar eil et son ac cès doit être f acile . V ous ne pouve z mettr e l'app areil hor s circuit qu' en débr anchant son c ordon électrique au niv eau de ce tte pris e.
Wichtige Sicherheitshin weise ( Germany ) 1. Bitt e les en Sie diese Hinw eise sor gfältig dur ch. 2. Heben Sie diese Anleit ung für den später en Gebr auch auf . 3. V or jedem R einigen ist das Gerät v om Str omnetz zu tr ennen. V erwenden Sie keine Flüs -sigoder Aer os olreiniger .
Der arbeitsplatzbe zogene S challdruckpegel nach DIN 45 63 5 T eil 1000 beträgt 7 0dB( A) oder w eniger . Str omkabel. Dies muss v on dem Land, in dem es be-nutzt wir d geprüft wer den: U.S .A und Canada Der Cor d muß das UL gepruft und w ar das CS A beglaubigt.
13 T able of Cont ents 1. Introduction 17 1. 1. Overvie w 18 1.2. F eatur es 18 1.2. 1 P ackage Checklis t 22 1.3. LED Definition 22 1.4. R ear P anel 22 1.5. S electing a Po wer Supply Method 23 1.6. Mounting the SMCWHSG44 -G on a W all 2 4 1. 7 . Preparing f or Con figur ation 25 1.
14 1. 11. C o n f irming the Se ttings of the SMC WHSG44-G and Client C omputer s 4 0 2. Using W eb-Bas ed Netw ork Manager 42 2. 1. Overvie w 42 2. 1. 1. Menu S tructure 42 2. 1.2. Sa ve , Sav e & Re start, and C ancel C ommands 44 2. 1.3. Home and R efr esh Commands 44 2.
15 2.4.3 . 1. Basic 57 2.4.3 .2. Virtual Serv er Mappings 58 2.4. 4. DHCP Serv er 58 2.4. 4. 1. DHCP S erver 5 9 i. Basic 5 9 ii. St atic DHCP Mappings 5 9 2.4. 4.2. DHCP R elay 60 2.4.5 . Load B alancing 60 2.4.6. Z er o Client R econfigur ation 61 2.
16 2.8. 1.2. VLAN 7 9 2.8. 1.3. Fir ew all 7 9 2.8. 1.4 . URL Filter s 80 2.8.2. Management 80 2.8.2. 1. Basic 80 UPnP 81 S ys tem L og 81 2.
1. Introduction The Elit eConnect 2.4GHz 80 2. 11g Wir eless Hot spot Gate w ay ( SMCWHSG44 -G ) enables V ARs, WISPs and S y st em Integr ator s to ins tall secur e , easy t o manage Hotspots as a one-bo x solution.
1. 1. Ov erview 1.2. F eature s • User A uthentication, A uthorization, and A ccounting ( AAA) • W eb redir ection - When an unauthentic ated wir eless user is trying t o acc ess a W eb p age, he / she is redir ected t o a logon page f or entering the user name and pas sw ord.
• 64-bit and 12 8-bit WEP (Wired E quivalent Priv acy ) - F or authentication and data encryption. • Enable/Disable SSID br oadcast - The us er can enable or disable the SSID br oadcas ts functionality f or security r eas ons.
• Virtual server - Exposing s ervers on the intr ane t to the Int ernet. • PPTP , IPSec, and L2TP pass -through - P assing VPN (V irtual Privat e Netw ork ) packe ts through the intr anet -Interne t boundary . PPTP means P oint-t o-Point T unneling Protoc ol, IPSec means IP S ecurity , and L2TP means Lay er 2 T unneling Protoc ol.
• SNTP - Support for s y stem time b y SNTP (Simple Ne twork T ime Prot ocol). • Dynamic DNS - Support for dynamic DNS s ervices pr ovided b y dyndns. or g and no-ip. com, so that the SMC WHSG44-G c an be associat ed with a domain name ev en if it obtains an IP addr ess dynamic ally by PPP , PPPoE or DHCP .
• Configur ation Re set - R eset the c onfigur ation se ttings t o fact ory-se t value s. 1.2. 1 P ackage Checklist * Check that you ha ve the f ollowing c ontents in the bo x: • SMCWHSG44 -G Wirele ss Hotspot Gate w ay • User Guide • Utility & Document ation CD • W allmount Kit • Po wer A dapter • 2 dBi Dipole Ant enna 1.
1.5 . Selecting a Po w er Supply Method The SMCWHSG44-G c an be power ed b y either the supplied AC po wer adapt er or the optional SMCPWR-INJ3 Elit eConnect™ P ow er Injector . The SMCWHSG44-G automatic ally selects the suit able pow er depending on your decision.
Fig. 5. C onnecting Etherne t cables t o SMCPWR-INJ3 . 5. Check the “ A CTIVE” LED: if pow er is succ essfully f ed into the SMCWHSG44 -G, the “ ACTIVE” LED will be on (R ed light); otherwis e, the “ ACTIVE” LED will be o ff . 6. If the electricity current is o ver the normal c ondition (Io°÷1.
1. 7 . Preparing f or C onfigur ation T o conf igure the Wir eles s Hotspot Gate w ay , a managing comput er with a W eb br ow ser is needed. F or fir st-time c onfigur ation of a SMC WHSG44-G , an Etherne t netw ork interf ace c ar d (NIC) should have been ins talled in the managing comput er .
addre ss of the c omputer t o 19 2. (the def ault IP addr ess o f the SMCWHSG44-G is 19 2. 168.2. 1 ) and the subnet mask t o 25 5.2 55 .2 55 .0 .) It is pref err ed to se t the comput er to “ obtain an IP addr ess aut omatically” so the rout er will give y our c omputer the corr ect se ttings automatic ally .
Fig. 10. Home P age . 1.8.2. SETUP WIZARD S tep 1: S electing an Operational Mode Fig. 11. Oper ational Modes. • If the Rout er is t o be used with a DSL or cable modem and the IP addr es s assignment f or the Ethernet W AN interf ac e is achiev ed by PPP oE, select Rout er with a PPP oE -B ased DSL/ C able Connection.
of the E thernet W AN interf ace has t o be manually set, s elect Rout er with a St atic-IP DSL/ C able Connection. • If you ha ve multiple AD SL/ cable c onnections, select R outer with n DSL/ C able Connections . R outer with a DHCP-B ased DSL/ Cable C onnection Fig. 13. T CP /IP s ettings f or Rout er with a DHCP-Based DSL/ C able Connection mode . If the SMCWHSG44-G is s et to be in 'R outer wi.
addre ss is 19 2. 168.2. 1 and the def ault subnet mask is . In most c ases , these def ault set tings need no change. As for the W AN IP addr ess, it mus t be manually set. C onsult your ISP f or the corr ect IP addr ess, Def ault gat ew a y , Subnet mask, Primary DNS server , and Sec ondary DNS server se ttings.
1.8.4 . SETUP WIZARD St ep 3: C onfiguring DHCP S erver Set tings Fig. 16. DHCP Serv er Settings . The SMCWHSG44-G c an automatically as sign IP addre sses t o client comput ers by DHCP . DHCP serv er settings include Def ault gat ew a y , Subnet mask, Primary DNS serv er , and Secondary DNS serv er .
The number o f av ailable RF channels depends on local r egulations; there for e you ha ve t o choose an appr opriate r egulat ory domain to c omply with local regulations . The S SID of a wir eless client comput er and the SSID o f the wire- less Hot spot gate wa y must be identical f or them t o communicat e with each other .
Authentication pr otoc ol: RADIUS : A uthentication b y ext ernal RADIUS serv er . Local A ccounts : A uthentication b y local dat abase , associat ed with ticket printing or manually con figured us ers. RADIUS authentic ation method: EAP-MD5 PA P CHAP 2.
• Amount of Mone y Per Uni t: define s the money t o be charged per unit . • Unit of Se ssion time ( min) : define s the time fr ame (by min ) for the user to ac ces s the Internet .
Fig. 2 4. Ac count T able List Ho w to S etup the Mini-POS T ick et Printer The SMCWHSG44-G supports a built-in us er databas e for loc al authentication. This function also as sociate s with the ext ernal Mini-POS T icket Print er (SMC WHS-PO S) f or billing and printing purposes .
Unit” and a v alue for the number o f minute s for “Units o f Session time ”. In or der to pr oduce a tick et fr om the Mini-POS Tick et Print er , you will need to k e y in selected number s, and pr ess ENTER . The number s you select on the k eyp ad will alwa ys c orre spond to the Units of S ession Time . C onfiguring R ADIUS Set tings The R ADIUS client on the SMCWHSG44-G w orks in c onjunction with the W eb redir ection c omponent and IEEE 802.
1. 9 . Deploying the SMCWHSG44 -G Aft er the set tings hav e been conf igured, deplo y the Wir eless Hotspot Gate w ay t o the field application en vironment .
name and pass wor d inf ormation must be s et up on the RADIUS serv er or Loc ally on the Wir eless Hotspot Gat ew ay . On the other hand, if IEEE 802. 1x EAP- TLS authentication me thod is used, a digital c ertificate must be installed on the c omputer or PD A and on the back end R ADIUS serv er .
current IP addr es s and reobt aining an IP addres s. IPC onfig.e x e is a command-line progr am, and the / r elease option r eleases the curr ent IP addr ess and the / rene w option triggers the W indows DHCP client sub sy st em to r e-obtain an IP addr ess.
Fig. 31. Authentic ation Suc cess . Fig. 32. L og-Off Windo w . 6. Click Log Off within the log-of f window t o end the ses sion. NO TE : On a PD A such as Pock et PC, the log-of f would not be sho wn. T o log of f from the net work, go b ack to the Log-on p age, and then click L og Off t o end the ses sion.
2. Using W eb-Based Ne tw ork Manager In this section, w e will explain each W eb management page of the W eb-bas ed Netw ork Manager in det ail. 2. 1. Ov erview Fig. 34. Home P age . 2. 1. 1. Menu Structur e The left side o f the start page c ontains a menu for y ou t o carry out commands .
• Firmw ar e T ools. F or upgr ading the firmw ar e of the R outer and backing up and re st oring configur ation s ettings. • Time Z one. T ime zone and SNTP ( Simple Netw ork Time Pr otocol) serv er settings . • T CP /IP . T CP /IP-r elated se ttings.
authenticat ed by SMC WHSG44-G. A uthenticated us ers c an also be terminat ed in this table . • Ac count T able. Manually gener ate s new user s, or is aut omatically populat ed with acc ounts after ent ering amount of time r equir ed via the ke ypad.
2.2.2. A uthenticated U sers Fig. 38. A uthenticat ed Users . On this page , the stat us information o f each authenticat ed user , including its current idle time , user name , IP addr ess, MA C addr ess, and s tatus, is sho wn.
On this page , all the regis ter ed users in loc al user dat abase ar e shown. An activ ated user is identified b y its MA C addres s, login time and the ' Active ' display under the 'S tatus ' column. 2.2.4 . Ses sion List Fig. 42.
2.3. S Y S TEM 2.3. 1. Specifying Operational Mode Fig. 44. Oper ational Modes . On this page , you c an specify the oper ational mode for the R out er .
NO TE : When the R outer is in R outer with Multiple DSL/ Cable Connections mode, c onnect y our first D SL/ Cable c onnection to W AN, the second t o LAN 1, the thir d to LAN 2, and the f ourth to LAN 3.
with some W eb br ow ser s. If you c annot succ essfully perf orm HTTP-based firmw ar e management oper ations with your W eb brow ser , try the TFTP- based w a y . 2.3.3. 1. Upgrading Firm w are b y HTTP Fig. 48. Firm war e Upgr ade by HTTP . T o upgrade firm war e of the SMCWHSG44 -G by HTTP: 1. Upgr ading Firm w are b y TFTP Fig. 51. TFTP Serv er Set tings. When using TFTP as the firm war e management pr otoc ol, you c an conf igure set tings for the SMC WHSG44-G's TFTP client t o communic ate with a TFTP serv er .
Fig. 53 . TFTP Serv er . NO TE : Aft er the dialog box o f the TFTP server pr ogr am appear s, be sur e to specify the w orking folder within which the do wnloaded firmw ar e files re side. NO TE : Make sur e the Ac cept r ead r equests check bo x of TFTP S erver is select ed.
2. Connect the comput er and one of the LAN E thernet swit ch port with a normal Etherne t cable . 3. Conf igure the IP addr ess o f the comput er so that the comput er and the SMCWHSG44 -G are in the same IP subnet . 4. On the c omputer , run the TFTP Serv er utility . . R eset ting C onfigur ation t o F actory Defaults Fig. 55 . Con figur ation Re set. Clicking the Re set but ton r eset s the devic e configur ation t o f actory def aults . W ARNING: Once you click R es et you will lo se all your curr ent c onfigur ation set tings.
If the SMCWHSG44 -G was s et to be in R out er with a PPPoE -Based DSL/ C able Connection mode , tw o IP addre sses ar e needed: one f or the Etherne t LAN interf ace and the other f or the W AN interf ace . The LAN IP addre ss must be se t manually to a priv ate IP addr ess , say 19 2.
As for the W AN IP addr ess, it is obt ained by DHCP fr om the ISP . The T rigger mode set ting aff ects the behavior o f the DHCP client of the R outer . In Aut o mode, y ou don 't have t o worry about the DHCP pr oces s; the devic e tak es car e of e verything.
2.4 . 1.4 . R outer with Multiple D SL/ C able Connections Fig. 60. T CP /IP Settings f or Rout er with Multiple DSL/ C able Connections Mode . Since the Int ernet connection c an be PPPoE -based, DHC.
Fig. 61. DNS Pr ox y under Multi- W AN Mode . 2.4 .2.2. Host A ddres s R esolution Fig. 62. Hos t Addr ess R esolution Mappings . The SMC WHSG44-G pr ovides the Hos t Addr ess R esolution t o pr ovide the local DNS s erver cap ability .
A DMZ (DeMilitariz ed Z one ) host r eceiv es all unrec ognized T CP /IP pack ets from the NA T server on the R outer; ther efor e T CP /IP netw orking applica- tions running on the DMZ host w ould hav e bett er compatibilit y with NA T .
2.4 .4. 1. DHCP Server i. Basic Fig. 65 . Basic DHCP serv er settings . The SMC WHSG44-G can aut omatically as sign IP addres ses t o client comput- ers b y DHCP .
T o alwa ys as sign an IP addres s to a specific DHCP client: 1. Specify the MA C addre ss of the DHCP client and the IP addr ess t o be assigned t o it. Then, giv e a description f or this mapping. 2. Select the corr esponding Enabled check box. 2.4 .
Fig. 69 . Load Balancing P olicy S ettings. 2.4 .6. Z ero Client R econ figur ation Fig. 7 0 . Z ero Client R econ figur ation Settings . The SMC WHSG44-G pr ovides the 'Z er o Client R econf igu.
client can as sociate with the SMC WHSG44-G. The P olicy se tting allow s y ou to run in mode , B only or G only . In mixed mode both 802. 11b and 802. 11g clients ar e able to c onnect. In B only mode only 802. 11b clients can connect , and in G only mode only 802.
notebook c omputer s. In this w ay , the SMCWHSG44 -G play s a role o f “ AP repe ater . ” NO TE : The SMCWHSG44 -G can ha ve up to 6 WD S links t o other wireles s AP /bridge . Fig. 7 3. Wir eles s Distribution S yst em Set tings. T o enable a WDS link: 1.
Fig. 7 5 . Netw ork T opology Containing a L oop. 2.5.2. S ecurity IEEE 802. 11b/ g securit y settings include S SID broadc asts , Client Isolation, IEEE 802. 11 Authentication algorithm, WEP , WP A, and MA C - Addr ess -Based Access Con tro l. 2.5 .2.
When the se tting is set t o " All AP s in This Subnet ", tr affic among wir eless user s of diff er ent SMCWHSG44-Gs in the same IP subnet is block ed. The behavior s are illus trat ed in the f ollowing figur es. Fig. 77 . Behavior of the “T his AP Only” Wir eless Client Isolation Option.
NO TE : The number of char act ers o f the Pre-shar ed k ey se tting must be at least 8 and c an be up to 63 . • IEEE 802. 1x EAP without Encryption (EAP-MD5). The IEEE 802. 1x functionality is enabled and the us er-name/ pass wor d-based EAP-MD5 authentication is us ed.
With MA C - Addr ess -Based A cce ss Contr ol, y ou can specify the wir eless clients ( ST As or Bridge Sla ves ) that ar e permitt ed or not permitt ed to ass o- ciate with the SMC WHSG44-G. W hen the table type is s et to inclusiv e, entries in the table ar e permitt ed to as sociat e and all other users ar e blocked.
st ored in the c omputer har d disk or a smart car d for authentic ation. And after a suc ces sful EAP- TLS authentication, a session k e y is automatic ally gener ated f or wirele ss pack ets encryption bet ween the wir eless client c om- puter and it s associat ed wireles s acc ess point.
2.6. Con figuring A uthentication Set tings The SMC WHSG44-G supports both IEEE 802. 1x-based and W eb redir ection-based user authentic ation. Here is a brief de scription of ho w W eb r edirection w.
2.6. 1. AAA 2.6. 1. 1. Basic Fig. 83. W eb-Redir ection Enabled with Authentication. Ther e ar e three modes f or W eb r edirection-Enabled with A uthentication, Enabled without Authentic ation, and Disabled. In Enabled with Authentic ation mode, y ou hav e tw o options.
Fig. 85 . Def ault Log-Off P age . NO TE : On a PD A such as Pock et PC, the log-of f would not be sho wn. T o log of f from the net work, go b ack to the log-on page , and then click Log Of f to end the ses sion.
2.6. 1.2. Unr estrict ed Clients Fig. 88. Unre stricted Client s Set tings. Ther e are oc casions on which y ou w ant some c omputer s to be able t o freely acc ess the Int ernet without being authenticat ed firs t.
2.6. 1.3. W alled Garden Fig. 89 . W alled Gar den Settings . IP addre sse s or URLs in the walled gar den c an be acce ssed without authen- tication. T his feat ure is useful f or WISPs t o do advertisement.
F or the SMCWHSG44 -G, the R ADIUS client component of the R outer is shared b y the IEEE 802. 1x and W eb redir ection components . The R ADIUS set tings are f or the RADIUS client t o communic ate with back end RADIUS serv ers.
2.6.3. A uthentication Ses sion Contr ol Fig. 9 2. Authentication S ession C ontrol S ettings. Authentic ation session c ontrol s ettings ar e for c ontrolling the lif etimes o f user authentic ation sessions . The Idle timeout set ting specifies how long a user c an be idle without generating an y tr affic bef ore being t erminated.
Fig. 94 . Authentic ation Succ ess P age Cus tomization S ettings . Fig. 95. A uthentication F ailure P age Cus tomization S ettings. In addition to the T ext alignment, HTML title , and Cont ents se tting, tw o more set tings are pr ovided f or specifying the siz e of the Log-Of f window (Windo ws width and Windo w height).
Fig. 97 . Adv ertisement Links Set tings. Fig. 98. Adv ertisement Links in A ction. 2. 7 . DDNS Fig. 99 . Dynamic DNS Se ttings. With the help of dynamic DNS (DDNS ) servic es pr ovided b y dyndns.
2.8. C onfiguring A dvanc ed Set tings 2.8. 1. Filt er s and Fire w all 2.8. 1. 1. P acke t Filter s Fig. 100. P ack et Filt ers Se ttings. Y ou can specify rule s for the fir ew all c omponent of the R outer t o check outgoing p acke ts. P ack ets that meet the rules c an be permitt ed or denied.
T o set a rule f or packe t filtering: 1. Specify the pr otoc ol type , sour ce IP addr ess , sourc e IP mask, destination IP addre ss, de stination IP mask, and destination port f or the rule. T hen specify in the A ction setting ho w to de al with a packe t that meets the rule .
2.8. 1. 4. URL Filt ers Fig. 103 . URL Filter s Settings . The SMC WHSG44-G is cap able of blocking HTTP tr affic fr om the intr anet to specified unw elcome W eb sit es. T o block HTTP traffic t o an un welcome W eb site: 1. Specify the URL ( e x. www .
2. T ype the St arting IP address and the End IP A ddre ss of the ho st IP addre ss r ange . 3. Select the corr esponding check bo x next t o the IP addre ss r ange. UPnP Fig. 105. UPnP S ettings. UPnP (Univer sal Plug and Play ) enables a W indow s XP user to aut omatically disc over peripher al de vice s by HTTP . . SNMP Fig. 107 . SNMP Settings. The SMC WHSG44-G can be managed b y SNMP (Simple Ne twork Management Prot ocol). Y ou can specify the name ( used as a pas sw ord) o f the re ad-only and read-writ e communit y . In addition, up to 5 SNMP tr ap tar gets c an be set in the SNMP T rap t able.
3. The 'Denied' columns c an be also specified by selecting the head of line s (time ) or c olumns ( date ). Wir eless user s cannot ac ces s the internet r es ourc es in the specified date / time columns.
and Devic e Port. In other w ords , this reque st is pass ed through the built -in NA T serv er of the R outer and r outed t o the corr esponding man- aged LAN devic e. F or e xample , Fig. 111 illustr at es a LAN devic e management sc enario based on the set tings value s in Fig.
Appendix A A - 1: Default S ettings TIP : Pre ss the r eset but ton o f a pow ered-on R outer t o re set the con figur ation set tings to f actory -set v alues.
A - 2: LED Definitions Ther e ar e sev er al LED indicat ors on the housing of a R out er . They ar e defined as follo ws: • PWR : Po wer • AL V : Alive.
B- 1: T CP /IP Setting Pr oblems Fig. 113. C ommunication S tages f or A Client to Re ach its Corr espondent Hos t. F or a client c omputer t o communicat e with a corr espondent hos t on the Interne t by the hos t's domain name ( e.g. ht tp:// www .
• Check if the RADIUS serv er is set t o use EAP-MD5 , P AP , and CHAP authentication. • The SMC WHSG44-G does not r espond t o ping from the client c omputer . • Are t wo or mor e NICs ( wir eless or wir ed) inst alled on the client comput er? • Use W indows -pr ovided De vice Manager t o disable unnecessary NIC s.
B- 2: Wireles s Set tings Problems • The wir eless client c omputer c annot associat e with an SMCWHSG44-G . • Is the wirele ss client set in in fr astructur e mode ? • Check the oper ating mode of the WLAN NIC.
Appendix C: Dist ance s and Data R at es Important Notice: Maximum dis tance s post ed below ar e actual te sted dis- tanc e thre sholds. How ev er , there ar e many v ariables such as b arrier compo-.
Appendix D: T echnical Specifications D- 1: SMCWHSG44-G St andards • 802. 11b • 802. 11g •8 0 2 . 3 •8 0 2 . 3 u • 802.3af Data R ate • 802. 11g: 6, 9 , 11, 12, 18, 2 4 , 36, 48, 54 Mbps per channel • 802. 11b: 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps per channel Modulation T ype • 802.
92 Electromagnetic C ompatibilit y • F CC Clas s B • Industry Canada •C E • ETS 3 00.3 2 8; ETS 3 00 82 6 Po wer S upply • Input: 100V AC 60Hz • Output: 12VDC, 1A Dimensions ( without antenna ) • 8. x 5.5 x 1.2 5 in • 21.6 x 14 x 3.2 cm We i g h t • 0.
93 Glos sar y 10BA SE - T IEEE 802.3 specification f or 10 Mbps E thernet ov er tw o pairs o f Cat egory 3 or bett er UTP cable . 100BA SE - TX IEEE 802.3u specification f or 100 Mbps F ast Ethernet o ver t wo pair s of Cat egory 5 or bett er UTP cable .
Dynamic Host C onfigur ation Prot ocol (DHCP) Pro vides a fr ame work f or passing c onfigur ation inf ormation to ho sts on a T CP /IP netw ork. DHCP is based on the B ootstr ap Prot ocol (B OOTP), adding the capabilit y of aut omatic allocation o f reusable net work addr es ses and additional con figur ation options.
Infr astructur e An integr at ed wirele ss and wir ed LAN is called an infr astruct ure c onfigur ation. Inter A cc ess P oint Protoc ol (IAPP) A prot ocol that specifie s the wirele ss signaling requir ed t o ensure the suc- ce ssful handov er of wir eless client s roaming bet ween dif fer ent 802.
Service Se t Identifier (SSID ) An identifier that is att ached to pack ets s ent over the wir eles s LAN and functions as a pass wor d f or joining a particular radio c ell; i.
802. 11 wireless ne tw orks. Wired E quiv alent Privac y (WEP) WEP is based on the us e of securit y ke ys and the popular R C4 encryption algorithm. Wir eless de- vices without a v alid WEP k ey will be e xcluded fr om netw ork tr affic.
FOR TECHNICAL SUPPORT , CALL: Fr om U.S.A. and Canada (24 hours a da y , 7 days a week) (800) SMC-4-Y OU; Phn: (949) 679-8000; F ax: (949) 679-1481 Fr om Europe : Contact details can be found on www or www INTERNET E-mail addresses: techsupport@smc.
デバイスSMC Networks SMCWHSG44-Gの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
SMC Networks SMCWHSG44-Gをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSMC Networks SMCWHSG44-Gの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。SMC Networks SMCWHSG44-Gの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。SMC Networks SMCWHSG44-Gで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
SMC Networks SMCWHSG44-Gを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSMC Networks SMCWHSG44-Gの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、SMC Networks SMCWHSG44-Gに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSMC Networks SMCWHSG44-Gデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。