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BDV -N990W/BDV-N890W/BDV -N790W 4-418-141- 13 (1) Blu-r ay Disc™/ DVD Home Theatr e Syst em Operating Instructi ons.
2 GB Do not inst all the ap pliance in a confine d space, such as a bookcase or built-in cabinet. To reduce the risk of fire, do not cover t he ven tilation o pening of the apparatus wit h newspapers, tablecl oths, curtains, etc. Do not place the naked flame s ources such as lighted candles on the apparatus.
3 GB disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product. Notice f or cus tomers: th e fol lowing inform ation is only appli cable to equipme nt sold in countries applying EU dire ctives. This prod uct has been manufactur ed by or on behalf of Sony Corporation, 1-7-1 Konan Minato-ku Toky o, 108-0075 Japan.
4 GB 7,392,19 5; 7,272,567 & other U.S. and worldwid e patent s issued & pending . DTS-HD, the Symbol, & DTS-HD and t he Symbol together are regi stered trademark s of DTS, Inc. Product in cludes software. © DTS, Inc. All Rights Rese rved.
5 GB Content o wners may re quire you to upgra de Play Ready to acc ess their cont ent. If you decline an upgrade, you will n ot be able to access content t hat requi res th e upgrade. •D L N A ® , the DLNA Logo and DLNA CERTIFIED ™ are tradem arks, ser vice ma rks, or certif ication m arks of t he Digital Living Network A lliance.
6 GB About Th ese Operat ing Instruct ions • The instructi ons in these Oper ating In structio ns descri be th e cont rols on t he remo te. You can also use the controls on the unit if they have the sa me or si milar names as those on the r emote.
7 GB Tabl e of Cont ents About T hese Operatin g Instructi ons ....... 6 Unpackin g ............ ....... ....... ........... ....... ... 8 Index to Parts and Controls ........... ........ 11 Getting Started Step 1: Insta lling the System....... 16 Step 2: Co nnecting the Sy stem.
8 GB Unpacking BDV-N990W • Fro nt speak ers (2) • Sur round sp eakers (2) • C enter spea ker (1) • Sub woofe r (1) • Spe aker cords (4, re d/white/ gray/blue) • Spe aker-b ott om covers (4.
9 GB BDV-N890W • Fron t speake rs (2) • Surr ound spe akers (2) • Cente r speake r (1) • Subw oofer (1) • Sp eaker cord s (2, red /white ) • Spe aker-bot tom cover s (2) • B ases (2) •.
10 GB BDV-N790W • Fro nt speak ers (2) • Sur round sp eakers (2) • C enter spea ker (1) • Sub woofe r (1) • FM wire an tenna ( aerial) ( 1) • Rem ote comma nder (rem ote) (1) • R6 (size .
11 GB Index to Parts and Controls For more informatio n, ref er to th e pages indicate d in pare ntheses. A Disc slot (page 27) B Front pa nel displ ay C (remote sensor) D USB 2 port (page 28) Open th e cover using a f ingernail i n the slot. E Soft-touch buttons/indica tors N (play) x (stop) .
12 GB About the indications in the front panel display A Lights up when repeat play is activated. B Lights up whe n stere o sound is received. (Radio only) C Lights up when the system is playin g via the PARTY S TREAMING function. D Lights up whe n muting is on.
13 GB A " / 1 (Power) B LINK/STANDBY indicator (page 23) You can check the statu s of wire less transmiss ion betwe en the main uni t and surroun d amplifier . C Wireless transceiver (EZW-RT50) slot D SPEAKERS j acks E SECURE LINK button (page 43) Starts th e Secure Lin k functio n.
14 GB Number 5, AUDIO, 2 +, and N butt ons have a tactil e dot. Use the tact ile dot as a refe rence when operating the remote. • : For TV op eration s (For detail s, see “ Controllin g Your TV with the Supplied Remo te” (page 41).
15 GB F Playback operation buttons See “ Pla ybac k” ( page 27). . / > (p revious/next) Skip to the previous /next chap ter, track , or file . m / M (fast/slow/freeze frame) Fast re verse/ fast forward th e disc durin g playbac k. Each time you press the bu tton, the se arch spe ed cha nges.
16 GB Getting Started Step 1: Installing the System Instal l the system b y refer ring t o the illustr ation belo w. A Fron t speaker ( L (left)) B Fron t speaker ( R (right)) C Cent er speaker D Su r.
17 GB Getting Started Step 2: Conn ecting the System Do not con nect the AC power cords (mains lea ds) of the unit and surr ound ampl ifier to a wall outlet (mains ) until all the other connect ions are mad e. To assembl e the spe akers, r efer to th e supplie d “Spe aker Instal la tion G uide.
18 GB Getting Started Select one o f the f ollowing connect ion methods according to the in put jacks o n your TV. Video connections 1) High Speed HDMI cable 2) If the HDMI IN jack of your TV is compati ble with the ARC (Audio Re turn Channel) function , an HDMI cable connect ion can also send a digita l audio signal from th e TV.
19 GB Getting Started Conn ect the s yste m, o ther comp onen ts, and T V as f oll ows. * This c onnection is unnecessa ry for connection A (HDMI c onnection). Select one of the following co nnection methods according t o the jac k type of th e component.
20 GB Getting Started When you make connection A Thi s conn ect ion can se nd b oth vide o an d au dio s igna ls. • Video si gnals fr om the HDMI (I N 1/2) ja cks are sent to the HDMI (OUT) jack only when the “HDMI1” o r “HDMI2” funct ion is selected.
21 GB Getting Started • Be su re to fully exten d the FM wire antenna (ae rial). • Afte r connec ting th e FM wir e antenn a (aeria l), keep it as hori zontal as possi ble. • If you have poor FM reception, use a 75-ohm coaxial cable (not s upplied) to con nect the unit to an outdoor FM ante nna (aerial).
22 GB Getting Started * SSID (Serv ice Set Id entifie r) is a name t hat identi fies a partic ular wirel ess network . ** You need to check th e settings of your wirele ss LAN router to get the information about SSID and security key. For detail s: – visit the foll owing web site: For cus tomers in Europe and Russia : http://s upport.
23 GB Getting Started 4 Press " / 1 to turn the system on. 5 Connect the AC power cord (mains lead) of the surround amplifier. When wire less tr ansmissi on is acti vated, the LINK/STANDBY ind icator tu rns green. If the LINK/STANDBY indicator does not turn on , see “Wire less soun d” (page 56) .
24 GB Getting Started Step 5 : Perf orming t he Easy Se tup Follow the Ste ps below to ma ke the basic adjustmen ts and network settings fo r the system. Disp layed items va ry depend ing on the cou ntry model. 1 Insert two R6 (size AA) batteries (suppli ed) by match ing the 3 and # ends on th e batteries to the markings inside the compartment.
25 GB Getting Started To recall the Easy Initial Settings display/Easy Netwo rk Settings display 1 Press HOME. The ho me menu ap pear s on the TV sc reen . 2 Press C / c to select [Setup]. 3 Press X / x to select [Easy Setup], then press . 4 Press X / x to select the setting, th en press .
26 GB Getting Started Step 7: Enjo ying Surrou nd Soun d After performin g the previ ous Steps and starting playba ck, you can ea sily enjoy pr e-progra mmed sound m odes that ar e tailored t o different kinds of soun d sources. They bring the exciting and powerful sound of movie theaters into your home .
Pl ayb ack 27 GB Playing a Disc For play able discs, see “Pl ayable Di scs” (page 58) . 1 Switch the input select or on your TV so that the signal from the system appears on your TV screen. 2 Load a disc. Pla yback st arts . If playback does not start automat ically, select in the [Video], [Music], or [Photo ] category , and press .
28 GB You ca n check the play back infor mation, etc ., by pres sing DISPLA Y. The di splayed inf ormation differs depe nding on the dis c type and sy stem stat us.
Pl ayb ack 29 GB To enjoy an iPod/iPhone via the system 1 (For E urope an d Austral ia mo dels) Connect the Dock for iPod /iPhone to the USB 1 port (pag e 12) or USB 2 port (page 11), then place the iPod/ iPhone ont o the Dock for iP od/iPhon e.
30 GB Playing via a Network Sony E ntertainm ent Net work ser ves as a gate way del iver ing selec ted In terne t cont ent an d a vari ety of on -dema nd ente rtai nmen t strai ght t o your uni t. • Some Interne t content requires re gistration v ia a PC before i t can be played .
Pl ayb ack 31 GB To play files stored on a DLNA server via the system (DLNA Player) Select the DLNA server ic on from [Video ], [Music] , or [Photo] i n the home me nu, then selec t the fi le tha t you w ant to play.
32 GB • If content that is not compatibl e with the PAR TY STREAMING function is played , the s ystem cl oses PARTY automatica lly. To use the system as a PARTY guest Select [PARTY] in [Music], th en sele ct the P ARTY hos t devi ce icon. To leave the PARTY, press OPTIONS, then select [Lea ve PARTY].
Pl ayb ack 33 GB [Video] only [Leave P ARTY] Le aves from a party wh ich the s ystem is par ticipating in. The PARTY STREAMING function continues amo ng other p articipating devices. [Close PARTY] For PARTY host: Close s a par ty. For PARTY gue st: Clo ses a part y which the system is part icipating in.
34 GB [Music] only [Photo] only When th e sound does no t match the pict ures on the TV s creen, y ou can adju st the de lay between the pictur e and so und. The sett ing method diff ers depend ing on the func tion. When playing via other than the “FM” or “TV” function 1 Press OPTIONS.
Sound Adjustm ent 35 GB Selectin g the Audio Format, Multilingual Tracks, or Channel When the syst em is playing a BD/DVD VIDEO record ed in mult iple audio fo rmats (P CM, Dolby D igital, MPEG audi o, or DTS) or multili ngual tracks , you can change the audio forma t or langua ge.
36 GB Listenin g to the Ra dio 1 Press FUNCTION rep eatedly until “FM” appears in the f ront panel display. 2 Select the radio station. Auto ma tic tuni ng Press an d hold TUNING +/– unt il the au to scanni ng starts. [Auto Tu ning] appe ars on the TV screen.
T uner 37 GB Using th e Radio Da ta System (RDS) (Europe mode ls only) The R adi o Data Syst em ( RDS) i s a br oadc asti ng service that allo ws radio s tations to send add itiona l info rmatio n alon g with the reg ular program signal. This tuner offers convenien t RDS fe atur es, such as s tat ion n ame d ispl ay.
38 GB Using the Control for HDMI Function f or “BRAVIA” Sync This fu nction is ava ilable on TV s with the “BRAVIA” Sync function. By conn ecti ng Son y compo nent s that ar e compatibl e with the Control for HDMI fu nction via an HDMI cabl e, oper ati on is sim plif ied.
Other Operations 39 GB 2 Press C / c to select [Setup]. 3 Press X / x to select [Audio Sett ings], then press . 4 Press X / x to select [Auto Calibr ation] , then press . The co nfirm ati on disp lay fo r [Auto Calibrati on] appe ars. 5 Connect the calibration mic to the A.
40 GB x [Relocation] You ca n corr ect th e speak er pos iti on vir tual ly to impro ve th e surr ound eff ect. [On]: You ca n hear sound from a virtual ly relo cate d speake r posi tion determi ned by [Auto Cal ibrat ion] . [Off] : You can he ar sound from the actual speake r positi on.
Other Operations 41 GB Deactivat ing the Buttons on the Un it (Child Lock) You can deactivate the buttons on the unit (exce pt for " / 1 ) for pr eventing m isoperat ion, such as c hild misc hief (child lock fu nction). Press x on the unit for more than 5 seconds.
42 GB Browsing Websit es 1 Prepare for Internet browsing. Connect the system to a networ k (page 2 1). 2 Press HOM E. The hom e menu appe ars on the TV scr een. 3 Press C / c to select [Netw ork]. 4 Press X / x to select [Internet Browser], then press .
Other Operations 43 GB Furth er Setting s for the Wireless System You can specify the wir eless connecti on to link the main unit to th e surround ampl ifier usin g the Secure Link functi on. Th is func tion c an he lp prev ent in terfer ence if you use multiple wireless products or your neig hbors us e wire less pr oduc ts.
44 GB 8 Press C / c to select [Sta r t], then press . To return to the previous displa y, select [Can cel]. 9 After the message [Secure Link setting is complete.] appears, press . The surround amplifier is linked to the main unit and th e LINK/STANDBY indicator turn s orange .
Settings an d Adjustme nts 45 GB Using the Set up Display You can ma ke vario us adju stments to items such as pict ure and sound . The defaul t settings a re underlin ed. • Playbac k settings stored in the disc take p r iority over the Setup Dis play settings and not all the functi ons described ma y work.
46 GB [Scree n Sett ings] x [3D Ou tput Se tting] [Auto] : Norm ally se lect th is. [Off]: S elect t his to dis play all co ntents in 2D. • 3D vid e o from the HDMI (IN 1) or HDMI (IN 2) jack is output regard less of this setting . x [TV Screen Size Setting for 3D] Sets the sc reen siz e of your 3 D compatible TV.
Settings an d Adjustme nts 47 GB [16bit ], [12bit], [ 10bit]: Outp uts 16bit/ 12bit/ 10bit vide o signals when the connect ed TV is compatible with Deep Colour.
48 GB x [Speaker Settings] To obtain the best possib le surround sound, se t the speake rs. F or det ail s, se e “Set ting the Speake rs” (pag e 39). x [Aut o Calibr ation] You ca n calibrate the app ropriate se ttings automaticall y. For deta ils, see “ Calibratin g the Appropriate S peaker Settin gs Automatically ” (page 3 8).
Settings an d Adjustme nts 49 GB [Music Settings] x [Super Audio CD P layback Layer] [Supe r Audio CD] : P l ays the Super Audio CD laye r. [CD]: Plays the CD l ayer. x [Super Audio CD P layback Channels] [DSD 2ch] : P lays the 2-ch annel ar ea. [DSD Mult i] : Plays the multi-c hannel are a.
50 GB [Off] : The d efault se tting. x [Power Save Drive] [On]: Reduce s power con sumption wh en volume level i s low. [Off] : N ormal st atus . The sys tem ca n ou tput sound vo lume. x [Aut o Standb y] [On] : Turns o n the [Auto Stan dby] functi on.
Settings an d Adjustme nts 51 GB x [Connection Server Settings] Sets whether or n ot to d isplay th e connecte d DLNA server. x [Renderer Set-up] [Auto matic Ac cess Perm ission]: Sets whet her or not to allo w automat ic access fr om a newly detect ed DLN A contro ller.
52 GB Precau tions On safety • To prevent fire or shock haz ard, do not place obje cts filled with liqu ids, such as vases, on th e system, or place the syst em near water, s uch as near a bat htub or shower room.
Additiona l Inf ormation 53 GB On moving the system • Before moving the system, make sure that ther e is no disc inserted, and remove the AC po wer cord (mains lead) from the wall outle t (mains). Notes ab out Discs On handling discs • To keep the dis c clea n, handle the disc by its edge .
54 GB Troublesh ooting If you ex perience any of the follow ing dif ficul ties w hile u sing t he sys tem, use this trou bles hoot ing guid e to hel p rem edy t he problem before requ esting repair s. Should any problem per sist, consu lt your nea rest Sony deale r.
Additiona l Inf ormation 55 GB There i s no picture when you mak e an HDMI cable conn ection. t The unit is connected to an input devi ce that is not HDCP (Hi gh-bandwidt h Digital Conten t Protection ) compliant (“H DMI” on the front panel doe s not light up) (page 1 8).
56 GB Sever e hum or noise i s heard. t Move your TV away from the audi o compon ents . t Clea n the di sc. The so und loses stereo effect whe n you pla y a CD. t Select stereo sound by pressin g AUDIO (pag e 35). The soun d comes fro m the center sp eaker only.
Additiona l Inf ormation 57 GB The disc d oes not play . t The region code on the BD/DVD does not match the sys tem. t Moisture has condensed inside the unit and may ca use dama ge t o the lenses. Remove the disc and leave the unit turned on for a bout half an h our.
58 GB • The co nnected comp onent’s setting for the [Contro l for HDMI] function is co rrect. The sy stem cannot con nect to th e network. t Check the netw ork connec tion (page 21) a nd the netw ork settings (pa ge 50). You c annot conn ect your PC to the Inte rnet after [Wi -Fi Protec ted Setup (WPS)] is perfor med.
Additiona l Inf ormation 59 GB Note on playback operations of a BD/DVD Some playback op erations of a BD/DVD may be intenti onally set by sof tware prod ucers. Sinc e this sys tem plays a BD/DVD according t o the disc con tents the sof tware prod ucers desi gned, some pl ayback fea tures may no t be available.
60 GB • Some fil es may not pla y depending on the file format, the file encoding, the r ecording cond ition, or DLNA server condit ion. • Some files edited on a PC m a y not play.
Additiona l Inf ormation 61 GB Specific ations Amp lifier Sect ion POWER OUTPUT ( rated) Front L/Front R: 78 W + 78 W (at 3 ohm s, 1 kHz, 1% THD) POWER OUTPUT ( referen ce) Front L/Front R : 125 W (per chann el at 3 ohms, 1 kHz) Center: 250 W (at 6 ohms, 1 kHz) Subwoofer: 250 W (at 6 ohm s, 80 Hz) Inputs (A nalog) A UDIO (A UDIO IN) Sensitivity: 3.
62 GB Dimensions ( approx.) 460 mm × 74 mm × 226 mm (w/ h/d) incl. projecting par ts 460 mm × 74 m m × 239 mm (w/h/d) (with the wireless transceiver insert ed) 460 mm × 148 m m × 226 mm (w/h/d) (with stand and cord cover a ttached) (BDV-N990W onl y) Mass (approx .
Additiona l Inf ormation 63 GB Language Code List The langua ge spelli ngs conform to the ISO 6 39: 1988 (E/F ) standa rd. Parental Control/Area Code List.
64 GB Index Numerics 3D 27 3D Outp ut Sett ing 46 A A/V SYNC 34 Attenuate - A UDIO 47 Audio DRC 47 Audio Language 48 Audio O utput 47 Audio R eturn Cha nnel 49 Audio Se ttings 47 Auto Cal ibration 38,.
65 GB W WEP 22 W ireless So und Connec tion 49 WP A2 -PSK (A ES) 22 WP A2-PSK (TKI P) 22 WP A-PSK (AES) 22 WP A-PSK (TKIP) 22.
The software of this system may be updated in the future. To f ind out details on any available updates, please vis i t the following URL. For customers in Europe and Russia: For customers in other countries/regions: http://www.
デバイスSony BDV-N990Wの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony BDV-N990Wをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony BDV-N990Wの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony BDV-N990Wの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony BDV-N990Wで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony BDV-N990Wを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony BDV-N990Wの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony BDV-N990Wに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony BDV-N990Wデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。