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DA V- DZ340K/D A V-D Z640K/DA V -D Z840K/D A V -D Z940K 4-262-750- 12 (1) DVD Home Theatr e Syst em Operating Instructi ons.
2 GB Caution – The use of optical inst ruments with this product will increase eye hazar d. Do not inst all the ap pliance in a confine d space, such as a bookcase or built-in cabinet. To reduce the risk of fire, do not cover t he ven tilation o pening of the apparatus wit h newspapers, tablecl oths, curtains, etc.
4 GB Table of Cont ents Precau tions ............. ....... ....... ........... ........ 2 About T hese Operatin g Instru ctions ....... 3 Playable Discs/Files on a USB Device .............. ....... ....... ........ ........... 5 Packa ge Conten ts ...
5 GB Playable Discs/Files on a USB Device Type Disc lo go Charact eristics Icon DVD VIDEO • DVD VIDEO • DVD-R/DVD-RW in DVD VIDEO format o r video mode • DVD+R/DVD+RW in DVD V I DEO format DVD VIDEO in VR (Video Re cording ) mode • DV D-R/DV D-RW in VR (Vid eo Recording) mode (except f or DVD-R DL) VIDEO CD • VIDEO CD (Ver.
6 GB 1) A logical format of files and fo lders on CD-ROMs, defined by I SO (International Org anization for Standard izat ion). 2) MP3 (MPEG1 Audi o Layer 3) is a standard format defined by ISO/MPE G for compre ssed audio data. MP3 file s must b e in MPEG1 Au dio Layer 3 format.
7 GB • This syste m can p lay a Multi S essio n CD whe n an MP 3 fil e is cont ained i n th e fir st sessi on. Any subseq uent MP3 fi les recorde d in later ses sions can als o be played. • This syste m can p lay a Multi Sessio n CD whe n a JPEG imag e fil e is cont ained i n th e fir st se ssion.
8 GB – when a DATA CD/DATA DVD/USB device is recorde d with a compl icated tre e structu re. – when t he audio file s, JPEG image files, or vi deo files in ano ther folder h ave just be en played. • Some files on DATA CDs/DATA DVDs/USB devi ces cannot b e played by the system depen ding on the file f ormat.
9 GB Package Content s Main unit Speaker packages • DAV-DZ340K • DAV-DZ640K • DA V- DZ840K • DAV-DZ940K • Speaker cords (1 set) (red/white /green/g ray/bl ue) • Foo t pa ds (1 set ) • Wa.
10 GB Accessories • Remot e comm ande r (remote) ( 1) • R6 (size AA) batte ries (2 ) • High Speed HDMI cable* (1) * The High Speed HDMI cab le is supplie d with certain model s/in certain ar eas on ly.
11 GB Index to Parts and Controls For more informa tion, r efer to the pages indi cated in parenthe ses. A Disc tray B Remote sensor Receives th e remote sig nal. Point t he remote toward here when using the remote. C Front pa nel displ ay D Power indi cator Lights up while the system i s turned on.
12 GB A SPEAKERS jacks (page 25) B TV (DIGITAL I N OPTICAL ) jack (DAV- DZ840K/DAV-DZ940K only) (page 26) C TV (AUDIO I N R/L) jacks (page 26) D ANTENNA (COAXIAL 75 Ω FM) jack (page 30) E COMPONENT V.
13 GB The number 5, VOLUME +, a nd H buttons have a ta ctile d ot. Use t he tactile dot as a reference when operatin g the remote. About operation of the supplied remote You ca n operate th is system an d a Sony T V with the su pplie d remo te. x System operation Press but tons marked with .
14 GB MEMORY S ELECT (pages 34, 53) Selects the USB device’s memory nu mber for pl ayback or transf er. D SOUND MO DE (page 50) Select s the sound m ode. DYNAMIC BASS (page 50) Reinf orces b ass freq uencie s. NIGHT (page 50) Activa tes the night mod e function.
15 GB To insert the batteries Inse rt two R6 (siz e AA) batte ries (sup plied) by matching th e 3 and # ends on the batteri es to the mark ings insid e the compartment. Note • Do not leave t he remote in an extremel y hot or humid place. • Do not use a new battery with an old one.
16 GB Guide to the Con trol Menu You ca n use the Contr ol Menu to sel ect a function an d to view rel ated inform ation. Press DISPLAY while usin g the “ DVD/CD” o r “USB” func tion. Each time you p ress DISPLAY, the Control Menu changes: 1 t 2 t 3 t 1 t .
17 GB Example: Control Me nu 1 when playing a DVD VIDEO. List of Control Menu items The Contro l Menus 1 and 2 will show dif ferent it ems depen ding on the source.
18 GB 1) These items are not displayed when playing a DATA CD/DATA DVD/USB device wi th video files. 2) USB device only. 3) DATA CD/DATA DVD only. List of Control Menu items for karaoke [REPEAT] (page.
19 GB Tip • The Co ntrol Menu icon indica tor lights up yellow t when you select any item except [OFF] ([PROGRAM], [SHUFFLE], [REPEAT], [A/V SYNC], [KARAOKE MODE], and [VOCAL SELECT] only). The [ORIGINAL/P LAY LIST] indicator lights up yellow when you select [PLAY LIST] (de f ault setting) .
20 GB Getting Started Step 1: Installing the System Instal l the sy stem by referr ing to the illu stratio n below. To attach the foot pads to the subwoofer Note • Use caution when placing the speak ers and/o r speaker stand s attached to the spea kers on a specia lly tre ated (wax ed, oiled, poli shed, etc.
21 GB Getting Started Caution • Conta ct a screw shop or installe r for inform ation regarding th e wall material or screws to be used. • Use screws that are sui table fo r the wa ll mat erial and stren gth. As a plast er boar d wall is espe cially fragil e, att ach the screws secu rely to a beam.
22 GB Getting Started 2 Prepare screws (not supplied) tha t are suitable for the hole on the back of each speaker. See the illustrations below. 3 Fasten the screws to the wall, th en hang the speaker on the wall.
23 GB Getting Started To install the front speakers on a wall us ing the wall mounting parts (India n models of DAV-DZ340K only) 1 Pass the speaker cord through the moun ting plate, then attach the mounting plate to the wall using commercially available screws.
24 GB Getting Started 3 Tightly secure t h e speaker to the mounting bracket w ith the screw (supplied). 4 Adjust the length of the speaker cord as you bring the shaft knob together with the mounting plate, then insert the knob firmly until it stops.
25 GB Getting Started Step 2: Conn ecting the System 1 Connect the sp eaker cord with the co lor tube to 3 , and the speaker cord without the color tube to # . The sub woofer sp eaker cor d is fixed to th e subwoof er. Note • Do not cat ch th e spea ker cord insulat ion (rubber c overin g) in t he speak er t erminals .
26 GB Getting Started 1 Connecting the video to your TV Depe nding on the ja cks on your TV, se lect one of the conne ction methods . x Method 1: Video cord (sup plied) connection This is th e basic connec tion . x Method 2: HDMI cable * connect i on Pict ure qual ity wil l b e impr ove d co mpar ed t o Meth od 1.
27 GB Getting Started * T he High Speed HDMI cable is suppl ied with certain mode ls/in certain areas only. V IDEO IN CO M PO N EN T VID E O IN P B /C B P R /C R Y H DM I IN COMPONENT VIDEO OUT VIDEO .
28 GB Getting Started 2 Connecting the audio from your TV/set-top box To li sten to T V or set -top box sound vi a the s ystem, sele ct one o f the c onnection methods. x Method 1: Audi o cord (not su pplied) c onnecti on This is th e basic conn ection and se nds an ana log audio sig nal.
29 GB Getting Started To change the color system (PAL or NTSC) (African, Asian, Indian, and Middle Eastern models only) Depend ing on your TV , you may be r equired to se lect either PA L or NTSC fo r the color sys tem. The initial settin g for African, Indian, and Middle Eastern models is PAL.
30 GB Getting Started Note • After connecting the FM wire antenna (aerial), extend and ke ep it as horizontal as possibl e. 1 Connect the AC power cord (mains lead ). The demonstrati on appears in the front panel display. 2 Press " / 1 on the remote to turn the system on, then press " / 1 again to turn off the demons tration.
31 GB Getting Started Step 3: Se tting u p the System Displa yed items va ry depending on the area and model. 1 Turn on your TV. 2 Switch the input selec tor on yo ur TV so that the signal from the system appears on the TV screen. 3 Press " / 1 to turn the system on.
32 GB Getting Started Depe nding on the con nection of you r TV (page 2 6), select the t ype of video ou tput of the system. To select the type of video signal output from the HDMI OUT jack When yo u connect th e unit and your TV wit h an HDMI cabl e, se lect t he typ e of vide o sign als output fro m the HDMI OUT jack.
33 GB Getting Started To select the type of video signal output from the COMPONENT VIDEO OUT jacks (DAV-DZ64 0K/DAV- DZ840K/D AV- DZ940 K only) When you connect the unit a nd your TV with a compon ent video cabl e, select th e type of video signals outp ut from t he COMPONENT VIDEO OUT jacks.
34 GB Playing a Disc 1 Press FUNCTION repe atedly to select “DVD/CD.” The sele cted item app ears in the fron t panel display . 2 Press Z to open the disc tray. 3 Place a disc on the tray, then press Z . 4 Press N to start playback. 5 Press VOLUME +/– to adjust the volume.
Pl ayb ack 35 GB 2 Load the source. x For a disc Place a di sc on the tray by pres sing Z to open/cl ose the d isc tr ay. x For a USB device Connect a U SB device to the (USB) port. Note • It may ta ke about 10 seconds before “READING ” appears in the front pa nel display depending on the type of USB device.
36 GB x For JPEG fi les Press C / X / x / c to sele ct an im age . 4 Start playback . x For video or au dio file s Press N t o start playback from th e selected file. x For JPE G image files Press N to star t a slide show beginning with the s elected f ile.
Pl ayb ack 37 GB Other Playba ck Operat ions Depend ing on the type of disc/file, the funct ion may no t work. Tip • When playing fil e s, you can sel e ct the next fold er by continuin g to press > ( c for JPEG im age files) after the l ast file on the curre nt folder, but you c annot return to the previ ous folder by pressing .
38 GB Example: [CHA PTER] [** (* *)] is sele cted (* * refe rs to a number ). The nu mber in pare ntheses indi cates the total nu mber of titl es, chap ters, tr acks, indexes, scenes, folder s, or f iles. Note • If [ MEDIA] is set to [MUSIC /PHOTO] and [FILE] does not appea r, press DISPLAY again.
Pl ayb ack 39 GB x VIDEO CD/CD/DATA CD ( MP3 file)/DATA DVD (MP3 file)/USB device (audio file) You can change the sound tr ack. • [STEREO] : The st ereo sou nd. • [1/L]: The sound of the left channel (mona ural). • [2/R]: The sound of the righ t channel (mona ural).
40 GB Selec ting the Playba ck Mode You ca n play the cont ents of a disc in t he order you w ant by arran ging the o rder of the t racks on the disc t o create yo ur own progra m. You can prog ram u p to 99 t rack s. 1 Press DISPLAY . 2 Press X / x to select [PROGRAM], then press .
Pl ayb ack 41 GB Note • The same s ong ma y be p layed re peated ly when you are playi ng MP3 files. 1 Press DISPLAY during playback. 2 Press X / x to select [ SHUFFLE], then press . 3 Press X / x to select the item to be shuffled. x VIDEO CD/CD •[ O F F ] : Off.
42 GB 1 Press DISPLAY repeatedly unt il [EFFECT] a ppears on th e cont rol m enu. 2 Press X / x to select [EFFECT], then press . 3 Press X / x to select a setting, then press . • [MODE 1] : The JPEG image file sweeps in from the top to t he bottom of the TV screen .
Pl ayb ack 43 GB Note • If you pla y a large MP3 file and JPEG im age file at the sam e time, the sound may ski p. Sony recomm ends that you set th e MP3 bit rate to 128 kbps or lower when cre ating the file . If the s ound still skips, redu ce the size of the JPEG image file .
44 GB Note • Depending on the source, you may not be ab le to chang e the ke y. • The key may retu rn to the original k ey automa tically if you opera te the system or the status of th e system is ch ange d. You ca n enjoy kara oke with a st ereo-rec orded sourc e, even if it is a no n-karaok e source, by reduci ng the soun d of the voca ls.
Pl ayb ack 45 GB You ca n chec k the au dio i nfor mat ion by pressi ng AUDIO (page 3 8). When play ing a kara oke DVD, [ ] appea rs as t he curr ent audi o form at. Example: Displaying the Inform ation of a Disc/ USB Device Press DISPL AY repeatedly during playback.
46 GB the ID3 tag informatio n. The sys tem can support ID 3 ver 1. 0/1.1/2.2/ 2.3. ID3 ve r 2.2/2.3 tag i nformati on display h as prio rity w hen bot h ID3 ver 1.0/1. 1 an d ver 2.2/2 .3 tags a re used f or a si ngle MP3 file. 5 Text information The DVD/CD text appears o nly when text is reco rded on the di sc.
Pl ayb ack 47 GB Enjoying the Audi o/Video of the Con necte d Compon ent 1 Press FUNCTION rep eatedly to select the de sire d func tion. The se lect ed i tem app ears in the fr ont panel displa y. 2 Prepare the source. • “DV D/CD”: Insert a di sc into the un it (pag e 34).
48 GB Presett ing Radio Station s You ca n preset 20 FM stations. 1 Press FUNCTION repe atedly to select “FM.” The sele cted item app ears in the fron t panel display . 2 Press and hold TUNING +/– until th e auto scanning starts. Scanni ng stops whe n the system tunes in a stat ion.
T uner 49 GB 4 Press X / x to select “MONO.” • “STEREO” : Stereo recep tion. • “MON O”: Mo naural receptio n. 5 Press . 6 Press SYSTEM MENU. Tip • You can check the fre quency using the front pa nel display. Ea ch time you press DISPLAY, the disp lay changes as follows : 1 Frequency Ex.
50 GB Selec ting the Effe ct to Suit the So urce The sy stem has si x pre-progra mmed so und mo des to su it the so urce or p layba ck situ ation . You ca n achieve the m aximum s ound effect of the orig inal sour ce by simp ly select ing one of the so und mod es.
Con venient Functions 51 GB Using th e Control fo r HDMI F unctio n for “BRAVIA” Sy nc This func tion is a vailable on TVs with th e “BRA VIA” Sy nc fu ncti on .
52 GB (One-Touch Play) Pres s ONE- TOU CH PLA Y Your TV tu rns on, your TV’s functi on is set to the HDMI inp ut to which the syst em is connec ted, and th e system st arts playing a di sc automaticall y. The Syst em Audio Co ntrol functio n is also activated auto matically.
Con venient Functions 53 GB Transfer ring Son gs onto a USB Device You ca n transfer songs on an audio C D or rad io program s onto a USB d evice by encodi ng to MP3 fo rmat. You can also tran sfer MP3 file s on a DATA CD/DATA DVD onto a USB device. For conne cting the USB de vice, see “Play ing Fil es o n a Di sc/ USB De vi ce” (page 3 4).
54 GB • Wh en transfe rring a r adio pr ogram 1) Up to 6 4 char acters of the name are assig ned (includi ng the extension). 2) Folders are a ssigne d in numeric or der t hereaf ter.
Con venient Functions 55 GB 4 Press REC TO USB on the unit. REC TO USB lights up and “READING” appears in the front pa nel display. Th en, “PUSH PLAY” an d the re maining s pace of the USB device appe ar altern ately in the front pa nel display .
56 GB Using the Sleep T imer You ca n set the sys tem to turn off at a preset time, so you can fa ll asle ep liste ning t o music. Pres s SL EEP. Each time you press SLEEP, the minutes dis play (the remai ning ti me) changes by 10 minut es. To check the remaining time Press S LEEP onc e.
Con venient Functions 57 GB Enjoying Multiplex Broadca st Sound (DUAL MONO) You can en joy multiple x broadcast sou nd when the syst em receive s or plays a D olby Digi tal multip lex broadcas t signal. Note • To re ceive a Dolby Digital si gnal, you need to connect a TV or other component to the unit w ith a digital op tical cord* (page 26).
58 GB Changing th e Brightness of the Fr ont Panel Display 1 Press SY STEM ME NU. 2 Press X / x to select “DIMM ER,” then press or c . The sele cted item app ears in the fron t panel display . 3 Press X / x to select the brightness o f the front panel display, then press .
Settings 59 GB Perfor ming Furthe r Setting s You can ma ke vario us ad justments to i tems such as pict ure and sound . Displa yed items va ry depending on the area and model. Note • Playbac k settings stored in the disc take p riority over the Setup Dis play settings and not all the functions described ma y work.
60 GB x [AUDIO] You c an switch the langu age of the sound track . Whe n you select [O RIGINA L], the lan guage give n pr iorit y on th e di sc is sel ect ed.
Settings 61 GB [FULL] : Select this when you can change the aspect ratio on y our TV. [NOR MAL]: Select t his when you ca nnot ch ange t he aspe ct rati o on you r TV. A 16:9 aspe ct ratio sign al w ith blac k ba nds on le ft an d rig ht side s of the image ap pea rs.
62 GB x [CONTROL FOR HDMI] This fu nction is av ailable when you conn ect the system and TV that is com patible wi th the Control fo r HDMI functi on with an HDMI cabl e. [ON] : On. You ca n operate mu tually betwe en comp onent s th at ar e co nne cted with an HDMI cabl e.
Settings 63 GB x [TRACK SELECTION] You can give t he sound track which co ntains the highes t number of ch annels prior ity when mult ipl e audi o for mats ( PCM, DTS , Dolb y Digita l, or MPEG au dio) are reco rded. [OF F] : Off. [AUT O]: The syst em selects th e sound track automatica lly accor ding to t he priori ty.
64 GB 4 To confirm your password, re-enter it using the number buttons, then press . x [MULTI-DI SC RESUME] This sys tem r eca lls t he p oint wher e you st oppe d the disc the last time it was p layed and res umes playba ck from tha t point the ne xt time you ins ert the same disc.
Settings 65 GB [SUBWOOFER] +2.0 dB : Set the s ubwoofer leve l. x [LEVEL (SURROUND)] You can adjust the sound leve l of the surround speak ers. You can set the par ameter f rom –6.0 dB to + 6.0 dB. Se t [TES T TONE ] to [ON] fo r easy adj ustment. [L/R] 0.
66 GB Precau tions On power sources • U nplug the unit from the wall outlet (m ains) if you do not intend t o use it for an exte nded period of time. To disconnect the cord, pull it out by the plug, never by the cord. On placement • P lace the sy stem in a location with adequa te venti lati on to preven t heat buil d-up in th e system.
Additio nal Inf ormation 67 GB On handling discs • To ke ep t he d isc cle an, h and le t he di sc by i ts edge . Do not touch the surfac e. • Do n ot stick paper or tape on the dis c.
68 GB Troublesh ooting If you exp erience any of the fo llowing dif ficulti es while usin g the sys tem, use th is troubl eshooting guide to h elp remedy the pro blem befo re reque sting r epairs. Should an y problem p ersist, consult y our neares t Sony dealer.
Additio nal Inf ormation 69 GB Sound Color irregu larity occurs on the TV screen. The system’ s speakers contain magne t parts, so magnetic disto rtion may occur. When color irr egu larity occurs on the TV screen, check the following it ems: • Ins tall the speakers at least 0.
70 GB Disc playback USB playback The sound of f iles played from a DATA CD/DATA DVD/USB device is dis torted. • The bit rate used when encodi ng the audio files was low. Trans fer audio files encoded with higher bit r ates onto the DATA CD/DATA DVD/USB device .
Additio nal Inf ormation 71 GB Audio track/file transfer A f ile c annot be pla yed. • The exte nsion of the file name or file form at is not correct. See “Playa ble Discs/ Files on a USB De vice” (p age 5 ). • Check the [MEDIA] set ting (page 36).
72 GB Tuner Control for HDMI Karaoke Transferr ing to a USB device results i n an error. • The USB dev ice was disconnected or the power was turne d off during erasing . Delete the parti ally-erase d file. If this does n ot fix the proble m, the USB devic e may be br oken.
Additio nal Inf ormation 73 GB Messages Symptom Probl ems and solu tions “PROTECT” and “P USH PWR” appea r alter nately . •P r e s s " / 1 to turn off the syste m, and chec k the follow.
74 GB (When letters/ numbers appear in the disp lay) When the s elf-dia gnosis f unction is activ ated to prevent the syste m from malfunctioni ng, a 5- chara cter se rvice n umber ( e.g., C 13 50) wi th a combinati on of a lett er and 4 digits appears on the TV screen or front pan el display.
Additio nal Inf ormation 75 GB Specific ations Amp lifier Sect ion Brazilian mode ls: POWER OU TPUT: Front L/ Front R/Cent er/ Surround L/Sur round R: 142 W (per channel at 3 ohms, 1 kHz, 10% THD*, 12.
76 GB DAV-DZ840K/DAV-D Z940K (SS-TS114) Dimensions ( approx.) 108 mm × 595 mm × 79 mm (w/h/d ) (wall-moun ted part) 260 mm × 1,185 mm × 260 mm (w/h/d) (wh ole speaker ) Mass (approx .) 1.1 kg (wall-mount ed part) 2.7 kg (whole spea ker) Center (SS-CT111) Dimensi ons (approx.
Additio nal Inf ormation 77 GB The tabl e below desc ribes the p layback pr iority of file types unde r the [MEDI A] setting. * When using a disc, you can play MP3 f iles only.
78 GB The lang uage spelli ngs confor m to the ISO 639: 1 988 (E/F) stan dard. Language Code List Parental Control Area Code List.
©2011 Sony Corporation P rinted in China 4-262-750- 12 (1).
デバイスSony DAV-DZ340Mの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony DAV-DZ340Mをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony DAV-DZ340Mの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony DAV-DZ340Mの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony DAV-DZ340Mで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony DAV-DZ340Mを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony DAV-DZ340Mの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony DAV-DZ340Mに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony DAV-DZ340Mデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。